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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 35 KB, 533x591, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11852838 No.11852838 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw i wear sick fits but ive got no confidence
>tfw dressing well doesnt make you any friends
>tfw almost 21 and ive never had a gf

>> No.11852849

>>tfw dressing well doesnt make you any friends
no shit lol

>> No.11852854

>wide hips
>I'm a guy

Why must I be cursed

>> No.11852877

>>tfw i wear sick fits but ive got no confidence

Sick fits are supposed to boost ur confidence lol

>> No.11852878
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>that guy who thinks he's /fa/ dressing like an anime character in H&M clothes but he has beta body language and doesn't pull it off at all
>gets cucked by buzzcut chad wearing basketball shorts and sandals with socks
>even the /fa/ girls prefer the chad

>> No.11852879

>keep buying things
>still unhappy
I guess they're right about money not buying happiness..

>> No.11852889
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Your "sick fit" should give you confidence. It mustn't be that "sick" if it doesn't.

Dressing well does make you friends if you're extremely well dressed in a professional setting/among rich people.

>> No.11852901

I didn't "sleep" with any one unless I "loved" them. Young love is different than "OLD PERSON" love. I think that it is COOL that you have SAVED yourself.. I am SORRY for your group of age of people. Too reliant on social /content/media. Instead of talking to people in REAL person. Like face to face. Hanging out and going outside with NO electronics. To just experience each other.. get to KNOW each other.. If it works it does. If it doesn't.. Then you have MET a NEW PERSON!! Then DO try the same thing with the next wonderful girl you meet.. Don't be afraid to fail. Failure is just the BEGINNING to WINNING!! BE YOURSELF!! No matter how "weird" you think you are.. Girls ARE just as weird.. Just don't freak them out with TOO freaky of stuff on the first date.. :) Like I said, I am OLD.. And unfortunately I can feel peoples feelings when I am interested in what they have to say.. I sincerely hope you take the chance, and ask this woman to coffee or hot chocolate, or tea. Some thing that the both of you can talk in person. Good luck! ;)z

>> No.11852960

Not OP but sick fits usually go out of the norm of what people wear. Always worried of what normies will call me out on because if you are surrounded by a bunch of people wearing nike sportswear and loose ill fitting sweatpants, youll get some looks and sometimes negative comments. I Generally wear basic fitted clothing and i still get called out. If your jeans arent baggy as fuck then people think youre retarded in my shit tier area

>> No.11852963

Do you live in midwest USA or something?

>> No.11852966
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>mfw I can't relate to any of these posts because my entire personality and identity isn't defined by my expencive brand clothes, cause Im not a 14 year old girl

Feels good, man

>> No.11852967
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>> No.11852969

>feel when i want my friend to punch me in the stomach but have no way to go about making it autistic

>> No.11852983

This sounds like something a mom would say, I hope this is a joke post

>> No.11852986

>parents were 10/10 when they were my age

>im ugly

my mom was a CK model ffs, i couldn't even get fathom the idea of being a model

>> No.11853004

do i know you

>> No.11853008

>I hope this is a joke post
What gave it away?

>> No.11853020

I buy things for other people and that makes me happy
but then I have no money and im sad again

>> No.11853061
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iktf, luckily i'm able to hide it pretty well. don't wear jeans too skinny and you should be fine

>> No.11853088

>tfw when 6'4"
>ugly face
kill me pls

>> No.11853092
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>horrible, acne scar ridden skin

>> No.11853108

If I were 6'4" I wouldn't even know what a 4chan is

gtfo normie

>> No.11853113

can't even see you in that pic.

think you're hiding it too well.

>> No.11853124

>Tfw dont love my gf but instead a qt ballerina who i cross eyes with every wednesday
>can't break up with my gf because fear of being alone forever

>> No.11853283

can you post your standard fit?

>> No.11853387

You should dress to find like minded people. Iv made most of my current friends by starting conversations about what we're wearing. I don't know how you're dressing if this doesn't happen to you.

>> No.11853391
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>decided to trim beard
>remember my weak chin

>> No.11853430

save up and get chin fillers

>> No.11853440

underage b&

>> No.11853442

do you live in some swamp bumfuck?

if you don't stray out too far or become a walking stereotype, you're fine and might even get compliments

for me though, being dressed well gives me a little confidence boost

>> No.11853451

Holy shit dude the feels.
I have a gf since highschool (5 years together) and recently I've met another girl I feel in love with. I just don't know what to do anymore. I love both but in a different way.

>> No.11853473
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Im 21 too with no gf but at least im not a virgin fag

>> No.11853474

Not the poster, but I recognize his experience. I live in rural N. Ga and work in what should be a pretty professional business, but when I show up to meetings in business casual people are like "Whoa bud you're lookin' sharp, where you headed?" and I'm like, "Here. For the meeting. Nice shorts."

>> No.11853494
File: 251 KB, 1698x1140, 1476233052492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't find a pants size that fits. Not even 30/30s fit me and I'm not even small.

Stores, even fast fashion stores, seem to lack basics. It takes me four hours to bring in a good haul of respectable clothing that doesn't have graphics or brand names on them.

There is more clothing choices for women and more stores devoted to them. It's sinful for a man to choose to look good.

There's barely any good clothing stores in town and barely any fashionable people to share ideas with. I live in a bumfuck town basically. I'm moving to a university for my next two years of school so the pain might be gone soon but I'll probably find a new breed of faggots there.

>> No.11853500

I never understood the yearning to have a girlfriend, especially if you never had one.
Like you literally don't even know what you are missing.
I'm 24 soon 25 and I never had gf, big deal

>> No.11853502
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enjoy dying alone!

>> No.11853522

I'm cool with that
And it's not like it's ever too late if start thinking otherwise
I do like the idea of being with someone through your life, going through things together and surviving shit times, it feels like such a powerful and romantic thing to be with someone for the majority of your life but I'm realistic as well and I don't think I could actually be able to do that.
But I'm fairly content never being in a relationship as things are now.
Fuck, some people like the image of a 'loner' and think about that in a very romantic way, try that if you have hard time dealing with your situation.

