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11751313 No.11751313 [Reply] [Original]

Last Thread: >>11747247

Comfy Rules:
>post thinspo
>make america thin again
>stay hidratted


Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:

Model Diet Manual:

>MyFitnessPal: "/fa/ friends"
>Lose It!: "/fa/ friends"

>> No.11751321

How does it feel to cuddle with a thin girl?

>> No.11751326
File: 51 KB, 657x527, hidhratted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

helo fwamile daly remindar to stey hidhratted luv u soooo muhch tanks bye

>> No.11751328

Her bones poked me in certain positions but overall it was a comfy feel. Cuddling in general is always nice.

>> No.11751329
File: 355 KB, 370x600, YotsubaPetting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'11" was at 161, and now at around 154. Feeling good. Goal weight is to be 150 to see if I really want to go down to 140
Love you

>> No.11751330

Made it to eat only 634 calories today
Going to sleep now, goodnight /thinspo/

>> No.11751331

ilu frof

>> No.11751353
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>> No.11751356

What's your favorite veggie, /thinspo/?

Mine's a tie between cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and carrots.

>> No.11751359

canned green beans

>> No.11751365


>> No.11751369

broccoli / cauliflower

>> No.11751374

spinach or asparagus

>> No.11751376

What's the consenses on eggs?

>> No.11751383

cauliflower, eggplant, sweet potato, beet, cabbage
am slav, big fan of eggplant caviar and ajvar

>> No.11751384

i always have hard boiled eggs on hand and am gonna fry an egg with a tomato and put it on toast tomorrow morning. i love egg

>> No.11751434

Careful, one egg is most of your cholesterol for the day.

>> No.11751436
File: 70 KB, 600x400, Photo on 9-12-16 at 9.50 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a good thing: down to 112 lbs which means if i lose weight tomorrow i'll be officially underweight bmi

a bad thing: i cannot get myself to eat more than 250 calories today, what the fuck

gonna get some nori if they have some when i get my coffee

if not, i guess i'll see if they have something else or i can make some pb2

>> No.11751447

You can make a huge meal with just egg whites.

>> No.11751477

pls stop posting about 'weh i cant eat weh im underweight weh weh weh disordered,' attention whoring is just boring asf. literally everyone here is just as ed as you and most r thinner

>> No.11751487

Will my legs get bigger from running?
Currently running 5k 4-5 times a week but thinking I should perhaps look into other kinds of cardio

>> No.11751495

I am currently 5'11 120 lbs, trying to get to 130-140 lbs

>> No.11751503

Reminder that if you live a sedentary or relatively sedentary life, your craving for calories will naturally be less. especially if the days before you have gained enough energy, naturally you won't hunger for more until your body requires more energy.

that being said, how is your mental energy? do you have any drawbacks from a day like today, <250? most people would complain of headaches, low energy, or lack of motivation in general.*

*I realize caffeine gives energy, but not sustainably. we can't live off it, as much as we'd like to

>> No.11751505

3.2 miles is a small enough distance, at a moderate pace that I wouldn't expect to see much muscular development.

HIIT, and actual weighted leg exercises would be more a culprit

>> No.11751508

Packing on muscle, anon?

I wish this was true for me. Being sedentary just makes me want to eat everything. When I work out or walk a lot I don't feel like eating after.

>> No.11751527

yeah that what I plan to do rn I'm just bulking

>> No.11751532

i only ate like 330 yesterday though! i am very sleepy. i just did some of my coursework in bed and i'm about to heave myself out of it to get my coffee/cig.

i'm actually super full because i had lots of vegetables for dinner.

>> No.11751535

So I got a pedometer app and it's tells I'm very active, I should just add that to my bmr or use the TDEE like I were very active?

>> No.11751548

being sedentary in general results in low energy, so I'd guess that the "craving" to eat is the desire of your body to lift itself out of a slump.

also, being sedentary often correlates with boredom, and its a natural human impulse when bored to reach for something sugary or carbohydrate filled for a "quick high".

>a bad thing: i cannot get myself to eat more than 250 calories today, what the fuck

initially I took the "what the fuck" as confusion, but if you ate lots of vegetables for dinner than you answered it yourself. I wouldn't be too eager to eat more than 250 calories of broccoli either

most things are only bad if they persist and become chronic

>> No.11751553

I second this, it's weird how this thread attracts attention-seeking ED wannabees.

>> No.11751557

It's thinspo, anon, why wouldn't you expect that?

>> No.11751567

Right one reminds me of slender man.

>> No.11751712

it's funny because if you were here earlier in 2016 you'd recognize me and also know that i was absent because i was in an ED hospital for three months :^)

>> No.11751737
File: 42 KB, 700x453, Pepe (157).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for not recognizing you miss, considering your celebrity status and all.

>> No.11751745

I'm the same, I manage to eat so much better on days I go to the gym.

>> No.11751749

>how dare you not recognize me
>on this anonymous image-based bulletin board

>> No.11751758
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I don't know which of you keeps making these threads on fit but it's not funny.

Also here's some fitspo

>> No.11751760

Were you hospitalised because of your health?

Being thin is nice and all but you should always prioritise your wellbeing. I hope you're safe anon :(

>> No.11751768
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>> No.11751772

I doubt it's anyone here, probably the same /fit/izens that shitpost in these threads every now and then.

>> No.11751801
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>all those people with ibd are fucking skinny without trying
>i get both diarrhea/puking and increased appetite because fuck me
>the worse diarrhea and stomach pain the more violently hungry i become for some retarded reason

Summer squash, eggplant, parsley, parsnip, celery, turnips, bell peppers
shit i just listed all the ones i eat basically

Ajvar is the best

Good for you but taste like shit
>body shape is top notch
>had to ruin it with tan

>> No.11751900

I've worn the corset most of the day today....i'm wondering how long its gonna take before I see some real changes; i've been wearing it for multiple hours a day for maybe a week and a half, two weeks, before that I'd just wear it whenever.

Surprisingly, I can still eat alot while wearing it which is kind of surprising.

This is steelboned corset....but it was from amazon, so i guess at some point I'll need to get a /legit/ corset; i'm just waiting to see some visible results before I spend more money.

can you post more pictures of your body?

i'm curious to understand what you mean with the weight distribution thing.
and also as thinspo for myself ;--;
my weight seems to come off my tits and nowhere else almost; when i was doing good and lost ten pounds, my body looked the same.
4 pieces of bacon
diet cookies
an apple

I need to plan my meals out the day before, i think that will help me stay on track
ily frugguo
thats hard. I'd say avacado, but thats technically not a veggie, so I'll go with a tie between spinach/zucchini/green beans/bell peppers

>> No.11751927
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Anons, how does it feel to not have a big squishy gut and fat rolls when you bend?

>> No.11752095
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never good enough

>> No.11752122

reminds me of the time my bf was lying aross me horizontally and put his head back at quite a speed and clocked me straight in the hipbone. the noise was this loud hollow thud and it made him jump, was p funny desu we just laughed it off.

he always found me pretty cuddle-able though.

>> No.11752123 [DELETED] 
File: 102 KB, 500x371, ree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am BMI 19 and I still have fat rolls when I sit down.

>> No.11752125

i love cucumber - god tier for dipping in houmous. tomatoes are also nice but there's still big debate in the air as to whether they're a fruit or vegetable.

butternut squash and sweet potato are also amazing. but more expensive and more effort needs putting into preparing them rather than just chopping up good ol cucumber

>> No.11752129

bleh i hate those days when i feel like i'm dying because of lack of food + high energy expenditure but i actually either can't be bothered with/no appetite or cannot justify eating anything.

would recommend peanuts tho, they're a quick way to up calories healthily + nice shiny hair and very very tasty

>> No.11752161

/fa/ when does it end? What is your goal weight. What will you do when you achieve it?

