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File: 70 KB, 554x921, AFCcEks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11824631 No.11824631 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw 5'10

>> No.11824667

Wow OP, you should just kill yourself already

>> No.11824671

tall in short parts of the states

>> No.11824678
File: 22 KB, 600x488, a3a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 6'2" but ugly

>> No.11824684
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>complaining about being just barely above average

>> No.11824687

5'3" =(
helps to get Japanese shit, that's about it

>> No.11824695

shut the fuck up op

>> No.11824702

Just because 5'9'-5'10' is the average male height doesn't mean girls won't think you're short

>> No.11824716

OP here

5'10 is the average height in the US because of minorities

Im shorter than most upper middle class whites like myself. average height for us I think is about 5'11 maybe even 5'11.5, just based on my observations.

so being average for the country is irrelevant to me

Even if I was 5'11 thats not great. Who is content with being mediocre? I honestly feel like less of a man every time someone 6'0+, no matter how ugly they are, walks past me

feels fucking bad man

>> No.11824724

>5'10 is the average height in the US because of minorities
I mean 5'9

US average height is listed as 5'9 because of minorities, not 5'10

so yeah Im a bit above average height for the county but like I said its irrelevant

>> No.11824727

i know that feel

>> No.11824729

i feel u op

>> No.11824733

being large and imposing is arguably important for a guy than being good looking

just get muscular and youre set

what am I gonna do though? get leg lifts?

just lol at the cards ive been dealt


I know it might not seem like it, but me and you have a lot more in common than me and some 6'2 asshole

I know your feel, although not as bad as you do

Im here for you, brother

>> No.11824736

I'm 5'10" and girls have told me I'm tall. As long as you're like 4 inches taller than her you're good, and since average female height is like 5'4", you're probably good if you're average.

If you don't like your height just wear docs or something, they give you an extra inch and a half.

>> No.11824759

5'10" is average for white American males.

>> No.11824761

>As long as you're like 4 inches taller than her you're good
Fair point. I've been tall my whole life so I've never really thought about it that way.

>> No.11824766

maybe youre right, and if thats the case it makes me feel a little better

but like I said anyway, being average isnt that great especially for fashion

>> No.11824774

I've learned to accept it; my back isn't fucked up like my tall friends' backs
and I like being at eye level with short qts cuz some prefer shorter guys

>> No.11824781

im glad

good for you anon

hopefully one day ill stop thinking about my height too

>> No.11824785

Face, height and frame.

If one is lacking, although at 5'10 I'd say it is in "OK" zone, other can compensate, especially face. Frame too can make you more imposing and more desirable, but not as much as face. If you have a shit face and good height, you are fucked as well.

>> No.11824789

Relatively attractive face. 6'5"

But 5'10" isn't even bad man. That's taller than a lot of people

>> No.11824821

>I honestly feel like less of a man every time someone 6'0+, no matter how ugly they are, walks past me
Insane. Congrats dude, you've officially fallen for a 4chan meme.

>> No.11824840
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>tfw 5'10 but fat 8.1 cock

>> No.11824858
File: 944 KB, 500x299, IanCurtis4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 5'7
>literally all my life believed I was average height
>discovered 4chan
>5'10 is considered manlet

>> No.11824871

its just 4chan

your perception is more accurate

>> No.11824902
File: 47 KB, 960x720, height-male1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11824914

>tfw 5'6 in sweden

>> No.11824945

>5'9" Asian
>still average amongst other Asians of my age except for flips

>> No.11824947

I'm 5'10" and I had sex with two different girls this past weekend. You know what's even less attractive than being short? Self-loathing and a total lack of confidence.

That being said, a couple more inches and I'd find getting pussy that much easier. Lucky for me I have a pretty face.

>> No.11824960

and I thought it was bad being 5"10

>> No.11824965
File: 47 KB, 636x840, I9gor0K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 6' 1"

>> No.11824983

You people are ugly fucking vermin. Stop posting about height.

>> No.11824998

I have a good face and frame, my height is 5 9 I guess I'm pretty lucky, people tell me I could model but honestly I'm too short

>> No.11825012

Tfw 6'0.0000" in morning
Manlet by night

>> No.11825017

Manlet detected

>> No.11825093
File: 74 KB, 1024x508, 1474761064596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 6'4" but socially retarded and ugly

>> No.11825137

I literally get treated like a subhuman, not even joking. The difference in how people treat me and if I'm with a tall good looking friend is astonishing
>inb4 it is your attitude and how you carry yourself
nah I'm just short and ugly

>> No.11825142

ops meant "how people treat me vs a tall good looking friend"

>> No.11825159

Tell your experiences anon.