>> No.11853544
File: 29 KB, 480x640, 543143_3621928085736_831815643_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i drive a bmw but ive got no confidence
>tfw splashing orange juice on people doesnt make you any friends
>tfw almost 23 and ive never had a gf

>> No.11853573

stop feeling bad for yourself and man up. talk to people.

>> No.11853578

Pics or it didn't happen

>> No.11853605
File: 13 KB, 240x240, IMG_8640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my sense of style got flipped around and tall fat guys with grown out hair wearing baggy clothes or all black and weird band t shirts is the ultimate aesthetic to me

>> No.11853620
File: 199 KB, 376x386, 87654323567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All the ugly parts of my face are on the lower half
>Wide jaw
>Big lips
>Weak Chin
>tfw can't grow beard

I would seriously jump up like 3 points

>> No.11853624

are you asexual/aromantic

>> No.11853637
File: 1.12 MB, 400x400, 1472604132841.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>decent fashion sense
>beautiful girlfriend
>no friends at all

whats the point?

>> No.11854053

wow aren't you special, keep it to yourself asshole this is a feels thread not an a "brag about how many cocks I can fit in my mouth" thread.
Your personality isn't defined by clothes, you must be a boring nerd

>> No.11854055

where dem bois at? start being interesting and dudes will like you

>> No.11854060
File: 34 KB, 480x381, 0ea3f068c1220e586f6b3d3d2a8b63df500aa99a_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>face like a grouper
>saggy skin from weight loss
>endomorph skeleton
Do I get thin enough to work my chest out or just stay thin and look muscular anyways because of my large bones.

>> No.11854220
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I was a total degenerate a year ago, cleaned up my life since and now have a good job, dress on fucking point all the time, have a hot, QUALITY girl instead of the trashy sluts I used to fuck when selling drugs.

But I had to cut off all my boys to make it happen... I miss them so much but I know if I go back to them I'm going back to the same lifestyle.

Those were my brothers man :(

>> No.11854231

Aesthetics without a lot of mass is all from the v-taper. Cutting a sexy silhoutte is what you're going for so train shoulders, specifically side delts, and lats. Some chest isn't a bad idea. Can be accomplished by just doing pull-ups, pushups and side raises desu

>> No.11854313

>drove out an hour and a half last week to go on a first date with qt friend that I met two months ago and occasionally see in LA
>had an amazing time, spent 5 hours together, learned we had a ton of common interests and conversation flowed so naturally
>made loose plans of second date before we parted ways
>text her for her availability this week, says she's busy but will try to arrange something next week

Fucking hell mates. I feel so over the moon. Time with this girl is so much different than any of the lukewarm dates with my usual social circle or any tinder sloot I've met. The bants and shitposting over texting has ramped up after the first date and I just can't get my mind off her.

Been trying to text her less and keep myself busy with work and exercise and hobbies because the feels are p. strong. I JUST WANT NEXT WEEK TO COME ALREADY FUCK

>> No.11854326

I know this too well man, quit heroin and meth like 8 months ago and I still like my old friends a lot but it's just too much watching them get closer and closer to how fucking retarded I was. stick through it brother

>> No.11854328

>tfw my newly-made friend that I have a giant crush on is a demisexual girl

I'm not gonna get any action any time soon, am I lads? It hurts so much.

>> No.11854337

I enjoy sex, I constantly have crushes etc normal regular functioning human being

>> No.11854354

>skinnyfat with a fat face and a 4/5head
feels bad knowing i would atleast be 8/10 if not for this

>> No.11854549

why can't I stop buying band ts???!!
I love them but at the same time they make me look like I'm still in high school.

>> No.11854583
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>Yesterday I just found out that my hairline has receded quite a bit around the temples, one much bigger than the others.
>I'm only 20.

>not overweight but too much fat for my liking, ruins my face.
>feel constantly like shit.

Maybe I should just shave it all off?

>> No.11854586

>there is more clothing choices for women and more stores devoted to them. It's sinful for a man to choose to look good.

as a girl I feel the exact opposite

but you are right about us having more options too bad majority of it is shit quality and most jeans cant even fit my phone on the front pocket

the worst is when I find a nice comfy sweater on a shelf and hold it up and it's a fucking crop top. what's the point of having a sweater with half of it missing.

shits fucked.

I find my self shopping in the men's section more and more since the quality is usually way better with pants that function how they should.

>> No.11854661

get a prescription for adderall it will fix the too much fat and the constantly feeling like shit problem

>> No.11854672
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>years of abuse as a child/teen
>have anti social tendencies as a result
>want to dress nice more often and go out but I don't like people

>> No.11854688

> I got a model friend
> obviously have a crush on her
> hung out with her outside school pretty often
> we went to theater n shit
> we hit the pub now and then
> yesterday she told me about the chad she fucked and how he ignores her now and it makes her feel sad.

I just want to die desu. I thought life would finally be good for me.

>> No.11854690
File: 54 KB, 500x384, fullsizeoutput_1c5d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>started new job
>have to wait two-three paycheck cycles to buy enough brooks brothers and other types of clothes to fit in at the office

such is life as a wageslavie

>> No.11854712
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>tfw 5'4
>jew hair but not jewish
>lips of a nigger
>small dick
>so ugly i can never be effay

What do?

>> No.11854713

I already take dexamphetamine. In Australia I can't get Adderall. I think my dose is too low, I'll probably just up it to 10-15mg.

>> No.11854747
File: 389 KB, 1000x778, 1454466523294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw only thing in my life that makes me happy these days is food
>tfw rapidly gaining weight

>> No.11854758

Worst case scenario: get a liposuction

>> No.11854779

How do you guys get antidepressants? I'm in the states with temporary visa so no insurance to cover up the meds and see docs. I tried getting some prescriptions outside of USA once but every time docs just suggest me to take psycho therapy sessions which is fucking no.
I'm googling antidepressants and it shows me like $500~800 for few pills wtf?

