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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 44 KB, 768x595, gallery-1456186716-ma-1-bomber-jacket-sage-green-alpha-industries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11847742 No.11847742 [Reply] [Original]

We all agree bombers are played out, right?

>> No.11847746 [DELETED] 

They're classic, one of the first military style jackets to cross over into civilian use.

It's this damned hip-hop culture that's caused every streetwear label to release their own knockoff

What I mean is uhh it's just a trend and it'll die down eventually, pardner


>> No.11847757


>> No.11847758

>We all agree bombers are played out, right?
nobody on this website agrees on anything, OP

>> No.11847774

they are classic desu.
its trend but everyone else who wears zara tier mall shit bomber, aint shit

>> No.11847843

the whole revival was always played out. kanye west wore one like 3 years ago

>> No.11847848
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>mfw just bought a zara bomber

>> No.11847849
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>tfw I just bought a harrington

>> No.11847855

it will fall apart, but will last till the trend is over, so you can fit in normie

>> No.11847872
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A few weeks ago, I walked past Zara at the mall and saw some 14 year old fashion newfag trying on one of those faggy long cardigans
and I was thinking "this is how it started for everybody, isn't it? falling for a huge meme, feeling like the coolest person alive, only to find out it's the exact opposite" =(

>> No.11847878
File: 91 KB, 508x479, time_to_play_a_little_game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you trying to insult me?

>> No.11847880

pretty much yeah. gotta start somewhere, love seeing kids like that

>> No.11847885

no dude I pulled the same shit when I was that age; different store, different style, but same shit

>> No.11847889

>tfw copped one today

>> No.11847890


desu i am struggling to understand your motive here

>> No.11847893

we're all gonna make it /fa/m

>> No.11847900

>tfw was planning on buying one

What's this year's winter jacket then?

>> No.11847903

I'm gonna say N3B

>> No.11847912
File: 83 KB, 780x1024, 201503240003-31-780x1024-780x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I brought one from uniqlo a few months ago, I really like it.

>> No.11847953
File: 1.82 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this old bomber at a thrift shop. Only wore it like 10 times in the year I've owned it though

>> No.11848021
File: 19 KB, 480x360, viceroy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw just copped an sick ass old knights bridge windbreaker from the 80s for 3 us diggery dollary dees

>> No.11848026


>> No.11848035


>> No.11848051

holy fuck, that was me in HS. 15 yr old wearing long drapey cardigans and skinny jeans.

>> No.11848207
File: 39 KB, 650x500, TWIS-gear-patrol-army.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just copped the one on the right, half price. Ben Sherman X Alpha Industries. Has a blue contrast on the cuffs and a gingham lining in the body.

>> No.11848212

Bombers have been a thing in hiphop for a while now bucko.

>> No.11848218

Me too, I dig the collar

>> No.11848224


>No orange lining

Fuck off

Original or fuck off

Just fuck off

>> No.11848231

It's still orange in the sleeves.

>> No.11848286
File: 102 KB, 770x620, nike-track-field-bomber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this one fine if i do something with the cuffs

>> No.11848350

nike logo ruins it, get patch and its good

>> No.11848351
File: 1.41 MB, 2560x1920, IMG_20161010_220522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been using mine for 6 years and i still love it. I also had the green one 'cuz of kamen rider.

>> No.11848417

I'm interested in copping a slim black bomber. Any suggestions?

>> No.11848424

been rocking an M1 flight jacket for years - literally the first thing I bought with money I'd earned. super comfy for cold mornings. pisses me off that every 14 year old girl is wearing imitation ones.

>> No.11848428

what trainers should i wear with a green bomber ? I was thinking of getting some gazelles or hamburgs

>> No.11848431

Not much money? Alpha makes a slim model MA-1.
Good amount of money? Maybe take a look at Buzz Rickson and their William Gibson line.

