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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 41 KB, 640x626, fa73e5213c3e670352c89474239e1649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11750758 No.11750758 [Reply] [Original]

Why is there never a bead/facial hair thread here?

Lets talk about beards for once.

>> No.11750795

because /fa/ is a bunch of low test fags who cant grow facial hair.

>> No.11750883

Test doesnt make you grow a beard
> t. beard owner

>> No.11750905


>> No.11750988

The chevron shape mustache is so overlooked and underutilized. Instead, way too many guys try to go for looks like in this pic. It's literally just as impressive and way more flattering.
t. chevron wearer/former handlebar doofus

>> No.11750993

A lot of beards have been taking into the Nu-male look. Beards aren't bad, but when you're like OPs picture, then you need to stop.

>> No.11751041

Some big beards are incredibly effay, but yeah, when it's too sculpted or combined with vests, flatcaps, and bow ties it completely defeats the purpose. You have to look masculine to pull it off. Also, having thicker eyebrows is almost a necessity.

>> No.11751044

>golden blonde
>blonde eyebrows
>dye them with light brown beard dye to match my hair
>go from no eyebrows to huge fucking bushy eyebrows

Seriously, if you have blonde eyebrows give it a try. You'd be surprised how thick and large they are.

>> No.11751050
File: 68 KB, 630x374, jon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

godtier beards incoming

>> No.11751054
File: 38 KB, 640x443, jake-gyllenhaal-patchy-beard-style.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11751059
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>> No.11751065

imo Jake's beard looked best in Enemy
I was pretty jealous

>> No.11751093

>>still falling for the beard meme

>> No.11751143

>something that grows naturally on your face is a meme

>> No.11751151

The average age span on here is 16-19, all you'll get are envious children spouting how it's "man makeup" or something about chins.

>> No.11751177
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>> No.11751238

chinlet pls

>> No.11751257
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>> No.11751264

A lot of the kiddos here can't grow a beard so "uhhhhhh nü male LOLOLOLOLOL check out my dad jeans"
A short beard/stubble will always be /fa/

I'm not a huge fan of the really big beards but if it's what you like, cool, wear it.
None of the little guys on campus can grow anything decent, but the guys who can have mostly been doing the short beard or stubble that I've seen.

>> No.11751368

Good gracious this is awful
It could look ok if you went for this kind of look >>11751050 and kept it short trimmed


>> No.11751400
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Here's your (You)

>> No.11751413
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>> No.11751425

its just a very young demo round here, homeboy.

ability to grow one is genetic, most people are able to grow one at the same age their pops could.

>> No.11751457

>actually grooming your bed
Do you also get pedicures and manicures once a week, along with an enema each month?

>> No.11751462

Son, you're on the wrong board if you have issues with grooming your face rug.

>> No.11751470
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Night time cell phone camera shot
I've never been sure what shape to trim/shave my cheeks; this is my beard at 1/4"-5/8" or so, which is the longest I let it get. Any recommendations? I can take a picture from another angle if needed.

>> No.11751471

What this >>11751462 anon said. Even long, majestic beards need at least a little maintenance. But most people look better with trimmed (not shaped, trimmed) facial hair rather than an unkempt mess.

>> No.11751473

Imagine there's a line from the top of where your ear connects with your head to the tip of your mustache. Shave above that line to get rid of the scraggly mess. Other than that, it looks p good.

>> No.11751484

are you from the 50's? men are allowed to take care of their faces these days, its cool

>> No.11751528

Not a great beard, just on a very pretty face

>> No.11751560

I don't think a self respecting male in the 50's wouldn't care for his facial hair.

>> No.11751563

I shave everyday like a grown-up.

>> No.11751671

It's not necessarily that it's a great beard, but that it works well with his overall look and he knows how to take care of it.

>> No.11751684

>like a grown up
So you're saying that makes you mature? Kniw what's even more mature? Not getting up in people's business if they don't want to shave. It's literally their choice, and in
>current year+(?)
it's not a big deal if people want to groom themselves differently than you

>> No.11751693

If that dudes shaving joke made you that mad, you're on the wrong website. Go to MFA so you can downvote the meanies instead.

>> No.11751701

Heyahz yah (yeou)

>> No.11752198

there seem to be a lot of insecure people itt

>> No.11752428

I have some stubble now, should i shave it for a dating site picture?

>> No.11752525

Peak Beard hit my area (NYC) around 2014, it's now mostly Jersey Shore guido types who wear beards like that. Respectable people still sometimes have beards but they're much less flamboyant and retarded looking.