>> No.11854808

look into tianeptine maybe? or st John's wort

>> No.11854830

Start working out, find a hobby, go pursue something you've always been interested in, get some help if you think you're legitimately depressed.

Don't be one of those people that just gives up and gets fatter and sadder.

>> No.11854834

>tfw almost 21 and ive never had a gf
I'm 32 and never had a gf. You're probably just a privileged person with high standards and low ambition.

>> No.11854837
File: 165 KB, 439x550, 1475516149429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Manlet with huge upper leg muscle
> Have to mention my fit to people to actually compliment it.
> Shitty beard genetics
> High widow peak, people think I'm balding
> Beady anglo eyes

>> No.11854868

Thats not ugly thats like aryan as fuck

>> No.11854897

Literally me. Abuse and all. Just power through it and give it a shot. I started dressing how I wanted and found decent people to party with, started getting compliments on my style, slept with plenty of art-school/hipster girl types who I guess mistook my social ineptitude and misanthropy as some kind of cool aloofness. I don't really know.

Still hated most people, but learned how to ignore them/get over it. And of course there are some really great people out there. You'll see.

>> No.11855020

>what normies will call [you] put on
so much this. i have a pair of pants i got hemmed to have no break (not ludicrously high, just hits right at the top of my foot) for wearing specifically with some dope ankle boots, ive got several comments about why are my pants so high. normies are the stupidest fucks i swear.
on the other hand, my boss said i was dressed nice the other day (fuck ugly runners, joggers, and a t shirt) so you never know what normies will do.

>> No.11855030

>i couldnt even fathom the idea of being a model
i bet with different hair/lighting/glasses and a dope fit you would look fine.
ofc with makeup and shit. maybe lose weight.

>> No.11855047

thats never happened to me. it never goes past 'i like x' 'thanks' weather i say it to someone or get it said to me.
it might be because i dont dress for some secret club i just wear whatever i feel like that day. enough people have complimented me i feel pretty confident in my clothes but i cant even imagine starting a friendship based on that, but to be fair, ive started more than one friendship through alcohol so

>> No.11855069

>as a girl i feel the exact opposite
too bad its objectively true. just go to any store that has both. girls buy mens clothes all the time, but guys cant buy girls clothes. so even if he was wrong he would still be right.
crop top sweaters are top tier qt
>pants that function how they should
i work in a womans clothing store and id rather kill myself than have to put up with womens clothes. id probably just make my own clothes if i went trans or some shit.

go to a nice area in the city you go to uni in and check the thrift stores regularly. youll get based shit at great prices.

>> No.11855079

its just way more comfortable. look up touch deprivation or some shit like that. even if you dont get serious its still nice to connect with people

>> No.11855098

>round face
>big nose
>small eyes

Doesn't matter how well I dress, I can NEVER be effay...

>> No.11855126

Me neither. Being ugly sucks ass

>> No.11855162

>up it
>to 10mg
nigger i take 50mg of methylphenidate
get that shit higher, especially if you want to sell it.

>> No.11855167
File: 93 KB, 750x838, IMG_4895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw have a few box logo stickers but do not own any supreme pieces

>> No.11855169

>no insurance
>wants to buy meds in the usa
are you the kid of an oil baron or something?
>st johns wort
i dont actually know much about this plant but if even half of what ive heard is true its borderline magic. unfortunately it was my dads crazy ass side chick who first told me about it so i can never use it

>> No.11855184

I've never tried it I just know it has slight SSRI properties and if you're depressed enough to ask how to get cheap antidepressants on a forum about fashion you should be able to do a quick Google search about it.

>> No.11855216

leafy is that you

>> No.11855404

>ywn have a qt /comfy core/ asian gf
it hurts anons...

>> No.11855424

> You will never have comfy petite gf that gives excellent hugs when your down and looks up to with big caring eyesd with sincere feeling

>> No.11855441

Post pic

>> No.11855642

Thanks homie, you keep it up too. I guess I have to get normal hobbies and make friends there now but it's so foreign to me man.

>> No.11855697

what area do you live in? I'm just curious, but yeah man it's been really fuckin hard, I've been getting back into skating and it's been helping a lot but even 10 months clean I'm having a lot of trouble functioning. you got this man

>> No.11855724
File: 714 KB, 2774x1993, 1472613724614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone feel like they don't "deserve" to wear good fits and own expensive clothes?

I feel like I need to earn it somehow If i'm to buy a high quality piece of clothing, I feel like if i wore a good looking fit the clothes themselves would reject me and it would look unnatural. this is a genuine fear of mine. I don't want to look like a poser in clothes that don't suit my personality. problem is I don't know what my personality even is.

>> No.11855750


>> No.11855839

you dont deserve to wear nice clothes you insecure faggot, keep wearing your bangladeshi zara faggot

>> No.11855862
File: 276 KB, 1439x1695, 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw smart, driven gf with great fashion sense
>tfw she's never been touched by another guy
>tfw she gives you head after spending the night over
>tfw she buys you both concert tickets to see your favorite soundcloud rapper

This is how life was meant to be felt.

>> No.11855890

>but guys cant buy girls clothes
dudeee no one is stopping him at the worst he'd get a few weird stares from ppl in the store. but if they pick out unisex clothing, no one will ever know that it's womens clothes.

also if he's that worried just order it offline

>> No.11855893

>>big nose
this fucks me up so bad.

i have such a shit tier nose.

smiling makes me look 5x uglier
cause it makes my nose flat and spread across

>Tfw you try not to smile to avoid it
>tfw u hate taking pictures cause people want u to smile

>> No.11855898

Actually, people who dress extremely nice; like fucking Wall Street stock brokers or have amazingly practiced and perfected hair along with some elaborate but not try-hard outfit I feel sort of intimidated to talk to them unless I'm dressed just as nice.

