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11950042 No.11950042 [Reply] [Original]

Who else one-meal-a-day here? How is it going? What have you been eating?

>> No.11950048

actual weightlossfag here who has gone from 111kg to now 94. Spreading my calories out over an 8 hour period, usually between 3/4 meals has worked best for me. Hard stuff doesn't get done by way of gimmick desu.

>> No.11950051

About how much do you eat per meal? Not calorie wise, more like what are your portions like and what exactly are you eating?

>> No.11950059

how do you manage this if you're not a trust fund baby or a monk spending 18 hours a day meditating?
there's no fucking way you can fast for 23 hours every day and still be proactive

>> No.11950068

well calories and portion size are one in the same. Just figure out how many calories you should be eating in a day, then divide that equally over 3-4 meals, and then adjust the amount of food you intake for that number. As far as specific foods, that's a good question. Your goal is what i'll refer to as "hunger management". You're going to overeat if you have a craving, or if you feel hungry.

Cut the foods that give you cravings out of your life. It sucks, but when they're not around you, it's not so bad, and you tolerate it. Basically any kind of sweet, candy, or pastry is going to be calorie dense, and will produce intense cravings. Cakes, donuts, chocolate, etc. don't have that shit around. Really fat-dense meats like bacon and prime rib, fried foods, cheesy foods, and fatty sauces you like to add to food just have too many calories for how little volume they have and can induce cravings. Finally, really starchy foods like pasta, rice, bread and potatoes you need be careful with. While you won't get a deep craving for some rice, it's super easy to eat like 500 calories of it without thinking. Just make sure you're measuring out those foods carefully.

The best foods are higher in protein, fibre, and low in calorie density. Lean meats, lentils, fish, beans, eggs, vegetables, oats. Your whole diet doesn't need to be these things, but if you make them a staple you'll find it easier to hit your calorie goals.

>> No.11950076

Google it, it's pretty fucking easy if you're skinny/thin already and just need to lower your bmi.

I do 1 week on 1 week off. Works wonders.

There's a trick to it also, it's called hydration & it goes great with this 0 calorie drink called water.

>> No.11950077


what? its super easy to not eat meals.

>> No.11950095

It's really fucking easy. I've lost roughly 70 lbs by only eating at lunchtime.
I have a job and I'm not a NEET sitting at home whose only distraction is food and 4chan.
Have a job and have hobbies. lmao

>> No.11950325


I eat whatever I want. Less than 2000 calories in one sitting.

2000 cals is my number to maintain and Im trying to burn fat. Works unbelievably great. One of the best decisions Ive made, Im really prodoctive, have more time since I eat once, eat whatever I want trying to favor meat, workout once or twice a weak to not be skinnyfat, some weeks I dont work out at all. Already achieved visible abs and good cheekbones.

Its almost unfair.

>> No.11950329

Also food tastes much better cause every time I eat I am reasonably hungry. Not even starving.

>> No.11950333

i eat about one and a half meals per day, one at 3pm then the half at 1am. i have a job and i go to university and it works out

>> No.11950350

I've eaten nothing but Papa John's pizza the last two days. One pizza a day, 2500 calories each.

>> No.11950370

The way I've kept under 110 pounds, at 5'11, is to drink the shit out of those sugary coffees. I get a large from Starbucks, and that's all my calories for a day. Empty calories. Maybe a clif bar if I get REALLY hungry

>> No.11950400
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I hope these posts are all satire. If you only eat one meal a day and it's fatty/sugary shit then you will just turn into a gross, flabby, weak mess. You'll be "thin" in the sense a Slim Jim is; flimsy, greasy and no longer reminiscent of a living animal.