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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 42 KB, 794x1024, asdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11913806 No.11913806 [Reply] [Original]


who else /vandy/ here?

>> No.11913952
File: 312 KB, 1365x1024, Rutgers_Scarlet_Knights.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chief Kenneth Cop, guide my weary soul.

>> No.11913973
File: 173 KB, 2370x927, Creighton_University_Logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Creighton here

>> No.11913978
File: 124 KB, 609x608, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure if it's the seasonal depression or the crucifixes but i wanna go home now

>> No.11914777

Anyone in Columbia?

>> No.11914787
File: 7 KB, 507x200, CarletonWide_K_186.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11914798
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Went here for a few

>> No.11914821
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>> No.11914829
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Any /fa/ggies

>> No.11914895
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Also anyone at Tulane? pls

>> No.11914927
File: 31 KB, 512x512, New_York_University_Logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want to kill myself

>> No.11914934
File: 46 KB, 512x512, calart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who cal art!

>> No.11915252
File: 7 KB, 312x348, Shield.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best ivy checking in

>> No.11915261

respect on the cal arts. What are you studying?>>11915252
how do you like it there? /fa/ scene heavy or is it just a buncha preppy fucks

stern or gtfo

>> No.11915265
File: 12 KB, 200x200, CSUC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

end my life

>> No.11915266

pretty run of the mill in terms of fashion desu - very few truly /fa/ fits, some inoffensive ivy prep/menswear. 85% of the engineers are unsurprisingly poorly dressed. Campus is beautiful this time of the year though.

>> No.11915289
File: 126 KB, 640x480, teams%2F161%2Fiona-college-logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm back

>> No.11915317

Fuck why is davis such a shithole UC.

>> No.11915323

At least it's not Riverside

>> No.11915326

who /cornell/ here

>> No.11915328

You mean Merced, but Davis is the epitome of college city life.

>> No.11915371

groovie uv where fashion goes to die

>> No.11915436

I'm applying to ivy's in december, wish me luck

>> No.11915449

at least not UCI, where chinese outnumber every other minority 230:1

>> No.11915452

who /applyingtocolleges/ here?

>> No.11915462

sup bro,

>> No.11915632

pleb tier

>> No.11915634
File: 113 KB, 600x600, coolerthanu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone /harvardschoolofart/ here?

>> No.11915639

Imagine if universities didn't have quotas... 90% Asian population for sure.

>> No.11915640

yup. Just sent in Columbia ED app and really hoping it works out.

UW, Boston College, Northeastern
Berkley, Wesleyan, Wash U, Tufts
Columbia, Brown, Penn, Northwestern, Yale

>> No.11915707

I have a 2.5 gpa and a 25 ACT
probably Montclair state university

>> No.11915792

>who /underageb&/ here?

>> No.11916283
File: 124 KB, 932x780, UTaSkKO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if I can get into Princeton so can you senpai best of luck to all my /fa/ bros out there

Pic related

>> No.11916288

you realize that a good portion of seniors are 18?

>> No.11916298
File: 46 KB, 1136x1124, SDUlogo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11916359

patagonia & bean boots fml

>> No.11916371

>tfw super comfy school in shit tier state

>> No.11916386


>> No.11916544

is your gpa actually your average? if your last two years of HS were good just apply to canadian universities, i had a 2.7gpa but got into a top Canadian

>> No.11916552
File: 52 KB, 296x408, ku_co_dk_v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>attending a 3rd rate university

>> No.11916567

Probably expensive as shit
And 2.5 is average for community college
My ACT is kind of high for okay state schools

>> No.11916573

canadian uni's are the same as in state

tuition for me is around 10,000$(CNd)

>> No.11916574
File: 41 KB, 300x300, Uppsala_Universitet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11916614

Where are you from originally and what school do you go to?

