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File: 84 KB, 900x494, skin-care.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11668401 No.11668401 [Reply] [Original]

Skincare General

Everything related to skincare routines, products, acne, and grooming goes in here.

Skin care basics:http://tuxbell.com/index.php?title=Grooming#Skin-care_Basics
Acne treatment:http://tuxbell.com/index.php?title=Grooming#Acne_Treatment

Skinacea Links:
Ridding dark eye circles:http://www.skinacea.com/how-to/get-rid-of-dark-circles.html

/fa/ skincare FAQ:

- Basic routine, skincare guide, and products tips
- How to pop pimples, remove blackheads and whiteheads
- Why you shouldn't use ordinary soap on your face
- How to improve your skin tone through diet
- Studies on how diary and sugars create acne
- How your skin is affected by sleep, sun, skincare ingredients

Last thread died so lets keep things going!

>> No.11668411

What's your routine and what do you use /fa/gs?

>> No.11668450

Here's mine:
AM + PM:
Neutrogena Advanced Solutions Acne
Therapy System, alongside a glycerin-based charcoal soap and Paula's choice ultra defense moisturizer.
Skin has been clearing up slowly but surely.

>> No.11668462

L'Occitane: hack or not?
I bought their olive oil black soap and have used it 3 times a week. My skin has been alot softer but my back acne has been adjusting weirdly (some days flakey, some days oily as fuck).
Is this supposed to happen?

>> No.11668475

Guys I've been doing this for months now and my acne is only getting worse.

Cera Ve Foaming Cleanser in shower
Stridex Exfoliating Wipe thing after
Cera Ve Moisturizer

Evenings is the same except I use Nip + Fab Glycolic Fix Daily Cleansing Pads instead of Stridex.

My face isn't dry anymore which is a plus I guess. But acne is still a problem. I just tried switching to detergent that doesn't have scents added to it. Could it be from my Head and Shoulders Shampoo/Conditioner?

>> No.11668497

How would the head and shoulders effect your skin?

>> No.11668532

I don't know? It runs down my face and back when I am rinsing it out and my face seems to be pretty sensitive I figured maybe it was a plausible hypothesis and was hoping if anyone else had a similar issue they would respond

>> No.11668534
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A lot of shampoos have irritating shit in them than fucks with your skin either when it gets on it in the shower or later when your hair produces oil and it finds its way onto your skin.

What kind of skin do you have?
Foaming cleanser is bad for dry skin and if you have sensitive skin you should cool it with the stridex acid wipes. Sensitive skin needs a little "breathing room" if you get my meaning. Try cutting one of your wipes out of your daily routine for a while, see if that helps. It sounds like you might be over medicating your face.

Also, fuck shampoo/conditioner. If you get itchy scalp use T-Gel shampoo. (Every drug store has their own and Neutrogena has the name brand.) Shit stops dandruff and itchiness like a brick wall. If your hair is lifeless after shampoo, then cut down on it. A lot of people only need shampoo like every 3 days - once a week or sometimes not at all. Also the Head n Shoulders probably has a bunch or irritating shit in it.

Also: Just go to a derm. Easiest shit out there and they hook you up with the best skincare product recommendations. Tell them your budget and they'll help you find the best shit for your skin possible and wont break your bank.

>> No.11668540


Use cosdna.com and check your shampoo. It'll list out all the ingredients that might be irritating.

>> No.11668551

I have combination I believe, at least 2 years ago before I started using moisturizer my face would get hella flakey. Now its not bad but my forehead and nose still gets a bit oily. But yeah I'll try cutting out the stridex pad.

Also, yeah I don't really shampoo that often, I used to have really bad flaky scalp but I grew my hair out and stopped using shampoo/conditioner combo everyday and only shampoo every 3 days or so and I condition daily in the shower plus a leave in conditioner afterwards. I'd go to a dermatologist but I'm trying not to because I'm a broke kid in college and my mom is even more broke with 4 other kids so its kind of hard to justify doing that, might have to tho because I've got a nasty ingrown pubic hair lmao. Thanks for the response though bud, hopefully I can get my shit together soon

>> No.11668558

Oh, makes sense. I'll have to keep an eye on that, then, im sure my back acne is getting effected by my shampoo.

>> No.11668566

going to a derm isn't too expensive my man.

save up the $130 and go, they'll give your skin a look, ask about your skincare routine/history, then give you some prescription acne fucker thats usually an all cure. To get the heavy duty good shit you need a derm to recommend it. Over the counter doesn't even lay a finger on the shit you can get from a derm for spot treatment.

My buddy has shit skin, acne scars and everything, and the derm gave him some Tretinoin or whatever. 6 months and his skin looked like he had never had acne save for a a few spots. Derms can give you some good retinoids that basically just give you a new layer of skin after a couple months. It's like getting a new goddamn face. Go to derm ONCE and get that sweet hookup my man. It is well worth the 130.

>> No.11668583

I was under the impression it was like a monthly fee type thing or something. I might look into it more now. Its kind of depressing me really which is affecting my eating habits and turning me into a slob. I'll have to go here soon. thanks for the chat man, I have hope now :)

>> No.11668593

How to deal with acne on my back? Started working out and it has been getting worse.

>> No.11668596

No dude. If all your going for is to get the scrip/a consultation you only pay for the office visit. A lot of times they give you a prescription for retinoids or an antibiotic like clindamycin and BP, and sometimes they give you an oral antibiotic like doxycycline. Those prescriptions can be covered by insurance, too if you have the right kind or whatever.

Call your regular doctor and ask for a recommendation to a derm. It can make it easier to get in sometimes and it def makes finding a good derm easier because if you like your doctor, you can trust their rec for a derm.

>> No.11668599

Scrubby brush worked for me. Gotta clean all that fuckin sweat off your back, hombre.

>> No.11668600

Accutane JUSTed me. got rid of my acne but gave me major facial redness which looks even worse than the acne i had.

>> No.11668632

A bit pricey, love their face masks.

>> No.11669187
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do I need to wear sunscreen if I have florescent lights in my room
I don't go outside

>> No.11669429

I've finally decided to do something about my horrible skin (acne, scars and a shit-ton of blackheads on the nose), I'm about to get the skin-care basic regimen and it's recommended to use some of these products under the shower.

Question: I'm used to cold showers, is that better to take hot ones to open the pores have make the whole thing more efficient?

>> No.11670086
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There are benefits to both cold and hot showers.

>> No.11670629

Bumping for interest

>> No.11670667

"The compact fluorescent industry says the bulbs are safe but admits they do emit UV rays. In a statement they insist, “the levels of UV radiation emitted are acceptably low” and are safe under normal use. Researchers say you can be safe by exercising caution."

Up to you. Personally, I don't like the kind of light florescents give off, so I would never have them in my bedroom to begin with.

>> No.11670672

If you're going with hot showers, then finish off with cold water.

>> No.11671329

This is "kinda" skin but what causes dandruff?

>> No.11671411

Anybody know some good facewash brands?

>> No.11671509

Any ideas/experience dealing with acne scars?

