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11876885 No.11876885[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Most effay drug?
I'd say alcohol or MDMA

>> No.11876933

Depends on alcohol though.

Coke is pretty good if you can get it for free, or if you're extremely rich.

MDMA you can't use too much of it and the comedown is a bitch.

LSD is cool if you can find fun stuff to do on it.

Weed is trash imo, I really don't like it.

>> No.11876968

drugs are for degenerate losers

>> No.11876976



>> No.11876988


>> No.11876993
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I like Klonopin.

Spent the last five years with doctors who only prescribed atindepressnts after I'd explicitly noted that my problem with anxiety.

Feel chill as a cucumber right now.

>> No.11876994

Oxycodone, its like heroin but not

>> No.11877014

>for broke, depressed teenagers, good vibe though

>> No.11877018

I'd propably fall for opiates and become addicted so except for codeine i'm not even gonna try it.

>> No.11877022

>he fell for the "drugs are m'kay" meme

>> No.11877023

Anyone have experiences with Xanax. I came up on a bottle of it because of a prescription. What's it do for you

>> No.11877031

I heard that you lose your anxiety and fall into a cozy cloud where you just don't give a fuck anymore but idk

>> No.11877191


i did 3 grams in one night in rionegro, colombia and ended up in hosptial


>> No.11877197

I did LSD yesterday. It's likely the most effay.

>> No.11877199

getting coke for free

>> No.11877201


>> No.11877221


weed, but only joints and spliffs. Blunts, bongs, pipes, etc are not effay.

>> No.11877242

lol weed is low energy and degenerate. its not /fa/ at all.

>> No.11877246
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fight me. my one hitter is a lot cooler than ur sloppy ass joint

>> No.11877253

cocaine is the only answer. it's the most classy. you can get loads of fancy accessories for jewelry for it. I'd say any snorting drug but most of them fuck you up too much to be /fa. heroin is a no no but ketamine is okay.

>> No.11877258

eeeasy now mr escobar, nothing is free, are you doing baking soda?

>> No.11877262

you realize half this board has never even seen a pussy for real and you expect them to have touched drugs. wrong board.

>> No.11877300

how does pussy taste like brehs?

>> No.11877304

People these days are more likely to have touched drugs before the age of 18 then ever but okay

>> No.11877320

I get coke for free all the time because my friends do it and I tell them I don't want any and then they say "come on" and then I'm like weeeeelllllll okaaaaaaayyyy just 1 line. by the end of the night I've hit every rail they have haha

>> No.11877322

>falling for the "low energy" "degenerate" meme

>> No.11877326

Cocaine and MDMA if you are going by its users as a metric for being effay.

>> No.11877330

how do I obtain drugs?

>> No.11877336


I've done plenty of drugs and never saw a pussy.

>> No.11877503
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>> No.11877544
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Dark web is your friend ^^

>> No.11877567

based comfy rodgers

>> No.11877571

Salty. It's actually kind of gross if you don't have a penchant for pussy licking.

>> No.11877749

Kind of like raspberries and cream. But I like doing it and my girl takes care of herself.

>> No.11878147

either it tastes of salty coins and milk or nothing at all lol

>> No.11878166

Caffeine and nicotine

>> No.11878170

youll feel great, its a downer so youll be the most relaxed / warm youve ever been in your life.

not worth taking because of the addiction factor and it makes you a shitty human, nobody will want to talk to you cause youll be a drooling retard on it.

>> No.11878218

i would rather be gay than eat pussy that taste like this ....

>> No.11878353

It's a strong idgaf drug, can be fun but easy to fuck up with and pretty addictive. Never mix with alcohol if you don't have the control to just have one drink - my roommate couldn't figure that one out and now we have to drink on his grave instead of his bed.

Also you eat everything.

>> No.11878358

>have rich coke head friends
>hang out with them
>do a little when they offer it to you
it isnt hard and ive been doing free coke every other week for like a year.

>> No.11878398

Oxy, xanax, and LSD are the most effay drugs

>> No.11878479

amphetamines (prescription ones like adderall/vyvanse) are best. You can use them to study and also for partying.

>> No.11878499

I like mixing benzos with alcohol because I don't care if I don't wake up and I choke on my vomit.

>> No.11878517

DXM is fucking hilarious

no matter what i do on DXM i always manage to fuck it up just enough that people notice something is off, but not that i'm high as SHIT

>walking around with one eye closed due to not being able to focus eyesight
>robo walk
>chain smoking
>shoplifting for no reason
>driving with a friend while listening to chill music
>not being able to feel cold
>taking one hit off a joint and being incapacitated for 2 hours

it's wild. like being in a dream. never doing it again tho lmao

>> No.11878537
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bad acid is pretty effay too if you can handle your shit

nothin more effay than a panic attack on bad acid.

>wild eyed
>feel like you may have just died

>> No.11878549

DXM is trash highschooler drug boy, but it fits /fa/ demographic. You need to upgrade like all of us. I do love the robo itch though...

