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11713578 No.11713578 [Reply] [Original]

Skincare General

Everything related to skincare routines, products, acne, and grooming goes in here.

Skin care basics:http://tuxbell.com/index.php?title=Grooming#Skin-care_Basics
Acne treatment:http://tuxbell.com/index.php?title=Grooming#Acne_Treatment

Skinacea Links:
Ridding dark eye circles:http://www.skinacea.com/how-to/get-rid-of-dark-circles.html

/fa/ skincare FAQ:

- Basic routine, skincare guide, and products tips
- How to pop pimples, remove blackheads and whiteheads
- Why you shouldn't use ordinary soap on your face
- How to improve your skin tone through diet
- Studies on how diary and sugars create acne
- How your skin is affected by sleep, sun, skincare ingredients

Let's make this last, yeah?

>> No.11713721

Yikes. Bumparoo

>> No.11713740

I'll bunch whatever product into amazon and ad to cart, I looked at your sticky and have -
Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser - 20 oz (Bonus Size), already have great skin. Any different recommendations?

>> No.11713790

why do you need a cleanser if you already have great skin

>> No.11713806

Because great skin needs cleaning lol

>> No.11713979

cerave everything til i die. Theres really not a need for anything else.

>> No.11714767

how do deal with dandruff, lads?

also, how much do veganism help skin? it's great for health in general so

>> No.11715061

How do i best treat blackheads on the nose? Exfoliator?

>> No.11716054


>> No.11716624

>It's great for health in general
Not at all.
You just need your balanced nutrition and that's it, that's how much food will do to your health. You can get it by going vegan or eating normaly, your body won't know the diference.
Exercising is the real deal when it comes to being healthy, and nothing beats weightlifting and cardio.

>> No.11716750

Do I need to moisturize if I put sunscreen on my face?

Not finding a lot of information about this

>> No.11716832

im allergic to aspirin,can i use salicylic acid products?

>> No.11716933

why did I never hear about this here

>> No.11717431

what can i do against oily skin???
i use a perfume-free soap
i use cetaphil moisturizer (cetaphil sunscreen when outside)

a few hours later at work it looks like my face--especially my forhead-- was dumped into a pool of oil

what can i do about this?

pls help

>> No.11717435

does this work for hyperpigmentation too?

>> No.11717486

Ive used that before upon reccomendation here. I love it.

>> No.11717490

easiest solution would be getting oil blotters, basically napkins for your face.

maybe try a different sunscreen or moisturizer thats more drying?

>> No.11717630

why do you need to moisturize as much as you do if you are oily ?

>> No.11717637


is rosehip oil same as musk rose oil?

>> No.11717664

No, they are not the same.

>> No.11717671

It's the same nvm, I just looked up

>> No.11717676

Well I'll be damned. They are. I have a bottle of the stuff at home and I had no idea about the other name.

My mistake.

>> No.11718789

>have acne breakout due to extreme stress and anxiety
>now have hyper pigmentation marks and two pimples left
>can`t look myself in the mirror for the past two months
>crying every time I get the courage to see my reflection
>thought chemical peeling would work
>it doesn`t make them go away
>crying right now

I can`t take this shit anymore. I now many people live happily with way worse, but I can`t stand imperfections. I just can`t.

>> No.11719245

two questions:

1. my nose is always red, is this because of acne or because of the sun?

2. i'm not yet sure how tight my budget is going to be this month, so i don't want to buy any of the stuff recommended for acne care. will hydrogen peroxide work as a treatment until then?

>> No.11719362

Just go to a dermatologist, senpai, they'll help you out.

>> No.11719367

>Just go to a dermatologist

how much does that cost

>> No.11719378

1. it could be rosacea. you should get it looked at by a doc.

2. stridex is like $5. you can get BP or other products for like $12 max. I wouldn't use hydrogen peroxide on skin unless I wanted to bleach it

>> No.11719858

Been trying all kinds of shit to get rid of my moderate but persistent acne for 3 years now. Finally got tired of it and scheduled an appointment with my doctor for tomorrow, gonna try to get some accutane and hopefully nuke the acne out of my system. Anybody got any advice?

>> No.11719863


>> No.11720578

Bumping for cellulite problems

>> No.11720837

>>11716933 here
holy shit, so I tried it tonight and I definitely can feel/see my scars a bit (little bit) less noticeable, less redish color and healed up, my skin also feels a bit more elastic, my only 2 currently active pimples 1 seems to have increased and 1 disappeared completely over the night, I've been on accutane for 2 months and had acne for 6 years so I have a quite good post-war leftovers.

TL:DR Try rosehip essential oil for acne scars it actually werks

>> No.11720975

I have been to to one, she said my skin is fine. But it's not.

>> No.11722191


>> No.11722364

Okay so routine.

Exfoliation every 3-4 days or so.
Cleanser soap
Astringent/toner depending on skin


>> No.11722983


Keep up with your treatment and give time to time, they'll eventually disappear. You can't get rid of hyperpigmentation marks in a blink. Try to get yourself distract in the meantime watching movies and such because freaking out will only get things worse and maybe even bring the acne back.

>> No.11723959

My cheeks are completely fucked up with acne and acne scars. I also know nothing about skincare.

Would a baking soda + lemon juice mask on my face every night be effective?

>> No.11724055

Please DON'T use baking soda and lemon juice on your skin directly, they have are not even the same pH as your skin!
Try doing a basic routine first.
Read this thread thoroughly. Exfoliate, cleanse, moisturize and don't forget the sunscreen. Invest in decent serums (Vitamin C, Retinol etc). Please do a patch test before you start using a product.

Stay away from harsh products and don't do the shitty DIYs that you see on the internet.

>> No.11724059

they are*


>> No.11724062

no. please don't do that.

>> No.11724259

but if you add the two together, then they will neutralize each other.
what is the pH of the skin?

>> No.11724518

>>11720837 here
day 2, it's fkn amazing ty god, will post a pic later

>> No.11724539

idk how effay it is, but i am really happy with lush stuff. i used to have just small zits all over my extremely dry face and once i switched to a completely lush regimen, it's pretty much clear.
i use a soft exfoliator in the mornings that cleanses, tone, moisturize. if i go out, sunscreen. i alternate between an exfoliating mask and a tightening mask and i have felt the difference, especially in my fine lines.
i also use this great hair mask and their shampoo and i noticed i lose less hair in the shower now too.
if i had more money, obvi i'd upgrade to a more luxury brand, but it is working really well. i honestly have received so many compliments since i started using lush and i've never had compliments on my skin before,

>> No.11724594

Okay, I feel like an idiot asking this, but nvm. I am in Germany and I really do not know how to translate exfoliate. As in, I cannot find any products matching the description here. I am only starting now with a skincare routine, can someone point me in the direction which products to use? Only have some drugstore Bio peeling and cleaning so far.

>> No.11724605

>idk how effay it is

nigga what

>> No.11724702

It is around 4.
Yes but even if you assume that the 'reaction' would happen, you would have a salt and water as its product with a medium pH which isn't the case for our skin. Skin is always mildly acidic.
And I am sure that byproduct of chemical reaction being on your skin would not do anything good especially when there's acne.

Don't do DIYs pls ;_;

>> No.11724741

There are 2 types of exfoliation. Physical and chemical.
Physical consists of products like scrubs, loofahs, washcloths, mittens etc. You get different scrubs for body and face.
Chemical consists of products that have AHAs, BHAs etc.
What kind of products do you have in Germany?

>> No.11724871
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Will dump some of them. They look better in the picture. I also have darker spots because I popped. I applied vaseline because they are only... Wounds, not pimples anymore.

I know. I am taking xanax every time I start to feel my heart beats intensify, avoid looking at the mirror and wear foundation when I go out.

I will have a second chemical peel session in two weeks (had my first one with retinoic acid on the Tuesday from the previous one).

What acid would be stronger and be more effective? Salicystic? I have no idea.

Or should I get pulsed light? I want to target specially acne hyperpigmentation marks.

If possible, to minimize pores appearance.

>> No.11724873
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>> No.11724957


>calls this PIH

I literally can't see a flaw you fucking faggot.

Also wash the inside of your ears, they're gross as hell.

>> No.11725045

I have an extremely oily face, took a shower right after taking the pictures.

I do have fucking PIH, the pictures make them look better.

>> No.11725069
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Patting vs Massaging ypur products into the skin:

Which is better for you?

>> No.11725118
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>i am taking xanax every time I start to feel my heart beats intensify
Don't take drugs as if they're candy especially xanax since it can cause fatigue, libido loss and even make you susceptible to a clinical depression crisis. Make a god damn research before you start to swallow things down, faggot.

>> No.11725123
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Is babey oil a good moisturizer

>> No.11725135
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>go back to uni
>stop caring as much
at least I'm in better condition than last year, my scaring is basically gone for the most part and pimples vanish over night when i cleanse tone and moisturize twice a day.

Anyway, thanks for the help on this /skin/, i didn't post much but I realized the value of good skin from you my dudes.

I will never have pic related tier skin though

>> No.11725136

I kinda lost my libido after having these breakouts. No alteration after the xanax (I am taking half of a pill in alternated days). Maybe things will get back to normal after that crap fades.

>> No.11725190 [DELETED] 

Even if these pictures really made the almost invisible dots on your face "look better" they're still almost invisible dots IRL. I'm sure that your situation is not as bad as you think it is.
It seems to me that your major problem is coping with the fact that no human skin is 100% perfect, no one here can help you simple because we're not anime characters, every human has a few skin spots and marks. No one in history has ever saw an absolutely flawless skin tissue, i work in a histology lab and i can assure you this.
Therefore it's useless to worry about things that no person can achieve, as much as worrying about not being able to breath in space or not having wings

>> No.11725194

Even if these pictures really made the almost invisible dots on your face "look better" they're still almost invisible dots IRL. I'm sure that your situation is not as bad as you think it is.
It seems to me that your major problem is coping with the fact that no human skin is 100% perfect, no one here can help you simply because we're not anime characters, every human has a few skin spots and marks. No one in history has ever saw an absolutely flawless skin tissue, i work in a histology lab and i can assure you this.
Therefore it's useless to worry about things that no person can achieve, as much as worrying about not being able to breathe in space or not having wings

>> No.11725226

I am aware of this. Every person that lives with me told me my problem is psychological, not dermatological.

My main issue is that before this breakout I had somehow flawless skin. I felt confident enough to look myself in the mirror under bright light without foundation and to pull my hair behind my ears.

Now everything is gone and all I can hope for is for my next peel session and pray that she uses a harsher acid.

