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File: 40 KB, 480x480, IMG_7900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11915375 No.11915375 [Reply] [Original]

Last Thread: >>11911398

Comfy Rules:
>post thinspo
>make america thin again
>stay hidratted


Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:

Model Diet Manual:

>MyFitnessPal: "/fa/ friends"
>Lose It!: "/fa/ friends"

>> No.11915385
File: 39 KB, 420x420, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11915390

I've just been dumping it in the toilet. Why would i ever need it?

>> No.11915393

>still pooping regularly
You're eating way too much

>> No.11915419
File: 125 KB, 900x1350, zoom__MG_0287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is she /thinspo/?

>> No.11915428
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>> No.11915448
File: 116 KB, 900x1350, zoom__MG_0288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shes definitely a girl

>> No.11915457

>april77 joeys are now loose on my waist
>still tight through the leg

welp time to start long distance running.

also ive now lost 30 lbs since i started browsing /thinspo/ so yay.

>> No.11915465

>take dump
>eat less
>cut out salt
>feel thinner
>weigh in 1kg heavier

w-what did i do wrong? ;_;

>> No.11915479
File: 42 KB, 541x498, 1477876814718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still eating

>> No.11915483

Nothing Anon, you did great. But sometimes when big dietary change happens your metabolism gets confused and starts hoarding fat or water. Just give it a week or two and your body will adjust.

>> No.11915659
File: 51 KB, 657x527, hidhratted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

helo fwamile daly remindar to stey hidhratted luv u soooo muhch tanks bye

>> No.11915668

Thanks pupe

>> No.11915690
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>> No.11915700
File: 205 KB, 480x480, 1476713375081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to be frail and delicate

>> No.11915732

tfw can't stop eating

>> No.11915745

Should I do ab exercise?

>> No.11915756

Maybe. Why do you wanna do ab excercises?

>> No.11915769

I'd like a defined stomach but I heard abs are made in the kitchen

>> No.11915773

ab excercises won't decrease the fat on your stomach but it will increase the muscle size of your abs.. depends. it's largely a kitchen problem

>> No.11915789

Ok I'm going to start working out after I'm skinny since I don't think I have the energy to eat little and workout

>> No.11915832

>ab excercises won't decrease the fat on your stomach
BS, ab exercises will indeed increase fat burning

>> No.11915843

But it wont target anything specific.

>> No.11915876

I'm still waiting for froggo to reply once again with all of its cuteness.

PS: Your reminders are actually useful.

>> No.11915878

both correct

if you want to have your abs be more visible you need to lose bodyfat, so that means doing cardio and/or eating less simple carbs/sugar, ideally both of those

>> No.11915928

How can I do cardio but avoid building muscle? I used to job twice a week but I stopped because my legs were getting beefy.

>> No.11915939

you cant build muscle if you dont eat, anon

>> No.11915943

>if you dont eat
As in dieting, right?

>> No.11915946

Yes. Honestly core exercises like planks are good for lower back health too. And if you have stronger abs, they can help you look a lot less bloated when you drink and eat, at least in my experience.

>> No.11915947
File: 1.73 MB, 2513x1440, GetFucked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11915955

>stop responding to this brit

>> No.11915963

ilu frof

>> No.11916014

ofc, you only build muscle if you eat enough
fuck off

>> No.11916027

Which would be more effective for weightloss, vegan or no carbs?

>> No.11916036

neither dumbass just eat less
not eating meat has zero to do with losing weight

>> No.11916041
File: 23 KB, 300x300, 078B935F-6C7C-4C87-96F4-7CFD2612553A-252-000000AC8A7300F4_tmp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how am i gonna eat today to facilitate for the halloween sweets pls help

>> No.11916048

No carbs. But really as long as you are under your TDEE you'll lose weight. Ketosis is something you can look into to see if that's a good fit.

Have a treat later tonight if you have room, avoid all the daytime snacking. A small sweet won't kill you and it's fun.

>> No.11916049

It's not unheard of that people cheat one day a week while dieting, if you really feel the urge then just do it calmly and be sure to enjoy it, if not you'll just be stuffing in and you'll end up wasting candy and feeling frustrated, just be sure it won't happen again this week.

>> No.11916068
File: 18 KB, 420x420, halloweentoad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do fat people celebrate Halloween when it is for spooky skeletons?

>> No.11916073
File: 17 KB, 480x480, spoopy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy /thinspo/ day fellow skellingtons (and aspiring skellingtons)

>> No.11916077

Fuck off.
Anyone could retort with a good ol' meme about how skeletons don't celebrate halloween because of le sugar >>11916041

>> No.11916089
File: 36 KB, 865x526, hapy-apu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

helo ur welcom i luv u tanks bye

helo <3 i luv u tanks bye

helo tank u fer bein my fwend u ar bary cut too an et grat u ar steyin hidhratted an heppy halowen watar halp watsh awey any suger i luv u tanks bye

helo ilut tanks bye

>> No.11916090
File: 25 KB, 420x420, halloweentoadr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem upset. No need to use fowl language.

