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File: 3.81 MB, 2976x2976, 14717969507701004131994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11657143 No.11657143 [Reply] [Original]

How effay is this shirt I made?

Second question, how effay is it to make your own clothes?

>> No.11657150

You better be black

>> No.11657152


if u really made this props too you, very nice piece

>> No.11657162

You Made that! Good on you. It looks good mate. Keep at it

>> No.11657163

Nope, and I wore it to a friend's birthday party yesterday, and she and her family are all African American. Nobody said a thing, nor made any faces at it.

>> No.11657170

Looks really good. Might be kind of weird if you're not black, but maybe that's all the tumblr brainwashing in the air.

>> No.11657288

>le u cant wear this shirt cos it looks like my stereotypical imaginary idea of how african clothes look because it has le african flag colors

fuck off and die

if anything its closer to southwest native american patterns

>> No.11657326

The fabric was called African Kente, but I do agree that the pattern should not be an issue. I chose it because I thought the pattern was nice, and I can appreciate it. Race should not be a prerequisite to wear an item.

>> No.11658030

kill yourself

>> No.11658048

a white guy has a much business wearing this as a black guy has wearing a Klan regalia

>> No.11658049

it's dope
nice work mane

>> No.11658071

I'd wear it. Looks sick.

>> No.11658461

i want one desu

>> No.11658468

Looks very African but it's a nice shirt. I wouldn't wear it because it's not my style but it's good nonetheless.

>> No.11658478

reminds me of a preme piece for some reason

>> No.11658524

>pattern is literally called african
how does it feel being retarded

>> No.11659437
File: 49 KB, 330x548, 1465334270911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's called African, therefore, anyone who is not African can't wear it

I'll just let you ruminate over how asinine your comment was. It should be you that figures out that you are a complete buffoon as opposed to a stranger telling you off.

>> No.11659448

>wearing this and not being african
enjoy being plastered all over tumblr in the newest meme about cultural appropriation.

Even if I think thats bullshit I wouldnt risk it.

>> No.11659449
File: 364 KB, 1280x1184, 1470075470302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> The "I took a 100 level sociology course in college" comment

>> No.11659506

>Caring what tumblr thinks AT ALL
>Not wearing clothing for YOUR enjoyment

You have been doing it wrong this entire time, friendo.

>> No.11659524

where I live someone would probably confront you about this IRL.

It doesnt matter because it isnt my style anyways.

>> No.11659537

If I had to I would rather buy something like this than a Gildan t-shirt with an ironic image or phrase printed on it, OP

At least you fucking did something

>> No.11659596

Where I lived there was a big Indian community and there was this fabric store with everything you could imagine

Tell us more how you made it op.
Also this is a fucking tshirt which is not bloody African traditional clothing so sociology students stop being so stupid.

>> No.11659606

>if anything its closer to southwest native american patterns

You're a pretty knowledgeable guy, huh?

>> No.11659616

that's cool that you made a shirt. I mean it's not a fashionable shirt by any means, but be proud of your efforts.

>> No.11659641

you're retarded

it could be fashionable if styled correctly


>> No.11659657

I went Jo-Anne the fabric store, and to find a fabric with a good pattern. I saw this one and liked it for what it was, and I realized it was a part of African culture.
I bought 2 yards of the African Kente, then I bought a black rib knit for the collar, then some black interlock fabric for the rings around the sleeves and bottom. (It costed about $28)

I took a shirt I was not going to wear anymore and cut it completely apart, including cutting off the collar. Then I found a big enough poster board to trace each piece: the front, the back, both of the sleeves, and I lined up the cut out collar to the rib material and cut the collar from there, then folded it over. I made sure to make the tracing larger than the actual part I traced. I just placed the fabric over that and cut it to the tracing.

I added the black lining by cutting it to the size of the sleeves and the bottom of the shirt. Then I just sewed it all together leaving 5/8in seam allowance with tight straight stitch, then went back with an over stitch, then cut off the excess. I sewed on one side of the collar to the right side of shirt before going back and sewing the 2 ends of the collar together then folding it down and sewing it on again. The last thing was taking the black strips for the siding and folding it over the end of the shirt fabric so that the shirt fabric is in between the black fabric, then sewing it on from there. Cut the excess, and iron the collar and black siding down (or do it before too.)

It took about 2 days, but it was not too hard. Will probably do again.

>> No.11660959

damn just the process itself sounds like a ton of fun.

did you have any experience with making clothes before this?

also shirt is tight af

>> No.11661130

pics of you wearing it? I want to see the fit

>> No.11661188

he's right tho - just shows how meaningless the name is.

>> No.11661226

I had started using my machine almost a month by the time I had made this, and been hand sewing for a bit longer. Before this shirt, I made more basic projects such as cutting two shirt in half horizontally, and sewing the top of one to the bottom of the other to make two tone shirt, and another was taking a bandana and cutting it up to make designs on a plain red shirt I bought. This is my most complex, though. I had done a lot of reading about shirt construction and the process for it. After that, it takes a lot of precision. You will suprised how easy it is. I am wondering why more people don't make their own shirts.It mostly requires patience.

