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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 3.24 MB, 3444x2117, 20161026_082149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11900864 No.11900864 [Reply] [Original]

how does /fa/ habitate

just did this to my bed by putting the spare foldup mattress on a platform of overturned shelf and planks

>> No.11900885
File: 410 KB, 1404x1377, KoreanSchoolgirls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't stand gooks tbqh. Your docile attitude doesn't fool me. I'm sick of you fucking slanty eyed fuck invading my cozy neighborhood, gtfo my area you fucking gooks!

>> No.11900906
File: 65 KB, 634x478, 27005C0700000578-3012509-image-a-9_1427358584535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dogs pattern on a gook's bedding

>> No.11900935

I'm white in a gook neighborhood actually

>> No.11901852


do you live in a mental hospital? because your room looks like a room in a mental hsopital

t. someone who has stayed in a mental hospital

>> No.11901860

Why are their faces all so big

>> No.11901863


you mad your lazy p.o.s kid won't be able to coast into graduating salutatorian and will have to attend a state school?

>> No.11902702


I'm Jewish. gtfo my cozy Jewish neighborhood , cunt eyes

>> No.11902712

What's up with the h8 speech feller?

This is a really weird bedding setup you've got desu

>> No.11902714


if you're jewish and in a jewish neighborhood, lemme ask you: who do you think is selling the real estate to us?

isn't it against the codes of the torah to sell land to gentiles? so what are you mad at me for? i'm just doing the smart thing and buying up the land.

>> No.11902720
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I hate everything about it. I sleep on the side that's right up against the wall so I have to climb over the frame to get out of bed in the morning. inb4 sheet hate, ugly color but goddamn they're soft. And that blanket is disgusting but he won't let me replace it.

The cat's name is Watson, by the way.

>> No.11902726


are one or both of you actually native american? or do you just like to stomp all over the religious practices of people who were forcibly removed from the very land on which you sleep every night?

>> No.11902730

You're jewish you fucking autist. Coming to 4chan to bitch about cultural appropriation is probably the most retarded thing I've ever seen someone do.
>and I've been here for 11 years

>> No.11902732

I have nightmares as part of a medical condition, you fucking dick. My mom made it for me when I was a kid to make me feel better. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.11902734


>he's been on 4chan for 11 years

you just #rekt yourself m8

>> No.11902737


i'm sorry to hear about your medical condition, but i'm not sure what that has to do with anything. did the doctor write a prescription for mocking the sacred items of another culture?

>> No.11902741

>uses the dreamcatcher for its literal intended purpose respectfully
>:omg stop trapmln. on. the. P.o.C.sss!!!!1!!!"

>> No.11902742
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>> No.11902755



respect for another culture necessitates permission or invitation.

>> No.11902768

nope, nice segregationist viewpoint ya fake woke dingus

>> No.11902770


>contradiction followed by ad hominem

come back when you have a meaningful counterpoint

>> No.11902777

>muh cultural appropriation
>muh white guilt
Fuck off back to tumblr. Sick of SJWs. It's not like he slaughtered a whole Navajo tribe to get a dreamcatcher, so whats the big deal.

>> No.11902790
File: 145 KB, 825x540, 4L_WmjV9pX9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shoah yourself

>> No.11902795


you can't see how it's disrespectful and in bad taste to make or use knockoffs of cultural items from a group of peoples who were murdered en masse so that your current country could exist?

>> No.11902804


nope, maintaining culture divides in an effort to remain "respectful" when you're really just regurgitating cultural appropriation rhetoric is segregating cultures. name one reason why an informed appreciation of another's culture is a bad thing.

>> No.11902835


you're begging the question by equating the use of the item in question with "informed appreciation"

if you truly respect a culture, then you wouldn't use its symbols out of context or without authorization. maybe we have different definitions of respect, but respect to me doesn't mean you get to just do whatever you want. if you were in somebody else's house, you wouldn't just act however you wanted if you respected them. you would ask permission and follow their lead, no?

would you think it was respectful if non-jewish german citizens started wearing the star of david or getting serial numbers tattooed on their forearms?

