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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 7 KB, 344x146, dgfhfghs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11727861 No.11727861 [Reply] [Original]

Just turned 23 and starting to feel alittle silly dressing up all the time. What age do you throw in the towel? are their any examples of /fa people past college age?

>> No.11727873

why are you "dressing up" all the time? being /fa/ shouldn't feel like you're dressing up.

>> No.11727876

no honestly the only reason people dress up is to get chick's. after leaving college and entering the work force you will notice you don't have time to get chick's. it's also harder to get chick's at work and you probably won't feel like going to the bar or club a lot. so you might only dress up nice on weekends. but after 24 or 25 you will have grown out of that party life. so it's safe to say you don't need to dress fashionable after college.

>> No.11727882

Yeah I'm turning 24 and the only reason I'm still into fashion is because I work at a high end retailer, so we're expected to look nice and trendy. On days off, definitely just wear a t shirt and jeans though. I've stopped caring entirely

>> No.11728088


what the fuck im 25 and still try to dress good every day, whats wrong with you guys

>> No.11728091

I really wonder what you people dress like. If you enjoy "dressing up" or if you enjoy a specific type of clothing or look, why would you stop just because you're not a freshman anymore and can actually afford clothing?

>> No.11728095

I am 23 and just getting into dressing better. Obviously some styles are not wearable past teens but to say it's over now is ridiculous.

>> No.11728097

30 year old checking in

Just got married in July, first met my wife when i was 27. We made contact for the first time when she approached me at a mutual friend's birthday party and the first thing she said to me was how "fashionable" and nice i looked. It took off from there. So yea, always dress to the best of your ability.

>> No.11728102

kill yoself grandpa

>> No.11728432
File: 124 KB, 700x1058, elderly-man-hipster-style-berlin-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only stop being /fa/ when you die.

>> No.11728437
File: 39 KB, 645x773, 1412008674901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw 23 years old and feel like such an old cunt

tfw was only 20 yesterday

>> No.11728451

casey neistat?

>> No.11728453
File: 167 KB, 700x828, elderly-man-hipster-style-berlin-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. It's this guy who's like 100+

>> No.11728471


This man is my hero and I hope I will still be dressing nicely when im that age.

>> No.11728515

Why would you say that to your granddad

>> No.11728524

>tfw 26 and still on this god damn site
It's biz cas everyday for me

>> No.11728529

Omg now i feel depressed. I'm a failed normie, 23 years old, and yes i dress up for girls, and i still crave that 18 yrs old life sooo bad but i'm just too much of an insecure bag to actuallu even have a friend. And yet i still fantasize about living that life everyday, i'm not satisfied yet, i don't want to be 25 yet, i want to go back to my 18 and re do everything correctly :(( i, i just can't imagine if i had to stop at 25. I feel like i still have desire worth 10 years more..

>> No.11728538

Plus everyone here be like "i dress up for job" "i dress up for etc etc important and goal-y stuffs". Wtf, i dress up for fun and to make people think of me the way i want them to think. I feel pathetic now.

>> No.11728541

You sound pathetic

>> No.11728553

Yeah i know. Plus i still think about how i would dress up, everyday. I still envy people at my age who's doing good life with friends. I, everytime, always fantasize doing a chill conversation, like what words would i say that will impress girls, etc etc. Fuck, how to be normal ?

>> No.11728554

im 27 and fly as fuck

>> No.11728557
File: 440 KB, 645x1260, 1466555002318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know this feeling all too well

>> No.11728584


The fuck are you talking about? How difficult is it to make an outfit before you leave the house? You don't have to walk around in a suit or even a button up. Just make sure your colors work and your shit fits.

>> No.11728595

The fact is, i think about outfits all the time. I always want to shop. I dress up just because it's fun, not because it's functional for whatever it is important stuffs that i'm involved. (And i'm not involved in any important stuffs that require dressing up, besides college. I'm 23. No hangouts with friends because no friends. Oh fuck me)>>11728584

>> No.11728604

is that you're excuse? kek

>> No.11728605

Let me vent one more time. I also wear stuffs reflects the hobbies i'm interested in (also, those hobbies are stuffs that i wish i could be part of). I still listen to stuffs that i wish i could enjoy sincerely without social pressure, etc etc

>> No.11728607

What for, it's not even that complex or hard?

