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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 100 KB, 1155x742, 11jHHse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11953715 No.11953715 [Reply] [Original]

just got paid, and I want to cop some stuff from some small brands.

I already know of stromoctober and kys vintage, so I'm looking for brands similar to that.

comment your fav small brand!

>> No.11953767

definitely cityapproval.com/shop/
but ur lucky if you catch them when theyre in stock, they never seem to be, i might just have bad luck tho idk

>> No.11953770


>> No.11953773


>> No.11953776

nice tshirts

>> No.11953779

strom is trash, quality of tees and sweatshirts is lower than low quality

>> No.11953781

Acapulco Gold

>> No.11953795

legit? the hoodie and tee i have from them were great, pretty sure the hoodie is american apparel.

>> No.11953804

Email them, best customer support I have gotten. Sent me a full refund just because my package got delayed.

>> No.11953807

Not op, but damn SCRT is really nice

>> No.11953931

Op, id on pieces in pic?

>> No.11954061

Marbles0da is p good, more on the weeby side but i love my shirt from them.

If you want more your best bet is checking streetwear reddit, they have a whole doc listing all small brands.

>> No.11954311
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>> No.11954334

lol fuck off with the shameless plug

>> No.11954903

pretty sure its from www.stromoctober.com

>> No.11954908

Fuckthepopulatio aka ftp

>> No.11955142


>> No.11955186
File: 958 KB, 430x320, tumblr_n3j2nq6GFb1qih0p3o1_500[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obv, if you don't mind spending lots of money to be part of the trendy skater club.
at least his stuff is nice, unlike paradis3 and whoever else is selling front print tshirts for 50 bucks a pop.

>> No.11955188

Sputnik1985 if you like post soviet aesthetics

>> No.11955189

This is a subtle thread for OP to shill his stores in the replies

>> No.11955256

this is sick, cheers

>> No.11955712
File: 319 KB, 940x700, song-for-the-mute-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

song for the mute is great, really expensive tho.


also copped something from strom october!

>> No.11955717

This isn't small, it's on Ssense

>> No.11955849
File: 116 KB, 1000x1000, 2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck i love this
i've bought too much shit this week already but i'm so tempted. guess it can wait.

>> No.11955878

Lucid FC

>> No.11955892
File: 274 KB, 1440x2245, IMG_20161113_201007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like pearly whites by the mlg guy. hella small but hella good

>> No.11955897

Well that was horrible

>> No.11955913

yeah sputnik is nice, my russian friend introduced me

>> No.11955948
File: 192 KB, 1000x600, jacket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Hidden Characters

>> No.11955950

Olson shoulda stayed on girl...

>> No.11955951

>small brands

pick one

>> No.11956068

This is pretty dope

>> No.11956117

i dunno, i like what he's doing at the moment. he's an interesting character.

>> No.11956231


Ronin Division comes to mind

>> No.11956411

Yeah its beautiful, its the piece that made me fall in love with the brand. Pretty sure they have discount codes floating around online, maybe email them and ask for one

>> No.11956513

He seems like an asshole.

>> No.11956526

a little egotistical maybe.
i don't know, i think a lot of pro skaters just dislike all the attention they get from annoying kids. it would be unfair to judge his whole character by his attitude on tumblr and shit.

>> No.11956536

Fuck off.
The more popular they get the less chances they take. Their current shit is so bland.

>> No.11956591


>> No.11956594

The part in "cherry" when he grabs that bag off the old guy just because he was sitting on the rail he was going to do a trick on. That's why I think he's an asshole.

>> No.11956596

oh, yeah, that was really stupid and unsolicited.

>> No.11956649
File: 431 KB, 1200x1600, Russian Jacket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11956716

>song for the mute
>it's on ssense
>it's on runway

>> No.11956721

that's a lot of fucking boring shit btw. show me one small brand whose collection isn't 100% weak sweatshirts and tees with a basic asf print

>you can't

>> No.11956725

definatly HAL (Highs and Lows), Australian brand everything of theirs is made in Perth. Some of you should check them out

>> No.11956749

just because it's on ssense doesn't mean it's not s small brand, they feature plenty of relatively small brands

>> No.11956818

w2c?????? Urgent!

>> No.11956825

Www.stromoctober.com I believe

>> No.11956833

>you cant be a small brand if you do anything other than print garbage graphic designs on blanks

>> No.11956845

that kysee vintage brand needs to be banned from /fa/. the nigger shills here all the time and i wouldn't be surprised if that was op.