>> No.11916166

given how much water weight can change your weight on any given day, what do you guys use to track your actual weight? a weekly average or something?

>> No.11916169

Yeah. Weekly average. I don't get too caught up in daily numbers

>> No.11916175

I'm getting my wisdom teeth out now. I hope it helps me lose weight not gain.

>> No.11916179

Good luck to you! My friend recently had them out and said it wasn't as bad as he thought.

>> No.11916184


don't get your hopes up m8
a single tooth weights like 5 grams

>> No.11916195

They're probably talking about how there's not a whole lot of food you can eat the first few days after it's removed.

>> No.11916196

Good luck, anon! Don't forget to keep the wounds clean and don't over exert yourself until you've healed. My sister got dry socket that way. I think I slept for like 24 hours after mine were taken out.

>> No.11916239
File: 18 KB, 280x380, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Gender
2. Briefs or boxer briefs

>1. Male
>2. Briefs

>> No.11916251
File: 145 KB, 670x424, comfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In for comfy spooky halloween theme

>> No.11916255
File: 131 KB, 524x585, ottermode.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Boxer briefs

>> No.11916260
File: 759 KB, 1000x1230, smugvin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1. Female
>2. Panties

>> No.11916263

I was feeling run down so I broke keto nine days ago. My body weight stabilized three kgs heavier, I was expecting to put on five kgs water weight. So I've lost eleven kgs so far. I want to lose eleven more but at least six more.

>> No.11916266

Got a pic of that rear end?

>> No.11916270

not me, expect pic of my boipussy in 2 months

>> No.11916271

1. 404
2. Boxers

>> No.11916309


>> No.11916324
File: 53 KB, 480x718, bella-the-weeknd-couple-moment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how to get a taller gf?

>> No.11916325


>> No.11916326
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>> No.11916366

I used to date a girl taller than me. You just ask them out.

>> No.11916367

ok thanks will try

>> No.11916419

b yourself

>> No.11916439

I second that

>> No.11916442

no way. and honestly I just wear them sometimes when having a fap. not even gay (lulz) but think it was just from getting bored fapping the same way.

>> No.11916462

thanks for elaborating desu.
Im a huge fan of guys saying theyre not gay, and proceding to describing gay shit. But if it makes you feel good y not. kek

>> No.11916472

anytime senpai. needed the next frontier in exciting faps, normal stuff was getting boring. the struggle is real.

>> No.11916500

Any good thinspo sites?like Reddit etc?

>> No.11916504
File: 996 KB, 290x231, 1372896687434.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>two weeks of binge because loss of focus during midterms.
>Expect to gain a fuckton.
>Still 6'2" 157

>> No.11916506
File: 173 KB, 500x500, IMAG_05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>boxer briefs

>> No.11916515

myproana :^)

>> No.11916532

post pics

>> No.11916549
File: 211 KB, 436x393, seems-safe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>been really good for two weeks
>expecting to lose my final pound
>still the same

>> No.11916607
File: 41 KB, 450x354, stock-vector-all-types-of-women-s-and-men-s-underwear-pants-vector-set-of-underwear-view-front-and-behind-467667215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Gender
2. Briefs or boxer briefs
>Bikini or cheeky for myself but I like when guys wear boxer briefs or trunks.

>> No.11916619
File: 1.28 MB, 999x999, IMG_1165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever try boyshorts? Those look comfy

>> No.11916625

I like to wear womens bikini panties. Better than mens underwear.

>> No.11916631

Bet that feels comfy on the penis in the short term, but long term doesn't it get bunched up?

>> No.11916633

LMAO faggot

>> No.11916636

>actually do like boyshorts. comfy af so I have a bunch plus regular lingerie and stuff

>> No.11916640

It can be but I just used to it.

>> No.11916641

Not him.
Fuck off.

>> No.11916644

Do you tuck?

>> No.11916645

Thanks anon

>> No.11916646

pls post pic in boyshorts

having everything bunced up is much nicer then just letting penis hanging down one leg. I have big legs so I pull my ballsack forwards then let the penis hang diagonally across it.

>> No.11916651

I feel like as I guy I'm missing out on all the fun underwear that could be had. I just wear boxer briefs but women get so many amazing options and can pick the style that looks most flattering on you.

Boxer briefs are nice, but, I feel like we are behind the times.