>> No.11916620

How's the school? Was thinking of transferring

>> No.11916621

from USA going to Queen's University. not the top uni I was talking about, also got into uVic(rank 4 or something) but decided on Queen's instead.

i pay like 5.5k for fall and 4.5k for winter

doesn't include living expenses or textbooks but you can live cheap

>> No.11916632
File: 27 KB, 561x300, Vrije_Universiteit_Amsterdam.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11916638
File: 151 KB, 500x375, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear every asian kid here seems to have a pair of rick runners or some shit

>> No.11916689

Do you know how university of Toronto would rank in comparison to us schools?
I know Canada is really similar to the US but I'm not looking forward to a huge culture shock

>> No.11916697

who /dublin/ here

>> No.11916713

University of Toronto is really highly rated, 34 in the world. Brown is 49. Duke is 29. I think if you go to U of T you will be served well.
It's definitely top 3 in Canada. I think it might be #1 or 2...
As for culture, Toronto is basically Canada's New York. It's the fashion capital and where almost everyone at my school goes to when they want to get out of Kingston.
It's left-wing, the biggest culture shock you're going to get is the price of cereal being $2 more

>> No.11916734

don't come to uoft for undergrad

>> No.11916749

Damn that sounds nice
Is it hard to get into?

>> No.11916816
File: 334 KB, 400x400, victoria.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well yeah
if your grades are good do UofT, McGill, UBC
if your grades are okay-to-bad you're better off applying either to the two i've mentioned, Queen's/University of Victoria, or staying in the US.
Queen's has a shitload of locations abroad so if you want to go to school in England or Germany or wherever it's a good option. It's also a party hard/study hard uni. the main location is Kingston, which is a shithole that has one street and one mall. lot of crack head locals but you're probably only going to see college students
only know UVIC because I've stayed in Victoria a few times... it's a lovely city, basically just rich old Canadians and uni students live there. You can take day trips to Vancouver easily. also has a downtown district and is pretty affluent, many stores etc

>> No.11916821

wrong pic
thats def not victoria

>> No.11916869

how much weed do u smoke?

>> No.11916873
File: 12 KB, 300x150, wit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WIT here. Pretty much everyone is autistic and/or a design major. The MassArt kids are pretty cool though.

>> No.11916878

How do you like cph? starting there this winter

>> No.11916966

where are you now?

>> No.11917362

A shitty no-name community college

>> No.11917379

>tfw 36 but still going to a state school

>> No.11917411
File: 45 KB, 831x787, TEAM74393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MSU here. I live in the residential arts college building but I'm a business major. KILL ME

>> No.11917419

UCM here. I like it. I was originally going to be here then transfer out to another UC or CSU but the school really grows on you and I decided to stay. I'm happy with my decision :^)

>> No.11917426

What to wear with wool pants to not look like an absolute tryhard tosser? Casual shoes? Sweater? I have a pair of captoe black derbies, but they're a little too dressy.

>> No.11917497

Like 3

>> No.11917571

Sam Hyde?

>> No.11917596

wrong thread but depends on the cut. im assuming yours are slimmer, and captoe derbies could probably be paired with a tucked in white t-shirt and an overshirt if that's your style. otherwise, yeah kinda dress them down.

>> No.11917601


Probably needed to be more descriptive here. Whoops.
>100% wool trousers
>not flecked
>Grey colours
Thrifted three pairs for <10$
Not sure how to wear it on campus, without looking like an academic.

>> No.11917602

Montclair state?

>> No.11917614

hmm. pleated makes them a lot more dressy, but i think my points still stand. what's the rise on them (how high do they come up) and what's their hem like?

>> No.11917644


I think I solved my own question after thinking about it. The answer is more sweaters. Thriftstore had already been robbed of them all. Black friday sales can't come fast enough.

>> No.11917655

Michigan State

>> No.11917696
File: 60 KB, 1248x949, IMG_20161013_212631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently looking to transfer out of a community college in NJ, any northern or out west colleges that i should look at?

>> No.11917700

Lots of friends there, opinion on the school?

>> No.11917704

get on my level

>> No.11917708

and yet, nobody wants you here! haha, fuck off, embryos!

>> No.11917727

Nice campus with good educational standards but it's a commuter school
No sense of community
Zero party scene
People are only here for a degree and nothing else
All my freinds moved out too so I'm lonely all the time
I haven't hung out with anyone or had fun in 2 years

>> No.11917736

>tfw engineering school and trying to break teh stereotype
Michigan Tech University

>> No.11917757
File: 34 KB, 1468x715, IMG_4976.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to go to Tulane but my dads a Texas born veteran so I get my tuition paid for under the Hazlewood Act

>> No.11917767

>Boston College

>> No.11918332
File: 185 KB, 1680x701, 63d1fd8ca4d9b0479e3f3de729182b44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Senior at Williams. Socially it's desperate but I was able to do a year abroad at Oxford and the tutorials are rad as fuck. I am hoping to get into the joint JD/MBA program at Harvard, my LSATs were pretty good at 175 and my GPA is strong as well (so long as I don't fuck around next term) so I think I have a genuinely good chance. I'm applying to a range of grad schools though so we'll see.