>> No.11825160

The girls that care about height are either tall themselves or are picky midgets who know that their 4'9" genes are shit.

>> No.11825169
File: 94 KB, 601x508, me_every_day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Turn 18
>Finished growing
>Need to go to new doctor
>"Okay, anon. Let's measure your height for our initial records."
>Stands next to doctor and gets height measured
>"Looks like you're 5'11 1/2."
>"Oh, so 6' then?"
>"No, 5'11 1/2."
>"What are you going to write?"
>"That you're 5'11"."

Fucking end my life, /fa/m

>> No.11825187

In Europe, they'd write it down as 1.82m, or whatever the fuck is five feet of something something and one and a half inchlings.

>> No.11825195

Rounded down to king of manlets status

>> No.11825209

>be me, Asian and 5'9.5 or 5'10"
>thought I was 5'11" my whole life because a doctor measured me wrong, or with shoes on, idk
>family obviously compliments me since everyone is 5'7" or under
>tell people that I'm 5'11" up until recently
>several people have even refused to believe me when I told them I was 5'10, 5'11, that I must be 6ft or over
I'm very fortunate, but what could be the reason behind this?

>> No.11825214

Sometimes I'm taller at the end of the day than am I in the morning

what is wrong with me

>> No.11825250

Considered manlet by a bunch of virgin retards. I don't even think you can get away with being 5'11 here anymore.

>> No.11825432

You can't. 6' is the cutoff

>> No.11825616


>> No.11825622

pls dear 4chan users, stop obessing with height. being tall is not that great ;)

>> No.11825635


feels good. manlets should just off themselves

>> No.11825648

I've accepted it tho

>> No.11825703

Found the sub 6'

>> No.11825792

I like you

>> No.11825808
File: 113 KB, 895x569, height-map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a bullshit theory
Texas has a huge immigrant population but one of the highest average heights

>> No.11826122


>> No.11826427

i'm 5'9 and I still feel short as fuck

>> No.11826449

I'm in a rly awkward situation tell me if i'm crazy
>tallest member of family (only 5"11) so when I see family they always say how tall i am
>when i'm at school i see people at like 6"2 -6"3
>feel like a literal midget

Do i suffer body dysmorphia or what

>> No.11826530

U suffer from effay
Im also 5'11 and feel like a midget

>> No.11826645

>North East Manlets

>> No.11826647

>tfw 5'7

you nignogs dont know the real fucking pain of only being able to fuck 5'2 girls and below

>> No.11826656
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>> No.11826668
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>tfw 5'10 but all my friends are 5'11

>> No.11826717

Same here, im 5'7 too
But i just dont care now

>> No.11826933
File: 225 KB, 2400x2400, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 5'3"

Im 24 and buy kids clothes. End me

>> No.11827004

No you suffer from going to a school with people taller than you

>> No.11827050

Man that must be weird. Just bad genetics or do you have some growth disorder?

I don't really know any adult men below like 5'5" and they're pretty much all Asian.

Yeah, you people who are 5'9" and bitch about being short need a fucking reality check.

>> No.11827066

>tfw 6'
>3 inches taller than male average in my country
>all my friends are fucking giants and it isn't that rare that I'm the shortest or second shortest in a group
To be fair half my friends are basketball players so that makes sense, but somehow even the ones who aren't are all tall as fuck

>> No.11827090

u r an idiot lmao

>> No.11827107

>Tfw 175cm
Is there anyway to increase height just end me senpais

>> No.11827109

if youre on effay it is highly likely that you will at one point suffer BDD
just remember it's all in your head

>> No.11827131

If something like height which you cannot control effects you thos negatively then get a better mindset

Dyels on 4chan will make fun of anyone under 6 foot, because the only thing they have going for them in life is their height, which again is out of your control which makes them even more pathetic.

>> No.11827139

Thanks anon

>> No.11827305


I hope you're Latin American

>> No.11827307

Why are the people in flyover states taller?

>> No.11827530
File: 213 KB, 1600x1564, 9025472.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 6'2" in New York

>> No.11827559

Height isn't that important

I know alpha as fuck manlets and beta orbiter lanklets

Friend of mine is like 5'10 and has had over a hundred women at age 19

>> No.11827895


Because of all the niggers.

>> No.11827911

dumb whitebread

>> No.11828294

Average female height is 5'6" so by a minimum you need to be 5'10"
I'm just 6'0" but it's so marginal I say I'm 5'11". I'm also the shortest guy in my family with everyone around 6'3". Just rock what you got. My ex was 4'11" so just find yourself a petite QT and you'll be fine

>> No.11828313

Nigs are tall you idiot, if anything that would bring the average up

>> No.11828634

>Average female height is 5'6"
Why are you lying about something that can so easily be disproved by typing "average female height" into google?