>> No.11671523

This feel is known to me

>> No.11671610
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What kind are you?

>> No.11671638

i use a lush exfoliating face wash, paula's choice retinoid serum, cerave eye cream, cerave cream (just the normal body stuff in the tub) and aveeno sunscreen on my face. my skin's absurdly dry and blotchy but this has more or less cleared it up. for body i use african black soap, a dry brush for exfoliating once a week, and the same cerave shit.

just got a sample size of the muji all in one essence for sensitive skin, has anyone tried that? i've been using it for two days so far w/ the rest of my skincare routine so i haven't noticed anything

>> No.11671648

could be a number of things, too hot of water in showers, genetics, reactions to other haircare products. spend a few weeks trying a few different solutions (cold/lukewarm showers, head and shoulders, coal tar shampoo, etc) to see if any of those help. otherwise see a dermatologist

>> No.11671706

Im the bottom one for sure. I noticed my mom still gets random acne, am I going to have to deal with acne forever? its not bad just a spot here or there but its annoying.
I started using Fresh Farmacy from Lush and it cleared up my skin pretty well. I use it in the morning but put cold water over my face to close the pores afterwards. I still get random pimps from time to time tho.

>> No.11671766

moisturizers are generally the product type most prone to causing acne. cleansers in second.
you could try switching it out for something else.

bear in mind that both AHAs and BHAs are entry-level anti-acne topicals. they're just used as OTC products that can help most people decrease their acne to some extent, with almost no side-effects. they're mostly effective against blackheads, and ordinary inflammatory acne to some extent.

after trying that, treatment often escalates into benzoyl peroxide, topical retinoids, topical & oral antibiotics, and isotretinoin.

sunscreen, time, and saving up for laser treatment, my man. I would probably wait 6-12 months first though, depending on severity.

imagine doing the dishes with cold water. even if you're using dish soap, you're still not getting the all the grime off the plates. how effective your cleansing is depends a lot on the temperature of the water.

having a cold shower will not make you nearly as clean as a warm shower. but you could always clean first in warm water, and then finish with cold water.

also, pores do not open and close.
that's not how they work.

most effective treatments are microdermabrasion, chemical peelings (careful), and laser (GOAT). use sunscreen & see a derm for help.

it's very possible to have acne scars without exhibiting PIH or PIE. scars are just localized collagen clusterfucks.

>> No.11671854

>getting a response from the senpai himself
Wow, thank you, i didnt know that. How do you work in getting rid of the collagen clusterfucks, then?

>> No.11672024


for the people with oily skin, what's your routine and what do you use? Looking for recommendations in general, I'm a noob.

I plan to do this (taken from the pastebin)

morning routine:
>Cleanser, Toner, Sunscreen

evening routine:
>Cleanser, Toner, Moisturizer


>CeraVe Foaming Facial Cleanser
>StriDex Medicated Pads, Maximum Strength
>CeraVe Moisturizing Lotion
>Moisturizing SPF 30 Facial Sunscreen

is this good? any tips? is there a good but cheaper sunscreen?

>> No.11672456

Does powdered peanut butter with none of the oils or fats of peanut butter still cause acne? It's 6prot/4carb/1.5fat but tastes better than regular peanut butter, it's safe right?

>> No.11672678

Why is this thread having such a hard time staying alive holy shit

>> No.11672929
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it can then look like pic related, for example.
I wrote about treatment as a response to >>11671509 in the post above.
microneedling is also a good alternative.


>> No.11672933

posters post less mindless speculation, that keeps the thread bumped, when there is no question about "how to get rid of acne" or "how do I lighten my dark circles under my eyes" in OP.

the FAQ also kills the all the small simple questions that otherwise would have turned into Frequently Bumping Posts

for the sake of survivability of /skin/ & other generals, maybe it would be wiser to post the /skin/ copypasta later in the thread and replace the OP content with legit skincare concerns that promote discussion.

>> No.11673380
File: 158 KB, 620x806, skin_type[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I go about determining my skin type?

Questions like "Is your skin usually dry/oily in the evening?" are completely fucking unanswerable when I have no frame of reference

>> No.11673552

Cerave salicylic acid lotion and Neutrogena FaceShield sunscreen in the morning.
Cerave salicylic acid lotion plus their moisturizing lotion in the evening.

I also make sure to use a full pump, which is quite a bit, for all of this. I use their cleanser as shaving cream and also to wash my face before applying anything.

I purged for the last two weeks but now my face is acceptably clear. I'm expecting to do some more purging for a week or so and then be clear. I think the FaceShield is irritating my skin so I'm going to switch to their Sensitive Skin formula when I run out of this.

I was doing benzoyl peroxide and glycolic acid for a while. It was too irritating and it made me way too sensitive to the sun. It was also annoying having my bangs get slightly bleached and fucking up my girlfriend's pillows. Salicylic acid has been much gentler and just as effective so I'm glad I made the switch. It's also easier to apply so I'm satisfied.

>> No.11673559

yo how do i get rid of bags under my eyes

>> No.11673567

What exactly do you have a problem with in trying to determine your skin type?
The infographic you posted is quite clear, desu.

>> No.11673639

It takes 1-2 weeks for the skin to get used to the BP. Did you try it for that long? I would never combine it with Glycolic Acid at the same time though...

>> No.11673731

I did it for like a year and half.

>> No.11673762

high %? 2.5% is the best

>> No.11673790
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For any Australian's in this thread, go ahead and grab some Dark Angel from Lush. The GF got me some recently and it's a massive step up from shit-tier chemical exfoliants.

I have some acne pitting from my teenage years and this is the only shit I've ever used which actually reduces its visibility, it's great for evening out skin tone too.
If you have sensitive skin you may only want to use it once every few days and use something more mild inbetween.

>> No.11673793

Best thing you can do is drink lots of water, make sure to hit 2 Litres a day, more if your pee is still coming out yellow.

>> No.11673801
File: 90 KB, 1147x1300, 30156299-Nutrition-questions-and-choosing-healthy-food-options-at-the-grocery-store-or-market-with-aan-open-p-Stock-Photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are those white black heads called where you squeeze the skin and white strings come out?

How do I get rid of them? My skin is rather oily

It's not semen

>> No.11673929

whats a good exfoliater?

>> No.11673939
File: 27 KB, 510x498, 1462073503677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i lol at these threads. cut back on dairy sugar and grease and you'll be amazed. and stop washing your fucking face too much

>> No.11673951

pus? Try dry brushing, it's kind of a meme going around but I've tried it myself and it's been working. I'd have a lot of those little things you've described around the bridge of my nose and chin. Just get a brush meant for the shower (make sure it has "plant" bristles).

>> No.11673952


These reason these threads exist is because things like you're suggesting doesn't work for everyone.

>> No.11673958

this and this and this some more

there is no need to rub anything on your face, 90% is shit anyways.

>> No.11673962
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You mean one of these?

I'm not 100% sure what I should be looking for

How do you not rub off the skin in the process?

