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/fa/ - Fashion

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>> No.11905198
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If you want recs, provide as many criteria as possible: including sex, price range, seasons/weather, occasions, other frags/notes/accords you like/dislike, special conditions i.e. can easily be found in mall department stores, other ephemera i.e. personal style/aura you want to project, etc...

>> No.11905248

Male, 18, price range up to about 90 usd, looking for something for fall/winter. as for the mood, i created a moodboard with some pics on my computer to explain my taste http://www.gomoodboard.com/boards/GFi-uGPI/share


>> No.11905423

What should I try next? Been using la nuit de l'homme for a couple weeks
Acqua di gio profumo
armani code profumo
bleu de chanel
Looking for a crowdpleaser (with women mainly) which is less well known so I won't smell like every other fella

>> No.11905434

how about buying something you like instead of wearing shitty mall tier stuff to try to impress girls?

>> No.11905461

I do like these frags mate, they all smell great
Plus I'm new to the frag game so I figure I wanna try all the popular ones first before I move into the more niche area of fragrances

>> No.11905574

You're doing fine anon. Walk before you run. Try:

Dior Homme
Gucci pour Homme II
Midnight in Paris

>> No.11905629

Threadly reminder to feed your fragrance autism by tracking your wears on basenotes. Kouros anon can't be the only one using the Most Worn feature.

>> No.11905654
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Try eau perfumee au the vert.

>> No.11905692

Thanks man I'll try them out
>walk before you run
my thoughts exactly

>> No.11905718
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>female (23)
>any price, nothing super cheap since a lot of body sprays and cheap toilettes can give me headaches and trigger my allergies
>completely fine with men's/unisex cologne
>fall/winter, I live where it gets extremely cold
>dinner dates out, and nights in with my boyfriend
>something warm, sensual, cozy (rustic?) for sipping cocoa or cider by the fireplace, reading a book in the study, holiday decorating etc
>something long lasting that doesn't fade to a musk or powder scent

Right now I just wear Lavanila Pure Vanilla. It's very basic and doesn't last very long. I was hoping to find something a bit more sensual for winter time. My boyfriend really likes vanilla and sandalwood, as do I. We both hate fruity. fresh, musky, powdery scents. I used to wear Versace Bright Crystal (was a giant bottle as a gift), but he said it smelled like old lady. He also said this about TM Alien when I got a sample which I thought was weird. He is older than me so I'd like to avoid smelling too old and powdery, but also not too juvenile and sickly sweet

So I'm thinking amber, vanilla, some sort of wood, with possibly some hints of tobacco, leather, suede, whiskey or cognac, but nothing too masculine? I'm also ok with some patchouli, ylangylang, myrrh, or a bit of spiciness

>No almond, hazelnut, or other nut, shellfish or mollusk scents/notes because I'm allergic
>as little citrus, aquatic, fresh, baby powder, bright floral, and musk as possible

I read the last thread, and thought I might get some samples of Hermes L'Ambre des Merveilles and Tom Ford Amber Absolute since those seemed to fit my criteria from what I read about them on Fragrantica.

I want to order 5-10 samples at once, so any recs are appreciated.
Thank you! sorry this was so long

>> No.11905974
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I made the mistake of buying this & now I can't wash it off my skin for nothing. I did like the opening, but now I get a musky powder that won't come off my wrists.

>> No.11906059
File: 253 KB, 1285x2065, grey-line-with-black-blue-and-yellow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me your favorite iris fragrance besides Dior Homme.

>> No.11906103

Margiela Jazz Club
Margiela By The Fireplace
1899 Hemingway
SL Five o'Clock au Gingembre
SL Ambre Sultan

One of these should do it.

>> No.11906138

Hi, I'm a 22 year old financially struggling community college student who is slightly above average looking. 6 feet tall and a fucking skinny ass motherfucker. I think I give off a slightly effeminate vibe. Never bought cologne before but I fucking need some. I like vanilla, sandalwood, and citrus. I fucking hate sweet fruity shit. I am half korean and half german but look predominately asian which makes me extremely self conscious because I think asians are all ugly as fuck(including myself) but girls continually rate me as 8+. I also think I am very effeminate because of my asian features but apparently that, also, is just insecurity speaking. I would like a cologne that would suit me. I am described as the "cool, detached dude" so maybe something warm and masculine. IDK. IDK anything about choosing this shit. I just want to get laid more. Please help. And yes, cologne does get you fucking laid you cunts, the olfactory senses are some of the most prominent in the mental recognition of females so fuck off you naysayers.

>> No.11906149

la nuit

>> No.11906156

Paying for it now. Thanks. Hope it works out cus I'm poor af.

>> No.11906161


>> No.11906169

Fuck yes its like you read my mind. My favorite scents are bergamot and lavender but I didn't know they would be appropriate cologne scents. And yet they are both in this. Its like it was tailored personally for me. Wow, thanks man. I love you. Are you my guardian angel? It seems I've had one a lot recently

>> No.11906178

You sound like a faggot

>> No.11906188

Tell me what makes you a fucking man you little bitch. you would shit yourself growing up in my city. Women think I'm hella manly and are turned off by my ridiculous insecurity but they stick around to fuck cus of the long dick. I know what reality is unlike you fairy tale princess faggots. I walk everywhere and I do what I have to do to survive. Tell me the last time you carried your best friend 30 miles out of the wilderness on a backpacking trip because he broke his leg. Ok that sounds a little gay but fuck you I never had parents so he is my family.

>> No.11906191

How so? What makes you qualified and where is your superior selection you shit talking fuck.

>> No.11906196

Also even if I was hypothetically gay, I've fucked zero guys so I've still gotten laid homosexually as much as you have both hetero and homo you bitch.

>> No.11906198

Post a fit and your face and we can have people rate us. I'll make you feel like the insecure cunt you are.

>> No.11906200

valentino uomo intense

>> No.11906205


>> No.11906211

yeah bitch fuck off to your basement and hand. let me know when you survive cancer and continue living life.

>> No.11906219

I'm going for avant garde by lanvin instead.

>> No.11906227


I don't think perfume's going to help you. A therapist and some meds would. There should be psychs on campus and it shouldn't cost anything. Wear La Nuit to your first session if it makes you feel better.

>> No.11906236

Why do I need a psych? I was evaluated after cancer and they deemed me remarkably well rounded with an amazing capability to adapt and cope with stressful situations. Went someone talks shit in baltimore, no matter how little 50% of the time someone gets shot, stabbed or jumped in the parking lot. Someone talks shit to me without any basis and won't post up when I give them the chance, and I'm the mentally unstable one? I think your girlfriend would disagree. In the last six months I've saved someones life. What have you done?

