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/fa/ - Fashion

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11833413 No.11833413 [Reply] [Original]

What jobs are considered fashionable?
Post your line of work and other determine if it's effay!

>> No.11833418

Animal care/shelter.
I don't know its considered fashionable but there's a lot of cute girls

>> No.11833693


>> No.11833700

Teacher at a high school

>> No.11833726

I need that picture in a higher resolution

>> No.11833838

>if it's effay!

Guess I am out. I work as a nurse.

>> No.11834082

tfw you have a uniform for your job and there is nothing you can do to fix it

USPS City Carrier

>> No.11834110

Visual artist

>> No.11834263


Server at a shitty bar.

>> No.11834279

Is that Griffith from Berserk?

>> No.11834297


>> No.11834301

archivest can be pretty effay

>> No.11834308

skateboard photographer, filmer if needed
broke as hell but wouldnt want it any other way

>> No.11834403

Art Gallery Curator

>> No.11834519

What about being a Youtuber?

>> No.11834545

not effay


>> No.11834623

Helicopter Airframes/Hydraulics mech

Not really /fa/, get dirty as fuck

>> No.11834628

people that say architects are fashionable aren't architects and have never met any architects

>> No.11834647
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Flight medic, objectively.

>> No.11834648
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But everyone agrees architects are the most /fa/ people, ever.

t. Corbu

>> No.11834663

Aquatics specialist at a Petco.

>> No.11834664


>> No.11834667 [DELETED] 

I'm a demon

>> No.11834671

A job you're good at and like doing

>> No.11834720


>> No.11834750

I make sets at a local theater

>> No.11834791
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>> No.11834814

I think anything both skilled and creative is fashionable. What comes to mind for me is being a music producer or sound guy at a venue

>> No.11834836

>both skilled and creative
Product manager could work too

>> No.11834846

Yeah or product designer. I am in computer science right now but am looking into product design, would fit my criteria. As an aside, programming is fun and challenging but isn't creative in really any way

>> No.11834866
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Doubt it's /fa/, but I'm a projectionist at a theater.

>> No.11834876


>programming isn't creative

have you actually worked in the field?

>> No.11834889

Engineering professional services. It's some real white collar shit and the $$$ you make you get to put towards good fits.

Programming isn't creative... really?

>> No.11834914

I know what you're getting at. My thoughts aren't coherent enough right now for me to explain what I mean really well but... No, I haven't worked in the field. I have written my own software for different purposes and I agree that it is really creative. Right now I'm at university learning the ropes though and it isn't creative. There are highly parameterized assignments and a lot of rote learning. I'm going to quit whining and step away from the computer for a moment though haha. You both aren't wrong.

>> No.11834938

That's actually awesome, how'd you get into that?

>> No.11835012
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It was pure luck for me, so I can't really give you an advice, I actually applied for normal theater staff, but during the interview I said I was kinda a /g/ guys so they offered me the projectionist position.

>> No.11835067

bachelor's fashion merchandising
master's business administration

>> No.11835079

How often do directors send projectionist instructions like Wes Anderson these days?

>> No.11835089


I'm quite new on this job, like 3 month, so never happened to me, and if it happens to me I would say him to fuck off

>> No.11835107

today is his birthday. He's overrated but what modern architect isn't?

>> No.11835110

a degree in stacking shelves??

>> No.11835189

Effay af brah
Mad jelly

>> No.11835195

set designer for film, video, commercials, and photoshoots

>> No.11835216

not at all. i travel and buy fabrics for companies and set up meetings and shit... i make about 250k a year

>> No.11835225
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It's not really that glamorous as you think, it was probably fun and interesting job in the 35mm era, but now everythingt is digitized and most of the stuff is automated, so I spend a lot of time helping the regular staff with cleaning, being the ticket guy etc.
I'm basically doing my job only when something goes wrong, also I'm basically the main tech guy there wehen something goes wrong with the computers in the managers office, printer problems, setting up the playstation etc.

>> No.11835231
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Business Tech Analyst at Deloitte

>> No.11835238

>setting up the playstation

>> No.11835244

Drilling engineer

>> No.11835259

Electrical Engineer

>> No.11835265
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What you cinmea does have gaming service?
You are telling me you can't play Call of Duty on the theater screens in your cinema?