>> No.11673972

You go very gentle, but you'd be surprised at how tough your skin is. You can start from your chin and gently scrub in circles, move up to cheeks, circle a bit..and so on. I had the same concern but I noticed after I did it my skin looked more porcelain. You'll see the dry skin flakes on your face, but afterwards you're supposed to wash with a cleanser. I just do it before I take a shower. And yes, something like the pic is good. If you're worried about hurting your skin or if you're really sensitive apparently you can add some facial oils.

>> No.11673976

im not who you're responding to but i have this problem.

The worst part is if I dont pop them the pore closes up and I end up with these huge under the skin pimples that fucking kills.

>> No.11673982

Thanks anon, I'll try a brush and maybe look at the OP for some cleanser too

I had those on the chin a bunch of times, it's the fucking worst

Digging with a needle to pop the thing so it stops is a real bad time

>> No.11673987

Anons help me over here.
My skin overall lately is in a good shape, after starting to use cleansers/scrubs and overall maintained better hygiene, pimples and blackheads are gone mostly.
The only problem I have is that my nose is pinkish/ light red color. Doesn't have that much acne, it just has this noticable red color overall.
What should I do

>> No.11673991
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Same, but you should really stop popping them, I think what you're doing is making the pore more open to accepting more bacteria, and I think your pore is "scabbing" so the pus is trapped like you said.

have you tried boiling water over a stove and put your face over it for a little bit? you're supposed to drape a towel over the back of your head to trap the steam. i've done this once before and it does make your pores look more obvious, but then you can follow with one of the treatments in pic related. a lot of people swear by it and a lot of people think it's a waste, but coming from someone that has a similar issue to yours I'd say it's worth it. afterwards my pores are a lot smaller and no white shit is visible

>> No.11673998
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i think the skin is pretty sensitive and thin around your nose because of all the cartilidge and waht not, so maybe try going gentler? i have a tendency too to scrub hard around that area as i tend to have blackheads but it makes my nose red and a bit shiny. try coconut oil or rosehip oil? they're both good at evening skin tone. or after you cleans try the pic related, this is the only toner ive ever used that could ever be considered soothing.

>> No.11674005

Never tried the clay stuff. I'll check it out.

Pinching has always been a problem for me. I have mild OCD.

I have a plethora of sensitive skin problems so I always have to be careful with what I try.

>> No.11674029

How and when do I apply coconut oil? Because that's what I have at home.

>> No.11674030

yup, 2.5%. I just can't fuck with constant oxidative stress/staining. glycolic acid made me look like a marble statue though.

>> No.11674071

let's say i go out a run late in the day and don't shower until the morning (like i usually do)

what effect does not washing have on my skin?

>> No.11674074

depends on your skin's needs. i use an exfoliator that has finely crushed almonds and lavender and it works great for my dry/flaky skin but might not work for someone whose skin is more oily. low conc salicylic acid exfoliant works for some ppl too.

avoid st ives apricot scrub like the plague, that shit is trash

>> No.11674085

drink more water, use undereye cream, sunscreen, and don't rub them. if you smoke, stop doing that

>> No.11674122
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i bought these recently and im asking because they dont seem great... guess i fell for the st ive meme

>> No.11674146

you just rib a bit on your finger then rub on the affected area. its tricky because you could swear you dont have enough on your finger but it's extremely greasy. you can apply it under your moisturizer, before bed, after shower, whenever. it doesn't clog your pores or anything. its really good under your eyes too

>> No.11674150

depeneds, are you wearing anything on your face? just rinse rinse your face off if you're worried or use some type of astringent

>> No.11674176
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> stop smoking

b-but my aesthetic

>> No.11674178

So I'll put it on at night after cleaning. And I have to let it absorb right? Not wipe off?
I love dark circles under eyes tho, don't want to get rid of them.

>> No.11674185


>> No.11674189

your bed sheets would get fucking filthy man just shower

>> No.11674196


Absorption happens naturally if you don't wipe it off. Which you shouldn't.

>> No.11674203


>> No.11674217

How do I obtain a Very close shave without going against the grain?

>> No.11674260

You can't.

>> No.11674288


Chemo therapy.

>> No.11674297

splash your face with acid instead of water

>> No.11674331

I have sensitive skin

>> No.11674344

Have you tried burning the hair off

>> No.11674351

after the acid you won't

>> No.11675124

Are there any good products to get Korean kind of skin (white/clear) or do you have to be Asian to have that?

>> No.11675134


> "Splash your face with acid"
> "I have sensitive skin."
> Sensitive to acid

top kek

>> No.11675137

Kpop idols does not represent what Korean skin is like

>> No.11675150

help me find a good sunscreen that doesnt leave a shiny foil on my face

>> No.11675160

bravo anon you got his joke, thanks for explaining it so we could all share in the laughter, haha.

>> No.11675174
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>> No.11675175


wake up:cleanse, toner, moisturize
before sleep:same as above

>> No.11675181


I wasn't sharing.

>> No.11675189

Yes you were, if voluntary or not, good on you for sharing with the group buddy!

>> No.11675205


No, I wasn't sharing the laughter.

>> No.11675216

Yes you were my friend

>> No.11675222


Please stop laughing.

>> No.11675232

You can't take back what you shared, that's theft

>> No.11675286

nice trips

>> No.11675298
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>> No.11675656

What pillow-cases are good for skin and hair? I've been recommended silk or satin instead of cotton but have no idea how to distinguish what is good and how high in price I have to go to get something good enough.

>> No.11675740
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So I'm getting a bit deeper into this stuff, finally getting a decent razor and new face wash/moisturizer for acne. Once I buy it all, this would be my routine:

>Wash face with warm water
>Apply face wash (CeraVe Hydrating Cleanser)
>Rinse with warm water
>Apply pre-shave oil (Taylor of Old Bond Street Sandalwood Pre Shave Oil) and foam (Gillette Classic Sensitive Skin Shaving Foam)
>Shave with grain (Edwin Jagger Imitation Ebony Double Edge Safety Razor (DE86))
>Repeat last two steps (including oil?) until it looks good or something
>Rinse with hot then cold water
>Cold shower, conditioner and shampoo and all that
>Pat dry face, dry rest of body, apply aftershave (Gillette Series Aftershave Gel For Sensitive Skin 100ml) and moisturizer (CeraVe Facial Moisturizing Lotion PM) on face

Is it not recommended to do everything at once, and if so how do I split it up? I don't have much time in the mornings, so I generally don't do anything then, though maybe that's the easiest way to make things better?

>> No.11675851
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Pores don't open or close, how can I believe any of this if I know one is definitely incorrect.

>> No.11675868

>I don't have much time in the mornings
Get in a new routine of waking up earlier. If you have add stuff to your morning routine, an extra half-hour will help immensely.

I've never dealt with acne, nor do I shave, full beard masterrace, but that seems like a lot of shit to do to your face daily.

>> No.11675879

I guess if I split it up into morning and evening I can shave and wash face AM and then shower and wash face PM, most of the products are just to shave which I definitely need - patchy hobo beard is fine in summer at home but now that the break is ending I wanna look less like shit.

