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/fa/ - Fashion

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11668072 No.11668072 [Reply] [Original]

It's no secret that the board has seen better days. A few of us have taken a couple steps to start fixing the the board, like the Anon working on a new wiki, the Anon doing the fashion write-ups, and those of us who are trying to direct threads into their appropriate generals or off the board entirely.

The other thread is kinda dead, so let's keep the discussion going on this one.

>> No.11668087

Remember to sage threads when directing them to the general they belong in/off the board. Keeping these threads from getting bumped is important.

Report off-topic shit the moment you see it. If we keep reporting shit,the mods/janitors will have to take notice at some point.

Fuccboi general and WAYWT should serve well for general question threads.

We need to encourage discussion about fashion itself and not about trends, or what is perceived as "/fa/, effay, or fashionable". General aesthetic threads that don't really fit into other board like the interior threads, thinspo, and palewave are okay for the most part.

Inspo threads are an important learning tool that we need to see more of. But I think a rule is needed, like on /hr/ or /s/, that at least 6 images are needed to start the inspo thread on behalf of the OP. That way threads are ensured to get off the ground and not just clutter space.

>> No.11668095

I like that people talk about trends, dude
Cuz I don't really follow fashion news the way most people do, so it's my way of staying in the loop

>> No.11668100

Can we dedicate most of this thread to fixing Tuxbell.com. We need a more update guide if were going to send all the new kids to the sticky.

>> No.11668105

Editing the wiki is a tough job, I know a few Anons have said they want to take a crack at it. The wiki needs to have more resources on fashion theory. If anons really want "how to dress" advice, they're in the wrong place. If you learn more about fashion itself, knowing how to dress will come easy.

Tripfags like Bateman were probably the best thing to happen to this board, despite them being trips. If you've got actual knowledge on a subject, share it. Learning about fashion should be the main goal for someone on /fa/.

I don't really see an issue with trends, if they make a general the way /rick/ or /pale/ do. Reducing clutter on this board a big deal.

We definitely can.

>> No.11668110

the biggest problem with fa is the userbase

you aren't going to fix it you aren;t going to fix fa no matter how much meta discussion about the "state of the board" there are literally no knowledgeable people posting on this board anymore its just teens who don't know anything
take a look at the old rog or the short lived tech and japanese designer threads just absolute autism fests of people who don't know anything

>> No.11668116

bateman is a fucking idiot anyone who holds him in regard is even more so

>> No.11668117

There needs to be an instruction guide for buying from Rakuten, plain and simple

>> No.11668120


>> No.11668121

Heart and soul of /fa/ should be the WAYWT threads. This is where we leave theory behind and apply what we learn.
I actually don't mind the FROM THE BACK shit but those threads are still a dumpster fire:
1) I totally get the "tits or gtfo" sentiment... on /b/, but on /fa/ it just serves to make us a poorer, more insular community. Having an intelligent female perspective on fashion is probably pretty valuable to people here but we'll never manage to foster it with all the harassment women get in WAYWT threads.
2) people post but don't offer advice or else they offer advice that borders on trolling but dotty post fits. Don't get me wrong; abrasive honesty is probably the #1 thing this board has going for it but without some accountability, it just devolves into useless flaming.

Dunno if mods can step in to help with some of this shit but IMO if you want to make /fa/ great again, post on WAYWT threads, offer honest, unvarnished (and if possible, constructive) criticism and ffs stop asking the women for feet pix, if only in those threads.

>> No.11668122

>he's too stupid to buy off rak

lmao /fa/ is so pathetic

>> No.11668127

You don't know your, fuccboi?
Or follow the Japanese licensed brands like North Face and Chums? You're missing out

>> No.11668129

A fair point. I honestly think if we become a little more like /mu/ in that we don't tolerate people that really don't know what they're talking about we'll be better off. All it takes is a few to get the ball rolling.

Bateman probably wasn't the best example. Y'all get the point. At least some of the times the dude knew his shit. Pigfuck was alright, not much better though.

Make an account and let's get typing

Fair points.