Ah okay. I donno I don't really notice my hanging penis. Guess I'm just use to it dangling. Sometimes with tighter jeans it get bunched up and I get that cock bulge thing going on in the front, especially if I'm recovering from a halfie.

>> No.11916659
File: 1.35 MB, 3264x1836, 20161031_144416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am i thin?

>> No.11916661


>> No.11916664

no you are as neutral as it gets, not skinny or, not chubby or lean

>> No.11916665
File: 31 KB, 620x410, stylish-man-sucepr-ultra-successful-business-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thin girls dont look good.

Suck my ass.

>> No.11916666

He's not skinny, but he is thin.

>> No.11916669

Id like delicious cum out of your belly button desu

>> No.11916672

you probably think that because your mom is obese

>> No.11916675

Sounds like Freud

>> No.11916676

no he isn't, this is what a normal person look like

>> No.11916678

anybody here lose more than like 50lbs? i've lost 70 so far and i've got some questions

>> No.11916679

Yeah a thin normal person. I bet his BMI is like 21 or so. To be skinny he'll need to be more like 17 or 18.

>> No.11916681
File: 71 KB, 274x458, dat commissar look.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but my mom would fuck your mom in a fight.

Or even a race to produce a healthy baby.

>> No.11916683

I lost 70 also fampai. (5' 10" Started at 216-lbs and now weigh 146-lbs). How can I help you?

>> No.11916693

did you ever get a gf?

>> No.11916696

No. That's not the only reason I lost weight though.

>> No.11916701
File: 57 KB, 400x400, 23423423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm only about 15lbs away from my ugw now and though i think my body looks a lot better but my measurements haven't changed in like the last 10lbs. i don't have a ton of lose skin but i know i have more than someone whose only lost like, 20lbs per say, and im wondering if that might be affecting my problem areas like my thighs or the flatness of my stomach.

also, do you have issues with bloating? everyday i think i look awesome when i wake up but after dinner i swear i look obese again

>> No.11916727
File: 52 KB, 576x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will i ever be /thinspo/ with big boobs and wide hips?

>> No.11916739

Have we traded photos of our loose skin before?

I will say I've had some measurement stagnation (or so I think, I haven't really measured often) and bloating. I'm not looking to go much lower at this point, but I do find myself holding a lot of water weight. This last week I know I ate really well, but I still didn't lose weight. I did have some sodium heavy days, but nothing terrible.

I don't really compare myself morning and night, but haven't noticed anything dramatic that catches my eye when getting in the shower at night.

Overall I feel pretty lucky about the loose skin, it's pretty slight for me and only noticeable in certain situations (slouching in a chair or on my hands and knees)

Is or bloating constant or just around certain times of the month? I think after dinner it is pretty normal to look thicker in the tummy.

>> No.11916743

That's a really nice combo when skinny desu

>> No.11916746

Men look pretty good in bikini panties. I like anything that shows off ass, really.

For some reason, boyshorts are a little uncomfortable for me.

>> No.11916752

nice bulge tranny

>> No.11916757

Not her.
Fuck off.

>> No.11916772

I like you.

>> No.11916774

i feel like the bloating is pretty constant for me, its better in the morning (even though my abdomen looks like ... lumpy i think?) but once i eat or even drink anything my body looks all out of whack

my lose skin doesn't really come across in pictures, but my thighs are really gross, and when i'm bent over or something i have a bit of stomach skin that hangs down. the worst area is my boobs though since i went from like a 38D to a 32A

i have progress pics but i'm weary of posting them on here

>> No.11916775
File: 159 KB, 1080x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you fuck off
youre such a virgin holy shit
i hate it though, i dont wanna have curves desu

>> No.11916782


>> No.11916784

whatever you say tranny, stop projecting

>> No.11916789
File: 588 KB, 1500x1300, before-after.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah okay then you are a different anon. There was someone I recently had a loose skin discussion with that was in a similar situation as us, didn't know if you were the same person.

For the bloating, are you drinking enough water? I drink a ton of water and it really does help. Are you watching your sodium?

When I bend over a get a bit of that too. Standing I don't see anything.

For your boobs have you considered a breast lift? It really depends how bad it is if it is worth fixing. Sometimes we are just hard on ourselves.

Post your progress pics. Just cover up your face. Pic related is me.

>> No.11916792

>you fuck off
Read me wrong, I told him to fuck off, dumbass.

>> No.11916806

thats not normal in any western country. average is fat af.

>> No.11916805

I'm getting light headed. Maybe I should eat a piece of that halloween candy after all.

