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File: 138 KB, 1208x1040, Michael Cera amused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11672686 No.11672686 [Reply] [Original]

>when you meet a couple and the girl is very nice to you while her boyfriend gives you nasty stares and is overly protective with her
>when guys less attractive than you feel the need to openly disrespect/challenge you
>when you catch a girl staring at you on public transportation
>when other guys secretly come to you for advice on how to look better
>when you have to break an unattractive girl's heart

>> No.11672695

>when you still so insecure that you need to a make a thread about it on an anonymous anime imageboard

>> No.11672708

Saged and reported.
Go back to /r9k/.

>> No.11672713

its really hard to make me cringe but you did it op.

>> No.11672718

>hate going to the bar
>go anyways
>see a local model girl sitting
>shes alone
>immediately go talk to her
>actually get number etc
maybe im not that ugly afterall

>when the cashier compilments your hair or clothes
she wants this DICK

>girls surround you just to watch
>no one approaches, they are here to watch

>> No.11672841

ew. go back to 9fag with your shit memewords.

>> No.11672847

this entire board is a huge meme you hc 4chin user

>> No.11673192

>when guys less attractive than you feel the need to openly disrespect/challenge you
>when you catch a girl staring at you on public transportation

I love it how they look away immediately, as if my glance physically slapped their face.

Or when you're the last guy anyone dares to sit next to on a bus.

>> No.11673242

>last guy anyone dares to sit next
Nah you just creepy

>> No.11673253

>when you catch a girl staring at you on public transportation
Yeah this, happened to me too

>> No.11673257

>when you have to break an unattractive girl's heart
that sucks so much

>> No.11673260

All these stories and only mediocre looking teens post their fits and faces on other threads, I don't know what to believe.

>> No.11673269

>girls give you their number without asking for it
>girls stutter and smile when you look at them while they talk

>> No.11673316


That was because you were smely desu

>> No.11673322

>it's a girl wants to play footsie when her bf goes to the bathroom episode

we're too vain (and anxious) to allow ourselves to get dissed

>> No.11673327

>>girls give you their number without asking for it

Ha I had this happen to me a lot, I would get really drunk, make out with a girl and the next day I would look at my phone and notice she put her number in my phone. I think I only ever replied to one of these as I didn't really know how to reply at the time and the one I did reply to went nowhere due to how awkward I was.

>> No.11673333

>people stare at me in public and will not sit close to me on public transport
>yup def i'm attractive

>> No.11673359

>When a guy starts chatting up my polite cheeful girlfriend and looking at me like I'm going to pretend to be polite and cheery when I don't give a fuck
>When guys feel like everyone's challenging them and taking everyone as being disrespectful
>when you accidentally check to make sure this creep isn't staring at me more than twice and now he's fucking locked on
>when your friend doesn't have anything to talk about but he's clearly gay so I'll ask him what I should wear tomorrow
>when you have some asshole pretend to have a personality but be so superficial he doesn't know how to fall in love so he just moves on and on.

you should try a hobby OP, but I know you're just an excellent troll and applaud

>> No.11673371

>when beta males with gfs are so intimidated by your attractiveness that theu dont sit next to you

>> No.11673377

jelly uggo spotted

>> No.11673434

I wouldn't know.

>> No.11673467

>girl looks at me.
She wants the d.

>> No.11673506

Ok does it make me a shitty person if I get pleasure from making unattractive girls think Im into them and them making out with someone else in front of them only to see their self esteem pop like a balloon?

>> No.11673509

Be real nigga. When you step on a bus and you see two seats left, one next to some 10/10 chick, and the other next to some guy in his 40s. Who are you going to sit next to? Be real.

>> No.11673519

the latter
>not having crippling anxiety

>> No.11673528
File: 20 KB, 329x357, happy-pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw slightly above average at best
>tfw it's okay because happiness is about trying your best to do the right thing
pic related

>> No.11673534
File: 17 KB, 600x600, Cfi0-ZuWEAAY7l3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I once did this by accident, I made out with this girl a bit, then made out with some other girl a bit later. The first girl cried. I was pretty oblivious to the whole situation really lol, I was just young, drunk and making out with any attractive girl who wanted to.. Later on the first girl spoke about it to friends of hers about how bad it was. A few years later was out drinking with friends and saw her, I was in a jovial mood and briefly interacted with her and another girl, she was being so spiky with me it was palpable, like trying to cut me down lol. But I just played it off humorously.

>> No.11673539

That's exactly what I was going for. People feel threatened by good looking individuals. Be it same sex or not. If same sex, they'll feel shitty in comparison. If opposite sex, they'll feel anxious.

Just start paying attention. People feel much safer sitting next to non threatening people.

>> No.11673546

I do it very on purpose, it usually takes about a week to get the uggos self esteem to a point where they really think I'm going to date them. I let it linger for a few days so their ego can build a little bit. I have gotten a legitimate death threat from one, should've known the bitch was crazy.

>> No.11673557

>guys treat you like shit and always try to "step up to you"
>girls look away from you when you stare at them
>Cashiers smile at you and treat you nice
>get away with a lot more stuff by ordinary people

god damn it feels good being the top 20% of men.

>> No.11673562


Also isn't there an etiquette with attractive women? To give them space etc as a sign of respect? It is the chivalrous thing to do, but these days is it just being a cuck? It seems that in this age we have lowered a lot of these standards to the level of a slime ball/Basketball.