I can only assume you live in one of those places that's perpetually several years behind the times.
Low test is just memespeak for "I'm fat, ugly, wear shitty clothes, and have lowered my standards in women because I can't get any good looking ones"

>> No.11752535

This is true. Testosterone is the hormone responsible for body hair production, if no test = no beard.

/fa/ is a bunch of soy eating skinny low test twinky faggots who have never shaved in their life.

>> No.11752543

Low test isnt a meme bud.

>> No.11752555

I didn't have a very good beard until I was in my late teens. I ate voraciously, exercised often albeit mostly cardio type activities, and although I did eat a lot of vegetables, I got plenty of meat and milk and eggs in my diet.

It has nothing to do with soy, and everything to do with this board being mostly in high school. I'm not sure what they're teaching you kids in class but those differences you see in your classmates are largely genetic.

>> No.11752557

Testosterone the hormone and "low test" the meme are completely different things, buddy. Stop believing everything you read on 4chan.

>> No.11752565
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Stubble can be effay (Mads Mikkelsen) still most effay is
>no facial hair

>> No.11752585
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>> No.11754011
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>> No.11754015

>muh fragile masculinity

>> No.11754021


That looks terrible.

>> No.11754024

beards almost never make a person look better
the best they can do is mask your weak jaw or chin

>> No.11754030
File: 38 KB, 500x642, bj0frbW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That looks terrible.

>> No.11754075
File: 65 KB, 772x416, numales fuck off.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To the people who think you're manly for growing a beard:

On the left is Army Sgt. Clint Romesha, a Medal of Honor recipient. He is a warrior, and his story will be passed on for generations. He has pushed his body and mind to its absolute limits. He is the definition of what it means to be a man.

On the right is a picture of you. You are pasty, white, slightly overweight, and are prematurely balding. You have a degree in computer science and are very active on Instagram. You are submissive, passive, and boring, which is why you seek validation from Tumblrinas who get a hard on by seeing millenial tools who grow waxed beards, have quirky tattoos, and sport large-rimmed glasses.

You don't have to be a war hero or manly man to grow a beard. But don't do it for a political reasons. Don't claim you do it because "muh high-test nordic heritage". If you are going to grow a beard to make a statement, make sure you can actually back it up with something.

>> No.11754094

haha wtf

>> No.11754240

what if u want to violently fuck girls and are in the process of doing so bc youre slightly attractive and girls really like it when you choke hold them during sex

asking for a friend who wants to grow a beard
because its too much effort shaving
and incorporating into his skincare routine
for a friend god knows

>> No.11754280 [DELETED] 
File: 279 KB, 1280x960, 1993-geo-tracker-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So I live in central Ontario where a man drives a 4x4 if they're over 12, not on welfare, and heterosexual. Only overcompensating beta males who fall for the OLD SPICE BACON CAMOFLAUGE MANLY MAN meme and drive these shitty ass unreliable Jeep Wranglers have beards.

Do you want to be another beta male driving your wife's kid to the beach in a made-in-mexico 4 door 4x4 mall crawler with unreliable electronics?


Then shave and buy a 1992 Geo Tracker, the official car of /fa/

>> No.11754291

To me, beards typically only look good on men who already have a masculine face. Eyebrows that are prominent helps.

When a guy with a shitty jawline, or obvious facial fat grows a beard, it looks awful and does not compensate.

Also, they look like complete shit when they are overgroomed. So many men shave the neckline way too high. It looks awful. That along with shaping them so that it is "perfectly" groomed just takes away from the point of even having one.

A bit of scruff and imperfection is better than an overly groomed beard.

>> No.11754364

That looks good, but it's mostly because it's on tom hardy.

That looks okay, but mostly because it's on Jake gyllenhyllenhylenhalenhall. He still looks better with a more well-taken-care-of beard.

But most people don't have ridiculously good facial structure, so the logical way to add contrast and visual rhythm to your face is to grow facial hair. Not saying it's the most effay, but it usually helps improve how someone looks, and looking the best that you personally can is the most effay thing in the world.

This is partly true. I would argue that it is a good thing to use facial hair to hide the fact that you have a crappy jawline. Look at Gavin McInnes. Not saying he's effay, but good gracious does he look better with a beard than as a bald-faced chinlet. And that's because he doesn't sculpt or shape or create an artificial jawline. He simply uses the hair to break up and alter the silhouette, which is what so much of fashion relies on.