>> No.11848573

There is no motive you paranoid cuck

>> No.11848578

that gingham lining is probably a lot comfier than the normal nylon liner
nice cop

>> No.11848639
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Any inspo for non-slim bombers? aka the standard issue puffy ones

>> No.11848925
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>> No.11848943

Someone post the pic of Knoch with the huge ass bomber please

>> No.11848951

Bombers are way played out, just like joggers (who tf wears these), ultra boosts, NMDs, Stan Smiths and denim jackets

>> No.11848964

yes we do

>> No.11848969

I like joggers for lounging around my house but I'd never be caught dead going out in them. They're comfy for just chilling. Do people actually wear these in place of jeans ?

>> No.11848974

My first time on /fa/, I got so insecure about my clothes (shoes esp.) that I bought the first thing someone recommend, which was a pair of fucking steve madden shoes. I keep them around to remind myself not to make rash decisions.

>> No.11849010

is this a meme

>> No.11849029

Where I live (Australia) I literally almost never see anyone in bombers, my friends all think it's weird that I wear one. They're big among foreign asian students but they're a world unto themselves fashion-wise. I imagine you'd see more bombers in cities like Melbourne.

Also, they're basically a classic, they might be 'played out' for a bit but will always come back.

>> No.11849033


>> No.11849056

except that OP is eternally a faggot

>> No.11849063


>> No.11849071
File: 8 KB, 249x243, 1473990363575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bombers are played out
>I imagine you'd see more bombers in cities like Melbourne.

>literally fucking everyone
and fuck me that bomber I wanted is on sale

>> No.11849081

if you like it get it

to the populace theyre not really played out

regardless theyre a male wardrobe staple

>> No.11849088
File: 1.58 MB, 3264x2448, CAM00756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Embrace my pain, I deserve it. Not only are these shoes ugly. they are unbelievably poorly constructed.The tread wore off and holes developed on the bottom in just a few months, the stupid fucking zipper on the side sliced three pairs off laces into ribbon, and the tongue has different sizes on each shoe, so they look uneven. I completely unlaced them and took a measuring tape to the tongue, they are literally different sizes. Also they're mad uncomfortable.

I'd like to think I've learned since then, but who knows.

>> No.11849113

The first time I have seen them on a man that was not somewhere between middle-age and elderly was on an Asian guy in a Melbourne metro' suburb.

The Asian was wearing a green one. All of the old men wore navy.

>> No.11849117

where did that 1920s-looking brown leather sneaker trend come from; my brother wears shit like this every day and I don't know the origin lol

>> No.11849123

Oh, I also noticed green MA-1s on Uniqlo Australia sold out before I even saw them and I don't think they're listed now.
Possibly they did not stock many. Possibly every young Asian in Australia had one.

>> No.11849135

no we don't

>> No.11849136

Fuck if I know. I just try to be less impressionable these days.

>> No.11849140

Jesus, I copped stans because of memers on this board a while back and thought that was kind of cringy.

What baffles me most is that someone on /fa/ actually recommended these, they must have been trolling or something. /fa/ has shit taste sometimes, but never this shit, and no one ever recs brown footwear. At least you're owning your mistakes though, all the best for future cops my man.
Yeah what's the deal with old people wearing bomber-looking jackets? My grandpa has a really dope parka as well, I lowkey hope I get it when he dies.
So does everyone in melb wear them or not?? Have never been there in winter.

>> No.11849145

fuck you

>> No.11849146

Kill your Gramps and take it

>> No.11849155

make sure you forge his will first to say "anon gets my really dope parka"

>> No.11849167


Old white people in Australia are so weird, like the same grandpa usually just wears polar fleece trash but he has some completely dope old vintage brown pants which he wears with that olive parka, brown boots and a cream jumper and I swear it's the tightest shit ever. FUCK he's only in his 70s and all his ancestors lived til their 90s it's gonna be a long wait.

>> No.11849168

My dad gave me his old sea green bomber from the 80's that's still in great condition (apart from the tobacco smell). The lengths fit perfect, and the arms have that poofiness all these new pseudo hi-fashion brands are doing. He had awesome style, handed me down some other cool shit too

>> No.11849178

meant to quote >>11849140

>> No.11849183

They bought 'em when they were young. Possibly when they were trendy for the first time.