>> No.11752189

100lbs or when I have stick thin arms and legs
I think I'll just lightly workout to firm up and try to never get fat again

>> No.11752199
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Before thinspo I could eat two full plates of spaghetti, now I am done after small package of musli with milk and tiny roll.
I also noticed that my boobs aren't jumping with me.
I am eating way better and way less - thanks /thinspo/.
I will make fatties feel uncomfortable around me.
Friends already know me as someone who doesn't show mercy to someone in weaker position, so it is alright.

>> No.11752205

>mantits gone
>gut still sticks past belt buckle when i sit

>> No.11752212

Looked best in the middle.

>> No.11752217

Do you actually have to eat "healthy" or will just eating at a deficit of calories be enough. I understand it will make it easier, but is it necessary.

I take vitamins for nutritional supplement and generally eat a bit of cards will it be fine?

>> No.11752218

Technically yes.
You'll get hella cravings though

>> No.11752219

t. fatty
She is perfect right now.

>> No.11752223

Alright, i just cant find vegetables or anything of the such i can eat without getting nauseous

>> No.11752234

No but it's better to eat healthy

>I take vitamins for nutritional supplement and generally eat a bit of cards will it be fine?
Yeah but you need to make sure you're actually getting the ones you're missing, like monitor what you eat and stuff, my point is just you can get your micronutrients from pills and be fine, it's just preferable and cheaper to get it from food

Protein is probably more important for cravings than vitamins though

>> No.11752272

Fucking a million times this >>11752095

>> No.11752279

How do I stop myself from binging eating when I wake up? I feel like shit and super hungry some time and destroy my diet for the day.

>> No.11752284

When is the best time to weigh yourself. Every morning the scales say I've gained weight but I'm pretty sure it's all still in my stomach from the 2L+ plus water I drank last night. And I ate soup yesterday. So even more water weight added I reckon.

>> No.11752287

I weigh myself naked and in the morning first thing after going to the bathroom.

>> No.11752314

I wish I liked them cause they're pretty awesome and a good source of protein
this guy gets it

>> No.11752318

Drink tea/coffee in the morning and eat something that'll make you feel filled up, like a low cal muffin or something. Then keep topping up your stomach with water.

That's how I make breakfast last anyway.

>> No.11752321

If you could have any one meal, calorie free, right now, what would you have?

I miss loaded fries.

>> No.11752328

A Stinger (Steak and chicken finger sub) with a nice tall glass of Birch beer

>> No.11752332

just hummus
>literally finished it right now
but it tastes so good i want a second ride

>> No.11752345

Cheeseburger, pizza, tacos, kebab, sushi, cookies
t. fatty

>> No.11752352
File: 136 KB, 376x406, 1418692791905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>giving a single fuck

You lack discipline. I can have any meal I want right now because I can fast until I have earned the calories back, for over a week if needed. What you eat does not matter, only balance.

>> No.11752369

Yeah I could, but I don't want to. The food doesn't taste good enough to deal with the pain/nausea of fasting.

Wait until a cheat day instead and it tastes like victory.

>> No.11752375

>The food doesn't taste good enough to deal with the pain/nausea of fasting.

To each his own I guess, I've never had an issue with fasting, and as a result have never had an issue with weight. I eat enough to sustain myself and thats it. If I eat too much I eat less later, if I don't eat enough, I eat more later. Discipline, both mental and physical, can overcome pretty much anything, pain especially is superficial and can be easily ignored with practice.

>> No.11752381

Yeah for me it's just ranking discomforts. Is the discomfort of craving worse than the discomfort of fasting? For me it isn't, so I take the path of least resistance.

Plus I enjoy the satisfaction of knowing I have resisted a temptation.

>> No.11752385

I can eat whatever without fasting afterwards because I've learnt portions and I have the self-control not to eat a week of calories in one go:^)

>> No.11752410
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>be me, dx'd AN for 2 years
>be /thinspo/ the "healthy way"
>befriend other recovered anorexic
>she notices my purple hands/nails, general skinniness and coldness
>actually just have primary Raynaud's since pre-ED
>can't deny my ED because that's not exactly true
>can't explain my weird quasi-recovered state without getting lectured
>girl is really nice but also deadset on ~helping me~
>tfw just want to be skinny in peace

>> No.11752421

i binged yesterday, should I fast today or just eat normally?

>> No.11752423

when in doubt eat normally

>> No.11752468
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Normally. Fasting is essentially just purging but not as gross.

>> No.11752484

Eat normally, work out.

>> No.11752490

>You lack discipline.

To me the whole point of tasty food is to raise my mood. The short pleasure of eating something tasty is not worth the pain and thus lower productivity of fasting.

>> No.11752495
File: 24 KB, 531x332, IMG_3992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fasting is essentially just purging


>> No.11752519

I know this isn't /trv/ but anyone been to bruges, antwerp or ghent? which is best?

>> No.11752533
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Anon! She came to you!

>> No.11752553

/trv/ really can be very helpful, why don't you want to ask there?

>> No.11752582

>watching yourself slowly gain weight because your doctor told your family you weren't at the healthy point anymore

End me

>> No.11752593
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>tfw losing too slow

I might try intermittent fasting during weekdays, per recommendation of an anon a few days ago. My normal eating schedule is:
>7:00AM breakfast (oatmeal 220cal)
>8:00AM still hungry so eat some fruit (100cal)
>9:00AM god damnit still hungry so eat some almonds (100cal) and maybe some pretzels (60cal)
>11:30AM lunch (try to keep it around 500 calories)
>3:00PM starving since lunch was under 500 calories so 200 calories in peanut butter crackers
>6:00PM hungry waiting for dinner so eat some more almonds and pretzels (~150cal)
>7:30PM finally dinner chicken and some veggies 600 calories
>>TOTAL: 1900cal

This is too slow for me to lose weight, even if I am losing.

So it's 7:30AM and I haven't had anything to eat except a sip of Gatoraide Zero (will that bit of sugar cause a problem with IF?)

I'm going to see how late in the morning I can make it before having my oatmeal.

>> No.11752596

What's your BMI? Age?

>> No.11752604

Not that anon but the criteria for a bulimia diagnosis list reactive fasting as a form of purging, alongside overexercising, laxative abuse and forced vomiting.

>> No.11752615
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Purging refers to any compensatory behaviour.

>> No.11752616

i think you have a tapeworm

>> No.11752623

do sport faggot

>> No.11752624

Stop being a fat fuck and cut with all drinks with sugar, only water

>> No.11752628

with a tapeworm he could eat more and still lose weight, per nature of a parasite consuming the food.

>> No.11752631

I can't imagine needed to eat so often, my heart goes out to you fat-anon (I really want to give you a different name.)

Putting off breakfast as long as possible might help slow down your appetite, but also your metabolism but the trade off might be worth it. Also, I always like to chew on some carrot sticks if I get hungry, so that's a snack alternative?

Do you drink tea or coffee at all? It's good at making you less hungry. Maybe have tea for breakfast instead?

You can do it Anon!

>> No.11752632

>'tapeworms make you thin by eating all your food' meme

That's past momscience, that's grandmascience.


>> No.11752639

I have a bad back but I do try to swim and do some moderate exercise. Shame I can't get into a proper sport or gym though because of the bad back, as I used to enjoy that stuff and it would be easier to lose weight doing that.

Okay. I mean I only have a sip now and again. One G2 lasts me like three days, I just leave it in the fridge. I'll stop buying it.