>> No.11855928

congrats man :)

>> No.11856023

>Stuck between a few different girls
>Like all the girls pretty equally for different reasons
>Probably won't end up with any of them and instead remain alone
I dunno what to do

>> No.11856155

Fucking kek stock brokers aren't shit anymore

>> No.11856161
File: 76 KB, 750x752, 1476315351705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which one is mmwt

>> No.11856165

>Be me
>Be 5'7
>weight 50 kg

>> No.11856167


>> No.11856170

who is me

>> No.11856173

Vancouver. Remembering that this is all for the best long term keeps me going, but I still feel wired to be a short-term thinking self-destructive idiot. Even with all the good shit that's happened to me. Gotta keep busy and try to keep re-wiring though.

>> No.11856180
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>mfw 23 years old, 5'0 tall, shitskin, hairy af
literally pic related

>> No.11856211
File: 98 KB, 640x480, 1453881203376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>great body
>great full black hair
>can't grow facial hair

fuck im so close to being perfect what do I do!?

>> No.11856219

i love that feeling, anon. happy for you- hope all is well!

>> No.11856292
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>> No.11856295

> face is too round
> ginger
> invisible eyebrows
why do i even try to look good

>> No.11856298


>> No.11856299

at least you have your modesty

>> No.11856324

gave me cancer

>> No.11856327
File: 18 KB, 300x300, 1476268219964s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you psychic?

>> No.11856397

>Wide jaw
>Big lips

I can't imagine these contributing to your uglyness

>> No.11856437

need an effay opening line for an effay girl but can't come up with anything :(

>> No.11856446

"Nice shoes, wanna fuck?"
60% of the time, it works every time

>> No.11856454

I know what you mean. I guess take it step by step and build up to it.

>> No.11856469

come on, we can do better than this

>> No.11857044

Me too thanks are you me?

>> No.11857070

>fucked up one half of the test
>didn't get the higher paying job
>my fantasies of cops are crushed
>guess I'll just go back to browsing and imagining

>> No.11857107


>> No.11857128


browsing this board wont make your autism effay

>> No.11857274


>> No.11857347

I've started to just wear basic black vans, trousers and a sweater despite owning a shit load of archive Raf, Junya, Undercover and Rick grails.

My wardrobe is kinda just something I look through and admire these days instead of actually wearing.

>> No.11857395

Why do I feel way more confident in a black bomber jacket? I don't feel the same confidence wearing my other clothes

>> No.11857635

post highschool graduate
wasnt the most popular but wasnt anti socially by any means
I have decent fits from lurking and would get complemented by normies
no really friends or anyone who kept in touch
don't start college till spring
have a job but dont really meet anyone and closes coworker to my age is 27
try to get out but have no idea how to meet people
go to concerts and events but end up going home without talking to anyone
at least have time to focus on vidya and my music

>> No.11857713


>> No.11857741

>First year in 2016

>> No.11857803

>5'11 manlette
>thicc main girl
>starting to catch feelings for smelly girl
what do /fa/m

>> No.11857813

>tfw i have this
>tfw the novelty wears off
i feel like a shell

>> No.11857966

Some people resell them as a supreme item, so you own something from supreme.

>> No.11857988

>Talking to girl in class recently
>Like her a lot, we seem to get along pretty well, got her socials
>Invite her out to lunch after class, but she says she's busy with friends already, she'd cancel with them and go with me but she said they were waiting for her to get out of class (seemed genuine)
I really like her, she's a perfect fit for me too.
But it seems so hard to try and become a bigger part of her life then just a classmate, and even harder to ask her out on a date and make my intentions clear
I dunno how to proceed, I think I'll try and see if she wants to hang out after class one day next week or something

>> No.11858021

if you have to mention it to get complimented, it means it can't look that good. Also why do you mention your fit, weird manlet

>> No.11858046
File: 40 KB, 136x293, Untitled_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>too hot to be effay
>friends not effay at all
>havent bought a single new piece in a year
Why do i even come back here anymore, it's not like I'm gonna find the secret to the tshirt shorts and flip-flops here

>> No.11858093

>wide hips
>plus bottom heavy
if i gain any weight its all ass and thighs :(

>> No.11858114

>tfw am reasonably attractive
>tfw have never had a problem getting a gf
>never had a problem with getting girls to think i was attractive
>tfw could have been swimming in pussy at a young age
>tfw was quiet and weird
>tfw that progressed to being eccentric, loud and crazy
>tfw the crazy angle worked and i was fucking a new girl every weekend
>tfw had the yung leo as far back as 2013
>tfw every girl now says i look like cole sprouse or that charlie heaton guy from stranger things
>tfw gf who's into three ways
>Tfw i get more pussy than the average guy

and i'm only 5'10
lmao get out there and form a fucking personalty you fucking mentally ill losers

>> No.11858119

if you get clingy you'll lose any chance of anything more than "friendzone"

Try one more time and if she declines you need to wait for her to arrange something or bring it up.

>> No.11858154

How do you recommend I try?
Be specific and say want to come out to lunch after class?
Or more say that we should hang out after class sometime?
And I asked her today, and won't see her till Tuesday should I ask then?

>> No.11858160

grill here, definitely make concrete plans

>> No.11858253

post fit

>> No.11858284

>guys i get girlfriends now: the post
every fucking time, late bloomers are so annoying and peacocky

>> No.11858287


I've got some bad news son.

>> No.11858290
File: 16 KB, 236x236, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be me last January 6'1 240lbs
>Realize impossible to be effay at this weight
>Dream of skinny legs in black skinnies
>decide to make a change, eat under 1000 cals a day sometimes under 700 legit starve myself
>run over 150 miles in a few months
>Lose 80 lbs now 6'1 155 have pretty skinny legs but why don't they look right?

atleast I'm not a manlet tho I guess

>> No.11858300


Wtf? Sell me some mate

>> No.11858303

"Wanna get food after class today or on Thursday?"
That good enough?

>> No.11858315


Bingo. If she can't do either then she's a fucking liar and on to the next one.

>> No.11858327

yeah! agree w >>11858315 too, if she makes excuses for both days and doesn't offer up an alternative, she's not interested + best to give her space

>> No.11858333

Alright sounds good, thanks
I'm a little hopeful she will since she did sound genuine about wanting to come out to lunch today but had previous plans that she couldn't blow off, but guess we will see

>> No.11858338
File: 2.96 MB, 1242x2208, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related. There not super wide but there wider than normal right ?

