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/fa/ - Fashion

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11760686 No.11760686[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/fa/ black feminist girl from college texting me all day saying im cute. but on social media she says racist shit about white people

red flag or normal?

pic unrelated btw

>> No.11760691

Fucking a girl like that has a certain appeal to it. You know, if you are white.

>> No.11760698

Sexual intercourse? Certainly. Thats the perfect motivation to give her a really hard fucking.

Date? I dunno if I could tolerate that kind of shit. Id probably lose my temper too easily.

>> No.11760699

Just bump and dump faggot

>> No.11760701

very yes, as long as sex

>> No.11760703

Fuck her then stab her in the neck

>> No.11760711
File: 63 KB, 540x738, asdgfdfag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not necessarily a red flag
if ure a qt whiteboy you can change her mind by proving her wrong not with arguments but actions
if ure any other ethnicity just date her and at parties introduce her to ur white friends when shes under influence and all chill and make sure she wont start an argument
if she meets some nice white people shell be like 'uh maybe they aint that bad after all'
idk tho my country is 97% white catholics

>> No.11760713

she's shy in real life. just on twitter she says typical sjw black girl shit about white people. apart from that we gel

>> No.11760722

Why date her? Just fuck her.
Reminds me of when a racist white girl I knew ever since high school suddenly came onto me when I saw her a few years later on a party and I just pump and dumped her. Fucked her especially hard because she was racist. Am black btw.
Also there was no point in making this thread on /fa/ just because she also happens to be effay.

>> No.11760724

she knows lots of white people. this is college my man. I rarely even see her with black people

>> No.11760730

significant others and fashion are related

>> No.11760737

I would date anyone that hates Ll races equally like me

also pls sauce, i'm in love

>> No.11760738

She probably isn't actually racist then and just brings up valid criticism that you misinterpret as racism like a sensitive fag.

>> No.11760743

That she is /fa/ was just mentioned once, meanwhile the actual question revolves about something that has nothing to do fashion.

>> No.11760744

>hates Ll races equally like me


>> No.11760755


shes probably a typical 'fuck white ppl we wuz kangz' but is fine with the cognitivw dissonance of only having white friends and being middle class.

>> No.11760759

*all races equally

>> No.11760762

you arent the janitor

>> No.11760765

dated a dominican qt once, just wanted to tell you faggots
>inb4 date a rasist girl, no i wouldn't.

>> No.11760766
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Not him, but
>mfw I am not the janitor
>suddenly feel so much better about myself

Thank you for reminding.

>> No.11760777

the "we wuz kangs" meme absolutely makes no sense man. every culture had kings, even other black african cultures besides egypt. having had kings makes no one special. and to be honest 4chan has regurgitated this "WE WUZ KANGS" meme more often than blacks as a whole by now.

>> No.11760781

once they get comfortable with you, they will not shut up about it

maybe if you're a super-attractive, earnest, slender white guy you could peel her off that shit meme and get her on hating semites

>> No.11760791

hey kang. you warrior

you still fighting kang? you fighting for your people kang?

you a tight body little kang. wanna make you my queen you sexy

>> No.11760792
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>and get her on hating semites

>complain about racism against your people
>encourage racism against others later on

>> No.11760841

So it makes no sense that they say they had kings because everyone had kings.....? lmao

>> No.11760879

okay well you post on 4chan and im sure youve called black people niggers before so i think you 2 are even

>> No.11760886

also this op confirmed for a easily triggered /pol/ack

>> No.11760911

It's a red flag but fuck it what have you got to lose

Just go for it, start with casual hookups and turn into a relationship if it goes well, then dump her if it doesn't. Life is pretty simple like that anon.

>> No.11760914

No, the same as I wouldn't date a white girl that talks shit about black people.

>> No.11760984

women are biologically attracted to people that make them feel inadequate. its normal for women to talk shit about the guys they like and wanna fuck

>> No.11760997

colonize it imo

>> No.11761001

If U was a big azzblack nigga u fuck a racis lil republican hitler youth bitch?

There's your answer. Just be sure to mack on her in public so she can't pretend you don't exist betaboi.

>> No.11761024

go away /pol/

>> No.11761031

i have that jacket

>> No.11761039

alot of people have that jacket

>> No.11761041

Only if she was a qt.

>> No.11761046
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Fuck no. You could hump and dump her, but why the hell would you want to date some nigress who complains about white people and how (((racist))) they are. If you're too much of a beta to say no to a soon to be abusive girlfriend then you deserve whatever comes to you.
>there are really people on here who would say to date her

>> No.11761067

yes but my jacket is mine :)

>> No.11761092

>abusive girlfriend

lol you sound like a bullied elementary school student. lose that victimhood you pussy

>> No.11761110

everybody acts like an idiot on the internet, just take a gander at this thread. in my experience those kinds of girls are chill in real life. i gather a majority of these dudes havent actually met any.

>> No.11761111

Sounds to me like she can be manipulated. My advice is to never sacrifice your principles for getting your dick wet. It's never worth it. But there's a difference between compromise and being manipulated yourself.

You might even be able to get her to tone down the anti-white stuff online by simply hanging out with her more. She should feel a bit more guilty about that. If not, fuck her. You got nothing to lose as long as she doesn't cry rape.

>> No.11761124

You clearly haven't been on Facebook recently. That shit is still constant there. Hell, Micah Xavier Johnson, the guy that shot those cops in Dallas, was a member of one of those African King groups.