>> No.11675882

>Cold frees up the mind
>Warm reduces anxiety
So it just magically reduces anxiety? Also idk about migraines specifically but if I have a head ache a warm shower will only make it worse.

>> No.11675886

so are stridex maximum more effective than the aloe ones or are they the same just for different skin types?

>> No.11675894

Side question, is it bad/good to shower more than once a day? If I shower 3 times in a single day, I assume I would just not use any products 2 of them (long hair)?

>> No.11675968

You should only shower once in a normal day.
Twice if you do a lot of exercise and need to get rid of sweat.
Three times is excessive and can damage your skin by drying it out, especially if you use soap/body wash on it every time.

>> No.11675983

Right, that makes sense, thanks.

>> No.11676056

Two pretty normal problems.

First, I have some nasty acne. I don't get many major spots, just that nasty bumpy red face. I use Benzoyl Peroxide on it, and it does a great job at controlling it, but it isn't getting rid of it. What else can I do to get rid of this?

Second, something that makes the first worse, is the fact that I am really fucking pale. Literally I am the palest person I know. Like, almost as white as a sheet of paper. I don't want to get a spray tan because they usually look like shit, and I know sunbeds are bad for your skin. What else can I do to darken my skin a bit so I don't look like a reanimated corpse?

>> No.11676071

>First, I have some nasty acne. I don't get many major spots, just that nasty bumpy red face. I use Benzoyl Peroxide on it, and it does a great job at controlling it, but it isn't getting rid of it. What else can I do to get rid of this?

Drink lots of water and use natural exfoliants like those you can get from lush once a day. If those don't clear it up, nothing will.

>Second, something that makes the first worse, is the fact that I am really fucking pale. Literally I am the palest person I know. Like, almost as white as a sheet of paper. I don't want to get a spray tan because they usually look like shit, and I know sunbeds are bad for your skin. What else can I do to darken my skin a bit so I don't look like a reanimated corpse?

I'm pretty damn pale as well and can tell you that nothing really works, the best thing you can do is make sure your base layer colours aren't go to make it too obvious. Wear whites, light grays, etc as opposed to dark colours like navy.

>> No.11676157
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How good are Hydrocolloid patches?

>> No.11676823

Wilkinson blades are trash, don't buy.

>> No.11677077

it doesn't really make that much sense.

it's hard to give a specific number for how many times a day a random person should shower.

how drying showers are for the skin depends on mainly on how long you shower, how much water you use as you're showering, how hot the water is, and how much detergents you are using, and detergent type. how much these things affect you mainly depends on your own oil production (/skin type).

you can shower as often as you need and want to, to a certain extent. your skin will let you know if you're showering too much, or in the wrong way, by becoming dry/tight/red/hurting.

if you want to shower multiple times a day, but decrease the potential drying impact of the showers, you can try to:

- use a less drying shampoo/body cleanser (for sensitive skin, and less of it
- shower with not as hot water
- take shorter showers
- moisturize sensitive areas after showering

>> No.11677483

when you say sugar do you also mean natural sugars found in fruits?

>> No.11677751

Thanks a lot, I don't want to shower more than once a day generally but moving to a different campus next year I'll be taking a 1h walk to and from classes, so I may end up wanting to shower now and then outside of the normal evening shower. I do cold showers currently so it shouldn't be that bad I think.

>> No.11677765

I find them to be great.

I have an issue with picking at pimples on my face, so they've really improved that. Through experience, the pimple needs to be just on the verge of popping, or you need to pierce/pop it yourself before putting on the patch.
I leave them on overnight, and the area is always nearly flat in the morning.

>> No.11677771

Usually, when "cutting sugar" is recommended by people in legit healthcare, they mean added sugar. So this means any pre-prepared foods, desserts, etc. Anything that doesn't naturally already contain sugar.
For fruits, just stick to the standard recommended daily portion size (2 cups per day usually).

Avoid juice. Even though it's "natural" sugar from fruits, you're taking out nearly all the nutritionally significant parts of the fruit...and squeezing like 5 of them into 1 glass. Juice is BS.

>> No.11679263

b u m p

>> No.11679301

Heres mine:

I wash my face with cold water.

The End.

>> No.11679326

what matters more is if they're washed frequently imo

>> No.11679599
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I got this like a week ago and for some reason I think it's making me break out more around my mouth?

I haven't been as consistent as I should be with skincare though, should I try it for another week using it both AM & PM and see if my skin just needs to adjust?

>> No.11680334

I literally wash my face with a rag and soap in the shower and rinse with cold water and my skin is almost perfect.

I only get little marks if I shave or pluck my eyebrows carelessly.

I've been blessed.

Also pretty sure I'm Combination skin. If I do get pimples, which is pretty rare thank god, its usually in those areas.

>> No.11680393

I drink a lot of green tea and water. I'm 29 and I don't have any wrinkles. The closest things to wrinkles on my face are faint laugh lines. I also eat a lot of beans, which I'm told are good for the skin

>> No.11680751

lucky you

>> No.11680908


more than 10 years older than the average age of the board

good job

not pathetic at all

>> No.11680911

Literally go to Mexico and get retin a for five bucks a tube
I have like eight tubes lol

>> No.11680919

I grew up in the South and never saw anybody under the age of forty with wrinkles, except for really heavy smokers or meth heads
But up north it's more common. I think the cold dry weather is harder on skin

>> No.11680937

Lmao what a fucking tard

>> No.11681011

no u

>> No.11681100

In a potentially incredible development, I think benzoyl peroxide might actually be working for me. I had been using it for months with no result, and was considering giving it up to try retin-a, but since I started using slightly larger quantities of it, I haven't had a cyst in weeks.
I'm nervous about whether BP would have a long term impact on my skin, but I dump a ton of moisturiser on my face usually around 5mins or so after the BP has sunk in. Using Cetaphil cleanser and moisturiser.

I've been using 5% but will drop to 2.5% after this tube runs out. I know the acne/org regimen says to use generous amounts, which is confusing since they also say 2.5% is as effective as the stronger forms. Does that mean lots of 2.5% is better than a smaller amount of 5% or 10%?

As for the remaining marks, where would I fit vitamin c serum into the regimen? I'm guessing between BP and moisturising?

>> No.11681154

Best way to see what type of skin you have is to simply wash your face with water, don't use any/apply any products, wait a couple of hours and see how your skin reacts. Us the picture as a reference.

>> No.11681176



Avoid Lush products like the plague!!!

They're the closest thing to 'anti-skincare' being sold on the market. Terrible green washing woo marketing. Natural extracts and ingredients contain all kinds of horrible impurities that will irritate and inflame the skin. When it comes to skincare, you want as synthetic and refined as possible (as long as they are well formulated). Most good products will contain a handful of active ingredients and others to help them get absorbed into the skin. Sure, less refined, 'natural' ingredients such charcoal, sugar, nut shells, mud and *cringe* fucking pop corn (?!?!) like what they use in Lush products *can* work, but not very well and will often cause more problems if used fro any length of time.