Thank you kind anon. I think I slowly trained myself to eat that often. Also a lot of diet advice said to eat often so I kinda embraced that, but I think the snacks have gotten too big. Already almost an hour past my usual eating time and doing fine! I'll give the carrot sticks a go, thank you.

I only drink like a cup of coffee in the AM because I'm pretty sensitive to caffeine. I used to drink it until noon but that actually made it harder for me to sleep at night.

>> No.11752645

pinworms are a safer bet than tapeworms. pinworms are very small and never grow larger than half an inch...
tapeworms on the other hand can grow up to 8 inches and can actually travel up to the stomach and cause you to throw it up...

>> No.11752649

Or don't give yourself any fucking worms and exercise a bit of self control, jesus christ

>> No.11752652
File: 126 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 23-08-2016 at 4.23 PM #2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Female, 18, 5'3''
Starting weight was 66 kgs. Thanks to thinspo I lost 6 kgs in a month, also using lose it! app.

Started noticing how toned I was beginning to look. super happy.

Fell into a state of depression, a lot of stress from school studies and what to do w/ life. Relationship problems, etc. I got lazy and stopped using my phone, which meant I stopped using the lose it! app. Just ate whatever most of the time.

Thought I had gained weight but when I weighed myself I was down to 57kgs! Turns out I'm just getting skinny fat since I rarely ever do exercise anymore. I walk to school almost every day which takes me 30 minutes.

I can feel my ribs, my collarbones, my hip bones, but I still have a lot of belly fat, and my legs are flabby and gross.

If anyone could motivate me, that would be super?
(pic related is me once my collarbones started to show)

>> No.11752657

I didn't say they make you thin, but they will consume some calories.


>> No.11752659

your nose is bleeding

>> No.11752660

i am aware

>> No.11752662

old photo, seen it before

>> No.11752665

careful not to poke yourself taking that pin necklace off

>> No.11752670
File: 127 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 23-08-2016 at 4.22 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ya i posted it a while back but never got any responses so I'm coming back for some inspiration. another pic but my collarbones are a little less noticeable.

>> No.11752674

thanks for warning anon :->

>> No.11752680

I know the feeling! I almost got sent home from work once because I had a double strength energy drink and started acting weird.

Tea has a much lower caffeine content than coffee, and you can get lovely sweet fruit teas too! I got myself used to tea (black, unsweetened) by coupling it with two chocolate dipped biscuits, then one biscuit, then one plain one, and I'm almost down to half a plain biscuit. You get something in you and it stops you from getting hungry.

Maybe you can put some chopped up fruit in your oatmeal as a sweetener and have that with tea? Just try to gulp it down until you start to like it. Just a suggestion of course.

And I'm not kind, I just want to keep this thread as comfy as possible, and I really admire your dedication!

>> No.11752689

I don't believe this is you without a timestamp.

>> No.11752694

>not even 2pm
>already had at least 767 calories

>> No.11752695

whats with the obsession with collarbones, i'm overweight (like, actually overweight, not /thinspo/ overweight) and my collarbones are prominent

>> No.11752696

Not bmi related my friend, more like not getting nutrients for my foods, i was pale and my hair started falling over, plus i couldn't exercice anymore because i was always lazy and sleepy.
Used to be 190cms 162 lbs btw, not THAT skinny, today i'm guessing like 172? Idk.

>> No.11752702

i get hunger pangs but they usually go away if i leave them be desu

>> No.11752704

Gotta take your vitamins! If you're a femanon, iron is especially important, since most people dieting avoid red meats which are full of it.

If you can keep yourself healthy at a low weight you should be able to get away with it. But if your body suffers regardless I guess extreme thinspo isn't for you :(

>> No.11752719
File: 136 KB, 640x640, 11005073_434616996714431_1232103974_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder: thinspo with muscle definition is the best thing. no one wants to see a skelly girl because its honestly a turn-off and just looks scary. work out and exercise so that you actually look good and can actually defend yourself

>> No.11752723

I'll look into tea. I used to drink some in college, it was pretty tasty I remember.

I like your strategy of weening off the food. When I prep my snacks for the day I put 14 almonds in the bag, and 10 pretzels (100cal worth, they are unsalted small ones). I was thinking of doing 13 almonds the next day, then 12, 11, etc etc. Same with pretzels. 10, 9, 8.

One problem I have is eating is a business and social thing with work. At 7AM everyone has coffee and eats and talks about what we're going to do today, so I just need to stop eating at that time and try not to be weird about it (even though I'm quiet about it, they think I'm a little nuts for trying to lose weight so much since they don't care and just eat junk food)

I keep thinking so. I drink more water, then more water. But they never pass. So far 8:30 and still doing okay fasted, so waiting might be just the recipe for lowing my calories. Even if I can only make it to 9 to start, that's only 2.5hours from lunch I won't need that extra snack I normally have. Maybe starting to eat so early is training my body to want food more often or something. Almost like once I give it some it wants more and more. I donno, we'll see.

>> No.11752724

are you a man? Cause that might be the reason behind that.

>> No.11752727
File: 176 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 14-09-2016 at 10.34 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too tired to get undressed anon. Australian time.

>> No.11752729

try psylium husk if fills your stomach

>> No.11752730

So eat healthier, not more. There is no reason you need to get heavier, you just need to eat better foods so you meet your nutritional requirements.

Why was your nose bleeding and why the edgy pin necklace?

>> No.11752736

I get nosebleeds when the seasons change, usually from cold to hot conditions. Dunno why. I also always wear an edgy pin necklace, because it's edgy.

>> No.11752744
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>are you a man?
I was born with a penis

>> No.11752745

Yeah I feel you there. I had a breakthrough today where my boyfriend wanted to get fast food for dinner after picking me up, I told him he could have some, but I'd just have something when I got home.

Realising I'd not only suggested that, but wasn't even remotely bothered by the thought of missing out on junk food, made me feel really good about myself! I've been losing weight for nearly three years I think (lost about 50kg so far) and the mental habits are finally falling away.

But then I ate like 400cals+ worth of spaghetti so you win some you lose some :X It's nearly 11pm and I'm at 1000 cals for the day though so that's pretty solid.

>> No.11752749

Brisbane? O:

>> No.11752750

yo man obviously i haven't any idea whats going on but just excercise and eat healthy
feel sorry for girls when they do shit like this

>> No.11752751
File: 20 KB, 480x480, 12568059_391622437678225_1074283431_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I stop being anorexic?
I don't like it anymore.
I am a 6'0 male of 104lbs. I am obsessed with calories.

I have several habits I undertake to make myself feel 'better' about my horrible attitutde

>Food Youtuber Mimic
This is basically a game where I spend the whole day watching people eat food on youtube. I eat nothing, then 5 minutes before bed have a bowl of tomato soup. Before I eat I mimic the food youtubers mannerisms and pretend I am them and have had the calories they had in their video. For example I watched a German guy eating burger king all day then before I ate my soup spoke in German accent and pretended I ate burgers and the soup was my midnight snack, not my only meal

>Rib Viewing
I always cut my food into the shape of ribs. Then after eating (usually carrots and cucumber) I look at my ribs in the mirror and pretend I ate so much food it is trying to escape

>Its not vomit its veggies
I make myself vomit into empty vegetable soup tins and pretend the soup went out of date so I didn't eat it

>Its all MAYO!
I have about 10 mayo jars. I only use hot sauce and lime juice as garnishes for food because they have so little calories but I store them in mayo jars and pretend they are mayo so I can pretend to get more calories than I am.

Eating is hard.
I don't want to die.