>> No.11956848

Not him, but thanks.

>> No.11956866

when they do runway shows and shit then it isn't really a small brand anymore bro

>> No.11956874 [DELETED] 
File: 248 KB, 1378x1076, screenshot01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you so much, just copped a bunch! i'm really excited for this to come in

>> No.11956877
File: 248 KB, 1378x1076, screenshot01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Www.stromoctober.com I believe

thank you so much, just copped a bunch! i'm really excited for this to come in

>> No.11956881

Thank you,
so much.

>> No.11956884

ITT: faggots who shill their shitty streetwear brands

>> No.11956918

got the same one from sputnik, quality is really good. fit isnt great tho.

>> No.11956980

It's a shame everything sells out so quickly

>> No.11957069

how's the quality on sputnik1985 tees?

>> No.11957105
File: 598 KB, 532x573, chrome_2016-11-08_15-15-04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey thanks for mentioning my brand, i appreciate the support a lot, site is www.pearly.supply for anyone wanting to look
thank you
yeah it all sold out crazy fast, currently trying to increase supply to meet the demand but last collection was 160 pieces and they were nearly all gone in 2-3 days. lots of new stuff coming soon (pic related) just watch the twitter page for any announcements & thanks again :)

>> No.11957185

all of these suck ass
jesus christ just go to a fucking thrift store

>> No.11957194
File: 450 KB, 1200x801, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://ro3clothing.com/ has a few interesting pieces. the quality is breddy good even though it's a bit pricey.

>> No.11957228
File: 81 KB, 960x960, p90465lnrqr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is swans /fa/ approved?

>> No.11957276

cade on the map

>> No.11957288








>> No.11957425

Managed to cop the two tone this time around but disappointed that I didn't get the v1 polizie
Keep up the good work tho man looking forward to the next collection

>> No.11957448

thanks for buying!

>> No.11957630
File: 1.05 MB, 2304x1364, left or right.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on the topic of small brands, should i cop left or right?

>> No.11957647

Right is more interesting


>> No.11957655

I'd say the right one is better, but the one on the left's graphic is less obnoxious.

>> No.11957660


>> No.11957668

Would you ever consider making long sleeve versions of your graphic tees? I feel like long sleeves with the box graphics are hard to find, and I'd buy some from your store in a heartbeat if you ever made some.

>> No.11957671

That one is interesting.

>> No.11957798

Thanks for the feedback. They're not real shirts, I just pasted some photos I took on a custom shirt site to see if they would fit in with the thread

>> No.11958400

Are you planning to open a website? The designs themselves are kinda ok, but maybe you can play around with them a bit more to make them more unique

>> No.11958422

Thanks for the feedback, i'll be sure to include long-sleeve tees in my next mini collection

>> No.11958438

there's this cool avante-garde designer i've seen being posted in counter-culture fashion forums recently, i can't remember his name off the top of my head...

i think it was jim? jim owens that was it check his stuff out it's pretty dark

>> No.11958445

Wood Wood

Pretty well known in my country and parts of Scandinavia but not elsewhere

>> No.11958448

Is this small brand

>> No.11958465

your lack of revision makes this post an interesting dialogue

>> No.11958467
File: 33 KB, 301x301, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11958468

I was looking at one of the Strom shirts with a basic monochrome photo on it and thought to myself that I've taken photos better than that. So I just messed around with putting pictures and a lil text on them just to see if people would think they're real. So long story short no I'm not actually planning on opening up a shop, but I would really love too now that I think about it

>> No.11958500

Eh, it's ok, but I don't think it excels in either quality, design, brand reputation or price.
I currently live in Scandinavia, so I saw one of their shops. There are so many of these "Scandinavian streetwear" brands here which are just copy paste from each other it's ridiculous. And people still buy them.

An actual good one is Samsoe & Samsoe. Excellent quality.

Check reddit.com/r/streetwearstartup if you are interested. You will find plenty information and helpful people.

>> No.11958532

Thanks anon! If anything ever comes of it I'll be sure to come back to fa and share it

>> No.11958549

The photos are great, but they don't work on a tee. strom maybe uses more 'simple' photos, but they really know how to integrate them into a tee better. Its hard to explain but something just doesnt seem right. nice photos though!

>> No.11958554

Depens alot what you buy

>> No.11958584

I'm glad you like the photos! I know what you mean though. Obviously I'm no expert, but I think a part of it is how some of their photos blend more into a black background. That and some interesting colors or non symmetrical designs

>> No.11958721



>> No.11958766

This has to be a joke. You have to put more effort and creativity in your concept!