However, I'm totally unsure what I want to do with my life.

>> No.11918446

if you weren't raised in a religious household it's a little bit of a culture shock kinda deal but the academics are great so why not
i'm white trash to the core and didnt know what the fuck catholicism was about so i'm having a rough time adjusting but you'll be okay

>> No.11918449

rip wish i could transfer

>> No.11919033

also trying to transfer out
I'm in my first year of CC and I can't stand it
How do I transfer as soon as possible

>> No.11919080

what r u studying @ risd.

>> No.11919220

Holy shit bro, I think I know you, Williamstown rep

>> No.11919265

>However, I'm totally unsure what I want to do with my life.
liberal arts education in a nutshell

>> No.11919267

freshman cas here, it's getting chilly

>> No.11919314
File: 275 KB, 1024x1024, 1443122940161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw least effay school

>> No.11919318
File: 42 KB, 500x321, umdterps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any other terps here? Why do we pretend we're a good school?

>> No.11919332

all my friends were, and i would have been too if they threw me more scholarship money. it is a good school...depending what your major is

>> No.11919341
File: 42 KB, 500x500, effay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11919347

Anyone Sheffield here?

>> No.11919366

What's it like there?

>> No.11919397
File: 53 KB, 1024x274, UniOfLeicesterLogo.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starting here next summer.

>> No.11919726

Depends what you're into. Amazing nightlife (see Hope Works and The Night Kitchen) and SU. Brilliant if you're into techno, bassline etc. Easy to get to other cities like Manchester for other gigs. Close to the outdoors and great for rock climbing. I think i made the right choice going

>> No.11919916

I about to pull the trigger myself anon

>> No.11919970

what's the most /fa/ school in canada?

>> No.11919987

Sup, where do you live? WC sophomore here. I thought it was finally going to get cold after sunday night but nope.

>> No.11919990

fuck u

>> No.11920082

What if you're not into techno, bassline etc

>> No.11920101
File: 26 KB, 500x382, rspr7EJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why, lad?

>> No.11920102
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Is the tribe /fa/?

>> No.11920106

what is it with you BC kids and thinking your school is difficult to get into?

>> No.11920109
File: 100 KB, 246x376, UVic_vert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not effay at all

>> No.11920135

what year and where do you live? im a freshman on upper

>> No.11920139
File: 39 KB, 327x366, NU Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Northwestern 1st year
Hate it

>> No.11920146

Was looking at this school to transfer to from community. Should i just blank it from my mind? (Comp sci major rn)

>> No.11920168


Visit first. Some people like it
If you're gonna be in mccormick for CS it's going to be even more difficult than you expect probably. Weinberg CS is less challenging.

It's just not for me yet, but it's a well regarded school. IMO cs is more about individual achievement than name brand.

Take what I say with a grain of salt

>> No.11920207

What specifically don't you like?

>> No.11920227


Honestly can't say it's about the school but more about how I feel here. But the academics are overwhelming to me, although I'm taking a pretty rigorous courseload. There is a very suburban/upper class attitude it feels like. The campus is dead silent. The only things going on are frat parties on weekends, but they are pretty shitty compared to the parties where I am from.

I'm not sure. I'm just not really enjoying anything here except getting drunk with my semi-friends on the weekends or smoking up after classes on Friday.

It could be because I'm not interested in the subjects I'm taking or it could be the school, or it could just be me.

>> No.11920269
File: 55 KB, 500x473, oshitoshitoshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just applied early decision yesterday
advice, anon?

>> No.11920280


Make a thread if you get in I'll hook you up with all the cool shit lol

>> No.11920412
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whose house?