>> No.11673566

this happens to everyone its literally fucking normal to look at an another human being. im not attractive and happens me a lot

>> No.11673568

cringe is just a word you autistic fuck

>> No.11673572

>Also isn't there an etiquette with attractive women? To give them space etc as a sign of respect?
What the fucking bullshit are you even on about?

>> No.11673574

>all these people circlejerking over themselves but probably couldnt say a word irl without dropping spaghetti

i just take this

>> No.11673575


lol no way man, that's such long term planning. And yeah you gotta watch out for them going crazy on you, a lot of women in this position will focus on you and may want to sabotage your life in whatever way they can.

>> No.11673580

Yeah, I bet they get up and sit at a different seat as soon as one opens because they're overwhelmed by your chiseled jaw.

>> No.11673581

I get kicks from it but it's definitely got its risks.

>> No.11673582


I understand it comes off a bit fedora tier, but yeah try re-reading the comment, my thoughts were clearly written.

>> No.11673602

No, man. You're just retarded.
It's chivalrous to avoid sitting down beside an attractive woman? You realize how stupid that sounds, right? It's public transit, sit down wherever the fuck you want.

The only possible "chivalry" - which is an idiotic neckbeard term to use - on public transit is to offer your seat to old people, which everyone should do regardless.

>> No.11673605
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Ha yeah, I understand. Especially if they try sabotaging you but fail completely.

Do you think there might be an element of strategy here also? You must have a gaggle of other girls who are obviously butthurt after being rejected by you, and they probably bitch to all their friends about you.. But in doing so they create a kind of buzz as they obviously feel bitter after not being able to get with you, giving you an image of being high in demand.

>> No.11673609

how about pregnant old people

>> No.11673619

>The only possible "chivalry" - which is an idiotic neckbeard term to use

Yeah this is my point, chivalry was a very European practice and now it is just seen as neck beard. I do understand the whole neck beard thing is real, but what is your alternative to chivalry, sitting next to girls who probably don't find you attractive to make moves? Is it not better to not pursue women, but rather be attractive enough for them to pursue you?

You realize how stupid and gorilla tier you sound right?

>> No.11673627

I definitely find strategy in it, it's almost like a RTS game for me

>> No.11673632
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>> No.11673636

What? I'm talking about sitting on public transit. What kind of crog tries to pick women up on the subway, where everyone is tired and angry as shit?

I don't know if you've experienced employment yet, but the last thing I care about on my commute is hitting on someone. I just want to sit down and zone out. I sure as fuck won't be standing up like an autist who's afraid to be near a woman, if a seat is available.

Go outside, man.

Chivalry barely had anything to do with women, by the way r9k. It mostly dealt with rules of combat.

>> No.11673655

>I don't know if you've experienced employment yet

M8 fuck off, I am almost certain I earn more than you.. And guess what, I don't have to commute as I work for myself from my computer. You mediocre wage-cuck.

Also, I was referring to this post >>11673509

It was the option between sitting next to a 10/10 chick and some guy in his 40's. If there was only a seat free next to a 10/10 I would sit there instead of standing up obviously.

>Chivalry barely had anything to do with women, by the way r9k. It mostly dealt with rules of combat.

Barely had anything to do with women.. You really are a special kind of idiot aren't you.

>> No.11673664

>I don't know if you've experienced employment yet, but the last thing I care about on my commute

>Brags about employment
>Uses public transport

>> No.11673666


>> No.11673668

>all this happens to me
>don't even think I'm that attractive

maybe everyone else around where I live is just ugly as fuck.

>> No.11673691


I have seen you around town and I think you are pretty beautiful, keep doing what you're doing.

>> No.11673694

No, I usually just flaunt my X6's key so pretty boy knows who is the boss

>> No.11673723

thanks bae.
Ignore the trip, it's left over from a /pol/ thread.

>> No.11673754
File: 29 KB, 300x450, jE2iT91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>loser virgin nerd in high school
>no social skills, awkward with anyone other than close friends
>small, thin, wear glasses, think I'm ugly
>first kiss at 16 with first gf
>gf is pretty, but basically asexual, never do more than make out
>low self esteem from that, and everything else
a few years later...
>in uni, 6'1 now, broad shoulders, thin
>lots of friends from high school still
>turns out half the girls had a crush on me at some point
>mess around with a bunch of them
>get fuckbuddy best friend who's obsessed with me
>mfw I was actually attractive and had no idea for most of my life
>mfw everything is better than expected

>> No.11673761

Are you me?

>> No.11673773
File: 27 KB, 400x399, 1466588092577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>think I'm pretty average
>don't pay attention to girls too much because I study and am generally pretty chill, occasionally hang/sleep with girls I meet in bars
>discover that I have a reputation to be hard to get in my uni
>mfw since this summer I slept with 3 girls
>1 9/10, 1 6/10 and 1 7/10
>all told me they find me incredibly attractive
>now everytime I go to a bar I meet new girls and take numbers
>yesterday had a girl that went straight up to me and kissed me although I litteraly knew nothing about her
>my male friends who have girlfriends jokingly say a gypsy witch has put a spell on me

I guess this new boost in confidence will boost the girls I get

>> No.11673785

haha, maybe. The only thing that kinda sucks right now is that I'm still not that great at talking to people, but I'm getting better at least

>> No.11673800

>>when the cashier compilments your hair or clothes
>she wants this DICK
She's following the manual written for optimum money squeezing, they want you to come back multiple times ya goof

>> No.11673804

I want to add

>gets sexually assaulted by older women

>> No.11673806

>>don't pay attention to girls too much because I study and am generally pretty chill, occasionally hang/sleep with girls I meet in bars
>>discover that I have a reputation to be hard to get in my uni

Nice yeah, being attractive and just going about your business the best technique, if you were actively pursuing girls at your uni they would have prob been less interested.