>> No.11754397

Subhuman numale spotted.

Great contribution to the thread. Your highly articulate statement provided a unique insight.

>> No.11754433
File: 126 KB, 640x904, tumblr_nks50zJLBW1uns148o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11754447

hahaha wtf

>> No.11754466
File: 145 KB, 2556x720, RTke6vB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To me this picture says a lot about beard.

>> No.11754508

>Why is there never a bead/facial hair thread here?

Because hipsters are annoying as fuck...

>> No.11754515

lol xD jajaja

>> No.11754726

>Why is there never a bead/facial hair thread here?
/fa/ggots = homosexual asian teenagers

>> No.11754935

if everyone has shut the fuck up, I would like to know some basics for beard growth, i'm more than a month along with my beard without any touching up, trimming or product used.

What products should I use in my beard?
Is beard oil just a hipster gimmick?
Why the fuck did I just buy a safety razor?

>> No.11754945

dude would look god tier if he just trimmed it down to a normal 1 inch length

>> No.11754977

>What products should I use in my beard?
None. Just condition it in the shower just like you should be doing with the rest of your hair. Avoid shampoo if you don't want to risk dandruff (yes you can get it on your beard too).
>Is beard oil just a hipster gimmick?
>Why the fuck did I just buy a safety razor?
You can trim up loose hairs on your neck and cheeks. If your beard is messy and travels too far down your neck, it tends to give off the impression of a basement-dweller beard instead of a macho man beard.

>> No.11755013

Already conditioning so i'll trim it later tonight, thanks anon

>> No.11755020

As long as your beard doesn't look like shit, go for it.

>> No.11755456
File: 1.02 MB, 1000x1280, 1397530873240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11756257

a beard like that is 1000 X times better than an oily, well cut and parfum hipster beard.

>> No.11756462
File: 1.32 MB, 1261x1920, haircut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My current beard. At about 7 months growth. Turned out pretty well, first time I've gone this big.

>> No.11756470

Not you fag

>> No.11756476
File: 539 KB, 966x1288, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how bout yes.

>> No.11756477


>> No.11756484

Why are you wearing a bow tie

>> No.11756489

you look like a respectable gentleman.

>> No.11756490

Good beard

>> No.11756493

great comeback, anon.
that'll show him

>> No.11756497

this is a really fedora post, anon.
>be what I, a stranger on the internet, aspire to be and don't be what I hate"

>> No.11756499
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I started wearing them for work recently. I like em and it's a good differentiator in the workplace.

>> No.11756547

Are you fucking serious dude

>> No.11756552

neckbeard LUL

>> No.11756562

seems fine to me
a bit too out there if you live in some flyover shithole where anything other than cargo pants and gym shoes is gay, but he looks like he works in tech, entertainment, or publishing, which are real places industries

>> No.11756629

The sharp trimming is weird. Makes it look like a manicured hedge.

>> No.11756637

Are we being raided?

>> No.11756639

flyover country: where everything, even 4chan, is stuck in 8 years ago

>> No.11756640

Are you talking about the le beard and bowtie? I agree. But I would say 5 years ago, not 8. 2011 was the time of the beard and fixie guy.

>> No.11756649

>beard and fixie and bowtie
this is how I know you're not from anywhere that matters
those three things didn't hit at the same time
people still wear bowties, just not with pee wee herman pants
his hair is way too low volume to be meming
he just looks like a slightly dandyish office worker, not a "hipster" mixing memes from different eras

>> No.11756666

Lmao, it's all the same embarassing shit and you know it.

>> No.11756672

he looks fine, get over it
it's not cutting edge fashion but it looks good and he's not overdoing anything

>> No.11756681

No, he doesn't. He looks embarassing. Outside of the yuppie hugbox areas you're describing he would be mocked. But then I live in a sunny city of brodudes who all lift weights and wear rvca. I would be too crass to live in a pc minefield of pussies like portland or williamsburg

>> No.11756715

weight lifting is big in "yuppie hugbox" places. the difference is that we eat real food not HFCS crap, so aesthetics is considered a thing. unlike /fit/ obese hamplanet mode where all that matters is your leg press and bench. we use actual squat racks here and isolation work isn't unheard of because when your bodyfat is low you can actually have a hope of looking good
you sound like you live in a place where "college boy" is unironically considered an insult

>> No.11756719

This is some high level bait man.

Well plane.

>> No.11756728

>a real man eats 3000% of his TDEE in deep fried bryers guar gum dessert and can't see his own dick without a mirror
>Mark "Big Flyover" Rippletits

>> No.11756752

guar as in morrowind?

