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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 108 KB, 750x557, IMG_0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11783022 No.11783022 [Reply] [Original]

last thread 3hunna

my friend's current dwelling

>> No.11783029

Not bad, I'm assuming this is a studio. Are those ottomans?

>> No.11783075

he is renting a 3 bed house in sf for $2500 a month, crazy

>> No.11783166
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>> No.11783167

what inspo is there here lmao

>> No.11783183

talk shit post fit fuccboi

>> No.11783434

looks like a fucking asylum nigger fuck your fit

>> No.11783437 [DELETED] 

i'm pretty satisfied with my coffee table
old budweiser ad on a wooden crate thing i found at a thrift store

>> No.11783438


>> No.11783441
File: 175 KB, 921x665, HwPhfWwu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm pretty satisfied with my coffee table
old budweiser ad on a wooden crate thing i found at a thrift store
sorry lol

>> No.11783458
File: 1.67 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_1620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

downtown austin

>> No.11783460


Old people layout.

>> No.11783466

This looks like a cheap european hostel room or something.

>> No.11783507

delet that ibanez desu (to each their own but i think youre a fag for playing something like that haha guess what guitar i play bro)

>> No.11783550

comfy lighting, not setting

austin is hot af not wavy

>> No.11783564

colorful LEDs are so fucking cringy
imagine these rooms with just natural light and maybe a few plants. It would be so much better

>> No.11783576

wat nigger, looks comfy af

plants r cool too

>> No.11783591

fuck off lizard man we don't care what color light you prefer in your terrarium

>> No.11783634


>> No.11783649

i fucking spat out my drink

>> No.11783701
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too lazy to put up stuff on the walls and buy plants right now

>> No.11783705
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recently found this in the garage at my old place

anyone have any ideas about what kind of stuff would go good with this?

shit reminds me of schoolhouse rock for some reason

>> No.11783708


>> No.11783780

Morning keks sufficiently had thank you anon

>> No.11784510
File: 3.03 MB, 9606x3738, iPhoneUpload.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do I do with my space

>> No.11784529

samefag smfh

>> No.11784644

clean it up

>> No.11784999


>> No.11785005


That's a beautiful looking tape deck and dresser. Envious as fuck.

>> No.11785007

what posters are /fa/ approved?

my walls are looking a bit bare, they will be framed too.

>> No.11785015


Depends on the walls and general space / style you're going for i guess

>> No.11785016


>> No.11785024
File: 1.14 MB, 4522x1130, panorama_03a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is where I work and play and other stuff too.

>> No.11785033


>> No.11785034


Looks cozy and profesh af imo

>> No.11785043

yeah it's cumpfy enough

>> No.11785244
File: 106 KB, 1024x768, 6kPKmbBL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ignore shit music taste

>> No.11785247

Well I'm not ignoring those dubs

>> No.11785260



Goofy as it sounds, it;s just an old fm radio. Used to keep it in the barn and put on the oldies channel when I took after the horses, Spent a few hours cleaning the gunk out of it and it was good as new. Need to get a new antenna, though.

Couldn't have lucked out more on the the furniture set. The wood is fucking fantastic and it doesn't feel cheap. Fell in love with the headboard, too.

>> No.11785267

what album is top left?
also >goblin

>> No.11785273


I like the lights

fuck sobriety

>> No.11785276

that's what my house in college looked like all the time it was a mess but also fun

>> No.11785286

can u pls straighten those albums out, also is that a TLOP acetate bootleg w2c

>> No.11785306



>> No.11785311
File: 188 KB, 720x1080, room-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys have really nice spaces, I'm mad and jelly.

>> No.11785330

Top kek

>> No.11785341


you need a rug, it will really tie the room together

>> No.11785369
File: 84 KB, 1024x768, vG6U7ALw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bryson tiller's trap soul, it's actually signed.
(i'm from his hometown)
i'm looking to replace goblin with blonde or the divine feminine
my local record store

>> No.11785374

I really hate that you took one of the most famous paintings and zoomed in on the most famous part of it and then framed it and put it on your wall. To translate it into /fa/, it's like you took picture of a hot girl wearing yoga pants and uggs, cropped out everything but one ass cheek and half of one of the uggs and stuck it on your wall. Digusting desu.