Most old people just wear what they bought when they were younger forever and replace what is busted with Big W clothes.

>> No.11849185

My dad has a really sweet 49ers leather jacket from the 80s that I'll probably have to kill him, my brothers, and my uncle for.

>> No.11849198

I cringed thinking of all the times I wore knock off Julius_7 shit like that. Highschool fashion logic sucks. Gotta be laughed at and learn some how.
Hard way is best way for fashion sense.

>> No.11849208

>Highschool fashion logic sucks
Fugggg, I remember thinking I was hot shit as a freshman for wearing american eagle and abercrombie. Hurts.

>> No.11849207

My worst fashion moment was caught on photograph; I don't know if my parents actually kept the picture, but if it ever circulates, I'll post it

spoiler: I thought Clockwork Orange was really fucking cool freshman year

>> No.11849210
File: 381 KB, 500x330, 161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose if you are going to bomber. Just go haam with Fiorina-core and dont look back.

>> No.11849211
File: 20 KB, 298x298, George-Costanza-Green-Field1-Jacket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, sorry for the shitty picture (best I could find) but my dad swears he owned this exact same jacket in the 90s but gave it away ages ago, I'm fucking annoyed, looks p dope and would go well with heaps of vintage-y fits.
I remember wearing stans to high school after browsing /fa/ for the first time and everyone thought it was hot shit, g timezzz.

(It was basically last year lmao)

>> No.11849213

I want to see, but I can already imagine it. Was it that fucking hat?

>> No.11849220

don't forget about the white suspenders and my broke ass roughout tan docs (I couldn't afford to buy black ones, bought the roughout tan ones at a thrift store)

>> No.11849222

>(It was basically last year lmao)
It's really sinking in that being a recent college grad means I'm in the older percentile of 4chan.

>> No.11849228

Jesus. I cant even.
Just thinking of me being photographed in that fake as fuck spandexy chink knock-offs. It was approaching the 2010s and goofninja had gained traction. I was with it, but couldn't afford the real thing being just a little kid with poorfag parents. I would literally suicide if there were pictures.

Oh man. Tell me about it. All those times I heard the girls refer to Abercrombie, or Blue Notes as designer. Fucking lol

>> No.11849231

Funny you mention that, my dad also had this denim shearling jacket (not genuine tho) from about the 80's as well but it was definitely too ratty to wear even with those fits where you intentionally wear dirty shit because that's the stupid 'aesthetic' of it.

>> No.11849232

hes right, you know

>> No.11849235

basically the only thing preventing me from being a well-established internet joke is that I didn't know about 4chan until I was a high school junior, at which point I basically wore band shirts and Dickies every day

>> No.11849240

>tfw I was voted best dressed in the yearbook senior year for wearing simple shit that worked well that I learned from /fa/

thanks bros

>> No.11849243

I'm 26, got you beat maybe
Dont tell me you had the hat and codpiece

>> No.11849244


>> No.11849254

didn't have the codpiece, thank god
had everything else though

I'd like to remind you that this was a point in time where the Blockbuster in my neighborhood had multiple copies of all of the edgelord teen movies (Labyrinth, Clockwork Orange, Boondock Saints, Princess Mononoke, The Crow, SLC Punk) and you had to wait your turn - since they were always unavailable - to find out which subculture you liked

>> No.11849260

>Old white people in Australia are so weird

My favourite is how they wear awful shitty baseball caps or the crappiest sneakers imaginable with otherwise respectable fits.

If you're over 60 you should just get an automatic pass to wear a fedora with your suit, or something.

>> No.11849262

Nice man, what're you doing now? And if you're fulltime employed what kind of clothes are you copping now? I like to know what kind of salary lines up with what kind of fashion budget.
I actually can't tell if you're being ironic or not, things have been getting better despite what everyone here says.