>> No.11920441

maybe going there next year

>> No.11920475
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>> No.11920490
File: 13 KB, 350x285, unclogo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Preppiest Uni I've ever attended. (I've attended 4 different universities)

90% of the campus dresses frat.core and sorostitue.core
5% are shlempy comp sci kid core
5% are (((ART KID))))core / (((URBAN OUTFITTERS)))core

so fucking boring

though there is this one 6'7 or 6'8 slenderfu goddess who dresses in all black everyday and it's inspiring tbqh. I see her lurching through the crowds of undergrads, looming above the peasants, like the big friendly giant or some sort of female slenderman abomination

For my ctrl+f bros: UNC , Chapel Hill, Carolina ,

>> No.11920496
File: 14 KB, 512x512, Dxj_fOZo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oakland University here.
MSU is for try-hards and douche bags. They have a great agricultural college tho.

>> No.11920566

Texas we out here
Not the same anon but I live in a co-op in WC

>> No.11920618
File: 35 KB, 300x225, msu_michigan_state_logo_sports_wilx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using the shitty logo
In college of ag, I have embraced the carrhart

>> No.11920627
File: 124 KB, 620x380, Scholarshipcare1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In jersey looking to transfer here probably, my academics are pretty eh but ive had a comp sci internship in NYC for awhile so i think its possible.

Is TU effay?

>> No.11920843

whew. there it is

>> No.11920858

> IMO cs is more about individual achievement than name brand.
So true. It certainly helps to go to top tier universities for connections, but kids just need to work on personal projects and apply for internships. That's how it's done.

>> No.11921023
File: 24 KB, 263x227, logo-universidad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11921045

sophomore in cas; physics, you?

>> No.11921046

also undergrad is suffering there

>> No.11921050

How is UBC

>> No.11921064
File: 61 KB, 660x660, 01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11921067

This. DON'T come here for undergrad

>> No.11921072
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>> No.11921132
File: 46 KB, 368x182, AS-267479878701056@1440783580862_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11921145

Most fa college in Manila, cause ateneo isfull of retards

>> No.11921148

Undergrad at Clemson. Graduate at Colorado School of Mines. It's aight.

>> No.11921248

explain? u of t on paper seems very good

>> No.11921268

i went to vandy & graduated. still on /fa/ though. aint that somethin

>> No.11921310

vandy alum checking in this is wild

>> No.11921352
File: 46 KB, 626x301, pennstate1855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3rd year. I don't like my major and I don't know any alternatives.
I'm miserable and hate life.

Penn state is alright though.

>> No.11921355
File: 104 KB, 2000x1378, 2000px-University_of_Washington_Block_W_logo.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11921356
File: 9 KB, 225x225, Connecticut_College_174061.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have some friends there and at UHart but I'm enjoying my time by the coast.

>> No.11921388

What year and program are you in?

>> No.11921401
File: 28 KB, 365x293, 3d3588eaba0990b80bad1c54360983c6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who here

>> No.11921410

caldwell in nj

>> No.11921412
File: 57 KB, 1000x250, cornell-university-logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else /Plantations/

>> No.11921508

>Zero party scene
Nigger what the fuck are you talking about. I go to MSU, and there's a yuuge party scene

>> No.11921510
File: 18 KB, 350x280, goldy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

average midwest fashion
lot of tryhard /fa/ dweebs with no personality


>> No.11921560

which ones are the good ones?

>> No.11921580

>full of boring fobs
>weak nightlife
>sjw heaven
>sometimes unnecessarily difficult
>high ranking only exists because plenty of funding for research which is irrelevant outside of postgrad

>> No.11921595

Nice, I grew up in the UP. I love it up there.

>> No.11921607

I went to the University of Illinois at Chicago. Not an effay school. Loads of fucking morons, but if you know how to network you can actually get a great education. Too bad most people just float by doing as little work as possible.

>> No.11921713

Biology 2nd year m8

>> No.11921716

Come to LB

>> No.11921721
File: 484 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-11-02-17-16-54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this acceptable to wear? i showed it to my friends and they all laughed at me saying the sleeves were too bright. What does /fa/ think?

>> No.11921760

actually how. NOT GONNA MAKE IT.

>> No.11921764
File: 85 KB, 2000x930, Boston University.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who bu here

>> No.11921769

ayyyy what year are you anon?

>> No.11921771


>> No.11921774

senior, you?

>> No.11921776

I'm a freshman

>> No.11921820

lol me too actually. i'm in the second smallest building after shaw house

>> No.11921838

Are you in the hopeless CS route?

>> No.11921854

Lol get ready to get fucked boyos. Senior here, only gets worse when winter starts.