>> No.11858341

They look fine, you're possibly autustic also

>> No.11858342

>put on fit in the morning and it looks great, look at fit later on and it's suddenly shit

>spend $300 on a shirt, never wear it

>spend $300 on a shirt, just get called gay

>> No.11858347
File: 1020 KB, 500x373, 1463771557965.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have generally good fashion tense
>dress very "fashionably"
>get called gay for not dressing like a retard or wearing anything slightly out of the average comfort range
>girls prefer guys who dress like cuck retards in vinyard vines and ralph lauren
>no girlfriend

>> No.11858352

Yea you might be right I'm mentally pretty fucked in the head. How could you tell?

>> No.11858370

Because your legs look fine and you think they look like the biggest dilemma ever
Literally nobody except other autists on here will ever say anything about your legs

>> No.11858376

Thanks dood you made me feel a lot better love you <33333

>> No.11858387


>> No.11858419

ann d sandals rick owens double layered tee and yohji yamamoto 3/4 length linen trousers

>> No.11858424

wear oversized outerwear and high rise jeans

>> No.11858435
File: 14 KB, 820x350, delet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11858439

itt normalfaggot feels

fuck all of you

>> No.11858690

>missed high school experience
>Never went to games
>No clubs or sports
>Bad grades
>Did not go to any events
>Now I'm gonna end up commuting a mid tier state school that's like 90% commuters
>Can't even try to form a social life because parents make me come home at 8 every day
>Only people with curfew like this are fucking fat neckbeard weeb virgins
>No money so can't cop rick and raf so I at least get mired for sick fits
>Only wear normcore/old skools/some decent thrift pieces
>Even if I had money I would still be that guy living in my parents house with no social life and no freinds

>> No.11858764

>majority of it is shit quality and most jeans cant even fit my phone on the front pocket
i feel so bad for my gf because of this

>> No.11858777

feel it all the time
ive been trying to talk myself into buying a cheap cotton sweater all week and i just cant do it

>> No.11858789

i feel 5x more confident wearing army boots
and feel like a complete whore wearing chelsea boots

>> No.11859232

just get big, and intimidate the fuck out of people

>> No.11859235

why are you trying so hard to retaliate?

>> No.11859498

If you want that girl then approach her in person and just ask her out. If she refuses or makes any excuses she's not into you.
>tfw a qt girl is hitting on me hard
>tfw I really really like her
>tfw me and my gf have been together for 5 years and I just don't know anything anymore

>> No.11859533

Wide hips are only a problem if you don't have thick thighs to match them. Do you even lift?

>> No.11859539

R u me

>> No.11859541


>> No.11859553
File: 47 KB, 692x969, CrEap5IUsAAXqX8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

talk to a classmate about their cool pen u fuckin dunce

>> No.11859558


>says she's busy but will try to arrange something next week

busy fucking alphas

>> No.11859587

Same feels

>> No.11859604

No I'm me

>> No.11859620
File: 88 KB, 768x1024, 1468916617635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw no qt effay asian gf

>> No.11859719

>nothing fits right
>have no style of my own
>will always look terrible

>> No.11859875

I look up to you, half of my friends are still degenerates, found a truly beautiful and loving girl but she hangs so often with them, but as long as we both feel fine, it is ok
Stick to your good lifestyle, because you now have emotional strength

>> No.11859938

>tfw hair grows so fast that I only have like a sweet spot month of it being perfect and styling right but then it gets too long and poofs out at the sides and I look like fucking chris-chan
>I can never explain my hair correctly when I get my haircut so I get some dumb fuckboy cut
>usually clear face unless I get stressed out then I break out horribly
>6' exactly not really a manlet but not really a man

>> No.11860337

>match with /fa/ girl on tinder
>she is me in women body
>i cant ask her to go out, because i fear that I mess up
>21 and never have gf
>me 6/10, she 9/10

what to do?

>> No.11860339

Well, ask her out you retard.

>> No.11860340

don't be insecure about being 6'. don't be an artist. youre tall and much taller would be a hassle to find fitting clothes.

>> No.11860354

Don't be sad senpai my hair grows about 2.5 inches in a half year. Took me forever to get a decent bangs

>> No.11860388
File: 48 KB, 615x409, 1441558645971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she is me in women body
>me 6/10, she 9/10

so shes not like you at all

>> No.11860399
File: 75 KB, 640x960, fullsizeoutput_527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw am pessimist and nihilist wif a resting bitch face, everyone thinks im mentally fucked. also nobody in my tiny town is effay or into art/good music. would almost consither dating a normie

>> No.11860404

Listen to >>11854830
The first step to overcoming a problem is realizing you have one. So you've done the first step.
Now take care of it. Take up a hobby, go out more, surround yourself with people.
If you feel like all this is impossible, then you might be clinically depressed. Go see a psychologist. It helps.
After 6 months in therapy, I started to see a change in myself. Now it's been 3 years and I'm way more confident, rational, and a lot less angry than I used to be.

>> No.11860410

>st johns wort
I've tried it, it helped me a ton.
I used to get a bunch of intrusive thoughts while trying to sleep and then I'd wake up with gut-wrenching depression. After a few weeks it went away.
Granted, I was also taking l-theanine and going to psychotherapy at the same time

>> No.11860415

>mfw internship ended
>resume is too trash to get an actual position elsewhere

dont get into the fashion industry guys

>> No.11860581
File: 527 KB, 640x833, IMG_0771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of us, one of us, one of us

>> No.11860599
File: 111 KB, 752x1334, IMG_0782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go see a psychologist
Or if you want results go see a psychiatrist. They can give you adderall

>> No.11860620

Yeah I'm going to, hopefully she says yes, wish me luck

>> No.11860665

You are handsome :3c

>> No.11860848

no one's that busy

>> No.11860853

i hope you cut off contact

>> No.11860867


Holy fuck that is a cringey picture

>> No.11860897
File: 379 KB, 798x455, 1476037470315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dress up nice in a clean fit
>sit down and watch anime all day

>> No.11861250

>have swimmer body from, you guessed it, swimming
Alright pretty good
>shitty dead hair from chlorine

>> No.11861324

cut it

>> No.11861397
File: 16 KB, 500x461, i-know-that-feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11861447

If you get a script you can order generics online through a Canadian pharmacy

>> No.11861539

>tfw /fit but new to /fa
>tfw 6'5 230lb lean
>all fits are SHIT
>love the skinhead/military aesthetic
>close buzz and m65 with boots
>girls think im a murder

>> No.11861545

Are you saying you're insecure about being 6'? That's insane. Take a picture to the hair stylist, insane idiot.