>> No.11785393

actually got it at an antique store for 25 dollaroos

>> No.11785462

You're complicit.

>> No.11785468
File: 2.66 MB, 2368x4208, 1474579223615-1444644835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11785497

Do you guys live with your parents?

>> No.11785503

Definitely clean it up.
Needs more light and maybe a less drab color paint (if you're allowed to paint)

Dig the xtro poster though

>> No.11785751

Get a screen and set it up between the two beds. You'll thank me later

>> No.11785771

clean up, hang that painting, & buy some guitar stands for fucks sake

>> No.11785782
File: 182 KB, 1300x919, 20363772-NO-THANKS-Rubber-Stamp-over-a-white-background--Stock-Photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crooked frames

>> No.11785849
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plant boy comin thru with the plant inspo

>> No.11785851
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>> No.11785854
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>> No.11785858
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>> No.11785862
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>> No.11785865
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>> No.11785869
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thats the last of the inspo, even though this one doesnt have much plant

>> No.11786152
File: 300 KB, 725x463, guggenheim-tv-garden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey plant guy suck on this

>> No.11786234

w2c lights?

especially the small cube one in the middle of the pic

>> No.11786325

too much light

looks kind of ghetto

would look better if colored light source came from lamps, etc instead of ceiling

>> No.11786329

Plant guy is my personal room goals

>> No.11786331

>looks kind of ghetto

>> No.11786407

looks nice, but probably a nightmare to live in
bugs galore

>> No.11786440

Hey, youre the Montana guy on the edge of GNP! Quit holding out and post the view from your porch and the garage.

>> No.11786628

Nice exercise ball faggot. Use it to practice bouncing on your boyfriend's cock?

>> No.11786726

Newp, dunno who that is. I live far far away from Mont'na

>> No.11787488

Hey, plant boy!
Could you recommand me a climbing plant for my room? Pref something that acutally blooms. Everything recommanded to me until now was kinda meh...

>> No.11787685
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>> No.11787688
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>> No.11787699

Morning glories or moon flowers, though I've never tried growing them indoors.
Both of those will need sunshine, so I'd put them in your window.
Black eyed Susan vines too, but I personally dont like them tbfhh

>> No.11787708

Looks like Jesse's house from Breaking Bad

>> No.11788584

did you build the bed frame? how much did it cost/how do you like it? also does it creak a lot/move when you have sex?

>> No.11788697

Plant bro, i live in an A-frame so my celing is really high and i have very large windows. What would a good really talk indor plant be? All i have is a banana tree now.

>> No.11788736

how do all you faggots live in repurposed factories with crumbling brick walls and mortar? asbestosis is not fa

>> No.11789782

god this looks fucking awful

>> No.11789800 [DELETED] 

ill post my room if you guys promise not to get triggered this time

>> No.11789820
File: 462 KB, 541x683, Flickr-CCA2_FDRichards8083486437_069a407926_b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plant guy here, it really depends on the placement of the window. i think you should get a bigger plant, like a butterfly palm or a ficus if its in a corner. however, a good idea is to build a frame for extra space on the windowsil to put a lot of smaller plants on. one way to help the first one is to fill your room with things, like using any storage or display space to its full advantage, like pic related. that makes it comfier, matches the plant aesthetic, and gives the illusion that your plant is in the corner.

>> No.11789825


>> No.11789836 [DELETED] 


>> No.11789840

jasmine is good, so are yellow ivys

>> No.11790172
File: 121 KB, 1024x768, b6zkmHCx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

called home depot, asked for some pallets, they gave me it for free, borrow a sander thingymajig from my uncle and sanded it down a bit to avoid splinters so it cost me $0.

i get a lot of compliments on it from tinder chicks and no, it doesn't creak or move. i also haven't stubbed my toe on anything yet surprisingly enough

>> No.11790922

>living space inspo
>is always some $1,000,000/month penthouse or some tramp-tier """""""""/fa/"""""""""" box with a matress on the floor

post some normal living spaces you hacks

>> No.11790955
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>> No.11790977

ill post my room if you guys promise to not sperg out

>> No.11791123

do it, dubs

>> No.11791146
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>> No.11791179

>smoking in the house

>> No.11791186
File: 155 KB, 658x370, ;.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is this mickey mouse shit

>> No.11791198

>drawers disgustingly packed full
kys filthy piece of shit

>> No.11791273

I had a rug but then someone pissed on it

>> No.11792028

>dirt is scary!!!!!!