>> No.11958779

this is absolutely horrible. I know this sounds harsh but it is genuinely terrible.

>> No.11958892

nice satire

>> No.11958912

Already seen this, are you going to come up with new stuff?

>> No.11958923

$25 for this shit? get bent

>> No.11959013

Overpriced but I'd only cop because I support the community.


>> No.11959025
File: 348 KB, 589x800, 10_Day_Night_Diptych1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He is dropping some new shit, stay tuned for it!

>> No.11959075
File: 666 KB, 626x687, 1478797552094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have my doubts with Bianca Chandon, I mean the lover tshirts look eh. Likewise with the jackets, I think Olson really needs to spend more time on his designs and polish em. The only thing I really like from his brand are the decks (or rather liked, as I haven't seen those pop in the website for quite a while.) The quality was pretty nice.

Paradis3 is run by Sean Pablo, Truth be told his tshirts/hoodies are half assed shit stuff, yet he manages to sell out at that price point given to his popularity among kids who put supreme on a pedestal.

Anyway, there's this small shop I found a year ago in Japan (I think the name was spicy fiery burrito? I can't remember the name) The store was relatively small, pretty nice stuff. Their designs were heavily inspired on Lucha Libre and these old mexican movie posters.

>> No.11959134
File: 53 KB, 650x450, Deathgripscomp_ce69c4_5994228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The band and music is, but Gira and the rest aren't

>> No.11959237

I hate labeling myself as this, but any /prepcore/ people should check out Luxley & Bernard. I found them a few years back. I believe they're from South Carolina. Collared Greens is another good one that started about an hour away from me, but I'm not sure they're considered "small" anymore.

>> No.11959339

plebs dont understand

>> No.11959344


>> No.11959530


>> No.11959601

poler, may not be a small company but you dont see a lot of their stuff.

>> No.11959625

$900 dollarydoos for a pair of sweatpants


>> No.11960204

>graphic tshirts
>clothing line

shills gtfo

>> No.11960206

street x

>> No.11960216

I understand what you mean, but what's the best approach here?
You have to start from somewhere, and graphic tees are the easiest way to show your concept and ideas. You realize that most people that are starting a business don't have a lot of money to begin with, right? Ofcourse, you could argue that if you are not prepared, you shouldn't start, but high diversity is crucial for the development of an industry such as fashion.

Also, more often than not, these smaller brands care more about their customers and put way more effort into their products than bigger brands.
Shitting on anyone who tries something new is a plague only seen on 4chan. Instead of encouraging and giving constructive feedback to each other, we just demoralize and bash. I don't think that's very healthy.

Ofcourse a lot of these graphic tees look like shit, but more often than not we can also guide and say how they could improve.

just my 2cents anyway.

>> No.11960310

>Acapulco Gold
this is a fucking picture printed on a long-sleeve black tee
you guys are getting more worthless by the day

>> No.11960313

> #include <meme.h>

>> No.11960722
File: 280 KB, 600x600, hoodie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this hoodie is fucking dope. copped.

>> No.11961093

good cops. I own 2 of those and another of theirs.

Quality is good

>> No.11961097
File: 42 KB, 864x1081, FB_IMG_1478815997110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just copped, feels incredible

>> No.11961115

lmao what the heck guys this is terrible

>> No.11961355

it's good, but a bit pricey imo.

>> No.11961360
File: 18 KB, 402x528, w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not too bad i guess

i liked this one but can't decide if white or black. help

>> No.11961366
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>> No.11961399

I like the website and product photos.

>> No.11961401

can someone tell me about sputnik1985 sizing? is L big enough? is it like XL?

also website is kinda fucked in english

>> No.11961412

lol leeds

>> No.11961446

meem pls no cop

>> No.11961798
File: 905 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2016-11-16-00-21-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Custom made clothing created by a dutch georgian.

>> No.11962265

anyone know where I can find basic tees with feminine figure prints on them? I

>> No.11962375
File: 849 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20161115-191257.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hypland Worldwide.
Pretty much streetwear, but are very great quality.
Love that use embroidery on half of their clothing.
And they do not charge ridiculous amount of money.
This hoodie is in high demand from them, although i dont like it, i have to include it as a pic.

>> No.11962411

yeah my nigga

>> No.11963025

Do these shitty brands actually make any profit?

