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/fa/ - Fashion

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11747569 No.11747569[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

it makes no sense. this site caters to 90% white fashion. why dont they just be themself.... its really strange dont you think

so strange

>> No.11747581

bouta spice up this thread with some sage

>> No.11747593

interesting post because black people can pull off a multitude of color palettes that people with fair skin cannot.

>> No.11747599
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here;s what you came for. you can leave now.

>> No.11747609
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yeah true blacks pull off orange like no one else

>> No.11747980

Why are you worrying about what other people are doing OP?

>> No.11747985

blacks have a profoundly negative effect on almost every space they enter including virtual spaces like 4chan

>> No.11747989

>life so pathetic I have to resort to race baiting....on 4chan


>> No.11747996

its not race baiting. the quality of this board did seem to take a dive as the black population rose

>> No.11748036

theres only 2 or 3 blacks in WAYWT, and they generally dress better most of the twinks on it. Not by much though

>> No.11748047
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because 4chan was such a positive space before.

>> No.11748062

make your agenda less obvious next time charcoal children

>> No.11748066
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they're very overrepresented in hair general. only other place I can think of with so much melatonin enrichment is /asp/'s skate general

I don't like niggers irl but I've never minded them on 4ch, you don't even know anywhere except /fa/ and cancer boards like /soc/. the only thing is they've all reeked of reddit here these last few years. I guess the old adage is true that 4chan was uniformly white middle class

>> No.11748068
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>white fashion.

>> No.11748072

4chan was originally neet weebs, its only natural they were whites given the history.

>> No.11748079

>this guy doesnt agree with me
>wow way to forward left wing agenda you fucking cuck nigger daykwan

keep this sort of thinking in /pol/ or /x/

>> No.11748084

>Be yourself
You are complaining about people being themselves

>> No.11748085

Can this board not be racist on top of being shitty? there is enough cancer already

>> No.11748087

>white fashion

he says on a website that is 95% white fashion

>> No.11748089

yeah its weird how many black people flock to /fa/ and /mu/

why dont they just post on their own websites?

>> No.11748091
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I don't think that's it. "White, middle to upper-middle class" is basically the makeup of every web 1.0 community ever. The internet has even more white tradition than America does. Kind of ironic that the internet's commercial gentrification, aka web 2.0, resulted in opening the door to the minorities and underclasses when gentrification is normally the other way around.

>> No.11748093 [DELETED] 
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>white fashion

>> No.11748096

well you gotta remember most of the blacks who post on 4chan arent really typical blacks. they're mostly always the coon variation. alot of them were bullied in highschool by other blacks and that made them inherit a sort of "other" aesthetic

i personally think they're pretty harmless. as long as they dont act like normal black people its fine with me if they post

>> No.11748103

>why dont they just post on their own websites?
but instagram is owned by white people

>> No.11748108
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>white fashion

>> No.11748111
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>> No.11748113

kikes are not white

>> No.11748116
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>white tears
is this what the niggers are telling themselves now?

>> No.11748118

black people love 4chan. it feeds on their need to be hated. black people love hearing negative opinions on them and they love having a bad reputation. its partly biological with in blacks but its also a political tactic they've used for the last 500 years

>> No.11748137

>this site caters to 90% white fashion.
Yeah, thats why its 100% tasteless shit

Americans arent effay at all, just look at their fashion week, its been a joke since the beginning of this century

>> No.11748147
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there are quite a few black weebs. I can see why it'd happen, coming from the projects, anime makes for a good escape. I vaguely remember a decent presence of them at least in pics posted on /b/ when I was there around 07/08. there was this meme from like 2012 too.

wasn't there also a tumblr meme rapper whose whole aesthetic was anime nigger a few years ago? blade or wolf something.

>> No.11748152

As opposed to the fashion week in the Congo right?

>> No.11748153
File: 168 KB, 600x405, Shoodawhoopanimooted-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I forgot about shoop da whoop. our old memes were so shitty, I can't believe we used to find this funny.