Are you an undergrad? I am also studying biology, however I am in a Plant Ecology lab.

>> No.11725417

>Every person that lives with me told me my problem is psychological, not dermatological

And you're not listening to this, why?

>> No.11725663
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I have a lot of acne in that area of my face. How can I treat that?

>> No.11725706

Because I enjoy perfection and I cannot live fully without it.

>> No.11725713

>Now everything is gone and all I can hope for is for my next peel session and pray that she uses a harsher acid.
>pray that she uses a harsher acid.

Harsher acid =/= better results, in fact, going too harsh might damage your skin.

Reading your posts and looking at your pics it seems like your issue is very psychological and it seems you have a dysmorphic view of your skin and possibly of yourself as a whole.

I think you should seek a professional, possibly a better professional than the one that gave you xanax without any complimentary treatment.

Your skin looks fine, btw.

>> No.11725726

No professional gave me xanax, I am taking from a member of my family I live with. Yeah, I know, I know. The few times I needed it, or else I would lose my mind.

Which acid would you recommend, then?

I was between TCA, salicystic and glycolic acid. But of course that my dermatologist will end up deciding by herself.

But thank you for the compliment.

>> No.11725740

I couldn't find any "exfoliants" at my local drug mart. In a moment of frustration, I just bought a generic "acne wash" with 2% salicystic acid.

Did I just waste four bucks, or will this work as a chemical exfoliant? Trying to get rid of blackheads and oily skin specifically, not acne, but the active ingredient is the same. I think.

>> No.11725742

this, no matter what I do they still are there

>> No.11725781

Could just be sebaceous glands. I don't know if there's anything you can do about those but they bother me, too.

>> No.11725836

KEK This is so childish it hurts.
What you call "perfection" is just a ridiculously unrealistic goal that you pulled out of your ass and laid on an altar as if it was the most important thing in life. You sound like a futile and spoiled child who get nervous breakdowns whenever something don't go exactly as you want.
Just go outside and breath some fresh air, you may even find someone who cares about you as a person and not as a pretty flawless face.

>> No.11725935
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BHA, as in Stridex, is GOAT
(regardless of if they are blackheads or sebaceous filaments)

It's quite simple:
If you're feeling dry, then you probably need to moisturize more.
Your skin will generally tell you what it needs.

probably not. but if you feel like you could really benefit from products containing salicylic acid, then you could try doing some really careful spot testing.

chapstick, moisturizers, doing all the necessary tests beforehand and during.
it's one of the holy grails of dermatology. enjoy the results.

laser/RF treatments.
the "I'm poor so I'll try anything" option is repeated 0.5 mm dermarolling/microneedling.

not at all.
go with a standard routine to help manage acne, but it may be worthwhile for you to seek professional treatment. craterfaces can often benefit from initial accutane, sunscreen, and microneedling to even the shit out. then there's of course laser.


kein Problem
Amazon.de (Stridex, Cetaphil, und so weiter)

massaging. get that shit in there.

generally better for the body than the face though, since some people experience breakouts from it.

happy for you
we're all gonna make it

BP is the go-to treatment.

the sebaceous glands are the clusters of cells producing sebum in the skin. they're something you really want to have there. you may be confusing them with the term "sebaceous filaments".

>> No.11726055

>you may be confusing them with the term "sebaceous filaments".
Ah, yeah, I am.

Either way, I know for sure that I have quite a lot of little black dots on my nose and I wish to God they weren't as noticeable. I think they're filaments because those pore strips never did anything to them. I'm also really oily, which I think might not be a coincidence.

>> No.11726147
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Have pretty bad Keratosis pilaris rubra faceii (kprf) and was wondering where I'm left now. I tried laser treatments and many times, but they had zero effect. I still moisturize and use sunscreen, but it doesn't help much. Lately I've been thinking it may be caused by something in my gut and read somewhere about Betaine HCl. I don't eat particularly bad, but do you think it would have any sort of effect?
Is there anything else I should try?

>> No.11726686

where can I get BP in the UK

>> No.11726961

Is there an overall goat moisturizer?

>> No.11726967

why do you wanna moisturize your goats

>> No.11726982

Head and SHoulders max strength is GoaT when it comes to dandruff

>> No.11728540

have you considered makeup?

>> No.11728575

Is an organic tomato barsoap for the face a good idea? Its supposed to be rich in AHA and claims to help tighten pores.

>> No.11729428


>> No.11729644

Which Paula's Choice range do I buy?

Please delete this. It is highly offensive

>> No.11729836
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This shit works amazing if you have acne, trust me. You can also use the one with 5% if you want. easy to find and cheap to buy on amazon

>> No.11729843

Should I be keeping Tea Tree Oil in the fridge?

Also, thank you so much for all you do. You've been a beacon of knowledge in these threads and I just wanted to let you know that I'm super grateful.

>> No.11729854

medicine, and ammonium lactate try those out.

>> No.11729858

a wash and exfoliant are completely different. One scrubs off dead skin and the other just cleans the surface of the skin.

>> No.11729868

you cant get rid of oily skin, you can only live with it. uses face masks dont do any of the make this at home stuff cause you will more then likely cause more harm than good

>> No.11729874

i understand where youre coming from and i hate the way my face looks from my breakouts. the best way to clear up your face is to us rugby acne medication 5. i posted it a second ago and it will clear up your face in a few weeks.

>> No.11730105 [DELETED] 

Does putting this shit on your face actually do anything?

Do you mix it with water or apple cider vinegar?

How often do you use it? How long do you leave it before washing? Do you cleanse before applying? After? Before and after?

>> No.11730109
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Does putting this shit on your face actually do anything?

Do you mix it with water or apple cider vinegar?

How often do you use it? How long do you leave it before washing? Do you cleanse before applying? After? Before and after?

>> No.11730238
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I just bought the 5 of this. What do you product do you recommend using afterwards to mitigate dryness? I have pic related, will that work?

>> No.11730276

Fuck's sake. I guess I'll just have to dump this stuff somewhere, then.
What does an exfoliant have in it that makes it different from a wash, then, if not the "active ingredients"?
My face has not always been this fucking nasty. And if nothing can "fix" it, what's the point of using a face mask?
(If using a face mask regularly will keep my skin from becoming oily, I can count that as "fixing" it.)

>> No.11730294
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Generally, I use aztec secret once a week.
1. cleanse (cerave hydrating cleanser)
2. clay mask (just mix with water, acv is voodoo and messes with your pH)
3. shower (sometimes I cleanse again to get all the clay off)
4. moisturize
5. moisturize more
6. wait half an hour, then BP, SA, and adapalene

I've been doing this routine for like 3 years and it works p well for me

>> No.11730585
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Rate my skincare regime. I've finalised it after about 6 or so months of experimenting with different products from the Paulas Choice (GOAT for skincare) ranges. Skin is looking fantastic, will look much better in a couple of weeks from now when I'm being consistent and constantly hydrated. In addition to this, I have a 10% AHA Weekly retexturising chemical exfoliant to be used every saturday and a 4% BHA weekly foam to be used every sunday.

I started out with just the Acne range, but quickly expanded from there. I tried the 'extra strength' range but it honestly isn't any different. I switched out the 2% BHA for the one from the Skin Perfecting range because it's better formulated and higher rated.

>> No.11730666

You shouldn't be applying BP and SA after morsturising. You should also cleanse out of the shower. For maximum efficiency to your already good skincare routine, try cleansing, then using SA (no need to wait) followed by BP, wait 10 mins and then apply moisturiser. Benzoyl peroxide ideally needs to sit on the skin for 5-15 mins so that it can fully oxidise and kill the acne bacteria.

An exfoliant, either chemical or physical, works to remove excess dead skin at the surface (and more deeply, if chemical). The wash (or better name, cleanser) cleans out dirt and oil from your pores, the two serve different functions.

As for the oiliness situation, a good face mask (Like the Skin-Balancing one from PC) considerably reduces oiliness especially when used frequently (bi-weekly or so). In addition, PC makes an oil-control 'shine-stopper' that works absolutely amazingly for oily skin (I've used it - with a makeup sponge - and it is actually the best thing to completely stop oiliness all day).

A moisteriser, quite simply. Neutrogena is a good brand for them because they never contain anything irritating like fragrance. CeraVe also make them, experiment and find something that works for you! Just remember that the one you use in the morning NEEDS to contain SPF of at least 15 (even in winter!) to stop UV damage and prevent early aging as best you can.

I've never used it because it seems like a glorified face mask, which it probably is. But you would probably just cleanse your skin, apply it and leave it for 10-15 minutes and then wash off then follow with the rest of your routine.

This is not true, constant and effective skincare reduces pore size and can significantly regulate oil production.

No, there is no need.

This is simply 10% BP, nothing special. However, it is above the standard 5% which can cause excessive dryness and redness without considerable results.

>> No.11730695

NO. AHAs are useless in a cleanser and are only making the product more expensive. AHAs need to be applied so they can soak into the skin. Definitely consider an actual facial cleanser like that of CeraVe or Paulas Choice because these are specifically designed for delicate yet effective removal of dirt and oil from the face.

Paulas Choice, Acne.org and many other companies ship worldwide.

Consider using a more delicate skincare regime that incorporates aloe vera and other calming ingredients. Paulas Choice recently released such a line called 'Calm', consider trying it out.

(sidenote: I'm not affiliated with Paulas Choice, I just really like how honest they are with descriptions, ingredients and strategies. They base all their products upon known dermatological studies and hire 100s of them to work for them in developing these products)

>> No.11730734

Thanks. I appreciate it anon.

>> No.11730781

Consider, if you're not already, making use of chemical exfoliants like AHA and BHA not just for your nose, but all over your face (and neck, decollete etc.) will result in smaller noticeable imperfections in the skin over time.

As I said above, AHA (Salicyclic Acid) is useless in a cleanser because it needs time to soak into the skin. Don't throw away what you bought, though (guessing it's clean and clear or something), because it probably is better than doing nothing.

Just so you know, it IS possible to get the skin of your dreams (Search up Jeffree Star, he's a skincare GOD and his skin literally looks photoshopped). It just requires dedication, consistency, time and most importantly, money.

Develop a skincare regime that is suited for your skin type and effective for what you want to treat (acne, in this case).

Many people report it being a cause of breakouts because it's not designed to be used on the face. It also doesn't contain any antioxidants or other beneficial ingredients that you would find in a good quality moisteriser.

Liquid products like toners and some SA products should be applied using a cotton pad (swisspers eco-friendly are GOAT because they literally do. not. tear. and are also the same price as the regular type). Gels, moisterisers, mousses etc. should be applied however feels most effective. For instance, some products, if massaged too thoroughly, can bead up and essentially not absorb in.