I'm sorry, but a well formulated chemical exfoliator will always work better (but remember, an exfoliator work as well as your worst product) long term than basically tearing away at the skin using what is basically sand paper.

>> No.11681325

How is the CeraVe moisturiser for oily skin? I currently use the Sebamed gel stuff but I don't think it works too well after I tried some generic Nivea moisturiser and it seemed to work way better.

>> No.11681328

That being said I find the Sebamed gel is an absolute godsend after a particularly cold day, especially on cracked skin

>> No.11681342

Hada Labo Rohto Gokujyn Hyaluronic Acid Lotion.

This product is not mentioned enough here and it was a complete game-changer for my face.
I've had annoying dry skin that caused me to breakout and no matter what moisturizer I tried/used my skin would always dry out. I honestly no longer have that problem when putting this product on first than my moisturizer.

>> No.11681366

Using a bad moisturizer or no moisturizer at will make oil skin more oily - basically when you skin gets dry your sebum glands will over compensate and produce even more oil. It sounds counter intuitive, but people with oily generally skin need to moisturize more. Just make sure you use a moisterizer that is non-comedogenic for YOUR skin (some moisturizers will be labeled as 'non-comedogenic' but that might not necessarily be true for you skin, everyone reacts differently)

>> No.11681373

I'll try using more then for a while and see if it improves, thanks!

>> No.11681388
File: 610 KB, 2007x2598, Skin-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, i'm back with my model handbook that was given to me by my agency. I uploaded the Diet section to /thinspo/ a while ago, here's the skincare section.

>> No.11681394
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>> No.11681401
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>> No.11681409
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>> No.11681413
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>> No.11681417
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>> No.11681418
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>> No.11681421
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>> No.11681426
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Hope you guys find this useful/interesting :)

>> No.11681437

thanks so much for this, saving it all. Any chance you got a link to the /thinspo/ post(s)?

>> No.11681450

No problem, right here!

>> No.11681458
File: 95 KB, 1000x667, Chloe-Newman_Kelela_009 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b a s e d

>> No.11681466

Here's an Imgur album for the skincare

>> No.11681472

Where is this from?

>> No.11681482

My agency gave me a PDF outlining how to /model/ when I signed.

>> No.11681576

Wow, thanks then.
Is there anymore?

>> No.11681675

This is kinda related to skincare I guess. I'm looking for sun gloves/sleeves for daily wear. Any recommendations?

>> No.11681742
File: 91 KB, 770x950, daa4fc107fa72445a5af8a0fb7dd6bdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got round to looking at the diet one and looks like you accidentally only uploaded the first and last pages

>> No.11681758

actually nevermind the full thing is in the /thinspo/ OP now, thank you again blessed anon

>> No.11681828

Yeah there is, but it's mostly about castings, studio etiquette, where to stay in the big four etc.

>> No.11681850

I'm guessing the "big four" includes London? I was thinking of moving in sometime if I get a big salary increase

>> No.11681861

New York, Los Angeles, Paris, London iirc.

>> No.11681871

New York, Milan*, Paris, London

>> No.11682093
File: 573 KB, 1742x2488, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do I do about these little bumps fa? I know I have acne scars and the facial hair is bad (I shave every other day) but these little bumps along with blackheads are all over my cheeks and forehead, how do I make them go away?

>> No.11682126

Up your moisturizing game, exfoliate with a BHA every other day (in the evening, that day you don't shave).

>> No.11682697

What type of moisturizing lotion do you use?

>> No.11683442

not that anon but what do you recommend?
not sarcasm

>> No.11683797
File: 3.27 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20160821_135845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been using these daily for like two weeks now, haven't really noticed any improvements. I usually get out of the shower, wet my face, then put the face wash on, wash it off, dry my face then put on the moisturizer. what else should I be doing? I live in Ireland if that's relevant

>> No.11683942

Depend on the nature and severely of your skin problem.

>For acne, oil control, pimples, black heads, redness and overall skin tone/texture a BHA such as salicylic acid works well at various strengths, Paula's Choice is a great brand.

>For sun damage, fine lines and wrinkles overall skin tone/texture and some pimples and oil control an AHA such as glycolic acid works well, Alpha Skin Care Is a great brand. Make sure you use sun protection though, as an AHA increases sun sensitivity!! (you should be using protection every day anyway, especially if you have oily skin).

It's very important to use a product that is left on the skin (you've also got to wait a good 20 minutes after application before using a moisturizer, since the product needs to absorb into the skin) so that it can actually work. Cleansers with AHA/BHA are next to useless because they're washed away before the active ingredients have a chance to work.

For more severe skin problems, stronger AHA/BHA are available, but really it's best to stick with one that's more gentle for a few months. They can take a while to work, but they will and are very affective as long as the rest of you routine is up to scratch. Chemical skin peals can also be very affective, you have to be extremely careful with your after care and where you have it done though.

>> No.11683966

90% of skin care is exfoliation. A cleanser isn't going to be much use if you use it in the morning, their only real use is to prep the skin for targeted treatments and remove any dirt/pollutants from your skin at the end of the day. Often, 'oil control' products (other than well formulated exfoliators) can make matters worse since they dry out the skin, making you overproduce oil to compensate.

>> No.11683977

>get out of the shower, wet my face

how exactly are you showering without getting wet?

seems pretty impressive to me

>> No.11683997

As a second note, If you're concerned about excess oil, than oil absorption sheets/pads are a life saver! they'll instantly remove any excess oil from the surface of your skin if it starts to become noticeable and 'shiny'.

>> No.11684015


>> No.11684029
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>> No.11684068


Do sliced cucumbers really help getting rid of eyebags?

>> No.11684086

Yeah sorry that didn't make sense, I usuat get out of the shower, dry myself of and brush my teeth and by the time I'm finished that my face is pretty dry

>> No.11684104

Thanks man, its more often than not cloudy here and is very rarely sunny outside, I presume I should still be using a sun protectant, just curious which ones I should use

>> No.11684111

OK, I get what you're saying dude, so should I stop using the stuff? Also should I be exfoliating?

>> No.11684876

how to close pores on cheeks?

>> No.11684935

ive been going to a dermatologist for a while now and my acne has been improving but its not quite there, break outs ,grotty pores ect.
I use
>a benzoyl peroxide foam cleanser
>epiduo in the night
>neutrogena lotion spf 55 "break out free"
>and oral antibiotics
I was wondering if anybody was in the same boat or has been on more powerful meds
is accutane worth?

>> No.11684955

Tetracycline cleared up my face while I was a teenager but it's harder to get now than it was in 03
Retin a is a miracle drug

>> No.11684969

What font is that?

>> No.11684995

Thanks man I'll keep it note

>> No.11685488

pores don't open or close.

>> No.11685558

Recs for affordable toner?

>> No.11685563
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>face isn't oily, dry or sensitive
>still get breakout cysts now and then


>> No.11685595

Yeah pores don't have muscles in them or a mechanism to open or close. The reason people say warm water opens pores and cold water closes them is because the warm water helps emulsify the oils on the skin and the cold water 'sets' them for lack of a better word.
If you're concerned about enlarged pores, than a BHA exfoliator can help reduce there appearance, but once pores have been stretched then there's little one can do to reduce them, save for some cosmetic procedures such as laser resurfacing.