>> No.11752757

There was an anon here who recommended some cereal with that in it, I keep meaning to pick it up. Thanks.

Nicely done! Yeah I don't miss fast food as hungry as I am sometimes. Now fast food kind of makes me sick because I'm not used to it. A few months back I had some chicken nuggets and they left a horrible after taste in my mouth and I got a headache. Maybe it was just mental but it certainly didn't agree with me. Congratulations on all that weight loss, that's really impressive.

>> No.11752772
File: 222 KB, 768x960, 4970803_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please see a psychiatrist. I mean that in the comfiest way possible.

>> No.11752775

I lost 6kg on keto and things were going well but gained back 2kg as I cant stop eating while writing my thesis. I'm not even hungry ;_;

kill me

>> No.11752784
File: 29 KB, 353x253, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're welcome bb
>pls be safe

>> No.11752785

Quality shitposting my friend they'd love you over on /ck/

>> No.11752788

idgi either senpai, thigh gaps are a meme but at least they don't feature on overweight people.

>> No.11752795

It's not that impressive unfortunately, I cheated and got the sleeve done. Thankfully most of my issues were portion related, so fixing my portions really helped me sort out my diet.

>> No.11752805

My dad got that done, and a bunch of his friends. How has life been since? He ate really simple foods at first, because that is what he could tolerate, but, now he eats basically normally just less. Biggest thing is he can no longer drink his vodka (a good thing), and now drinks some wine instead. And he used to like really fatty cuts of meats, now he can just eat filets. He's still like 230-lbs and 6ft, so not great, but way better then when he was nearly 400-lbs.

I ate dinner last night with three people that had the sleeve, I was the only regular stomach one there.

>> No.11752829

where do you live that everyone's obese?

>> No.11752833

bruges is a shithole

>> No.11752843

Burgerland, but two of those people were froom Qatar. I work in a luxury industry, lots of obese people with the money for the surgery. One guy had his whole family get it, essentially.

>> No.11752869

I can think of a place

>> No.11752888


Cheap, easy to cook, and full of protein. 10/10

>> No.11752900


Trust me I've been trying all my life it never gets anywhere. I'm just limiting calorie intake and taking in as much exercise as I possibly can.

>> No.11752902

now if wonder if the handicap access laws at richfag's work are actually for fat people in mobility scooters

>> No.11752977
File: 184 KB, 1440x1639, PSX_20160810_213733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hard to say, as I haven't met a veggie I don't like. I'll go with zucchini, onion, and kale for top veggies.

What about your favorite fruits, everyone?

>> No.11752980

30 minute commute is not "as much as i possibly can" it's fuckall
Do intense cardio for at least 45 m every other day and no way you're too busy for that, you can do it while listening to a recorded lecture if you want to be super efficient.
Exercise is the best antidepressant.
Or just embrace your plump figure and start making babies and pies.

>> No.11752982

>can actually defend yourself

>> No.11752984

Are you kidding? Fruit is life. Papaya is my favourite, next to blueberries, passionfruit, strawberries, lychees, cherries...

The list could honestly go on..

>> No.11752996

Yeah, best fruit's an even tougher call. That's a good ass list, btw. I have to give lychees a try. What are they like?

>> No.11753005
File: 491 KB, 1280x720, IMG_3999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plan to walk 6 miles today
>end up feeling nauseous and slowing down at 2 miles
>only end up walking 5 miles

Being an out of shape fat fat fatty is suffering.

I like lychee. They're very sweet and fun to peel and eat. They look like dragon's eggs and taste like heaven.

>> No.11753011

30 minutes a day is my minimum. Otherwise I do 15 minutes cardio, previously was doing 30. I'm currently doing exams so I've been extremely wrapped up in study.

Mentally, it is as much as I possibly can. I've had better motivation in the past but I'm not going into detail with that, since it's really none of anybodies business.

Just the usual things like work, study, household duties that are slowing down my progress is all. Thanks for your words of encouragement, though.

>> No.11753027

Lychee's are fucking great. Get really messy though, if you buy them as a fruit and not canned. You kind of crack open their shell and get a very slimy but sweet, fleshy fruit. Kind of like a peeled grape, but smoother and sweeter. Definitely worth the effort.

>> No.11753058
File: 85 KB, 660x848, blue-bell-sleeve-dress-katuscha_0070-big-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fat anon stop sitting around waiting to get hungry
get a hobby and distract yourself you big silly

>> No.11753084
File: 198 KB, 560x507, 1473363425016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bartlett pears, grapefruit, cantaloupe, bananas, watermelon, blueberries (once ate so many blueberries my shit turned black and I thought I was hemorrhaging)

>> No.11753085


>> No.11753097

channel flipping btw americas next top model and my 600lb life rn, marla the 600lb lady just stopped breathing and got put in ICU, if she died would they still air this I wonder

>> No.11753104

I made it until 9:30, then had 330calories worth of oatmeal and fruit. Now trying to make it to lunch, but I'm hungry. I try to keep busy but my work is pretty desk oriented, so, it's hard.

Tomorrow maybe can make it until 9:45, then 10, etc. Keep pushing back first meal. Hopefully.

>> No.11753129

So today is supposed to be my cheat day but I dont even want to eat over my usual limit. I know if i dont im just going to binge through the rest of the week though. Why am i like this.

>> No.11753140

>15 m cardio
You're going to spend more than that cleaning up the sweat, this is a fucking joke.
And everyone also works and/or studies and does chores (and has hobbies, social life, romantic life, family, etc.) you're not special, 45 daily minute of aerobic cardio is the minimum required for good health (but still fuck all if you want to be fit), taking an hour break every other day is certainly going to be good for your memory and mental wellbeing too.
And don't give me sarcasm you bloody nosed fat straya cunt i'll grab you by the flab and chuck you into a stream so you have to actually use those sausage fingers to swim longer than 15 bloody minutes you lazy cunt.

>> No.11753151
File: 150 KB, 597x512, 1fd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hiya, I wanted to ask what most of you eat for lunch at work/school. Thank

>> No.11753153

cigs and coffee

>> No.11753154

Wait, are you saying there's a show centered on some 600 lb chick just because she's super fat? Jesus fucking christ this country sometimes

>> No.11753166

Not one person. Several.

>> No.11753169

>no ultra thin gf with ankles thinner than my 9 x 5.5 dick

>> No.11753172
File: 188 KB, 1177x1464, 1472742279630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking hell. I guess it still isn't as bad as the one about teenagers getting pregnant in high school.

>> No.11753180

this while the average american is already concidered hamplanet tier in europe

>> No.11753187

This is reminding me of the parts of In Bruges where the fat American tourists are being super loud and combative about being told they shouldn't climb the stairs up to some tower only to have heart attacks and die half way up. I should go watch that movie again.

>> No.11753196


literally a meme city, everything is fake

>> No.11753200

its a fucking fairytale town m8

>> No.11753207
File: 2.70 MB, 1440x2560, AlanaChampion69.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to brush your teeth after every meal.

>> No.11753224

Hi Thinspo, I am 5'4 and 129 pounds right now, I started out at 165. I was wondering if I am at the point where I will start noticing weightloss more. I have taken progress pictures in increments of 10 pounds and can definitely see a a major difference in them. But when I look in the mirror, I still feel the same. I went clothes shopping yesterday and I still found myself going to to L/XL section when I am now a M. Will this mental image of myself pass?

>> No.11753225

why every meal?

>> No.11753229

It will literally never change, sorry. I don't mean to be a downer but that's how it is.