Also, thanks for the compliments, everyone.

>> No.11661230


very cross colours homie

i dig it

>> No.11661245

>It mostly requires patience.
There is your problem
Anyways dope piece, personally I would love a black t-shirt with a rectangle of this pattern Supreme-style

>> No.11661262

Hmm, I have some excess of this fabric, and a black shirt I could potentially use. How would you recommend your idea be done exactly?

>> No.11661311
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pic related
I dunno man, just sew it on to the tshirt
Although the more I think about it the more it seems that straight up printing the pattern would be a better idea

>> No.11661355

Maybe it would be better to print it on, and apparently, it is not too hard to do that either:

I am still think of how I will use the excess fabric though.

>> No.11661359


>> No.11661379

could make a little purse or wallet out of the spare fabric

>> No.11661414

u ameritards are such gay cunts

>> No.11661446

The fabric is not stretchy enough, but I have been thinking about socks.

As cool as that would be, I have no idea to go about doing that.

Is there someone else who has experience making clothes?

>> No.11661477

you would need to buy a zip i guess.

Could do a pencil case.

>> No.11661503

i don't think it'd look very good on a white guy but it could look very nice on a black man
and nah that isn't because of social, racial implications - i literally just think a very dark skinned black guy would compliment the colors in a way that white skin wouldn't
also i'm not certain i like the traingle pattern, its so big and blockey compared to the other variations that it stands out in a way i don't really like but can't totally say why

overall i guess i'd have to see it in person - i'd probably wear it myself but that could be because its different than the rest of my closet

>> No.11661620

When you seat African American do you mean they're black or immigrants? Because there's a pretty big difference between the two.

>> No.11661661

>if anything its closer to southwest native american patterns
The two really don't have much in common outside being patterns imo,
The southwestern patterns tend to be more symmetrical and the kente patterns usually liok checkered.
The two also incorporate different colors with the majority of Kente using vibrant greens and oranges while south American patterns use ranges of pale reds and oranges/yellows.

>> No.11661676
File: 6 KB, 225x225, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make a hat to go with the shirt

>> No.11661715

>if anything its closer to southwest native american patterns
It's a west african pattern.

>> No.11661719

They are born in the United States and are black, but I wish I knew someone from Africa.

That is pretty cool, but too bad I don't wear hats. I am sure someone else might be interested in buying it maybe if I make it good enough. I just might do that, actually.

>> No.11661756

Then they probably don't care, unless they fell for the blm bs.
But even if they were from an African country I don't really think they'd care at all.
You might get a few looks because it's not wveryday you see a white guy in kente, but overall the africans I've met seem chill when someone takes an interest in their culture.

>> No.11661786
File: 22 KB, 236x236, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how everyone see's you when you wear that shirt, OP

>> No.11661798
File: 58 KB, 309x400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey look it's OP

>> No.11661813

Lol no, I did not completely forfeit my culture for another, and it is not even a traditional piece of clothing, only the fabric is.
You are probably a samefag anyway.

>> No.11661815
File: 35 KB, 500x431, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly you're better off dressing like this

>> No.11661827


>> No.11661863

>b-but you might get confronted

Are there really grown men who act like this? If anything, confrontation makes for a good chuckle.

>> No.11661874

>If anything, confrontation makes for a good chuckle.
till you get punched in the teeth

>> No.11662070

>grown men that act like this
But there is enormous amounts of blue haired white girls and ghetto black chicks that do

>> No.11662201

I don't know how I feel about a nonblack person wearing a kente pattern, but I personally like it regardless. Personally, I think that if you're not making money off of the appropriation and black people are ok with it, then it's fine.

>> No.11662820

if ur skin is X
u cant wear Y

im a good person btw, protecting those with Z skin color

>> No.11662853


>> No.11664203

Noice, i would change the bias hem to something more similar to the tones in the fabric

Very, you can achieve any aesthetic and proportions your fuccboi mind desires

>> No.11664248
File: 34 KB, 636x357, image-3_224673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this Black man appropriating European culture! He probably wears this to work, to make MONEY. He is LITERALLY profiting from cultural appropriation, SHAME on him and all non-Whites who wear such clothing!! They ought to be ASHAMED!

>> No.11664311

Just because its tasteless doesn't mean its morally wrong. I see nothing wrong with using other's culture to influence your own style. Is Eminem inherently bad because he raps? Does that detract from the fact that is very well known/talented/respected by many people? He inducted Run DMC into the hall of fame and no one batted an eye at the fact that he was white. What do you gain by calling out cultural appropriation besides furthering the relational divide between groups of people?

>> No.11664315


>> No.11664332

>Just because its tasteless doesn't mean its morally wrong
the problem is that it's tasteless. kys level of tasteless.