>> No.11916817

The USA is not the only western country

>> No.11916819
File: 1.94 MB, 1560x896, 70lbs lost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm really bad about drinking water, i have some, but like usually not even a full liter when i'm supposed to have like 2L at least. if you think that will help i'll make a better effort

i've looked into cosmetic surgery but i'd rather get lipo if i was going to spend that kind of money. also even getting a boob lift usually involves some sort of small implant and i even though my boobs don't look great i want to keep them small

i remember your pic from a bunch of threads ago. here's mine.
>plz no bully

>> No.11916825


>> No.11916841

im not fucking american, you think every other western country isnt catching up to them rapidly?

>> No.11916843

Damn, you look good anon. Great job on the weight loss. I can't tell you have saggy breasts or skin.

>> No.11916844

Wow you look good. Congrats on your weight loss.

>> No.11916848

holy shit you are looking great keep it up

>> No.11916850

You look great!

For sure increase the water. It does help in my experience, especially if you are eating some salty stuff. It also seems to help my skin, and I don't even really pay attention to that stuff (I'm not very effay/aware of that type of thing).

I wouldn't mess with your boobs since small boobs are good and it's not like they are hanging. You could talk to a plastic surgeon about liposuction, or even removal of loose skin, but my friend is a plastic surgeon and he said the loose skin surgery is a big deal and only do it if it is a major issue. He said it is pretty painful and leaves scarring. In your case I think you'd likely look better with some loose skin than the scars. You don't seem to have it that bad. The breast lift is something to talk about if it bothers you, but, since it doesn't seem to I'd say forget it. If you do plastic surgery, make sure to go to someone extremely good. Not something to go the budget route on.

I know you said when you bend over you see the loose skin, but, really how big of a deal is that? It's just you and maybe a SO that might see it.

I can't wait to see how you look at your ugw. Really impressive transformation fampai, you are doing great!

>> No.11916854

Most of South-America is fairly thin.

>> No.11916855

Brazil here. What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.11916858


>> No.11916859

The native ones aren't very thin. You're probably thinking of South Brazil and Argentina.

>> No.11916860

What about Chile, Peru and Argentina?

>> No.11916862


>> No.11916867

>The native ones aren't very thin.
I said fairly thin, like the guy in the picture.

>> No.11916875

I'm from Argentina. Just as bad. We're not much better than North America down here. I just read an article about how 35% of females in South America are obese.

>> No.11916882


Well done, you can be proud of yourself.

>> No.11916884

Damn, fair enough. I was wrong. That's frightening, it wasn't like that some years ago.

>> No.11916887

Thanks anons! posting this kind of stuff can be so intimidating but you guys are nice

i've had people warn me about the scarring, i know it's probably not worth it. the longer i keep the weight off the better my skin adjusts anyway, it used to look so much worse and hang so much lower this time last year when i was still a good 20lbs heavier
maybe one day i'll get a boob job, but i'll hold out to see if the problem corrects itself i guess. drinking water should help with both the bloating and skin elasticity i just read. you've been a big help anon thank you!

>> No.11916897

My pleasure! Please keep us updated on your progress. Very proud of you.

>> No.11916947

1. Female
2. Boxer briefs for self. Panties for everyone else :D

>> No.11916950

are there more girls in thinspo and /fit/ than in /cgl/

>> No.11916953

can I count as a girl if my penis is feminine? :D

>> No.11916955
File: 28 KB, 358x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would cutting my protein intake help me lose muscle mass? I've been having lots of protein because it keeps me full.

>> No.11916956


>> No.11916957


>> No.11916960

Of course.

>> No.11916961
File: 113 KB, 750x741, IMG_0948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't want to lose muscle it will make you look soft, also you probably don't want to lose your buns

>> No.11916962


>> No.11916964

Thank you! :3

>> No.11916965


>> No.11916971
File: 140 KB, 1088x1088, 2016-08-16 01.07.33 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am i thin yet ? I dont eat nor excercise

>> No.11916977

I'm a shut in NEET who doesn't eat or go outside. Vitamin D and multivitamins help me a lot.

>> No.11916987

ill give you some vitamin D bby

>> No.11916989

want some vitamin cock =)

wait is that a penis joke too

>> No.11917001


>> No.11917021

Youre sexy af. Just stay like that

>> No.11917042

I want the largest dose you have.

>> No.11917062
File: 327 KB, 1080x1920, Snapchat-1066270671300468626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11917071

so my whole family is pretty short and stocky. I used to work out a lot more during the earlier years of uni than I do now, but I'm still pretty big. should I just give up on the thinspo dream or keep going ; - ; I'm just afraid my calves are never going to get smaller...

>> No.11917076

get lean

>> No.11917078

how come no one uses #thinspo tag on instagram?

>> No.11917083

honestly the posts would probably get reported

>> No.11917090
File: 106 KB, 610x858, Genetic&#039;s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hamplanets report it.