That said, I work with 2 blacks that hate that shit. They showed me a ton of that stuff one night after work, shit was hilarious.

>> No.11761254

no such thing as racism against white people

>> No.11761275
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>> No.11761312

ignore bait

do us all a favor

>> No.11761870

It makes no sense to brag about it. That's the point.

>> No.11761899

im latino with a black girlfriend and we talk shit on white people
im ok with it

>> No.11761933


>> No.11761942

>we talk shit on white people

You're a pretty cool guy, I'd let you date my sister.

>> No.11761943

relationship goals desu

>> No.11761965

no, any girl who cares enough to loudly voice their opinion about something on social media isn't for me.

>> No.11761979
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What does being middle class have to do with anything? As long as you are a thinking individual, you can make observations and perceive the world around you. There is no cognitive dissonance in this situation because you can have white friends, be middle class, and still talk about racism

>> No.11761990

Tread lightly, stranger.

>> No.11761997
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Yeah. I'd fuck the shit out of her.

Conquering SJW pussy is my favorite thing to do.

My favorite part is telling them I'm a die hard Trump supporter after. That, or posting a bunch of pro-Trump shit on social media after kek


>> No.11762003

Hi Chad. How are you doing?

>> No.11762005
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>racist shit about white people

no such thing

>> No.11762010

little do u know

I'm 145 lbs, 6'0

I just dress good and can sing

>words only mean things when I say so

>> No.11762015

no. it's a sign of mental retardation.

>> No.11762029

>demons on 4chan can sing
You need to die and fuck off from my hobby.

>> No.11762105

I'd actually as her why she would want to get with me if she hates me, supposedly?

Not for any "time for some payback" shit, but really because I'm fucking confused.

>> No.11762124

Black women who talk that shit and still fuck white dudes arw never really about that shit. It's just popular now to act pro black especially among whitewashes and halfies to justify their blackness and be blacker than thou shit.

>> No.11762251

don't be so dense

just cause she talks about white people acting shitty doesn't mean she actually hates white people

i have alot of white friends but white people in general still annoy me sometimes that doesn't mean i hate them though

>> No.11762275

Why is this on /fa/?

>> No.11762279

Do not date, only fuck. Pump and dump friendo, these type of sjw's aren't your friends.

>> No.11762284

yeah white people are shit like 90% of em

>> No.11762293

same senpai
i talk shit on whites all the time and am white

>> No.11762325

theres no such thing as racism against white people

>> No.11762371

Sounds pretty good desu
Highest possible dubs witnessed btw

>> No.11762416
File: 42 KB, 510x680, 1473032325931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i have alot of white friends but white people in general still annoy me sometimes

see a therapist

i know what you mean, i should see one too

>> No.11762436

she might be trying to fit in to feel like she belongs in some kind of online community, most people talk shit on the net but won't do anything irl.

just talk to her, if she doesn't want to be generalized by white people she shouldn't do the same, it goes both ways.

>> No.11762462

>racist shit about white people
I've read through the thread + the simply fact that she apparently shows interest in you (assuming you're white) would be a clear indication that she doesn't 'hate' white people by default.

This and the fact that the wide majority of white people ARE indeed fucking supremacy assholes without even realising it would justify her remarks to some degree, because deep down all ethnicities in the Western world are interconnected by the many occasions they've been stomped on by whites, thus making it 'normal' to talk shit about them from time to time.

>red flag or normal?
definitely normal

>> No.11762525

Her name Ashley?

>> No.11762528

that would be fucking hilarious. I'm white but I love racism. I think it's super funny. I'd be all over that bitch.

>> No.11762544

What's her Twitter? I love reading their views and analysing them for a laugh.

>> No.11762591

bumpo for this

>> No.11762636

Do it, and try listening to what she has to say. Use empathy, try to understand her perspective and you might be surprised my dude.

>> No.11762833

lol so many black people in this thread justifying their racial based hatred

you minority's dont want peace do you

>> No.11762837

Dick her down with her implicit consent then dump the hoe. Be the white devil you were meant to be famalam.

>> No.11762839

mental illness

>> No.11762858

I'm brown and dated a white girl that talked constant shit about white people and even that was annoying

>> No.11762863

sounds like she dated you specifically because you were brown.

>> No.11762866

She did. Still love white girls tho.

>> No.11762870

most black girls ive seen who hate white people have a decent amount of white friends, it's just ultra liberal white kids who are like "yeah white people suck" even though they're white.

>> No.11762874

pretty much everyone who goes to college in america in the year 2016 talks shit about white people. i dont agree with them. but at the end of the day they're just following the trends of the time. they've been herded in that direction by their lecturers and peers

>> No.11762887

thats a sign she's got an inferiority complex

girls like that 9 times out of 10 are into racial dominance type of sex. if you play your cards right you could put a collar on her

>> No.11762967

>dating a black girl

lol pump and dump brah, the only way to handle black girls

>> No.11763007

this im not dating a black girl under any circumstances. period

>> No.11763037

Would she date a white guy who posted pro-KKK stuff on social media?

No, she fucking wouldn't, because it's insane to date someone who hates you because of the color of your skin.

>> No.11763065

OP, this is your opportunity to help another human being grow past their prejudices.

If you two have a successful relationship, she will eventually realize that not all white people are bad and that spewing racist shit is what perpetuates racism.

I know these things sound elementary, but they can be hard for any person to really understand and accept as fact.

>> No.11763114

black girls make the worst girlfriends. there's a reason they are statistically single