>> No.11668130

I like this

>> No.11668133

> Having an intelligent female perspective on fashion is probably pretty valuable to people here but we'll never manage to foster it with all the harassment women get in WAYWT threads

yes women are special and need to be protected by meanies on the internet because they can't stand up for themselves on a Malaysian claymation board

>> No.11668134

*your measurements

>> No.11668142
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White lows any ideas I was thinking of getting them sharpied

>> No.11668144

pigfuck is much better than bateman
bateman knows nothing
pigfuck knows a lot about lang and raf

what are you trying to articulate here

>he's too stupid to buy off rak pt.2

oh boy this really is sad

>> No.11668151

what does that have to do with knowing how to use rakuten

completely unrelated topics

>> No.11668156

Wrong thread.

>> No.11668157

They can stand up for themselves but women posting get more attention and of the more aggressive variety and after a while, my guess is most of them figure it's not worth the hassle. I'm not saying have mods ban ppl for LONDON bs (this is, after all, still 4chan) but it's my opinion that if you want to encourage female participation here, lead by example and either stay on topic with female posters (and all posters, really) or if you can't, just ignore them

>> No.11668158

you're looking for /fbg/

Focus, senpai

Tuxbell is in desperate need of editors/editing. Should we come down with a list of pages that need editing what needs to be put on them?

>> No.11668170

why would we want to encourage female participation?

if females want to post thats great and all but why should they get special status if we shit post on guys we're shit posting on girls

>> No.11668185

i'll post some shit tomorrow mainly about silhouettes. i may write something about one of the designers from the weeb if i dont get lazy.

literally google it mate. theres shitton of guides.

>> No.11668186

the issue with the sticky is that it's locked from editting by an old trip named historian and no one can get in contact with him to unlock it

however when i first this it was years ago so who knows what the case is also you could probably just mass spam report the sticky to get the mods attention to start a new one or something

>> No.11668189

it's not special status, it's just about not being a retard every time a girl posts

The Wiki currently has these pages under the "Stuff To Add" section. So, we know at the very least, these need editing. Brand pages (non-opinion) are also in need of editing.
Colour Theory - Please add to this one
Silhouette - Please add to this one, or post any informational links about this on my talk page so I can expand on it
Style theory
"Wearing a costume" and how clothes should reflect your personality
The difference between the former and dressing for occasions
Personal style (Kind of covered by /fa/scist's spheal)
Alterations, tailoring, and making your own stuff

Just need an account to edit

>> No.11668190

Not to be rude but I think it's weird when girls post on /fa/ cuz most people responding are men who don't know shit about Nylon trends

>> No.11668196

Yeah. Read my original post. I'm all for reducing shit posting in general.
If you see no particular value in having a stronger female contingent on a fashion board, cool beans man. If you don't believe how being a girl on a board that's 90% sexually aggressive men, is different from participating as a guy that's fine too. If additionally, you see no difference in the average feedback girls and guys get on WAYWT threads, it's all good.
I consider these things to be axiomatically self evident so I don't know how to persuade you.
Agree to disagree

>> No.11668197

I've been buying from Japan for years man and I've learned a few tricks
The kind of stuff that gets left out of guides
That specifically is what belongs on our instruction

>> No.11668198

Is the wiki admin even active?

>> No.11668199

we're retards every-time guys post why wouldn't we be when females post?

nylon trends? what are you going on about

>> No.11668202

Where do girls learn about which trends to hop on? I thought they all bought Nylon

>> No.11668206

I don't think so. Last change he made was earlier in the year. That being said, if you make an account, you can make edits.

>> No.11668212

You can expect an update of Tech wear soon, there would be a page dedicated to the aesthetic to serve as a better guide.

>> No.11668220

Brand list by price tier, including Patagonia pcu and the other milsurp clothing systems....criminally underrated tech gear and cheap as fuck

>> No.11668221

i see no value in having female or male participation on this board
it would be better if this board didn't exist honestly
1. you can't reduce shitposting
2, there is no particular value in females on an overwhelming/exclusively male fashion board
3. the board isn't 90% sexually aggressive men
4. sure you get different reactions but guess what people are different, the reactions poc get compared to whites are also different should we also stop shitposting on poc posts because we should value their participation and we need to be a culturally diverse(tm) message board full of rainbows and sunshine

>I consider these things to be axiomatically self evident so I don't know how to persuade you.

wew lad you are a massive faggot


>> No.11668226

oh you're trolling
nice one :)

>> No.11668227

srsly tho. Why does /pol/ like to come argue here so much?
Do the circlejerks get boring and you feel like a challenge?