>> No.11849277

Different fag
full-time employee, make like 60k a year after taxes, high end trad and /out/ clothes, mostly based off of JP fashion magazines

>> No.11849283


>> No.11849285
File: 46 KB, 960x826, sneans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My favourite is how they wear awful shitty baseball caps or the crappiest sneakers imaginable with otherwise respectable fits.

Shit I'd be fucking rich if I had a dollar for every time I saw a decent fit, looked down and realised it was fucking sneans all over again.
Nice, can you post some inspo from those magazines? Thread has really been derailed lol

>> No.11849290
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>> No.11849292
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nah I've been in a Filson store but prefer Barbour; their shirts are very nice though
there are a few wool mills up here in Northern Minnesota and I want to support them by buying some shirts there this winter instead of getting thin Filson shirts

>> No.11849296
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>> No.11849298
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>> No.11849299


>> No.11849302
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literally my dream fit

>> No.11849303
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>> No.11849306
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>> No.11849307
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>> No.11849308
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>> No.11849311
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>> No.11849313
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>> No.11849314

I've been looking at Barbour on eBay but won't cop this year, at least, since it's getting up to summer here.
I don't think I'm going to go new because have you seen the patina on some of these old lived-in ones? Awesome.

>> No.11849316
File: 277 KB, 1090x1536, 061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw no hiking buddy
tfw have to call my brother 2 hours away when I go out cuz nobody else knows that I sneak into state parks at the break of dawn =(

>> No.11849320
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alpha industries x opening ceremony will be mine

>> No.11849322
File: 257 KB, 1090x1536, 290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well I'd like to point out that although the patina is nice on an older jacket you really should keep them waxed....otherwise it's not good outerwear
I have two Barbour jackets but always keep a followed search on eBay in case something interesting comes up

>> No.11849329

>tfw my balls are uncomfortable in anything besides joggers

>> No.11849330
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>> No.11849335

Did you see that 40s-50s Solway up the other day? Thing looked practically new but for what I assume were wax stains.

>> No.11849336

People only learn by learning from mistakes.
Fashion sense doesn't come in an instant.
There will be alot of trends, opinions based on those trends. Really, take a look at normies and then look at seasoned fashionistas. You can pretty much do whatever the heck you want as long as you are aware of the cardinal sins of fashion. No one except hardcore /fa/ people will really notice. Be sure the article fits well, works with what else you have, and isn't intrinsically ugly. Pretty much it for basics.

At least you left it behind and didnt go full trilbylord

>> No.11849337
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>> No.11849342
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>> No.11849348
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nah I missed it; i need to change my search from "bedale" to "barbour" right now

>> No.11849362

Dude this is all really nice, wasn't expecting such a huge dump lol, thanks heaps.

I can totally see myself dressing this way as I get older and trends move back towards looser pants and breezier fits altogether.

>> No.11849365
File: 747 KB, 1404x1920, 074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah now that there's only a 30 second wait to post it's easier to get shit up quickly

night =)

>> No.11849369

I tried one on and it made me look about 5x bigger then I am, and just looked incredibly awkward with my face.

Not for me but some people can pull it off

>> No.11849371

night friendo

I was in japan a year ago and some of your posts made me regret not buying any denim, that Japanese shit looks sooooo fucking good

>> No.11849375
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>> No.11849383

>There will be alot of trends, opinions based on those trends. Really, take a look at normies and then look at seasoned fashionistas. You can pretty much do whatever the heck you want as long as you are aware of the cardinal sins of fashion. No one except hardcore /fa/ people will really notice. Be sure the article fits well, works with what else you have, and isn't intrinsically ugly. Pretty much it for basics.
Dude this is pretty good advice. I think it's best to ignore what is trendy at the moment and always go for what suits your personal sense of style - if that lines up with trends or not, it doesn't matter. In the modern world you can kind of just get away with doing whatever as long as you pay attention to the groundrules and make sure everything fits well.

>> No.11849388

Yeah that looks damaged on the left side
It'd be hidden if it were rewaxed I think

>> No.11849403

Yeah, I only meant practically new by the standards of possibly being 76 years old.