>> No.11906239

And I'm getting avant garde, not that chemically shit la nuit. Bitch.

>> No.11906242

>In the last six months I've saved someones life. What have you done?

Not posted my life story unsolicitedly on 4chan in a desperate cry for attention.

>> No.11906260

That's about 2 years of my life. At least I'm not such an insecure bitch I project onto someone I don't even know. Just like you are projecting now. Your insults are just a desperate cry for attention. All I wanted was a cologne suggestion and you decide to project all over me. Maybe come up with a valid criticism first. Then post yourself on here since you're so superior my man. Let the conglomeration of the world's thought judge you like I provide them the opportunity to do to me. Oh that's right you're too insecure. Probably for good reason.

>> No.11906265

Also let me give you a more in depth story of my life: today I, fucked your mom, let your dad suck my dick, ate the food out of your fridge, wiped my ass with your pillow, and then showed a few thousand people how much of a bitch you are.

>> No.11906301

>Your insults are just a desperate cry for attention.
I didn't insult you. I just suggested you see a psych.

>then showed a few thousand people how much of a bitch you are

You may be overestimating the number of people who care about fragrances on 4chan.

I hope you're not offended if I'm not reading these posts. Skimming is more than enough to see that you're not helping your case.

Anyway, have a good night. Elsewhere preferably.

>> No.11906306

So you didn't call me a faggot. Sorry I thought you were that guy. Can you understand that misinterpretation? And also you didn't give me any reasoning as to why I need to see a psych because if so, I will gladly take the advice. Obviously mental health is important.

>> No.11906349

Narciso Rodriguez for Him EDP Intense

>> No.11906544

Diabetes hair

>> No.11906669

+1 to you seeing a psych
Or get the fuck out of this thread because you're doing a nice job of shitting it up you mentally unstable freak
Or you're just a troll, not sure why you'd want to troll this thread of all threads on /fa/, though.

>> No.11906803
File: 241 KB, 480x376, Screenshot_2016-10-28-12-13-16-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a smell thag exists on this planet better than Margiela jazz club?

>> No.11906883

Agreed, let's just all ignore him. Recognised or not, he clearly has a problem.

>> No.11907007
File: 16 KB, 234x351, Capture.JPGLimeCologne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

recently bought bay rum lime, really mirin the scent but it does kind of fade quickly

>> No.11907035

delusional/flights of fancy/unimpeded rambling

tl;dr lithium would be the most effay med for you and probably make you chill, but you're probably just an angsty teenager going through an awkward, self-discovery phase. If that applies leave this board/site or it will just become worse.

>> No.11907466

>lithium's effay
you're liable if his heart stops, lithium's fucking poisonous if used incorrectly. I wouldn't go throwing around suggestions like that to people who might self-medicate.

>> No.11907672

thank you!

>> No.11907768

Today is my first day at diptyque. I'm on my lunch break. I'm gonna love it here. Can I cool now?

>> No.11907786


>> No.11907801
File: 53 KB, 300x445, poivre samarcande.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was my scent and I can't find it anymore. I have to settle with Terre D'Hermes now.

>> No.11907873

>Jeremy Fragrance Starter Kit

But really, those are good beginner frags. I'd personally skip both of the Armani ones, but that's just me.

As for >>11905574 these recommendations, Gucci PH2 is good and everything but the performance renders it pointless imo. Dior Homme and MiP are great though.

Another good one in this beginner category, especially since we're into Autumn now, would be A*Men Pure Malt.

>> No.11907881

Jeremy seems like a genuinely decent guy tbf

>> No.11907905

Where can I try it in the UK? Don't want to blind buy

>> No.11907906

I totally agree. This is one instance where I would bet 90% of the people who hate on him are jealous nerds.

Also, I think a big part of why people in the frag com are turned off by him is because of his accent & broken english. His phrasing is awkward and makes him seem douchier than he probably really is.

>> No.11907914

So I've come to the theory that cologne doesn't work on fat people. Was fat and have a 1500$ cologne collection and never got complimented and don't think people could have smelled me. Lost 60lbs and now I get nothing but compliments at my new job. Shit is pretty awesome. The cologne definetly projects way more than it use to when I had weight on me.

Seriously I had 4 girls compliment my Aqcua di gio profumo at work the other day and also my Montale Red Aoud from a girl. Shit is cash. I thought I wasted all the money on cologne too.

>> No.11907918

nah you can tell he is a conceited asshole.

Even other fragrance youtubers say he is a jackass. He thinks he is above the rest of the fragrance community and nobody on youtube wants to work with him because of how rude he was to them

>> No.11907935

is sephora in the UK?

>> No.11907938

If every 1000th horny teen that comes to his channel for the "Top 10 cheapest panty droppers rated by a girl" develops a deeper interest in the fragrances themselves, he did a good for the community.

>> No.11907939

Nearly every other major frag youtuber comes across as a dork though tbqh. I'd rather hang with Jeremy than them

>> No.11908161

order a sample

>> No.11908177

Lavender and bergamot are one of the core notes in classic fougere fragrances (oakmoss bring another).

>> No.11908188

Selfridges stocks it.

>> No.11908506

tfw u will never tag team sluts in ibiza w/ jeremy

>> No.11908572

You have permission to cool. :)

>> No.11908863

The only thing that works for fat people is personality. Either the funniest person you know, or the kindest.

>> No.11909086

Guys I am so disappointed in la nuit de l'homme
I went in expecting it to dry down into something amazing and with a good opening
I was disappointed with the opening and the dry down smells like a perfume for a middle aged woman, like sweet flowers. I have tried it multiple times now and I'm not impressed
Anybody here like it?

>> No.11909625
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Using this for almost half a year

>> No.11909628

every time I look at the thumbnail for this thread I see a chastity device

>> No.11909711
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Is it safe if I blind buy this?

>> No.11909719

I wouldn't blind buy anything if possible
But if you HAVE to, at least order a sample first

>> No.11909741

>shitty mall tier stuff
Hey retard, you get almost all perfumes at the mall.

>Dior Homme
>Gucci Pour Homme II
>Midnight in Paris
Reformulated and almost discontinued

Anyway, the anon you just said "doing fine" is actually doing great.

Good choice, anon and you're on the right track. Well, stay away from V&R: Spicebomb if you can. Armani are great especially AdG Profumo, then Savage (super crowd pleaser and compliment garner) and BdC EDP.

>> No.11909752

Nothing is ever safe but if you've researched well you can get an idea of what you're in for and make it 'safer.

>> No.11909804

I have heard and read a lot of positive things about D&G: One EDP's smell. But it's performance is quite low than my expectation. Some what around 2 to 3 hours max. Confused a bit, though.