>> No.11963211

Holy fuck this Strom brand is being shilled so much. Take your shit back 2 leddit and take your friends with you.

>> No.11963225

Man I wanted the cream mountain coach jacket but waited too long, I'd kill for one of them if anyone has one.

>> No.11963258

Fit pretty small, it's the same with all there stuff, deffo size up

>> No.11963304

No successful label has began from a fucking bigcartel store that prints oversaturated urban photos and edgy line art on AS colour tees with the tags cut off

>> No.11963327

you're right. better go and buy that supreme box logo, so the executives can buy more coke and hookers, instead of encouraging some smaller artists to try something new.

>> No.11963374

>anything itt
>trying something new

>> No.11963402


>> No.11963408

what the actual fuck lol. thats really all you could come up with? just quit

>> No.11963418

i feel like so many people here like it because its cheap and the designs are pretty nice. ordered from them in the past and the customer service is so good

>> No.11963432

>multi-million dollar company (Supreme, Off-white, Palace, Bape, etc.)
>putting a logo on a white t-shirt
>5 minutes in photoshop
>"why yes, please, take my $50. that's so creative, bold and revolutionary"

if you would not instantly dismiss everything, you could see that some of them are trying something new. don't get me wrong, I do agree, some are the same old rehashed shit.

Whatever, trying to rationalize the thought process behind purchasing from a brand is a very hard task. If your favorite celebrity would wear one of these shitty brands you would be all over it. If suddenly everybody liked it, you would be all over it. If /fa/ would like it, you would be all over it, if /r/streetwear would hate it, you would be all over it.

>> No.11963438

Sputnik tends to fit small, I'd size up maybe even twice if you want it to last

>> No.11963460

Agreed. I've bought from them in the past and I reckon they live up to the hype.

>> No.11963471

>multi-million dollar company (Supreme, Off-white, Palace, Bape, etc.)
>putting a logo on a white t-shirt
>5 minutes in photoshop
>"why yes, please, take my $50. that's so creative, bold and revolutionary"

this my kids is how you strawman an argument

noone is saying any of this, buddy

>> No.11963485

>printing graphic designs and slogans onto sweatshirts is trying something new

The only thing being expressed by any of these hacks is how much they wish they were Jun Takahashi.

>> No.11963532

>noone is saying any of this, buddy

nobody has to say anything pal, just look at the numbers
>u mad?
just a bit tho

>how much they wish they were Jun Takahashi.
And do you think the first thing he designed was a fucking masterpiece? Everybody has to start from somewhere. I saw a comment from somebody and I think it's quite relevant: "We're all born shitting on ourselves without knowing a god damned thing."

>> No.11963696
File: 695 KB, 2048x2048, BANK-WHITE-FRONT_2048x2048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone know where i can cop simple white sweatpants like this just not for 90 dollarydoos?

>> No.11963718

any asian market lol

>> No.11963730

this is absolutely fucking terrible.
its not even a real product image, wtf guys.

>> No.11963737

hey snipe guy :)

>> No.11963742

Recently copped a bomber from ACID REIGN. Not sure if they're well known anywhere else, but they have great stuff, superb quality too. Looking to cop the scarf and sweater next.

Australian based I believe - https://acidreignshop.com/

>> No.11963804
File: 222 KB, 970x561, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cop or not?

>> No.11963834

get the black

>> No.11963841

the shilling is obvious, come on man, theres no shame in just saying its your struggle brand, id maybe even take a look as oposed to typing this comment and then forgetting you exist

>> No.11963861
File: 219 KB, 268x418, Screen Shot 2016-11-09 at 14.58.48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rips off punk style illustration
>rips off 90s brand logos
>white bois making rapper wear

Are there any other type of small clothing brands?

>> No.11963863

ok, constructive criticism time:

the site design is fine, there could be more photos of the clothes but at least the photos you have now are decent and make me want to have the clothes,
that little video is pointless and the dudes in it make the clothes look bad, as far as the music in the vid goes im not even going to comment on that.


your nationality origin doesnt matter, remember youre not a csm graduate, youre just a kid trying to sell clothes. dont advertise yourself, advertise the brand

this is very innacurate, printing shit on blanks isnt fashion, if you want to be noticed, you need to stand out from the crowd, theres a billion of these "brands" printing flavour of the mont graphics on shit, but not many actually innovate with cuts and materials ( not in a technical way, textiles are hard :/ ), you need to know how to sew if you want to make it, leave printing to graphic designers.

