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11938349 No.11938349 [Reply] [Original]

what is the recipe for PERFECT facial skin? I mean facial skin like the models have.
Here is what I think, please add your tips and opinions!
1.Eating a healthy diet without too many calories. (no diary products, preferably (mostly) vegetarian/vegan, a lot of fruit and vegetables - antioxidants are good for the skin. Fish oil.)
2. Drinking a lot of water! (2 liters everyday)
3. working out at least 1 hour each day.
4. a facial care routine where you wash one time a day and moisturize everyday. a facial scrub once a week.
5. having no stress but that's impossible
6. what else?

>> No.11938362

No gluten or added sugar, especially if you're you're prone to acne.

>> No.11938384

I eat somewhat clean but not obsessively so. I still consume dairy and gluten and all that. I lift 3 times a week and play hockey 2-3 times a week. I'm constantly stressed from Uni but that's life. I half a solid face routine and that seems to be the only factor in my skin's appearance. If I miss a week of it while I'm traveling, I'll get a spot or two.

Used to have awful skin btw. The secret really is just cleaning your face the right way.

>> No.11938410

>The secret really is just cleaning your face the right way.
My skin improved when I started washing it only with water and only once a day.

>> No.11938416

Really? I always did that but my acne went away when I stopped eating diary and started eating a vegetarian diet

>> No.11938428

>Don't masturbate too often against acne
>don't wash your face with soap if it's too sensitive

>> No.11938434

>Don't masturbate too often?
Why not ?
>don't wash your face with soap if it's too sensitive
I agree. I used some fancy soap and it was horrible for my skin. Now i use a facial soap that is for sensitive skin and it's been good

>> No.11938436
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These. Been taking them for a 2 years now and they worked flawlessly for me.

>> No.11938464

Don't fucking pick your face or touch it all the damn time and wash your hands more
Get a fulfilling nights sleep every night you can
Have 2 or 3 sets of bedsheets and pillowcases cycle through and wash them every week
You are a growing and developing male who can still have hormonal imbalances up until your mid 20s. So if you're under the age of 25 you can't 100% help that

>> No.11938469

>Don't masturbate too often
Welcome to the new dark ages?

>> No.11938472

i think the first one been debunked bro

>> No.11938482

All the fucking broscience and Freeleethebananafuckfaces in this thread. If you've got shit skin go to a dermatologist. Have you got acne? They will probably put you on Accutane.

>> No.11938515

Although all that can make you healthier, it will not make a difference to your skin unless you're an complete unhealthy fuck.
Complete bullshit
>cleaning your face the right way
2ce a day with moisturiser, that's it
Bullshit, use a face wash and moisturise
Complete bullshit
Sorry to disappoint you, they're bullshit
Actual decent advice, but changing bed sheets 2ce a week is more than enough.

>> No.11938606
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Im not talking about just not having acne im talking about having perfect tight shining skin like models have. pic related
sugar is bad for acne though and diary products are too. http://www.cosmopolitan.co.uk/beauty-hair/advice/a36659/adult-acne-treatment-dairy/

>> No.11938609

None of the bullshit you guys are saying works if you have hormonal/genetic acne. My advice is to go to your fucking dermatologist and get on Accutane before you develop scarring. It worked for me, and although it was 5 months of hell, it's been 2 years and I've had 100% clear skin and it'll most likely stay that way for the rest of my life.

Before I went on Accutane I fell for the wash your face, change your diet and exercise for better skin meme but none of it did jack shit. That's because for a lot of people, the cause of acne is due to hormones and genetics, which isn't something you can fix without meds.

>> No.11938626

Really? Because my skin has improved dramatically ever since I started eating healthily and washing my face more often.

>> No.11938633

Yeah i agree for acne you should use a medical product. But I'm wondering how to get perfect skin like >>11938606

>> No.11938644

I wash my face every day and night. Don't touch my face with my hands during the day. Diet doesn't matter. And I have beautiful skin :)

>> No.11938647

Simple. Eat your vegs.
Most people don't eat right.
This is why 3 apples a day diet helps people with acne. People just don't eat enoug vegs and fruits. Trust me on this.

And change your pillow case daily.

