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11949936 No.11949936 [Reply] [Original]

who else is displeased that whiny leftists have now made it impossible to wear safety pins without looking like a whiny leftist?

>> No.11949952

its in ur head m8

>> No.11949993
File: 147 KB, 640x640, 1463103273013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait what. whats the connection?

>> No.11950012

Apparently people who want to be seen as friendly to LGBT/non-white people on public transit are wearing a SINGLE safety pin to signify it, and for some reason OP is a whiny pissbaby about it.

Probably because he wore safety pins in his clothes like a wannabe punk goober.

>> No.11950015

So instead of looking like a edgy wannabe punk loser you now look like a whiny liberal loser? What a shame.

>> No.11950021
File: 118 KB, 1300x960, man-talking-banana-phone-7014726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are a "safe" person to talk to about being butthurt over trump lmaoooo

>> No.11950050

Bruh. Once you go down the stairs to the train here, they have you pay/swipe/whatever. If somebody starts fucking with you underground, where there is no one to see you or save you, and you have to chose between dealing with it, or leaving and having to pay again and miss your train, I can see how it might be nice to know someone has your fucking back, dick.

>> No.11950133

I haven't heard about this in Socal. Is it an east coast thing? It can't be that huge dude. Like I wear one in place of my only earring that I lost and im sure nobody thinks it's for whatever you're talking about.

>> No.11950144

I guess it's only becoming a thing now that Trump has won presidency. Cry-ins, flag-burning and safety pins. What a pathetic time to be alive.

>> No.11950158

It was a thing after the Bataclan, IRRC.

>> No.11950162

I meant stateside. It has to do with people who are safe spaces. Who really cares.

>> No.11950182

It's so that people who get regularly harassed can find backup in a not-confrontational, silent way. What's so difficult to process?

>> No.11950191

Lol stop bitching and just wear it who gives a shit

I haven't even heard about this trend. You're probably going to be more than likely to get weird looks than faggots trying to talk to you

>> No.11950200

a safety pin's more effay than a memehat desu.

>> No.11950323

Just don't wear a single one, wear a few and a scowl. Confuse people. Be an anarchist.

>> No.11950409

There is no connection between leftists and safety pins. You know that. Don't make stuff up to blame on liberals, there is plenty of legitimate criticisms you can leverage against the left.

t. a liberal

>> No.11950418

I'm pleasantly surprised to see an opinion on this other than "le whiny liberal sjw cucks"

>> No.11950502

>people who get regularly harassed
And what the fuck does that have to do with race and sexuality?

>> No.11950514

Women and minorities get harassed pretty regularly here in the US and it's significantly gone up in the past few days.

polite sage because this isn't /pol/

>> No.11950517

>you can be harassed on 4chan

>> No.11950520

what? We're talking about irll

>> No.11950521

do you ever leave the internet and venture out into the world, where real people harass real people, or do you spend all your time in /pol/s safespace

>> No.11950537

No, it has to do with people who give a shit about other people who might be in a dangerous situation. Go fuck yourself, and take your lame meme-speak (you can safe space my BALLS) with you.

>> No.11950549

a nu-male shibboleth if there ever were one

>> No.11950557

yeah I'm sure it's going to be open season on brown people and homosexuals down in the mean tubes of NYC. Thank god there will be BMI 17 sociology majors with safety pins to back them up

>> No.11950571

Fuck off classcuck

>> No.11950891

ive worn a safety pin as an earring since i was in highschool, most people say "WHYS DAT PAPA CLIP IN YO EAR??!?!?"

>> No.11950904

Get a 99cent 'Make America Great Again' hat from eBay (made in China).
Cut out the slogan.
Pin it to your lapel with...
A single safety pin.

>> No.11950928

>whiny leftists

they sound a lot less whiny than you.

>> No.11950939

thats cause theyre literally not communicating with you atm, dumbass

>> No.11950960

op hasn't met boogieleftist either because he never leaves the safety of 4chan.