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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 230 KB, 664x443, hespoke-shoes-new.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11682279 No.11682279 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11682291

because you're not a rich and powerful old man, wait a bit and then see if you like it

>> No.11682297
File: 140 KB, 900x600, boat-shoes-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on a similar BOAT

>> No.11682298

good advice

>> No.11682305

I was referring to the lack of socks btw

>> No.11682347

what can someone explain to me

>> No.11682349

Are you serious? Loafers of this variety (along with boat shoes) are meant to be worn without socks or with no-show socks.

>> No.11682358

The shoes in the picture weren't my focus I just grabbed the first picture off google. A few people wore suits without socks to my prom and I think they just looked like cunts

>> No.11682627

Hitler youth or undercuts.

They're trash.

>> No.11682652

>those are a man's ankles

>> No.11682672

It's really easy and fun to style them, and it looks good on most people.

>> No.11682687

When I was in my college debate team a lot of the opponents tried to be /Mfa/ or fedora tier and didn't wear socks. They all got docked points or eliminated. I usually always wore black silk or something whimsical. Tournaments are usually from 4am to 11pm so I had no time for sweaty uncomfortable feet. Plus it looks cheap and trashy

>> No.11682724


>> No.11682751

normcore, rick owens, air jordans

>> No.11682759
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>A trend

>> No.11682765

not true

>> No.11682771
File: 21 KB, 500x375, Tricky_Ricky_Tikki_Tavi_X_ Ringling_Bros_Barnum_&_Bailey_Clown_Shoes_Collab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11682798

stan smiths

they're shit-tier as far as basic white sneakers go

the dots and green colouring have no appeal to me whatsoever

>> No.11682803

If you didn't grow up in an area where this was the norm, where these were the shoes you saw your father and grandfather wear during the summer, then no one expects you to get it.

Sans-socks is acceptable in business and business casual wear, especially if everything else compliments your shoes and you don't have obscene wooly mammoth ankles.

Horsebit is more distasteful than sans-socks desu

Not true at all - it depends entirely on your hair color, your hairline, and how your hair behaves with length.

>> No.11682807
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>> No.11682809

Well yeah, wearing a suit with shoes and no socks (especially to fucking prom) is extremely tacky.

But, leather shoes without socks does work in more casual fits, especially on a boat or at a casual picnic or something.

>> No.11682831


>> No.11682916

ffs kek'd hard

>> No.11682929

Psychology degrees

>> No.11682932


I havnt worn socks in over a year, feels good man. Either Im wearing flip flops or boat shoes because of Florida's eternal summer.

>> No.11683153

not even a trend dude. people have been incorporating this into prep and trad style for almost a century now

>> No.11683155
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>> No.11683515

I'm with OP. The no-socks thing is getting out of control. 90% of the fits you see on this board have pants that are either too short or cuffed to show off their ankles, which doesn't make any sense. I don't think your ankles are an attractive body part. Whenever I see a fit on /fa/ I just cringe at how uncomfortable it must be to have exposed ankles. Does this not bother anybody else? Even fits that attempt to professional look like they had a growth spurt and couldn't afford new pants.

>> No.11683522

There's nothing wrong with his statement. It is/was a trend.

>> No.11683721

As a skinny guy, it sucks having everything be baggy. Even with fitting clothes, there's still the fact that my arms are literal sticks. I'm jealous of all the big guys with thick forearms that can easily hold a watch on the wrist without it sliding down to their elbow.

>> No.11683726

it looks better

>> No.11683747

You fucking idiot

>> No.11683801
File: 17 KB, 520x441, CYEntsm407[22-50-29].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>really want one of those
>every pair i try doesnt fit when i walk

>> No.11683806
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>> No.11683812

they're playing with proportion, open your mind senpai not saying that plenty of them aren't shit though.

>> No.11683825 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 480x360, converse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone please tell me what the trendy shoes are today? I want something like these converse but that aren't for 14 year olds.

>> No.11683840

I wear no show socks with everything. Loafers, boat shoes, even sneakers. Plebs gonna pleb.

>> No.11683863
File: 30 KB, 500x500, 508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ankles are attractive if you have a tan

>> No.11683869

no show socks are for the ultimate pleb tho

>> No.11683896

Stay triggered, pleb.