No matter the skincare routine, typically anything is better than nothing. Lush is notoriously bad for using incredibly irritating products like fragrance in their products which entirely counteract their benefits in skincare. Opt for more reputable brands like CeraVe, Paulas Choice, Neutrogena etc.

>> No.11730827

What this person said. DIY skincare is never going to be as effective as well-formulated and specially designed products.

Exfoliation, if chemcial, should be done every day, morning and night, for maximum results (less so if sensitivity becomes an issue). Physical exfoliation should be exclusive to the body because they typically are far less effective than chemical exfoliants for the face. Make certain that your cleanser is a cleanser and not a soap. Body soap is not designed for the face and can do much more harm than good. You should be using an astringent/toner every day, morning and night, for maximum results. Consider adding a topical treatment like Bezoyl Peroxide if dealing with acne or chemical exfoliant to give your regime some 'oomf'.

Laser is definitely the best option. However, regular massage and exercise have been proven effective in reducing and, in some cases, diminishing cellulite.

If your skin is so bad that you are considering Accutane, then you should have gone much earlier. Otherwise, an effective skincare regime will clear up acne. You need to give your skin plenty of time (~3 months) to fully adjust to all the products you're using. Stick with a consistent and effective skincare regime for this time and make sure to stay very well hydrated and there will be a difference.

Hydogen peroxide has no significant skincare benefits and probably shouldn't be used in your skincare regime. See a dermatologist and use less harsh chemicals in your regime.

As I stated earlier, frequent use of a well-developed face mask in addition to a light moisteriser and well-designed oil-absorber like PCs 'shine stopper' (GOAT) or blotting paper will reduce oiliness.

Definitely stay well away from Salicyclic acid if you are allergic to aspirin, do not use it until you have checked with a dermatologist that it is safe for you.

>> No.11730882

>This is not true, constant and effective skincare reduces pore size and can significantly regulate oil production.
Thank you, Satan, I was actually worried for a second there.
I'm actually >>11725740, >>11730276, AND >>11726055, so thanks and thanks a third time I suppose.
You're saying I shouldn't throw out the salicystic acid cleanser, then? I'm mostly just confused, because I thought I read at one point (in the pastebin, I thought) that either BHA or AHA was just a fancy name for salicystic acid so I thought it would work as a chemical exfoliant. I've been leaving it to soak in for a couple seconds each time I've used it, because again I thought it was an exfoliant. The stuff I have now is Drug Mart generic "Acne Wash" with 2% salicystic acid, but I already have a cleanser so I don't want to be redundant with it.

As a living oil-slick, what kind of moisturizer should I be using? The pastebin suggests that I dilute my moisturizer, but also that oily skin can be the result of NOT ENOUGH moisturizer, which seems kinda contradictory. What am I supposed to do?

>> No.11730935

>As I said above, AHA (Salicyclic Acid)

Salicylic acid is a BHA, not an AHA

>> No.11730982
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I usually use Dermalogica for everything, but I bought this meme cleanser recently and I'm actually really surprised. It's great for removing makeup and really getting skin clean without stripping it of moisture. I have very clear skin, but it's quite dry. If I used this all the time, I'd have to probably exfoliate more often than I would with Dermalogica

>> No.11731006

Your daytime moisteriser should include an spf of atleast 15. If it doesn't, applying a sunscreen after your moisteriser will do fine as well. As another poster said, if the sunscreen itself is enough moisterisation, then don't bother using a moisteriser before applying it. When you run out of the sunscreen, try switching to a moisteriser with spf.

Head and Shoulders is a well-known brand for dandruff. And it should be, as it's one of the most effective solutions to dry scalp and dandruff.
As for the veganism, as long as you are maintaining a healthy diet , there is no need to switch to veganism. It's only great for health if the alternative was an unhealthy diet.

I'll attempt to answer any questions to the best of my abilities.

>> No.11731049

If you really wanted to, you could replace the cleanser with one that contains more effective and targeted ingredients like that of CeraVe Moisterising Cleanser or Paulas Choice Pore-Reducing Cleanser. If you're budget doesn't allow it, then stick with the cleanser you have ATM because it's not bad, it's just not good. However, I would advise against letting it soak in because you'll then be washing it off afterwards so that defeats the purpose. Salicyclic Acid is actually, as I understand it, a type of BHA. They aren't the same thing, but they achieve the same objective - I couldn't give you another example of an BHA, though, so maybe they are the same thing. If you want SA to be effective, you need to buy something like Paulas Choice 2% or those SA wipes everyone seems to be a fan of. After applying to your face, neck, decollete etc. you then go on with the rest of your skincare without washing it off. Additionally, another reason I'd advise against letting your cleanser soak in is because it's not supposed to be used like that, and can actually clog pores rather than removing dirt and oil from them, always use the product as directed. AHA stands for Alpha Hydroxy Acid and is a group of cosmetic exfoliants, the most prominent being glycolic acid. BHA stands for Beta Hydroxy Acid and is another group of cosmetic chemical exfoliants the most prominent being Salicyclic acid.
I hope I answered that well.

To address your oiliness situation, I would use only a single 'pump' of your moisteriser, anything more is excessive. Companies make these pumps because they are giving the consumer a recommended amount to use. In addtion to using just one pump, I would make use of oil-blotting papers and seriously consider purchasing PCs 'Shine Stopper' and some makeup sponges to apply it, because it works absolute wonders for oily skin. If your budget doesn't allow it, try oil-blotting paper or simply, facial tissue of some kind to dab away the oil.

>> No.11731055

tl;dr if your budget allows, buy PCs Pore-Reducing Cleanser and some SA wipes or SA and cotton pads to apply it with. Buy PCs 'Shine Stopper' or use oil-blotting paper.

>> No.11731063

My apologies, I did mean BHA

What is your question, exactly?

>> No.11731263 [DELETED] 

>I'm also really oily, which I think might not be a coincidence

It affects them in the way that they come back more quickly.

But I think you're the one noticing them the most. Different kinds of small spots are very common in the nose area, and very few people inspect your skin in the way you probably inspect it - half a feet away in bright lighting.

TTO will definitely benefit from being stored in cold, dark, and airtight conditions - similarly to most other oils. It will significantly delay the expiration date.

TTO has a tendency to form some hazardous oxidation products, so storing it too long under the wrong conditions will increase the levels of these substances. They are generally quite irritating, as well as sensitizing.

This means that they could essentially make you develop a hypersensitivity (allergy) to these substances that occur naturally in the TTO at low levels. TTO does already contain these things that could make you hypersensitive - it's just that the levels are tolerably low for ordinary use - and the levels of these substances increase when you store it improperly.

If you're planning on using it all up within a few months you don't /need/ to store it cold, but you shouldn't use that much TTO in that short a time anyways - so you should still keep it in proper storage.

tl;dr: yes.

>> No.11731271

>I'm also really oily, which I think might not be a coincidence

It affects them in the way that they come back more quickly.

But I think you're the one noticing them the most. Different kinds of small spots are very common in the nose area, and very few people inspect your skin in the way you probably inspect it - half a feet away in bright lighting.

TTO will definitely benefit from being stored in cold, dark, and airtight conditions - similarly to most other oils. It will significantly delay the expiration date.

TTO has a tendency to form some hazardous oxidation products, so storing it too long under the wrong conditions will increase the levels of these substances. They are generally quite irritating, as well as sensitizing.

This means that they could essentially make you develop a hypersensitivity (allergy) to these substances that occur naturally in the TTO at low levels. TTO does already contain these things that could make you hypersensitive - it's just that the levels are tolerably low for ordinary use - and the levels of these substances increase when you store it improperly.

If you're planning on using it all up within a few months you don't /need/ to store it cold, but you shouldn't use that much TTO in that short a time anyways - so you should still keep it in proper storage.

tl;dr: yes.

Thanks btw. I just made the sticky because I'm lazy.

>> No.11731280
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>I believe in taking care of myself, and a balanced diet and a rigorous exercise routine. In the morning, if my face is a little puffy, I'll put on an ice pack while doing my stomach crunches. I can do a thousand now. After I remove the ice pack, I use a pore normalizing cleanser. Then a pore-reducing toner, followed by a skin-perfecting 2% BHA liquid. Then I apply a skin clearing treatment, which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. This is followed by a vitamin C booster, an ultra-light antioxidant serum, and finally a sun-protecting moisturizing lotion. I always use an oil-free lotion with SPF 15 or higher, because sun damage destroys your collagen and makes you look older.

>> No.11731298

Is this supposed to mock me?

>> No.11731349

Woah friend thank you for the advice, trying out more massaging and exercise now.

>> No.11731361

So charcoal masks- are they any good ? I'm new to masks (only recently started trying out some hydrating ones) and noticed recently that my exfoliator doesn't completely help clear up my skin anymore. It's been an exfoliant that ive used for about a year now.
I heard charcoal masks (especially diy ones with glue and charcoal) helps clear out sebaceous shit as well as anything your exfoliator hadn't caught.
I've also heard theyre extremely drying too, unless used with a moisturiser.
Is this any true? Has any one used them? If not, can anyone reccomend me something different?

>> No.11731370

au contraire

>> No.11731387
File: 12 KB, 258x354, 1469688825800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its a section from the American Psycho book edited to be more like a skincare regimen. Its supposed to be like a weird compliment whenever people respond with this, showing that you have really good advice/regimen.
Like a nice get.
I, uh, hope that clears up the confusion. I love that copypasta. It's literally been a reminder for me to keep up sticking to my routine.

>> No.11731399

Shit I didn't even know this was a copypasta, what kind of responding to shit was so cash newfag have I become

>> No.11731416

I've not tried them but in all honesty working on having a solid skincare regime is better than using various masks to clear up your skins issues. If your exfoliator isn't clearing up your skin completely then I'd definitely recommend you try both BHA and AHA chemical exfoliants as the work wonders when paired. I've certainly used my fair share of drying masks and unless you follow with a good amount of moisteriser, you tend to run very dry the next few days (especially if you're particularly dry). The best non-drying but incredibly effective mask I've used is PCs Oil-Absorbing Mask. It comes in a massive tube as well as sample sizes so you can try it out if you want (Just be sure to get 2 or 3, 1s probably not enough to cover the whole face). It's really good if you're feeling particularly oily (I tend to use it biweekly in summer) or if you're just an oily person in general you could bump it up to twice a week.