>> No.11668230

if it's based on the techwear general don't bother those people are idiots who include brands like 4thdimension but won't even mention massimo osti or aitor throup

>> No.11668232

Thanks, Anon.

Let's move on, senpai.

>> No.11668235
File: 2.00 MB, 181x292, fug this shit im out.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see no point in contributing to this board as long as it's going to be the same rick&raf circlejerk as always. You people have such narrow trite tastes that it's not even worth posting anymore. Anything that isn't on the pre approved shortlist of designers gets sagebombed and shitposted to death. The waywt are atrocious. Cop or not is a joke. 30 percent of all threads are some variation on "is x effay" or "what's the most effay x". It's dull and monotonous and I just don't care anymore. Too many fucking tryhard uni kids, too many goofnigger faggots, too many broke basic bitches.

>> No.11668238

to the admin of the website - turn on the image uploading permissions please. we cant write guides without decent images.

the only thing you need to learn are thr search terms. all proxies equally fuck you over

>> No.11668239

>he doesn't agree with me so he must browse pol

is this where i'm supposed to call you a cuck or?

>> No.11668240
File: 19 KB, 261x271, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MRA missing the point so much that he cries himself to sleep at night with a picture of the point held tight against his breast

>> No.11668243

No, I understand that Tech wear is more than looking like a ninja. Although it's commonly associated with it and /fa/ is only interested in that such part because its part of the aesthetic that differentiate themselves between the public.

I'll add the best I can, if I miss something feel free to add upon it.

>> No.11668245

Except that you can bypass proxies a lot of the times =)

>> No.11668246

>at the slightest hint of a suggestion that we not delude women with requests for feet pics he goes off on a rant about how diversity is ruining the world
Wew. Lad.

>> No.11668248

The point is to try an expand that, Anon. I agree with your frustrations, though.

Sending him emails, hoping to get a response.

>> No.11668252

proxies don't fuck you over
how else are you going to buy a product from a seller who refuses to sell to you

use your head mate it's just business

that being said fromjapan is the best one

you will realize one day that there are less than 50 designers that could be considered good and probably less than 30 of them currently active or alive today
also you will realize /fa/ doesn't like the vast majority of them and are clueless who they even are

you probably should never have posted here ti begin with if you were interested in fashion

>> No.11668262

Lolol do I need to post email correspondence with tenso to prove they they fuck you over? Different fag by the way, but the customer service and pricing is absolutely horrible

>> No.11668268

see >>11668262

buy long enough and youll know what i mean.

>> No.11668272

what kills me about the ninja techwear fans is that they literally all circlejerk the exact same silhouette


>not supporting benevolent sexism makes you an mra

>2 lines is a rant
>implying i meant diversity is ruining the world

>> No.11668273


In any case, guides need to include info on proxies. If an Anon wants to go through one, that's their decision, we just gotta provide the info for them to make the best one.

>> No.11668278

>using tenso
>using sutocorp
>using zenmarket

you brought it upon yourself

never been fucked using fromjapan any issues have been with the shipping service i've used
btw i have over 200 transactions with from japan and 50+ with rak so it's not lack of experience

>> No.11668282

you will almost certainly have to go through a proxy if you're buying from japan rak global is shit

>> No.11668287

By the way I still use the service but acknowledge I'm getting screwed
I've been accused of it before but don't care if it sounds like shilling: Amazon Japan has two day delivery at a good price and sells a lot of big brands including porter

>> No.11668330

Apathy and disorganization are at the heart of 4chan, by doing this you're fighting against the natural tide of bullshit that has risen and fallen for years on this board, and on others.

If the content on /fa/ is bad, it means that the user base is bad. Why do you owe any of your time to us? Tumblr, Reddit, and many other sites exist to allow individuals to curate their consumption. If what's popular here seems like something that needs "fixing", then maybe the problem is you, and not the content.

>> No.11668344

Other boards have their wikis/resources/etc. /fa/ is no different, really.

What good is the fashion board if no actual fashion is discussed anymore?

>> No.11668355

If the users of /fa/ choose not to discuss fashion, then that is the will of the users. Whether that makes the board good or bad is irrelevant.