>> No.11909834

I blind buy almost exclusively, using the method you describe, and I've never been disappointed. Surprised perhaps, but always ultimately pleased with my choices. Research, research, research, and find reviewers whose tastes match your own.

>> No.11909883

Hi /fa/, I need an advice.
Male, 20 years old, but looking older because of shaved head (it suits me very well). I have no experience with fragrances other than some cheap shit so I guess I like most of the "notes" and "accords". I need something for winter. Only thing I care about is for the fragrance to suit me - I have just started college and I am still meeting new people, and I would like the fragrance to accompany my character. I am quite mysterious, don't like too much of attention and revealing details about my life in the beginning so something along those lines should be ok (not strong and sort of revealing it's smell after time?). Price doesn't matter that much as long as the perfume is accessible in Europe.

>> No.11909900

Are there any good frags with both sea salt/marine and smoky notes? I know it's an odd mix - I've never heard of a frag that pulls it off. Curious to see if there is one. Thanks :)

>> No.11910149

How would he be delusional/ experience flights of fancy if, hypothetically, he were telling the truth? And also how is rambling mentally unstable? I do it sometimes when I'm frustrated... am I crazy anon?:(

>> No.11910151

Best fragrance for someone working as a bank teller? Mainly sitting down all day. Environment is kind of office-y

>> No.11910157

I like bergamot. And lavender. But how do these scents go together?

How to fragrance when total noob?! plz halp :<

I don't want to run people out the room, or smell like chemicals, or smell like candy/flowers. It seems so hard...

Am I trying to be too neutral?

>> No.11910192

burberry touch

>> No.11910197

I think I am going to try Sauvage. I know it has no scents I mentioned but has good reviews and is described as crowd pleasing without being overpowering/offensive in any way and also mature.

>> No.11910206

Must have fragrances that you must have in your collection:

Acqua di gio profumo
Tuscan Leather
Green Irish Tweed

>> No.11910214

But aqua di gio commercials are on tv every other minute and they piss me off so fucking much

>> No.11910218

They are literally like the non-ironic version of Zoolander's moisture commercials. LOL

>> No.11910257

>picking the worst of the luna rossas

Extreme or even the original are so much better.

>> No.11910261

he said he made a mistake yo, i think he knows..

>> No.11910283

How does Jeremy make his money? Is he just a model?

>> No.11910285

He is like 5'4 so no he isn't a model. I think he is just a rent boy

>> No.11910350

thanks anon
any other suggestions? i want to find at least a couple and then try some samples.

>> No.11910396

JeremyFragrance being 5'4''? He's 6'2''

>> No.11910427

Classics that should be in every collection?
Fahrenheit, Aventus, Silver Mountain Water, Guerlain Vetiver
Personal favorites that I will never be without?
Bleecker Street, Cedrat Boise, Tam Dao

>> No.11910458

I hate Fahrenheit

>> No.11910478
File: 136 KB, 500x500, beaufort-london_Tonnerre_1-sept.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want to smell like a pirate? From a fragrantica search the only one is 1805 Tonnerre BeauFort London but I have not tried it.

>> No.11910604

Yea, it's nice. imo, nowhere near deserving of the unrelenting hype it receives/received. But I understand what you mean & why you might not like it. Granted, I've never smelled an older batch so apparently the current formulation is garbage.

I wore L'homme a lot when I first got into frags, so I liked La Nuit a lot when I finally tried it. Never gotten a compliment while wearing it, except from my gf

>> No.11910617

I'm going to do it

I'm going to blind buy Aventus

>> No.11910622
File: 30 KB, 400x400, dior-dior-homme-parfum-2014-perfume-for-men___2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been thinking about pulling the trigger on DHP. I love DH but want a stronger version of it. I was hoping to find that in DHI but I was really let down. To me, I don't see why DHI gets so much hype, it seemed way too soft and bland to be considered "intense."

Anybody have any experience with DHP?

>> No.11910623


>> No.11910627

That's a fuckload of money to spend on a blind buy. Why wouldn't you just buy a sample or go smell it at nordstrom?

>> No.11910633

Feel bad because I actually like DHI a lot but always get comments like "what smells like powder?" all the time. Feels bad

>> No.11910642

Well I still feel for ya, because as much as I love DH, I never get compliments on it. Only one time from a dyke at the Apple store. A couple times I sprayed the fuck out of it in frustration before going out. After hugging a couple female acquaintances, all i got was a mere "you smell... pretty."

Oh well. I'll wear DH for me, and Sauvage for them.

>> No.11910651
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Just tried Égoïste and it's so bad. Like a powdery poo. Anyone else had that feeling?

>> No.11910861

I tried Fahrenheit at a grocery store and really liked it. I heard its a meme fragrance for old guys though. What do you think? First time buying a fragrance ever, I want to use it occasionally to uni/work as well as on weekends.

m, 20, central europe

>> No.11910867

Keep in mind that when you get a fresh bottle of Creed, the scent will take 1-2 weeks from first spray to fully mature. This was my experience with two different bottles of Aventus and also with Millesime Imperial. You may be initially underwhelmed with Aventus' performance and depth, but once it matures the rest of the bottle will be potent and full of blackcurrant/pineapple.

>> No.11910871

la nutt de l'homme ay lmao
op's pic look like a trap yall niggas gay

>> No.11910900

Honestly, don't buy Fahrenheit as a 20 year old for your first fragrance. It's not just that it's "for old guys," it just smells outdated and will not go over well with your peers. Go to a sephora or department store and smell some more. If you liked fahrenheit that easily, I'm sure you'll like plenty more approachable frags.

>> No.11911035

Blind bought it a while back. I did try the regular version. Parfum is much more "intense". I read quite a bit on fragrantica, some described it as being the closest to the original DH. I walked from DHI since it's sweeter, which was not what I was looking for at the moment.

The scent itself is great, it's almost a gourmand to me, whenever I get whiffs of it I feel my mouth water like I'm biting on an iris dessert, a very classy iris dessert kek.
Fragrantica has it as powdery, but mine isn't powdery at all, the iris note is there from start to finish, but it doesn't feel powdery. Also I think it's the orange note what gives it a nice twist, the perfume on paper seems pretty heavy but ends being really creamy instead.

Bonus points for the bottle and sprayer. Seriously, the fucking sprayer is goat, really easy to aim and dosify, every bottle should have this kind of sprayer.

I just hope my next blind buy becomes a "love it" like this one was.

>> No.11911037

chanel men's fragrances pre allure are all pretty outdated smelling imo, unless you go for antaeus but that shit is aggressive as fuck like a lumberjack or some shit

>> No.11911115

How prominent would you say the Rose note is?

>> No.11911129

Anyone have any experience with l'rtisan parfumeur?