>> No.11731436

I don't ask questions in these threads. I have my skincare sorted out. I was just providing a review as someone with dry skin or who wears makeup for the sake of perspective, since a lot of people here talk about acne or combination skin

>> No.11731449

Thank you so much! I will keep that into consideration - I have a harsher case of combination skin (really oily and really dry) so when I do use that face mask I can layer it on my more oily areas?
(Funny, my exfoliator is BHA - I will definitely try out using it with an AHA one. )
A-and welcome back to the board!
(you made it sound like in >>11731399 you haven't been on in a while. I barely go on the skincare threads so...)

>> No.11731451

I love that shit, its so cash.

>> No.11731485

You're welcome! I've got combination skin as well and I simply use little on my cheeks and more on my T-zone, wait 15 minutes and then wash it off. I cleanse first, then pat dry and apply the mask and then after washing it off continue with my skincare regime. Yeah I haven't been on /fa/ for a while (~1 or 2 months) but I usually sit in skincare threads and laugh about Dick Ovens. I've done sooo much research into skincare I feel like I may as well help other people who haven't.

>> No.11731518
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alright faggots, first time posting here so you better give legit advice. how do i get rid of this shit?

>> No.11731545

Stop shaving over it.

>> No.11731553

i dont shave dumbass

>> No.11731560

the man is trying to help you out and you call him names
come on bro
wash your face daily and/or go to a dermatologist

>> No.11731570

and i dont want to be treated like im an idiot... ofc i dont shave over my acne, why would anyone do that?

>> No.11731579

see a fucking dermatologist.

>> No.11731594

Great fucking advice idiots. I was hoping for some home remedies so I wouldn't have to go to the dermatologist in the first place.

Useless board

>> No.11731620

>go on skincare thread to post lowres picture
>expects diagnosis and remedies
Fucking post your skincare routine, any ectraneous notes ("i have oily/combo skin!) and maybe any changes on diet first and then people will talk. You get nowhere by just posting a picture and expecting results.
This isn't soc or r9k where shittalk breeds discussion. You need to give us a reason to give a fuck so we can see where we can relate and give advice.

>> No.11731649

Products that exfoliate in German are often called Peeling.

Like STHLM wrote, chemical exfoliants are better for your skin in the long term because physically exfoliating (von einem mechanischem Peeling durch z.B. Mikrokugeln) will tear and scar your skin. You can get Stridex pads, which are really highly recommended in these threads, on amazon.de, though they're fairly pricy for what they are.

Some skincare brands are more easily accessible in the EU (Clarins, Origins, Avene), but finding BHAs can be tricky. Paula's Choice has an entire German site and I'd probably recommend going that route if you want to find an exfoliant that works. When you're looking for an exfoliant, look for something without Microkügelchen and with Glykolsäure oder Salicylsäure.


>> No.11731736
File: 1.15 MB, 1561x1079, skin routine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this for a simple routine?

Another question is what's the best way to heal damaged/scabbed zits from picking? The raw area is usually surrounded by dry skin and hard to use concealer on. I used to be a much worse picker and have been getting better, but it still happens sometimes.

My pimples seem to mostly be on my forehead, temples and lower cheek around mouth corner.

Thanks a lot guys

>> No.11731780

You need a much stronger SPF than 15 for your daytime.

>> No.11731812
File: 14 KB, 301x353, autismal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you apply an Essence in both day and night routines or should it only be applied during the night?

>> No.11731839

If you let us know what you're doing skincare wise ATM as well as useful things like whether you're oily, dry or combination, it'll help us help you!

Great! However, just check the packaging on the salicyclic acid and make sure you're not supposed to apply it before moisterising, as it's often the case (this could just be a product I'm unfamiliar with). Honestly, to heal scab wounds, the best way is time, patience and self-control. Pick up another habit like chewing on a pencil or playing with a rubix cube (there's plenty of websites that have these sorts of 'therapeutic toys' to help stop picking). Continue a consistent routine and you'll be on your way to clear skin. Also consider adding a 2.5% Benzoyl Peroxide treatment as it can dramatically improve the clarity of your skin, the same goes for a BHA exfoliant, but try the BP first.

It's just getting out of winter (in Aus) and so I'm beginning to switch it up to spf 30 and eventually spf 50. Don't worry, i know what I'm doing :)

>> No.11731849

Oops, meant to reply to this as well. You can definitely use an essence (or serum) both day and night, depending on your needs. I personally find that my cheeks and jaw get drier especially during winter so I use my moisterising and anti-aging serum during the day too! I also use my vitamin C booster during the day to really even out the skin's tone.

>> No.11731876

Would the 2.5% Benzoyl Peroxide treatment you're talking about be a spot treatment or more of a cream I put all over my face before bed after the witch hazel?

Thanks man

>> No.11731901

You could do either, however, the all over cream is more effective because it delivers oxygen to the whole face and to pimples that haven't even been formed yet, thus giving you less acne generation overall. You would apply the BP after toning and chemical exfoliation, but before moisterising. Ensure you give your skin about 10 mins before applying moisteriser so that the BP can oxidise the acne bacteria properly. In addition, this can be done in the morning routine as well, but you can cut back to just at night if your skin gets overly dry (some dryness is typical)

>> No.11731910

If you're looking for a reccomendation, I would suggest Paulas Choice 2.5% Bezoyl Peroxide or Acne.org's 2.5% BP. Both are reputable brands, however ProZac or whatever is convenient should be just as effective. I would stay with 2.5% because increasing it usually just irritates the skin more without significant results.

>> No.11732106
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Alright thanks a lot man.

About to cop pic related from amazon. And just to clarify, the red stridex pads go into the chemical exfoliating category and should be done not every day?

>> No.11732311
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helps me outs peeps, I am wondering if going out and tanning is a good way to get to skin complexion to be even? i've got soft, clean, skin, but it all looks terrible because it is all different shades. for example forehead is darker than cheeks, which are darker than around the mouth etc etc. Also will chemical peels fix skin complexion? are there any laser surgeries or anything like that?

>> No.11732570
File: 50 KB, 600x300, Chemical-Peel-Acne-Redondo-Beach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I don't really have much of an acne problem anymore but my facial skin isn't as smooth as I would like and there is a bit of discoloration. In low light this isn't really an issue but in normal or bright light situations it really stands out. I also used to suffer from extremely dry skin. Now it has flipped over the years since I moved from a desert back to the East Coast and now I have extremely oily skin, especially my nose.

So I am interested in trying some of the glycolic acid peels. I have tried the Reviva Labs 5% and 10% acid creams and they didn't do anything at all. I felt the slight tingly sensation from it but other than that it hasn't helped my skin. One thing I did notice was that when I did the egg white + lemon peel, when it dried and became clear my face looked flawless. But as soon as I rinsed it off you could see all the discoloration and small red bumps here and there again. Any glycolic acid peels that yall recommend?

Thank you.

>> No.11732680

Which brand of rosehip oil do you use? Also how do you apply?

>> No.11732971

Lads, what do you think of an organic body bar soap that has the following materials?
>Glycerine, distilled water, myristic acid, marine collagen, licorice, alpha arbutin, peppermint essential oil, vitamin E?
>doesnt lather up easily since organic
>claims to help make skin whiter

I get tanned due to living in a tropical country, and I would like to get my extremeties whiter. Usually, the go to advice from where I live is Kojic acid + body moisturizing lotion. When I researched people who used the organic soap, they all seemed please with it, but it didn't really lighten them or whatsoever. Some claimed --maybe-- it will only do changes if you use it for years. I'm torn because the organic soap's materials gets hyped a lot and I might be missing out on a lot of things. Kojic also made me have upper bacnes.

>> No.11733001
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>doesnt lather up easily since organic

>> No.11733004

Woops forgive my errors master i am merely a peasant

>> No.11733161

will bio oil give me breakouts?

i need something to help with PIH

>> No.11733507
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I've tried everything. Just fuck my shit up.

>> No.11733553


>> No.11733587

Is skin care even still important if you're not that good looking in the first place?

>> No.11733591

Yes. Or else you will look disgusting.

''Do I need to shower if I am not handsome?''

>> No.11733606

I imagine your skin looks like that because of uneven sun exposure. If this is the case my advice would be to use every day a high SPF sunscreen. But if this is not the case, I think getting a tan could make things worse. Go to a dermatologist and ask him about chemical peels. Or google search for ''peel uneven skin tone'', anything related and check for better procedures.

>> No.11733614

''Chemical or Laser:

Uneven skin pigmentation is a common concern with many causes and many treatments. Your doctor should be someone who is experienced treating those conditions. Stick with physicians (dermatology or plastic surgery) rather than medi-spas or primary care doctors. Your heritage and complexion means that some common treatments (intense pulsed light) may not be suitable for you.

After evaluation and diagnosis, your doctor may start with a skin care program in which you regularly apply specific products. Hydroquinone helps reduce hyperpigmentation. Retin-A and glycolic acid products can help. We have good success with the Obagi product line.www.expertplasticsurgeon.com/html/skin.html

Some types of lasers or chemical peels may be beneficial for you, but I would start with other methods first.''


>> No.11733632

Get a facial extraction at a salon or at a dermatological clinic. Go to a decent salon, sometimes the person doing the job is not a certified professional.

I don't really like it as it is a very invasive procedure and may leave marks.

>> No.11733743

The stridex pads contain Salicyclic Acid (a chemical exfoliant) and give the best benefits when used day and night.

Chemical exfoliation in a well-formulated routine that includes sun protection during the day will almost certainly help to even skin tone. Consider a serum like that of Paulas Choice C15 Booster which progressively evens skin tone.

Paulas Choice has an extensive range of AHA products (which is what you seek), they range from daily 8% treatments to weekly 10% treatments. If you aren't already, consider adding a BHA exfoliant in addition to your glycolic acid (AHA), as the two work wonders together.

'Organic' soaps like these are almost always big gimmicks that make their way through skincare blogs and other media. These include the apple cider vinegar craze, silver soap and DIY skincare. The problem is that they do not deliver consistent results because they are so full of potentially irritating products. Peppermint oil, for example, is known to irritate the skin because it can cause the sensation of excessive cooling which fools the user into thinking that the product is 'calming'. Stay away from these 'organics' and go with dermatalogically researched and well-made cleanser specifically designed to gently remove dirt and oil without drying the face.
As for the whitening, using high rated spf products and avoiding direct sunlight will stop your body from naturally tanning. To speed up the process, try physical bodily exfoliation like from that of a cleansing puff or loofah.

Bio oil is another of these skincare myths and crazes. You will see much more dramatic results from a well-formulated and consistent skincare routine than any product that tells you its results are quicker.

>> No.11733749

Incorporating regular chemical exfoliation in a well-formulated skincare regime will significantly decrease the appearance of these pores. For a more permanent solution, laser and other treatments can be achieved through a dermatologist's recommendation.

