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11936305 No.11936305 [Reply] [Original]

I stopped smoking cigarettes today. How long until my skin starts to recover from this horrible nightmare of addiction?

>> No.11936311

For as long as you don't touch a cigarette

>> No.11936312

Starting at the last cigarette you had

>> No.11936335


Will it truly help my skin? I've smoked almost 15 a day for 9 years.

>> No.11936362

yeah. Been quit for 2 months and I look younger and feel amazing. Its not as hard as the quithelp commercials make it sound

>> No.11936370


I'm sure, I just really love smoking. I'll just...chew gum instead I guess.

>> No.11936395

rather than quitting abruptly, switch to nicotine gum and ease out of it. if you smoke 15 cigarettes a day, you could start with 5-7 pieces of 2mg nicotine gum per day. within a week you could probably get it down to 3 pieces a day. within 3 weeks you could just chew a piece of gum every day or every other day. its very painless

>> No.11936509


Nah, fuck it. I'll just cold turkey.

>> No.11936532
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im a pack a day for 3 years and my skins flawless

spirulina and vegetarianism keep it one hunna tho

>> No.11936965

For anybody looking to quit, try smoking weed instead. Studies have shown CBD to be beneficial in quitting nicotine.. worked for me, anyways, but really you have to have willpower too.

>> No.11936999

I randomly quit one day because the taste one morning made me gag.... guess I got lucky

>> No.11937033

>have clinical depression
>quit smoking for physical health benefits
>sleep 12 hours a day
>anxiety attacks
>no focus/drive
>wouldn't benefit from smoking even if i wanted to because im on welbutrin, have been on it for more than a month and it does jack shit except block my nicotine receptors
>can't quit cold turkey to smoke without the risks of uncontrollable crying,seizures, and a plethora of other nasty symptoms
fucking end me please

>> No.11937614

For me I smoked when I got bored or wanted a break. Find some sort of a temporary substitute, but not the Nicotine gum tho mate. My mother's friend and her husband did that, and have been chewing for the last 25 years. Such a joke..

>> No.11937655

Cold turkey is the way to go.
Ramping down is deluding yourself.
You just have to actually want to quit.
Do you?

>> No.11937661


>> No.11938076

drink water

>> No.11938083

might as well fuck off back to creche then yeah

>> No.11938100

Go cold turkey, but buy an ecig without nicotine.

I hardly ever used it when I quit, but it helped when I had bad cravings (usually when drunk). Just pulling it out and taking a few drags stopped the urge to smoke.

>> No.11938239

I've been using cbd's to reduce pain from work. Never knew they aided in quitting smoking too.

>> No.11938407

How do you consume your spirulina?

>> No.11938448

>>have clinical depression
>>quit smoking for physical health benefits
>>sleep 12 hours a day
>>anxiety attacks
>>no focus/drive

I know these feels