You just grab some stuff from your closet that works together.

>> No.11728609

You need to stop being such a fucking pussy

>> No.11728631

What part is such a pussy ? What part should i stop doing ? Idk man i can't just quit wanting to be/feel something, i'd have to actually experience in order to actually feel satisfied and not curious anymore

Yeah i know but now fashion is a hobby for me. I shop more than i need, i browse fit all the time, i change my aesthetics all the time, and of course i think about how people would think when i wear those. Like i hope they don't think i listen to A Day To Remember.

>> No.11728646

So, no one is actually dress up for fun ? So here everyone in /fa/ is just for something functional ? Your hobbies aren't fashion ? People are here not because they feel they have good taste but because they feel they have bad taste ?

>> No.11728659

>tfw I barely felt like a real male until 21 and was too beta and gay to take full advantage of those late teen years
Why live

>> No.11728670

Exactly. I want to be 18 again, i'm not satiesfied yet, i still have the curiosity to party, hangover, banging tons of girls, dressing up for concerts, dressing up for weekend with fashionable friends, etc etc. Now it's too late to start

>> No.11728680

Stop worrying about social pressure and just like what you like

>> No.11728696

Nice save

>> No.11728700

Dude, all the people I've been going to concerts with still go to concerts. Also men don't dress up for concerts. They all wear a band tee, 511s, and vans or chucks.

>> No.11728709

Yeah but my point was the whole stuff, the whole set, i've never experienced it. I haven't had friends for 6 years or so. I've been just hanging out with my brother who's 4-5 years younger than me. I don't develop like the other 23s. I feel like i'm missing out a lot, and i think about it everyday. And yeah of course i envy other people.

>> No.11728772

To get his appartment ofc. Because you know I suck at everything exept smoking weed and playing vidya so I doubt I can afford my own apartment ever.

>> No.11728782

What were you wearing?
Is the man in the pic >>11728432 you?

>> No.11728866

I need guidance. I need motivation to be what a guy my age should be

>> No.11728880

That would depend on your age, and wtf you do with your day.

>> No.11728891

All of you dressing up for girls should just leave this board immediately. Now I know why it's impossible to discuss fashion here when all you care about is how your ocbds fit your silhouette. fuck off

>> No.11728902

I'm 23. Just uni, and 4chan, nothing else.

What should a man dress up for ?

>> No.11728930

No offense OP, but it sounds like you were always just a fashion poser. I'm currently 27, and I'm still trying to improve my style everyday. As a matter of fact, I was 100% not effay when I was 23.

Furthermore, if this feels like a task, then perhaps it's not your thing. A friend of mine told me that fashion should not feel like "dressing up" or putting on a costume, it should be comfortable and natural. You would still need to go and buy clothes, and I guess that you will have to make fashion decisions then. Hell, even if you dress generic and formal for your job, you will still need to make fashion decisions. I don't get you senpai.

>> No.11728941

What if i dress up to make people think i'm superior to them ?

>> No.11728945

what stops you from experiencing everything right now?

>> No.11728964

>tfw 26 but youthful face
fuck all of you early aging early-20s shits

>> No.11728966

>Idk man i can't just quit wanting to be/feel something
That's not the pussy. The pussy is not being what you want to be, and not feeling what you want to feel.
>And of course i think about how people would think when i wear those.
And of course you are more of a pussy. No one cares, and nor should you. You are spooked, my man. Literally and egoistically.

>> No.11728971

As an eighteen year old who wasted much of his teenage life, your posts are strongly encouraging.

Getting stuck in the past, wishing for things to have been different, is the coward's way out.

>> No.11728990

Same here, I go with button-up, jeans or courduroy pants in winter, suede derbies.
Basic as fuck, better dressed than the average joe in a tee and sneakers.
i guess it's kind of a prole-professional look.