>> No.11917108

>tfw I report these threads everyday but nothing happens
I'm not a ham planet or jealous of you all. My sister passed away from complications due to an eating disorder. I don't want other like my sister to suffer the same fate or their family and friends.

>> No.11917124

who /ignoring macros and eating only candy while still staying on cal target today/ here?

>> No.11917126

dude eat some nutrient dense food; you're gonna fuck up your organs

>> No.11917127


>> No.11917128

lol dude its one day

>> No.11917131

What good would getting rid of this thread do? Then I'd just be the same amount of fucked up or more, and without any support. Everyone here has encouraged me to eat 1200cal/day and not purge. These people are my only friends right now since my illness isolated me from everyone else.

>> No.11917157

1. Female
2. Hipster

>> No.11917160

well, there's always #ana

>> No.11917162

>I don't want other like my sister to suffer the same fate or their family and friends
>goes onto thinspo thread

>> No.11917170

And the ED recovery tags since half of those people arent even in recovery

>> No.11917186

I'm a guy though

>> No.11917192

why would you want to loose you muscles? I understand that not everyone want to look like huge and jacked but if you get lean then you will see that you actually don't have so much muscles.

>> No.11917236
File: 3.01 MB, 2172x1572, myfatass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 5'3, roughly 120 and a 27.5 inch waist, and lead a pretty sedentary lifestyle. What calorie intake should I aim for? Is 1200 cal too high for me?

pic is me being sad that I can't fit into my new 27" jeans :(

>> No.11917237
File: 169 KB, 900x1600, IMG-20161031-WA0143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My gf

>> No.11917247

You do fit in them though. No, 1200 is not too high. It's about the minimum I'd recommend.

Also you have a nice butt.

>> No.11917249

What is an effay BMI?

>> No.11917251

okay yeah, I can close the button and zip them up, but they're so tight I can't even sit down, haha. And thank you!

>> No.11917253

what a sweetheart. the vacuum is a nice touch

>> No.11917254

17-14 imho

>> No.11917259

I have small pecs and I want a dfc instead.
I mean I shouldn't worry too much about it until I hit my goal weight but for future reference

>> No.11917261
File: 650 KB, 5000x5000, 1473012760985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vacuums can't be gfs, anon.

>> No.11917274
File: 202 KB, 1067x1600, cara-d-324rrf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aren't they stretchy? Either way, you are close to fitting in them if you aren't now.

If you are doing the 1200 calories make sure to be eating really healthy stuff to keep your energy and nutrition in top shape. Probably worth considering taking a multivitamin too, at least during the restriction, although there are conflicting opinions on the value of them.

>> No.11917277

possibly gained 3lbs from a few binge days..hopefully a lot of it's water weight or something and that i'll be able to lose it relatively quickly :(

>> No.11917278

May I see your hip bones pls?

>> No.11917289

ehhh why?

>> No.11917293

Chile here, average is thicc for women and skinnyfat to fat for men

>> No.11917296

Want to see what they might be like at 5'3" 120.

>> No.11917308
File: 55 KB, 500x669, 1457580021434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11917310
File: 84 KB, 575x474, he-man-wink1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not if you dont know how to us them

>> No.11917315

With love, anything is possible

>> No.11917316
File: 232 KB, 816x459, IMG_20161031_172225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok sure


>> No.11917319
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forgot pic

>> No.11917320

Ur a cutie

>> No.11917322
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Thanks. I'm also curious about what your butt might look like, for research purposes also.

>> No.11917324

from the back?

>> No.11917328

We need more Chileanonos on /fa/ cuz they're p comfy in /sp/

>> No.11917329
File: 43 KB, 350x692, eh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

random anon. here's today ft. my wacked out legs.

>> No.11917333

it's me in every board

>> No.11917335

I hope your national team gets invited to the copa oro

>> No.11917339


>> No.11917341

How many more pounds you want to lose?

>> No.11917344

Cute af btw nice body

>> No.11917346

Ideally, I'd like to be down to 115 or even 110 by January. My lowest was 113 and I felt really good about myself at that weight.

>> No.11917348

ty anons!

>> No.11917350

me likey

>> No.11917351

I think that's a good plan. Good luck. Looking great anon!

>> No.11917355

thank you! I'm really surprised, I wasn't expecting the /thinspo/ thread to be filled with so many nice anons.

>> No.11917360

Theyre nice cause youre nice.

>> No.11917369

ty! I'm trying to get a more regular eating schedule down but it's hard.
btw. very cute! I'm also 5'3 and I think 1200 is a low end caloric intake. depending on how you burn, it should be good! good luck

>> No.11917376
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>buy a size medium halloween costume
>it's too big

>> No.11917415
File: 59 KB, 600x886, FB_IMG_1472500279547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy no halloween costume
>it still doesn't fit

>> No.11917418

Good for you anon!