>> No.11922092

Montclair state has no party scene
If there is one it's really small
It's a fucking commuter school.
I have no clue wtf ur talking about

>> No.11922095

>Most seamless homie

>> No.11922115

wtf does this mean

>> No.11922594
File: 101 KB, 440x372, Screen Shot 2016-11-02 at 12.21.59 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do not like

>> No.11922598

Opinion on lax team?

>> No.11922599

I didn't know that Domino's Pizza opened their own college.

>> No.11922601

I don't pay attention to the athletics
It's D3 so there's no point

>> No.11922606

probably so we can ignore the problem about how the school only cares about atheltics

>> No.11922607
File: 6 KB, 330x130, falmouth-university-logo-print.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big up the uk
falmouth is full of typical art students

>> No.11922631
File: 55 KB, 600x600, IMG_5828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing but Jews, gays, and Asians here

>> No.11922639
File: 32 KB, 1148x468, pict_UniversiteitvanAmsterdam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Watch out, Amsterdam's superior uni cumming in your girlfriend.

>> No.11922642

Anyone has any reccomendations for west coast colleges that dont suck with comp sci programs? On the east coast and want to go to the other side

>> No.11922658


>> No.11922666

UW Seattle and UC Berkeley are the most obvious choices, but comp sci programs are all abut personal achievements. I go to an underwhelming uni in a rural area and most, if not all, of the graduating seniors have a job lined up before graduation. You are fine.

>> No.11922669

>palen in deze draad
je lijkt wel van de VU

>> No.11922759

i applied here for spring is it really that bad?

>> No.11922967

does not have carl sagan or bill nye

>> No.11923108

Then kys
But there is the leadmill that gets a few names in, There's lots of other clubs if you just want to get pissed, but I'm not about that

>> No.11923207

Applied to Northeastern not too long ago and I'm waiting on their decision rn. I'll be applying to BU also desu. How's Boston my guy?

>> No.11923217

Fellow Emoroid here. What year are you?

>> No.11923335

yeah that's about right

>> No.11923560

lol it's the oldest college in the country so

>> No.11923602

nigga what?

>> No.11923833

Same, engineering freshman. Did you get into any parties on Halloween?

>> No.11923970


>> No.11923981

3.3 gpa with 2110 sats bc im a lazy fuck.
Hoping for the best I would really like to go to school in NYC.

>> No.11923987

weak nightlife???? it's toronto though

>> No.11924017
File: 55 KB, 400x400, IMG_2307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11924021


>> No.11924088

>Harvard School o' Fart

>> No.11924228

ICC or college houses

>> No.11924233
File: 85 KB, 240x240, CSU_Stanislaus_Seal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


whaddup senpai? i used to live in merced but im now in stockton.

>> No.11924250


>> No.11924273
File: 71 KB, 1280x540, UniOfManchesterLogo.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11924277

i mean among the students senpai

>> No.11924287

so which one are you? Jew? Asian? Faggot?

>> No.11924294
File: 18 KB, 515x340, Ou-Logo-In-Box1_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>40k a year for this
If my application to live in the residential colleges doesn't get approved, I'm transferring to a Texas school. Fuck out of state tuition.

>> No.11924496

I applied here but ended up at mtsu instead. Kill me familia

>> No.11924556


>> No.11924559

>UW Seattle
it's pretty hard to get into CS here btw

>> No.11924572
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>> No.11924579
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>harvard school of art
>implying you just didn't get into cooper union

>> No.11924681

Just got accepted to UT Austin and Tulane this week, still waiting on Trinity, Baylor, and A&M
>2200 sat, 4.0 gpa, asian (lol rip)

Out of these 5 which should I go to

>> No.11924687

lmaoo medeiro's? im claver 2 let's meet up

>> No.11924691

sucks to BU hehe

>> No.11924707

>comparing one memeschool with another

>> No.11924712

Austin for sure 100%.
My chinese valedictorian in high school got rejected from UC Berkeley, but this random Native American girl from our HS got in with the same major lel.
>tfw your accomplishments means nothing

>> No.11924715

i am one

>> No.11924728
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>> No.11924745

oh shit, what year? soph here

>> No.11924752
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Literally the most un-/fa/ place where I have ever been. It is painful, coming from Milan and Paris.