>> No.11683899

>n-no you


>> No.11683905

*and are not a hambeast but that goes without saying I suppose

>> No.11683917

Excellent summary of your initial reply, commoner.

>> No.11683919

I wear boat shoes on boats. I never understood why people would wear them in general, although they are airy in the summer.

>> No.11683920

I bet you're a progressive and like to call people cucks too.

>> No.11684872

>thought it was a womans legs
>hairy man arm
whats going on

>> No.11684883

Fuck off cankles

>> No.11685393

pseudo formal prep vibe that many americans like to exhude

>> No.11685410

Guys trying to look like girls and yeah the no sock thing is fucking odd.

>> No.11685464


>> No.11685548

>need to be rich to have pants that are too small for you

>> No.11685610

Where's his right hand

>> No.11685616

On his dick.

>> No.11685617

[ ]Kek
[x]Not kek

>> No.11685671
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>> No.11685681

fucking hell hahahaha

>> No.11685719

>docked points
>for the clothes you're wearing

What the fuck kind of school did you go to?

>> No.11685720


>> No.11685859

for harambe?

>> No.11685899

Its steel battalion all over again.

>> No.11686168

I have the same ankles. Is ... is it not fashionable to be thin?

>> No.11686279
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>if you didn't grow up in an area where this was the norm
THIS. Grandparents and uncles on my mother's side used to race sailboats and my grandfather still has a sailboat on a mooring off from their summer cottage.

It's always funny to hear kids make remarks about "ohhh, where's your sailboat? XD" and then inform them that you grew up sailing with family.

That and top siders were a part of our uniform in high school so I still have multiple pairs.

>> No.11686289

Most of people I've seen wearing them look pathetic trying to cover up a cubby face/ shit nose with these

>> No.11686331

then do something about it?

>> No.11686516
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>> No.11686524


the fact that you haven't moved past your heritage and your childhood are clear signs of an uncreative dork. i doubt you sail more than david de rothschild

>> No.11686580

>moved past
It's no so much that I'm fixated on it, as it is that it's just a style I've grown up with and continued to enjoyed through the summer months. I don't sail a lot, and I don't have my own sailboat yet, but I still enjoy the nautical/northeastern summertime aesthetic. Why do you think that's so bad to like? I don't get it.

>> No.11686708


>In the summer I work for rich folks by sailing their yacht to the warm Mediterranean from their depressing cold European shitholes.
>One of the crew members has fallen ill due to a bad lobster.
>OI I have a friend who can help.
>Dude arrives, prepmeister the 2nd, earl of vineyard vines.
>Oke, whatever.
>Dude does nothing but acts as if it's a holiday on this sweet yacht.
>Despite a coming storm the owner wants the boat in his med port.
>Sail in the storm like a mad cunt
>We need an extra pair of hands on deck.
>Ask prepfag why he isn't geared up.
>All he had was a windbreaker, no foul weather gear, boots or lifejacket.
>After an hour finally dares to come outside after his friend pestered him.
>One wave, slips on his faggy boat shoes lands with his back on a burly Lewmar winch and almost rolls overboard.
>He stayed in bed for the rest of the trip.
>When we reached port he was all talk and called us fags for being so over prepared.

He died a year later in an unrelated scooter accident wearing boat shoes.

Boat shoes kill.

>> No.11686723
File: 1.33 MB, 3086x2299, Yachting-Monthly-Musto-Race-Shoe-Best-Sailing-Shoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Real sailors haven't been wearing deck shoes for ages.

Race sailing shoes is where it's at nowadays.

>> No.11687107
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>> No.11687129
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>> No.11687499


No socks and showing off ankle is gay as fuck for men!

>> No.11687533


I guess when you become rich you suddenly stop getting blisters on your feet.

>> No.11687542
File: 75 KB, 1200x616, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11687549

Crocs, fanny packs, socks with sandals, JNCO jeans, tucking your pants into your boots and tying the laces around your calves...

>> No.11687875

the thing is
>ankles are a body part
>theres nothing uncomfortable about exposed ankles

Maybe it looks like they had a growth spurt and couldnt afford new pants to you cause your still getting growth spurts?