>> No.11685618

Well it's up to you really. Personally, i'm of the opinion that cleansers are next to useless. The oils on your skin are water soluble, all you really need is lukewarm water, it's the least irritating way of keeping your skin clean.

If you live in a city or a very polluted area than a gentle cleanser might be beneficial for use in the evenings. Defiantly wash your face and follow with a moisturizer twice a day though, whatever the case. Be vary careful when choosing one that's right for your skin. It took me quite a while to find one that worked well for me.

Yes you should defiantly be exfoliating! >>11683942 refer to that, but there's a lot more information online about all the different types of chemical exfoliators and what they're good for.

Everyone's skin is different, and will react differently to different products/ingredients, always make sure to patch test, even if you don't have sensitive skin.

>> No.11685623

People with 'normal' type skin can still get breakouts. Having oil surface on your skin can actually be a good sign that it isn't getting trapped under your pores.
You might be sensitive to certain types of foods, or it could just be hormonal. Exfoliate.

>> No.11685641
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Any lads ever been on Roacctuane (Or just accutane depending where you're from) I've been on it about a month now.

1. Did it actually work?
2. How long were you on it before you saw improvements
3. Did you ever get drunk on it? My doctor told me I'm not supposed to drink while I'm on it but freshers week is coming up. How did it feel compared to normal? Do you think I could take a week off it to combat it?

>> No.11685645

I'm actually still looking for a good sunscreen myself. Yeah even if it's cloudy there can still be a high level of UV radiation.

I'm currently using La Roche-Posay Anthelios 50 Mineral Ultra Light Sunscreen Fluid, don't make me break out and is pretty light. Although, i've been looking into some asian alternatives. Korean sunscreen is meant to be the best in the world, but it's difficult to find info in english or actually get hold of the products.

>> No.11685650

Do not drink on it. If you need to drink to have a good time than you must be hanging out with some pretty boring people.

>> No.11685653

I don't need to drink to have a good time, freshers week is coming up and it's pretty much the only time I go clubbing. It's no fun being the sober one out of all your mates

>> No.11685661

>found the vegan

>> No.11685662

Well whatever, it's not a good idea to drink when on regular medication. Drop a bomb or something if you need to get fucked.

>> No.11685664

Nah, alcohol is just pretty lame if you ask me. Terrible for you skin as well.

>> No.11685702

vegans don't eat animal products.
they don't need to avoid alcohol.

>> No.11685714
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on some medication but it barely helps

>> No.11685738

time for accutane

>> No.11685749

Thanks for posting.
Seems perfect for women and useful for men. Men don't usually need to moisturize their entire body or remove make up.
Could you upload the entire PDF somewhere?

Also, anyone know a good make up cream for men to hide pimples?

>> No.11685777

makeup doesn't work differently for men

almost all women use makeup to hide pimples, especially in their teens

just ask for a spot concealer for your skin from a decent brand

>> No.11685868

thanks, going to the drugstore tomorrow

>> No.11685876

Been having a ton of luck with Neutrogena stuff. Also been applying a mud mask twice a week and its been doing wonders for my skin.

>> No.11685879

What neutrogena products in particular?

>> No.11685880

try a makeup store instead. they have makeup artists that can advise you and try stuff on you

>> No.11686646
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Oily skin with some PIH

>> No.11686670

You really need to moisturise if you have oily skin.

>> No.11686681

Also, If you have PIH you should be including an AHA exfoliator into your PM regime.

>> No.11686705

Best product to hide post acne marks?

>> No.11686873

In terms of makeup? You can reduce their appearance by using an AHA exfoliator regularly, they build collagen and reduce PIH.

>> No.11686964

did you check >>11671610 ?

>> No.11686997

Can vouch for their aftershave lotion and hand cream. Absolutely amazing. Their soap smells nice, but it's kind of expensive.

>> No.11687171
File: 119 KB, 1024x902, I don't even know if this counts as a cleanser or a moisturizer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My nose is really oily almost all the time. I wear glasses and sometimes I'll take them off and there's a disgusting oily residue on the bridge of the nose. Sometimes I rub my fingernail on my nose, it leaves a smear of shiny fluid behind.
What is this the result of, and how do I get rid of it?

I accidentally left my big bottle of cleanser at home, and only lucked out for having a little sample bottle of this stuff in a suitcase, so for the last couple of days this is all I've been using. Before then my routine was just cleanser whenever I showered. Please advise!

>> No.11687288
File: 36 KB, 320x400, qqf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do I get breakouts in these parts of my face. I've read that it's something about hormones and diet. How do I combat this part of my face?

>> No.11687306

don't rub greasy stuff on your chin

cut down on chips, fried noodles, etc.

>> No.11687398

It sounds counter intuative, but not moisturizing will dry out your skin, causing you to produce excess oil to compensate, making matters worse. Start using a moisturizer after you cleans. Include a leave-in BHA exfoliator such as salicylic acid, this will help regulate oil production. For excess oil during the day, use oil absorption sheets.

>> No.11687471

that's their lotion for normal-dry skin.
their foaming cleanser is the one more suited for you.


>causing you to produce excess oil to compensate

[source required]

>> No.11687504

how do I get rid of really old black/whiteheads and tiny bumps that I've had for years short of squeezing them out?
I've done that for some of them to make them go away but obviously it's not good for my skin and there are way too many to do that for every one (some are way too small to do it to too)

>> No.11687512

I can't lend hand to a source right now, but your sebum glands produce oil to hydrate your skin, dry out your skin with excessive use of cleansers and not hydrating with a moisterizer will cause you skin to react to the dryness by producing excess oil.

>> No.11687516

Should I buy the PC4Men set?

Not doing it for the 'men' packaging just because it means I don't have to select from twenty different ranges and variations

>> No.11687530

Where are they located? they may not be black heads but sebaceous filaments. a BHA exfoliator will help either way.

>> No.11687539

Started off with this daily facial cleansing bar that I saw great results with. I have super sensitive skin and this didn't trigger it.

I'd then use this Max Benzyl Peroxide leave on facial mask on problem areas overnight, every other night. Cleared up a lot stubborn stuff.

I was honestly rather surprised, as I usually chalked up the brand to grocery store snake oil stuff.

>> No.11687547 [DELETED] 
File: 2.99 MB, 3125x1600, 20160827_173231-1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guise, is this melanoma? Am I fucked?

It's right in the middle of my upper back, it feels dry to touch, it's not a mole, looks a little like a bruise.

It's about the size of an index fingertip.

>> No.11687554
File: 2.72 MB, 2016x2481, 20160826_220205-1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guise, is this melanoma? Am I fucked?

It's right in the middle of my upper back, it feels dry to touch, it's not a mole, looks a little like a bruise.

It's about the size of an index fingertip.

>> No.11687555

all over my face, but the more pronounced ones are on my cheek next to my nose
also I already use one and have been for a while, should I try something like this?