>> No.11792036

>huge fuck off tv on top of fire place.
just no

>> No.11792059

so fucking grose

>> No.11792108
File: 838 KB, 2560x1920, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you and calm down, im a girl
yeah the drawers are packed full of CLEAN CLOTHES so shut the fuck up and dont call me filthy when you have no idea

and i told you spergs not to get triggered, its not my fault
anyways heres a better pic

>> No.11792143

did benoit debie set your lights

>> No.11792152

How disappointed are your parents?

>> No.11792167

im sure your parents are proud of you too

>> No.11792220
File: 1.17 MB, 1920x2560, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bed details
i use the rilakkuma teddies as pillows too, theyre not just for decoration

>> No.11792226

>not the real Eliza
>proven that you're not the real Eliza
>continue to shitpost and pretend you're an autistic girl every single day

>> No.11792263

>fuck you and calm down, im a girl

being a neet and exploiting universal health care for hormones at whatever liberal hell hole you live in, does not make you a "girl"

you sickening degenerate

>> No.11792281

They're not...

>> No.11792371

do you go to U of A

>> No.11792372
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>> No.11792570

criminally underrated post

>> No.11792597

Why does every alt white girl trying to be Amerikawaii have these bears?

>> No.11792851
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what are you on about?
im not a neet you fucking retard. im currently enrolled in school and i dont have universal health care and i dont take hormones. im also not a liberal or degenerate so just shut the fuck up already and stop pretending like you know anythhing about me.
i bought them because i think theyre cute...is there literally any other reason why someone wouldnt buy something that they like and enjoy??? stop being autistic

>> No.11793003
File: 317 KB, 722x800, 1443581760858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>off white

>> No.11793106

post drawings

>> No.11793249
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>> No.11793727
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ask and ye shall receive

>> No.11793964
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>> No.11793970
File: 516 KB, 500x750, http%3A%2F%2F36.media.tumblr.com%2F49212790f2a7c409c9eb2d830a1a7f5f%2Ftumblr_neu5g4tL0u1rwv0r5o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11793974
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>> No.11794021

Shit taste.

>> No.11794024
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>> No.11794178
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My room.

>> No.11794187

y'all love cramped spaces so fucking much. open it up and only use the furniture you need; break it out of storage if new need arises.

>> No.11794246

Post more pics?

>> No.11794295

Can do, but later.

>> No.11794340

>Take Care
>Putting records on the wall in general

>> No.11794358

Fuck off tranny

>> No.11794424
File: 955 KB, 2560x1440, 20160924_173514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone help me. I have a bunch of these window ledges in my new apartment. What should i do? 3 out of the four have sun so i wanna do plants but the last one is no sun. I was thinking maybr fake plants or something.pic related is the one with no sun and where my bed will eventually be

>> No.11794709


>> No.11794720

this made me feel so warm and happy for some reason :)

>> No.11794724

should be
>ignore shit clothing taste
the off white on the wall and the stans say it all my man

>> No.11794726

UGh tha ts nICE

>> No.11794730

> just shut the fuck up already and stop pretending like you know anythhing about me.
>stop being autistic

OH look its me when i was 14


>underage b&

>> No.11794849
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>> No.11794856
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>> No.11794860
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>> No.11794876
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>off white
>gucci hat


>> No.11794884


>> No.11794961
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>> No.11794966
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>> No.11794969
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>> No.11794975
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>> No.11794977
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>> No.11794980
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>> No.11794987
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>> No.11794998

i fucking love this magazine

>> No.11795014

where can i buy these lights senpai

>> No.11795208

Have you ever been inside of a hardware store?

>> No.11795217

you know what board you're on right?

>> No.11795225


>> No.11795262


>> No.11795618

> tfw i know where this is from