>> No.11664368

How did you make it?

>> No.11664392

Very carefully

>> No.11664464

nice try but it's not the same since European culture was forced onto colonized people through centuries of colonialism. Adopting a European standard of dress is crucial to survival in the modern world and is in no way bastardizing any culture. Wearing something to work is also not directly profiting from it. This was either a really poor argument, or low quality bait.

>> No.11665953

Either buy a pattern for a t-shirt, or cut up an old t-shirt that fits you and see how the parts fit together and align your chosen fabric to those parts and sew them together from there. It is precision work.

>> No.11666040

>asshurt whitie

>> No.11667589
File: 9 KB, 207x243, 1466623523417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This the biggest issues with black americans claiming to be africans. They dont understand a damn thing about the countries or their cultures, they think a simple design like this is African.

Also thinking East Africans and West Africans are the same.

Or thinking North Africans are black

Or thinking Egypt was black.

Or thinking the pirates were black. (they were Arab)

If black americans actually were African, they would realize that MENA and African cultures are entirely tribal and family based. Nobody gives a shit if you're black. They do care if you're Somalian or Eritrean or Yemeni.

So why don't you bums stay in your lane and claim the one culture you are actually from. AMERICAN

>t.your neighborhoods pissed off Ethiopian

>> No.11667941

why mock an attempt by a diaspora to connect with a culture that represents their heritage, and one that was taken from them through colonialism and slavery

>> No.11669127

No he isn't, because IT IS a west african pattern and it doesn't stop being one just because the pattern is vaguely similar to the patterns used in a different culture.
Stop being retarded.

>> No.11669139 [DELETED] 

Words of truth here. Am from Ghana myself.

Because they know jack about African culture and then use their non existent heritage to cause unnecessary racial tension. For example disallowing whites to wear African clothing, which is moronic.
They aren't African anymore. They are American. That's their heritage and culture they should try to work on and improve that instead of indulging in African escapism. They just make things worse.

>> No.11669141

>>11667589 #
Words of truth here. Am from Ghana myself.

>>11667941 #
Because they know jack about African culture and then use their non existent heritage to cause unnecessary racial tension. For example disallowing whites to wear African clothing, which is moronic.
They aren't African anymore. They are American. That's their heritage and culture they should try to work on and improve instead of indulging in African escapism. They just make things worse.

>> No.11669153

Genetically they are

>> No.11669172

>the quintessentially american "I'm 1/25 Irish 1/3 German and 1/10 Austrian" meme argument

nothing new

>> No.11669181 [DELETED] 

So? White Americans have no place considering themselves European either. Doesn't matter if their genes fundamentally originate from there.
If you want to reason with genes you either need direct family ties in that foreign country or at least be a first, second, etc generation immigrant.
But black americans are most likely a mix of dozens of different African tribes across Africa and also partly mixed with whites and hispanics, which in turn makes you genes argument stupid. If you are that mixed you don't have a clear and coherent heritage. Black Americans are simply American.

>> No.11669182

where do you live

>> No.11669195

to be fair it was taken from them by their own people and neighboring groups selling them into slavery

>african americans
>having anything to do with current day africa

white americans consider themselves american you retard

>> No.11669200

t. toronto

jesus you're insane

>> No.11669201

So? White americans have no place considering themselves European either. Doesn't matter if their genes fundamentally originate from there.
If you want to reason with genes you either need direct family ties in that foreign country or at least be a first, second, etc generation immigrant.
But black americans are most likely a mix of dozens of different tribes across the african continent and also partly mixed with whites and latinos, which in turn makes your genes argument stupid. If you are that mixed you don't have a clear and coherent heritage. Black americans are simply americans.

>> No.11669205

>So? White americans have no place considering themselves European either
to be fair the europeans of america left europe on their own with a fucking agenda to have their own country, meanwhile the blacks were taken against their will and used as slaves for generations leaving huge cultural and identity void cause they were not even treated as human beings

>> No.11669207

>white americans consider themselves american you retard
And? I was implying blacks should do the same, you brain dead fuck. Maybe use that pile of shit in your skull before typing.

>> No.11669212

Just like white americans they are just as mixed and disconnected from their origins. In the end it doesn't matter if it was against their will.

>> No.11669215

Somali-anon here wondering where I can cop a similar shirt for cheap

>> No.11669221

>In the end it doesn't matter if it was against their will.
But it does. The ex-europeans left with the idea of founding their own nation with their own culture and own identity. The ex-africans did not, they were forced to leave so they have huge disconnection to their roots, their culture, their heritage and their identity.
After having freedom they basically had nothing, they had no cultural background nor had they been real citizens of the country they suddenly found themselves to be in as free persons.
You are naive as hell to think that doesn't leave it's mark.

>> No.11669269

I never said it didn't leave a mark. I said and explained that they are disconnected from Africa, aren't Africans and don't have an African heritage, which is still true.