>> No.11668361

Fair enough, True Neutral Anon.

>> No.11668388

this doesnt give you effay points you know. this is a fashion board first and foremost. if i convince more than 50% of the userbase here to suddenly talk about something as farfetched as earphones then should we change the function of the board then?

>> No.11668407

If more than 50% of the userbase starts talking about earphones, then more than 50% of the posts you see will probably be about earphones. You are the one that brought up the function of the board, not me.

There is one rule on /fa/, "Images and discussion should pertain to fashion and apparel." (http://www.4chan.org/rules#fa).). I would suggest that if you wish to enforce that rule, you do so by reporting posts about earphones.

>> No.11668412

off-topic conversations on 4chan are some of the most interesting I've ever had
earlier this year I got in an argument with a bunch of britfags about how lame their systematic suppression of the democratic process is (namely regarding the attempt at banning UKIP even though they've received millions of votes and deserve a seat at the table if the citizens want them there)
fortunately a few ameribros came in to help and we showed them the error of their stupid logic on the "dangers" of certain kinds of political views

>> No.11668429

>If the users of /fa/ choose not to discuss fashion, then that is the will of the users. Whether that makes the board good or bad is irrelevant.
referencing the earlier post, so if the users will to talk about electronics then should we change the function of the board as an electronics discussion imageboard rather than a fashion board despite the original board not being intended for it? i just need a simple yes or no answer.

politics is a meme

>> No.11668467

stop /pol/ cancer from spilling into this board

>> No.11668481

I apologize for not answering your question directly. By asking "should we change the function of the board", you imply that any of us has the power to change the function of the board, and more pertinently that the board has any implicit function. Who makes decisions regarding the function of /fa/? There is one official rule, which I linked earlier, and beyond that there is no summary of why this board exists or what we should do here.

Unfortunately I cannot give you a simple yes or no answer, as I am not qualified to answer your question absolutely. You may have more luck in contacting a moderator, or by discussing this with someone close to you who is willing to debate ambiguous topics regarding trivial message boards.

>> No.11668522

I can confidently say I'm one of the most knowledgeable people on this board

But give it up dude it's not going to happen.

There's just too many kids, the only resolution to them shitting up the board is time. Time and time only. But by then there will have been a new wave of kids, repeat ad infinitum.

Grow past the board, I can start discussions and stuff on what interests me but it is so far beyond anything that anyone here is able to be interested in that it would be pointless, I would just be talking to myself.

People who have grown past the board no longer feel the need to engage. Just grow past it and your perceived problem is solved.

>> No.11668533
File: 326 KB, 1519x1920, 061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can confidently say that I put in the most amount of time contributing to the board; it takes a long fucking time to get mags uploaded
and I agree: it's not going to happen lol

>> No.11668542


appreciate your contributions although i always wonder why here out of all places lol

btw where do you buy (?) your online copies of magazines? I cop jap magazines from time to time but only if it's a special issue covering a niche topic

>> No.11668546



>> No.11668549
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if anything we should encourage the under age girls who migrated here from tumblr to get the fuck out

>> No.11668559

at the moment I've been buying them from amazon
but I just signed up for amazon unlimited so I have access to hundreds of back issues for like 8 bucks a month
It'll take me like a year to get through everything that's available....and they add new mags every day
I've also bought from Fujisan before but it's harder to download pics

>> No.11668561


amazon japan?

>> No.11668568

I know that people on 4chan have put in some crazy hours to contribute to their respective homeboards, so I figured I could do the same since it's of interest to me to archive the pics
I like the anonymity of 4chan and I'm not very /fa/ in real life
but ripping magazine scans has taught me a lot about a few styles of men's fashion - mainly interested in trad and camp/milspec

>> No.11668577
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see it's a sweet deal man...definitely worth checking out, even the 30 day trial

>> No.11668642

This is why pol should get the fuck out, how was that anecdote relevant to this discussion at all? I'm all for free speech and I share quite a few views with you guys, but you shoehorn your political views in wherever you go, it adds nothing to this board and nothing to the discussion of fashion. Your second post about the inherent function of this board is't even debatable, the board's name and the rule you posted define in succinctly. I just wish you would keep the discussion of relevant topics in your forethought, instead of blathering on about social injustices.

