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/fa/ - Fashion

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11857948 No.11857948 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a mtf trans. I have a lot of money saved up and I'm ready to buy a new wardrobe.

How do I into women's clothing? Can trannies be /fa/?

>> No.11857949

only if you pass

>> No.11857950

>>11857948 No. Kill yourself scum

>> No.11857953

If you pass you're fine, if you don't pass just move to Portland or something. Just buy thrift if you're just starting hrt, your dimensions are going to change.

>> No.11857955

Clothing is a major part of passing isn't it?

>> No.11857959

It depends on how well you already pass. If you get clocked as female more often than not, then clothes will just solidify that. If you look like a guy in a dress, then you'll look like shit, and it might make you pass less.

>> No.11857965

I don't know if I pass, I've never tried. I spent the last few years saving a bunch of money, now I quit my job and can live off the savings the next few years while I reinvent myself. All I've got is hormones, laser hair removal scheduled for saturday.

You're not telling me that there are trannies who pass in men's clothing with a male haircut and no makeup are you? You have to start somewhere I think

>> No.11858020

post face or gtfo

>> No.11858061

I'm not saying there are people who pass while presenting male (there are though), but a general rule of thumb is to wait until boy-mode is failing more often than not, then start presenting female.

>> No.11858067

Also post face + body

>> No.11858095

This. People should at least be questioning if you are a boyish looking girl or vice versa rather than thinking immediately that you're a man in woman's clothing.

>> No.11858110

Lurk on tumblr desu, basic tumblr whore is an aesthetic that isn't super difficult and there's loads of inspo there.
Make sure to have some pants that aren't super tight so you've got something to throw on in a pinch if you don't wanna/can't tuck that feminine penis. Maybe some vintage Levis?

>> No.11858189

Don't spend all your money at once. Probably it'll take you a little while to get a sense of style, you have to try different things and see what fits your personality.

Dress your age. Can't stress this enough. A lot of trannies try to dress way younger than they are and it always looks horrible. Sucks that we all missed out on younger years but that's no excuse.

Also, dress your height. If you're 6 feet tall don't go for a cutesy look. For the most part the best look for tall women is a look that's more mysterious and a little intimidating. Your pic is a good look. Keep a thin figure.

It can be hard to keep up the confidence and it takes some more maintenance, but trannies can absolutely be /fa/. I don't think I'm particularly good looking and I don't wear much makeup, but all the time people tell me I look like a model. Like, if I was cis I would probably be prettier, but being born a guy means I'm tall and have angular facial features, which helps to pull off a certain look.

>> No.11858234

Good clarification

>> No.11858306
File: 90 KB, 360x640, 1368408976637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for all the excellent advice.

I definitely have no intention of dressing like a teenager or anything. I actually prefer to dress more 'maturely' I guess. And I'm 6'1 so cutesy is definitely not an option for me.

How do you deal with having broad shoulders though? And narrow hips? And small breasts? Are there certain kinds of clothing that I should absolutely avoid?

>> No.11858313

Laughing so hard the actual fuck

>> No.11858440

fuck off then faggot

>> No.11858441


>> No.11858445

I'm not 100 percent certain, but there are do's and dont's of dressing to your body shape. Go to the subreddit (asktransgender) and make a post. They'll be more informative than me. Just make a throwaway if you have to.

>> No.11858450

Would you say 5'10" is too tall? Or 5'8"? Just curious

>> No.11858454
File: 117 KB, 1279x879, WOMAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11858465

Shit dressing, shoulders too wide, and that dress just accentuates it

>> No.11858477

that's the point of pic innit
it's an nfl player in a dress

>> No.11858481

6'1 and chooses to be a woman

>> No.11858493

It's really uncommon, but not putside the realm of possibility. Maria Sharapova has an inch on you.

>> No.11858805

different tranon here, but am I fucked if my shoulders are too wide? I am worried about looking too many

>> No.11860039

Ehh, you lose a little bit of width from hrt, but it could be better

>> No.11860041

AVOID SKINNY JEANS, seriously, female bone structure is so different from males that everyone WILL know you're a man by your manlegs

>> No.11861445


Narrow hips and small breasts really isn't a problem, it can be a very fashionable look on women (like your pic). Broad shoulders aren't exactly attractive, but that's just one thing you can dress around: wear clothes that emphasize your shoulders less.