2g of psilocybin mushroom is the most effay drug possible imo.

>> No.11878554

ever tried 4-AcO-DMT? I heard its supposed to be similar to shrooms.

>> No.11878559

if you're gonna be a dumbass and do hard opiates you might as well do heroin, otherwise you just look like a pussy getting none of the benefits but just as much addiction/dependency detriments

>> No.11878562

oh yeah, no doubt it's trash. still effay though.

the best way to start a true DXM experience is shoplifting it from your local wal-mart.

haven't done it in ~4 years, but i still get the urge to do it every once and a while

definitely /fa/. every experience i've had on mushrooms has been INCREDIBLE and so much like living in a movie. truly a cinematic drug, if that description makes any sense.

>> No.11878563

The codeine high feels literally exactly the same as oxycodone, which feels almost identical to heroin..

All opiates feel the same. Except for morphine. But all other opiates are converted to morphine in the body.

>> No.11878569


LSD is most effay if you don't agree you just have never done it.

>> No.11878572

lmao. enjoy jail

>> No.11878578

>The codeine high feels literally exactly the same as oxycodone, which feels almost identical to heroin..
not if you're banging

>> No.11878579
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>tfw you want to do opiates but you don't like them

i just want to be heroin chic

>> No.11878612

Yeah I have dabbled in research chemicals before. I've tried 1p-lsd, al-lad, 4-ho-met, and dpt. I heard that 4-aco-dmt is nearly identical to shrooms as well, so it seems like a good replacement if you can't get shrooms.

>> No.11878615


>> No.11878624

oh sweet, thanks anon. what was 4-ho-met like? was interested in that as well.

>> No.11878652

nice phot, got ani more?

>> No.11878657
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>take MDMA
>feel "okay" for a couple hours, nothing like what people describe (omg best feeling of my life, every part of my body is orgasming etc.)
>come down is full of paranoia and intense depression I haven't felt in years

what's wrong with me, senpai? am I just immune to being happy?

>> No.11878668

Not really sure how to explain it, but it has its similarities and differences with psilocybin. Feels "clean" and easygoing, very recreational. I usually just nod off to music and enjoy the visuals, and 4-ho-met is perfect for that imo.

>> No.11878679

If you're depressed it doesn't work properly.

If you're on antidepressants it doesn't work properly.

>> No.11878680

did other people take the pills you had?
I get dud does sometimes, and mdma is being test as a treatment for depression because it releases all them brain chemicals- impossible not to feel gr8

>> No.11878683

yeah my friends took the same and felt happy, tho no ectstatic

it was pure mdma in capsules, not pressed pills or anything

>> No.11878686
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MDMA doesn't work on me either and I've had it from several different sources. When it hits I don't get euphoric, I just feel hella fucked up and sleepy.

>> No.11878689

Bad acid as in like 25i? All I've been getting is pure LSD-25 from the same guy for the past 4 years.

>> No.11878698
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To add, the only panic attack I've had on L was when I took 7 tabs and it hit me in 30 minutes. My whole world turned into patterns and my thoughts/vision were infinitely connected, like if I closed my eyes and had visuals and opened my eyes I'd still see the same visuals with open eyes. I literally couldn't see my environment at all, if I focused my vision for more than 2 seconds my whole world would turn into demonic patterns.

>pic related was what I had to deal with for 6 and half hours

>> No.11878710


that sounds fun actually

>> No.11878716

Believe me it was all bad, I was pacing back and forth for 4 hours nonstop until the peak ended. It's weird cuz I've taken 8 and 10-strips and had perfectly great times. I think I just wasnt in the best state of mind when I had the bad trip on 7 tabs.

>> No.11878717
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did you eat much that day? try rubbing it into your gums next time?

>> No.11878732

I like dosing LSD at least twice a month. Stimulants in the morning, benzos at night. Weed if I'm really bored.

>> No.11878831

the best drug is boipucci

>> No.11878839


in my experience mdma releasing suppressed emotions or ideas that people are afraid to let out.

we made our on vegan friend, who actually never enforced his lifestyle onto us, pop and he roll'd for hours on how fucked up modern day animal consumption was and the effects on the body.

however after you talk about everything you ever wanted to say, or maybe that you're accustomed to saying whatever freely that it brings up more of a body high than anything. i cant take mdma because i just pass out, however at clubs it makes me want to dance which i normally wont do.

>> No.11878845

Why does weed make me have panic attacks /fa/?

I recently had to leave a party because I was hyperventilating on a couch

Opiates/Amph are my favorite though. Amph to get motivated; and H to cut the edge off a shitty day at work

>> No.11878847


So what's that mean, I got no emotions or ideas to let out?

>> No.11878884

This. The thought makes me salivate.

>> No.11878893

Amphetamines, cocaine, caffeine, nicotine are the most /fa/

Alcohol is either way depended on the type

GHB and Ketamine are on the fence

MDMA is mainly consumed by fat girls with long boards and snapbacks

Weed is definitely not.