>> No.11668653

the point was the exact sentiment you are expressing now. it is implied in the original response that the function of a board rests on its users when it is dependent on the rule being cited now.

gotta love that subtle insult though. just be blunt if you want to let one out. this is an anonymous message forum. we have no time for civilities.

>> No.11668654

black hair generals fucked this board

>> No.11668657

this board needs to start cracking down on liberals and leftists.... theyve been allowed to run free for far to long

>> No.11668678

>Newfags that don't know how to filter other newfags: the thread

>> No.11668679

we need actual strict moderation and peer moderation
>retarded off-topic threads are deleted on sight (with possible short ban) or moved to /trash/
>slightly off-topic threads are merged with a general (/fuccboi/, /sneakers/, etc)
>single rolling WAYWT sticky with slightly larger image limit (500 maybe?), all others are merged or deleted
>substanceless troll WAYWT posts are deleted/banned (from the back, etc), posters are encouraged to provide harsh but well-worded criticisms
it'd be a start

these guys are also mostly right, i expect i know much less about fashion than they do but even with my limited knowledge and interest i feel the same way

also substanceless /pol/posting should be banned on sight

>> No.11668690

this board started going downhill after pigfuck and the rest of the great aus trips left. cucks need strong white men to guide them. but there just arent any left

>> No.11668694
File: 741 KB, 1519x1920, 052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by the way
Hanako FOR MEN vol.4 僕のアジト。
gonna go through volume 18 as fast as I can
so good

>> No.11668724

thank you j

>> No.11668728

no problema fuck if you know my name you've been paying attention since I first started lol

>> No.11668773
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I don't give a fuck about fashion and I wear assburger shoes but...
Did that one tripfag ever upload his Curlgurl folder?
When was the last Curlgurl sighting?
Has she had a kid yet and if so, are there pics of MILF Curlgurl?
What's the name of that one self-hating Paki(?) grill with the big nose that had a reddit account and what was it? (not tripsk, the skinny one)
Did the girl in pic related post more?
Is there a single consistent qt attentionwhore here at all and if so are there pics?
Why in the fuck are you even trying to revive this corpse of a board?

>> No.11668966

you are doing great work anon

>> No.11668969

Why FromJapan over Zenmarket? Sell me

>> No.11668973

Hell yeah senpai

>> No.11668976
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thats not curlgurl in your pic you dipshit

>> No.11669023
File: 161 KB, 300x387, wubbo ockels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some anon worked on a new wiki

Some helpful info

I'm still looking for Color: A Workshop For Artists & Designers by David Hornung

>> No.11669155

>peer moderation
oh you mean like someway for anons to let other anons whats acceptable board culture like some sort of liking of voting system?

uh theres already sites for that and they're shit

>> No.11669214

I don't get this fucking aspie crying about women being "harassed." I'm a girl and literally every girl I ever see in waywt nowadays looks like absolute shit, boring cheap forever21 shit and tumblrcore at best, no fucking merit whatsoever. If they're obviously just posting for attention then why not treat them like it?

>> No.11669284

tripskank the goat

>> No.11669412
File: 47 KB, 771x974, tuxbell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plenty of stuff on suits, "normalcore" and some color theory posts on the young-stalin link
and plenty of inspo

if yous really want to fix up the sticky, maybe:
page(s) dedicated to a designer (specialty companies) on what their signature style or approach to fashion is and what makes them great
actual whole page(s) dedicated to -waves and -cores and what makes them great
plenty of supporting ("inspo") pictures stolen from anywhere

but who the fuck would really have that much time and passion

>> No.11669460

you can make a thread about a specific page. group writing project.

>> No.11669594

Every inspiration thread, like Rick Owens, Tech wear, should have their posters participate in making pages on companies, designers, and their style.

>> No.11669607

ok so if a guy posts and looks like shit he's a bad dresser but if a girl posts and looks like shit she's doing it for attention

>> No.11669656

good luck. with threads like "whorecore" where underage kids pst pictures of unfashionable sluts i dont see this board getting any better desu.

>> No.11669671

OK, I used to post those threads. Then stopped as the initial idea seem to go over /fa/ head and started to become softcore pornography.