>> No.11828647
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>6'2 and handsome

>> No.11828652

most people doesnt even notice the difference between 175-180. im 180 and its weird to see everybody going crazy about it. wtf

>> No.11828774

I am

>> No.11828801
File: 35 KB, 636x636, 1463253019123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 5'9
>most of my friends are 6'2+
at least girls notice me, even if it is for all the wrong reasons

>> No.11828808

I had some bulldyke nurse once measure me at 5'11" and a half at a doctor's visit and I felt compelled to kick her in the uterus. Why are subordinates in healthcare so fucking salty?

>> No.11828822

>tfw you don't like leaving the house or socialising but you wanna get laid
>tfw you're a virgin NEET with crippling skills with the opposite sex and know that repeated exposure is the only solution
>tfw it doesn't seem remotely interesting enough to bother
>tfw you're left with unfulfilled desires

Well, at least I'm a slim 6ft with a natty v-taper and an 8x6 cock

Nice try but the cut-off limit is 183cm

>> No.11828845


its now 6'1

>> No.11828938

>find piece I like
>look at sizing
>Model is 6'2" and wears a small
>XS doesn't exist
I need to start looking into Japanese brands or something.

>> No.11828939

This isn't me btw >>11828774 but yes, I actually am lol are latin american people shorter or something? i mean it could be i rarely see freakishly tall guys most of them are like 5'10 at most

>> No.11828972

Descendants of cowboys and ranchers and Nordic people. Big boys went west.

>> No.11829373

I'm 6'1 and wanna trap
;_; feels bad

>> No.11830418
File: 293 KB, 633x758, SUICIDE WOJAK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weird genetics, my mom is 5'4" and my dad is 6"3'

>> No.11830454

same parental heights here and I'm 6'3"

are you done with growing?

>> No.11830703
File: 554 KB, 1280x960, 1475376092226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haven't grown a centimeter in months

it's done for, isn't it?

>> No.11830729

what a fucking pussy

>> No.11830743
File: 3.39 MB, 4128x2322, 20161004_172543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not that bad op
Im 5'10
And my friend is 6'4
Pic related

>> No.11830744
File: 444 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20161005-102057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You look like you wanna kill yourself

>> No.11830923
File: 62 KB, 400x348, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you're 5ft 5 but not a virgin and insecure about your masculinity like everyone else on 4chan

feels good man

>> No.11831013
File: 409 KB, 2304x1296, 1455248510852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life is actually great

>> No.11831017
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>be 5'11
>meet girl
>wow anon ur rly tall lol

eat shit nerds

>> No.11831025

do you live among pigmys?

>> No.11831034

keep it on the containment board, honey

>> No.11831050

I'm 5'11" woman. What's wrong with being 5'10" man? That's literally average. I don't think most women care that heavily.

>> No.11831074

Being black would be way worse than being a manlet tbqh.

>> No.11831087

I might as well live in your moms vagine considering how I'm always in it fuck off lanklet lmao

>> No.11831088
File: 378 KB, 540x465, 1467428812418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is wrong with you? and I thought I had self esteem issues.

>> No.11831107

Try being a non-mediocre entity in some form of art or business, or, you know, whatever. You can't change your height ( well you can get a limb lenghtening surgery, but oh boy, does it fuck your legs up ), but you can change what you do and that is more important that that anyways. I'd be worried if I was under the average height, now that is bad, but it all depends on whether or not you have anything to make up for your height, like a good looking face.

>> No.11831118

people can tell when you're wearing shoes to look taller

>> No.11831119

fuck you manlet pig

the only women you've ever fucked were drunk landwhales like your sister

>> No.11831120
File: 619 KB, 500x280, 1472503067168.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TFW 6'1 but fembot

>> No.11831125

jesus christ how

>> No.11831131

you're a girl bitch

>> No.11831153

Tfw 6.5-7/10 face according to 4chan but 5'9" and boring. I want to move to the mountains and stay there until I die.

>> No.11831159

>tfw 6'2 male who only finds girls taller than me attractive
you were close fembot

>> No.11831174

stay mad skelly

>> No.11831204
File: 65 KB, 600x600, Tomb_of_the_Mutilated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd hang myself but I can't reach the rafters to tie the noose.