>> No.11849431
File: 1.91 MB, 1440x2065, Screenshot_2016-10-11-01-12-30-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was it going for

There's a brand of ski jackets that I really like and I literally buy up anything I can find regardless of size. Any new Barbour has to compete for closet space with some really nice (and some outrageous) outerwear

>> No.11849441

33 bids, 465 pounds.

>> No.11849444

You're both wrong

>> No.11849446

Whoa that's too rich for me
Goal this year is to buy a really nice vintage Moncler
Something dated but classic, even if I have to drop like a grand

>> No.11849636

HOW!? how can a person be this fucking dense and ignorant?

>> No.11849708


what brand is it ?

>> No.11849741

I own 2. A lyle and Scott one and a Fred Perry. Both bought about 5 years ago.
Good gear though.

>> No.11849744
File: 2 KB, 125x98, 1348449995732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i got leather bomber and nylon bomber jackets issued in the usaf but they have velcro all over the front

>> No.11849748

I read this same thread two years ago

>> No.11849773

When will normies realise simply copying outfits doesn't make you fashionable?

>> No.11849775

I thrifted a Fred Perry one, pretty good quality

>> No.11849801
File: 269 KB, 479x358, america.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a non-poofy bomber jacket
Maybe it's because I'm /k/ as fuck, but I know the way these things started. The bomber crews / airmen literally needed these things not to freeze at high altitudes. Making them flat and removing all the comfy stuffing turns it into a meme for me.

Well then just get eight billion patches and stick them all over.

>> No.11849879


not the ones that hug your leg, just tailored ones, like loro piana

>> No.11849887

Its the autist in you not the /k/

>> No.11849932

mitebcool if you live in a warmer climate. Taking my puffy one out the last couple of nights I get a good sweat up around 10-13c.

>> No.11850014

>Nice man, what're you doing now?
22 years old and I'm 60+ hour a week wagecucking, it fucking blows. Most of my money is going into old medical bills I blew off from when I was uninsured, and student loans from my whack ass BA in history (why). I'm scared that my life is basically over now that I have a decent job with plenty of advancement opportunity and pay raises. I don't want this adult life.


As for clothes, sorry to disappoint, but outside of my basic bitch business-casual work clothes, I come home and put on basketball shorts and a basic H&M tee. I like em good enough, they're comfy and cheap. I never go out anymore so lots of things, clothes included, have fallen by the wayside.

>> No.11850024

Bombers have been dead since 2014

If you still wear an MA-1 consider yourself unstylish

>> No.11850027

Do you really buy stuff and not wear it the next year or two later?
Actually I suppose I'm not that different. 3-4 years is probably where I get bored of things.

>> No.11850040

I was thinking of picking up a FP one with the non-contrasting logo. I don't really dig the contrasting logo.
I think I'll wait 'til next year, though. I plan to have way better posture then. I don't think I quite have the shoulders for harringtons now.

>> No.11850070

Luhta, made in Binland

>> No.11850087

Yeah oh my gosh, like, I'm experiencing SO much cognitive dissonance right now I can't even move.

How can someone even say things that I don't regard as nice? The police ought to do something about it.

>> No.11850137

Surprised theres a few >25 here

I work part time doing research stuff 3 days a week, making about ~40k p/a. Most of it goes to food, bills, and the rest goes to savings. Cbf to cop any clothes as of late, and i have to dress "smart casual" meaning a good part of my wardrobe i only get to wear on weekends. I just mix around normcore/americana as of late, a good part of my gear is jap stuff. Kinda regret getting too deep into sneaker culture last year

>> No.11850141

No, some bombers are still dope in their own right.

I gotta say tho borg collar is the next meme coming along

>> No.11850149
File: 678 KB, 600x600, blkanarc1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this still /fa/?

>> No.11850469
File: 75 KB, 647x576, IMG_3310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want it to actually be classic and not faddy, just buy a real one.

>> No.11850472

Bombers are a timeless piece like the Harrington and denim jacket.