>> No.11673814


Paha! I experienced this a couple of months ago and it was pretty disturbing to say the least. Like if the genders were reversed the older guy would have gained a reputation that invites violence.

>> No.11673825

I'm pretty envious to be quite honest famalam, would want to be in that situation too

>> No.11673826

forgot the one I'm not the proudest of :
>make out with two different girls in the same party

>> No.11673843

Yeah man, it's crazy. Some older lady came up to me at a local pub just the other week, had the gall to say 'you're so hot' to my face and then start to feel me up. I literally couldn't believe it and just laughed it off. Felt honestly violated afterwards though.

>> No.11673857
File: 24 KB, 211x212, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My gf is the least attractive of her friend group. I am quite a big better looking. When we all hangout she cuts me down In front of her friends. Also I get cut down at work by the executives I work with. Why?

>> No.11673901


Because you're attractive and she wants to emasculate you in front of her friends so that she can keep you for herself.

>> No.11673904
File: 20 KB, 638x547, 498324823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw ugly
just kill me already

>> No.11673905

or he's a pussy.

>> No.11673924


I am still at home and it was one of my mothers friends lol, was all drunk and feeling me up whilst I was sitting at my chair trying to shrug her off.

It makes me laugh about the whole 'feminism is about gender equality thing', this type of sexual harassment from older women to younger men has to be a lot more common than an older guy doing the same to a younger girl. And ironically a lot of the older women who do this are probably proto-cat lady feminists (as they are single and out drinking at such an old age).

I do think there is a difference between a guy doing this to a woman and a woman doing this to a guy, but it just blows apart the whole 'both genders are the same narrative', and you can judge the feminists by their actions here (they don't believe in gender equality).

>> No.11673934

I agree one hundred percent.
Sucks that it was your mothers friend, I bet it was awkward the next time you saw her. Did she even apologise?

>> No.11673936
File: 413 KB, 800x600, mysite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think im average at most but ive been told multiple times when i worked that i was v handsome and had a nice voice by men and women alike (mostly older) so who knows what these youngins think :^)

>> No.11673937


We do live in times of the 80/20 rule so I do understand it is pretty rough for men who unattractive. In the past everyone got a wife if they were responsible and had a good job etc. This being said, you do get ugly guys who still get loads of girls, as the most important thing is your technique. As a guy who has certainly been considered attractive, I can tell you that being attractive opens the door to women, in that they will approach you etc, but you have to have something else to take it further. I knew guys who were less attractive than me and still got way more vagina than I did. You may never be the perfect male in terms having both attractiveness and other attributes, but you can master those other attributes to be superior to the majority of males in your ability to get females.

>> No.11673938
File: 54 KB, 425x425, tumblr_m92nuqvor51r30xm8_1345496839_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just started lurking this thread right before leaving my apartment to go to uni and then run a few errands. I'm pretty attractive, and I was actually planning on telling a few stories when I got home.

Ironically while I was heading home, I stopped at a CVS to pick up a prescription and had a similar run in with a cuteish 24-25 y/o pharma tech there. She was trying to flirt with me during the whole transaction, and even ended up writing her number down on the receipt before I left.

Im not interested in her in the slightest, she tried to guess my sign while we were talking (lol astrology), but it's always a good buff to the ego when people are visibly interested in me.

I should also mention that I'm gay, and don't really exude "gayness" like other queer men that I know, so I get asked out from time to time by women.

>> No.11673946

Because you're a spineless beta.

>> No.11673953


Yeah man kind of awkward. I am not that worried about it, but it was certainly a bit much. She didn't mention it or anything, probably embarrassed or possibly even a bit too drunk to remember (though that is a common excuse in situations that are a bit too convenient to claim amnesia).

>> No.11673963
File: 46 KB, 422x353, 1469383715605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I should also mention that I'm gay, and don't really exude "gayness" like other queer men that I know, so I get asked out from time to time by women.

Just be not gay desu.. The vagina is calling you.

>> No.11673971

The voice of dick is always stronger.

>> No.11673975


Have you tried putting the P in the V?

>> No.11673989

>Just be not gay desu.. The vagina is calling you.

I've been down that road already, definitely not for me.

>> No.11673999
File: 211 KB, 1429x2048, 1471981966385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"Why don't you like me Anon?"

>> No.11674016

>Just be not gay

>> No.11674684

ugly potato face

>> No.11674972
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Post a better woman, she is perfect.