>> No.11963870


>> No.11964480

h&m, zara

>> No.11964549

copped it in black

>> No.11964636

i love the sputnik1985 stuff but their sizes are crap and their website runs like shit

that only paypal homeless shit pisses me off too

>> No.11964728

holy shit that's gorgeous. Do they ship to the US?

>> No.11965438

Cut and sew is the deadass the way to go

>> No.11965442

Noah- its not small but it's not super popular either- nice shit, great quality, and designs that are actually interesting. Tho it is a tad too expensive

>> No.11965483

>fa approved
fuck you

>> No.11965747

lmao you're gonna be a walking meme, Jess

>> No.11965806

wow they used to have so much more on the site. Guess their hyped died. Not surprised.

>> No.11965827

yeh that also kinda ruined the vibe of dylans part

>> No.11965850
File: 74 KB, 800x449, 1472874543916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11965934


So many damned shills here

>> No.11966054

i hate this "brand" if you can call it that. The designs are so basic and uninspiring. Try harder.

>> No.11966064

i agree. he should have had his own part since he had such a unique style.
i'm sure bill wouldn't have put olson in there had dylan not been cool with it tho, they're all good friends.

>> No.11966464
File: 225 KB, 2400x2400, reddit frog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11966771

I really like the first image on the website to bee quite honest with you family.

>> No.11966817

scrt on point

>> No.11966826
File: 51 KB, 879x1024, IMG_8412_copy_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Want to buy black hoody from a small brand. Any suggestions? I am thinking about this one

>> No.11966845

Have some of their old shit from 2012 I got through a trade. Good quality shirts and killer graphics.

>> No.11966867

Just go spend it on MADSTORE undercover

Undercoverism hoodies are p decent and girls love that bear keychain

>> No.11966882
File: 56 KB, 620x388, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>From Chicago
RSVP Gallery and Saint Alfred are the best small brands out of Chicago. RSVP has grown pretty large over the past few years due to the constant flow of celebrities that stop by their store (got to meet Travis Scott there a few years back). I'd definitely recommend checking out both of their web stores for some quality pieces.

>> No.11966898

kinda cliche but nice too

>> No.11966902

im searching for hoodies and crewnecks too but black is boring, help me find somem peach/olive/bege ones

>> No.11967603

>this hoodie is fucking dope. copped

Did you really? You fucking underage shill. Post the receipt.

>> No.11967605

High quality pants.Equal or better than Incotex.

>> No.11967838

Calm down cuckboi

>> No.11967893

Skate or die faggit

>> No.11968231
File: 114 KB, 870x1262, IMG_8921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got these 2 from Agoraclothing but without text. It's really cheap so I'm worried about the quality. Anyone knows?

>> No.11968235
File: 172 KB, 551x800, genesis__fishtail_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And yes I know the green pullover is a ripoff of the cav empt icon pullover.

>> No.11968622
File: 52 KB, 750x833, IMG_0841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11968651

how'd u get without the text?

>> No.11969388
File: 7 KB, 310x163, mge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shill btfo

>> No.11969448
File: 94 KB, 306x243, 1478607687369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reddit frog.png

>> No.11969586

But that's what it is, isn't it?

>> No.11969661

Newfags and plebs get out

>> No.11969684
File: 71 KB, 639x897, IMG_5225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poet's brand is p.cool.

No edgy graphics and screenprints but he actually buys the fabric, designs them, cuts them, sews them and sells the pieces on his tumblr.

>> No.11969689
File: 211 KB, 1366x768, proof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11969750

not the initial anon but sorry, pal
really sorry

>> No.11969874

don't be anon. I like it and I'm not insecure about my clothes.

>> No.11970117


also wanna know

>> No.11970294

I was sent a few stuff for review.
Their sweatshirts could have been better but I have had no problem with their tees. Strom changed their manufacturing process last season, which made the tees a whole lot better.
I think their hoodies previous to their "Nightride" hoodies were printed on AA.
SCRT is always dope af.
for the /fa/m , U9DQTQ
i love the designs.
Just sorta wished I didn't have to wait on their site for the drop. I also wish their collab with saint alfred was a bit more thought out.
Looks like a hidden gem :^)
My two caps are holding up pretty nicely from beating them :^)
you should definitely get into outerwear.
p trash imo.
John Elliot x GAP . or hit up h&m/zara/cottonon

>> No.11970528

>>>11957105 (You)
>you should definitely get into outerwear.
For sure, i'm in contact with factories discussing jacket manufacturing

>> No.11971304

any chance you could make a navy/black two tone? i'd be eternally grateful

>> No.11972112
File: 144 KB, 1000x1000, stromoctober_tee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

strom has pretty nice stuff. got a hoodie from them and its lightweight but rly warm. gonna cop this tee soon.

scrt.onl is also pretty nice, never bought anything yet.