>> No.11687571

Ok, it's time for 'this thread' again: chemical skin lightening

>inb4 you're gonna get cancer / go back to your shitskin country / sign of insecurity / be proud of your complexion etc

I treat that just the same as pale people trying to get some tan. I have olive skin and I'd like to reduce its melanin production, more than just by wearing sunscreen.

Now the real question is whether any of you here knows anything about arbutin/hydroquinone treatment. There's a lot of contradictory anectodal bs flying around, but what I could make of it is that arbutin is safer and obviously less effective. However a lot of people claim that FDA approved hydroquinone products don't exceed 2-3% concentration which is completely safe.

I'm considering getting this one: https://www.amazon.com/HYDROQUINONE-Formulated-Hydroquinone-L-Ascorbic-Ingredients/dp/B00M6BECH8/

or this, but it looks a bit sketchy: https://www.amazon.com/Nadolina-Skin-Bleach-Extra-Strength/dp/B00I9K1142/

I live in Europe so I'd have to import it from USA anyway, 'cause EU cares about our cancer safety kek.

>> No.11687617

>their foaming cleanser is the one more suited for you.
Son of a bitch, that's the exact stuff I left at home. I'd been using it for about two or three weeks before I left, though, and I hadn't noticed any changes.
The only reason I had that travel bottle stuff was because it came attached to the big foaming cleanser bottle, for the record, no idea why it came with the stuff for oily skin.
>Start using a moisturizer after you cleanse.
I can do that, but should I count the stuff in my picture ("hydrating cleanser") as a moisturizer or a cleanser? It kind of sounds like it's trying to be both. Should I just throw it out?

>> No.11687668

the ABCD of melanomas:

A for Asymmetry, check!

B for uneven Border, check!

C is for difference in Colors, black & brown check!

D is for Diameter! Melanomas are usually larger than the diameter of a pencil eraser! Check!

Congratulations, you have melanoma and max 2 years left to live.

Or you could just see a doctor instead of asking the 4chan fashion board if you have skin cancer.

>> No.11687680

How's Apple cider vinegar solution do on the dark spots on your back?

>> No.11687723

>Or you could just see a doctor instead of asking the 4chan fashion board if you have skin cancer.

that would be retarded and not effay at all

>> No.11688318


Has anyone else used this clay with good results?

I'm also looking for a good moisturizer. Any suggestions?

>> No.11688419

>oil absorption sheets/pads

>> No.11688448
File: 441 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2016-08-28-22-24-05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls help me make these smaller, i can't tell if theyre stretched or whatnot.
Even home remedies would help.

>> No.11688655

No, the cleanser is not a moisturiser, you still need to use a separate moisturiser that is left on the skin after cleansing.

>> No.11688659

Amazon, boots, drug store. Where else would you buy skin care products?

>> No.11688663

BHA exfoliator. Is anyone noticing the trend here?

>> No.11689752

I use one though.

>> No.11690386

Mentioned something about a a dish in another page, does this also contain recipes?

>> No.11691535


>> No.11692280

STHLM I've missed you so much

>> No.11692348
File: 979 KB, 1944x2592, IMG_20160825_100729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta know your skin.

My routine:


Always sleep wit a towel on my pillow (you learn to love the scratchy shit)

Eat keto, and sometimes don't eat
>never eat dairy or gluten
>carbs ultimate evil

When skin is dry (usually after a shower) i moisturize wit one of two products depending on type of dryness
>for red, flaky dryness, use webber first-aid-tier ultimate vitamin e fortified red squeeze bottle hardcore
>for dryness that you can tell will soon be overcompensated by your body with oil, use CeraVe lotion

For zits i use burt's bees tea tree oil stick

Never wash my face wit soap

Kill niggers every day(totally optional)

You really just have to get the moisture balance right. Dont overcompensate. Dont scrub your face if it feels oily-- just wipe gently with water, then put a very small amount of non greasy lotion on. Dont put a dollar sized portion of lotion on your face when it feels dry. By the time you notice these things your bpdy has already started tryibg to fix it, so you have to account for the process it is likely taking

Take vitamin e pills before bed

>> No.11692354


When u on it dont forget to supplement wit N-acetylcystinefor your liver

>> No.11692793

Sex and masturbation are the only things that give me acne. Should I just become abstinent?

>> No.11692801

thats pretty good dude, nice skin, nomakeup? Arent you a man?

>> No.11692865

More like no gains routine
How am I supposed to put on muscles with a diet like that?

>> No.11693015

Are korean products overrated?

>> No.11693077
File: 265 KB, 1280x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i used to pop my pimples

How to get rid of it? No bully

>> No.11693096

Nah, bu
that's like a compliment

>> No.11693123

Select all images with a store front

>> No.11693139

you can still eat meat and fat on a ketogenic diet

>> No.11693160

I use a grapefruit exfoliating scrub night and day
Before going out in the day I use a 30 SPF moisturizing lotion with citrus for my overall face and plant stem cells around my eyes (they don't work like human stem cells, just rich in antioxidants).
I like a lot of citrus in my products to help lighten dark spots, which are my main problem.

>> No.11693170


citrus fruits photo-sensitizes your skin though and makes you more exposed to sunlight and pigmentation

just fyi

>> No.11693181

Oh shit, i also use a grapefruit exfoliating scrub with bits of citrus in it.
What can we do to prevent further pigmentation and sunlight exposure? Up our spf?

>> No.11693881

2 questions about shaving:

1. Wet or Dry. Which is better with an Electric razor?

2. I don't always get all the hair with the grain. Is a two cycles with the grain and one cycle against the grain a good way to shave?

>> No.11694181

Are there any keratosis pilaris lotions that don't stink?

>> No.11694364
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opinions in this brush to clean my oily face. (i have mild acne, red dots with white heads)

>> No.11694713
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I got a rash after the first day of going at the beach, I went swimming and they I went sunbathing. The next mornibg (today) I wake up with this on both my shoulders. What should I do? Should I stop staying in tje sun, should I stop swimming? What treatment should I put on it?

>> No.11694764

keep away from sun

>> No.11694778

I have the Clarisonic one and very mild acne. I like using it with a really gentle soap or just water because it can be very rough/abrasive if you have sensitive skin without a lot of problems. I don't press it hard and I only use it at night. It's definitely made a difference in preventing break outs and leaves my skin super soft afterwards. Just don't sandpaper your skin off.

>> No.11694975

Can anyone recommend me a brand of exfoliating pads for oily nose

>> No.11695110


I am a 20/yo girl with a bacne problem.
At least I think it's bacne. I've seen 3 different dermatologists over the past year, I've done blood work and everything is normal (even my hormones).
I've done 2 cycles of antibiotics with little to no results.
My back, chest and upper arms are still fucked up. It's a mix of tiny, red bumps and the occasional whitehead.

Here's the catch: I suffer from severe allergies, mostly birch tree, grasses and dust mites, which also fuck my shit up when I eat some foods (peaches, apricots, nuts, etc)
I also suffer from eczema, probably also a result of my allergies.