>> No.11917432

Today I had:

2 grilled cheese sandwiches ~ 600 kcals

2 cereal bars ~ 200 kcals
1 liter of 2% fat milk ~ 400 kcals


4 eggs in tomato sauce and olive oil ~ 300 kcals
3 medium sized pitas ~ 600 kcals

1 small chocolate bar ~ 100 kcals
Half a liter of milks ~ 200 kcals
2 Bananas ~ 200 kcals

Around 2600 kcals. A bit short of my goal of 3000 kcals a day, I'll make it up tomorrow.


>> No.11917442

check elite_barcelona instagram story for pretty models in halloween costumes

>> No.11917443

Thank you

>> No.11917452

>search inka williams on youtube
>find video of her for some bikini company
>in recommendations: inka williams jerk off challenge
not weird at all Senpai

>> No.11917454


>> No.11917455

>trying to gain some weight because have been too /thinspo/ all my life
>still don't like food
>just drink 900kcal worth of milk at night

my only regret is I think it's making me break out

>> No.11917458

fuck this is pathetic

this thinspo shit is so fucking last decade

>> No.11917464

You can't sit with us x

>> No.11917466


That much milk would be hard to handle. I basically drink a liter for lunch at work usually, takes me like 2 mins to go through it, and it keeps me full for a few hours, and I also got to go to the bathroom a couple times within the hour. I can't imagine the state of my stomach if I had to do 2 liters on the spot.

I'm lucky in that milk does nothing for my skin and doesn't really irritate my stomach either.


I'm just trying to gain some weight while staying relatively lean, what's the issue?

>> No.11917496

I guess thats fine. It just really seems like a lot when out of context

>> No.11917515


I walk 30 mins a day, I'm a man and I also workout twice a week. It's not a lot considering that if I end up having a vegetable-heavy dinner I might even end up under maintenance.

It also helps that my metabolism isn't crashed from dieting at 1000 kcals like a lot of people here.

Now I'll pick up an extra bagel on my way to work tomorrow to make up for today's deficit, it makes reading the news with a cup of coffee much much more enjoyable.

>> No.11917524

Thats enough context senpai

>> No.11917551


What's the purpose of writing on anonymous boards if not just for expressing whatever thought you desire to share?

It's not like my reputation will suffer because of some people disliking my oversharing habit.

I'm also at least partly trying to point out by example that obsessing about food and excessively strict diets isn't the only way to go about being lean, if you care about being happy while doing it.

>> No.11917598

I love when people over share

>> No.11917600

Good job. Heres ur (you)

>> No.11917607

Im glad youre happy anon

>> No.11917610

Same here... I actually really like when people like >>11917551 overshare about their day as long as they do it in one or two posts. I like to know what the other people in this thread are up to in terms of food (not just calories) and exercise.

>> No.11917615

Yeah and there is generally some little detail that starts more conversation.

>> No.11917623
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Oh yes, royal normie, please tell us some more about diet and nutrition, I'm sure we have sooo much to learn.

>> No.11917636

Hi /thinspo/

How often do you poop?

>> No.11917645
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Like every 3-4 days. I eat lots of fiber too. I never did poop often even when I ate a lot.

>> No.11917656

Every two days (every day if I have coffee)

>> No.11917659

I poop a meal out within the same day because I am not unhealthy like you fucking idiots

>> No.11917660

drank 2 cans of mexican coca cola today
but fuck me it was worth it

>> No.11917662

me too. it's been like this my entire life and i have no idea why

>> No.11917670

i don't actually know
at least once a week?
never really pooped often even as a kid

>> No.11917671

I've even put a fair amount of effort into daily poops. I exercise, I make sure to eat salad and get my fiber. I was even supplementing for a while.

Someone told me as long as you poop every three days you're pretty good, so, we're borderline alright. I do get jealous of people who shit every morning like clockwork though.

>> No.11917673

Not often its kinda spooky, its been 3 days since last, and before that it was a week between

>> No.11917676
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Is that a Thinkpad?

>> No.11917680

Until recently, I only pooped every other day or even every 2 days. Always been pretty active and had a lot of fiber. Was pretty much always constipated as a kid, too. Now I poop 1-2 times a day. I don't eat as much vegetables as I used to, but I eat more fruits and added greek yogurt to my diet. My bf's dad apparently poops once a month. He also eats a ton and is slightly overweight.

Dude, I'm so jealous too. I've heard a lot of people talk about their morning poop, and the few times I have had one, my day was GREAT. I usually poop in the afternoon following lunch or at night.

>> No.11917691
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>. My bf's dad apparently poops once a month.
And you believed that?

>> No.11917694

So the fruit and yogurt are what got you to 1-2 times per day? 1x per day is my goal.