>> No.11675012
File: 60 KB, 700x700, reaction-pic-crying-meme-541c3afac52c9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you have to break an unattractive girl's heart

delete this

>> No.11675187

>/his/ tier psychology going on here
hell yeah time go go make prettyboys feel shit about themselves

>> No.11675201
File: 1.96 MB, 1280x534, shot0001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you post pictures of yourself every day on twitter using the tag #toughlove

>> No.11675202

i actually enjoy it but thats because im an insecure faggot and just bearly good looking

>> No.11675204

You should just not take her shit or continue to spread your boipussi for you gfs strapon

>> No.11675236
File: 138 KB, 1170x658, 0012088668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11675282

How to know whether girls make eye contact because they're attracted, or just because they can?

>> No.11675296

I did this once, and immediately felt horrible. I apologized profusely.

>> No.11675394

cringe is a normal word

>> No.11675538

LOL I did that. We were friends for a while and she's super gross but I knew she always liked me. She asked me out. What would you expect though? It's like if an ugly dude asked out a super hot chick.

>> No.11675802

hows this insecure

>> No.11675815

not that anon but kek cashiers don't give a shit about sales

>> No.11675816

I honestly would not consider myself super attractive but the other day me and this woman locked eyes while shopping . It really was something I have never experienced before. It was super awkward and we just kept staring at each others eyes with the occasional awkward chuckle. We have a date tomorrow.

>> No.11675855

>when guys less attractive than you feel the need to openly disrespect/challenge you
iktf. i hate this

>> No.11676043


>> No.11676052

Never posted my face before and planning not to

>> No.11676195
File: 17 KB, 210x341, 1420085931177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw probably about a 8/10, extravert and good social skills but social anxiety, mostly formed by an inferiority complex especially considering sex, constant fear of not being able to be a good sexual partner and scared of not getting and maintaining erections, even tho I can rationalize I'm pretty romantic and interesting in bed.

I do have a girlfriend but sex is still stressful for me. Can't imagine ever having sex with anyone else after my relationship because of the anxiety. See all other men as sexually superior

>> No.11676381

Y u do dis :(

>> No.11676387

Small dick ?

>> No.11676513

>tfw late bloomer

>lost virginity at 19 to a 24 year old Ukrainian yoga instructor

>multiple grills ask me out because no social skills

>eventually get balls to ask out now long-term gf, an 8.5/10 cosplayer weeb who has a disease that lets me rawdog+finish in her p much every time
>have plans to spend lives together

>> No.11676548

6 inch but porn made me insecure anyway

>> No.11676555

What if you're considered to be attractive but have bad social skills? I try to start intriguing conversations but can defiantly tell my social skills and overall interests push lots of people away.

>> No.11676587

There's a lot of 4 inchers who made it. Your size is very ridiculous to be insecure about

>> No.11676603

Porn really fucks with your head,
You're fine my dude.

>> No.11676614

Thanks peoples but I dont think my penis is the wholesome reason the cause of my anxiety. The hardest part about anxiety is finding an actual source of what explains your fear. I've learned to avoid sex and seen it as a thing that I 'had' to do and now its often stressful to me and have to focus to enjoy it. Also always focussed on getting and maintaining an erection which only makes ur dick not listen.

>> No.11676655
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>bearly good looking

>> No.11676656
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Same, feels good.

>> No.11676670
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>tfw used to get qt as fuck big booty slightly ratchet latinas/white girls back in my hometown
>in college all the girls are upper middle class, don't want to be with a dark skin cuban nigga like myself, they want waspy frat guys
>tfw went from all the girls considering me 8/10 to being considered unattractive

>> No.11676933

>has a disease that lets me rawdog+finish in her p
>have plans to spend lives together

sounds like she can't have children, will you adopt?

>> No.11677016


you more into mediterranean european like spanish, i prefer nordic females

>> No.11677107

Her mom has the same one (endometriosis ((too much estrogen)) and was able to give birth to her, so I figure that with help she'll be able to also.

>> No.11677196

tfw when everyone in this thread is lying

>> No.11677240

You're insecure enough to point out other people's flaws

wew lad I did it too except I want to die oh god

>> No.11677244

/skincare/ and get a better haircut famalam

>> No.11677247

>girls give you their number without asking for it
I remember that one girl. I didn't give it to her for some reason despite being a qt. ;_;

>> No.11677424

seek therapy

>> No.11677455

Relevant to what just happened but when someone in ur workplace is inlove with you and you dont feel the same way and that got her depressed and now the whole company is suffering cause how her emotions are eating her up and fucking up everyones lives.

Not cool its like i feel bad but its not my fault.

>> No.11677566

please hit puberty first if you want to reply

>> No.11677649

why, I've gone this far without it and I'm just fine.

>> No.11677686

>work in a mall
>have to wear dress shirt and tie and what have you
>get eyeballed by girls all the time
>Dry humor also helps get the girlies blushing

>> No.11677733


>> No.11677747

I feel like a lot of shit in this thread is normally stuff as long as you're not ugly. It's not necessarily because you're uber attractive. I'm not especially handsome but I'm not ugly so it's normal for people to smile at me or have cashiers be nice to me.

Although I think being a non ugly ginger is a factor. My glasses are roundish and girl cashiers say I look like a combination of Ron and Harry lol. It's usually black girls too for some reason

>> No.11677804

>Thin down and grow up suddenly and have new found good looks
>have women compliment me at work
>get super awkard

>> No.11677815

>fucker keeps looking at my girl
>confront him
>makes a shitty anonymous post on a imageboard
>Punch the fucker in the face
>cuck him right their
Kid was just another low test beta

>> No.11677857
File: 23 KB, 625x626, I feel insulted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11677874

>Hes that new he does not know the meme

>> No.11677937

This is like Autism: The /fa/ post.