>> No.11753230
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>> No.11753231

I put together a container full of fruit

>> No.11753234

>Breakfast (220cal)
>Lunch (400cal)
>Dinner (600cal)

That's more than I eat but it isn't bad for someone who's overweight. Stop snacking so much on pretzels and drink water instead.

>> No.11753235
File: 847 KB, 1440x2392, AlanaChampion69 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon please.

I also cropped the black bar off for you.

>> No.11753240

Hnnnng dream bod.

>> No.11753242
File: 809 KB, 1280x960, 1472052505629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can actually defend yourself
From what? It's 2016.

>> No.11753247
File: 1.96 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For lunch today I got a Cobb salad from Chik Fil a and removed the fried chicken (gave it to my friend) and then put on the chicken patty from a grilled sandwich. Then I got a superfood side (kale) as my side. I think the superfood side is 140, a 6oz (that look like 6oz?) chicken breast is 180, then figuring another 250 for the salad which might be high but they have bullshit in there like bacon (which I dont like and will avoid). So 570 for this lunch. I haven't eaten it yet, it's in the kitchen

Maybe I'll try to skip the superfood side until later as a snack.

>> No.11753248
File: 100 KB, 600x600, devushka-got-krysha-anoreksija-Favim.ru-4286555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always eat something that's about 200 calories
>Tuna salad
>Greek yoghurt

>> No.11753249

Bananas and pomelo senpai. Where u @

>> No.11753250

png is better, sin the black bar of course

>> No.11753255

Because of your teeth

>> No.11753256

I want Alana to brush her teeth with my cum :3

>> No.11753259

i generally just brush in the morning and at night, not lunchtime because out and about :/

>> No.11753261
File: 194 KB, 1080x1320, tumblr_o1x61pU1xM1udq5pmo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PNG is better for flat simple images like logos.
JPEG is better for complex images with lots of colours like photos.

Don't be lewd.

>> No.11753263

at which height is someone concidered tall in america?

(both genders)

>> No.11753267
File: 238 KB, 480x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how thin do you have to be to not have a pudge looking stomach when you sit down? Does it always look that way?

>> No.11753269
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>> No.11753281

broccoli i guess

i really hate vegetables

>> No.11753286


>> No.11753289

>45 daily minute of aerobic cardio is the minimum required for good health
true, my school once invited a speaker from a health insurance who told us we should be active for at least an hour a day to stay healthy. i wonder how many people actually do that though

nothing usually, being thin is so much easier when i have school

that's kinda sad though. can pure fatness make you stop breathing?

>> No.11753292
File: 78 KB, 689x487, top.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I see. Thanks for your input!

>> No.11753297

just google the average height for men and women in america, anything above that is considered tall

>> No.11753298

>Average Man is 5'9
>Average Woman is 5'6
So tall for a guy is probably 6'0+ and tall for a woman is probably 5'9+
This is of course using normie standards and not /fa/'s distorted view of the world.

>> No.11753307

I would say 2 inches taller than average so
Male 6'0
Female 5'6
What does this have to do with thinspo though?

>> No.11753309
File: 1.86 MB, 500x375, 1467921559393.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw allergic to fruit

why even live

>> No.11753312

same here, just packed a pear and half grapefruit

>> No.11753316
File: 3 KB, 296x81, hahaha amerika.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Average Man is 5'9

that's tiny lol. how do you guys cope?

thanks anyways guys

>> No.11753317


seconding this question thats my only goal

>> No.11753319

not exactly following the news i see

>> No.11753325

>how do you guys cope
You're acting as though we're short for a country when in reality that's typically the average for most countries in Europe as well. In fact there are only 6 countries in the world where the average man in 6'0+.

>> No.11753331

>how do you guys cope?
By not caring

>> No.11753332

We can make it anon... Or not. I honestly don't know.

>> No.11753339

by being 5'6 in sweden

>> No.11753342

If you are qts don't get rid of your minisitdownpudgestomach, a tiny little belly when a qt sits down is cute CCUUTTTEEE.

>> No.11753349
File: 66 KB, 738x774, FullSizeRender (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've lost about 20 lbs this year. Should i keep cutting or level out?

>> No.11753355

skinnyfat lol no abs bruh

>> No.11753358

you should hang yourself for wearing that bandana

>> No.11753359

you can do side bends or situps
but please don't lose that gut

>> No.11753360

oh well. I though 185 was the average here. Perhaps only in my country

from what i have heard you guys are obsessed with height

poor guy

>> No.11753362

>Browsing /fa/
>Wearing a bandana around your neck

>> No.11753364

damn are you a blood?

>I though 185 was the average here. Perhaps only in my country
which country?

>> No.11753365


>> No.11753370
File: 152 KB, 750x1334, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking minorities ruin all America's stats. Avg SAT scores, IQ, obesity, now height. Spics are 20% of the population and average 5 foot fucking 4.

>> No.11753372

dutch guys are so hot

>> No.11753373

well they are still american so what

>> No.11753374

I bet you say the same thing to landwhales. This isn't the place for you, you desperate chubby chaser.

>> No.11753375

Holy shit

>> No.11753382

>from what i have heard you guys are obsessed with height
What country? Most people aren't unless they are on the extremes. Like the 5' 5" short guys gets a short man complex, the 6' 5" dude looks like a weirdo unless he is a basketball player

>> No.11753384

>tfw no tall skinny hollandis bf

>> No.11753386

>average 5 foot fucking 4.
that's adorable

>> No.11753388

>Like the 5' 5" short guys gets a short man complex

>> No.11753389

Not really, my gf has a bmi of 17.5 and still has a cute little tummy when she tits. It's more like a little roll.

>> No.11753393


imagine how i felt when i read your average height lol


>> No.11753397

Just don't drive a lifted truck or try to get """"huge"""" in the gym. Find yourself a pocketgf and you'll be fine.

>> No.11753399
File: 71 KB, 400x525, Chantelle-Brown-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what decade's fashion would you rather wear for the rest of your life?

would you rather be black with vitiligo or a black albino?

what (non lipo) cosmetic surgery would you rather have done?

>> No.11753403

They're not, sorry. America since its founding expressedely considered itself a country for white immigrantion, up until the immigration act of 1965, not voted on by the people. White population dropped from 90% to 60% in course of 40 years. There's nothing remotely like this in American history.

And they won't disagree, they don't even speak the language or pledge allegiance to the nation, rather using our resources to send money back to their homeland.

>> No.11753406

ur face is fat

>> No.11753408
File: 262 KB, 1260x646, 5PHviJu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11753413

If they have citizenship they're american, mate. Get fucked. It's a pretty simple concept.

>> No.11753414
File: 57 KB, 640x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what decade's fashion would you rather wear for the rest of your life?

>would you rather be black with vitiligo or a black albino?
vitiligo. think it's kinda cute

>what (non lipo) cosmetic surgery would you rather have done?
rhinoplasty for sure

>> No.11753417

huh i thought africans were supposed to be tall

>> No.11753418

>implying americans would know more than 4 of these countries

>> No.11753419

same on all 3

>> No.11753423

>what is malnutrition?

>> No.11753433

if you brush you're teeth earlier than 30 minutes after you have eaten
it'll wear away your enamel

>> No.11753437




>> No.11753442

lmao no kidding
this is exactly what i look like

>> No.11753447
File: 45 KB, 596x600, Winnie Harlow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>what fashion

>albino or vilitigo
vilitigo, anything that gets me one step closer to being Winnie Harlow

face lift/jaw reconstruction, forever paranoid I have a weak chin and jowls

>> No.11753449
File: 185 KB, 638x640, 4f5d020c8724a51319d406b305ca60f9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1.) 90s
2.) Albino
3.) I have an uneven neck (one side is thicker than the other) so it makes my head look a bit uneven. Pic related, just not as pronounced.