As you wear more women's clothes you'll find more things about your body to hate (big feet, long arms, big ribcage, are some of mine). But you also learn what to look for to emphasize your best features and play down the ugly ones. Don't let it bother you too much, all women have a million little things about their body that they hate.


No, not really. The difference between male and female legs is mostly fat and muscle structure, which changes with hormones.

>> No.11862140

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA what a fucking waste of masculinity

Not even alt right but feminization of men in this globalist emasculated era is fucking hilarious and sad simultaneously

>> No.11862213
File: 101 KB, 1300x1022, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>feminization of men in this globalist emasculated era is fucking hilarious and sad simultaneously

>> No.11862335

Did I hit a nerve lol

Men are becoming that pic completely unironically at a fucking unprecedented rate

Maybe my articulation isn't lithe enough for your delicate sensibilities but it's exactly what's happened

The violent honor-bound world of our ancestors is gone. For better or worse. I'm not even saying this with an ego you can go ahead and assume I'm the biggest boot licking faggot on the planet but everything I'm saying is true.

Men trying their damn hardest to look like women isn't something that would fly in any other time period in history

>> No.11862853


And? There's literally nothing bad about that.

>> No.11862867

>violent honor-bound world of our ancestors

What honor mate? It was just violent and completely random. You drank too much romantic kool-aid.

>> No.11862916

I'd say you should just go for an androgynous look until you actually look like a female with hormone treatment and hair removal completed, otherwise you will just look like a guy in a dress, I would also recommend dressing with looser clothes to disguise your masculine body features. Growing out your hair should be obvious.

>> No.11862955

>manly man viking ancestor
>he has six kids in his lifetime
>five were manly men and one was a faggot
>look at his descendants
>thousands of people trace back to him
>hundreds of manly men and a good number of faggots
>few of his descendants were really important in history or contributed to progress somehow

Viking ancestor is probably extremely pleased

>> No.11862973

post effy trannies

>> No.11863023

There aren't any, because they all wear fucking rainbow socks
I hate trannies because they all dress like shit and see so oblivious about it and it makes them look worse
(this is from a tranny)

>> No.11863033

Andreja pejic is an actual model

>> No.11863036
File: 30 KB, 500x668, adrej pejic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one, both as a guy and a girl

it's hard to find good tranny pics that aren't porn, and then after that it's hard to find ones that fit the /fa/ aesthetic

>> No.11863038
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>> No.11863041
File: 180 KB, 500x700, tumblr_ned3tfQMv61ql9ilao2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those feet though

>> No.11863079

andrej has a pretty face however bone structure is a dead giveaway that he's MtF. I liked him better as an androgenyous model

>> No.11863626

Girl with broad shoulders here. You can balance them out by hinting at hips so it pushes your skeletal structure into an hourglass rather than an upside down triangle. One easy way to do it is wearing skirts with more volume (circle skirts, etc. then emphasizing the waist. With your height you can get away with big skirts that would drown short girls).

It may be tempting to wear tight tshirts (girls makes this mistake all the time, thinking less fabric makes their shoulders look less big), but that's only going to pull and make things look more obvious. Also, stay away from anything with a cap sleeve. Long and 3/4 sleeves will look the most feminine for broad shoulders and you can get away with a sporty look with a tank top. Also, think thin layers. Getting the right cardigan, sweater or jacket can help with de-emphasizing. Bring a friend shopping who can check out if your shoulders are pulling too much on the fabric while you move your arms.

Of course, it all has to fit your sense of style! Teenage girls tend to look awkward because they're trying everything out for the first time trying to find a sense of style. It'll be similar for you, learning from the ground up about what does and doesn't work. If you aren't comfortable in what you're wearing and are only wearing it because it's in "the rules" for your body type, it's going to be obvious.

If you don't mind taking things slow or if you haven't done it already, I'd recommend making a lookbook while you're transitioning. Just, every time you see a fit you like, throw it in there then take a look when you've got a good sized collection and see if any patterns about what you like jump out. One mistake everyone makes in buying a wardrobe all at once is that they just go by their gut instinct on what to buy instead of getting a plan so everything works together. One or two weird things is alright, but if you have a whole wardrobe that doesn't quite go together it's a dead giveaway when working to pass.