Thinking of trying Timbuktu, Onde Sensuelle and Fou d'Absinthe.

>> No.11911136

>Any price really

Could I please have some recs for a daily wear fragrance and also for a going out type fragrance?

I have Ralph Lauren Polo Black rn and I like it but I'm looking for some new scents.

Was thinking about getting Versace Pour Homme and YSL la nuit de l'homme.

Any advice would be appreciated :)

>> No.11911139

Thanks for the feedback anon. And yea all of Dior's sprayers are pretty fucking fantastic. Dunno why other brands don't use their sprayer type

>> No.11911145

Skip the versace, Get bleu de chanel or dior sauvage for the daytime and YSL la nuit for night time. I do find La Nuit to not be quite "fresh" enough for summer time though, for what it's worth. Depends on how hot it gets where you're at.

>> No.11911148

Ok, thank you!

>> No.11911176

something to note, the edp vs edt on BdC is negligible, but if it's in your price range many say that the edp is superior.

>> No.11911180

>tfw creed firehose sprayer douses you with $4 of fragrance

>> No.11911195

Opinions on L'eau D'issey Pour Homme?

>> No.11911213

Dislike it, heard it also got reformulated, so that might be the reason.

>> No.11911215

been around a long time, you run the risk of smelling like someone's ex. there are better semi aquatic options, unless you're looking specifically for the yuzu note.

for an 'elevated' l'eau d'issey check out still life by olfactive studios.

>> No.11911230

Anybody in here wear Encre Noire Sport? I like the sound of Encre Noire but the general consensus is that it's not really "wearable" and the sport version is much more approachable and wearable. Anybody have an opinion on this?

>> No.11911234

Male, 23, looking for a unique, long-lasting floral scent that wears well in warmer weather

Please respond

>> No.11911314

Not Sport, but I wear the regular EN as a daily fragrance, had the same dilemma as you so I wore both for a day before deciding between the two.

Sport is a lot less harsh version, the name might be a bit misleading, as it's more "warm" and nothing close to the freshness "sport" implies. The cypress and vetiver are still there, but they are suppressed by the citrus and nutmeg, making it more wearable. The drydown is exactly the same as with EN.

The added notes blend well with the EN formula and the result smells really good, but ,in my opinion, they don't go along with it's idea and identity of being minimalist and uncompromising, which is why I ultimately went with the original. So far I haven't had any problems with it not being wearable or had any negative comments.

I'd definitely recommend you try spraying on both before buying, since they are common in most stores. Also look into the Extreme version that landed last year, I haven't had the chance to get my hands on it yet, but it might be a good option based on what you described you're looking for.

>> No.11911393

Bvlgari Aqva or AdG Profumo?

>> No.11911403

aqua if you wanna smell only like the sea, adg if you liked the original

>> No.11911456

Colonia Assoluta

>> No.11911570

I'll give this a shot:

I'm looking for a unique-as-fuck fall scent. Something I will never get tired of smelling, an olfactory antidepressant if you will that will force total strangers to bury their noses in my chest.
I've been fixated on these as possible cops:

CdG Black Pepper or Hinoki
Lush All Good Things
Olympic Orchids Woodcut
Maybe an HdP or Parfumerie Generale?

Thanks in advance anon.

>> No.11911586


aqva is softer, but Profumo will be much louder. Both smell "nice". If you liked the original AdG, and you wanted it louder with spices, then get Profumo.

If you care about price, you can get Aqva for half the price.

>> No.11911594
File: 29 KB, 600x526, 63369m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best shit mayne. Smells simultaneously fresh and distinguished/expensive. Destroys Acqua Di Gio, Allure Homme Sport, Versace Eau Fraiche, Diesel FFL, etc no contest

>> No.11911599

Personally I enjoy Terre D'hermes better, but L'eau D'issey smells great. Lasts really long for a citrus too.

>> No.11911601

>posting woody-amber chemical swill
is this bait?

>> No.11911608

I've tried out Chrome before, smells ok, but nothing special. Legend can't be better than Allure homme sport.

>> No.11911611

Not bait, pretty awesome that a $25 fragrance smells better and gets more compliments than expensive autist juice

>> No.11911625

>Destroys Acqua Di Gio, Allure Homme Sport, Versace Eau Fraiche, Diesel FFL, etc no contest

Good one.
That doesn't hold a candle anywhere near Chanel Allure Sport

>> No.11911653

i tried the dior privee frags and they remind me of my creed sprayer in the idea that they both are more effective than a fire hose

>> No.11911654

what type of perfume on a girl would make you the most attracted to her?

>> No.11911664


>tfw regulations are killing fragrance

>> No.11911691


Something warm and floral, maybe a bit musky, but it ultimately depends on the girl's style and how it compliments it, some can pull masculine fragrances really well.

The only kind that I find repulsive are fragrances that have dominant fruity notes, especially when the girl douses every bit of clothing she has on in it.

>> No.11911711

>smells better
>gets more compliments
probably around the same. plus, basics aren't able to differentiate generic trash from fragrances with character.

>> No.11911744

If you plan on blind-buying it, get the EDP.

>> No.11911846

Dior Fahrenheit 32
Jean Paul Gaultier Fleur de Male
Bond No 9 Fire Island
Geir Ness
Maison Francis Kurkdijan Acqua Universalis
Kenzo Power

>> No.11911850

that's interesting, i was kinda unimpressed with the dior privee sprayers. i had dhi and sauvage before i bought a bottle of bois d'argent and my bois sprayer just kinda seems like the prototype to the other 2

>> No.11911922

Have a bottle of Fou d'Absinthe. It's a lovely scent, but soft and not terribly long lived. This seems to be the trend for L'Artisan in my experience. Beautiful parfums with just moderate performance.

>> No.11911987
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No one man should have all these commercials. I don't even think 1 Million had that many ads.

>> No.11912107

d&g light blue is everywhere

>> No.11912174

That picture is of EDP, mate.

>> No.11912195

Friendly reminder that the Bond No. 9 refill event is happening now through November 9. It's basically buy 2 at retail price, get a 100ml tester free (20 choices of tester this time). Not huge savings over online vendors, but if you don't trust the gray market and like to purchase your juice directly from the source, this is a good way to load up on Bonds.

Personally this is an excuse for me to buy the 2016 releases rather than wait a full year for them to show up on Fragnet / Beautyspin.

>> No.11912230

Thanks for letting me know, projection is usually pretty weak on my skin.

Do you know any other fragrances that smell similar to Fou d'Absinthe?

>> No.11912364

What does it smell like?

>> No.11913123

AdG mixed with melon bubblegum.

>> No.11913131

Ambre Narguile

>> No.11913211

Where is this bubblegum people are talking about? I get a bright orange then a vanilla spice dry down. Maybe it's my skin, idk.