>> No.11753452

Man and worst are the southern ones. The girls are fucking landwales and the guys are so short, I see a lot of them below 5'2 everyday.

>> No.11753453

how fucking choice is it to get looks of disdain from fatties

i hope it gets to the point where they're ashamed to eat in front of me but that'll never happen

>> No.11753456

>Cock extension

>> No.11753463

>would you rather be black with vitiligo or a black albino?

>> No.11753492
File: 42 KB, 477x600, BKLgfqbjWeb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No u

>> No.11753495

this, Especially in such a immigration heavy society as america. For homogenous countries with a rich cultures and history (like most european countries), you could still make a claim that being "x" is related to genetics, culture and language.

>> No.11753501

>what decade's fashion would you rather wear for the rest of your life?
90s grunge

>would you rather be black with vitiligo or a black albino?
vitiligo. So gorgeous.

>what (non lipo) cosmetic surgery would you rather have done?
Breast removal.

>> No.11753502

Had anorexia when I was a younger teen, ate 277 calories a day. Didn't do it very intelligently, so my nutrition was utter shit and I was refed early. Anyways, my question is, why did my breath smell so fucking bad?

>> No.11753505

>what decade's fashion would you rather wear for the rest of your life?


>would you rather be black with vitiligo or a black albino?


>what (non lipo) cosmetic surgery would you rather have done?

breast reduction

>> No.11753509

keto does that

>> No.11753510

>277 calories a day
thats very specific

>> No.11753511

Ketones in your breath.When you don't have enough glycogen from carbs your body starts making ketone bodies for energy, and ketosis has a distinctive rotting smell.

>> No.11753520

Dude the country was "founded" by immigration after all the brits decided that it was easier to kill off all the natives than spend one more day in London. Get the fuck over yourself.

t. White Australian

>> No.11753530

Lossless is always better, jpg is just convenient because it's lighter in size and you won't notice the artefacts if there is no clean lines.

>> No.11753531

>got the idea to shave my bum again

>> No.11753534

get it waxed instead, it won't get prickly

>> No.11753535

>her name translates to a cute bird name

She is so perfect ugh

>> No.11753543

I've reached my goal of 70 Ibs, my diet for the past year has consisted of nothing but ur mums pum pum

>> No.11753549

has anyone had any experience with starving impacting sexual performance?

>> No.11753553

>breast removal
trans or just your aesthetic?

>> No.11753560

as a gril being dizzy from malnutrition has made sex feel better/being thinner made me more confident during ofc but I know you're asking dudes

>> No.11753563


No, I'm in keto now. That was NOT keto breath, it smelled like literal shit.

>> No.11753568
File: 1.50 MB, 1055x1418, 2016-09-09 14.21.45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both, kinda, idk.

I guess I'd be nonbinary? It's confusing. I've hated having breasts from the moment I got them so I've always been keen to lop them off.

Works with my fukboi comfy aesthetic fits.

>> No.11753571

>not wanting to play with your boobs
if I had boobs I don't think I'd ever leave the house

>> No.11753584
File: 452 KB, 785x757, 1473875093511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where is that green bastard?

>> No.11753587
File: 53 KB, 355x369, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's conquest, not immigration. Just like every nation ever, just like your Abbos killed off all the animals and vegetation on the entire continent. Are you underage?

America was never "immigration heavy" until the 60s. Our migration patterns can still be traced centuries back with almost all families that came before WW1 having been here for generations. The melting pot concept was created in ~1920 and retroactively applied backwards specifically to push open immigration.

It's not that hard to understand, America's makeup isn't any different than any other country. No Frenchman began as a Frenchman, they became one after centuries of shared existence and culture. And if I were to show up to Paris in blue jeans and wayfarers, repeatedly declaring "I'm French!", in English, inbetween sips of coke, drags of a lucky and bites out a burger (that I'm eating with my bare hands, while walking), that still wouldn't make me a fucking Frenchman, even if your government decided to suddenly import a million of me without your consent, even if they unconstitutionally grant us "French citizenship" through some obtuse loophole globally unique to your country. That doesn't make me French, it just makes me a yankee in Paris.

>> No.11753592

They're two sacks of fat sitting under your skin, just grab your own ass, same effect.

>> No.11753594

asking because I'm ex trans, was just about to go through with mastectomy, am so glad I backed out because having pointy hipster tits is way better than scarred birdlike chest disproportionate with ass. also being comfy with womanhood and dismantling what I saw wrong with it feels pretty good too

>> No.11753595

Dehydrated maybe? Idk man bodies weren't meant to run on 277kcal you can't expect to smell good.

>> No.11753598

>ex trans

>> No.11753599

Actual women don't feel that way about their own bodies

>> No.11753601

Literally nobody cares. Post thinspo while you bitch or get back to /pol/

>> No.11753604

>No Frenchman began as a Frenchman, they became one after centuries of shared existence and culture.

the problem is that america as a continent is just about half a millenium old. France on the other hand has a whole range of cultures, dialect groups, etc. because it has existed for multiple millenium.

>> No.11753608

not the right location, no sensitive nipple.

they don't know how good they have it

>> No.11753609
File: 91 KB, 493x750, 9affYXUM1vz3ig8o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job on breaking out of the trans cult bby

>> No.11753616

congratulations on getting over your mental illness.

>> No.11753619

would you take a picture of this corset?

>> No.11753628

>Being born with no choice but to grow functional organs that mark you out as being a product for male consumption

Lmao yeah what a great deal :^)))

>> No.11753634

>France on the other hand has a whole range of cultures, dialect groups, etc

this, americans simply don't grasp how culturaly rich and diverse the old world is.

>> No.11753635

Yeah I remember you talking about it from the last thread. My breasts have always been too large and very saggy, even when I was 13 and average weight, I could wedge pencils under them. I'd probably go for a reduction before a removal, but perfect hipster tits are not an achieveable goal for me unfortunately.

Ive always liked girls with nearly flat chests too. I think I just don't like breasts in general.

And I get what you mean about the whole gendered social constructs thing, I guess for some people it's comforting to accept those structures. I've never felt comfortable being wholly one or the other, it took me a long time to accept that I could be girly at all.

If I could take a pill and be an andro being with tiny tits and two sets of sex organs I'd do it. But I can't, so I just kinda roll with it and wear whatever and not care about pronouns.

>> No.11753648

>have fun boobs to play with at home
>to get a bf literally just have to stand in public
Sounds like a good deal to me xDDD

>> No.11753670
File: 93 KB, 495x700, 1442415592629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Decade Fashion
Probably the 1960s, not the flower child stuff but the suits that people wore on TV and in doo-wop groups.
>Vitiligo or Albino.
Vitiligo is more attractive honestly.
>Cosmetic Surgery.
Rhinoplasty, I have an awful bump on my nose bridge.

>> No.11753672

you just don't like breasts because yours are shitty. just get them fixed, stop procrastinating and go to a surgeon.

>> No.11753679

Sounds like you have some serious issues and I'm saying this as someone getting top surgery myself

>> No.11753680

>spot reduction

>> No.11753682

Don't listen to >>11753672 , mutilating your body will only make you feel more insecure.

>saying this in a self starvation thread

>> No.11753685

How is getting a boob job mutilation? I'm not saying to remove them, I'm saying to fix them from being too big and saggy. Make them perfect teen titties.

>> No.11753686

as counter intuitive as it may sound, smaller chested girls seem more feminine to me

>> No.11753688

Just lose weight?