Yes. You would be surprised how much of a difference flawless skin makes in the beauty of humans, it's why all models have perfect, photoshopped skin, because it's something we strife for.
Explained it well.

>> No.11733840 [DELETED] 
File: 324 KB, 2048x1536, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recommended to come here to these threads from /tg/. My girlfriend said I should work on my face a little.


>> No.11733850

Im surprised you can even get a girlfriend with a face like that

good for you anon

>> No.11733857 [DELETED] 

Thanks. I met her on Wow when she was 16. We've been together for 4 years. I'm 27 now.

>> No.11733859
File: 28 KB, 500x375, 0f00d0d8896e750947df0a0f8e530216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I'm not. He's famous on the internet after all.

Why you gotta pick on /tg/ like that, man? What did we ever do to you?

>> No.11734020
File: 296 KB, 1536x1024, o-ACNE-STRESS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone stared taking supplements that are indirectly or directly related to hormonal acne?

My breakouts are usually related to periods of extreme anxiety and stress. I have a very oily skin but take care of it with good products and eat well (avoiding lactose at the moment, eat plenty of veggies, fruits and whole wheat products).

I also usually don't break out with [spoilers]periods[spoilers]

I was thinking of zinc, in order to minimize the chances of said breakouts. Any other tips?

>> No.11734025


And here is my source, if anyone is interested:


>> No.11734028


>> No.11734068

i'm extremely fair skinned and I made the mistake of laying on my porch one hot ass day a few years ago without any sunscreen and I have these two brownish strips by my nose (it kind of looks like a mustache except none of it is actually directly under my nose, if that makes sense). I've tried everything, Vit C serum, rosehip oil, dry brushing, etc etc and it's maybe slightly faded away but not completely.

I don't get pigmentation from acne and I have pretty good skin regardless, I'd say it's normal, just white as hell. Any experience getting rid of this stuff?

>> No.11734069
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>> No.11734443
File: 506 KB, 4488x1308, Routine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to keep my skin clean and clear from the odd pimple while fading some discoloration. How is my routine?

Am I layering correctly and are my products good for those goals?

>> No.11734602

: ^) thx u

>> No.11734631
File: 5 KB, 233x216, imgres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any experience with Epiduo here?

I have my actual acne under control after all these years. I just use water most days and cetaphil gentle before I shave then a moisturizer.

But I still get a stubborn zit here or there every couple days, as well as dark spots and a bad complexion in general.

BP always works for the zits so I figured Epiduo would be a solid choice to kill resistant acne as well as smooth my complexion (Adapalene).

Again, any experience with this shit anons? I have sensitive, combo skin (oily T zone, dry cheeks)

>> No.11734702

Thanks for the help, man!

>> No.11734809

>skin finally starts clearing up
>out of nowhere patch of dead skin appears right behind front right hairline
>try head and shoulders which has worked in the past, nothing
>try max strength coal tar dandruff solution, no dice and I smell like an old person

I can't win /fa/. My PIH has started to look at worse too. What do I even do at this point? I'm going to stop using Mane and Tail as it's the only thing in my routine I've changed.

>> No.11734846

>Mane and Tail
Why...just why...that destroyed my friend's hair. He's a slave to deep conditioners now.

>> No.11734862

Long story short, memes. I'm going to pick up some rosehip oil for my face after scanning the thread.

>> No.11734864

Anything I do can do fade circumcision scars?

>> No.11734914
File: 544 KB, 1334x1563, 23721827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try Nizoral dude; cleared literally all of my scalp problems.

Leave it on in the shower for ~5min. You can pick it up at Walmart. It's expensive but worth it.

>> No.11735329

eat meat if you want but stop eating dairy for three months and see how your skin is doing. Cleared my acne and I get complimented on my skin regularly

>> No.11735459
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>recently just got orange-ish stains on white undershirt
Should I make the switch from OldSpice Fiji to Arm n Hammer unscented aluminum free antiperspirant?

>> No.11735964

Uh the aloe gel's is considered medium moisturizer, or gel. Emulsion = lotion = light moisturizer. Not sure if u need that for night. Looks like a lot of product, but shld be OK. I used to do honey masks with actual raw honey

>> No.11736357
File: 468 KB, 1500x1500, 11917-cerave-moisturizing-lotion-12-fl-oz-image-3-raw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a more affordable alternative to this shit? I'm not trying to pay 10 dollars for 12 ounces.

>> No.11736360

Same problemo but mine are darker and more noticable.

Trying Stridex. Pore strips do nothing.

>> No.11736365
File: 215 KB, 395x990, bc3PrFR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Walmart has a dupe of it.

Googled and found this review.


They also introduced a new line called Aquation with similar ingredients that I'm eager to try.


Might be what you're looking for.

>> No.11736374

Family Dollar makes a store brand of this that's exactly the same FYI. Saves a shit load of money.

>> No.11736378


>> No.11736546

If you're diet is balanced and consisting of healthy food such as those you listed, there's probably no need to add supplements. If you still wish to add them, consult a dermatologist who will prescribe what they believe will help you the most.

Laser sounds like the best treatment for you. If, after consistent application of chemical exfoliants and other helpful chemicals like those you used, the scars/spots are still visible, it may be time to see a dermatologist and see what they recommend.

A significant amount of your skincare is based on organic solutions, which, for some people, tend to work just as normal solution, typically do not get close to the results achieve from formulated skincare products. They alos use a lot of buzzwords like 'snail solution' and 'bee venom' which imply that they are natural yet effective, which is simply not true. The exfoliation you are doing (i.e. physical) is very harsh on your face and, if frequently used, can lead to microtears in the skin which leads to hypersensitivy and excessive redness over time. You could definitely benefit from switching to an AHA or BHA (or preferably, both) chemical exfoliant which can be used daily to achieve better results. I looked up the cleansers that you use, and they both contain some irritating products like fragrance and artificial colours which are notoriously bad for the skin. Consider to switching to a single yet effective cleanser from a brand with good reputation to gently remove all the dirt and oil from your skin. Also, the order that you apply your products at night time would imply that you wash off your toner, emulsion and essence effectively making them useless. Consider using your sheetmask before all these but after cleansing so that your products can soak in overnight. However, you may not feel the need to use an aloevera cream at night (or in the morning) after you remove the cleansers which (IMO) are irritating your skin.

>> No.11736570

Epiduo is not much different than the BP product you are probably using. If you want to go for a more simplistic approach, definitely switch out your BP product for 2 months or so and see how your skin changes. For a more effective approach, add a BHA and/or an AHA chemical exfoliant to even skin tone and prevent and reduce acne. In addition, consider adding vitamin c to dramatically brighten and even the skin tone. You should be using a cleanser every morning and night, they are designed to remove oil and dirt effectively yet gently.

If you have a single patch of dry skin on your scalp, consider sleeping with an intense moisteriser (like that of eucarin, vasoline etc.) on just that area and it should slowly return to the skin's normal texture. Consistent use of a through, gentle and moisterising haircare routine should prevent anything else out of the ordinary to occur. Also, make sure you aren't changing your routine every 2 weeks or so because your skin needs time to adapt to what you are doing to it (unless, of course, drastic side effects occur from a product).

See a dermatologist. Do not even consider any DIY or even over-the-counter products to deal with scarring in what can be such a sensitive area.

Stains on the pits of a T-shirt can result from either sweat build-up, excessive deodorant application or simply, a bad quality t-shirt. You can prevent this by applying more deodorant during the night (where it can be absorbed better) and less during the day, so that discolouration is kept to a minimum. The deodorant you described (Arm and Hammer) does seem to be known for being effective yet considerate on clothes, so try what I said application wise before moving to the alternative.

>> No.11736572
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Impressive. Very nice

What is the difference between the Skin Balancing and the Clean series? They are described as being anti blemish/breakout and anti acne, respectively. Isn't that the same thing?

On their webzone it looks like Skin Perfecting is just the name given to the exfoilants of the Skin Balancing range?

Also isn't there something about AHA and BHA not working together?

>> No.11736656

The Clear range is specifically targeted at a younger audience because it combines BHA chemical exfoliation and Benzoyl Peroxide as well as a single, very efficient yet gentle cleanser to ideally clear up acne in as few products as possible (teens aren't expected to cleanse, tone, exfoliate, moisterise and use serums) so they combine everything into 3 products, it also acts as an entry point to Paulas Choice products (i.e. how I got in haha). The Skin balancing series aims to rectify overly oily or dry skin, as I recall. It's range is not as effective at treating acne (no BP), but is ideal to 'balance' the skin and restore hydration where possible and remove excessive oiliness where possible in addition to smoothing skin. Skin Perfecting is more or less the name that Paulas Choice categorise their exfoliants (both BHA and AHA) that belong to no category. They exist so that people may pick and choose what is best for them (BHA, for example, comes in both gel and liquid for dry and oily skin respectively - same goes for AHA I believe). In fact, the opposite is true, AHA and BHA work incredibly well together, because, while BHA aims to clear and exfoliate deep into the pores, AHA focusses more so on the surface skin (which is why it typically makes the skin sensitive and sometimes reddened, sometimes stinging slightly). They can defnitely both be used at the same time, it's just important that the order of them (BHA then AHA) is kept and also that AHA is kept to a minimum during the daytime (or removed entirely) due to how it makes the skin very receptive to sunlight and can, if not treated correctly (with a good spf), overly redden and sometimes burn the skin over the day.

>> No.11736675

corpore sano, i just drip it on the fingers and spread across face before bed.
it actually werks for me so i'm happy, i stoped caring bout my acne/scars way ess and been happier ever since

>> No.11736696

ordered. I was using rose hip oil too mainly for hyperpigmentation and it didn't do anything, my skin is already soft so I didn't even notice that. I read that the darker, more golden the oil is the better it works, but in that case it didn't work.

>> No.11736709

hmm, well how long you'd use it for? I've been like... day 5 and I notice every morning I wake up my scars are getting a bit less red/visible

>> No.11736726
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So, Neutrogena any good?
Cousin recently bought me their Acne Control Therapy, its 20 bucks at the store, the cleanser is AHA and the moisturizer is oil-free with an spf of 15.
I've used a few Neutrogena products before, some with great results, some with shit results.
I'm curious what other's experiences are with Neutrogena.

>> No.11736747

this was going on a few months now, I would wait until my vit c serium and retinol would dry and then I would apply like you described. do you put on JUST the rosehip oil? i know it has a lot of vit a which is what retinol has, is applying both of them redundant?