>> No.11913212
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Thoughts on pic related ?

>> No.11913216

So what's the verdict on Escentric Molecules?

>> No.11913289

Whats the deal with the first couple sprays out of a new bottle? I got club de nuit and the first 10 sprays were atrocious and pungent, but now it smells really good and understated.

>> No.11913439


>> No.11913452

What I have learned is that the juice already in the sprayer gets stagnant, so people would spray that on their chests or somewhere that is covered. The second & third pumps are fresh so the notes are more pronounced and hits better on the skin.

>> No.11913506

This one has come up in the past few threads. Consensus is that it's better than previous Axe/Lynx spray varieties, but still a cheap body spray. Affordable way to get noticed, but ultimately pedestrian and entry-level. Body sprays also do not last as long as an Eau de Toilette and contain relatively few applications per can. In the end, that Axe Tobacco spray is certainly more expensive per use than if you bought a 100ml bottle of Guerlain Vetiver.

>> No.11913538
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>wear Dior Homme Eau For Men out last night
>got compliments from 3 different people

wew lads

>> No.11913598


swerve it lad

>> No.11913605

It's probably just your nose getting used to the scent. There is so much going on in many frags that it can take many applications before your nose can make sense of it all.

But the feeder tube is empty in a new bottle. That's how you tell it's new: it takes 4 or so sprays before you get any juice.

>> No.11913608

>wearing overpriced oil is going to smell better than your natural pheromones

why do you guys do this?

>> No.11913623

because it does smell better

>> No.11913628


Just wanted to post a warning to all. Mr. Burberry by Burberry has weak sillage, low longevity, and loses its magic after 30 minutes of wear. It smelled nice at first, but I'm more of a Tom Ford Extreme Noir, or YSL L'Homme kind of Chad.

>> No.11913630

what are some good current fragrances

new to the fragrance scene

>> No.11913638


if that's the case, then aren't people new to the scent (ie smelling it on me) going to be turned off by its strength/combination of notes?

>> No.11913665

not if you have decent hygiene.

>> No.11913668

>male (20)
>I have $500 to spend on fragrance and clothes collectively- I need a new jacket and long sleeves as well so probably around $100-$150
>I have a youthful face (not feminine, but a hardcore baby face) I don't know if that affects the outcome, but me smelling like Charlton Heston might seem like a mismatch.

>> No.11913676

Some of them, sure. The crazy thing about fragrance is that every nose is different. Different people detect different things in the same scent. Of course, most people aren't sticking their nose to your skin like you likely are. Smelling someone's sillage from 5' away is a very different experience.

>> No.11913694

If you have decent hygiene, you won't have your natural pheromones.

>> No.11913700

poorboi detected

>> No.11913711

>shower every day
>release pheromones throughout day

perfume shill detected.

>> No.11913908

>stirring up shit in fragrance general
and I thought people who wore perfumes were desperate for attention. fucking wew.

>> No.11913983

>I like Earthy/woodsy scents in general and tobacco inparticular.
>I want something for casual wear that women would like too
>Generally something I can get at a mall or on Amazon.ca would be great.
>I wear lots of wool and comfy clothes, so something comfy sitting by a fire type/Old man smell would be best.

>> No.11914037

Guys which is less popular, acqua di gio profumo or sauvage?

>> No.11914047

Probably ADG Profumo, even though ADG is waaay more popular than sauvage.

>> No.11914053

Is profumo different enough to the original for people to not just think I'm wearing ADG?

>> No.11914079

Dunno, never smelled it. That type of fragrance isn't really my bag. I'm basing my opinion >>11914037 there off the fact that I've seen plenty of ads for Sauvage and none for ADG profumo. Heard people talk about Sauvage, and never ADG profumo, etc.

>> No.11914441

What is the most expensive fragrance that you think deserves its price tag?

>> No.11914458

>people still fall for the ysl homme/la nuit memes
>in 2016

youd htink theyd learn to google

>> No.11914668

Going to buy a batch of samples from Luckyscent soon. Suggest me some of your favorites to try that don't get brought up here a lot (I've tried most of the big name, popular stuff that they'd sell).

>> No.11914705

Check out Mugler Pure Havane
Possibly Guerlain Vetiver

Sauvage is definitely more popular.
Profumo is very different from the original AdG. Not even recognizable as a flanker in my opinion. AdG Essenza is closer, but even that one is distinct from normal Acqua di Gio.

Most Diptyques are worth their ~$125 list price in my opinion. I won't pay full retail for Creed or Bond, but their large bottles are definitely worth their $100-$175 street prices. Chanel and Dior are pricing / distribution Nazis but I play along and pay their retail prices just because I have no choice.

Dior Sauvage is the current all-season, all-occasion king. This title was previously held by Bleu de Chanel. Both are good starting fragrances; you will still want to wear these even once you learn more about perfume and begin to grow your collection. Browse the OP image and research perfumes of interest at Fragrantica / Basenotes.

Molecule 01 / 02 / 03 : S-rank marketing ploy
Escentric 01 / 02 / 03 : Decent niche compositions in offbeat packaging
Make the Molecule series yourself and buy the Escentric series on clearance.

ENS is more versatile for sure. I have both but rarely wear either. When I reach for one, it's Sport, but that could change as Winter approaches. Another anon here says EN is his rainy day fragrance. I'll try both when the stormy season hits.

Nobody really comes away from Aventus noticing the rose. It's there if you go sniffing for it, trying to find it in the blend, but it's a very minor player in this particular composition.

>> No.11914722
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burberry touch

I really like the smell and once it get's colder around here I'll buy a small bottle.
One thing I'm wondering about is, would it be too "mature" or oldschool to wear as an everyday 26 y/o in college?

>> No.11914731

Not the guy who originally asked about L'eau D'issey Pour Homme
But do you have a recommendation that is available in department stores/sephora?

>> No.11914750

Why is sephora the only store with good sales reps? Every other fragrance store/department is staffed with assholes that make shit recommendations and push shit way too hard

>> No.11914779

Please guys stop falling for the Encre Noire meme

Most people do NOT like it

>> No.11914823


Why do you come to shit up the only good thread on this board?

>> No.11914825

who, me?

>> No.11914909

When I wear Aventus I feel like an old European emperor

>> No.11914933

y tho

i'm still gonna sample it

>> No.11914951

I touchy the Muslim https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lIAeWthI5CU

>> No.11915297

>Most people

>> No.11915798
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Is Prada Amber good for office and everyday use?

>> No.11915918

I would have to imagine it's because Sephora employees don't get commission or at least not as much commission as dept store SA's, therefore they have less motivation to push you to buy. Just a guess. But I agree, it's way more comfortable shopping at Sephora than dept. stores. It's a shame their selection is so limited.

