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/fa/ - Fashion

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11896237 No.11896237 [Reply] [Original]

i've been off /fa/ for about a month and it's changed me forever

think about all the waywt inspo that you have saved, that you've looked at maybe twice. all of the pictures of clothes you can't afford because you spend your time here instead of working towards something. all the living space inspo that you'll never apply because you don't know how.

get out of here. no one has ever become successful from using 4chan. these people that you envy because of their fame or clothes, they did something to change their situation for the better. most people don't want to put in hard work or do something unique, that's why they cling to celebrities. you'll never do anything significant with your life if you whine in your sorrows forever.

i'm an introvert and it fucking sucks. i have to work harder, really practice conversation and shit, just because there is somewhere i want to go thats better than where i am. tonight, you have a very important choice. you can decide to heed my advice, aim for something great. or you can continue to cry and whine, which i can't help you with. this only to help you.

>> No.11896255

its just a website OP. dont take yourself so seriously.

turn off that projector once you're done too.

>> No.11896265

i'm here for you man, but your self righteousness conveys to me that you're already past saving anyways.

>> No.11896274


>> No.11896275

you didn't have to come back

>> No.11896282
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>> No.11896292

trouble is pretty much all of /fa/ has shit taste in clothes

from the white suburbians that try and look like filipinos with their supreme t-shirts to the faggots that wear skinny everything

well done bud

>> No.11896303

w e w

>> No.11896335

lol not everyones in the same situation as you ya fucking loser. I'm happy with what I've got, have a great life and dress better than 90% of the people on this board. I mostly come here to talk shit, and on the occasions I do find something I like here thats a bonus, but very rare.

>> No.11896338


>> No.11896370

Whatever. You can answer me with your "lol", smug anime pics or 2 dimensional "wew".
I'm talking about something real here for real people. I don't care if you make fun of me so long as the human being on the other side of the keyboard takes a moment to mull my words over and perhaps makes a positive change even if they are too cool to admit it here.
I get it. I used to be like you. All the irony was a defense mechanism but if I spent a moment looking at the feelings behind the glib responses they were raw and tender.
If you're reading this and it touches something inside, then this is for you

>> No.11896378

lmao this isn't me

if this is ironic, kill yourself
if this is sincere, congrats

>> No.11896384


>> No.11896397
File: 29 KB, 300x323, IMG_6012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obvious samefag is obvious

>> No.11896401
File: 37 KB, 480x380, IMG_4932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11896819

I'm probably gonna get called a samefag but thank you OP I feel this speaks to me and I knew it all along at the back of my mind but never got pushed towards it. I'm going to start tonight. Thanks again bro.

>> No.11896844

GOOd message, too preachy at the end esp.

>> No.11896852


i cant describe how youre acting right now but its not a good thing my dude

>> No.11896866

(not true, by the way)
the problem is that the people with good taste never post in waywt because they aren't desperate for approval