>when people can't read signs properly.

You most likely was staring at her gf and she did not want to make it uncomfortable. autismo

>> No.11678038


>> No.11678040

Projecting: the post

Most girls in a relationship will happily cheat on their bf with an attractive guy, if given the chance.
Embrace the cold truth instead of dancing around the point of the post.

>> No.11678075
File: 184 KB, 688x1434, The+fox+and+the+grapes+the+fox+and+the+grapes_2ddfa3_3545011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't get a gf but it's not the problem because every girl is like the same and they will cheat on you anyway

>> No.11678183

Sex should be fun for both parties. Orgasms aren't the end-all be-all of sex either. Just relax, ask the girl what she wants. Communication is critical to sex and relationships in general. You don't even necessarily need to use words, try and gauge her reaction as you go.

Alternatively, you can do what I did after I started taking antidepressants and my libido dropped a bit. I took up shibari and I'm honestly shocked by how many chicks want to get tied up. It's a fun way to build sexual tension and it's honestly just cool as fuck. Plus, not only are you suddenly more sexually "interesting", you also don't have to worry about your dick since you keep that shit to yourself while you tie.

>> No.11678236


>> No.11678253

lmao, you're the one who can't read signs properly; if you can't understand when your girl is being flirty with another guy, especially in your presence, you deserve all that will come after

>> No.11678304

even if shes an aboslute slut a girl wont get flirty with an another guy right in front of her boyfriend. its more like you cant read signs and overvalue people being nice to each other. wouldnt be surprised since this board is 90% socially autistic shut-ins

>> No.11678316

>when you have to break an unattractive girl's heart

this usually hurts me more than it does her

>> No.11678317

you mean a guy with healthy social life and a gf who are you jealous of

>> No.11678335

literally the opposite for me
I lived in South America until some years ago and I'm very light skinned and kind of baby faced and girls over there are all over tanned muscular guys so I didn't get that much attention and now in the states I get pussy everywhere wtf

>> No.11678374

oh boy, what are you going to say next? cancer? bleach? salty?

>> No.11678384

The subway is hard

>> No.11678389

Oh, but they do, I've seen it happen multiple times.

There's a difference between being nice out of politeness and out of attraction, and the situation OP talked about is very clear and not at all unlikely to happen.

We're talking about a girl being attracted by a guy and her boyfriend being jealous and insecure about that, not the scenario you are talking about; stop distorting the point of the discussion.

>> No.11678429

the fact you think every girl/boy works the same shows you have very little social experience. some just gonna be extremely nice no matter what and some wont really show even if they are interested in you.

>We're talking about a girl being attracted by a guy and her boyfriend being jealous and insecure about that

there are many levels of attraction. a girl finding a guy hot shouldnt make a guy jealous. there are a lot of attractive people around and being a relationship wont make you immune to that. they guy is the scenario was most likely bothered because op was staring the girl the entire time.

>> No.11678448

I don't know why you keep treating me with this condescending "social guru" attitude, but I'd suggest you drop it because it's quite pathetic.

>there are many levels of attraction. a girl finding a guy hot shouldnt make a guy jealous. there are a lot of attractive people around and being a relationship wont make you immune to that.
I agree, but we're talking about a very specific scenario here.

>they guy is the scenario was most likely bothered because op was staring the girl the entire time.
This is a completely different scenario. It's like you're purposefully avoiding to acknowledge that there are guys who'd act overprotective and needlessly confrontational when an attractive guy is in presence of his girlfriend.
They do exist. I'm not saying every single situation is like that, but the situation OP talked about is actually plausible in real life, and again, I repeat to you I've experienced it myself; shit's not funny, especially when the girl isn't actually all that interested and it's all a projection of insecurity from her bf.

>> No.11678466

Ha! Good luck with your date! That's pretty much how I met my present boyfriend, but accross a bar.

>> No.11678468

cool off partner

>> No.11678473


>> No.11678486

min. wage employees dont care at all about revenue ya dingus

>> No.11678489

>I don't know why you keep treating me with this condescending "social guru" attitude, but I'd suggest you drop it because it's quite pathetic.

not sure how long have you been here but even if youre a socially average guy that should be considered pretty rare here

>It's like you're purposefully avoiding to acknowledge that there are guys who'd act overprotective and needlessly confrontational when an attractive guy is in presence of his girlfriend.

so the entire scenario exist because bf is overpropective not because op is ridiculously hot. thats why i find op pathetic

>They do exist.

not saying they dont i just really doubt there are many top 1% attractive guys on an anonymous weaboo forum. if you look at fit threads its a bunch of awkward teenagers yet without a pic everyone claim to be fucking attractive. thats why i said op most likely overvalues himself bc most of the points can apply to average people.

>> No.11678506

>Not sure how long have you been here but even if youre a socially average guy that should be considered pretty rare here
To be brutally honest, 4chan is a lot more normalfag than it used to be. Not saying normalfags come here often but you gotta agree the average user isn't quite as autistic as it would have been.

>So the entire scenario exist because bf is overpropective not because op is ridiculously hot. thats why i find op pathetic
Depends, it's more of a power struggle between the guy's attractiveness and the bf's insecurity.