Anybody here with experience dealing with skin problems and allergies?
What do you do besides taking your antihistamines? Please help.

>> No.11695162

Dude that's most likely dead skin.

>> No.11695180

>dead skin

oh fuck he has leprosy

have fun in the leper colony bud

>> No.11696147


>> No.11696207

you look creepily like my sister
is that you rose?

>> No.11696240

i know i'm late, but piece of advice for people who use the stridex red box: you gotta wait at least 15-20 minutes before applying the moisturizer. I used to apply the second my face got dry again but read up on the salicylic acid needs time to do it's thing. after waiting my skin started to improve more permanently.

>> No.11696782

Turns out it was only ded skin, it fell off on its own lol

>> No.11696891
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Someone gave me some Bio-Oil and I put it on my face because I have bad acne scars.
Did I meme myself?

>> No.11697726

>Did I meme myself

what does this even mean

>> No.11698680
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>> No.11698831
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>> No.11698935

It's probably not acne.

>> No.11699005

>Though it becomes less common in adulthood than in adolescence, nearly half of people in their twenties and thirties continue to have acne.


read up beforehand next time

>> No.11699023

wat is it then

>> No.11699823

Dont eat chocolate.

Dont drink milk.

Drink four bottles of water a day.

Use a gentle cleanser and moisturizer.

Use Aztec Secret once a week.


>> No.11699863
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you know that "one bottle" isn't a universal measurement, right?

also approaching about 9 liters a day will wreck your liver

>> No.11699894

Just take it as "drink a lot of water" you retarded autist

>> No.11699976

why did you say drink "four bottles of water" when there is no bottle standard?

did you mean four litres?

>> No.11700045

I drink milk every day
based on what you know about milk what is wrong with my skin?
I don't have acne

>> No.11700662
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I feel like my forehead and nose get oily at times but my cheeks are prone to get dry. I use a cleanser for oily skin and i noticed it has sodium laureth sulfate in it. Should i change?

I have blackheads/whiteheads on my nose and a some acne on my cheek that for some reason heals very slowly. I use BP 5 % every night.

Im new to this as you probaly guessed and i want to do some searching to improve my routine. I live in sweden if that matters. Any advice would be very appreciated, even if its just something very basic or a link to good source.

>> No.11700667
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1. Does anyone have any experience with derma rolling?

I have some minor acne scarring on my face that isn't visible unless there is bright light on it, but I have some pretty bad scars on my back.

2. Does tanning or at least getting color on your skin help kid blemishes and make your contours stand out?

>> No.11700672

*help hide blemishes

>> No.11700788

That dude on the left is high as fuck, holy shit.

>> No.11700859

Yes they do. Not completely, but they do fluctuate on wide margins. Why do you think you take a hot shower before a shave?

>> No.11700869

>wet shaves
>uses nice products
>everything's great
>uses foam

Why? Use a soap or lather that is infinitely better to any foam. Get a nice brush and together your skin will be as nice as it can get. Brush and lather work even better on sensitive skin.

Also if you do have sensitive skin, I'd recommend Derby blades. They're a godsend and also great for people learning. If you don't have sensitive skin I'd suggest shaving with grain once, and then against the grain after. Smooth as fuck.

>> No.11700876

How often are you supposed to change the blades with a safety razor?

>> No.11700916

Personally I replace them after doing one-two with and against the grain shaves. I pay about $10 a year for blades despite pretty good and thick growth and changing blades pretty liberally. I use a DE for body shaving too and it's great, just make sure you're cautious.

Also forgot to mention, if you have sensitive skin make sure you have/get a closed comb safety razor. The Merkur 34c is notoriously well engineered and loved by just about everyone and is used by beginners and experts alike. I personally use a Mühle R89 which from what I hear is the same thing. Only get open comb if you're experienced and feel like you need a more aggressive shave

>> No.11700921

Also this goes without say but make sure you use both sides of the blade evenly if you can

>> No.11700925
File: 1.28 MB, 1373x802, Screenshot from 2016-08-30 23:02:37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DO any of you watch Sunnydahye, joankeem, or edward avila?

>> No.11700931

is there anything inherently wrong with going against the grain?

>> No.11700935

please tell me you have a hair one?

>> No.11700942

this wash your chin with luke warm water after and dry it

>> No.11700947
File: 159 KB, 1920x1080, Mad.Men.S06E08.BluRay.1080p.x265.HEVC-LION[UTR].mkv_snapshot_25.39_[2016.05.16_12.35.12].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god you are so pretty, It would make me so happy if you were to post with a timestamp

>> No.11701165

Lately it's just Neutrogena Naturals purifying facial cleanser at night, occasionally use the moisturizer and the classic orange acne wash during the day if the weather is particularly drying/I suspect a breakout. I've noticed the cleanser lightens my skin a bit, if you're into that. (I'm indian but more on the Mediterranean side i.e. not south indian, and even then there's been a noticeable shift in color.)

Oh and I drink a fuck ton of water. Haven't had a breakout in a long time, but ever since I was in high school I've always treated it promptly with mino/doxycycline and benzoyl peroxide.

>> No.11701211

Your skin is not acne-prone. Numerous studies have shown that acne-prone skin is worsened by milk. This is not the same thing as saying that all milk-drinkers will have acne.
>Being this obtuse

>> No.11701296

Could you upload these to imgur again pls

>> No.11701729

Bumping before new general begins

>> No.11701745

i hope smoking wont ruin my effay face gains, it´ll be ok if i just wash the moneymaker twice a day right

>> No.11702073

Had to change almost my entire facial routine due to a breakout arising from stress and anxiety. Left me with some hyper pigmentation, so had a chemical peeling with retinoic acid. If one session doesn't clean these marks, will get pulsed light.

>mfw I am peeling like a potato

How do people curb hormonal or emotional acne? Supplements? [spoiler]I don't want to take birth control pills[spoiler] I am going to mark another appointment with my dermatologist, however I would like other opinions.

>Effaclair gel

To wash face twice a day

>Cheap facial soap for oily skin

To wash face during the day (humid and hot weather)

>Epiduo gel intercalating with Effaclair anti-age serum during the night

>Vichy Normaderm mask two to three times a week

>Vichy Idealia cream every mourning and every night

To eye area

>ADCOS gel

From now on, every time I get a pimple I am supposed to apply this on it, my doctor told me it dries in 8 hours. Perhaps it doesn't.

>Minesol FPS50 every time I go out

>> No.11702332

I had acne when I was younger, though, until a dermotologist put me on a few cycles of antibiotics
am I just a statistical anomaly?

>> No.11702398

Milk just doesn't impact everyone the same way.
Read the faq

>> No.11702441

>going to see a derm for the first time
what should I expect?

>> No.11703727
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>Kill niggers every day(totally optional)

>> No.11703735

You're either a really ugly boy or a really ugly girl

>> No.11703849
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What are the best ways one could cleanse their pores (unclog) and not get rid of all the skin oils?

>> No.11703907

where my /oilyfaceoilyhairoilylife/ niggas at