>> No.11756805
File: 192 KB, 329x350, Screen Shot 2016-07-24 at 8.37.31 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying /fit/ doesn't use the squat rack
Have you ever been on /fit/ man

>> No.11756837
File: 20 KB, 236x355, 059086d01fe970431023d6b6df8ae67b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my beard/hair inspo, but that jumper is terrible. What sort of /fa/shion choices would work well with this look?

>> No.11756862

posting his own face on 4chan

>> No.11756884

What's the matter, numale? Did my post really make you feel that insecure? Shave your facial pubes off, faggot.

>> No.11756893

It looks better now. Having it all cleaned up perfectly like in the picture resembles >>11756629

>> No.11757075

>nothing personnel, kid

>> No.11757280


Did you actually grow a beard just to troll /fa/? No way you're actually for real with this shit.

>> No.11758615

yes it does, it's a huge part of the hormonal signals that cause facial hair growth.

>> No.11758728
File: 318 KB, 1288x966, IMG_2139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol, to put context on it all I'm a designer/prototyper out in Sydney. People in the city here dress a lot more dapper than you'd find in socal or NYC. It's closer to a london fashion scene except with warmer weather.

The photoshoot was actually for a barber shop. They were showing off their beard trimming skills, thus why it's so clean and cut in that pic. My day to day is what you see here/in the other candid.

>> No.11758762


>more dapper than NYC


>comparing a shit hipster fit and manicured beard to people who wear Gucci, Prada, Versace, Thom Ford, full rick, Dior, Marc Jacobs etc. Every day and literally throw it in the fucking trash because it's out of style
>comparing a cheap gook tight fitting ladyboy fit to what real money can buy

This is shit even for /fa/ please fuck yourself

>> No.11758783

t.Black teenager from Atlanta

>> No.11759975
File: 15 KB, 214x317, MV5BMTIwMzAwMzg1MV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwMjc4ODQ2._V1_UX214_CR0,0,214,317_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my goal

>> No.11760306
File: 216 KB, 750x937, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11760435

Dont listen to >>11751473
it looks good man.

>> No.11760442
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>> No.11760880
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>> No.11760900

Poor man's Klay Thompson

>> No.11761694


I would punch you in the face if I ever saw you IRL.

>> No.11761716

This legitimately motivated the shit out of me. Thanks bro

>> No.11761719
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>> No.11761904
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can really only grow mustache.. thoughts?

>> No.11762247

Would look better clean shaven in my opinion.

>> No.11762280

>The primary factor is genetics. More testosterone does not necessarily equate to more facialhair

>> No.11762297

shave soulpatch, chin and cheeks.

>> No.11762479

le reddit mfa nu male

>> No.11762574

What's the point of bantz on things that can't be changed ?

>> No.11762579

Any person with masculine jaw can grow beard. Masculine jaw = high test. High test = beard. People with weak jaws can never grow beard, because of low test. So you can't really blame it on them

>> No.11762587

See ? People here don't agree with you because apparently being alpha and brave is too much for them

>> No.11762653

>we have to prevent him from chewing the wound while it heals

>> No.11762663

>Austro-Hungarian hussar
Get one of those helmets with the fucked up like box thing on top, and you'll be golden.

>> No.11762667

because facial hair isnt /fa/

>> No.11762687
File: 33 KB, 500x395, cbfd0c6552c520b0dbf59b955a083f9745816f0e63b380fdf800f595fa734767_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have a wide chiseled jaw and a strong butt chin and still cant grow a beard, thats all bro science

>> No.11762736


What was that movie even about

>> No.11762750

Don't twirl it. You can go for a Tom Selleck type chevron shape and it'll look really nice.

>> No.11762758

College professor is watching a movie late at night and sees an extra in one scene that looks just like him, then tries to find him and meet him. That's all I'm gonna say so I don't spoil it. It's worth a watch.

>> No.11762778


I have watched it. Maybe I'm just retarded but I didn't get the message.

>> No.11762790

I'm not saying it was one of the greatest movies ever by any means, but it was both comfy and dreamlike while still keeping me interested, which is perfect for Saturday afternoon movie time

>> No.11762804


I fully agree but whatever deeper meaning it had just didn't open to me.

>> No.11762807
File: 3.78 MB, 5312x2988, 20160916_202650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello beard bros

>> No.11762812

wtf why sideways

>> No.11762834
File: 84 KB, 641x519, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wat do?