Just fucking with you, we have a playroom when kids come here to celebrate a birthday, and we have a playstation there.

Although we thought about connecting it to a projector and playing couple of games after the theater closes

>> No.11835268

I work part time in a flower shop, am I effay?

>> No.11835269

Few months of the year i live on a boat in alaska and fish.

>> No.11835274


shit I'm not a /fa/ guy, didn't know spoiler tags don't work here.

>> No.11835294
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Session musician

>> No.11835567

Quality Engineer, making artificial joints.

>> No.11835576

Or at least, hopefully making them not kill you.

Unless you have a job where you interact with clients/customers/patients it doesn't matter what the specific reality of your day to day job is, it matters what it sounds like to the layperson.

So u effay nigga

>> No.11835825
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I'm a first-year computer science major, what should I look into for jobs and what classes should I take?

Here you go. His name is Dylan Fosket.

>> No.11835838

I'm a therapist. Is that effay?

>> No.11835852

I work at a dead mineral museum part-time and i study industrial design at uni

>> No.11835871

industrial design student

>> No.11835933


>> No.11835989
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>> No.11836128

work in a warehouse

>> No.11836451


>> No.11836459

well im a nurse but i get to wear any clothes. potentially effay?

>> No.11836466

Zipline Tour Guide

>> No.11836487
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Has potential


>Pro skater/photographer

>> No.11836504

Truck Unloader at a Warehouse. Blue-collar as fuck.

>> No.11836508

very good list anon, you really categorized it super duper well!!

>> No.11836605

kitesurfing instructor

>> No.11836622
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office wageslave

why oh why did i study commerce

>> No.11836816

im thinking of leaving humanity behind and join foreign legion.
i-i think its pretty effay in idea but in reality its fucked up

still no other choice desu

>> No.11836878

National Service (Military)
I only have to dress myself on the weekends.

>> No.11836894

ah yes only good weed my friend

>> No.11836942

I'm a copywriter.

Unsure if effay.

>> No.11837197

Math grad studenthe and (hopefully) future professor

>> No.11837336

is studio manager at a film/photo studio an effay job?

>> No.11837350

I'm a NEET, but I do work from home stuff for money to pay my bills and buy stuff, and I sometimes take temp jobs to save money.

>> No.11837370
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Astrobiologist (An Astrophysicist who focuses on three large-scale questions: How did life originate and what is the relationship
between all life on the Earth? Does life exist beyond the Earth? and What is the future of life
on the Earth?)

Basically you get to do space shit, travel to analogues around the world -it's like /out/'s wet dream.

>> No.11837375

Front of house in an indian restaurant also studying painting and eat indian food 6 days a week so pretty fucking fa

>> No.11837397

Flight line here
Please bleed and service the main rotorhead so I can test the fucking helicopter up

Also don't yell at me for calling tires bad

>> No.11837406

Quit drugs faggot

>> No.11837472

My theater uses a PlayStation to play anime blurays lol

>> No.11837475
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>> No.11837481

Is being unemployed at student age effay? I live near a naval base that is offering a bunch of retail jobs that pay higher but I don't know if I should apply.

>> No.11837677

Graphic Designer

>> No.11837701

DEA intern.

>> No.11837712
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landscaper, had to quit for a bit after finding out i had lyme disease for a year prior

going back to school in spring to study agronomy and botany

>> No.11837726



>> No.11837759

Gallerist/Art Dealer
Independent theater owner
Museum Director or department head
Film producer
Film director
Visual artist
Art Director (depends on for whom/what, like most of these)
Fashion photographer
Fashion buyer
Watchmaker (in Switzerland or Germany)
Diplomat (depending on to which nation)
Literature professor
Art history professor
Architect (at a top-30 firm, globally)
Musician (at a top-30 orchestra/phil, globally)
Conductor (of a top-30orchestra/phil, globally
Food critic (for reputable publication)
Film critic (for same)
Architecture critic (for same)
Conservator (art, film, or architecture)
Rare/fine book dealer
Fortune500 CEO

Good luck everybody

>> No.11837916

Oh, add working for Sotheby's or Christie's. Being at the intersection of aesthetics, wealth, and exclusivity is where it's at. Could add being a luxury real estate agent to the list as well, but it's not really an option unless you're born with the requisite connections

>> No.11839047

Walmart associate.