>> No.11753689

Yeah it's me who has issues, not the men who make it unsafe to have a female body via being unable to not pornify everything

>> No.11753695
File: 17 KB, 500x362, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they don't know how good they have it

non-penetrative masturbation seems much better than udders t b h

>> No.11753698

Obviously need to keep weight in control, but once pretty close to your goal weight it isn't going to make a world of difference. It won't fix the sags either.

Just look at the disappointment that came from when Margaery from Game of Thrones showed her tits. Those saggy things were terrible.

>> No.11753702

>feel alienated as friendless autist english-second-language child
>be about 7, see episode of (((jerry springer))) with trans dude on it
>"that's me that's what I want to do with my life I must not fit in with girls because I'm not supposed to be one"
>spend next decade trying to convince horrified family to let me transition
>move out of state at 19, prostitute myself until I make 10 grand, schedule mastectomy, deciding I want a "shota aesthetic" and won't take testosterone until some years later
>two months away from surgery date, start reading terf and ex-trans butch dyke blogs (I don't like either group fyi, disapprove of feminism and lesbianism) out of curiosity but they make good points
>get freaked out
>eventually back out at last moment and get partial refund
>still like to dress andro a lot of the time but that doesn't make me less of a woman, nothing could, as long as i have these chromosomes I'm a woman and that means very little identitywise

thanks pal

still have an ED though lol definitely related

>> No.11753704

>non-penetrative masturbation seems much better than udders t b h

male masturbation tires your arms like a mofo

>> No.11753707

You can't loose glandular tissue, if your breasts are particularly dense loosing weight might not have any effect on them at all

>> No.11753708

>implying rubbing your clit doesn't get you off better anyways.

>> No.11753711

So it's there forever huh.

Idk what to lose for then. The rest is fine at this weight. I just hate how my belly looks when i sit. I have. BMI of 21 btw

>> No.11753716

>what are clits

>> No.11753720
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>she fell for the dildo meme

>> No.11753726

last week my hand hurt like hell because i masturbate while lying on my tummy and i was super horny one day and masturbated at least five times. also, fleshlights sound really awesome.

>> No.11753729

>Don't like breasts because mine are shitty
If that were true, then wouldn't I not like slim bodies because mine is shitty and flabby? It's a preference anon.
>stop procrastinating, spend thousands of dollars on cosmetic surgery

>> No.11753731

those same types of men also prey on twinky trans men. no matter who you are or what you look like there will be a group of gross dudes to make you feel like shit for it, that shouldn't dictate your ideals for your own body

>> No.11753733

Take a photo of your tummy as you sit (honestly yes people will give you shit no matter what but it's anonymous so who gives a fuck). At a certain point it becomes more skin than fat but I'll let you know how far you have to go to get to her level.

>> No.11753734
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>has one chance at life
>fucks up this badly

>> No.11753739

I used to wedge pencils and also my phone under mine, after a few rounds of losing and gaining the fat has redistributed and even though I'm back around the same weight I can't wedge much now

>> No.11753742

>I'm ex trans
>being comfy with womanhood and dismantling what I saw wrong with it
you were never trans to begin with trenderfag

>> No.11753744

Aw m8 gutted I haven't made anonymous /fa/ gender nonconforming anorexia radfem buddy but I respect ur ability to make the best choices for yourself and wish you all the best <3

>> No.11753745

I masturbate like once a week. what the fuck is wrong with me? twice in a day is my max, and haven't done that in a long time.

>> No.11753749

>last week my hand hurt like hell because i masturbate while lying on my tummy

you probably shouldn't do that then

>i was super horny one day and masturbated at least five times.

I don't even have the libido to do that, impressive

>fleshlights sound really awesome.
if you are a neckbeard, yes

>> No.11753754

whoever you consider "genuinely trans" is either self loathing for the sex they are, fetishizing the one they're not, or both, I guarantee it

>> No.11753755

Uh fuck off her tits are great and so is her face even if it's uneven.

Anyways i'd be all for breast reduction surgery if it wasn't for the fact that it ruins niples. They leave big scars and can get really fucked up. Imo sag > fucked nipples.

>> No.11753766

>They leave big scars and can get really fucked up.
I can't even fap to that arab porn star with the big tits everyone posts because of her fucked up nipple scars. Forget her name but she's posted all the time, you probably know who I'm talking about.

>> No.11753768

Why not be a man for all intents and purposes? Nobody cares about chromsoms unless it shows like downs.

>> No.11753769

Not to mention women do it too and frequently get way more creepy about it

Some people just masturbate less, I masturbate once a week too, definitely better than the compulsive minimum 5 faps a day thing I used to do as a teen

>> No.11753770

Go on then, what's a genuine trans? Bearing in mind you can have gender dysphoria and not self-identify as trans, and that the basis for ''feeling like'' either sex is built around archaic stereotypes/not wanting the social shite that comes with one or the other.

No surprise MtTrans are about 3x more common and most of them are AGP.

>> No.11753771


Lebanese != arab

oh americans

>> No.11753773

what kind of radfem are you? I'm against feminism for its racism and hypocrisy, not because I don't think women have specific issues worth addressing- but don't believe in the gendered wage gap or the 1 in 4 or other bs it likes to perpetrate

>> No.11753774
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That sounds pretty neat. Hopefully mine will go away too. Don't want to pay for surgery if I can avoid it. The post op results only look good if you're on T and have at least a bit of muscle.

This is where I'm at with a binder (ignore the fact that I am definitely not thinspo) so I can deal for now, hoping it gets better as I slim down.

>> No.11753777

I'll do it when i'm back from classes.

>> No.11753779

Yea sorry, I forgot what thread I was in.

>> No.11753781

everyone vote in this important poll: http://www.strawpoll.me/11224809

(why are fleshlights only awesome for neckbeards? they sound like a great way to get off with little effort)

>> No.11753783

No they literally do not. That's just not the case. Men commit 98% of sexual violence.


>> No.11753785

I'm a radical lesbian feminist. All men must die

>> No.11753793

because "a man for all intents and purposes" would be a walking stereotype

>> No.11753794

>other bs it likes to perpetrate
this is so ot but feminism isn't just what tumblr says and it's not a homogenous group at all, i just think it's odd to dismiss all of it bc of generalisations

>> No.11753795

actually spending money on a masturbation device as a man is 100% neckbeard tier

be happy your gender is 10x more sexually liberated than ours

>> No.11753797

Dw man, I don't know what thread I'm in anymore either.

>> No.11753798

useless poll because women fap less than men, without gender this poll is meh.

>> No.11753801

your arms are thinner than mine, thought it would help to build up biceps turns out they just pancake out at my sides

>> No.11753809

Alright. I'm always lurking, I'll eventually respond.

>> No.11753811

Radical as in orthodox rather than extreme - what tumblr would call a TERF/SWERF lol. Mostly focused on empowering women to be comfortable living as women, rather than the caracature of ''woman'' that we're socialised into - don't really care about involving men and their position at all, as far as I can help it.

>> No.11753816

>rather than the caracature of ''woman'' that we're socialised into
can you elaborate?

>> No.11753819

stats depend on reports not actual incidences though

>> No.11753821

My arms look terrible at my sides (they look weirdly thin in that photo, or maybe I'm just dysmorphic af lmao), mine pancake out too. I'm also trying to solve it with bicep curls, doesn't work huh?

>> No.11753827

oh right on, I can dig it, glad you're not actually this person

>> No.11753828

Non-argument. The difference is too fucking big to account for that.

Without getting too philosophical I'd say the key qualifiers are submissive, to-be-improved, and to-be-dicked.