Really well said about Sauvage and BdC. Good beginner frags that you'll still want to wear when you get further into fragrance.

Sure. Most of Prada's stuff does the "clean, soapy" thing really well, rendering it good for office use imo.

>> No.11916496
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Work at pic related

>> No.11916610

Halloween night out tonight
What should I wear? Thinking la nuit desu familia

>> No.11916650

What's your employee discount?

>> No.11917013
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>> No.11917087

hey, hopefully you're still around
maybe try versace eau fraiche man, but i'm not sure what exactly you're looking for in regards to l'eau d'issey so that might be way off the mark.

>> No.11917810

>muh compliments

>> No.11917836

>pretending like you wear fragrance for anything else

>> No.11917837

So do you just wear some kind of odorless deodorant or what?

>> No.11917846


>> No.11917997

Yes, crystal one, works great for me. If you sweat a lot, then an unscented antiperspirant is what you'll need.

>> No.11918049

>this cliche, blanket generalization
self-immolate plz

>> No.11918314
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well this is nice.

>> No.11918337
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My meagre collection.

>> No.11918343

nice. wish your decants/testers were contained somehow tho.

which do you use most often?

which seems to be most well-liked by others?

>> No.11918363

most unpretentious collection ive ever seen

>> No.11918383

Yeah I keep knockong them over.

I wear 1747 a bit, nice and soft mossy drydown.

A few people have liked pure wood.
My friends like all of them but probably doesn't say much.


>> No.11918392

but *that probably

>> No.11918402

out of curiosity, how did you land on your picks?
just lots of samples and bought the ones you love?
those aren't exactly hyped fragrances, save for maybe midnight in paris

>> No.11918444

Yeah, lots of sampling and as well I like to do fairly thorough research.

>> No.11918447 [DELETED] 
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Any thoughts on this stuff?

>> No.11918456
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Oro by Bois 1920

Any thoughts on this stuff?

>> No.11918459

That Mugler bottle is such an eye sore next to those clear bottles. I'm curious about the Cleef tho. Hits well in a 60 degree weather pattern?

>> No.11918501
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I'm very happy with my sample wrangling solution.

Has bigger sections, good for the thicker atomizers, and

is better for the skinnier ones.

>> No.11918506

Yeah, does contrast a bit.
>Hits well in a 60 degree weather pattern?
*googles fahrenheit to celcius*
Yeah should do alright, depending on your skin.

>> No.11918516

Although, don't expect massive projection

>> No.11918528

Nice idea

>> No.11918838

I'm new to the game and would like to know what kind of scent would you say is a more relaxed, youthful and non-offensive at any time? I'm not looking for anything sweet or woodsy which shouts excitement/gentlemanly.
I've been eyeing Cool Water and Versace Pour Homme but I'm intimidated by how they'd be weird on cooler daytime and night.

>> No.11918913

im new to this is EDT the shit version and should i always get EDP ?

>> No.11918927

give me a good perfume for my mom to use

>> No.11918974

It's fragrance to fragrance. Sometime the EDP performance is better but that isn't always needed.

>> No.11919036

is hugo boss okay as a brand?

do people like hugo boss energise?

>> No.11919083

what do people think of bruno banani?

>> No.11919103

are there any good fragrances with coconut or ananas ?

>> No.11919146

been looking for a good perfume for a year now.
>femanon. 24.
>medium price range
>nothes I like is more oriental, wood, vanilla type stuff
>I really dislike overly sweet smells
>would be nice for something that would be a little easier to find
>I guess the vibe I want to give off is more sensual

my problem is that I often think perfumes are way to sweet, or way to "granny-like". I'd like something that hits in the middle, youthful but still mature.

>> No.11919152

Are they any good fragrances left?

I get the impression everyhting is played out.

>> No.11919183

is this a fucking serious question?

>> No.11919270

Gypsy Water EDP
Eau Duelle EDT

>> No.11919398

Thanks to whomever mentioned Intoxicated By Kilian in the last month or so. Picked up a sample. And fuuuuuuuck me it does what it says on the tin.

>> No.11919453

Is there a guide to properly applying a good parfume?
Do they always come as a spray?

>> No.11919529

Vph fits your bill here
pretty sure cool water has been reformulated and sucks now

>> No.11919562

Come on man... At this point, there's no reason to wear cool water. It's so overly popular at this point, you'll just be another run-of-the-mill cologne guy if you wear it.

>> No.11919571

Nah man, that's pretty much it. :-/ sorry

>> No.11919607

Male, 34, $100-$200, Fall/Winter, For dates/nice events, Like woody/spicy/incensey

>> No.11919730

Serge Lutens Fille En Aiguilles
Comme des Garcons Black

>> No.11919807

Can fragrance expire? I have some old stuff and im not sure wether i should throw it in the trash.

>> No.11919875

L`Occitane Eau Des Baux

>> No.11919940

You can typically count on a bottle of perfume to stay fresh for 3 years from the first time it is sprayed. Higher concentration formulations (eau de parfum, perfume oil) age better than EdT / cologne sprays. Consistently high heat / large temperature changes will accelerate deterioration. It's rare for a bottle to turn bad all at once; rather, the top notes may last for a shorter time or the juice might not develop the way it used to. Keep your collection in a cool dark closet or cupboard rather than in the open.

I don't have too many older frags but my oldest is a six year old bottle of Body Shop White Musk. I kept it on the bathroom counter and have generally neglected it, but it still smells like new.

Just test your old stuff and see how it smells. It's most likely fine.

>> No.11919975

Collector here. I rarely touch my bottle of VpH and don't recommend it personally. It is the most synthetic smelling juice I own and is my least favorite Versace.

Sauvage is probably best for your style / intended use. It's youthful and casual and works for day / night equally well.

>> No.11920018

creed aventus

>> No.11920081

19 yo gurl want something for the winter season. For work and getting bois to notice me. My dress taste is kinda average 19 year old girl (i wear jeans, knee high boots n sweaters, work w dogs)

>> No.11920087

Aventus, Scent of Peace for Him, www.bondno9.com
Virgin Island Water

>> No.11920119

I will keep that in mind for my curent/future pieces thanks. I've got this Davidoff Zino thats at least like 15 yo and it smells great but kinda wears off quckly.

Also could you recommend me something with simmilar scent but a bit lighter(for a 22yo) since people tell me i smell like grandpa with this, but i absolutely love it.

>> No.11920136

In the perfumesociety FAQ in OP.

Most come in sprays, but some come in a "splash" which was more popular back in the day. I can't think of a fragrance that is improved by splashing it on. Much harder to control how much you apply too.