>> No.11925129

I wanna go to to Montclair but I understand it's a commuter school
Whats the party scene like?

>> No.11925193
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Weabs unite!

>> No.11925547

>implying i want to go to a school with four other people

>> No.11925653
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>> No.11925801

These guys are saying its shit

Meanwhile i go up to visit my friends house there and every party has mad heads. Like floor bending ans i cant move through this room levels of people.

I guess its who you know

>> No.11925831

This is Montclair state in North Jersey your talking about right?
There's barely anyone living on campus

>> No.11925836

Yea hahaha, im from central NJ. It is a commuter school but people do live around campus.

>> No.11925854

Wow I always thought it was a go to class than go home type of school
How do into these parties when I start there next year

>> No.11925863
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AY , savannah or atlanta?
/poorboi/ @ ga southern

>> No.11925882

Austin's currently my number one rn, but how is Trinity? i like the small private, liberal arts atmosphere but austin is a better city and cheaper

and lol at the native girl, I really wish AA didn't discriminate against asians

>> No.11925902
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>> No.11925903

what year/dorm

>> No.11925955
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Italian fag here

>> No.11925959

I guess just dont be a NARP

>> No.11925982

Does anyone here go to ramapo college in NJ

>> No.11926000


acorn looks like tiny cock

>> No.11926022

But I don't play sports

>> No.11926023
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I'd be a little surprised to find a fellow Nole on here..

>> No.11926104

Im not really sure anon, some of the frat guys seemed cool. Personally not about that life, i also dont go there haha. I go there to get wasted though.

>> No.11926134

medill x mccormick junior here, everyone dresses like a fucking potato.

>> No.11926142

Eyyy we are

>> No.11926226

Well if I can't find my way into these parties I'm.gonna have no social life since all.my freinds are moving out

>> No.11926712

what campus?

>> No.11926747
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>Go to uiuc
>Get shot

>> No.11926827
File: 22 KB, 350x178, UAlbany.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone? Mostly a lot of /fa/ rich foreign exchange Asians

>> No.11926844

Kill me

>> No.11927406

Are you going to stern? Do you have a scholarship?

If no to both, get ready to get cucked

>> No.11927433
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How is Trinity University in san Antonio? Thinking of going here, sent in my app

>> No.11927450
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ayye waddup

>> No.11927457

soph as well

>> No.11927460
File: 12 KB, 200x200, Official_Stony_Brook_University_seal_-_no_background[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Albany please go

>> No.11927471

hey, i remember you posted in the last thread

i go to trinity but i'll never meet up with you because you can't avoid anyone here if things go bad, there's only 2,000 people

what do you want to know about it?

>> No.11927491

are you noah shniderman

>> No.11927499

Oh dang yeah I am the same person, didn't expect you to come back here haha, on a chance note are your initials SS?

1) do you like the school? Like with no bs or flowery language is Trinity worth going to over UT Austin, which is my backup?
2) I'm more of a nerdy introvert, quiet, friendly, and shy, but I can make friends. do people like me fit well there? Not having a social life or friends is low key one of my biggest fears
3) How large is the lgbt population? How are lgbt people treated there?
4) I qualify for the 24k/year scholarship, is Trinity still worth? I applied as a bio major
5) What do you like and dislike most about the school?
6) How hard is college in actuality? I'm a decent student (2200 sat, 4.0 GPA, lots of EC's, good work ethic) but I'm not naturally smart since I have to work hard. I still hear that college is hard af and stressful so I'm worried
7) What made you pick Trinity over other schools?

>> No.11927536

jesus that name is sending my jewdar off the charts

>> No.11927556

nah, but i know 2... they from your school or /fa/?

1.) UT austin is ranked higher for academics. if you want that primarily, go to UT. if you want a party uni with a big social scene, go to UT. if only ranking isn't important come here, it's still an amazing school...the best part about trinity is the small class size. it's as good as the brochures say, desu. if you take a big class like intro bio you'll be in a lecture hall but it'll be 50 kids instead of 300. social scene is ok, but smaller. campus is beautiful. i don't regret coming here, but i would've gone to UT austin if i'd gotten accepted.

2.) yes, you'll do great. if you're reading college reviews as desperately as i did, you'll see people write about trinity having "the weird smart kids in high school". we have some spergs, a lot of frat/sorority types, but a lot of smart, weird funny people. and freshman are desperate for friends. take advantage of orientation, people will come up to you and introduce themselves because they all have the same fear of being alone.