>> No.11839061

Is social media work effay?

>> No.11839115

Architecture, kinda meme-ish but a classic for a week dressed man

>> No.11839122

I look after the AV at a museum

>> No.11839152

anti aging research.

>> No.11839325

Janitor for the /fa/ discussion board. Literally.

>> No.11839332
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>> No.11839333

Gas station operator. Not /fa/ at all but its money to buy clothes

>> No.11839511

Artist. Designer. Philosopher. Software engineer.

>> No.11839516

I'm a circus performer.

>> No.11839525
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working isnt /fa/

>> No.11839883
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>> No.11839891

Doesn't seem /fa/ to me but hey, at least I'm surrounded by girls so I can't complain.

>> No.11839915

pretending to be an architect

>> No.11840017

Have you not seen fight club? Thats definitely effay

>> No.11840032

What's your name Mr pro skater

>> No.11840274

fav skate vid
fav skater
fav skate vid sound track

>> No.11840301
File: 47 KB, 300x450, 006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being a courier for an underground society of world rulers, riding your bike around Paris strictly at night delivering letters to different members of said society. you are to ride your bike draped in Rick/BBS/etc. , essentially looking like pic related.

>> No.11840302

god damn being a museum director, art/fine book dealer, and architect sound very nice. how would one go about getting a job like those and do they pay well? specifically the museum director job, art/book dealers seem a bit hit or miss
in uni atm as well

>> No.11840308

i wish i could do this

>> No.11840312

That's like my dick, good ol 6x5. Nothing to brag about it gets the job done senpai

>> No.11841018

Childhood pampers model

>> No.11841061

I'm an electrical engineer, outfits range from business casual to hi vis and levis

>> No.11841119

>>>11837759 #
>god damn being a museum director, art/fine
>how would one go about
Major in art history
Have genuine interest in subject
Go in hard and deep on whatever period or movement interests you
Gain encyclopedic knowledge of subject
Possibly grad school
Go to every museum you can
Go to galleries and are openings
Begin networking
(Securing funding/donations is often a huge part of the job, so get used to learning to flatter and seduce/persuade both artists and the rich)
Work in galleries or museums doing work that excites you
Follow art news
Subscribe to critical art journals
No secrets beyond this, just becomes a game of who you know and how talented you are, like in any industry.

Architect? Just involves schooling. Majoring in structural engineering doesn't hurt, but arch programs generally fill in those gaps anyway. Mostly an unsexy job where most of what you Design is never built or is compromised to be less expensive. If you design anything at all. Young architects often spend their first 20 years working on other people's stuff. There are exceptions: either start off on your own with a few people out of arch school and get lucky by winning some major open competition, maybe be selected to design for the Venice bianalle, maybe go to a third world country and build affordable housing with less red tape and competition from peers. Or intern at one of the big firms. It's a short list, aim for the ones who share your philosophy and/or aesthetic

>> No.11841331

Here's my past few jobs, none of which I consider effay:

>Community management for a big social networking site for teens.

>Bodyshop drone (repaired and painted high end cars and trucks)

>Adidas product stress-tester and wear-tester (mainly shoes, sometimes sportswear)

>Newbalance (same as Adidas)

>Currently weighing up my odds and thinking of going back to university.

Rate em' friendos.

>> No.11841334


>Highest rate of suicide and substance abuse among professionals.
>Sick white coat that can fit a passport and sandwich
>Playing God

P /fa/

>> No.11841673

a job that you enjoy going to and make okay money at

>> No.11841698

Hey, me too, anon. What area do you study?

>> No.11842452

i'm doing nothing at all. as long as i get payed to watch films in my apartment i won't budge.

>> No.11842465

i worked as room service goon in a five star hotel
dressed "well" but i don't consider the job /fa/ at all

>> No.11842480

Emcee; weddings, ceremonies and private parties.

>> No.11842514


>> No.11842525

lol whatever jesus