>> No.11920164

I have bottles from the 80s that still smell great, most better than current formulations. I had ONE sample out of hundreds that turned. It just smelled bad. Likely an air leak.

>> No.11920464

I had a sample of Aventus I scored from neimans months ago. They handed it to me in a small cylindrical container (of course) so I transferred it to one of those sephora atomizers. After months of letting it sit I decided to wear it again and it smelled like fucking toxic waste. I've tried near-empty dept store testers of other fragrances and suffered through that similar rotten, hesperidic aroma. What is the chemical process responsible for this?

>> No.11920473

When will the bond shills leave? It's getting painfully obvious now.

>> No.11920491

What portable atomizers do you guys buy for going on trips? Is there anything decent I can get off Amazon?

>> No.11920500

Someone talk me out of wearing Dior Addict.

>> No.11920591

hated odeur 53 at first but now i'm buying a 200 ml bottle

>> No.11920626


>> No.11920665

>someone mentioned a brand I irrationally dislike and therefore I must reply
Name other high quality pineapple-dominant fragrances then. Contribute to the discussion or >>>/out/

>> No.11920696

what did you hate about it, and what changed your mind?

>> No.11920702

I've used
as well as some 3ml plastic vials that snap closed but are currently unavailable on Amazon.

The first link is pretty decent. Maybe 1 in 10 sprayers will have an issue right out of the package, but the vials keep fresh for months at a time and perform reliably.

Second link is certainly higher grade product, and functions nicely. I've had about the same sprayer defect rate of 1/10. One quirk to this set is that the sprayer doesn't retain scents for whatever reason. So if you're sniffing the vial, you don't necessarily smell the fragrance. Odd.

>> No.11920718

hate was the wrong word, it was just a little too weird and I couldn't see myself wearing it

but now i find it really comforting, the burnt electronic smell, totally unoffensive and unique

>> No.11920888

I like their bottles, but haven't liked anything I've tried from them (Vento nel Vento and Agrumi Amari di Sicilia). But that one looks interesting. Have you tried it? How noticeable is pine?

>> No.11921001

My package of clone oils came in. They are very good clones and cost £2.50 per 10 mls delivered of oil(rough equivalent to 50ml edt). I got something labelled "Lakoste red special" and expected it to be a clone of Lacoste Style in Play but it smells nothing like what I remember Style in Play smells like. Is there some other red lacoste scent this is probably referring to instead?

All the other ones I do recognise and they're pretty close. Tuscan Leather's great.

>> No.11921040
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whats your guys opinion on spicebomb by viktor & rolf?

>> No.11921049


>> No.11921054

Too sweet for my tastes, the Eau Fraiche flanker smells much nicer in my opinion.

>> No.11921059

tell that to the girls ive fucked that have said they love it

>> No.11921134

pic and sauce pls

>> No.11921140
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They all look like that and what I now have is:
Chanel No. 5 (to give away)
Whatever the lacoste one is
One Million
Tuscan Leather
Oud Wood
Silver Mountain Water
Black Afgano (from a different site).

The ones I've never smelled the real one of (The Creeds and Black Afgano) match the notes listed roughly and the ones I have are very close.
5 of them are £13 total and have free UK shipping

>> No.11921146

interesting stuff

>> No.11921433

>La Chasse Aux Papillons

>> No.11921451

Absolutely lovely. I don't have too many florals, but it's the most purely floral frag I've smelled. When my sample runs out, I might just get a bottle. Dude here. I could totally see wearing this on a spring day. Not too femme at all.

>> No.11921457

I'm a guy as well, I love florals and was intrigued by it when I saw it.

>> No.11921463

Oh forgot to mention it's not great on proj/sillage, but that's to be expected.

>> No.11921474

nice astroturfing game

don't advertise the fucking boutiques url on an active general in /fa/ and you'll be less conspicuous.

I've contributed tons, sans spamming some mostly shit house like they're the next coming.

>> No.11921488

it resides in the purgatory between quality fragrances and generic macy's filler. not really good but superficially enjoyable. falls apart upon further examination and becomes cloying once you wear it regularly.

honestly there's no reason for spicebomb when other oriental spicys exist.

>> No.11921546

such as?

>> No.11922090

Just fucking write to Creed customer service - they'll mail you 2 samples, no cost. Don't spend $400+ on a frag blind - I got a sample of Aventus - it's OK but not FBW. Not at $400 anyway.

>> No.11922126
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>Don't advertise the URL
The URL is the name of a Bond fragrance you fucking autist. Educate yourself before you sperg out.

>> No.11922135
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Also posting Bond collection because it seems to trigger you.
I don't work in fragrance or fashion and have no connection to Bond beyond patron / customer. They're my favorite house followed by Mancera then Creed. Sorry if I like things that you don't. For what it's worth, I was introduced to Bond No. 9 in this general by an anon who recommended Bleecker Street.

>> No.11922254

Do you have or have you tried Gramercy Park?
What are your thoughts?
I have a sample of it and so far I really enjoy it.

>> No.11922274

>female (20)
>max $100
>all year round/everyday
>fresh, crisp, long lasting, nothing fruity or sugary or musky and heavy
>I'd like something I can try at a mall

>> No.11922308

Yeah, it's next to the ILNY in my image. Really nice scent for springtime or a summer evening. Lightly sweet and grassy with mild melon undertones. Good longevity for the genre.

>> No.11922326

What about Acqua di Gio

>> No.11922465

Much nicer to my nose, but very common. Most popular fragrance in history. Hasn't been ruined by reformulation like many 90's classics.

>> No.11922530

Bond fag & Kouros guy are GOAT

>> No.11922749

>Hasn't been ruined by reformulation like many 90's classics
Are you kidding me?

>> No.11922922

I really loved Bleeker and Haarlem. Any recommendations to look into after those? Bond is a house I've always wanted to get more into but, you know, money and all that. I got more into Frederic Malle and HdP during my "fuck money, I'll buy everything" phase and never tried Bond.

>> No.11922935

My mom has worn Donna Karan Cashmere Mist EDP since her 20's. I'm sure I'm biased because of nostalgia, but I think it smells great. Clean, timeless, warm, workplace and evening appropriate etc. Women have always come up to her and complimented her, even now and she's in her 50's.

>> No.11923672

adg was never really a beast, le male and a*men certainly don't have the potency that they used to.

im sure it has been reformulated, but it hasn't been hit near as hard as the other old stars.

>> No.11923914

w2c fragrances online that do international shipping?

>> No.11924292

Most of the big American vendors have online shipping

>> No.11924356

Anywhere? I'm more curious to hear which online vendors do NOT ship internationally.

>> No.11924394

Would be good to know where you are located.