>> No.11736780
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Best sunscreen for a very oily skin in a very humid and hot city?

I have tried several brands, all of them leave my skin shiny and as soon as I arrive at college or at any place I wash it away.

I was thinking of ordering pic related. Any other product recommendations?

It must be something easy to find at a drugstore or to ship, as I don't live in the USA or in Europe.

>> No.11736785
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>> No.11737037

Thx m8

>> No.11737071

from my limited knowledge you you don't want a cleanser to have AHA in it. An AHA is an exfoliant you use AFTER cleansing.

also, 20 bucks is expensive for what you're paying. it says right on the box it's a 2 month supply. I can get a cerave cleanser and moisturizer for 30 bucks and they'll last a full year

>> No.11737087

Should I use Benzoyl Peroxide after my skincare routine or something else?

>> No.11737162
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W-what are these lines on the skin on my collarbone? Is this like some weird form of cellulite or something?

>> No.11737172

have you been working out? they might be stretch marks

>> No.11737187

Nothing at the gym, I'm only 43 kgs and my doctor has reccomended against heavy exercise.
I walk and run about 3-5 miles per day.

>> No.11737309

Neutrogena is in general, shit-tier, especially when it comes to exfoliators. Cleansers containing AHA/BHAs are a total scam! the exfoliator needs to sit on the skin undisturbed for at least 20mins for it to get absorbed. In a cleanser it gets washed away straight away without having a chance to do a thing.

>> No.11737655

What this guy said. That cleanser is essentially useless by having AHA, that, however, doesn't mean it's totally useless. Neutrogena's moisterisers are good usually and their makeup removers are good as well. You have to rely more on the ingredients of the product rather than the brand itself. Of course, that doesn't mean that some companies aren't known for consistently using irritating ingredients (i.e.) and some companies aren't known for producing well-formulated products.

I would be applying both products because rosehip oil is an organic solution that doesn't contain the same ingredients that your formulated retinol treatment would, so you're getting both product benefits. You also don't necessarily need to wait for the serum and retinol to dry because it's all going to be soaked in anyway. This, however, is redundant if you notice that the moisterisers 'pill' up due to too much product.

Funnily enough, adding more products can typically help oiliness. If you don't want to buy anything, you could simply dab away the oil over the course of the day with a tissue/toilet paper. However, you could also try a makeup primer designed to soak up oil and reduce overall oil production. I would highly recommend Paulas Choice's 'shine stopper' which is applied with a makeup sponge, I use it personally and is actually my holy grail for completely stopping oiliness. I would usually get an oily T-zone over the course of the day but that is no more. It says it lasts up to 6 hours but I've found it lasts the whole day for me. As for the product recomendation, you could try neutrogena's moisteriser with spf as I have found it reliable, but, it should probably only be used during winter/late autumn/early spring because it is only spf 15.

>> No.11737660

You should use Benzoyl peroxide after cleansing, toning and chemical exfoliation but before the application of serums, moisterisers etc. You should, however, wait around 10 minutes for the BP to deliver oxygen to the skin before applying anything else.

Almost looks like rubbing/chaffing from wearing a backpack/shoulder strap of some sort. Go about your day and keep conscious of anything that could touching/rubbing that area.

>> No.11737711

So use exfoliator, cleanser and toner then Benzoyl Peroxide. After 10 minutes use moisturizer?

>> No.11737750

So I don't particularly have problem skin, but I can't manage to get more than 6 hours of sleep a night on average. As a consequence I look like the living dead, and it reduces my facial aesthetics from a 6 or 7/10 to like a 4/10. tl;dr my complexion's absolute shit because of sleep deprivation how fix
would getting sun in the morning help? I almost never feel tired enough to fall asleep.

>> No.11737807

Does anyone have recommendations for a good toner?

>> No.11737894

Not in that order, but yes. Cleanse, tone, exfoliate, BP, moisteriser.

This is honestly more of a phsychological problem rather than a dermatological problem. You need more sleep than that on a daily basis. Fix that first.

If you're looking for something that tones and exfoliates, try Paulas Choice 2% BHA liquid, it is rated as GOAT by most people on /fa/ and in general, it's amazing. If you're looking for simply a toner, PCs Skin Balancing, Pore-Reducing toner is good for dealing with oiliness and dryness and just hydrating the skin in general. Otherwise, witch hazel is a popular and natural toner.

>> No.11737925
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What is the difference between gel and liquid exofoilants?

Which AHA conc. do I want when just starting out?

About to pull the trigger on pic related (after adjusting to the answers to the two above questions). Am I fucking up?

Also how long should such a set last?

>> No.11737926

Ain't Paula's BHA 2% the same as Stridex in the red box?

>> No.11737932

they're all pretty much the same. 2% salacylic acid is what you're looking for

also isn't toner and exfoliation the same thing?

>> No.11737960

>If you're looking for something that tones and exfoliates, try Paulas Choice 2% BHA liquid, it is rated as GOAT by most people on /fa/ and in general, it's amazing. If you're looking for simply a toner, PCs Skin Balancing, Pore-Reducing toner is good for dealing with oiliness and dryness and just hydrating the skin in general. Otherwise, witch hazel is a popular and natural toner.

I already have Aesop Tea Tree Leaf exfoliant. Witch hazel isn't available in my country for some reason. I've barely heard anything at all about Paula's Choice in the last two years on /fa/ t b h, but I'll give it a try.

>> No.11738073

Thanks, I'll try to wear it at night and see how that works out.

>> No.11738208

Gel exfoliants are for more dry skinned individuals because they slightly moisterise as well. 8% is fine, if you find it overly irritating (I kinda do but don't care) then the next time you buy, go lower. In all honesty, PCs moisterisers aren't that good, the day time ones especially give a visibly noticeable white colour that doesn't really diminish for a while, I haven't given them the biggest shot but if you want to save money, just go for a drugstore (Neutrogena, CeraVe) brand.

I would put money on (and I do) the probability that Paulas Choice would be better formulated.

A toner is something that aims to slightly cleanse and hydrate as well as balance the skins pH and oiliness. An exfoliant contains BHA or AHA and slowly evens the skins tone over time.

The exfoliant you use, just from the name, sounds like it probably has irritants (fragrance, colour etc.) in it. Witch hazel should be able to be bought in most drugstores or phamacies, or through eBay, Amazon etc. I've seen PC mentioned on /fa/ all the time, probably less so than it should be, considering how well-formulated their products are.

>> No.11738249

damn you guys are good, it is because of sun exposure never wore spf as a kid and spent a lot of time in the sun. had nice skin with a nice tan back then buck as the years went on my normal skin started coming back but as i said it is very uneven now in terms of complexion.do you recommend any high spf for sensitive skin?
>Consider a serum like that of Paulas Choice C15 Booster which progressively evens skin tone.
checked out that serum, i sure hope it helps. I dont have much luck with any skin care products. I went through so much products for moisturizing and softer skin but nothing help despite constant use until I tried out vaseline lol

>> No.11738269
File: 28 KB, 400x541, Freeman+Clay+Mask+with+Avocado+and+Oatmeal+Review.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking of picking up a mask. Anyone use this Freeman one before?

Considered using the Aztec mask but I'm really too lazy to mix it each time, I'm also wary of the redness effect.

>> No.11738334

You sure are shilling Paula's Choice.

The exfoliant is non-irritating on my sensitive skin, is transparant, has an amazing natural smell and works really well with cleaning up clogged pores and stripping away the dead skin cells.

>> No.11738452

I use it every now and then. Doesn't do too much for my skin though.

>> No.11738460

hey /fa/ what do u recommend for blackheads?

>> No.11738502

But the sticky says
>Contrary to some long-held skin care traditions, your exfoliator should be applied before any other product

>> No.11738506


You should read the sticky ^^

>> No.11738593

Homeboi. How would an exfoliator work if you immediately wash it off?

>> No.11738857

wouldn't in be more logical to cleanse then exfoliate then tone and than any other product?

>> No.11739933
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How do i get rid of hard pimples underneath the skin on my face.

They're like pimples but there's no head, I suspect they might be cysts. Thing is they're red now.

>> No.11740289

Is drinking a lot of milk good for your skin?

>> No.11740464

on the contrary

see the link to different studies in the FAQ

>> No.11740530

>experimenting with different products from the Paulas Choice (GOAT for skincare) ranges

>a good face mask (Like the Skin-Balancing one from PC)
>PC makes an oil-control 'shine-stopper' that works absolutely amazingly for oily skin

>consider an actual facial cleanser like that of CeraVe or Paulas Choice

>Opt for more reputable brands like CeraVe, Paulas Choice, Neutrogena etc.

>well-designed oil-absorber like PCs 'shine stopper' (GOAT)

>or Paulas Choice Pore-Reducing Cleanser

>you need to buy something like Paulas Choice 2%

>seriously consider purchasing PCs 'Shine Stopper'

>buy PCs Pore-Reducing Cleanser
>Buy PCs 'Shine Stopper

>The best non-drying but incredibly effective mask I've used is PCs Oil-Absorbing Mask

> I would suggest Paulas Choice 2.5% Bezoyl Peroxide

>Consider a serum like that of Paulas Choice C15 Booster which progressively evens skin tone

>Paulas Choice has an extensive range of AHA products

>[an entire post about Paula's Choice]

>I would highly recommend Paulas Choice's 'shine stopper'

>Try Paulas Choice 2% BHA liquid, it is rated as GOAT by most people on /fa/ and in general, it's amazing

>If you're looking for simply a toner, PCs Skin Balancing, Pore-Reducing toner is good for dealing with oiliness and dryness and just hydrating the skin in general

>I would put money on (and I do) the probability that Paulas Choice would be better formulated.

>sidenote: I'm not affiliated with Paulas Choice, I just really like how honest they are with descriptions, ingredients and strategies. They base all their products upon known dermatological studies and hire 100s of them to work for them in developing these products


>> No.11740554
File: 58 KB, 137x702, Skin ebook.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have these images of the pic related skin care section of some ebook? i forgot to save them, but could access the thumbnails through my cache. it was in the /scg/ like two weeks ago
imgur album link would be the easiest.

>> No.11740601

For sensitive skin, spf wise, start at the bottom and work your way up. Start with a moisteriser at spf 15 and gradually move to an spf 30 product (preferably from the same range/brand) and then spf 50. Depending on the type of chemicals that are actually providing the spf, they can trigger sensitive skin. Do some research into the kinds of spf and which is best for sensitive skin before taking the plunge, or you could simply start low and continue higher like I said above.
Everyone's skin is different, so while vaseline mine work for you, it might break out another person. If you find something that works, stick with it. Just know that it's also possible you weren't using the right combination of products in the first place.