>I just really doubt there are many top 1% attractive guys on an anonymous weaboo forum. thats why i said op most likely overvalues himself bc most of the points can apply to average people.
That's a valid point, but I did happen to stumble across some rather attractive people posting their face every now and then.

>> No.11678558

>To be brutally honest, 4chan is a lot more normalfag than it used to be. Not saying normalfags come here often but you gotta agree the average user isn't quite as autistic as it would have been.

every board has a different culture with different people browsing. i would say /fa/ is the most underage one besides /v/ with the highschool-tier posts, people seeking for validation, obsession with retarded things, buzzwords and the general threads

>Depends, it's more of a power struggle between the guy's attractiveness and the bf's insecurity.

considering everything its more likely the 2nd one

>That's a valid point, but I did happen to stumble across some rather attractive people posting their face every now and then.

yeah im not saying that there isnt a single overly-attractive people posting. its just fucking rare yet this thread seems to have a lot of them. thats why i said its more likely people who have very little social experience reading the signs wrongfully and overvalue certain things that happen to average people too

>> No.11678562

is that leo?

>> No.11678566

Just curious, what are the more mature boards in your experience?

>> No.11678629

back when I used to have long curls, gay guys in class would eyefuck me, get horny and "leave for a moment for going to the toilet". happened various times.
also, when I sat in front of girls at the public transport, they would noticeably have a hard time controlling their wetness.
one time I was ocooking with my flatmate. he is straight and has a gf. but while talking and looking at me I noticed that he got aroused. well, I looked a bit like a girl back then...

>> No.11678716

playing the numbers game less popular communities and boards are more likely to be better. but i would say its not just the average user that matters, rather the spectrum of people browsing. lot of underage people on /b/ because its the most popular but i got useful advice many times before. the problem here is that

to answer your question idk its hard to tell /soc/ is the most reddit tier board with the most boring people but not that many threads that scream underage. /gif/ is surprisingly good considering its mainly a porn board. /p/ is awful if youre actually interested in photography but the people are pretty nice

>> No.11678864


>> No.11678982

>tfw only fat girls hmu obviously

>> No.11679024

Damn he definitely schooled you if youre this mad

>> No.11679033

if you think she can get pregnant then why are you shooting babby batter inside her, dingus

>> No.11679062
File: 73 KB, 900x900, 1470528507187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get compliments like "Hey, nice hair today man"
>mfw I genuinely appreciate it and thank 'em
comfy feels are best feels

>> No.11679065

>I'm just fine
thats what you think

>> No.11679069


>people complimenting your fits
>youre the friend that other friends go to for shooting pictures
>groups/pairs of girls doing the whole check that guy out on the low thing but you always catch it
>girls being straight up into you or acting like youre a dick when they just met you because of your looks
>girls striking up conversation way harder/more often than you ever have
>having your own style that stands out
>having a killer jawline

If my skin were perfect, I were a trust fund kid and had a big social media presence I'd be famous
Too bad I like drugs and don't care much for social media

>> No.11679108

If my skin were perfect, I were a trust fund kid and had a big social media presence I'd be famous
Too bad I like drugs and don't care much for social media

Too bad youre in a denial and when you gonna realise it gonna hit you hard

>> No.11679112

/diy/ is the most mature

>> No.11679142


denial of what?
I know im basically an above average looking but averagely accomplished person

>> No.11679185

who hurt you?

>> No.11679190

Drink bleach you salty faggot. You're such cancer.

>> No.11679211

u wot m8?
>uses public transportation
I wouldn't expect someone from a fly over state to know about big cities and how, if you want to get to work on time, you have to commute.

>> No.11679223

> 167 replies
> no pictures of faces

>> No.11679226

>I work for myself on a computer
Do you do those surveys for points you can cash in for iTunes cards?

>> No.11679232

>how do I greentext

>> No.11679256
File: 8 KB, 800x600, tumblr_nj6e5zUj5p1rhdwlfo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get super awkard
>super awkard

>> No.11679272

what does that mean

>> No.11679294

>chubby short hunched back autistic fuck at start of highschool
>lose 20 pounds, walk straight, get taller, dress better
>senior year, still autistic
>qt mormon tells me she likes me
pretended to not hear her
>Slutty qt tells me I should come over and cookeep for her
pretend not to hear her
>super religious girl with bf tells me I would look good naked
t-thank you
>qt tumblrina asks me to prom
I said yes
>at prom tall hot blonde friend makes me promise to dance with her
I said yes but didn't
>Asian friend d who is grill often tells me I'm hot
>qt field hockey girl compliments my fits
>large breastfed female friends very obviously crushed on me
>qt redhead would compliment me
>different qt redhead would occasionally flirt with me
>girl would always send me memes on snapchat and instagram

Couldn't process it all.