Xanax is for tumblr girls with "problems" and people looking to get really fucked up while drinking

LSD is infinitely better than any drug I've ever done but it isn't /fa/. I feel like it makes me think much clear in a weird way that could only be understood by people who've done it. LSD transcends things like being effay. The idea of someone doing acid because they think it is cool or fashionable or patrician is absolutely disgusting.

>> No.11878901

I have always said, "If I didn't want to be paranoid, I wouldn't smoke weed." embrace the panic anon

>> No.11878906

Probably coke but coke sucks

MDMA is not effay you act like a retard when you're on it and you shed all your clothes

LSD isn't very effay but I'd say it's the best drug bar none. DMT is pretty cool too.

Least effay drug is whippets.

>> No.11878911

I used to have the same problem but then I stopped being a little bitch. You should try that.

>> No.11878912

spliffs are my life

>> No.11878920

Why even come on this thread? I would like to see if you guys are doing better than others itt.

>> No.11878921
File: 57 KB, 500x500, IMG_5135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys I could use some of your thoughts

I've quit all hard drugs and heavy booze. I am taking SSRIs now and they have helped me greatly with my anxiety and OCD. However I feel very numb emotionally aside from sadness. For example; talking to women is far easier now but every time I pick up a girl I think "what's the point?" And stop being interested in sex with her. Off of my meds I'm a nervous wreck with severe addiction problems but on them I don't care about hardly anything, even being alive.

Thanks in advance.

>> No.11878936

Please get off of SSRIs, I know it's going to sound silly and cliché but start exercising and meditating. I've been in your position and it really doesn't get a lot better. The lack of feeling is terrible.

>> No.11878941

Stop taking government mind control poison and take up meditation or something

What are you nervous about.

>> No.11878956

I'm self conscious about my looks and I'm really nervous about my future. Also a case of hypochondria nearly ruined my life.

>> No.11878989

No one actually cares about your looks but you. You are a single person in a sea of people and there is essentially no chance that you could possibly be so ugly that it would hinder your life in any way. Quit worrying about it because no one else is.

You shouldn't be looking for peace in the future because no matter what you aren't going to find it. Focus on what is happening now in your life and what is happening at any given moment and try to appreciate it. School and work and whatever are important sure but as long as you can support yourself and take care of your basic needs as a human being, you don't actually need to worry about anything else unless you make yourself worry about it. No amount of wealth is going to make you any more happy than you are right now. If you are feeling anxiety or depression or whatever, just feel it, let it pass, and don't get so hung up on it.

As for hypochondria, I don't really know anything about that. Maybe youre looking for a scapegoat for your problems in the form of an illness.

>> No.11879000

Thanks a lot for typing this. It's really interesting to think about. I appreciate it.

>> No.11879016

I'm the anon who first told you to get off the SSRIs. Seriously consider this, talk to your psychiatrist/doctor and plan a taper, the sooner you're off, the better. What are you on if you don't mind me asking?

>> No.11879022

I'm on Paxil. I recently started again after a near nervous breakdown. I've had two in the last year and decided I'd had enough

>> No.11879164

I was at a music festival and we did MDMA each day, one buddy who came with tried it for the first time and just sat down for like 2 hours, we were laughing our asses off at him

Probably what happened to you happened to him

>> No.11879579

my mate was just sat at a table outside at a party and his face was just glitching out, like his eyelids were going wild and his mouth was making noises

>> No.11879610

>adderall is a good party drug
It's like the worst you can do

>> No.11879627

I should have been more specific.

Usually for me its a good party drug in that it makes me more social and talking to girls becomes really easy. Its only good at therapeutic doses though otherwise you're too tweaked out and your heart starts to beat out your chest.

>> No.11879678

>I am taking SSRIs now and they have helped me greatly with my anxiety and OCD
SSRIs scare me. If you want to take an adderall pill you could read an endless amount of studies and test and could read about the pretty well understood mechanics of how amphetamines work.

Amphetamines are not health food, but I know exactly what the potential problems could be and I can weigh these against the positive effects to decide if I want to take it and how regularly I want to take it.

SSRIs are a completely different class of drugs. There is not a single person who's used them long term because there hasn't been enough time. The brain is immensely complex and all our understanding of it comes from looking at changes in structure.
No one can know what SSRIs will do long term until lots of people have taken them long term. You're the lab rat.

I was clinically depressed and was offered many different types of prescriptions but turned them down for the above reasons. Therapy and exercise + making sure to get the proper nutrients all helped to get me undepressed.
Lot of people I know who take them say that they take it because "it helps" or "I need it" and that worries me even more because they seem very much psychologically addicted to the SSRIs effects. These people take the drugs with the goal of feeling its effects rather than taking it with the goal of becoming undepressed. Like a guy who started taking oxys to recover from a car crash but kept taking the it after he got better; the goal of taking the oxys changed and that's a problem because long term use of that drug is bad while the damage done in a week of taking it is negligible.