>> No.11753832

idk maybe it will when I lose bodyfat%. building muscle before cutting extremely is probably a good idea for health at least

>> No.11753834

sound like a dumb cunt for even knowing the tumblrina names desu

>> No.11753836

They're probably a troll lel

That said I respect my lesbian sisters and understand completely why they don't involve men in their lives

Lol when you get death/rape threats based on those terms it's hard to not know them.

>> No.11753838

i'm a fruit guzzler. bananas are my no.1 favourite food, other fruits i love are grapefruit (red or white), cantaloupe melon, raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, kiwis, easy peeler satsumas and select varieties of apples (golden delicious and EMPIRE. i've only eaten them once when my grandpa found them in tesco but they're the reddest, shiniest and sweetest apples in the world, 10/10 would recommend)

berries are so expensive though, as is fresh fruit in general unfortunately.

>> No.11753839

Unless you have numbers or statistically estimated research reports on incidences your argument is invalid, sorry broseph.

Can't combat a strong point that has stats behind it with a "yeah but-" rebuttal.

>> No.11753853

i usually pack a variety of stuff because i nibble throughout the morning. today i had 30g honey roast peanuts, an apple, a pot of lowfat houmous & cucumber sticks, a blueberry&vanilla rice cake and a fatfree yoghurt. seems like a lot but it stops me from buying shit from the canteen or the out of school tuck shop, and since school is a huge chunk of my day it fits in easily to my calories.

>> No.11753854

of course they do, in a system that is designed to punish male sexual abuse.

Men are far less likely to speak out when they are sexualy abused, because of their "masculinity" that society has forced onto them

>> No.11753855

Any and all fruit is my jam.

Nectarines, mangos, and razz/blue berries are my favs <3

>> No.11753871

Nice strawman. Nobody's denying men experience sexual abuse (although as someone focused on women's issues it's not my area of expertise).

But entertaining that, what's the common factor in women's and men's sexual abuse? You guessed it, the perpetrators are overwhelmingly men.

>> No.11753873

That is a true thing, and should always be considered, but it's definitely not to the same extent as male on female sexual violence. That's the issue.

There is some error due to bias in reports, but research still suggests it's an overwhelming majority.

Still important. But less prominent, and should be understood within that context.

>> No.11753875

still extrans anon here, I'm who said that- I have no data, only anecdotal instances of men I know having their rape experiences questioned and dismissed by women. men are labeled exclusively as perpetrator and shamed out of admitting when it happens to them

>> No.11753890
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Yeah that's why ai also posted

It's still something to be considered, but it shouldn't really be used as rebuttal imho.

This thread is getting pretty dang uncomfy. Here's a picture of my breakfast/lunch.

>> No.11753892

>having their rape experiences questioned and dismissed
the exact same thing happens to women as well. men being shunned for being accused of rape and the female victims being celebrated for their bravery to speak out is only something that happens on american college campuses a few times a year

>> No.11753897
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Fuck, also posted
This one. Soz, have some more thinspo

>> No.11753899

just hate the idea that I have to pick a side- I care about woman-specific issues and also men-specific issues, both of which stem from gender roles, which transgenderism only reinforces. fuck feminism and the men's rights activists both for shitting all over the opposite sex. why can't it be like nationalism where I automatically support everyone's nationalism if I'm a true nationalist for my own people

>> No.11753905

Lovely lunch, not sure about the M&Ms but as long as you are keeping your calories in budget okay. Great giant water bottle too.

>> No.11753907

are there pre-peeled canned mandarin slices that are as low cal as fresh ones/packed in water or something, cause that sounds good as fuck rn

>> No.11753908

>That is a true thing, and should always be considered, but it's definitely not to the same extent as male on female sexual violence. That's the issue.

>Still important. But less prominent, and should be understood within that context.


>> No.11753910

that's what you get for getting your info on politics and philosophy from social media. maybe read a book every once in a while

>> No.11753911

(sorry for tumblr but this is a good aggregate of relevant sources)

femsolid dot tumblr dot com slash post slash 147760713740

>> No.11753914


>> No.11753917

Honestly, just look into the things you care about most and find your own politics from there. Don't let anyone pressure you into conforming to a single group/ideology, none of them are immune to legitimate criticism.

>> No.11753920

I kinda feel like that's generalizing.

One thing I like about Tumblrinas is that you get people who identify as male who are cool with wearing makeup and dresses and for them it's what they feel most comfortable with, so it's got that transgenderism without the enforced gender roles.

But some people claim they're not "trans enough" for not complying with what society expects of them.

But then you can argue why they need to identify as male in the first place and it all gets hella messy. I just say let people do whatever, so long as it doesn't hurt anybody and your clothes fit properly.

>> No.11753929

>reads gendertrender
what a surprise

You have no idea what gender dysphoria is.
You felt uncomfortable being sexualized by men and uncomfortable with fulfilling the role of a woman; that females are supposed to fulfill,
and misinterpreted that feeling for genuine dysphoria.

Gender dysphoria is the feeling of not being able to perceive yourself as the sex you were born as and nothing more.
It has nothing to do with masculine and feminine or gender roles or muh """""identity""""""".
It has to do with the persons brain incorrectly reading the body as male, which is most likely do to their brain mapping being opposite their body (since hormones that determine the structure of the brain, and hormones that determine the structure of their body are fired months apart in the womb) and the feeling of disconnect that comes with that, that forces the person to transition.

You can see this in intersex people as well, who technically are both male and female.
Who will sometimes experience a brain/body disconnect if the doctors and parents raised the child as a sex, opposite of their brain (do to their outward appearing genitalia or their reproductive system) and they will end up having to transition

>> No.11753939

Don't have any, that's the issue. Can only rely on the information we have, and what we have is saying 98% of sexual violence is male perpetrated. I personally would love to see more about fenale perpetrated violence because women are both stereotyped as being weaker and less prone byt also dealt harsher sentences in murder cases.

I'd post sources but it's 5am where I am and I'm arguing gender politics in a thinspo thread because I said I didn't like my breasts. Plz halp.

>> No.11753945

>Muh gendered brain

>Dragging intersex people into your argument
Literally not relevant.

If you define ''genuine dysphoria'' as being a medical condition that has no social aspect, then you're being so reductionist (and out of touch with modern gender rhetoric) your argument's not even worth listening to.

>> No.11753951

Femanism is so split the way you handle it is you just say you're for equality and just look into it yourself. Go with stuff backed up by science and you'll agree with rational feminists. Like the issue of sexual orientation and transgender.

>> No.11753970

>''rational feminists''

So, people who insist feminism complies exactly with what men wanted them to do anyway

>> No.11753979

>posts a bias feminist blog post with no scientific evidence anywhere to be found as a 'source'

>Literally not relevant.
if intersex people who are not male or female, experience having the self perception of being male or female, when they technically are not it sounds relevant to the trans experience to me.

>and out of touch with modern gender rhetoric) your argument's not even worth listening to.

>If you don't agree with my women's studies class bullshit your argument is invalid
>if you don't agree with me your argument is invalid
are you an adult?

>> No.11753991
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Yeah, you post an opinion completely counter to literally everyone currently writing on the subject and it's /me/ who wants the world to warp to fit my identity politics

>> No.11754058

was this supposed to trigger me? im ftm

>post an opinion completely counter to literally everyone currently writing on the subject

'writing' on the subject on your tumblr blog means shit.
the only writing on the subject i care to read are peer reviewed studies by the medical community,
none of which i see coming out in your favor.

>> No.11754270

Not when you have a muscular man-ass hard as rock.

>> No.11754715

>not knowing about guns

>> No.11754856

This. Trips of truth.

>> No.11754944

>implying you would know more than four of these countries