>> No.11679296

*cook, not cookeep

>> No.11679310

Marry the meme girl

>> No.11679329

>when you meet a couple and the girl is very nice to you while her boyfriend gives you nasty stares and is overly protective with her
>when guys less attractive than you feel the need to openly disrespect/challenge you
>when you catch a girl staring at you on public transportation
>when other guys secretly come to you for advice on how to look better
>when you have to break an unattractive girl's heart

kek what good is any of that if you're not scoring

>> No.11679350

>"anon how have you got such perfect skin?"
>"anon, can i surrogate your children?"
>"anon why do you have to be gay?"
>"anon can you have a talk with my bf? just to give him a few tips"
>(drunk) "anon PLEASE can we just try it once? you're so hot"
>"anon, all my other gay friends are in love with you"
>(straight guy secretly wanting to experiment) "anon, like if i were gay, you'd defiantly be the first guy i'd go for"

>> No.11679362

I get all of these too until someone sees my teeth.

>> No.11679416

The only attractive men I've seen posting on /fa/ have been obviously gay.

>> No.11679642
File: 103 KB, 246x232, 1389306789041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is losing your virginity to a butterface with a good body /fa/?

feeling anxious

>> No.11679666


>> No.11679838


>> No.11680011

Those are one of my fetish

How old is she and with which pornstar would you compare her body?

>> No.11680239
File: 792 KB, 800x1200, tiffany_owens_s2-36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's 19 and I guess something like this pic

just small breasts and a good ass and she's skinny

>> No.11680241


>> No.11680306

man about 70% of communication between humans is body language, if you cant read people just by looking at them you need to up your game, here are babbys first body langauge ques that she wants your dick.

>looks at your lips
>holds prolonged eye contact
>playfully touching you
>weird overcompensated laughs
>licking her lips

there are so many signals that a girl will project when shes keen for the D, you just have to notice them.

>> No.11680335

>skinny and nice butt

Fuck the shit out of her

Don't let me down anon

>> No.11680349

even if she has a bad face m8?

>> No.11680360

kek nice thread

>> No.11680374

If is a nice body yeah. I would.
You don't have to date her after that.

Use your dick man

>> No.11680384

2 weeks ago
>be me white male
>out at Korean barbecue
>korean chick in our group
>whenever I talk she looks at me and looks like she's lost in my face
>i look back at her and she looks away
>"hey anon, ms kim has something to say to you"
>ms kim death stares her friend
>they all giggle
>later in the night i get up to goto the bathroom and pass her cuz shes coming back
>catch her in the corner of my eye looking at me like wait where are you going

Few days ago
>friends get pissed and goto karaoke
>turns out ms kim and her friends are there already
>hear from my friend the next day
>"hey anon we saw blah blah blah and ms kim at the karaoke last night"
>wish i went
>"ms kim was asking if you were there too"

Ms Kim is alright. Shes looks one of those Korean chicks that is like...so innocent looking I couldn't imagine her doing anything with anyone...and if she has it makes me hella jealous it wasn't me.

>> No.11680408
File: 63 KB, 449x425, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11680435

and you telling me the girl does all these in front of her boyfriend like op said right

>> No.11680672

You're a good person, Anon

>> No.11680693

i like this post

makes me feel good

thanks anon

>> No.11680766

You're thinking about sex way too much, don't stress about feeling like you need to come or you need to make her come just focus on the sensation and how it's feeling in the moment and maybe you're worried abou getting her pregnant?

>> No.11680771


>gf thinks all her friends want to fuck me
>when strangers hit on me she gets really upset and insecure
>hates when i establish friendship with women, hates all of my female friends
>even hates some of my friends' gfs because she's convinced they'd cheat with me
>has literally ended some of her own friendships over my looks and her thirsty friends

does wonders for my ego

>> No.11680793

I'm not attractive, I'd say 5 or 6 on a good day, and I've still had jelous boyfriends be distrustful of me. Mostly those that were shorter and more built - I am chubbyish with some muscles but no definition around 6'2". I can connect with people very well though.

>> No.11682314

Man you need to check dat bish. She sounds overbearing as fuck.

>> No.11682315

>not the proudest of
why not?
I've made out once with 4 separate girls in one evening at a party and I consider it my best eve

>> No.11682325

>80/20 rule
explain, google didn't answer me fully

>captcha CARROLL

>> No.11682332

fucking man up get the balls and do shit already

>> No.11682341

I know it's the exact opposite of usual advice, but why not embrace the frat life?
when done well, you could be like a druglord cuban guy with muscles and slick hair
idk it would work for my boypussy

>> No.11682571

I think 80/20 refers to 20% of the guys fucking 80% of the girls. Either way in essence it just means that the upper-tier of males are feasting, while the rest are left hungry.

>> No.11682581

fucking blow my brains out

>> No.11682680

Been thru all of these, feels good.

>> No.11683434

yeah if you're in highschool

>> No.11683440

>i only discovered 4chan after leafyishere became popular on youtube also im 15 years old

>> No.11683446

no YOUR insecure enough to point out how he was insecure. But this is /fa/ aka insecurity: the board.

>> No.11684152

nah i have a girlfriend bahaha

>> No.11684255

>211 Reply
>Not even a semi-censored face or body picture
>Not even a Tinder profile with 2000 matches
>Replies look straight from some anime

This thread is the equivalent of commenting "I have a bigger dick" on pornhub.

>> No.11684275

Solid 6/10 reclusive female here, tfw
>feeling guilty for looking at attractive boys, they probably think im disgusting and dont want me looking at them

>> No.11684295
File: 6 KB, 594x546, 99 problems.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6/10 is above average, don't beat yourself up! I'm at least an 8/10 male, 30yrs 6'1 @160. I absolutely love seeing any mediocre-to-hot chick checking me out. Girls are thirsty, and everyone needs love! Just no fatties or <5/10.