I have a serving of fruit per day....

>> No.11917699

>My bf's dad apparently poops once a month.

>> No.11917719

Not sure. We also thought he might be joking when he nonchalantly said he has a brain tumor, but he wasn't joking about that. My boyfriend later told me that his infrequent pooping was never that bad before, but he always remembered his dad complaining that he only poops once a week. He has a lot of health problems, and we encouraged him to get it checked out, but he won't.

I believe so. I'm lactose intolerant, but my doctor told me that greek yogurt will help me, so I tried it. I've tried taking probiotic pills, drinking kombucha, drinking ginger teas, etc, but it seems like greek yogurt is what helps me. I probably eat 1-2 cups of grapes and an apple a day. If I eat a banana though, I'm automatically constipated and regret it.

>> No.11917737
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Banana constipates? Fuck, I've been eating those.

>> No.11917739

>My bf's dad apparently poops once a month.

>Honey! Get in here!

>> No.11917754

yep, it's the x220!

>> No.11917768
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Are you running Linux?

>> No.11917771
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v nice senpai. i have an x201

>> No.11917808

He calls my bf after he shits, so that's how I know.
>Son, I finally pooped today. You won't believe how many times I had to flush!

I just googled it, and it said that green or unripened bananas cause constipation, but fully ripe bananas don't and actually help you poop! This makes sense though, as I like to eat my bananas under ripe...

>> No.11917829
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>> No.11917930
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>> No.11917999

>4 eggs in tomato sauce and olive oil ~ 300 kcals
4 eggs = 280cal
what did you have a 20 calorie mixture of tomato sauce and olive oil?

>> No.11918064
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So are these threads filled with whales who want to be thin or full of skellingtons jacking each other off?

>> No.11918075
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>> No.11918146


>> No.11918152


>> No.11918162

now you're too nervous to eat

>> No.11918259

I ate 4000 calories for the third day in a row. What now? I feel like shit

>> No.11918300

Dude just stop eating

>> No.11918303
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/thinspo/ welcomes both those types and anyone in between.

>> No.11918322

this is /fa/, not /a/, stop posting

>> No.11918327

Trinken wasser

>> No.11918398

danke frof

>> No.11918477
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So ever since I lost 40 pounds 8 months ago WAY too quickly due to my body deciding to ravage itself for a reason still unknown to my multiple doctors, I am sitting at a weight of 126 lbs and a height of 5'7.5"

My general health has stabilized, but I am left with a lot of loose skin. What can I do to tone myself without gaining muscle mass? I've always wanted to be smaller and now that i've accidentally become small I don't want to lose that by getting sick gainz

>> No.11918482
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I wanted to share with you guys what has worked for me. This is the only thing I can stick to.

When I wake up I drink a cup of water or two, make a ton of coffee and vape.

I drink coffee and vape all day and I don't get the slightest bit hungry, I eat one meal a day at dinner time, but I'm not hungry. The caffeine and nicotine makes you despise food.

>> No.11918488

I drink coffee in the morning, Perrier in afternoon and look at tumblr (hamplanet central) whenever I feel an urge to eat. I'm too full from carbonation/ disgusted to eat

>> No.11918497

>2 liters of milk
>every night

Jesus fucking christ how aren't you shitting yourself all day are you in pain are you dying are you ok

>> No.11918521

I only have problems with milk early in the morning, oddly enough. Not a problem at all in the evening.

>> No.11918534
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probably because you're digestive system furiously worked all night trying to break down the lactose and honestly you probably aren't getting the best sleep you could get if you're drinking 2 liters of milk before bed.

Try going a night without your 2 liters of milk and if you feel decent, drink the 2 liters in the morning and see how you feel through out the day. you'll probably feel awful. Also excessive calcium = kidney stones, man. Kidney stones are awful. If you're staying with your nutritionally deficient Milk Man Diet Plan take a multivitamin if you aren't already and drink a lot of water with lemon juice. Enough lemon juice to the point where the water is tart but not sour. The lemon juice helps prevent the formation of stones.

Like honestly If you wanna do a liquid diet you should check out the powdered soylent. It's a decent meal replacement and has everything you need. Also if you cut out all food except the soylent, it is actually cheaper per month than Normie Food.

>> No.11918535

please ignore my grammatical mistakes I swear I'm only partially retarded

>> No.11918538

Boi shorts.

>> No.11918539

How does codine effect weight loss and diet? I just got my wisdom teeth out and will be on it for a while.

>> No.11918545

minimally because it's codeine unless you're taking a lot of it. Like while you're on it you may eat a little less due to having less of an apatite and forgetting to eat but it's not like you'll be on it for that long so maybe you'll accidentally lose a pound or two?

