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/fa/ - Fashion

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11885648 No.11885648[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

since voting is officially /fa/, now that Rick Owens has decided to vote for the first time.

who is the more effay candidate?

>> No.11885654

i wonder who this jewish cock sucker is gonna vote for

obviously a pathetic jew like rick will be voting for hillary clinton

>> No.11885656

are you reading complex you giant faggot

>> No.11885664

doubt it, he will vote for trump most likely
nope, w magazine. just clicked it since it was the featured result from googling rick owens.

>> No.11885665

voting for trump is not effay

>> No.11885667

voting for trump just makes you subhuman
same as voting for hillary

>> No.11885684

the things dark people say

>> No.11885690

I'm white and trump is an assclown.

>> No.11885692

t. nu male cuck shill

>> No.11885695


numale vocab

>> No.11885702

full rick

>> No.11885703

I could sooooooo kick your ass in real life

>> No.11885708

>there are people itt that don't already know Tricky Ricky's a Trump guy

>> No.11885713

If you don't vote Trump you're an idiot and a cuck. Being uneducated about the world around you is about as un-effay as you can get.

>> No.11885714

ricks clothes are shit so i assume hes also politically a shit cunt

>> No.11885717

and therefore with her

>> No.11885722

If you're so educated tell me why Hillary would be a bad president

>> No.11885724

>implying tricky Ricky would vote for a Clinton
Praise kek, meme magic will give us trump 2016

>> No.11885729

Will unironically set back feminism a few decades.

>> No.11885730

Because she's in the pockets of every other foreign nation and elitist in the world, is corrupt, has committed a number of crimes, intentionally covered up said crimes, and a plethora of other reasons I couldn't be bothered to mention. Trump said some mean things years ago.

>> No.11885732

rick is a cuck

he slapped a model for wearing a kill merkel sign in one of his shows

>> No.11885752

rick is a guy who i wouldnt be surprised if he unironically is into cuckolding. actually im pretty sure theres a huge chance he is

>> No.11885762

so I can be president because I have said just mean things in the past?

>> No.11885772

i thought tricky was a french citizen now?


>> No.11885776

Why would anyone wanna fuck his wife. Actually, why would he wanna fuck his wife? He's got access to a haram of skinny 20 year old brain dead models and he's laying pipe on a saggy salty old bag of farts.

>> No.11885780

the point is the only thing people have against trump is that he says mean things, whereas hillary is literally evil and seems hellbent on plunging us into WW3

>> No.11885804

a pleb like you wouldn't understand. It's a very sophisticated form of love

>> No.11885805

Nope, you're a betacuck

>> No.11885807

Thats bad? Is that even bad for women?

Feminism a few decades ago was actually useful.

>> No.11885812

the quote in context mentions "not another 1939" so you braindead trumpbots can officially drop best designer

>> No.11885813

So what about people who are against both? How could anyone say Trump is the perfect person to be elected as president. hillary aside

>> No.11885816

Hillary and Putin are literally the same people, I dont even give a shit.

I just dont want a diaretic tangerine to be my president, why is that so hard to understand?

>> No.11885885

since progressivism is mainstream, conservatism is the new alternative. between the two candidates, Trump poses the greatest threat to language/thought-policing of PC culture, so he's obviously more /fa/

>> No.11885893

system used to push self interests not fa

>> No.11885904
File: 139 KB, 1279x712, 1476243561315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PC culture


>> No.11885936

i'm white and what is this?

>> No.11886020


>But on this one, we can't let 1939 happen again

...he's very obviously voting Clinton.

>> No.11886063

Being apolotical is as /fa/ as if gets.

I can't wait till this fucking election is over and all the /pol/ shill of either aide will fuck off from boards that aren't /pol/

>> No.11886064

this guy is a virgin

>> No.11886066


>> No.11886096

He doesn't even have time to register to vote at this point

What a fucking dunce, his clothes are gay too

>> No.11886132

Wow, you can vote between cunt Clinton (shit) and assclown Trump (shit). American democracy lads.

