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File: 331 KB, 484x367, NaziBalance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11962313 No.11962313 [Reply] [Original]

Are NewBalance /fa/scist now?

>> No.11962449

have you ever seen anyone who isnt white wearing new balances before that post

>> No.11963242

The Japanese tourists in Amsterdam all wear new balance

>> No.11963261

No, people who try to put shoes and politics together are fucking dumb. If they are nice shoes, wear them. It's not the shoes that are facist it's the manufacturer

>> No.11963320

Chinese people in Vancouver wear this stuff. I don't blame them; shits comfy.

>> No.11963442

To be honest these days asians are whiter than most white people.

What do you mean "they are nice shoes"? They'd be even nicer if they were white pride approved.

>> No.11963445

>being cucked by mainstream media

just wear the doggang shoes

>> No.11963465

Even more of a reason to buy new balance

>> No.11964795

>asians are whiter than most white people.
what did he mean by this?

>> No.11964817

>NB supports Trump for his pro-American business views
>NB is one of the few shoe manufacturers that still makes shoes in the US
>dumb people are probably burning/trashing their NBs and migrating to other shoe companies that outsource all their labor
What did they mean by this?

>> No.11964820

pf flyers supported trump
makes me proud having them
>inb4 maymays

>> No.11964829

theres a lot of people boycotting where i work because we sell newbalance and ivanka trump

>> No.11964838

You sell Ivanka Trump? How much is the pound of Ivanka I need to get at least a couple of ounces.

>> No.11964847

they are nice shoes. The material is good and the styles they have are diverse and they come up with another frequently.

>> No.11964855

chances are most people wear New Balances that were already made overseas

>> No.11964873

But if they are made overseas that means they are made in America? Isn't that what Trump wants?

>> No.11964877

Where do you work?

>> No.11964896
File: 50 KB, 960x546, crt300wr_nb_14_i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post some cool new balance shoes

>> No.11964898
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>> No.11964902

Still the most comfortable shoes I have ever worn

>> No.11964903

i go to school in a mass of leftists and I'm going to be so fucking annoyed if people actually start calling me a nazi for wearing NB's. And I'm way too fucking poor to throw out a good pair of shoes even if I wanted to; liberals need to check their privilege 2bh

>> No.11964906 [DELETED] 

not him but their actual skin color

>> No.11965271

brace yourself for absolutely nothing, no one cares

>> No.11966162
File: 208 KB, 750x892, IMG_0989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll stick to my Japanese made ripoffs fo an American made shoe then

>> No.11966211

I am going to start calling all of my cocaine ivanka trump

>> No.11966229


Yo what are those?

>> No.11966232

hender scheme nigga

>> No.11966248

Watch your language! You wouldn't say that in real life you know.

>> No.11966307

I really wish we could genocide all leftists.

>> No.11966319

>German brand
>somehow not associated with neo-nazis


>> No.11966325

I can't support manufacturers that don't support my political ideology, what do i look like a bigot. Come on, its 2016 and if you're "unaware" that everything is political, you must be a white male. It must be nice to be so privileged that you can indulge in your own ideological blindness. As they say there is no neutral on a moving train and i can only wear products that are compliant with my own moral compass because these international corporations have my own interest at heart.

>> No.11966343

>tfw coulda bought henders for 60% off
those r sum cleeean kicks my dude haha kill me pls

>> No.11966428
File: 960 KB, 692x893, 1459939547256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not only Japanese,all type of east asian usually wear New Balance in East Asia

>> No.11966431

God Americans are really stupid and cucked

>> No.11966435

They provided the commies with tracksuits for the olympics.

>> No.11966449


WWII commies or Cold War commies?

>> No.11966509

Cold War. The CCCP wouldn't let them brand them in any way, so the adidas tracksuits had two stripes instead of three and during the fall of the union and the coming of democracy it became a huge status symbol to have a tracksuit with the three stripes, hence why it's such a cultural staple for a lot of ex Eastern Block countries.

>> No.11966518

If those boring fucking things are the official white people shoe then I'd rather kill myself.

>> No.11966533

*tips fedora*

>> No.11967015

Cnote prices falling through the floor when

>> No.11967074
File: 999 KB, 3024x3024, IMG_1797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't have MAGA 1's

>> No.11967185

Since I actually read articles instead of just the headlines I know they were only talking about the TPP but now that Nazi are hyping them up I'll have to choose something else

>> No.11967203

wow i might buy a pair now, maybe even two

>> No.11967231

Blacks love 574s though...

>> No.11967233


>> No.11967234

What are the cheapest made in America NBs?

>> No.11967246
File: 218 KB, 756x440, Screen Shot 2016-11-17 at 12.02.59 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11967259


(they're ugly af)

>> No.11967439

>made in China ones

At least pick the 1300s or something

>> No.11967556

Damn they are so beautiful, but 1000$ is too much for me by now. Maybe in five years dream will come true. How's the actual quality?

