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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/fa/ - Fashion

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11820731 No.11820731 [Reply] [Original]


Everyone, we need a plan B stat! Where do we go when /fa/ gets deleted?

>> No.11820744


>> No.11820746

Just disable ad block or buy a pass, eventually they'll either delete the useless boards or do a fundraiser or something

>> No.11820755

The majority of people here will go to r/streetwear or r/malefashionadvice. The people who actually care about fashion will go to one of the fashion BBS because they're not casulised in the way reddit is.

>> No.11820757


>> No.11820778

cite me to one of these other boards, not the r/ ones

>> No.11820785

I hope this board gets deleted.
It would get a lot of faggots off of this site.

>> No.11820828

baka desu senpai

>> No.11820854

eight (chans)s

>> No.11820866

Theres a copypasta somewhere but i dont have it. Check warosu. Off the top of my head style zeitgeist, styleforum, unraveled, sufu (dead) are all reasonable.

>> No.11820869


>> No.11820870

All of those except unraveled (never got into it so I can't speak for its quality) are pretty bad if you like /fa/

>> No.11820908

Well, better let fa die than pol and make them to shit up every other board like a plague.

>> No.11820928

So, how would you fix this problem guys?
>lgbt (they can go to tumblr and nothing of value to anyone involved would be lost)
>soc (point of such a thing on anonymous imageboard?)
>mlp (again they have better places to discuss their autism)
>most of porn boards, leave gif (as many said there are much better palces for porn, gif is kind of handy though)
>pokemon (imo they can use vg)
>keep creative and interest boards since they are niche and most people would have no better palce to go to
>create /film/ and separate it from /tv/ (tv as it is is b-tier meme-spamming that is purely unwanted traffic)
>DON'T delete pol for the sake of other boards (at least give them their own containment place so they don't shit up other boards)

>> No.11820933

this goes in /qa/ des u

>> No.11820947

they should merge /fa/ and /mu/

>> No.11820984

delete everything but /fa/, server costs solved

>> No.11820993

stop, don't spout stupid ideas.

>> No.11821000

Here is the objectively correct solution.
>delete all the porn boards besides /u/, because they actually discuss shit more than they wank
>delete /soc/
>delete /mlp/
>delete /vp/ and /vr/

problem solved.

>> No.11821011
File: 96 KB, 241x228, 1460097202833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do realize that if you get rid of MLP, their cancer will just filter back to all the boards they originally came from

>> No.11821012

if pol got deleted they'd just take over /int/ or go to (many of them back to) reddit.

i imagine /b/ /pol/ /gif/ and /sp/ cost the site the most money.

not sure how much money they'd save by deleting slow boards like /fa/.

>> No.11821022

>the only 2 boards i browse in one palce

sounds perfect to me

/fa/ is dead anyways

>> No.11821025

Yes, but those are also boards with most visitors. Along with v and vg and perhaps tv. Those are shitty boards, but deleting them is questionable way to deal with server problems. Also most of pol visitors are also from other boards, like with mlp this place at elast keeps them somewhat contained. Delete it and we will have /hitleryouthgeneral/ every day there. Reduce image size limit for most boards will solve huge chunk of the problem.

>> No.11821031


>> No.11821032

why would i care if mlptards shit up b and r9k? those boards are already complete shit.

>> No.11821033

This place ain't worth saving

>> No.11821034


>> No.11821042
File: 41 KB, 210x202, 1461907593879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>soon, the only place to get fashion advice will be reddit


>> No.11821079

How useless can one man be

>> No.11821084

Well I mean, he's right. How the fuck is this site supposed to make money, really?

>> No.11821111

transparent wikipedia style funding

>> No.11821159
File: 105 KB, 543x700, 1470146816158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when /fa/ gets deleted

First of all, we don't know if any boards are actually going to be deleted. That's only one of the various eventualities, as explained in the post.

Second of all, if any boards are to be deleted - we don't know if /fa/ is going to be one of them.

There's no real need to panic based off the information currently available to us.


>> No.11821160


>> No.11821164

Everyone knew that 4chan makes no money. That retarded jap still bought it.

>> No.11821171

what is 4 x 2

>> No.11821174

pure autism

>> No.11821180

Happy 13th birthday 4chan!

>> No.11821197


>> No.11821199
File: 47 KB, 500x375, 1471890413068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suspect most of you will go back to r9k

>> No.11821208

What do you think about new owner? Is he /fa/?


>> No.11821211
File: 128 KB, 640x427, 1468585360795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There won't BE an r9k to go to.

I enjoyed my time together with you, /fa/. My brother, my captain, my king.

>> No.11821238

making the default cooldown 5 minutes for non-pass users, and 1 minute for pass-users, would help. and it would improve the content of many boards.

>> No.11821267 [DELETED] 

>shekeli actually joining #4chan @ rizon

this might actually happen

>> No.11821351

>buy a pass

what, do i look like a money man, mister money man?

>> No.11821387

Why is /fa/ gonna be deleted?

>> No.11821447

This + merge /gif/ with /hc/ and introduce site-wide file size limits for gifs/webms

>> No.11821465

Wow, I didn't know /pol/ was that high. All the more reason to delete it. It only brings what's against the spirit of this site.

I also didn't think /fa/ was that high, either. It's right above /soc/.

>> No.11821516

Delete /b/ and /pol/

Both boards are huge storage sucks and are costly to maintain. Almost more importantly, they are also the primary (perhaps with the exclusion of /v/) boards that give 4chan its horrendous public image, which in turn makes it an advertiser repellent.

Not only this but they are highly damaging to most other users on the website. "Hard motherfuckers" hear about the boards and their reputation for anti-PC freedom of speech, begin frequenting, mistake contrarianism and post-irony for genuine beliefs, learn terrible habits and behaviors, then spread to the rest of the website.

It could save 4chan.

>> No.11821528

Yeah, delete their containment boards and they will spread out across the whole site even more. Also those two are probably most popular and most visited boards there, deleting them will make 4chan loose shitton of visitors.

>> No.11821545

Well would you rather have fewer visitors (which means less required money for server space) or the deletion of boards doing nothing wrong?

There will be a massive flood of shitposting but we have moderators. All will move on in time, it would just be rough for a while

>> No.11821552

>they are also the primary (perhaps with the exclusion of /v/) boards that give 4chan its horrendous public image, which in turn makes it an advertiser repellent.
>implying that's a bad thing
I would redirect you to a friendlier website but you are probably already a regular user there, they should just delete the porn boards to be honest

>> No.11821560

Less visitors also means less ad revenue.

>> No.11821584

>fewer visitors
/pol/ and /b/ easily make up 20-40% of visitors of this site. Those aren't "few". As>>11821560
rightfully said less visitors means less possible advertisers, which equals to less money. Deleting these two boards will crush this site and create a shitposting we all haven't seen before.
Also be hurt by these biards as much as you will, but they ARE huge part if 4chan culture. No reason to what this site down.

>> No.11821601

That care-tags userbase has really interesting fashion knowledge depth.

>> No.11821608

Move /mlp/ to >>>/trash/

>> No.11821717


>> No.11821847

"Containment" boards are a fucking myth. You want to get rid of people you fucking ban them. Giving them their own space where they can indulge their bullshit just makes them worse and attracts more of them, and then they spread to the whole site.
/pol/ was a mistake.

>> No.11821860

This. When previous iterations of /new/ (at the time, it was proto-/pol/ and home of stormfront) was deleted, those people went on to other sites.

Deleting a board will have some spillover, but it won't last. /pol/ wouldn't shitpost on other boards as much if they didn't have a homeboard to go back to.