This mask contains both fragrance and colour, which, even though they aren't being soaked in overnight or during the day, can still cause unnecessary irritation to people with sensitive skin.

The only reason I 'shill' Paula's Choice is because they are one of the only companies to be honest about their products, listing all ingredients and the reasons for which they exist in them as well as never including known skin irritants from verified dermatological resources like journals of dermatology based on vigorous testing. They work closely with dermatologists to ensure their products are delivering as many effective ingredients as possible whilst being free of anything which might do the opposite. They freely recommend other companies products (no other companies do this) and have an entire beautypedia which examines the ingredients of over 45,000 products and explains why they are good and/or bad. Upon closer examination of each ingredient in your exfoliant, I have come to the following conclusions. It contains Juglans Regia (walnut) shell powder which a physical abrasive that is incredibly inferior and far more irritating than a well-formulated AHA or BHA product. (cont)

>> No.11740626

(cont) Illite is again, a skin abrasive inferior to chemical solutions. If the product works for you, I have no problem with you purchasing it, just know that it contains physical exfoliants as apposed to more effective chemical ones. Your skin is different to everyone elses, and someone with even more sensitive skin than yours might have harshly adverse results due to that.

Chemical exfoliation, quite simply.

They are technically correct, although what I believe they mean is that your exfoliant should be applied AFTER cleansing yet BEFORE anything else. As this >>11738593 anon pointed out, washing it off immediately renders it's job meaningless.

Yes, although some companies recommend toner first, then exfoliation and then everything else.

You are definitely describing cysts, which, while painful, can actually be the easiest to treat. You need an intense chemical exfoliator (spot treatment) which, if well-formulated, can remove these pests literally overnight.

Some studies have shown that dairy can affect your skin's appearance. It can't hurt to remove it (gradually) and see what it does for your skin. If there is no change, feel free to add it back in. Everyone's skin is different and you might find that reducing or excluding dairy from your diet does wonders for your skin.

I did say earlier in the thread that I'm not affiliated with Paula's Choice in any way. I simply, from a tonne of research and experimentation, have found that their products, as far as over-the-counter skincare goes, is the GOAT. For some reasons, have a look at my previous comment.

>> No.11740634

Holy shit I realised I said ProZac in this comment. I meant BenZac. I am really sorry if you though I was recommending anti-depressants for acne treatment.

>> No.11740639

>2/5 stars
>con #1: Contains sodium lauryl sulfate, which can potentially irritate sensitive skin.
>con #2: Not adept at removing makeup.
>its super cheap, lasts a year and effectively cleans the skin (which is confirmed by them)

>> No.11740658


You do realize that this is like McDonalds having a Burgerpedia, right?

PC recommends products on the basis of what their own researchers, who also designs their products, think. It's completely biased and circular, and not an reliable review site whatsoever.

>> No.11740671

>Cetaphil Men Daily Face Wash
>4/5 stars
>also contains sodium lauryl sulfate, but isn't mentioned as con

>> No.11740690

They say potentially because it doesn't mean that it will always irritate anybody who uses it, it simply means that is has the potential to do so. They say that it effectively cleans the skin (which is true), but that it is not adept at removing makeup. What is confusing about this? You would use it as a cleanser after removing makeup with a more effective product.

This is constantly one of the arguments against Paula's Choice's Beautypedia. If you were to actually look at the page, ingredients section and product reviews, they consistently cite and provide reputable sources of dermatology for which all of their research is based. As in, they aren't just pulling it out of their arse, they are actually thoroughly researching each individual ingredient that goes into a product and what it is doing for your skin. The crude example you gave does not reflect upon the situation at hand. McDonalds, even if they had a BurgerPedia (can't believe I had to type that), does not recommend burgers from other companies because it would be counter-intuitive to their aim of selling as much of their product as possible. You could say the same of Paula's Choice, except that they highly reccomend products from other brands literally all the time. Some of their top lists don't even have Paula's Choice products in them because they genuinely believe another company has a better formulation.

>> No.11740704

Actually it contains Sodium Lauroyl Sarcosinate and Sodium LAURETH Sulfate, neither of which are known irritants. Nice try, though.

>> No.11740755

>Sodium laureth sulfate was demonstrated to be a dermal and ocular irritant but not a sensitizer.


>> No.11740816

>demonstrated to be a dermal and occular irritant
>dermal irritant
How far do you want to go down this rabbit hole?

>> No.11740828

Before you even try and claim that it not being a sensitizer is an issue.
>A sensitizer is defined by OSHA as "a chemical that causes a substantial proportion of exposed people or animals to develop an allergic reaction in normal tissue after repeated exposure to the chemical." www.ilpi.com/msds/ref/sensitizer.html
>It won't cause normal tissue to form an allergic reaction
>It is proven to irritate

>> No.11740831

We are discussing skincare, are we not?
dermal irritation is the relevant thing here.

apparently you were simply wrong in saying that it wasn't an irritant. it's an irritant, to both skin and eyes. as simple as that.

>> No.11740848
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Ok ok fuck me, I noticed some hair loss a month or two ago and I've been watching it. Now I have a spot of psoriasis. My mother has it very bad and I'm really worried about it. Excuse my hair I just got out of the shower. Aside from the obvious seeing a dermatologist, what should I do? Could any medications be irritating it?

>> No.11740855

I don't think you understand what I'm getting at.
>Used primarily as a detergent cleansing agent. Can be derived from coconut. It’s considered gentle and effective as typically used in cosmetics products (typically facial or body cleansers and shampoos). Despite the name similarity, sodium laureth sulfate is NOT the same as sodium lauryl sulfate. The former is a milder cleansing agent due to a higher amount and different chemical structure of the fatty alcohols required to manufacture this cleansing agent. The safety of sodium laureth sulfate has been reviewed by numerous industry experts and deemed safe as used. [1,2]

References Cited:

Robinson V, Bergfeld W, Belsito D, Hill R, Klaassen C, Marks JJ, Shank R, Slaga T, Snyder P, Andersen A. Final report of the amended safety assessment of sodium laureth sulfate and related salts of sulfated ethoxylated alcohols. Int J Toxicol. 2010;29(4S):151S-61S.
Charbonnier V, Morrison Jr B, Paye M, Maibach H. Subclinical; non-erythematous irritation with an open assay model (washing): sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) versus sodium laureth sulfate (SLES). Food Chem Toxicol. 2001;39(3):279-86.

This is written using your source to prove the opposite.

>The potential to produce irritation exists with these salts of sulfated ethoxylated alcohols, but in practice they are not regularly seen to be irritating because of the formulations in which they are used. These ingredients should be used only when they can be formulated to be nonirritating.
>Use any ingredient by itself and it's probably going to be irritating
>Using it in a formulation renders it safe

>> No.11740862

What's your haircare routine like? It's possible that you're shampooing/conditioning too often and it's stripping your hair which, in some cases, can lead to thinning hair and also hair loss.

>> No.11740867
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Thanks so much for your help. I'm the same anon as >>11734443
What would you personally recommend in lieu of a snail cream for good moisturization?

>> No.11740868

I think you may have missed my point. I was trying to say that yes, by itself, it is irritating, but so is pretty much any one ingredient (i.e. you wouldn't just splash 100% BHA into your face because it would literally burn your skin because it's an acid).

>> No.11740869

I don't wash every day, I use OGX scalp therapy shampoo/conditioner but only condition every now and again.

>> No.11740908

For good overnight moisterisation, you want a product that is overly emoliant and thick, but not so that it prevents the skin from absorbing all the product or preventing it from 'breathing'. I don't require this type of moisterisation at night, so I unfortunately don't have a product recommendation. However, I would advise sticking to reputable brands that do not add any unnecessary irritants to their products. You could search through top moisterisers voted by consumers/dermatologists that appeals to your budget and needs specifically, or you could simply experiment until you find something that suits you by switching up your moisteriser a few times over the course of a year (take into account summer, when your skin is probably less dry).

You should probably limit your hair washing to twice a week at most and bump up your conditioner to be used at these times. Funnily enough, there's a lot of stigma around whether conditioner actually prevents oiliness over time by providing enough moisture that the body doesn't feel the need to produce more. Don't freak out yet, because you look quite young and stress can actually be a major factor to hair loss. Be consistent with your haircare and report back in a few months. If you notice any significant, negative side effects (excessive hair falling out), definitely disregard my advice and see a dermatologist, they have access to products which help stop early-onset male pattern balding.

>> No.11740909

>I was trying to say that yes, by itself, it is irritating,

But that's not what you said.

You wrote:

>Sodium Lauroyl Sarcosinate and Sodium LAURETH Sulfate, neither of which are known irritants

In other words,

>Sodium Laureth Sulfate is not an irritant.

I then post a source saying:

>Sodium laureth sulfate was demonstrated to be a dermal and ocular irritant

In other words: Sodium laureth sulfate is an irritant.

In conclusion, your statement was false, and that's okay.

Try to accept it and move on.

>> No.11740926

How much is excessive? Also any suggestions about the psoriasis? And yeah I'm too young for this shit so I appreciate the help.

>> No.11740975

You're skewing my words. Of course, by itself, it would be irritating. In the same way that, as I said, BHA by itself would be irritating. This does not mean that either BHA or Sodium Laureth Sulfate are irritants, because they would never be used by themselves.

This is different to something like fragrance, which, is a known irritant no matter the concentration.

If you're not getting this, I would suggest you give up, because you were the one that initially asserted that the Cetaphil men cleanser had Sodium Lauryl Sulfate in it, which it does not. And now you're trying to flip the argument on me to make it seem as though I am the one that is wrong, when in fact it was you from the beginning and you're now trying to cover your tracks because you're embarrassed.

Now, if you wouldn't mind, I'm actually trying to help people.

That's pretty subjective. I can't really make out from the photo, but it looks like you have pretty thick, straight hair. Most people with thick hair tend to have more hair fall out. Because you're only noticing it now, I'd say it's excessive, but again, try changing your haircare routine and if it continues, contact a dermatologist. Psoriasis is usually treated by a dermatologist, I would have no recommendation other than just that. However, consider anything you've changed to your hair care routine that may have sparked it. I'm trying to say that, if you're really worried, go see a derm, it'll ease your mind and reduce stress ultimately affecting hair loss. If you don't currently have the budget for it, change your haircare routine and be patient and if it continues, see a derm.
Sorry that was so long-winded.

>> No.11740983



Christ, that's obnoxious. Regular line breaks work fine on 4chan, so please take advantage of them.