>> No.11669690

You cannot elevate it to becoming an interest board if you want to cater to people who can't tie their shoelaces.

>> No.11669747

No the guy is also doing it for attention why else would you post in a waywt if you werent trying to get attention or some sort of validation guys get called all sorts of gendered insults as well fuccboi and fag vs attention whore or slut

>> No.11669759

A good fashion board needs a good balance between accessibility and exclusivity this is why styleforum failed too acessible for normies and sz failed too exclusive sufu had an ok balance for a while but was too stuck in their techwear ninja niche fa was ok for while as well but most people grew up and left and were replaced by teenmfa and rmfa kiddies

>> No.11669832

Thank you

>> No.11669895

obviously you dummy, I never implied that it was

>> No.11670302

Not sure if posted already but some anon a while ago talked about sillouettes:

>> No.11670356

hey OP i remembered that the admin is pretty active on the /fa/ irc on rizon. its #effay and the guy's name is adrift. ask him.

dat me. i already updated the silhouette page and added a few more things to it. all thats left is the admin to give image upload permissions so i can finish it

>> No.11670389
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This is why I so rarely browse /fa anymore

>> No.11670390

Should we include references to books/articles too?

Should the colour theory be updated? It's all theory and little application.

>> No.11670395

Not only are they off topic, but they have terrible taste.

>> No.11670492
File: 18 KB, 500x500, Mfw+quot+can+i+sue+him+for+child+support+for+taking+_c642d2aa198ae0fde617f89e72920942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need something like a kindergarden for all the underage shitposting peasents... for real...

Also noone told this cancer to gtfo to /b/ or /ck/.
Man they could have even post the question in the lifestyle general but nooo. Goddamn I am mad now.

>> No.11670834
File: 103 KB, 1152x864, image_25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What ever happened to the faggotstore?

>> No.11671193

The what?

>> No.11671357

how many times has this been tried and failed? Just leave this site

>> No.11671617
File: 1.67 MB, 398x655, cold.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

caleb's not active on the wiki. he was reachable though, in June 2015, through the email listed on tuxbell.

Old/current Tuxbell layout:

The planned Tuxbell layout from last year:

the wiki is not locked from being edited by users with accounts.

adrift is not the tuxbell admin.
adrift is the github admin.

>being mad about shitposting on 4chan


>> No.11671683

we should update the sticky design, rn it's pretty ugly

I can't web design but just played around and made this


Someone that actually knows how to do html should make a new sticky

>> No.11671765

>peer moderation
That's report post. No one uses it. But it exists.

I'm in full agreance with the rest of what you said.

It just boils down to putting things in general threads and replacing shitposting with contributing posts, in my eyes at least.

>> No.11671807

it's not worth it dude
just give up
this board isn't worth saving

>> No.11671841

I agree
A severe lack of moderation, among many other things, will hinder most board impact the sticky/wiki improvements could have

I'm not gonna put in the work
But I'm not gonna stop them if they want to give it a shot

>> No.11671842

Stop that, this board is worth at least the attempt.

>> No.11671880
File: 839 KB, 3052x1920, Hanako.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

putting up another mag
Hanako volume 5
I have no idea what the theme of these magazines are, but their restaurant guides are really good

>> No.11671895

Bunch of faggots editing pictures to look the same then making general mass threads and thinking everything is going to be a-ok

>> No.11671926

you weren't the first to try
you won't be the last
let them delude themselves

>> No.11671932
File: 602 KB, 1519x1920, 060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11672105
File: 504 KB, 1519x1920, 051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hanako for Men volume 6

>> No.11672254

Well I dont have much going on in my life at the moment so please let me feel at least some other emotion then the usual dead emptiness, senpai

>> No.11672687

You are a saint among men.

>> No.11672733

not at all, i just mean people posting harsher responses to shitposting and reporting more often

>> No.11672742

Been reporting alot more often- ive noticed that my posts would get deleted after i sage/report a thread?

>> No.11672750

There's a global rule about saging

>> No.11672761

I'm aware. But at most itll be 3 or 4 threads every few days- which isnt abusing the ability to sage, especially considering the amount of off topic threads.