>> No.11729012

you're just lucky. i, am not

>> No.11729020

self consciousness, very low self esteem, not normal/common personality, no friends, insecurity. basically no friends but i'm just too much of a pussy to start a casual conversation with anyone. i can't just go anywhere by myself, i'm scared if some people that know me see me walking alone. i don't want them to know that i'm a friendless freak

>> No.11729029

Jeans ruined it.

>> No.11729031

it's just not that easy. the obstacles are too strong, it overpowers the excitements. i just want to have meaningful friends and do crazy stuffs with them but i can't connect emotionally with anyone. i have daddy issues tho i grew up being scared of my dad, so yeah no father-son connection for me, i don't have male role model that teach me about masculinity therefore i find it hard to connect with male

>> No.11729045

idk where else to find guidance. /pol/ and /fa/ are the only boards that has the best kind of people. the outgoing and the moraled

>> No.11729105

Jesus Im only 19 and I was already starting to feel like this, thanks for the wake up call lmao.

>> No.11729112

dubs of truth

OP why are you giving up? Are you under the impression that life ends in your 20-ies? Cause there is no other way I can explain your situation. Because you have a mentality of a person who will never strive for more that is given to him and stop at the earliest step to the road of becoming better.

Being /fa/ is a worldview. It's about taking care of yourself and constantly improving. This might come off cliche but it's what it is. Are you gonna just settle in when you hit a certain numerical indicator? I share the same age with you and for a 23 year old you speak as if you were already wishing for your own funeral.

You seem weak willed. Not that I have particularly strong will power but I have a goal of not letting myself age at least mentally. Being open minded, try out new things, keep up with the huge pace of life. Yes, our bodies will get old, yes you will no longer be able to dress like a "hip teenage boy" but it's all in your head. Remember all those shitty articles on you saw on facebook about a 70 yo gramps beating some kind of world record or the one dressing up in sick clothing. Even then he is still ambitious and that's what is the ultimate goal.

It kind of made me sad to think that in such a world of opportunity you choose to drop everything and feel "silly". Then go conform. Be the consumer. But I know you can do better anon.

>never don't give up

>> No.11729182

i'm this guy
what should i do ? what's wrong with me what needs to be fixed ?

>> No.11729203

Be brave and try to contact some of your old acquaintances, hang out with them and be part of their social circles.

>> No.11729209

i'm not interested in them

>> No.11729229

You have "FOMO" or fear of missing out. I don't know what kind of person are you but I've had similar feelings towards my teenage years. Cause I was a shut in. A weeb. Quite socially awkward but outgoing. I always chose my hobbies (music, video games, photography, video) over going out and staying up and throwing up.

I've noticed that all those people who spent their youth doing exactly that are now growing out of it and they don't have much left. They are now mundane and boring people who I rarely see going out or being active in social activities.

It's always that there is this pressure that you experience, that you have to live a life "full of adventure and drugs and sex and parties" but in reality why should you? Is it what you really want? If you wanted it enough you would not be complaining right now. Then it must be that you would rather enjoy reading a book or something else. I must appear to sound really cliche or vague but it's what it is. It's mostly about you.

What do you do in life anon? Cause life does not end in your 20-ies and it took me too long to convince myself that.

>> No.11729230

It's not important.
Social skills are like a muscle, you need to train them constantly if you want them to be strong.
If you spent a lot of time in reclusion chances are that if you'll meet someone that actually interests you you'll act like a total sperg with them, because you're not used to the pressure.
Besides, if you hang out with those uninteresting guys you'll still be able to meet new people and potential sexual partners.
Friends are disposable anyway, just use them.

>> No.11729257

>i don't have male role model that teach me about masculinity
A vastly overrated problem. You don't need a role model to teach you about masculinity when the whole concept permeates, and is birthed from, our culture. Further, women are often friends with men. You are simply latching onto something to blame, just as you latch onto your "missing" teenage years.