>> No.11924400
File: 1.74 MB, 1600x1600, Carolina_Herrera_212_VIP_Men_Eau_De_Toilette_Spray_100ml_1373966867.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody tried this? Got really good performance and smells similar to 1 million but has a classier take on it IMO
Can this compete with sauvage and the beasts like it for clubbing?

>> No.11924404

Just got YSL L'Homme from scentbird this month. So generic and feminine. Don't understand the praise. Literally fuck boi , jeremey meme tier like I expected.

>> No.11924414

Are those like $3,000 worth of fragrances?

>> No.11924459


the fact that people STILL recommend lhomme and la nuit is the biggest fucking crime in this community

literally encouraging retards to waste money

>> No.11924764

Five Bonds to consider (no order):

Copped this a few weeks back and it has dominated my recent wears, which doesn't normally happen to me. It's a nice update to Bond Signature Scent - oud meets white florals in a modern (western), lightweight oriental. Bond scents have the longest lasting jasmine notes I've experienced.

>Scent of Peace fH
My most worn Bond. Dark fruit and wood workhorse with above average performance even for Bond. Loud. I'm partial to its currant and juniper notes. Can be looked at as Bleecker Street's Chad younger brother or Bond's entry in the Bleuvage category. Gets attention. I bought a backup bottle.

>Shelter Island
If you're down with agarwood, this is worth exploring. Especially if you're normally turned off by the rose-oud pairing (no rose here). Unique summertime aquatic wood recommended to me by /frag/. Mental picture: summer afternoon walk along a wooden seaside pier.

>Eau de New York
Super Cologne. All of the white flowers plus all of the citrus fruits, with some moss and vetiver holding things together. A subtle aquatic note runs through the composition. The Bond take on the citrus aromatic standard is powerful and concentrated, lasting a full 8 hours. Eat it, Neroli Portofino.

>Chez Bond
Misunderstood as a blatant Green Irish Tweed ripoff, this fragrance is a major contributor to the Bond hate. Really, it is just a solidly crafted genre piece that rounded out the Bond catalog at launch. If it has to be considered in Creed terms, Chez Bond is best thought of as GIT Sport. CB uses citrus and tea in place of lemon verbena and iris, and ends up sweeter and smoother overall. Linear, straightforward, and almost unisex; I could see CB being worn by a woman who likes green citrus scents. Less complex than the equivalent Creed, especially at the opening, but easy to wear and to enjoy. This and Scent of Peace typify the Bond approach for me in that regard.

>> No.11924775

22 year old male.
Cheap would be good.
Something suitable for this upcoming fall and winter.
Primarily something for everyday use at the office. I can leave the experimentation for the evenings. I suppose I'd like to smell "mature", not like an old man, but put-together. I'm generally a quiet person but it would be nice if the fragrance could help me stand out. My clothing is primarily dark or with subdued tones (I'm moving towards a gray-heavy wardrobe), and my skin is light and my hair is dark.

I'm very new to this so the samples I've been testing are basically the result of awkward Sephora interactions. Therefore I'll take any recommendations. Thoughts on what I've tried so far:

Fahrenheit EDP - my girlfriend liked it a lot, and I thought it was pretty good too, though this seems like a pretty rare one that I'd have to get at full price.
Bulgari Pour Homme Soir - this is the one I've been playing around with the most. I really enjoy the smell but I found that it reeeally seems to contrast with me if I haven't showered.
Burberry London - my girlfriend said it smells "really sweet". I agree, to me it smells like the way bright red berries look, maybe a little too much. Nevertheless something feels "right" about this one and I enjoy it.
Tom Ford Grey Vetiver - it's calming but it does feel a little too old.
ADG - good thing I'm not really into this one anyway.

>> No.11924779

Honestly, CDG Odeur 53. It's so light and smells a lot better than the description makes it out to be.
Just sample it first because it's a love it or hate it type of fragrance. I was like this guy >>11920591 and it actually gave me headaches when I smelled it vial and first dabbed it on, but over time I grew to love it.

Out of those two though, VPH is a pretty good fragrance. Love the citrus notes in it and it gives off this feeling of coolness on a hot day. Like you're zesting lemons and oranges on a hot day at the beach with faint hints of seawater and warm sand.

>> No.11924794

I forgot to mention, I thought Margiela By the Fireplace was interesting as fuck. Like damn.

>> No.11924795

Have you smelled The One: For Men by Dolce&Gabbana? It might be a tad "basic", but it has nice warm notes with the sort of "mature" feeling that you're looking for without breaking the bank.

Seriously that shit is like $60 a 50 ml bottle.

>> No.11924800

old spice

>> No.11924809

I used to wear their Fiji deodorant but I didn't like how it smelled when I got sweaty.
Moved onto Arm and Hammer essentials and haven't looked back.

>> No.11924813

I try not to pay too much attention to the running total. Everyone has a hobby. God bless the gray market for making this one more affordable.


>> No.11924817

CB I Hate Perfume Black March or Wild Hunt

I find those two to be especially fall-appropriate though and I'm not sure if maybe you're trying for an autumn antithesis

>> No.11924827

Just wore vintage Fahrenheit today. Funny, I never considered it a leather scent, but the leather was shining today. Glorious. And I am familiar with and enjoy all those but BpHS. You might enjoy:

Eau Sauvage Parfum
Midnight in Paris

>> No.11924835

>jeremey meme tier like
Tf is wrong with you? Perfumes that he recommends actually smells good and performs well.
>Dior Savage
>AdG Profumo
>Mont Blanc Individuel
>TM Pure Malt

Few examples, though.

>> No.11924840
File: 318 KB, 496x559, 1461991994601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Never actually bought a bottle of YSL La Nuit
>Finally get around to copping a bottle
>It gets reformulated

>> No.11924841

Essential cheap, don't mind basic,wintercore (and fallcore too) fragrances.

>> No.11924843

>Eau Sauvage Parfum
>Midnight in Paris
All have been reformulated.

>> No.11924850


>> No.11924855

>>Dior Savage
>>AdG Profumo
>>Mont Blanc Individuel
>>TM Pure Malt
And not a single one of those has been reformulated. In Jeremey I trust.

>> No.11924866

What perfume smells like ass?
I want to smell like a butthole that just let out a braap.
I'm 100% serious.

>> No.11924868

Just get a can of propane, spray some on a rag, and dab it on.

Or I guess you could get one of those "fart in a can" type gag gifts.

>> No.11924870


honestly doesn't perform that well. granted, it lasts fucking ages, but its projection is quite poor, with minimal sillage

>> No.11924878

Maybe Demeter has something

>> No.11924881 [DELETED] 

True and jeremey also approves that. But literally smells good tbqh.

>> No.11924883

True and even Jeremey approves this. But it really smells good, tbqh.

>> No.11925373