>> No.11762841

Honestly this would look better with more mustache and slightly shorter beard. Looks decent, if a bit nu-male-ish when combined with those glasses and that hair.

Shave and get lip reductions

>> No.11762860

I'm letting it grow for a year. I'm a new male so it's okay.

>> No.11762872

Oh yeah I remember you now! You should let your hair grow for a year as well

>> No.11762878
File: 873 KB, 1439x787, 20160916_150209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

already did that last year

>> No.11762890


>> No.11762891

Then buzz it
Not even joking, it'll look alpha as crap with a year-long black beard

>> No.11762892

I don't shave BC I have sensitive skin.

>> No.11762897
File: 486 KB, 838x1178, 20160916_131813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true. this is how it looks buzzed. don't mind the fucked up hairline. I will never go back to that barber again hehe

>> No.11762901
File: 1.81 MB, 335x237, fedoracat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11762907

Hair line looks fine and your head is nicely shaped.

>> No.11762911

Ok for real for real dude just buzz it already. You will look like you can beat up other people just by looking at them.

>> No.11762932
File: 67 KB, 540x720, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is me. Ask me anything you want.

>> No.11762946

why are you an emo faggot

>> No.11762954

why are you such a skinny fat

>> No.11762958

Because i love to eat and idgaf about my fitness. And you should too.

>> No.11762974

that's not very intelligent.

>> No.11762982

Actually, I have a very fast metabolism, and I take a shit like 2 times a day, so I never get to the point of concern

>> No.11763002

is your favorite band hawthorne for heights? can you do spin kicks in the mosh?

>> No.11763050
File: 59 KB, 720x720, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once i did a roundhouse kick.
Don't know the band.

>> No.11763052

Do you crush scene puss?

>> No.11763062

16 year old pussy. best kind. give em a little ketamine and they melt in your hands.

>> No.11763066
File: 114 KB, 1080x1080, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What exactly do you mean?
English slangs are not my thing, not a native speaker, sorry.

>> No.11763107

t. broscientist

>> No.11763112

Ritcheous beard, my dude

>> No.11763162

post pic

>> No.11764160

Fucking idiot

>> No.11764397
File: 1.51 MB, 1569x458, beards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one month ago on the left, today on the right
should i keep trimming to the same length or let it grow?

>> No.11764644

>classic menswear is not masculine
You know nothing about fashion.

>> No.11764674


You should trim some weight.

>> No.11764778

so glad people are now finally realizing how terrible gauges were. i never see them anymore

>> No.11765558

Somewhere in between. But yeah, try to lose a little weight.

>> No.11765566

yeah they are the gayest thing you could do. but it's more about the decline of hXc music

>> No.11765579

>tfw can't grow anything beyond a stubble

>> No.11765845

Female spiders eat their mates/catch prey in their web
It's basically all about fear of commitment

>> No.11766005
File: 43 KB, 640x360, 140219195325-dnt-portland-man-dyes-hair-beard-pink-00004328-story-top.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this acceptable in 2016?

>> No.11766108

do you have lots of vaginal sex with scene girls?

>> No.11766474
File: 148 KB, 1080x1349, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually do. I like them because they usually have daddy issues n shit.

>> No.11766884

wait for it to kick in 2017 if hillary gets to POTUS.

>> No.11767574

> Americuck having an opinion

>> No.11767638

>no test = no beard
nice science faggot. you do know that women produce testosterone as well, right?

>> No.11767641

And some women have facial hair


>> No.11767656

this is the gayest beard I've ever seen. nigga looks like a 2002 video game character

>> No.11767691

That is literally how it works faggot.
Women who powerlift and take testosterone suppliments also start growing beards

>> No.11767695

ALL women produce testosterone you retards

>> No.11767700

>Women who powerlift and take testosterone suppliments also start growing beards

>> No.11767732

How do you take care of your beard?

I have this nasty infection on my jaw that had to be healed with antibiotics and cleaning alcohol. One thing that I'm sure of is because I had a beard for two months, but I don't know if it was caused by improper care, bad products or something else. I washed regularly with some homemade beard soap and used beard oil to keep it soft.

>> No.11768448

Probably bad products.
The best way is to wash it every single day with a glycerin soap, those with no scent at all. Also, brush and comb 2 to 3 times a day, and be careful when using beard oil at daytime, there are some essential oils that react badly to direct exposure to sunlight and can cause problems to your beard and face skin.