>> No.11967647

don't do it faggot

>> No.11967655

Better made in China by Chinks than in murrica by fucking beaners

>> No.11967659

its progressive to be ignorantly pro-3rd world slave labour while demanding reparations for America's past slavery

>> No.11967799
File: 433 KB, 1488x992, new-balance-mrl-996-kp-black-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I just bought these online. They only come in men's sizes so I got the smallest pair. What do you guys think? Praying they aren't too big as I hover around a womens 8 - 8.5

>> No.11967911

Laughing already holy shit

>> No.11967927

All black NBs good?
Mine are comfy af

>> No.11967930

Lol that pic, guys not even setting his shoes on fire

>> No.11967940

/ourguy/ general?

>> No.11968066

will exclusively wear any of my NB now

>> No.11968138


what did he mean by this

>> No.11968587



>> No.11968602

what are the most /fa/ nb shoes? I'm looking through ebay and they all look pretty frumpy

>> No.11968613

Dude that's like $200 for some sneakers with 30 year old tech

>> No.11969089

hender schemes were better before they got big and had to take the logos off

>> No.11969856
File: 61 KB, 650x650, 1460042987430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are new balance for people cucked with wide feet?

>> No.11969888

Kanye endorsed Trump.

Yeezys are the real FASHY WAVE

>> No.11969915

Comfiest shoes I've ever bought. Also minimal damage after 18 months of on and off use.

>> No.11969918

Fuck, time to put on La Roux.

>> No.11969958

comfy, depending on model

>> No.11969987
File: 26 KB, 239x306, IMG_3948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w2c these are fucking dope

>> No.11969995

>those laces


>> No.11970043
File: 69 KB, 970x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I get these?

I'm worried about the red and gold, I don't really want people to notice me, but I love the Trump Force One color scheme.

>> No.11970102

I would never wear those red and gold doesn't fit well together and people would laugh at me but if you're American I guess its ok

>> No.11970135

If you wear a lot of grey and black they'd look fine.

>> No.11970138
File: 153 KB, 634x782, IMG_4087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think about Barron's shoes? This outfit looks effay as fuck.

>> No.11970140

He's racist but also a weeb.

>> No.11970172


>> No.11970177

What are the best NB alternatives to AF1?

>> No.11970181

How many times has this thread topic been reposted now?

>> No.11970190

At this day and age it is so hard to know whether this post is satire or not

>> No.11970366

Why should it be satire? That anon has a point

>> No.11970388

I'm Asian and I wear New Balance.
It's easy to get em at Ross.

>> No.11970424

>I'm Asian and I wear New Balance.
that's some cultural appropriation right there

>> No.11970433
File: 47 KB, 570x604, IMG_0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best
the besT

>> No.11970438

nigga china is trump's favourite word is you even trying

>> No.11970496

I paid like half of that. Copped from JP retail is much cheaper than US prices.

Quality is very good, but it is basically a leather sewn footwear. The soles and bottom thread will slowly chip away (its got like a rubber coating on the back heel) unless you vibram it or put a layer of coating on top of it. I actually havent got around using the OP pic much since i wear my MIP01 a bit more often.

They pop up occasionally for cheap on y!jp

Never realized they copied the logo, all i've seen were customs adding the logo on em. But agree the hype kinda slowed down abit, every other shoe company does a veg tan something now

>> No.11970715

They're comfy perfection. If you have wide feet, these are the sneakers for you.

>> No.11970818

The only point he has, is that leftist parasites like him have made everything political. The rest is fiction like muh anti white muh i hate myself muh niggers are equal bla bla bla

>> No.11970822

I can't take anything The Washington Post writes seriously.

>> No.11970840

You shouldn't, it's pure propaganda

>> No.11970848

In Italy they're pretty much used by all the wannabe neo-nazis

>> No.11970854

gonna buy some now desu


>> No.11971146

Those are nice. I'd watch kino with you in our New Bs.

>> No.11971637


>> No.11971758


>> No.11971764
File: 14 KB, 236x267, serveimage (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

superior ivory colorway

>> No.11972071
File: 94 KB, 325x244, 1461808714173.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.11972076

For some reason, I remember seeing them for like half that.

>> No.11972782

NB have always been white people shoes.

>> No.11972843
File: 335 KB, 900x1600, OnitsukaTigerPinkTabi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's funny -- I wear these.

>> No.11972859

blows fat dab cloud, hhahaa YEAH

>> No.11972864


>> No.11974317

Can confirm that all the Chinese people at my school wear Made in USA New Balance.

>> No.11974754

its a fact

>> No.11974762
File: 72 KB, 850x400, 1424127990001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neo-nazis hardly know anything about fascism aside from "muh aryan race".

>> No.11974860

Alot of black people wear 574s / 1300s. They have an enitre wall for them at some Footactions / Footlockers

>> No.11975091

No coordination, jacket, pants and shoes look out of place

>> No.11975109


My exp. with New Balance is mostly awful
though their shoes lasted slightly longer than my Brooks.

I prefer ASICS/Erke/Saucony for my kicks

>> No.11976324

>let's boycott this company for making their shoes in america instead of overseas
>drumpf hahaha am i right