I do not know what your obstacles are. You do. If you know what your obstacles are, you can work out how to go around, or overcome, them. If they "overpower" your aims, then they overpower your aims. But it really does not sound like they overpower them. I do not think you would be posting this if they overpowered them.
If you want me to baby you, I will give you an idea of how to become friends with people you enjoy being with. You must undertake group hobbies that you are interested in. I don't care if it's rock climbing or LARPing as particularly autistic elves, it must be something that relies on group activity. That way you will be forced into meeting people who enjoy things you enjoy, and they will be forced into meeting you.

Yes, this will be scary. It's scary for everyone the first time. Do you think bungee jumpers aren't pissing their pants the first time they jump? Of course they are. If you are pissing your pants before bungee jumping while others are not, it is only because they pissed their pants a few years earlier than you. You haven't missed anything, nor are you locked out of anything, you're just slightly behind.

>> No.11729271
File: 173 KB, 736x1244, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is just depressing. How can a man reach thst age and not graduate to a post-trend sense of style? He's not even dressing like one of those elderly high fashion divas, it's just sucking the teet of high end street wear, on shallow trends thst have already come and gone. The fit mightve hot 5 years ago with a certain crowd but it's an abomination now, despite the clearly high quality pieces.

Most people's grandfather's dress much better than this sorry case without even trying just by wearing the clothes they've always owned and are comfortable with. Not this shallow contrived trash.

>> No.11729283

Sounds like you go to some overpriced overground yuppie/dad shit, dude. Good shows are the most fash parties in every city.

>> No.11729291

>look at that old man memeing it up
>posts a photo from an EG lookbook

>> No.11729299

i'm just a college student with no hobbies and side activities.
well you know i think for me it's beyond social pressure. when i hear them talking, it sounds fun and i want to just be in the middle with them and be comfortable about it. but i can't, because i'm scared of talking to people, i'm scared of being natural in front of attractive people. i've been lonely for 7+ years so yeah.

>> No.11729301
File: 93 KB, 1200x1200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a dose of reality and man thebfuck up. you're a self pitying POS with a media distorted idea of the world.

Put away your shitty indie music and start reading books. Fix your diet and get test in your system. Browse /pol/ or read Culture of Critique to learn that what you believe you're missing out on is an unattainable fabrication designed to destroy civil society - you havent done anything wrong by voluntarily abstaining from normal day degeneracy. Like the desert monks of tjeb12th century, when the world is bad, the only thing left for good men to do is to refuse to participate.

But that's the easy way out. You can still find good people and good things to do. Go to gallery opens and warehouse parties (just do a search on RA for some relatively underground techno/house like an artist from LIES or Blackest Ever Black, then find the event on fb, then scan through the related events for any underground shit esp if it say msg 4 address) and take some drugs, you'll meet intelligent, educated unpozzed people. But they wont want anything with you if you don't have anything to show for yourself. that's why you have to read books.

>> No.11729305

yeah of course after years and years of finding solutions online, i've heard this solution million times. i just, don't have the energy and the balls to start doing anything

>> No.11729306

hear hear

>> No.11729307

Don't you see the self irony in his fit? You autistic fuck holy shiet you need to end your self

>> No.11729313

It's people from the 21st century newfag. EG wishes they could catch up on this YY shit.

>> No.11729314

Then your problem is that you don't have the energy or balls to start doing anything, and nothing more.

Do you have the energy or the balls to work on your energy and balls?

>> No.11729315

Why does everyone on this board act like 23 is so old?
I'm 19 but you're making me want to kill myself lmao is there anything after 22 worth living for or what? i only recently started getting attractive

not fair

>> No.11729319

>Don't you see the self irony in his fit?

>> No.11729325

yeah i think i can read books and fix my diets, that's pretty easy. i think, instead of forcing myself when i'm not ready, i have to make myself ready first from the inside, so that when i start socializing, it woudn't be much of a challenge. plus i don't care about degeneracy/not, good/bad in God's eyes, etc etc

i can't. i'm not white, not christian, and not from a western country. the bantz made me hate myself. although i really wish to move to the US.