>> No.11831261
File: 48 KB, 440x631, a2cd21b0c529dab3c91c2cc560fb08f3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe if you wear some retarded looking 3 inch heels like robert downey jr.
Docs give you an extra inch and a half and are common enough that nobody would think you're wearing them just to be taller (unless you always talk about your height). I wear my 1461's most days and nobody has ever said anything to me except a relative I hadn't seen in a while who thought I was at least 6' (I'm like 5'11.5" with them so it's close).

I used to know a guy who was super insecure about his height to the point where he would never wear a shoe with less than an inch and a half in the heel. He had some ridiculous 2 inch heel loafers that he might have actually been able to pull off if he wasn't such a sperg, I thought they were sort of cool before I found out how insecure he was. He was 5'11" too so his insecurity was totally unjustified.

>> No.11831615
File: 563 KB, 887x901, sadguts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 5'10.5 due to growth being stunted during teenage years
>tfw would've been over 6 ft if not for the stunt

>> No.11831645
File: 29 KB, 500x375, d5b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 5' 10 girl

>> No.11831713

cut off limit for what? you would still be an autistic virgin regardless of your height. keep blaming nonexisting bullshit retard

>> No.11831823

Tall girls are cute desu

>> No.11832817

>cut off limit for what?
Manlet territory

>> No.11833065
File: 682 KB, 639x639, iranianhulk5-187900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw avg male height is 5'9''

>> No.11833072

What fucking board do you think you're on, roastie?

Also, there's no such thing as a fembot.

>> No.11833085


>> No.11833118

That sucks dude.
6'4 Denmark

>> No.11833124

I hope you are a girl

>> No.11833318


>> No.11833332

It's alright. Manletism is a meme created by /fit/ to demean others by making them feel as if they lack something crucial yet unachivable due to genetics. As long as the girl you're in a relationship with is still shorter than you why care?

>> No.11833403

dude i'' p tall but not that tall.


>> No.11833495

Top kek im 5'9" in Scandinavia and I can get girls pretty easily, they're literally like 2 inches shorter than me 90% of the times, you idiots can get girls because you're just socially retarded and ugly. Don't blame your height for you lack of luck with women, and don't believe stupid 4chan memes.

>> No.11833499


>> No.11833529

Are you me?
6'3" here

>> No.11833537

mate 5"7 to 6"1 is the acceptable height of a male, any taller or any shorter and people will notice and think its odd but if you're in that range no one will give a shit.

>> No.11833538
File: 9 KB, 236x231, 1468245771277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


in Australia

where every second dude is a 6'3 bronze tanned beach going Chris Hemsworth lookalike

>> No.11833574
File: 77 KB, 306x273, 1451554773641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6'4" and ugly
I know that feel, friend

>> No.11833589

I'm 5'6, went to Oslo on holiday and I gotta say it was one of the worst experiences of my life

>> No.11834124

heart emoji, lots of "short dudes" ie 5'7 - 5'10 need to hear that

>> No.11834196


>> No.11834230
File: 51 KB, 499x500, 1457489282400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know you can lie though, right?

>> No.11834238

so /r9k/ memes?

>> No.11834252

nigga that's average height for a male.

>> No.11834332
File: 167 KB, 1000x770, 1373408033078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meh. 5'9" - 5'10 is dead center average. Too tall for short, too short for tall. Better than either as an extreme.

>> No.11834347

now just imagine being 5'6 and growing up there and living there

>> No.11834350

I'm 5'6 and live in scandinavia so I wear xs or sometimes children sizes, my mom literally bought t-shirts for me that was size 12-14 y/o

>> No.11834373
File: 40 KB, 900x900, angry_pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never be Anglo/Scandinavian
FUCK being eastern European
>pudgy 5'10 manlet
>shitty eastern euro features
>nose both long and potato like

I just want to be a tall blonde surfer with refined northwestern european features

what the fuck is the point

>> No.11834387

i put down 6 foot on my license even though im 6'1 how bout that

>> No.11834410

Just stop whining about it, Tom Cruise is shorter than you, same with Kendrick or Lil Wayne. If size mattered that much, they wouldn't have Craig playing James Bond and wearing dem fancy english suits.

>> No.11834632


i hate this picture. ugly fucking frog fuck off

>> No.11834948

tfw like 5'9 ripp

>> No.11836260

That's a normal height you dickling

>> No.11836316

damn gurl

>> No.11837103

what stunted your growth anon?

>> No.11837110

Any women over 5'5 is no women lmfao you're a fucing man

>> No.11837159
File: 86 KB, 650x699, 1469480533739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 6'0

so fucking close

>> No.11837366

man you made me laugh

>> No.11837389

>6' flat with qt 5'11 gf

Feels egalitarian my guys

>> No.11837398

Sounds like the beginning of a seinfeld episode, you should try and find your record and change it

>> No.11837656