>> No.11672887


Yeah, but look here:

>> No.11672905

I can respect that

>> No.11674614


>> No.11674676

bumping this thread

>> No.11674701

pls don't let this die

>> No.11674713

I think you would be more helpful if you write/rewrite an entry at the wiki.

>> No.11674746

I'm probably going to start working on the "List of Brands" pages and starting to update Brand bios and such.

If anyone has links to documentaries or short (professional) videos about each brand feel free to link them or add them yourselves too to that brands page.

I'd also like to archive fashion shows (probably by just stealing pics from other sites to be honest but that way it can all be in one place for people browsing.)

>> No.11674799

look up the maison margiela reference guide, pretty good material.

>> No.11674829

Start with something smaller? That page is quite big if you want to give every brand on the list a bios.

There are a lot of fashion shows and maybe too much to archive. Write about the purpose of a fashion show and the garments that are shown there. Give an answer to the question if people really wear what is shown of the catwalk. Write about the difference between Haute Couture and Prêt-à-porter.

Does the wiki have internal storage? Maybe we can host books/articles?

>> No.11674837

>Tfw a week after I sign up and still haven't gotten a confirmation email so I can verify and actually edit pages

>> No.11674839

Report shitposts. There's going to be dumb people no matter what, just sage and direct them to the sticky. The real problem is the proliferation of off-topic threads and posts about "is x effay," "cucks/nu-males," "X item is a meme," ugly attention whores, etc.

>> No.11674900

I wasn't thinking every brand, but for example the CDG page has nothing but a link to the website on it.

At least the really big and influential labels deserve something

>> No.11674978

I just got word from the wiki admin. He's gonna change up the image permissions some time tonight. We'll be able to make proper guides now.

>> No.11675031

We eatin'

>> No.11675120

check your spam folder
mine went there @ gmail

>> No.11675219

Thanks anon, these are dope. Having a pastebin/recurring thread for (Japanese) magazine scans probably wouldn't be a bad idea either

>> No.11675224

nope, I'll try a gmail though, maybe it has problems with outlook

>> No.11675230

yep gmail went through immediately, thanks microsoft

>> No.11675235
File: 304 KB, 1014x1332, cps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This should help since a lot of new posters are always asking about CPs

>> No.11675242

Although I was originally being sarcastic about it, I think I might start emailing anyone interested about new uploads
Cuz I'm pretty sporadic about doing rips and some dudes who like them don't really lurk anymore

>> No.11675248

L-lighting, fuccboi

>> No.11675254

For how much CPs are talked about and asked about I don't think I've ever actually seen people wearing them IRL or more than a few times in WAYWT. It's a shame because they really are fantastic

>> No.11675300

pls no if you live in non fashin town

>> No.11675393

So as the normal user doesn't have the ability to create pages, does anyone have an idea as to where the best place to put information on actual industry stuff would be?

>>11674829 talked earlier about writing about the purpose of the fashion show but I'm not quite sure where that would belong and still be easily found within the current layout of the wiki

>> No.11675455

I'll email the admin and see what we can do.

In the meantime, you might wanna try writing it down as an infograph and we can move from there.

>> No.11675541


>> No.11675577 [DELETED] 


>> No.11675610

nice dubs

thanks for the bump

>> No.11675635

this thread shows that there are still knowledgable people browsing this board
all is not lost and when the few that are currently motivated to improve the board eventually end up realising their dream, more and more ppl will help
keep plugging away OP x

>> No.11676102

it ships to usa addresses?

>> No.11676176


>> No.11676277

nice dubs but I'm bumping this

>> No.11676279
File: 18 KB, 250x250, IXFA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is a dedicated thread /fa/?

>> No.11676556

Amazon Japan does, yes
But those are free to borrow digital copies that I know how to rip the images from

>> No.11676648 [DELETED] 


>> No.11676785 [DELETED] 





>> No.11676844
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>> No.11676847

he got on a few days ago at like 3am and talked about white supremacy until the thread got deleted

>> No.11676849

yeah I realized I actually liked the design I made and didn't want people stealing it :~)

>> No.11676851


>> No.11677079

don't spAm

>> No.11678503

wtf i hate pigfuck now

>> No.11678525

What would you use the design for?

>> No.11678557

I think he's trying to make a new sticky that he can edit

>> No.11679008

I love you so much

>> No.11679842

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