3.) lots of lgbt, but the club is run like shit. they focus on clubbing and bullshit "issues" like blaming straight people for Orlando. it's not like my high school lgbt club which is a bit sad because trinity has such a small, cozy feel in everything else. hopefully getting new leadership.

4.) there are no quotas for each major. you declare your major sophomore year, so that won't affect if you get accepted or not. bio program is great. if you've been on the tours you've seen the CSI building. there's a pre-med advisory program which has a senior guiding you through for questions/what classes to take. i'd say UT if you get accepted to their bio program though, just because that will have more reach than trinity. our strongest departments are CS and business for job placement.


>> No.11927569

So many people from NJ here yet everyone I've ever seen from here dresses like shit. Why has looking decent not caught on yet

>> No.11927573

5.) like: small classes and communication with professor, pretty campus that doesn't make you feel like you're living in a concentration camp, dorms aren't shit-tier like UT austin, cafeteria is p good, seeing people you know every day, student club selection, administration responds quickly. dislike: nothing within walking distance, minimart jacks up the prices, laundry is 1.25 just to wash.

6.) college work is harder, but condensed. i prefer it to 8 hours/day of high school and busywork homework. if you have a good work ethic you have nothing to worry about. take 15 credits - 12 is the minimum but that's not good to keep you on track to graduate. (be sure to read the major requirements on the website so you know what classes you need each semester for a bio major). you'll write a lot, so that skill is more important than it was in high school.

7.) i got into trinity, UT offshoots and texas state. i picked trinity because i need a small campus and the small classes. some people can find their friend groups and ignore their bad surroundings and never talking to a professor...but i can't. i struggle to think of bad things about the school. i guess in summary, if you can pick up friends easy and want that hardcore academic go to UT, if you want nice environment and still gr8 one-on-one education come to trinity.

>> No.11927587

Thank you so much for the reply, it's really helpful! Trinity's just so small I can't really go around asking people specific questions, but you're here and ty again! they went to my high school and I don't think they're /fa/ lol

Sounds like a good match for me, esp with small class sizes and the "weird smart kids in high school" thing. Right now I'm 60% leaning towards trinity and 40% to UT, i just got accepted yesterday under auto admit. And if the bio program's good, that's great bc I'm aiming for med school after graduation.

Lots of people in my school including people I dislike are going to UT, and just being on 4chan reveals I am intimidated by the kind of popular, social, outgoing kids UT attracts. I'm gonna screenshot this info, tysm!

>> No.11927595

no problem, gl with everything :D

>> No.11927622

desu didnt even apply to Stony lol

>> No.11927641

I'm only here for scholarship. I actually don't give a shit about rivalries I'd rather just be back home on the west coast

>> No.11927693

same...im also out of state but i got a really good scholarship i wish i didnt go here lol

>> No.11927699
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>> No.11927895

of course the first year posts a pepe and acknowledges/perpetuates the harvard of art meme
i bet you want to major in illustration, too

>> No.11927896

is this the nobu i think it is

>> No.11927925


>> No.11928086

Looks like one of those Jackets they give you in grade 6 with everyone's name on the back.

>> No.11928614

who am i?

>> No.11928617

Anyone in South Jersey here?

>> No.11928622

My mom went there back in the 80's. Was shocked to see the surrounding town was relatively unchanged.

>> No.11928632
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>> No.11928683

your university looks like a Ghost w/ a top hat and a penis

>> No.11928687

Hvilket studie, brormand? Juralort her

>> No.11928715



>> No.11928739

ya blew it

how's post-vandy life? did you get a dece job? what major/career path were you?

thanks, dawg.

>> No.11928779

Im on the shore lol

>> No.11928803
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anyone go to edinburgh?

>> No.11928805


>> No.11929144

you guys seem cool, don't go to classes tomorrow.

>> No.11929224

like id want to meet anyone on this board.

still reppin

>> No.11929258


>> No.11929265

way ahead of u, nigger

>> No.11929304
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>> No.11929312

Going there in the spring.

>> No.11929320

I lived in Turin for a while and had friends in Milan. Turin is an objectively better city.

>> No.11929406
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>> No.11929753

You smaht