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11911614 No.11911614 [Reply] [Original]

Is this 11yo fa?

srsly, i am an grown ass adult and i feel like a retarded nigger listening to him talk, reason and whatnot.

Please tell me he is just an actor reading lines written for him?

Where does a child get all this life experience, depth he displays, maturity, knowledge of culture, of life?

>> No.11911622

What were you like when YOU were 11 years old?

This fucking child makes me wanna suicide worse then ususal


>> No.11911630
File: 17 KB, 300x230, sad frog limp old.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11911631


I'm pretty sure she has growth disorder or soe shit. I heard Pyro mentioned it in a private DM with LTCorbis.

>> No.11911645

I'm a nihilist, but this is what happens when you raise a girl under an atheistic perspective especially at such a young age

Her parents fucked up

>> No.11911667

whats the deal with the fingernails

>> No.11911753

This is so fucked up.

>> No.11912027

Him or her... Im confused

>> No.11912166
File: 108 KB, 357x368, 1475549534071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>constant indoctrination by the internet since a young baby
>access to 4chan and reddit
>raised under new age young millennial parents

That's how shit like this happens. I'm scared for the future of children, the internet was a mistake.

>> No.11912197

How is she more entertaining than iDubbbz when she's like a quarter of his age?

>> No.11912206

as much as you may be inclined with her opinions you cant deny the fact that this or more or less the atheistic equivalent of christian brainwashing
its sad dude

>> No.11912210

She is such an articulate child, I want to be her dad

>> No.11912257


>> No.11912347

She's right