>> No.11902888
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>cultural appropriation

Are you srsly pushing this shit? gtfo

>> No.11903194

All of my shekels says he's the jew poster.

>> No.11903897

as a non jewish german i have to ask if you are actually retarded. or is this some next level bait?
seriously kys

>> No.11905963

Dream catchers don't work anyway. Nobody cares if you're offended. Fuck off, faggot.

>> No.11905968

Does the dream catcher actually work? What does it do again

>> No.11905972

How is hanging a dream catcher "stomping all over their religious practices"

>> No.11905982

Not an argument.

>> No.11905989
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View from the bachelor pad

>> No.11905991

who cares

>> No.11905992

Tunnistettu ja huutista :D

>> No.11905995

Are you? Or do you just like getting offended on the behalf of other races?

Please shut your whore mouth. I can smell from how you write that you're not a native. Nobody likes a leftist cuck.


>> No.11905999

What up my seattle nigga. possible bvue

>> No.11906000


>> No.11906001

Yeah dt bellevue. Not lively at all (just housewives and asians)

>> No.11906007

Yo do you live by the meidenbauer or w/e? I always see hot ass bitches shopping in that area giving me the "my husband is gone for work all the time I need to fuck" eyes. It's a good area. no crime relative and very clean haha. How the hell you afford the rent? Just sacrificing?

>> No.11906014

ahah guys u still use a bed. start sleeping on the floor and you will be healthier.

>> No.11906018
File: 354 KB, 2446x1146, lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a low level systems engineer at a big software company

>> No.11906028
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>I always see hot ass bitches shopping in that area giving me the "my husband is gone for work all the time I need to fuck" eyes


>> No.11906033


do you liquidate your stock options?

>> No.11906039
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current setup

>> No.11906040

pretty gross and ordinary desu

>> No.11906043

Yeah I always sell as soon as they vest

>> No.11906062

Yea ok m8 move to the city. Housewives are thirsty af. They're know they getting older and they will fuck almost anything with a dick that takes a daily shower.

>> No.11906071

HOLY FUUUUUUUUÛCK.... LOWE LEVELE?!?! fuck my life.... 224k.... fuckkkkk.......... you realize you're in the top 1% of the world right?.... top .1% even.... fuck my life.. mind if I ask how old you are, job experience and educational credentials?

>> No.11906083

Do you have a social life, family, friends, do you get hot girlfriends and do fun things?

>> No.11906084

Nice fag catcher. I hope its working

>> No.11906085

"Low level" in the sense of "low level abstractions", not rank (although I am pretty young - mid-twenties)

>> No.11906090

hey whats wrong with it?

>> No.11906094

I'm not very social but I go out on weekends. Sadly, no GF ;__;

>> No.11906115

Damn.. at least you are a top .1% earner.... Money can definitely buy you happiness in the city and in the future. But me, I am 22 struggling to pay for basic living expenses going to a community college. At least I am getting top scores in class on every exam. Soon I won't be able to pay for tuition tho unless I join the armed forces, but its a toss up if they will let me in or not because I have crohns and am technically disabled. Crohns keeps me from work and regular social life and doing the best I can academically since I haven't responded to a single medication yet. How the hell can I get a job that pays like yours?!?

>> No.11906143

ok fine don't help me lol... I guess you don't want the competition I'm gonna bring to the table which is completely understandable at that tier of excellence..

>> No.11906206


shit all over the floor, shit just randomly strewn across all surfaces. that's pretty gross, it makes you look like a slob.

other than that, there's nothing really "wrong" with it, it's just pretty ordinary

>> No.11906228

the room of an upper middle class teenage asian girl living in either cali or vegas...