>> No.11886145



>> No.11886219

Hillary is literally a caricature of a corrupt politician and Trump is a fucking retard from what I've seen. I know people who are supporters of Clinton that basically ignore everything bad about her and I know Trump supporters who either ignore or try to rationalize everything bad about Trump.
The only reason I could see for supporting Clinton is if you agree with her policies and just assume most politicians are corrupt so maybe she's not that much worse than other politicians. The only reason I can see for supporting Trump is if you agree with his policies and are willing to ignore what a horrible diplomat he will probably be and the infeasibility of a lot of his plans. I feel bad for long time republicans that hate Trump but feel like they have to hold their nose and vote for him anyway.
This election is genuinely embarrassing. I'm voting for Johnson. Not because I think he would be a competent president, but because I want to support a party that has ideas I like that neither of the 2 major parties ever really talk about. I think the Libertarian party is still pretty wacky and fringe but hopefully they will grow and become a legitimate option within a couple decades. Especially with how fucked up the Republican party is now, we need another strong option or we'll end up a one party state.

>> No.11886322

what did he mean by this?

>> No.11886629

Johnson is just as retarded and voting for some shitty 3rd party is basically throwing your ballot in the garbage

>> No.11886665

>voting for some shitty 3rd party is basically throwing your ballot in the garbage
How so? Because the person I voted for won't win? If that's the case then voting for anyone other than Clinton at this point is throwing your vote away, and I'm voting for Johnson to show support for his party, not because I think he has a good chance of winning. Or is it because I might accidentally get an ideological opponent elected? Clinton and Trump are both ideological opponents in many ways and if I didn't vote for Johnson I wouldn't vote at all, so it's not like I'm taking a vote away from one of them.
The whole "voting 3rd party is throwing your vote away" mentality is what keeps the shitty 2 party dominance strong. I don't like that so why would I support it?

>> No.11886670

I'm post /fa/.

>> No.11886853

conservatism can never be alternative, cool, or sexy. it's the political equivalent of grandpa pants.

>> No.11886871



the list goes on!

>> No.11886887

Heres your $0.02

Thanks for Correcting the Record.

>> No.11886897

I don't understand what's so funny he's completely right.

>> No.11886929
File: 83 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only reason Trump is getting slated to fuck is because Hillary is a woman and is still greasing palms at all the media outlets. Pic related is the CNN memester at it again.

>> No.11886947

>because Hillary is a woman and is still greasing palms at all the media outlets

what does her gender have to do with any of this?

>> No.11887008

if you're browsing /fa/ you're already a nu male, friend

>> No.11887019

I'm not from the US, what happened in '39?

>> No.11887022

ww2 ya dumbass

>> No.11887023

james hedges

>> No.11887030

So Hillary is going to stop WWIII? I find that hard to believe. It'll happen whether she wants it or not.

>> No.11887075

im not voting for her ya mong

>> No.11887080

What he's saying is that he thinks trump will cause WWIII

>> No.11887081

According to the anon I quoted in my post, Rick is. That's why I'm curious

>> No.11887170


>> No.11887232

do you want war in syria? do you want a proxy war with russia?

>> No.11887239

they made germany great again

>> No.11887322

This man is unfortunately a RETARD

>> No.11887329

it's probably a stab at the whole "durr trump is le next hitler!!! it can happen agen!!!" shit that clinton-brainwashed millennials love to post on social media

>> No.11887332
File: 298 KB, 480x469, 1474685435454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no let's hope more third world countries don't gang up on us!!! do the majority of "people" in those "countries" even have access to electricity or running water

>> No.11887337
File: 40 KB, 840x382, trumphair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what political positions are effay, but Trump's hair definitely is.

>> No.11887602

Individualism, free-speech, and defending those individual rights against the mainstream group think has become a conservative value, what's more punk than going against assimilating into the establishment?

>> No.11887618

If we're going to be literal here, of course the liberal choice of Clinton is the most "fashionable", but a vote for Trump is more intelligent.

I have seen a few cool people who are supporting Trump though.

>> No.11887626

are americans really this retarded?
I won't feel bad for you if your family dies in a terrorist attack

>> No.11887630

you're a dumbass and have no idea what these words mean or represent

>> No.11887658

of course a liberal would see those words as complicated.

>> No.11887661

So that's why so many young people are making fun of liberals for their social justice bullshit? right.

>> No.11887728

This. Fashion is a nu male meme.

>> No.11887738

Agreed, all those words are pretty straight forward; not surprised someone resorted to basic ad hom attacks

>> No.11887739

no you're a dumbass for spitting out a stream of buzzwords

>> No.11887786


conservatism acts directly opposite to individualism and free speech by imposing homogenity on its people and their thoughts; "individualism" here just means white boys get to do whatever they want and "free speech" is the right to use racial slurs but not to call people dumbasses for using racial slurs

y'all are pathetic

>> No.11887793

>Hillary and Putin are literally the same people
this level of idiocy holy shit