>> No.11740994

The guy is either a troll or somebody who thinks they know better when they quite clearly don't. If he is a troll, I feel really bad for the people in this thread who have genuine problems with their skin and are having to sift through all this squabbling to find the right answer. If he's the latter, he's probably a minor and I guess I should be paying him the least attention. It just bothers me when people make these absurd assumptions which could mean the difference between happiness and discontent for another human being :(

>> No.11740999

I'm extremely appreciative of all the help. I have just two more questions:

1. Toner before Exfoliant or after?
2. And would it be wise to put that Aloe Propolis gel before the sunscreen step in my Daytime or just remove it from my routine entirely?

>> No.11741002

>because you were the one

No, I'm not the person talking about cetaphil and lauryl sulfate. I just saw that you said something that was completely incorrect about irritants.

Protip: don't assume that Anonymous = Anonymous on an anonymous imageboard.

>> No.11741022

Question: What the fuck is a "toner"?
The pastebin seems to use "toners" and "exfoliators" interchangeably, at least in the "recommended products" section. Are they they same thing?

>> No.11741028
File: 33 KB, 639x768, Zdzislaw Beksinski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toners serve 3 purposes:
1. They add some hydration to the skin.
2. They act as astringents, which constrict pores and make them appear smaller. If you have large pores around your nose like I do, this can make your face look less like it's full of holes.
3. They provide a final cleansing step. A lot of people consider toning to be the equivalent to washing off a plate in the sink, and I think that's a pretty fitting analogy.

>> No.11741039

You're very welcome.
Depends what you're using. Read the labels and they should tell you, otherwise opt for toner then exfoliant. If you feel as though your skin is getting enough moisture in the day and night without it, remove it entirely. Otherwise continue it's use for when you feel it's appropriate (i.e. just morning/just evening)

I can see how that's confusing. I think I already defined it above but considering how much text has been made between then and now, I'll do it again haha.
>A toner is something that aims to slightly cleanse and hydrate as well as balance the skins pH and oiliness. An exfoliant contains BHA or AHA and slowly evens the skins tone over time.
They're frequently used interchangeably, confusing, I know.
What this guy >>11741028 said

>> No.11741048

By that logic I could be talking to a different person each time. It made sense to assume you were the same person. Also, I didn't say anything incorrect about irritants, I literally just proved that. I'm just trying to help people, christ.

>> No.11741066

>2. They act as astringents, which constrict pores and make them appear smaller. If you have large pores around your nose like I do, this can make your face look less like it's full of holes.
Fuck. I need this, then.
I've already ordered a box of those Stridex pads, which is listed under "Toners/Exfoliators." I thought they were just exfoliators, are they also toners or will I have to get something else for that? I'm trying not to spend a lot of money, buying yet another product sounds rough.

>1. They add some hydration to the skin.
>3. They provide a final cleansing step.
Wait, then why does the pastebin say you're supposed to moisturize after toners? Don't moisturizers add water?

>> No.11741068

all of the toners in the pastebin are exfoliating toners.

>In cosmetics, skin toner or simply toner refers to a lotion or wash designed to cleanse the skin and shrink the appearance of pores, usually used on the face.


probably why they are referred to as "exfoliators" or "toners" interchangeably.

>> No.11741080

>Wait, then why does the pastebin say you're supposed to moisturize after toners?

it completely depends on the formulation of the toner. a lot of toners can actually be drying.

they can be formulated to primarily add moisture to the skin, or act drying, or cleansing.

what all of the posters above don't seem to understand is that different toners do different things. it's a very vague term.

>> No.11741086

I worded that poorly. Think of your face like a plate with food (products) on it, and each day you have to clean it off to avoid bad stuff like acne. Toning is like getting off the little bits of extra "food" that you missed while cleansing so that you have as clean of a "plate" as possible to put more "food" on.

>> No.11741100

Ah, so the "toning exfoliators" in the pastebin are ones that dry your face? That would make sense.

Uh, ok, I think. Wouldn't it make more sense not to put those products on in the first place if they cause bad stuff, though? I thought cleansers were supposed to prevent acne in the first place.

>> No.11741111
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Products, like sunscreen, are incredibly beneficial and the number 1 preventative measure for aging your skin.

That said, it's not necessarily a good idea to leave it on for 2 days straight, you know?

>> No.11741115

They can be a bit confusing, but it all depends on what you're trying to do.
If you want as many benefits as possible, you want a BHA exfoliator (just like the one you purchased) as well as a hydrating and pore-reducing toner. If your budget doesn't allow it, just stick with the stridex pads because they will give you most effective results. Down the track, however, consider adding a toner toner, not an exfoliant toner haha

The explanation this anon >>11741100 gives might be a bit confusing because it kind of implies that the products on your face are bad, when it's more so your face collecting dirt and secreting oil that are the 'food' on your plate.

>> No.11741117

more like cleansing in the way that they help remove dead skin, and prevents acne

>> No.11741133

>If your budget doesn't allow it, just stick with the stridex pads because they will give you most effective results.
Ok, good. I'll do that.
So, the pastebin also recommends to exfoliate only every once and a while, but that you should tone every day.

How does a toning exfoliator like the one I bought work with this?

>> No.11741138

I think the pastebin may be referring to physical exfoliation. You can 100% use a chemical exfoliant every morning/evening, but do cut down if you notice excessive irritation (some is expected, you are applying acids to your face).
In short, use it everyday, after cleansing and toning (if you have a toner) but before BP, moisteriser or any other product.

>> No.11741152


>> No.11741168

Benzoyl Peroxide. Popular spot treatment.

>> No.11741170


>> No.11741182 [DELETED] 

I think you'll find it's 100% premium organic BoiPucci™

>> No.11741252
File: 5 KB, 284x177, vp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I lighten my lips? I don't smoke or do anything like that, and my sun exposure is minimal so there is no chance of tanning

>> No.11741283

Very odd question. I mean the easiest and cheapest way would be makeup. If you're going for a more natural approach, you'd need to apply some sort of skin-brightening solution (usually like a korean cc-cream) to the lips, only, I'm not entirely certain if they would have any effect considering most of the colour of your lips is from your blood. Making the skin thicker would work because it would presumably block some of the red and so lighten the skin, but I don't know of any products to do this. Consider consulting a cosmetic dermatologist.

>> No.11741328

>most of the colour of your lips is from your blood
Yeah, I guess that's why. My blood group is AB negative and even my fresh blood looks like it's from a centuries old stain. I guess I'll go with a Korean cc cream

>> No.11741695

Toners used to be primarily alcohol-based liquids meant to remove different kinds of makeup, dead skin cells, dirt, and remnants of facial cleansers - and they often worked as astringents meant to act drying on the skin and prevent acne.

Nowadays a lot of them are still alcohol-based, but a lot of companies are switching to mainly water-based formulations.

The concept of toners has lost its meaning to the extent that you can see people saying that toners are cleansing, hydrating, balancing, exfoliating, et c - all at the same time. That's generally incorrect.

What can be said about toners is that they are nearly always liquids (or near-liquids), with often low concentrations of active ingredients, with some kind of special function.

Some of the most popular functions of modern toners are:
- Cleansing toners (removing excess detergents, sebum, makeup, dead skin cells). Often a bit more drying.
- Exfoliating toners (removing dead skin cells, speeding up skin renewal. May be extra drying, if alcohol-based.)
- Hydrating toners (adding moisturizing substances to the skin, like glycerin, urea, aloe vera)
- Anti-aging toners (hyaluronic acid, "collagen boosters")
- "Nutrient" toners (with all kinds of vitamins (C, E, D, et c), antioxidants, green tea, carotenoids, proteins)
- Astringent toners (sometimes alcohol-based, containing witch hazel, alum, various polyphenols)

The exfoliating toners are generally the best at "constricting pores" because they clear out the gunk in them, and allows them to go back to their original shape. Extremely active anti-aging treatments can also help with this.

All of the toners listed in the recommended products section are chemically exfoliating toners because that's what most of the posters seem to need here (mostly teens/young adults), but it's also there because AHA/BHA treatments can help with a lot of different skin concerns by restoring the skins pH and barrier functions.

Hope that clears some things up.

>> No.11742163
File: 28 KB, 500x500, 262098969209-500x500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some backstory:
I finished accutane 6 month course like a year ago, mostly cured all my acne, left some scars that are healing, sometimes i get random breakouts and i just used to use sudocrem on them, should i move to Benzoyl Peroxide to use on single, random spots?

Also is Benzacne which contains
5% Benzoili peroxydum a good product for treating random breakouts?

>> No.11742228

>tfw dry red skin
What do? Cerave?

>> No.11742240

do you use lotion, my man?

>> No.11742247

tea tree oil dries out spots

>> No.11742265

tried and it didnt work fa m

>> No.11742291

>benzoylis peroxidum
This is probably gypsian for benzoyl peroxide

That's 10%, not 5%

>> No.11742295

wrong pic, should i get the 5%?

>> No.11742454


>> No.11742484

insomnia anon here. weelll, I can't sleep. I exercise vigorously/strength-train 5 days/week, have a busy schedule, and I'm still fucking keyed up at night. I also take an MAOI but I've been taking it way too long for the insomnia to still persist. Is there a sleep pastebin or something I could read? It not only affects my potential to be effay but makes me generally despise being around people/hate to have to talk to anyone which makes fashion pretty useless.

>> No.11742599


>> No.11742622

Seeing as no one else is answering, try googling "benzoyl peroxide concentration"

I started using a prescription mix of 5% BP and an antibiotic, and I think Im already seeing improvment, but online resources say BP takes longer to work so that's probably the antiobiotic

>> No.11742689

>get up at the same time in the morning everyday, no matter what
>if you don't fall asleep within 15-30 minutes of going to bed, get up and try again later
>eventually you'll be so tired you pass out at bedtime and recovery begins

This is the advice given by "experts". Apparently normal people actually fall asleep in around 15 minutes. That's fucking crazy to me. I've always had to wait about 45-60 minutes. When I was a little kid I dreaded bedtime because lying still for that long was boring torture

Also come to think of it I imagine the lifestyle changes above also involves having a bedtime you don't go to bed before, otherwise you'll just hit the bed early in the evening when you're finally at the breaking point and sleep it all out at once

And of course cliches like avoiding tv and computer screens for an hour before bedtime apply as well

>> No.11742976

New thread:

>> No.11743144

A bit early but okay, Anon

>> No.11744314


>> No.11744329
File: 538 KB, 2576x1932, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skin damaged by an airbag. Any tips for making sure none of this scars?

>> No.11744718

moisturizer, sunscreen, sunhat, silicone scar treatment.

then microneedling and laser treatment.