>> No.11972881

I just emailed them requesting it lol

>> No.11972897

like a new colourway of the twotone hoodie? I've stopped working with the factory that manufactured them because of a couple of printing and packaging errors, but another two tone hoodie might be in the works

>> No.11973165

you should be

>> No.11973180
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>> No.11973200


>> No.11973204

Where is it located?

>> No.11973260

they use gildan for their hoodies
you get what you pay for

>> No.11973264

That nigger on the left has a punchable face and I don't even hate blacks

>> No.11973273

Not bad products at all, definitely potential, but some stuff doesn't make sense. You have that awesome promotion on 1+1 hoodie, but it's not that visible. If you would put it on the front page, you would sell everything. Also, on the orange hoodie, why is there no photo of the back print?

>This jacket keeps you warm and is pleasant to wear.

That sounds like shit

>> No.11973289

think I'm gonna get the cognac hoodie on preorder tonight

>> No.11974495

this is nice. simple but nice

>> No.11974580

Agora & SCRT are my picks

>> No.11974789

ew wtf

>> No.11974808

nah its fine

>> No.11974810

Agora steals designs and reproduces them on the cheapest Chinese blanks possible. The fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.11975156
File: 818 B, 51x39, reaction image2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how to take a screenshot

>> No.11975171

hello newfriend

>> No.11975479


not the previous poster, but this looks sick mate. do you have any idea about how sizing is?

>> No.11975594

>how to take a screenshot

Jesus Christ...

>> No.11975595

Yh well I wonder about the jackets

>> No.11976514

back to /r9k/ with you

>> No.11976546

itt shills post awful sites and get btfo
hope you dont sell a single piece for as long as you live you stupid

>> No.11976569

itt bitter fags that other people are actually trying do so something instead of sitting on your ass and complain.

>> No.11976585

yeah it's much better to stink up the market with utter shit in an effort to make a quick buck

>> No.11976594


>> No.11976682

some are shit money grabs that won't ever get any sales, there are some brands that you can see a lot of hard work put into

>> No.11977469

You serious?

>> No.11977612

honestly strom is fucking sick. not a fan of a few designs, i reckon some are wack. but their customer service is so good, better than ssense or end. also the quality of caps is great

>> No.11977657

newest friend

>> No.11978247


newfags spotted

>> No.11978440

for real! whats wrong with their designs? I agree with you on customer service though, I spent about $250 with them and they delivered to the Netherlands with like 2 day fedex and included a free magazine and cap. so generous

>> No.11978939

if it's shit, nobody would buy it and they would go out of business.

>> No.11978958

I have that
feels good man
too bad I can only wear it for like 3 weeks every year because it's either too cold or too warm to wear it
and I usually have a backpack so the design is not really visible

>> No.11979119
File: 352 KB, 1251x1918, tumblr_o2fju1hJwF1rvhwhbo4_r2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i own this

>> No.11979657

it annoys me that almost all of these have that annoying ironic vaporwave aesthetic.
Scrt had some really nice mac coats, though

>> No.11979660

wow that looks terrible

>> No.11979664

Kinda liking the hoodie. I will let your plug slide. Whats the brand I cant see if I'm missing a letter cuz the fold?

>> No.11980307

Free shipping? Was it a temporary deal or is it still going? Seems tempting.

>> No.11980541

>an ordinary sweater with a generic black and white print is what it takes to be a designer now

>> No.11981913

>a 5 minute supreme logo on a cheap t-shirt is all it takes to make a few millions nowadays

>> No.11982059


>> No.11982576

yes, and supreme is fucking dogshit

>> No.11982687
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got this some time ago, really pleased with the quality.

>> No.11982728

why do people buy this stuff, are you all in high school?

>> No.11982757

why do people do stuff? I don't get it.

>> No.11982759
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>> No.11983124

>genuine question as to why people dress like high schoolers

>> No.11983142
File: 148 KB, 728x546, 5788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must think you're so god damn clever don't you.

I see right through your bullshit

>> No.11983154


>> No.11983411

yea, sftm can't be considered small anymore

>> No.11984918

That stuff is made by knoch/herrurst not poet