>> No.11684305

youre retarded

a 6/10 girl could fuck almost any guy she wants

its so fucking easy

>> No.11684310

They're intimidated but have some sense of power over you, so they exercise it you melon

>> No.11684335

>likely above average looking, but more self-loathing than anything else
>girl is into me
>"There is no way another human being can benefit being around me"
>ignore/act oblivious around/avoid girl until she gets fed up and stops talking to me
>repeat every time
>eventually stop leaving house and become a total shut-in
>encounters with other human beings stop happening
Life is awful regardless of how you look.

>> No.11684337

I have extreme paranoia and view myself differently than everyone else does, it ain't that easy my dude. Also I don't just want to be fucked, thats actually not that important to me.

>> No.11684348

Just be a good person, most girls treat guys like shit. My gf is pretty, with a nice body and all that stuff but she is a piece of shit. I would dump her for an ok looking girl if she treated me better than her

>> No.11684364

I let my fear of being too ugly get in the way of forming relationships and friendships with people. Every time ive been interested in a guy as soon as he shows interested in me it gets weird and i distance myself (not on purpose, its fucked) my life is a bitter circle and i want death

>> No.11684367

>socially awkward when entering highschool, tried my best to change
>graduate highschool
>just chilling with two girls, they say, "we're pretty sure every girl in the class has liked you at one point."


>> No.11684384

Dont do that shit, youre just going to make your life bitter and miserable. I know I cant tell you what to do, and Im 100% sure you wont follow any advice from anons on the internet. If you want to change your life, you need to hit rock bottom and change it by yourself, if you dont, youre going to regret the things you couldnt do because of fear. And it is going to fuck you up when youre older

>> No.11684574

I'm not super hot, I'm somewhat attractive but I do get the stares and pictures taken of

Still tfwnogf

>> No.11684639

Have you considered getting plastic surgery? I highly doubt you're as ugly as you seem to think, but if your insecurity is really fucking up your life it might make sense to get rid of its root cause

>> No.11684648

>girls look away from you when you stare at them
your autistic

>> No.11684673

this whole thread
>girls look at me

>> No.11684756

Ya I put up with that shit for 2 1/2 years. Leave her, it's not fucking worth it. She'll get crazier

>> No.11685038


>> No.11685039

girl did all those things except licking her lips, also played with my hair, said my eyes were beautiful and told me i should be a model.

>tfw she has a boyfriend


>> No.11685175

Where are you going to just hang out with chicks?

I geuss im above average looking but i'm a complete shut it and its killing me. I want to be social and do stuff but i don't know how.

i just joined a rugby league to get out more, but i really don't have any friends.

>> No.11685218
File: 144 KB, 634x1024, rs_634x1024-160306080309-634.zac-efron.cm.3616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girls touch my shoulders or jaw every chance they get
>toddlers and little girls stare at me all the time
>get at least 10-15 messages from girls everyday on facebook
>guys brag about being your friend
>talk about the nerdiest shit and get girls to say "Omg I like that too"
>can have the most boring personality and still get dozens of girls throwing their selves at you
Feels good being a muscly pretty boy.

>> No.11685223


>> No.11685228

Post a picture of yourself.

>> No.11685389

fair, I'm still young (20) so maybe that's why I experience it that way.

>> No.11685424
File: 186 KB, 1600x1000, sad anime girl sitting on chair in front of window with her reflection in it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First I was told grills just want a nice guy.
Then I was told grills just want a good-looking guy. How happy I would be if the second one was true, But I see ugly guys, with oily skin, and disgusting facial hair get grills, while I am sitting here alone, shitposting.

>> No.11685502


pot, meet kettle

>> No.11685586

Maybe learn how to think with your own head.

>> No.11685587

and then you wake up

>> No.11685622

Any books or youtube tutorials on how to do that?

>> No.11685640


You don't get that from just being pretty and muscular though, you need to lead a full life and have a wide social circle.

Which is very different from the typical attractive woman experience where people cold approach you and bombard you with messages online.

>> No.11685753

get all these things & more but I'm not even good looking, just tall.

get real u look like ass probs

>> No.11685785


>> No.11686119

>tfw random girls say hi to you for no reason
>tfw cute girls go out of their way to sit next to you on the train
>tfw you can literally feel girls check you out

Feels good man.

>> No.11686125

>when you meet a couple and the girl is trying hard to be nice and civil while her boyfriend can't completely hide his disgust at your smell and appearance
>when people disrespect you
>when you catch a girl staring at you in disgust on public transportation
>when you brag about your attractiveness to other guys and they say, "haha yeah man totally i wish i were as hot as you dude haha.."
>when a girl is nice to you and you jump to conclusions

>> No.11686156
File: 1.34 MB, 1242x2208, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just like it when guys ask me to "teach them how to dress" since I dress relatively well for living in the Midwest and my gf is better looking than I am, so they think it's in the clothes.

When they ask for help, it kinda makes me feel like the goose from Crazy, Stupid, Love, but I'm not anywhere near that attractive. It's nice I guess. All about the little things, anon.

>> No.11686597


so either way it's a good thing?

lmaoing @ u nergins lyfes over here

stay deluded, faggots

>> No.11686894

They're could be staring because you look bad kek