>> No.11748157

>blacks have a profoundly negative effect on almost every space they enter including virtual spaces like 4chan

that depends on who you ask

>> No.11748160
File: 32 KB, 594x387, Jim-Jones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"white fashion"
>checks waywt

>> No.11748163


>> No.11748175

>"white fashion"
>checks waywt
>sees its almost entirely white fashion
>checks the catalogue
>99% white fashion
>checks the sticky
>99% of designers and fashion house are white and owned by white people
>posts anyway

you know theres websites for black fashion right?


>> No.11748180

blacks who post on 4chan are masochistic. they come here because they love reading realistic opinions on themselves

>> No.11748201
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when will mayos like you learn?

>> No.11748204
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>white fashion

>> No.11748209
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>"white fashion"

>> No.11748213

This post speaks to me so well.

>> No.11748228
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>realistic opinions
I just come to see cool fits and laugh at angry wypipo looking for validation like you

>> No.11748256

>white fashion

>> No.11748259

its actually pretty crazy how many blacks and minorities are on /pol/

almost half of /pol/ is some other race than white

and alot of them are pretending to be white and pretending to be nationalists and saying racist shit about their own race...

its an interesting spectacle

>> No.11748283
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/pol/ was infiltrated as hell, it's just some zombie now. the board culture was destroyed by mods who forced all the posters to leave and artificially controlled the discussion of the pozzed new blood. the actual /pol/ isn't on this site anymore.

it's not the first time it's happened. they did it to /new/ and /r9k/ first, for "problematic" racism & misogyny respectively.

And no one is pretending, newfag. Ethnonationalism isn't race specific. And ethnic self hatred is not some rare new phenomenon, jewish self hatred is a very common trope, and, hell, it's basically the mainstream platform for whites today, due to you know who.

>> No.11748286

[citation needed]

also whites are the actual minority now, asians have the most # and whites are just not reproducing enough

>> No.11748291

yeah but one you have literally thousands of brown minorities on a message board roleplaying as white nationalists for countless hours per day it is quite a strange thing to witness.

>> No.11748318
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As I said, ethnonationalism isn't white specific. you can agree with everything on /pol/ without being white, only gets fucked with halfbreed mutts. hindu nationalism, for example, is a very large platform in india and the official ideology of the current ruling party. Japanese ethnonationalism is another major one. Chinese arguably hold similar values culturally, if not politically/legally.

/pol/ might make bantz on all those races, but that hardly contradicts a japanese or whatever poster from participating in the board.

>> No.11748323

they arent ethnonationalists though. they are white nationalists who arent ethnically white. you gotta be pretty mentally ill to be in that basket

by the sounds of it you may be one of them

>> No.11748336

4chan's /pol/ isn't anything. It certainly can't be 50% minority when it's 50% Clinton shills, who are very likely white as fuck. Can you even post "nigger" on /pol/ without getting banned yet?

/pol/ before getting artificially destroyed was ethnonationalist, and unironically. It's simply the natural end result of unhindered, anonymous flow of information. It was predominately white nationalist because most posters were American. I'm not sure you realize, WN is American, European posters identify with their individual countries, not a pan-european origin. A British poster would be just as much "out of place" on (non cucked) /pol/ as a filipino or whatever else, from your perspective.

>> No.11748341

I've seen naturally beautiful people of all races.

>> No.11748348

>shit skin trys to justify his mental illness


>> No.11748365
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You seem upset. I forgot, niggers can also be ethnonationalist. Malcolm X, Black Panthers, Nation of Islam. Of course, they did give it a shot, with a bunch of african americans ejecting to Liberia and promptly turning it into an uncivilized shithole that receives some of the most international aid in all of Africa. Must be oppression.

>> No.11748376

so what race are you then?

to be fair you arent really unique. alot of white people are black supremacists.

>> No.11748416

I'm a white yankee, nigger. I don't know why the idea of empathy is so confusing for you - that mongoloids can't empathize with other race nationalism on /pol/ without being mentally ill, or me with them. Just because I don't want them making bed in my home doesn't mean I have any issue with them as a people, besides them being subhuman and all.