>> No.11938658

he's right you know

>> No.11938697


>> No.11938713

my face has been very clean lately, while I've had an acne face during my teenage years

>only drink water, tea and coffee, no sugar or milk
>and drink a fucking lot. I start my day with a large glass of water, a cup of coffee and a glass of orange juice. During warm months I drink a few liters of water, during cold months tea.
>obviously eat healthy
>wash face and moisturise every morning
>don't touch face

>> No.11938816

I do nothing and have clear skin. Only tip I got is dont touch your face and avoid dry/oily skin.

>> No.11938863

genes.thats it.

>> No.11938888

I used to have really bad skin, and to a degree still do, but here is what I've found to give sociable improvements:

>drink more water
>eat healthy
>mostt people don't eat enough vegetables, even if you already eat veg it's probably not enough. A guy with the heat skin I've seen ate kale all the time
>Cut calories. Bulking makes my skin worse, cutting improves it
>avoid milk, I don't do this but for brief spells when I do I notice an improvement in my skin
>exercise more, working up a sweat cam really clean things out, provided you wash afterwards, leading me to:
>wash face with only water, twice a day. Apply hot water to face several times, don't scrub or anything, then rinse off with cold water. I do this in the mornings, right after workout out, occasionally before bed, this alone gave me better skin. Washing the grime and sweat away after the gym was great

>> No.11938904

Accutane can give you some shit depression but holy fuck does it kill some acne

>> No.11939337

i get acne from sugar

>> No.11939381
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>no sugar or milk
>drinks orange juice unironically
you may leave now

>> No.11939393

You can do some things that will have a minor effect, but it's 90% genetics.

I smoke, drink a lot, don't really eat very much or very healthily and still have perfect skin. Only regimen I have in place is moisturising after I shave.

I get the occasional pimple every few months but that's it.

>> No.11939422

>90% genetics
Was med school hard?

>> No.11939504

I don't really believe in all that bull. Sure some food causes acne, but it's too much of a hassle to pinpoint what exactly, just don't gargle KFC down your throat everyday I guess.
What I do is use 2 cleansers, coconut oil as moisturiser, and a peeling/exfoliator once a week. It's enought to do something like this once a day, but I do it twice because I'm a neurotic fuck. It's a shy little routine, actually, but my skin is getting progressively better, and all of my acne is hormonal at that. And definitely don't touch yr face

>> No.11939518

same except I didn't give up dairy.

>> No.11939532

im a model, i dont have perfect skin, its pretty good, but most models dont

the only thing i do that i know most don't, is that i always take scottish showers. Hot shower, then switch to freezing cold after for like 5 minutes.

i do it cos i think showers shouldnt be for "relaxation" or whatever, so when i turn it cold after i'm fairly relaxed, i get a huge adrenaline rush and a massive buzz and feel ready for the day, i always leave the shower with a massive grin because i see the cold part as a game, or a test. its really good for your circulation, and great for your skin, it makes my skin super tight which i like because London smog fucks with everyone's skin

i do recommend trying it, because it's one of the few things you can do for free, and DEFINITELY improves your skin

>> No.11939599

dude it's genetics. plus he probably has a shitload of makeup on and that pic is somewhat photoshopped

>> No.11939832

Stop treating your face like your hand or leg, don't touch it, don't sleep on it, if it gets anything on it wipe that shit off. Also, zinc, proactiv and a decent diet with plenty of water.

>> No.11939865

Out of all the things in this thread, and I've tried many, the two biggest are not touching your face and sleep/no stress. The second is not gonna happen until you're like 25 so In the meantime just make a conscious effort to stop idly touching your face

>> No.11939870
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>the second is not gonna happen until you're 25
>the second is not going to happen until you likely enter fulltime work, fulltime hours
>plenty of sleep and no stress
>fulltime career

>> No.11940090

>have perfect skin
>eat unhealthy shit all day
>all I do is work out, clean my face twice a day with warm water and apply moisturizer
And I have shitty, extremely dry skin that immediately goes to complete shit in winter if I skip the washing or moisturizer part.

>> No.11940632

Freshly squeezed, not the cheap supermarket shit.

>> No.11940657

>avoid dry/oily skin
Got any tips how to peel off my entire skin painlessly?

>> No.11940866

peel off your skin? Why? What do you mean?

>> No.11940900

I never had utterly bad skin but I'd always have a pimple or two somewhere on my face or just behind my jaw or just general greasiness, and random ones on my body.
I tried special soaps, BP, moisturizers and such but about a year ago I found out what I've been doing wrong and realized so many people fall for this - and that's washing too often.