>> No.11861552

There's no such thing as skinhead/military, you just combined two unrelated aesthetics into murderer

>> No.11861563


why not theyre pretty similar

>> No.11861743
File: 80 KB, 412x736, bulgarian_grey_greatcoat_crop_2048x2048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Single breasted long coat look good on tall and muscular person. That kind of retro military looks good with buzzcut. Unless you are literally going for skinhead look in which case you have no hope.

>> No.11861806

>big oddly shaped domed nose
>semi attractive
>big forehead
>below average penis
>no $$$ for new/nice clothes
>my wardrobe sucks
>bleached hair was fucked so i cut it to make it look a little better
>still fucking sucked
>buzzed hair
>fucking hair is gone
>suck at talking to girls in person for the most part
>huge thighs compared to the rest of body
>GED classes
>can't get /fit/
>active marijuana smoker
>active cigarette smoker
>feel like i have BPD 90% of the time
>decent fashion sense
>closet virgin
>can't approach girls
>from chicago
>live in fucking texas
>fat face
wat do?

>> No.11861812

don't have friends anon?

>> No.11861962

>closet virgin
this triggered me. you either are or you arent.

just get buff like everyone else that has body issues you faggot

>> No.11861996
File: 101 KB, 737x536, bwayne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is also me.

>> No.11862009

nice pic bro

>> No.11862049

>tfw 5'6"
>Brown hair
>Cute face
Not too bad

>> No.11862127

I am but male friendships are important and even though they were living a fucked up lifestyle I knew my boys would've gone to war with me. I don't have that in my life anymore and a girl can't fill the void. The people I work with are fine but they aren't ride or die types that I can really feel a friendship with.

I know this sounds gay but it's fucking me up not having a 'squad' anymore.

But shit as far as objective measures go I'm doing great so I'm keeping it up.

>> No.11862148

Skinheads dress well and not even Nazi skinheads or fascists wear military surplus. Crops+military = taxi driver. Grow a Hitler youth.

>> No.11862170


>> No.11862565

t. a beta triggered by a confident anonymous post

>> No.11862572
File: 13 KB, 250x250, 1433878006738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nice face
>lot of female friends
>tfw no gf

>> No.11862601

So nasty that's it's probably somewhat of a travesty

>> No.11862603
File: 26 KB, 599x558, 1455064476127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>skinny/bordering auschwitz
>nice face
>lot of female friends
>tfw gf

what now lanklets and fitfags

>> No.11862609

You need to tell people to call you your Majesty. Also, keep your battery charged

>> No.11862619

please teach me master

>> No.11862630

You know he won't teach though, and it's not his fault you kick slow

>> No.11862740

I know your pain.
There is no way to salvage that as a guy

>> No.11862744

>female friends

Why would this be a positive thing? I know a total of one actually cool girl(s).

>> No.11862805

I never said it's his fault? What are you even going on about.

>> No.11862831

H and m isn't In my country yet

>> No.11862837
File: 133 KB, 1440x1080, 1475588337405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw somebody pronounces Yohji as "Yoshi"

>> No.11862865
File: 24 KB, 316x395, 14516538_662048367296464_3686261830092659890_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be 27
>never had a gf
Not happy about it but ok with it.
Closest thing was fooling with a girl who had a bf for awhile. He never found out but she went back to him.
>mfw I really cared about her.

>> No.11862866
File: 184 KB, 600x600, alice getting punched in the face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shave bald, cosplay as Saitama, there, you dun it

>> No.11862872

can someone tell me why there are so many dudes on /fa/

>> No.11862884

>been lurking /fa/ for months
>want to buy myself some clothes
>realised I don't go out, I don't drink, I don't dance and I hate social contact because I get drained in under an hour of interacting with other people and I just wanna go home to listen to music

I mean, at least I can see some nice fits here.

>> No.11863199

truthfully, I just want to be a chad.

>average height
>dress better than most normies
>girls tell their friends I'm cute
>absolutely no confidence to approach one

>> No.11863217


I feel ya, I have a nice eyes and eyebrows aesthetic but a big nose and small mouth

>> No.11863240


This doesn't even sound remotely gay and you're making me sad.

My closest ride or die friend just moved nearly 2000 km away. I have a few ride or dies in my hometown but i never see them anymore. My girlfriend is great but I'm losing feelings. Theres a new girl who lives even further then my friend that is too god damn sexy and wants a slice of me.

I don't know what to do anymore.

>> No.11863511

I have my waifu, I'm not alone

>> No.11863518

What does driving a BMW have to do with confidence?

>> No.11863539

What's wrong with wide hips?

>> No.11863544
File: 54 KB, 396x385, 1450296252960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw dizzying highs and lonesome lows

>> No.11863778

you're on 4shit.org

>> No.11863912

>tfw no friends irl or online

>> No.11864069

I'm saying you shoulda let your chick go, that dank sure stank, lit

>> No.11864466
File: 294 KB, 1600x1600, 1476285247700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw natural thinspo
>Always want to be Bruce Li- level thinfit
>Never have the motivation to eat
>Always low energy


>> No.11864496

>want to make a "2.0" version of myself
>aka kickstart my life again; new clothes, hobby, lifestyle, etc.
>never get around to it for whatever reason

I've been casually browsing /fa/, etc. for the past few months now, but I haven't done anything about it.

