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11835409 No.11835409 [Reply] [Original]

What current fashion trends will we consider timeless?

>> No.11835432
File: 92 KB, 226x300, 50s-greaser-costume-idea_cry-baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A timeless fashion trend is always current

>> No.11835451

All uggs should have been shot into the sun, along with crocs.

>> No.11835467

Stans hopefully.

>> No.11835474

black skinny jeans

>> No.11835481
File: 14 KB, 250x323, Louvre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing is timeless

>> No.11835482

why don't women who are somewhat overweight like in that pic just spend about 3 months dieting?

It wouldn't be a huge amount of work or time, and they would all look better and have much much better lives. Do they just think they're not fat?

>> No.11835488

>improving yourself in 2016

nah m8 just make everyone else lower their standards

>> No.11835504
File: 96 KB, 733x733, 4L_3bmKSe4r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11835527

Because soft and cuddly = better

>> No.11835563

They aren't overweight enough for them to die young from it
Looks are surprisingly subjective when it comes to weight and they aren't really fat so I doubt they think they are/they probably don't care enough to try and actually diet (maybe just enough to complain though)

>> No.11835995

Moon shoes

>> No.11836006


Dont think thats timeless.

>> No.11836012

this already looks stupid

>> No.11836014

mixed race and overweight women
theres no going back

>> No.11836015

definitely pants. i really like what we're doing with wearing pants

>> No.11836037

Idiot, all the people who are actually fashion forward have ditched pants. Get with the times gramps

>> No.11836114

Wearing a shirt, pants, and shoes

>> No.11836163

Man, I hope so. I wore slim black jeans before it was super trendy (not tryna be a hipster senpai, I played in punk bands and that was just a thing a little earlier on) and I absolutely love them.

If I have one staple in my wardrobe its gotta be the fitted black pants, I'm gonna wear them until they're totally completely out of style. Even then, I'll just loosen up the fit slightly.

>> No.11836176


Blue or black jeans
White t-shirt

>> No.11836217

implying those are a current trend. and modern skinny jeans are disgusting

>> No.11836314

fuck off

>> No.11836328


>> No.11836337

how naive are you anon

>be chubby girl with "cute face"
>virgins drool over you
>guys going through pussy drought settle for you
>"why would I lose weight when I can get dick whenever I want?"

Doesn't help that people like Tess Munster exist and plenty of guys would bang her because of her "cute face"

>> No.11836341

girls like op's pic don't consider themselves chubby, they're "average"

also girls like to eat

>> No.11836353

Fashion is too cheap and fast to be timeless now, and I think it will be that way for a while.

Obviously there are exceptions, like some things that are hard to seriously fuck up

>> No.11836370
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maybe the haircuts

I think some of the stuff Supreme puts out are timeless, but idk about the trend part

>> No.11836379

I think what op meant was, what trend will become timeless. all "timeless" things are just trends in the beginning.

>> No.11836400

the basic male haircut is from the hj time
don't think there are any new basic girl cuts
sweater looks 80ish

i have the feeling that everything is recycled and was popular a specific time ago

maybe one has to look at it 10 years from now

>> No.11836436

Jesus, this looks like all those "Gentleman's Fashion" instagram pages where it's just dudes in ridiculously tight #menswear clothes with "luxury" brand belts and watches. It's something only a gay Mediterranean dude should wear and it still looks terrible on them.

>> No.11836440

work at an outlet mall that is 90% tourists. all the fucking europeans think this is fashionable but they all look like twinks

>> No.11838039

bomber jackets, there's recently been a huge spike in popularity even though they've been a trend for decades now

baseball caps hopefully

>> No.11838437

bob cut

>> No.11838444

i'm already sick of all these fucking flight jackets

>> No.11838457

yeah i hate those motherfuckers with suits so small that they cant button it and having an aversion with socks