I very gently wash my face - this is also important, the rougher I went on my skin, the more likely pimples were - with the generic dove bar soap making sure not to press into my skin nightly, I wash my body with some generic cheap soap 3 times a week, the rest being regular water showers.

I've not had a single pimple in about a year anywhere on my body, my skin feels like it has gotten tighter - my face has been consistently getting smoother to the point where even what I used to think was clear is greasy shit by comparison.

>> No.11940936

mate i already took accutane and didn't work

>> No.11941419

pretty sure the basic idea is to keep excess grease off your face

- change your pillowcases often
- use a cleanser every day
- if you eat something greasy and can feel it on your face, wash your face
- use an exfoliant 2-3x a week to make sure your pores aren't clogged
- don't squeeze your pores otherwise you'll inflame them and they'll never get smaller

>> No.11942967

Perfect skin is really a controversial topic. It's amazin how different opinions people have about how to get perfect skin. It's very mysterious. I assume the people saying diet has no role are American

>> No.11942971

wow there isnt one definitive way to get perfect skin
wow people have different skin types and allergies
wow there is only one definitive way to get perfect skin
what a fucking revelation anon

>> No.11943098

I think it has something to do with the dermatologist industry. they are manipulating people to think their expensive products and only that can cure acne and give perfect skin. But there are some who knows the truth and it will be revealed

>> No.11943142

are you retarded

>> No.11943192

No? I'm a truth seeker. I will dedicate my life to find out the truth about perfect skin and write a book about it

>> No.11943356

I have oily skin and blackheads on my nose.

Cutting sugar helps tons but does not clear it at all. None of those blackhead removal products help.

>> No.11943364

>Paleo diet
>Water/juice fasting during breakouts
>Drinking 2+ gallons of water a day
>Wash face every night

This is what I do and my skin is clear as fuck. I don't even workout or anything else. Just keep your body clean inside and out and you'll be good.

>> No.11943369

>chemical exfoliation
>vitamin supplements

you're missing these three things.
also it's possible to have a genetic predisposition to having acne. the things you mentioned are good for achieving the best skin YOU can personally have, some people may need medication on top of that

>> No.11943381

Models use makeup and photoshop.
There is however an island where NOBODY has acne, their theory is that it's all about the diet because islanders who leave the island do get acne.

>> No.11943510

I also noticed that people on old photos from like 100 years ago have zero acne even if they're young.

>> No.11944723

He says it doesn't work if your issue is genetic. Maybe your issue isn't genetic so it works.

>> No.11944756

Grow up kid.

>> No.11944760
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a major part of that is just how the black and white cameras took pictures back then, on top of that photographers had their own tricks for giving the appearance of smoother complexion.

>> No.11944860


>> No.11945480

No sugars, no oils, no fats, no soda, nothing fried, no candy, no milk, no cheese, no dairy in general.

I used to hold off on all except dairy and nothing worked. I still got acne. But then I started lifting and cut milk with cereal in the morning and cheese and now I haven't had acne for weeks.

>> No.11946310

Cut out sugar (including fruit), gluten, and PUFAs (mostly w-6 which is pro-inflammatory) for starters. Reduce the amount of carbs and replace with good fats (meat, eggs, cheese, butter, coconut oil, olive oil, avocados, cod liver oil, macadamia nuts). More green veggies, herbs, and spices. Some carbs are fine, like baked potatoes and sorghum, but remain < 100g/day. Stay away from rice as it was shown to be anti-androgenic. Take C, D, and zinc supplements. Start lifting (Greyskull LP). Get sleep, stay on a set schedule, stay hydrated. Stop masturbating/looking at porn and start approaching girls. Stop working a menial, stressful, dead end job, go to college for something interesting/useful and start climbing ladders.

The battle with acne really calls for an entire lifestyle adjustment.

>> No.11946424

Nice broscience

>> No.11946452

More like pseudoscience.
Got really sick with them.

Fad diet's fad.

Do common sense healthy stuff. Like eat more vegetables. If they don't work, then go see a derm.

>> No.11946474

Dry skin is p good, i get pimples only is if eat 2+ candy packs in a day but that happens very rarely, and its not flaky too