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/fa/ - Fashion

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11951472 No.11951472 [Reply] [Original]

Who here dresses like a fucking retard?

>> No.11951479

I dress pretty much only for comfort but i enjoy browsing /fa/ and looking at cool fits. Fashion is just cool, i dont really care to implement it into my life.

>> No.11951482


>black skinny jeans
>old skools

>> No.11951487

first you lube
then you strut
and you're ready to crunch

>> No.11951497

Not me. I wear fa/ approved rick owens mc hammer pants, $400 white tennis shoes with barcodes on the side, and ultra exclusive cotton sweatshirts with a supreme box logo on them.

>> No.11951500

Well aware other people think I look silly with my outfits but don't really care. Only get touchy when they ask how much I spent on it

>> No.11951508

Tips when a complete autist:

1) Stick with boring black, white and earth tones.
2) Don't try to emulate(dress) like what you see in your favorite anime, videogames, comics you mongoloids. (chances are your taste in this things is probably naruto/1 piece over Akira anyway)
3) Repeat

>> No.11951512

are u me

>> No.11951521
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I dress fedoracore as fuck and I ordered a new flat cap yesterday and I don't even care

>> No.11951689

Not me, you fucking pleb. I just wear what /fa/ tells me to wear. Fuck you.

>> No.11951705

youre good lad

>> No.11951712



fucking disgusting, you fucking hypebeast cuck.

>> No.11951739

Pretty much
Mostly rick, some japanese designers, ann d and damir doma

>> No.11951757

I have such shit in my closet. 80% of my clothes are unusable. I don't know what I was thinking, I just barely got my sense of style, but a majority of my clothes are bad.

>Lots of frilly tube tops
>Turtle necks
>Ugly dresses and I'm talking about UGLY, NO HOPE dresses
>Dark skinny jeans (never again)
>Muscle shirts
>Some sleeveless suit vests for some reason

I'm working on cleaning it out and throwing the shit items away as I bring in new stuff

But fuck man the amount of money I put in my shit clothes over the years is what makes me mad the most

>> No.11951763

everyone apparently, just take a look at the waywt threads.

>> No.11951767

talk shit post fit

>> No.11951788
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>> No.11951819
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Mfw people think box logo hype is somehow different from rick hype

>> No.11951837

Fuck are you me?

>> No.11951888
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Do you have any idea what board you're on?
Literally everyone here dresses like a fucking retard.

>> No.11951896

you look fine honestly. nothing particularly eye catching but nothing bad either, at least what i can tell from that pic.

>> No.11951901

Rick is a meme

>> No.11951905

the entire board

>> No.11951907

>plain black hoodie
>plain black beanie
>plain black tshirt
>plain black/brown/navy regular fit pants
>plain black boots or chuck taylors
i am an interesting, unique and irreplacable individual

>> No.11951913

i do
>fruit of the loom bland 1 color tshirts
>sweat pants or beige slacks

i work in tech so they dont care as lonng as i bathe and dont smell like piss

>> No.11951955
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>White Oxford, Blue Poplin
>4 shirts that I wash every 4 days, color of each is Black, White, Navy, Grey
>3 Pairs of the same black pants
>1 Pair of Shoes like Pottery

I have them all tailored and what not, and spend most my effort on skincare, hair, grooming, and keeping my body fit.

Regardless of all that, I'm probably a fucking laughing stock.

>> No.11952004
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only pod shorts and sneakers

nobody here can actually afford the nice pieces

>> No.11952006

If all you said is true than you're probably not, unless your face is irredeemably ugly. Everything you said you spend your time on contribute more to attractiveness than fashion.

>> No.11952025

>nobody here can actually afford the nice pieces
lmao this retarded urban myth still going around?
m8 the people who buy actual fashion don't post in waywts

>> No.11952123

Lets see this is what i wear on a normal day:
-dark blue jeans
-really nice hand me down running shoes from my dad (hes a marathoner and i get his old training shoes bc they get worn out so quick on the tread but are very supportive yet bulky(and really
Bright colors bc he buys them on sale i.e. Yellow, pink, orange all on one shoe))
-2 tone long sleeve shirts (sleeves will be like blue and torso grey) or random striped/plaid button up
-light grey hoodie or imitation army jacket
-also i wear black glasses

>> No.11952136
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>urban myth

true its literally me and maybe two others that only come here biannually to shitpost

>> No.11952180

>Girl at university said I have nice leather jacket but asked me why I have PSYCHOCANDY standing it
>Say it's from song
>She asks why I hear old music nobody knows
Not sure who's retard in this situation.

>> No.11952209

>Everything you said you spend your time on contribute more to

>> No.11952220

>literally only difference is i wear black am i effay yet

>> No.11952225

Fucking hell i mean black hoodie is tbe only difference

>> No.11952227

>using Akira as an example

>> No.11953067

If i can i wear joggies to any occasion where i have to be outside. Then just a variety of plain t shirts.
I have broad shoulders a big chest and big arms, everyone on this board is a twiglet and like 6'4. And if they're not they look like a toddler in adult clothing. How am i meant to dress..?

>> No.11953996

Thank (you) for my (you) and for that kind answer.

>> No.11954487

Embarassing, I only feel inspired in fashion by patrician animu like Kemonozume or Revolutionary Girl Utena.

>> No.11954504

I look like a fucking idiot.
>Eagles (handegg team) crew neck
>Levis 505 Jeans
>Black Doc Martens

>> No.11954514

sounds alright, pic of shoes?

>> No.11954922
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black jeans
same black chunky nikies

>> No.11954932

Igor Gutman does. Tripfag, thief, cheapskate, shitposter.
That's who.

>> No.11954937

I wear hoodies inside out with the hood cut off

>> No.11954997
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>blue chinos
>deep blue shirt
>grey new balance

>> No.11955013

I wear Ann D and Undercover for dem gothic-punk vibes.

>> No.11955019

nxt lvl shit right there

>> No.11955060
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>graphic solid color hoodie
>loose jeans that sit on the shoes
>new balance

>> No.11955066

I saw kpop thread here.

>> No.11955167

everyone here dresses like a retard
have you been through this board?

>> No.11955179

deadpool core

>> No.11955310

You've got no charisma cuck

>> No.11955316

>only music made in the last 5 years is good
Yeah she's retarded but she's probably easy to fuck

>> No.11955330
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most flagrant pair i wore, other were more tame (also the cheapest according to him)

>> No.11955422

The 80's called.
They miss you.