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/fa/ - Fashion

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11660540 No.11660540 [Reply] [Original]

Yes I know, it's reddit. But other than being bland and lifeless why is it so openly hated on every other fashion forum?

Can we can a real discussion about the good bad and ugly about our inbred cousin that is /r/malefashionadvice

>> No.11660543

it's filled with redditors and redditors are faggots

>> No.11660566

r/malefashion is a far better board than /fa/

>> No.11660575

r/malefashion is filled with crossposters from other sites though. Its userbase doesnt come from the main reddit demographic.

>> No.11660581

This is true but I feel like it's also the most inoffensive and bland way to be fashionable.

Almost every fit there is, a button down oxford, chinos, and white leather shoes.

>> No.11660829

Better than the majority of /fa/

>> No.11661200

Fashion is about creativity for most people on /fa/ and something is bound to go wrong.

>> No.11661207

The problem both /fa/ and /MFA/ face is that they're both too accessible. Anyone can come in and post & they're all very broadly known boards.

MFA uses voting though, and is probably one of the biggest boards so the voting makes it a little bland at times. It is however probably the best beginner board.

/fa/ doesn't have a voting system & is completely anonymous, so it gets moderated by having shitty posters being told to fuck off. It still gets crazy amounts of noobs though and since there's no real way to track if the person behind the comment knows what they're talking about they overcompensate for their lack of knowledge.

>> No.11661209

>Fashion is about creativity for most people on /fa/
have you seen a single waywt lmfao

>> No.11661218

they're too technical and rigid about fashion.

but i won't lie sometimes their fits are better than ours. their newfags are better

>> No.11661223
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It's a very simple answer really, you just need to think of it from a statistical perspective.

Basically people who have good fashion sense and people who have terrible fashion sense are in the minority. The average reddit user has, by definition, average fashion sense. Therefore the most average outfits will receive the most upboats. Fits on /r/malefashionadvice aren't terrible, they just aren't that great, which makes it so cringey that they have thousands of upvotes and seem to be praised. The way that reddit works guarantees that averageness and mediocrity are the most visible. There are probably some very talented dressers on reddit and probably some shit ones too, but the average person has average taste and because of the voting system that is what you see.

There are a lot of reasons to dislike reddit, this is the main one in my opinion, besides the awful censorship.

>> No.11661224

their fits are shit because they're so bland and boring
their culture and attitudes are the same
can't be helped because it's /malefashionadvice, not /malefashion or /fashion
there are other boards for that
mfa is where the autistic redditors go to try to look presentable

>> No.11661229

lol shit fits get upvoted by normies reeeeeeeeee

>> No.11661305

just checked our /r/malefashion

so much better than what you see in the waywt

>> No.11661310
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>> No.11661440

i just went on /mfa/ for the first time and i saw a WAYWT thread and the first few were waaaay better than the shit you fucks put on here lmao but then the rest were garbage and i got bored.

>> No.11661708

i like mfa, i dont get the hate meme tho.

>> No.11662102

WAYWT threads are terrible because 4chan has autism levels of technicality, and autism levels of execution. You can learn everything you need to know here, but somehow everyone here fucks it up in execution. Same thing with /photo/. They have an extreme knowledge of cameras and the photographic process, but every single photo that is posted there is absolute shit.

Maybe MFA isnt so retarded because its filled with normal people.

>> No.11662498

Yeah, the thing is is that it's presentable at best and reddit's hivemind attitude forces anything that's not "casual workwear" down

>> No.11662504

because it's normie fashion
i bet no one even cares about fashion weeks and runways there

>> No.11662511

your "normie" is what you usually want to wear to not look like an autist

>> No.11662519

because its not a fashion board, iits what /fa/ used to be, a style self improvement board. obviously its going to be basic

>> No.11662539
File: 278 KB, 1333x2000, uJmx2CW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, what went wrong with this board?

These are the first 3 fits on today's waywt thread and they kill any fit that has been posted on /fa/ in the last 24 hours.

>> No.11662546
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>> No.11662552
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>> No.11662553


>suede fuck me boots in brown
>dark jeans
>cheap man jewelry
>tommy bahama button up

waywt is shit but this is also very terrible

>> No.11662576

The Gats don't go well with the rest of the fit
Sweater is too small and monochrome is the training wheels of fashion and throwing some Vans in there isn't "fashion"
This is really bland maybe it's just how ugly he is but he could do far better if he changes that shirt.

>> No.11662578

hedi must be rolling in his grave

>> No.11662588
File: 150 KB, 867x1982, Q0CLKul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck does that even mean, kobe bryant?"

>> No.11662640

this, r/malefashion is like what /fa/ wants to be. /fa/'s still way better then r/mfa tho

>> No.11662734

This fit is better than anything we have in our WAWYT but the other fits are just like any regular garbo you see in our WAWYT only the clothes/houses are cleaner

>> No.11662999

It's the voting system IMO, it favors meme tier upvote bait

>> No.11663013
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Same thing that wrong with /fa/, too many people who are completely new to fashion and shit up the place with really basic and common questions.

>> No.11663123
File: 69 KB, 1028x517, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


mfa is all about a boring, uninspiring, soulless, normative ideology

the level of normie fashion is so low that even the tiny elevation they achieve through circle jerking can make them seem stylish to their fellow normies

>> No.11663132

and sadly they look better than us, because our WAWYTs are full of poor people, normies who can't afford interesting clothing.

at least their clothes fit right.

>> No.11663138

essentially this, mfa is for fedora-tier sperg lords to learn not to look like sperg lords, basically its too look good and inoffensive towards others, not really fashion in that sense

>> No.11663150

>mfa is all about a boring, uninspiring, soulless, normative ideology
sounds familiar doesn't it

>> No.11663214 [DELETED] 



It's even more about body/self improvement board than that these days.

>> No.11663225



Board is even more about body/self improvement than that these days.

>> No.11663250

>Board is even more about body/self improvement than that these days.

That's a good thing.

Our average poster age is really low, meaning we've got mostly skinny twinks. You can't look good in clothes without some muscle.

Gotta improve other aspects, like building your body or earning more money, before you can look good.

>> No.11663266

Probably the best description of this board.>>11662498

>> No.11663742

jesus, are you autistic and blind?
no good fits on r/malefashion has chinos

>> No.11663765


At the very least, every thread isn't "kill yrself".

I'm a short bald (I shave my head because I'd look like Larry from the 3 Stooges if I didn't) guy, and just about every forum on 4chan's response to that is "kill yourself"

>> No.11663844

sweater fits his shoulders perfectly, it's just a very slim fit throughout the arms and appears to be cropped, or maybe tucked

>> No.11663862

Heh. Anyone remember when /fa/ was literally /MFA/ back then? It's also the reason why I have menswear/workers clothing's in my closet. Wasn't great but nothing I regretted.

>> No.11663960

90% of the time it's better than /fa/ is currently, but /fa/ is more interesting

>> No.11664142

> 90% of the time it's better than /fa/ is currently, but /fa/ is more interesting autistic


>> No.11664282

Plz stay on /mfa/ you cuck