>> No.11906262

Tech salaries are insane so if you have any kind of affinity, I would pursue it. Tech workers with decent communication skills are also hard to come by so you'll be at a big advantage. I used to have constant anxiety attacks when I was your age and didn't imagine I would be here. Good luck <3

>> No.11906376

You sound autistic as fuck

>> No.11906419
File: 838 KB, 2560x1920, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here, i fixed it. better?
im not asian lmao, im an irish girl and i live nowhere near cali or vegas. i actually live in a flyover state. so yeah, you know nothing

>> No.11906438

Damn thanks.. I was going mech e but about to switch to nuclear e to join the navy and get standford tuition paid for. I am already accepted to UW and think I could make the trees... Idk though. good to have UW as a fallback for sure. So I should go pure comp sci?

>> No.11906442

So what if I am bitch I could still fuck your wife

>> No.11906445

uhmm it would be normal if you were what I described... but now... :/

nvm I'm being an ass. forget it

>> No.11906447


>> No.11906469

Did the doctor write you a prescription for (1) cock every morning for being such a huge faggot?

>> No.11906489


As an actual Native American, I think that you should fuck right off If we didn't want non-native people using them, we wouldn't make and sell them to whomever wants to buy one.

>> No.11906512

as an as an as an as an

>> No.11907202

Yes, get good CS fundamentals and then find a specialty (distributed systems, big data, etc)

>> No.11907313


As a white irish-american you are welcome to half my fire water, blankets and tobacco.

>> No.11907806

Wat city dis?

>> No.11907820

What's not-so-shitty but still cheap to live in area of Seattle? I'm in Portland moving up in February and I'm thinking Freemont.

>> No.11907826
File: 49 KB, 500x667, MEAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should also mention that I'm an entry level programmer hoping to eventually find work when my skills improve. Any tips?

(sorry for off topic here's some inspo to make up for it)

>> No.11907827

u district

>> No.11907840


>> No.11907871

are you actually samefagging and asking yourself questions just to be able to post the other picture of her room as 'proof'?? holy shit dude

>> No.11907901

No you couldn't, because I don't have one

>> No.11907913

Hello, can you please send me some BTC to pay for food and rent


>> No.11908076

Historically speaking, there are very few people who give a shit what you or your people think.

>> No.11908124

i got the same bears :3

>> No.11909117

They haven't had their cookie cutter facial surgeries yet.

>> No.11909151
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RIP in piss unsweet Prince.

>> No.11909177
File: 3.02 MB, 4032x3024, 20161028_215840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sai are gay I know

>> No.11909186
File: 296 KB, 1920x1080, hausinspo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Studio apartments with huge windows that take up the wall are best.

>Cubbyhole kitchen
>Perhaps false-wall to provide privacy to the bed

>> No.11909190

this jew is really pissing me the fuck off

>> No.11909193


Comfy room.

>> No.11909203

Honestly hope the site shutters. It won't tho. If anything he'll sell it on.

>> No.11909213

Where is this thread?

>> No.11909330


He's in his own house. He can use a dream catcher if he feels like it.

How is using a dream catcher to sleep peacefully out of context?

Who does he need authorization from?

Who in the world is being negatively affected by his use of a dream catcher?

What ethnicity are you? I'd bet good money you're a sheltered white boy and have no business discussing this shit.

>> No.11909336 [DELETED] 
File: 1.17 MB, 1920x2560, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rilakkuma is lovely, you have great taste anon :-)

>> No.11909340
File: 1.17 MB, 1920x2560, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rilakkuma is lovely, you have great taste anon :-)

>> No.11909347

>valet in front of hermes
fucking aristocrats, i swear

>> No.11909360

But it isn't going anywhere..?

>> No.11910186

yea its affluent af.. see lots of bentleys and shit out there when I walk by.

>> No.11910436
File: 1.02 MB, 1300x2438, The greenest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recently made alot of changes and I'm pretty happy with how it came out. Still after a new bed though

>> No.11910566

cute room, but hooking up 8- and 64-bit consoles to an HDTV isn't very effay

>> No.11910608

wtf this looks like a fucking minature doll house room

>> No.11910653

comfy af