>> No.11768475

how do you properly trim your beard? Could use some guidlines for the neck and what to do when your beard is to long for the trimmer

>> No.11768506

You look like a serial killer...

>> No.11768513

This pisses me off for the same reason "guilty pleasure" movies and music pisses me off.

If you like something, be it listening to Aqua, watching Renee Zellwigger movies, or getting fucked in the ass, fucking enjoy it. It's your problem for feeling bad for enjoying, not mine.

>> No.11768541

My friends and family all tell me I look better with facial hair, but I have a problem with it: the moustache and beard never really connect. The square centimeters of skin on either side of my mouth just doesn't grow any hair at all. Is this a problem? Should I keep growing? Right now I just leave it at kind of a stubble and trim it down whenever it gets too crazy.

>> No.11768589

this is a huge problem. one of the biggest problems actually with beards. the other would be the hair on your cheeks doesn't grow high enough on your face and you look like a terrorist. don't even try to grow a beard if your shit can't connect. it looks dumb as fuck.

>> No.11768604

God fucking dammit, really?
I hate this. It's like, two goddamned square centimeters of face, one spot on each side of my mouth, that just doesn't grow hair. The rest of it grows in perfectly. Fuck this, m8.

Advice on maintaining proper stubble, then? I've been kind of running it over with the trimming attachment on an electric razor which seems to do all right. Neck gets itchy if I don't shave it clean entirely though.

>> No.11768684

You know there are products for your problem, right?

>> No.11768846

Like what?
I'd rather not dye my peach fuzz there darker but I'd be lying if I said I hadn't considered it. Do you mean like some kind of hair-growth product? It was my impression that those were all scams for balding guys.

>> No.11768871

Hm. I was trying to groom it like Tom Ford, but I could really pull this one off.

I just need to get a haircut.

>> No.11768879
File: 166 KB, 500x500, paimei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude just let your mustache grow till it conects
pic related

>> No.11768886

Are those the Master & Dynamics headphones? How do they sound?

>> No.11768926

Australians really are the best shitposters

>> No.11769928
File: 181 KB, 1600x900, 008_Conor_McGregor.0.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I try to look as much like this as possible.

Funny thing is I had the beard/buzzcut combo before he did but now everyone thinks I stole it from him.

>> No.11769983


frankly, i'm mirin

>> No.11770063
File: 934 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_20160918_155509607_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well as you can see I barely grow hair on that line that conect the stache with the chin. It can grow longer but it doesn't cover that part.

So my questions
I'm 22 by now. Will my beard still growing as I age to fill up those parts?
Or my beard genetics won't gonna change that much in the future?

I always wondered until which age the facial hair keeps growing.

>> No.11770071
File: 517 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_20160918_160151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11770087

God genetics

>> No.11771109

Does fa can not grow a decent beard?

>> No.11771471
File: 158 KB, 852x428, received_10208855887688155-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell me what to do

>> No.11771860



>> No.11771903
File: 801 KB, 160x270, 83a60e463e9b3a0c70fab4a8cbd4223716dae18e7d99a2e646887062172700db.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder.

If your moustache does not connect to the rest of your shitty hair growth, you should be clean shaven.

If you cant grow a beard, you should not try to have one,. It will look like shit

>> No.11771911
File: 283 KB, 1080x1920, Snapchat-913152539684901625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tryin to grow it out and be a viking

>> No.11771912
File: 860 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_20160918_221542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're a handsome devil

>> No.11771922

Looks really well kept so far. Keep up the good work.

>> No.11772140

Thank you mate!

>> No.11772320

Shave. you already look like a terrorist.

>> No.11772560

End your life you fucking faggot

>> No.11772625
File: 45 KB, 500x567, 7f4a033c4d54392f8b8806086af8717c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Ragnar /fa/?

>> No.11772658
File: 521 KB, 1234x740, 20160919_170112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do?

>> No.11772675

Beards are for faggots.

>> No.11772692

lose weight and shave

>> No.11772694

You should undo your bowtie and use it to hang yourself on the nearest door handle.

Great look for tying someone to a railroad track and watching them get run over.

>> No.11772696

How many years it took to get your connectors?

>> No.11772701

You have nice face features to go beardless senpai

>> No.11772715

I got them at 27. not even joking.

>> No.11772750

Y-you too

>> No.11772783

Why would you?
I read many people saying that they got it at their 25-26 so it's kinda common

People who get them in his early 20s are unusual

>> No.11772814

I had a lot of friends who could grow nice beards pretty much after highschool. so I dunno.