>> No.11729328

just go all out on fashion stuffs now. and make sure to stop at 23

>> No.11729330

>Do you have the energy or the balls to work on your energy and balls?
idk how. okay firstly, i hate myself physically, i feel very inferior to others.

>> No.11729338

Fat neckbeards who never wash have plenty of friends, and do well enough.

But I admit that a lot of this sounds like deep-seated psychological shit that you should see a therapist for. And, no amount of rationality will overcome psychological issues.

>> No.11729344

>What age do you throw in the towel?
25 and that's just the age for women
men can go a little longer

hurry up and get in the last 2 years until your 25
you've only been legally able to drink for 2 years

>> No.11729346

>you've only been legally able to drink for 2 years anyway
You what.

>> No.11729347

ugh goddammit, it's that complicated huh ?

damn, why me ?

>> No.11729350

You are rusing me.

>> No.11729351

you don't live in the US?
legal drinking age here is 21

>> No.11729363

i don't want to go to a therapist, because they will always make me go there more than two times and i don't have that much money, and i can't just ask from my parents because my parents shouldn't know about this.

well thank you anyway

>> No.11729406

The median age of this board is, like, fifteen.

>> No.11729447

I agree with you so much. I was a late bloomer, was ugly during my youth, I only started getting confident and attractive in the last 2 years (currently 27).

I think OP is confusing things. Clearly, you won't have that much time to experiment with clothes once you start working and go to college. You might be required to abide to a dress code to a certain extent. However, part of growing up is to find a style that suits you and your environment.

Life after 22 is awesome... but yeah, you will be held accountable for what you do, you cannot fuck up things anymore. However, if you like being independent, having a career, actually earning your own fucking money... then yeah, growing up only gets better.

>> No.11729453

this was encouraging to read desu

>> No.11729980
File: 30 KB, 420x254, !!_mugato_crazypills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is suck a strange thread. Why are most of you agreeing that being fashionable in your 20s is bad? Are you all 15? When your in the late 20s just stop dressing like a teenager. Teenagers dress like shit anyways.

>> No.11730047

It's more about the motivation to dress up. Not the style. If you still have fashion as hobby in your 20s, that's a red flag

>> No.11730073

How the fuck are you supposed to get into fashion before 20s without being rich ass spoiled brat anyway? I only got money for clothes now since I began to work. Of course after I hit 28-30, it will be time to stop wearing loudy stuff and go on with perhaps SLP or Prada, but before you can wear all you want.

>> No.11730080


now this is some bait shit

>> No.11730094

lmao if you stop dressing how you want cause your 23 youre a fag with no perception on life yet. Youre still a fuckin kid, live for yourself and not for what you think fags on an internet board think you should

>> No.11730104

Is this whole board and thread fucking retarded? or just 10 yrs old? Your 20's are literally the most reasonable time to be dressing well..... like what you only have like 3 yrs to to dress well from 17 to 20 and thats it?

>> No.11730115

this, I dont know when else youre supposed to be dressing well. your 20's are when youre grown enough but still young enough to really pull a look off

>> No.11730117

Da little faggots have the impression that only teenish twinks can look fashionable. And yeah, this thread is a trainwreck... time to sage!

>> No.11730141
File: 89 KB, 640x480, SANY0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically if you're older than the 1992 Geo Tracker, the official car of /fa/, you're too old to listen to these impressionable 16 year old twinks' advice on what to ask mommy to buy them

>> No.11730145


I love this fucking poster and meme

>> No.11730162

Your style will change throughout your life. Take some time to reevaluate things in your closet. If you don't like them anymore, get rid of them. Then think of how you would like to dress, and find what is missing. It's a never-ending cycle.

>> No.11730389

Going out every day and being a very particular person about what makes me feel comfortable, I ended up not caring much about how I look, but mostly picking clothes to wear to work every day that are comfortable and don't clash with my sense of style.