But tonight's the night. I'm just gonna fill up a basket of clothes online and get 'em shipped out before I go sleep. What's a good place for general cheap clothes for a poorfag like me? Thinking H&M is a good start (UK).

>> No.11864581


>> No.11864616

what should i do then

>> No.11864628

do it but do it more slowly so you can get a better idea of what looks good on you and what you like. don't just buy a bunch of stuff online especially cause you can't see how it fits. also that way it doesn't look like you obviously tried to change your whole style, which can seem kind of forced

>> No.11864642

what the other guy said

it legit took me like a full year of experimentation to reach something i was happy with

>> No.11864908
File: 3 KB, 125x91, 1457849544677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go on date with girl
>Go back to her place and hang out on the bed
>She rests her head on my chest
>End up banging
>Notice makeup stains all over the front of my new t-shirt as I leave


>> No.11864940

Sad pretty girls are so perfect :( what is that from?

>> No.11864947
File: 77 KB, 384x313, 1sduxre049fj5ryuaqyfskexi.384x313x1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have a pair of jeans up on Grailed
>full measurements listed
>pictures taken in natural lighting
>some guy buys them
>messages me a few days after I ship them
>"they look and fit nothing like I expected pls refund"

>> No.11864966

This is what I want. Please.

Also which Soundcloud rapper?

>> No.11864978

Acne and shit hairline feels bad man

>> No.11864993

>tfw defined chiseled facial features giving me a very androgynous face
>absurd body proportions
>everything long and thin
>naturally skinny

>in the real world none of those are coveted or sought after in the slightest
>most people would definitely say that they find my appearance attractive, it's just not something people are attracted to

would probs be better off being generic and average

>> No.11865039

>soph at uni, dont talk to anyone except a few people when i have to say hey or something
>anxiety at an all time high, causes me to breakdown in the middle of the day and sometimes skip class so i can deal w it
>stay in my room all day during the weekends because no money and looking for job
>am talking to no girls atm
>extremely worried about gaining weight but cant bring myself to go to the gym because of said anxiety, so i just try and starve myself for as long as i can then binge
>only thing that interests me is music, fashion, and drugs. only thing i desire in this world more than that is to travel the world but i cant until im done with uni and i have 0 motivaion to keep studying fucking bullshit marketing

please kill me senpai. tired of this life i am a fucking hermit....i think im pretty attractive but that doesnt do anything for my confidence which is non existent. fuck me

>> No.11865475

Its ok friend, im ugly w no confidence and havent still looking for a job, when you find one there will be some weight lifted off your shoulders.

Why dont you like studying marketing? Im considering changing from nursing to marketing and moving to a state uni from CC.

>> No.11865530
File: 73 KB, 500x750, a895338c0c4c97fdfbb60dcaa23d2415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>defined chiseled facial features giving me a very androgynous face

>> No.11865537

Get absolutely ripped in the torso lol

>> No.11865615


Except there are ways around this, hit the gym and bulk up your upper body. It's a lot of work but train hard for a few years and it will balance out your proportions and it won't even look like you have wide hips anymore.

>> No.11865767

i know he already has a gf but if you make friends with girls (even if they are ugly) then maybe they'll introduce you to their qt3.14 friends. most of my relationships have come out of situations like this.

>> No.11865795
File: 56 KB, 640x480, 1476450673021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no gf

>> No.11865796
File: 50 KB, 645x773, 14120086749012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no gf

>> No.11865864

>5 foot 6

>extremly wide shoulders
>tiny army with underage girl tier wrists and hands

>strong chin
>weak jaw


>> No.11865873

here we go re-listening again

>> No.11865874

Just fucking lift you skellington dimwit

>> No.11865879


>tall guy lifts
wow what a chad

>short guy lifts
lmao overcompensating manlet

>> No.11865883

Wonderful, you've grasped the reality of what is life. People will call you a faggot no matter who you are and what you do, so just fucking do it and become a better version of yourself already.

>> No.11865893

exxxpensive car = confidence

>> No.11865908

>used to come on here everyday, full on /fa/ autist
>constantly speak to people and then get bored and ditch them
>told a literal millionaire Anne Hathaway lookalike to piss off because she was annoying
>ditched a tall, multilingual, arty, piano playing law student to go out with a midget gook because I enjoyed the chase of her
>end up dating the gook, came on here less, turned a bit nicer, saved thousands
>we break up

Now I'm constantly on here again, spending money on clothes I don't wear, drinking on my own every night because it's fun. Filled with regret but that's beside the point. I've definitely gone back to being a cunt to everyone. I'll forever complain about being alone but it's me that pushes everyone away

I already know I'm an utter sad case btw

>> No.11865937

Seek help. I was like this freshman and sophomore year and it fucked up my grades. Your uni should have a health center. Talk to them. You deserve to feel normal and make friends/good grades and fuck cuties man.

>> No.11865947

Happy for you anon :)

>> No.11865948

Spineless backstabber, holy shit dude

>> No.11865951


Add narcissist lacking in self-awareness to that too, faggot.

>> No.11865979
File: 216 KB, 378x434, expand5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never get around to it for whatever reason
Reminder that you're not getting any younger.
Do it today or you may as well just give up.

>> No.11865983
File: 73 KB, 600x435, lmao-data1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>listening to sound cloud rappers
>how life is meant to be felt


>> No.11865987
File: 199 KB, 900x1275, 1433789916988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cant bring myself to go to the gym because of said anxiety,
I can assure you that other people at the gym will have nothing better to do than judge you, all the time, you special snowflake. They're totally not there because of their own insecurities, no, they just came to laugh at you, because you decided to do something good about yourself.

You know that you need to make a change. So do it. Don't waste another minute of your life in mediocrity.

>> No.11865999

i hope you laughed at her

>> No.11866455

>get diagnosed with crohns disease when i was 8 years old
>literally can't attend school half of the time
>mostly everyone thinks i'm weird because of that and never get invited to parties
>no matter how much i eat/do sports i don't gain any weight/muscles
>the medicine i take gives acne and destroys my skin in general
>can't buy nice clothes because poorfag
Atleast I have my anime.