>> No.11687897

imo i think its more difficult to gain weight for some people, especially if they ever reach /thinspo/ levels. Im 6'1 around low150, I have never weighted more than 160 and lowest I have been is 138, unless you get start chugging nutrition shakes with every meal and make a very active effort to eat more and more often when you can easily go 6hours or so without eating without much discomfort, to then eat a small meal and feel full.

>> No.11687920
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I see your bait, but whatever.

>> No.11687943
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>> No.11687996

there's some dude in toronto who walks around in these and I'd like to punch him

>> No.11688070

Going sockless is only acceptable if you have really clean feet and/or you use foot powder. You may not be able to smell your own nasty foot odor but other people sure as hell can. Plus leather picks up smells like no other material.

>> No.11688088

That's a pretty big leap of logic to assume about me.

It's not that I think ankles are gross or something. I don't mind them if you're wearing shorts. It's just when you're wearing pants that are obviously too short/excessively cuffed, the only thing people notice are your ankles and wonder why you're pulling so much attention to them. I imagine you sitting down and having your goofy cuffed pants coming up to your knees.

>> No.11688115

he probably thinks sailing is elitist and feels left out

>> No.11688142

Go full SLP

>> No.11688813

same here alway thot they were ug af

>> No.11688814

Jordans and AF1s
just don't get it

>> No.11688854

I agree with this.

>> No.11688860

I got into streetwear starting in like 05, back when AF1s were THE shoe
and I never fucking understood it; my friend drools whenever he sees a pair of AF1s with certain characteristics, so I know it's a fetish-level fad for some people

>> No.11688865

I mean, I think Jordans look cool, but people wear it completely wrong. it's disgusting sometimes. AF1s are so common that having a pair is being basic desu

>> No.11688872

There was a big reggaeton trend in my area at that time; and if you know the style, AF1s are mandatory

>> No.11688881
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>> No.11688883

As a guy who lives in a city that just reached peak fade, I have to say that it only looks good on good looking people (shockingly).

>> No.11688885

Nigga, that's true everywhere, all the time. Learn something about audience expectations.

>> No.11689175

disgusting desu.
im glad the people with no standards are relegated to shit holes like florida

>> No.11689695

only asians and white dudes can pull it off and it doesnt work with curly hair or gingers

>> No.11689701

being black isnt "having a tan"

>> No.11689931

lmfao this pic, saved.

>> No.11689963
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>> No.11690020

do us a favour, brave man

>> No.11690025

wtf stop photoshopping

>> No.11690035

it's real

>> No.11690074

>pseudo formal
actually, it's the definition of casual. that's how I can tell you never have and never will be part of any country or yacht club.

>> No.11690104

gonna look sick when that sole starts to yellow

>> No.11690119

>never have and never will be a cunt
I don't think he should feel bad about that at all

>> No.11690123

I was trying to show what normies thought about them
would not be my jargon, but fine, be that way.

>> No.11690148
File: 39 KB, 495x495, 8120647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shitty fucking pattern right here.
This fucker, I see on goddamn everything.
It's everywhere, it hurts to look at, and it turns everything it's on into shit.
I want this garbage meme texture to die.
Fuck houndstooth. FUCK HOUNDSTOOTH

>> No.11690175

is this what damage control looks like?

illustrates perfectly >>11688115 's point

>> No.11690183

Not >>11686279, I'm >>11682803.

Grew up in coastal Connecticut, spent most of the year sailing, taught Laser/420/470/FJ through high school, crewed on big boats (mostly IRC) in college because my school didn't have collegiate sailing, did some deliveries after college, kind of gave it up when I moved down south.

But you're right, I almost never wore shoes, the only thing better than bare feet on a boat is technical shoes, but that's only if the deck grit is rough (they don't do shit on teak).

Far too many people in the Northeast who wear sailing brands and try to emulate that sort of lifestyle but couldn't tell you the different betwene port and starboard.

>> No.11690334

most people can tell left from right and red from green; few of them can tell a reef knot from a clove hitch though, but i get your drift

>> No.11690485

Do people really go sockless on those?

>> No.11690500

some people do, some don't
some people don't wear undies, some don't wear shirts, some shave their head, some shave their armpits, some let all of it grow.

shocking, I know.

any other questions?

>> No.11690544

Glad I clicked this thread from the home page even though I never browse /fa/