As the daily grind was getting harder (and working in an environment where no client sees you and no boss cares what you look like) dressing up became less and less attractive a proposition. I was wearing mostly joggers all winter, running shoes to withstand the commute, and I even started wearing shorts again in the summer which I haven't done for years.

>> No.11730403

too bad about the rust on the fender

>> No.11730428

Top kek

>> No.11731223

>being a very particular person about what makes me feel comfortable
How did you do this ? How did you find a very particular person ?

>> No.11731417

just smoke cigarettes

>> No.11731431
File: 1.59 MB, 2360x3147, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 23 and yeah that's a polo. Do i dress my age ? What shoe should a 23 yrs old own ?

>> No.11731496


Outgrowing fad sneakers, Supreme hoodies and Yeezy shit is actually a good thing, OP.

>> No.11731552


>> No.11731575

Giving up isn't effay, just don't dress like a tryhard fag

>> No.11731588

How ? I mean i honestly dress to impress people, to make people think that i'm better than them. And i'm 23. Am i doing 23 wrong ?

>> No.11731720

Lmao, tumblr clone pls

if I see any more fucking thigh tattoos on 5/10 chicks desperate for an identity and a cure for their apparent scoliosis I swear

>> No.11731810
File: 93 KB, 810x534, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's 23. Should i replace all my sneakers with boots and derbies ? should i stop wearing hoodies ?

>> No.11731815

But i still like noise and shoegaze music...

>> No.11731827

Then at 23 what should a man wear t shirt with ? I've buried my desire to wear graphic tees (even band tees) almost successfully, now i only do plain and stripes. But what do i wear them with ? I can only think about my favourite classic sneakers like slip ons or onitsuka tiger

>> No.11731842

no wtf
you're going to big events everyday?

>> No.11731927

Golden years for women are late teens to late 20s.
Golden years for men are early 30s to mid 40s.

Peak of physical youth and sex appeal for one, intersection of rising socioeconomic status and slowly declining physical strength for the other.

Smart men pour their 20s in their careers and slowly appreciate a sweeter social life later on.
The typical power-woman mimics it and gets utterly miserable when she realizes the mistake.

Dumb men piss their 20s away in drugs, cars they can't afford, not taking risks in their careers and staying employees, party school and fraternities and end up in a tiny appartment with a beer gut, no savings a divorce and a pathetic work life.
Smart women party, get married, have kids divorce then go on with their lives.

>> No.11732014

Sounds like smart women go for dumb men first, if divorce is on both lists.

>> No.11732023

>slowly appreciate a sweeter social life later on
what kind of social life ? i'm still hungry for techno parties etc etc but i just can't socialize

>> No.11732041


T-shirts are underwear. They should be under a shirt.
Graphic tees are a no-no.

>> No.11732051

is it okay to wear button down shirts without undershirt underneath ?

>> No.11732221


>> No.11732273

So is it ?

>> No.11732370

this thread is fucking depressing. im only 19 and felt so behind because ever since high school i shut myself in and didn't care about anything. let my looks go, let all my relationships go. Now I feel like I missed out on some good times ;( but this thread is also encouraging me to put myself out there and live a better life. wew lad this thread got me feeling all sorts of feels

>> No.11732392

>tfw this thread hits really close to home
(and i'm 23 too)

pls don't, and those fits looks retarded

don't listen to this guy!

>> No.11732446

>I dress up just because it's fun

So do I. What's wrong with that? Some people drink or buy drugs with the same money.

>> No.11732458


u gettin ready for the big dirt nap bic boi?

>> No.11732475

i don't dress up nice for chicks, i fress up nice so i can look at other people and think about how much better i am because of my fits.
so mayby just to compensate my low selfesteem

>> No.11732497

Yes, of course it is, as long as the shirt isn't see-tru and you know how to do your laundry.

>> No.11732515

to all the teenagers on this board:
your brain doesn't fully mature until you're about 22-25
there is no "end product" to the you that is you. it is very likely that your views, tastes and even personality will change as you age. all you can do is be mindful of the changes that you're experiencing and try to make the best of them.
never stop trying to improve yourself in some fashion.