>> No.11850482

I love bombers but I remember /fa/ talking this way about pea coats.
I'll keep wearing my bombers tho

>> No.11850497

Its hilarious. Kanye wore one and everyone jumped on his dick.yes please move on to summat else and let us keep wearing our bombers

>> No.11850540

Poes law/10

>> No.11850544


got this exact one and love it.
it's so stupid comfy.
I bothers me a bit that the whole bomberthing is definitly through but in half a year it'll still be comfy and look nice.

I still dig puffy and big bombers.

>> No.11850552


I weare sweatpants allmost exclusively.

>> No.11850563

Pea coats are fine in the cold. It's just the fact that they are double breasted that makes them difficult to make work. Double breasted jackets are unflattering for a tapered waistline unless they fit absolutely perfectly. I'd still wear my 2008 alpha industries pea coat if weather and occasion permitted. It's not a casual looking coat style and is heavy so it's not as versitile as the other three as well. Denim jackets and bombers are light if they aren't lined and they are workwear and military, so they are casual. Harringtons have less strong origins than those two, but they're so plain its whatever. Harringtons dress up and down fairly well.

>> No.11850579

Harringtons have a great origin. From the 1930s northern england. Worn by Elvis, mqueen, 60s skinheads

>> No.11850591

They haven't a functional origin like bombers or denim jackets or crew neck tees or henelys is what I mean. They weren't born of a working nessessity.

>> No.11850596

my fred perry one (all black, non-contrast logo, black and white lining that's normally unseen) is pretty slimfit, so I look ok in it even though I'm a skinnyfat

>> No.11850604

they were designed as golfing jackets, so they were still very concerned with function (the buttoned pockets are for storing your balls and the collar is obviously useful when you're out in that cold golfing field)

>> No.11850615

And the vent at the back

>> No.11850645

So they're sportswear that has gone astray like polo shirts.

>> No.11850649


>> No.11850655

Almost all mainstream clothing that we got nowadays was once functional clothing for work or sport.

We're literally wearing degenerations of what was yesterdays' techwear.

T-Shirts used to be undershirts. Jeans used to be simple work clothes designed to withstand a rough day. And so on.

>> No.11850693

what's the next meme

>> No.11850697
File: 23 KB, 320x250, RobertEthanSaylor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>golfing field

>> No.11850707
File: 187 KB, 1920x1040, h43086756402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11850715
File: 1.06 MB, 1385x1858, ma 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11850809

sherpas and gazelles

>> No.11850859

i just bought one. found a crew jacket from the 80's remake of dragnet. it's a piece of art

>> No.11851194

Similar situation, and curious. What kind of work is it? Is there any way to use your skills/ connections to work with stuff you like more?

>> No.11851769

>What kind of work is it?
I work for a concessions contracting company at a for a college. I started as a cashier a year ago, but my boss likes me (partly cause he thinks I'm funny, partly because I bust my ass off), and I recently got promoted to supervisor of half a football stadium. It's nuts, I've never had this much responsibility or power, and I'm kinda a meek guy. I don't really like telling people what to do, but their fuckups are now mine, so I'm learning to deal.

>Is there any way to use your skills/ connections to work with stuff you like more?
Maybe. The company I work for has locations all over the country, with plenty of different training programs for different departments.

Like I said, I'm just scared that having a good job means my life is basically on autopilot now. It's not like I dreams anyway, but it's a strange feeling.

>> No.11852517

Can confirm. I've been wearing alpha industry bombers since the early 90's. They were cool before you faggots started ruining them with your slim fits.

>> No.11852540

which college

>> No.11852676
File: 1.11 MB, 1000x1000, IMG_1370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys, is this bomber okay for european winter (around -10-15 by celsius)?
with tee on body + thick sweater

>> No.11852683

Bombers are played out kttcore bro, I'd stick to peacoats and dufflecoats.

>> No.11852805

what is the age at which normcore stops being normcore and just becomes supremely average middle-class clothing