>> No.11918546

Go to /fit/ and read the sticky.

You can do any exercise and you'll get toned in the muscles you use. If you ever start thinking you're getting too big anywhere just stop trainning that area and it'll go away pretty fast.

It takes a lot of effort to get big.

>> No.11918553

Most of the loose skin is in my neck/face it's at the point where if I pull on it it looks like i'm taking off a mask

I'll ask them for advice tho

>> No.11918588

It won't affect your weight but do what you can to take it as little as possible.

>> No.11918631

Im afraid youre stuck with the loose skin, buddy.

>> No.11918635


>> No.11918835

>eat under TDEE
>gain weight
Pls be water weight
Why does this happen?

>> No.11918862

Probably water weight, don't worry.

>> No.11918865

Didn't want to trip, sorry.

>> No.11918876

I drink 5L a day so I hope so

>> No.11918877
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>drink too much coffee
>heart feels like a broken washing machine

>> No.11918881

>5L a day
Then its definitely that.

>> No.11918884

>implying that doesn't just get peed out and probably flushes her sodium
that is a lot of water though, I can barely do 3L

>> No.11918909

wow what an accurate description

>> No.11918930

This pretty much exactly what I do, though I tend to eat around 2pm.

>> No.11918948

i lost weight after i got mine out because i was scared to eat any solid foods for like a week after. my face was also noticeably thinner after.

>> No.11919047
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>just hit the gym bro
>find yourself someone to workout with
>just get your gf to workout with you ^^

>> No.11919087

so wait is this a pro anorexia thread or are you guys just trying to lose weight?

>> No.11919093

a little bit of both

>> No.11919096

which one are you?

>> No.11919097
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have you tried being less ugly?

>> No.11919098

It's half satire, half people actually trying to lose weight.

>> No.11919100

well I am cutting right now but I am mostly here to jerk off

>> No.11919107


>> No.11919110


she's very beautiful. is that your waifu or do you just like thin girls?

>> No.11919111

I personally use it to help me lose weight, especially during cutting season. The idea of wanting to look like a skeleton is retarded

>> No.11919112

and this could never exist on /fit/ I imagine. they are too big of spergs?

>> No.11919125
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I like thin girls

This is my Disney princess waifu

>> No.11919128
File: 22 KB, 318x480, spring2005parisrickowenjc0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a while ago i made a /proana/ general on fit for laughs. i think it was back when the board was still called health & fitness. some replies about it being anti-health and anti-fitness. i think one poster was into it though, he was just cutting though, not really aiming for the skeleton look. the thread died quick with few replies though.

>> No.11919129

ye I browse /fit/ this thread would never be able to exist there lmao

>> No.11919130

beautiful. i'm surprised how little thin girls are posted here though. seems to be mostly text.

>> No.11919134

Third binge day in a row for me and I should have been restricting because my birthday is soon;-;
Well, I'm just gonna go keto after it and it should be fine

>> No.11919138

I'm at maintenance but restricting just to prepare for the holidays.

>> No.11919142
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>> No.11919159

Tried to, had ubuttnutt for a while and tried debian, but I got lazy after college and switched back to Windows 7

>> No.11919171

how long did it take you to lose the first pounds? I am eating under 1400 for almost 10 days now but I haven't seen any changes in my weight yet

>> No.11919180

Go lower to 1200 id say

>> No.11919182
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I agree, you look great. I would suggest just staying where your at.

If you carry a water bottle with you everywhere you go, you'll definitely drink more during the day.

Fidgeting really helps tremendously with anxiety, and if you have a bottle with you that like, it's just inevitable that you'll drink quite a bit more.

It works well for me, at least.


>> No.11919184


Between four and six times a day, feels gud.

>> No.11919199


>> No.11919256

I cant seem to go much further below 125lb, I know I could eat less but I feel like eating any less is going to make me feel a whole lot shittier and I will just go back to sleeping all day. What do I do? are there foods that are high energy but also low calorie? rn I just eat whatever so Im sure theres improvments to be made

>> No.11919311

I poop every 1.5-2 weeks. I used to go every 2-3 days. I'm glad I poop only twice a month now, because it's always extremely painful. I get abdominal pain, my balls hurt, constipated, and sometimes diarrhea.

>> No.11919350

do you drink coffee and a lot of water anon?
one thing that always works for me is peppermint tea, or any kind of mint tea for that matter. it's a natural diuretic

>> No.11919380


Not shitting for 2 weeks would literally kill you, I think.

So hopefully you're only kidding.

Either way, buy some orange flavored Metamucil at the grocery store, and drink one or two tablespoons with water each night.

Honestly, daily Metamucil seriously improves one's quality of life. Might sound strange, but it's true.

>> No.11919672


many opiate addicts go months without shitting