>> No.11732518
File: 54 KB, 550x366, 1428219563116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>working 9-5 in a job you don't like for the next 40 years

Not looking forward to growing up DESU

>> No.11732590

He looks retarded

I hope none of you dress like this

>> No.11732618

Drop the slip ons
Your pants seem to be ill fitting taper or find appropriate size.
I never liked polo shirts especially the ones with flashy patterns.

Your outfit would actually be nice if you swapped the polo for a white tshirt and had better fiting grey pants

>> No.11732631

>working 9-5 in a job you don't like for the next 40 years
That's... not the objective.
Getting dat 9-5 is easymode, An easymode that soon won't be possible anymore, but still.
You can do better than shuffling papers around a office.

>> No.11732653

Then what shoe ? Everytime i come up with a shoe it's always similar to that, like sambas, puma suede, af1, etc etc. what sneaker/casual shoe a 23 yr old should own/like ?

>> No.11732668


>> No.11732669

oh god no

that's an indian tier ugly polo and those shoes are terrible

>> No.11732672


prep faggots need to fucking kill themselves

>> No.11732677

That's an H&M polo. And those shoes are sick, lots of fashion gods here wear it. It looks sick in that Palo Alto film

Oh shit. Ok, i'll try digging into the cheap versions of that kind of stuff

>> No.11732689

I'm 23 too. It all depends on the look you are going for. Vans are trendy atm, so that's a safe buy. NB's have some nice sneakers with light grey colorways etc. If you don't care about branding any shoe with a shoelace will do cause slip on's do really look even more infantile than the meme /fa/ sneaker collection.

It all depends on your taste and preference and maybe even your foot. Cause for instance I'm flat foot so anything with arch support fucks up my foot and the shoe falls apart/widens real quick.

If you'd post what style you're after or what you are usually wearing that would help a bunch

>> No.11732699


I was memeing mate, they are nice but you don't need to buy a cheap clone

>> No.11732740

t. 14 year old

>> No.11732804

>mid 40s
HAHA yeh right

>> No.11732830

>this fucking thread

w e w

>> No.11732831
File: 22 KB, 500x375, 5cecd7c3590295e9b92d9775a93388bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't listen to this guy

This is one of those guys that will piss away their 20's in some shitty engineering school
in hopes that by the time they're 36 some beautiful blonde virgin teenage girl will be wildy attracted to their savings account and their new, used camaro and will fall into their arms and live happily ever after.

What really will happen is chad will be fugging all kinds of freshman college pussy, doing drugs and enjoying life and then settling down whenever he needs to with a retired party grill that's also ready to give up the lifestyle and have a couple of cute kids.
Meanwhile this guy will be lonely and miserable and some 5/10 slut who's finished riding the cock carousel and who's childbearing deadline is slowly approaching will quickly marry him for his resources, have a bunch of kids, then leave with them and take all his money

>> No.11732897

so what should be done as an anxious and depressed 23 yr old ?

>> No.11732908

kill your doubts

>> No.11732911
File: 6 KB, 260x194, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weird how a real life Scientologist tool like that can so realistically portray that rebel character.

>> No.11732962
File: 94 KB, 600x337, 600full-aw7265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just be urself brah :^)
I'm not sure what you're life specifically is missing,
i guess you'd have to figure that out for yourself.
I'm just warning you not to miss out on your twenties, thinking you're too old already. because you're not. I live in nyc and all the 23-24 year old guys act like teenagers, dress like fuccbois, and go out everynight

Most normal women marry men their age or 5 or so years older (age gaps much bigger than that are usually gold diggers, sluts, or formerly divorced women with kids and other kinds of baggage) so you have 7 years pretty much to fix yourself and enjoy your life as a young guy before it becomes shameful (fix the anxiety first, and the depression will start to remedy itself), start getting a little more serious about your career in your late twenties then find a girl and get married when you're in your early thirties and shes in her late twenties.

>> No.11733498

don't die just yet