>> No.11866616

stop hurting me

>> No.11867528

that is neither qt nor effay

>> No.11867535
File: 2.20 MB, 300x300, Fv07nGR.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>am skinny and a college athlete
>can afford saint laurent
>big nose, big ears, weakish chin / jaw, & curly hair

>> No.11867538

This happened to me with a pair a grey jeans i sold on grailed. They guy said they were "faded" and filed a paypal claim.

>> No.11867605

okay I literally saw a person that fit this a few weeks ago he was in generic /fa/ wardrobe and generic /fa/ haircut and his face made it look autistic... bucked teeth, huge nose, bad facial hair. Second hand embarrassment

>> No.11868104
File: 6 KB, 275x183, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meet /fa/ girl through a friend
>been on two dates, first with friends but this second time alone
>get back to mine end of the night, we'd already made out several times by this point and we were defintlyy going to bang
>getting down to the dirty the drinks increased my stamina but my trail of thought keeps moving away from sex
>in my head I think things like "I hope she doesn't think my socks are weird"
>feel really sweaty and switching positions has let it gather and cool on my face and head
>now in missionary and can feel my hair is going flat
>feel self conscious so grab hat from the floor and put on head
>she is like "wtf?"
>erection goes and penis shrivels to the size of a raisin
>pretend its still hard and attempt to smash with a floppy
>dick is now so small not even the head will go in
>start to hump her but her face instantly shows she cant feel shit
>she asks if I'm done
>i say no and keep humping
>about two minutes pass and she is now just lying there, not even fake moaning
>i stop and then we chat and flirt etc she says she enjoyed it but i know that last bit was really awkward
>she falls asleep pretty quick after sex
>my erection comes back
>i masturbate in bed next to her while she sleeps
>finish, clean up and go to sleep
>message her next day as she left early in morn
>she isn't really responding or is super slow between responses
>find out through a friend a week later that she was awake when i masturbated next to her
>tfw missed out on /fa/ future mother of children

>> No.11868127

>been experimenting with putting objects in my pee hole for nearly a year now
>only do it on special occasions as a treat
>as times gone on I've been able to fit larger objects inside pee hole
> can now fit my toothbrush a quarter of the way down my penis
>realised this month my penis has become very divided and the hole is very very large
>penis now looks like its been split in some way
>tfw penis is no-longer aesthetically pleasing

I'm now considering surgery, but I'm nervous about how life with a vagina will be for me

>> No.11868181

what the literal fuck anon hahahahahah

>> No.11868504

>he broke the code

>> No.11868555

Supreme is trash anyways u aight

>> No.11868630

AHAHAH what the fuck man
This can't be real but somehwta horribly I kind of believe it is. RIP

>> No.11868635

also what the fuck

>> No.11868638
File: 1.22 MB, 440x300, 1452201559073.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my fuck

>> No.11868656

Hhajahahaha please let this be real

>> No.11868697
File: 27 KB, 403x403, 530300_309133289188165_1205538259_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have good figure
>but crippling anxiety and no self-esteem
>trying to buy nicer clothes in order to feel better
>anxiety goes "lmao you're never going to wear that"
>go for the same bland stuff again

>> No.11868698

> I never get any (You)'s on /fa/
> :\

>> No.11868794

I've been in similar situations. I have ocd so I get lost sometimes. I just explain it to them at the time. When I'm recovered and calm again I give them head and maybe my dick will start working by then, maybe not. Anyway if I want to jerk off after I just tell them and they ask if they can kiss me or something while it's happening. They've always enjoyed watching. Maybe girls are just understanding with me, I don't know.

>> No.11868814

>Girl I like has a few pics on instagram with some guy
>Can't tell if they're together or not
>On all the pics they talk about being best friends
>He even seems slightly gay
But at the same time I don't know, I really hope not

>> No.11868820
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>Low Self Esteem
>I get so absorbed into fashion and lose focus of my shit self esteem
>Spend lots of money and time on making good fits
>When I look at my shit body and disgusting face, I am brought back to reality

i hate this

>> No.11868825

just keep posting friendo, the day will come

>> No.11868838

:( why desu, notice me sen3.14

>> No.11868850

here's your (You) senpai i love you (:

>> No.11868853

Smh I don't want any pity (You)'s

>> No.11869194

>no jeans fit and I have to get them all tapered
>grew up with terrible skin so have poor self esteem
>now have good skin and an above average face
>thrown away a chance with a qt who literally said she loved me to my face
>chasing a girl who has a bf
>said she would come round mine Tuesday for a movie
Do I do it or do I flake?

Also where can I get a khaki denim jacket?

>> No.11869204

>I'm 5'6" 28x30 pants fit perfectly, wtf you pleb..
Topman is pretty good. Which girl is coming over?
>one who you rejected
>or one with boyfriend
Honestly, it doesn't matter which one, and don't flake out on this

>> No.11869215

Really? I haven't bought anything there for 2 years.
>which one
One with a boyfriend

>> No.11869237

Night Lovell?

>> No.11869241

i actually did one time go up to an effay girl and say "nice outfit, can i have your number" and literally fucked her in her car the same day

>> No.11869256

she literally matched you retard, meaning she found you attractive, a tinder match is like getting a girl on a silver platter, just message her

>> No.11869257

dont go too close with the buzz, keep wearing what you like

the only way to counteract your stereotype is by smiling more and being more of a clown, then people will see you aren't a cold slateless psychopath.

>> No.11869270

I'm doing well in most aspects of life; bought my own house and car, have a nice range of clothes, great job and studying a degree I actually like. All sounds great right? Except I'm horribly lonely and all I really want is a qt effay girlfriend :c

>> No.11869341

I enjoyed fight club a lot as well when I first watched it 20 years ago

>> No.11869385

>course is good
>prospects are good
>but i have no friends

jesus christ they're all so shallow and just want to drink
how do i meet nice people /fa/, small private school didn't prepare me for this

>> No.11869407

same feels dude
go to small local clubs

>> No.11869481

t-thanks guys, i'm on it

>> No.11869965

/b/ tier green text

still entertaining tho