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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 30 KB, 423x604, 1451074659167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11655210 No.11655210 [Reply] [Original]

How does a 6'1 tranny (me) be /fa/?

Is it even possible?

>> No.11655217

You should go on HypeBeast WAWYT in the forums and read the recent tranny drama from last year. Mental illness is not /fa/

>> No.11655232

Wear /fa/ female clothing?

>> No.11655237

I'd pound the shit out of that with my 7 in

>> No.11655248

But I'm 6'1 and even though I'm a stick I still have thicker proportions than /fa/ girls. Especially because I run and do squats so that my butt/hips is more proportional to my shoulders. /fa/ girls are typically skeletons

>> No.11655253


Who is the girl/transgender person in the pic?

>> No.11655255

Google kalindra chan

I don't care about drama or what anyone thinks. I just want practical advice from fashionable people. Everyone can benefit from wearing better clothing right?

>> No.11655258

if thats you in pic related ur a qt

>> No.11655261


Being trasngendered is not a mental illness.

>> No.11655269

own your whole swag and make straight people uncomfortable and be a boss

>> No.11655273

No thanks. I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable. There's no point to do this if I don't pass.

>> No.11655275

link? can't find it.

>> No.11655291

I gave up my tranny dreams (still hurts) because I'd never pass.

I wear yohji yamamoto and if I did transition I'd wear shit from la garconne. there's my two cents.

>> No.11655293


>> No.11655294

lol i know who you are

>> No.11655306

If you take the institutional defense that "mental illness" is whatever the American Association of Psychiatrists says it is, then, no. If you take an objective definition of mental illness (say, "n
(Pathology) any of various disorders in which a person's thoughts, emotions, or behaviour are so abnormal as to cause suffering to himself, herself, or other people"), then I'm not sure you have a leg to stand on as its trivially and obviously a mental illness

>> No.11655311

Under your definition (which is actually the correct one) being transgender is absolutely not a mental illness. Despite everything you believe, it is possible for you to be transgender and be a happy and well adjusted human being, even if those are the minority.

Gender dysphoria is the mental illness. This is what causes people to commit suicide. Transition is advocated medically because it is the only known solution to alleviate gender dysphoria, even if it doesn't have a great success rate.

>> No.11655320

By that logic I would not be mentally ill if I were to wear a fur suit and believe I was a Fox for the rest of my days as long as I was happy.

>> No.11655321


If the static disability of mental illnes is taken by the American Institute of Psychiatrists, then it is not really a way that one can obviously pathologically disregard the way that people on the fashion board of 4chan, is inherently, retarded, as fuck, but only so in other regards.

>> No.11655323

Suicide, which is actually pretty effay.

>> No.11655324



>> No.11655325

You man the fuck up, deny your tranny desires and decide to be a man out of practicality. 6'1 is a rear height for being a /fa/ male. You're probably white aren't you, holy fuck white men are pathetic a and degenerate, followed by japs and southeast Asians.

I had thoughts of being a woman and acting like a woman since I was a child but I knew it was wrong and it made me insecure. Then I spoke to people, got over it and it never even came into my mind to become a woman because fucking with your hormones is stupid and a sure way to reduce your lifespan/life opportunities. The idea wasn't even heavily promoted when I was young.

Just be a man for fuck's sake.

>> No.11655326

if a man believes he's jesus, he's mentally ill
if a man believes he's a woman, he's not mentally ill

believing you're something you're not sounds pretty mentally ill to me.

>tfw u actually a fish on da inside :(

>> No.11655329

>6'1 tranny
oh boy here we go

>> No.11655335

The way that one inherently thinks that transgendered is ok is the one that is obviously mentally ill as cucks cannot subside in the way that he refuses to accept white supremacy as an idealogy. Because simply to love your own race is very common sense, if I were a Zorgon Alien, I would live my own race of Zorgon Aliens, and also to add to the fact that African Americans are degenerate, they are more accepting of masculinity in women, aka known as the bitchy black single mom. The only solution to propose is to send the lesser races back to their cultural enclaves across the ocean, and the ones who are mentally ill locked up and starved.

>> No.11655336

Just nuke this thread. any semblance of fashion discussion was ruined when /pol/ came in.

>> No.11655338

Ok then, under YOUR logic, all religion is thus delusional mental illness.

No one's personal beliefs should be policed. Intervention should only occur when a person is a threat to themselves or others, that's how our mental health system operates.

Like I said, I don't give a fuck what anyone thinks. I just want to dress nice.

>> No.11655342

Chopping your dick off and fucking up your hormones is not a fucking cure, use common sense you cunt, the scientists aren't right about everything.

I have thoughts of acting feminine and being all girly (dressing like a woman and all that jazz) till this day but I suppress it and I'm fine.

They don't let tards be helicopters if they think they are one, you don't let psychopaths fuck around if they're psychopathic. You don't let depressed people commit suicide and cut themselves because it relieves them. Thus, gender dysphasia should be cured by suppressing its effects.

People are just pussies.

>> No.11655343


Don't nuke this thread, because /pol/ logic is simply common sense known to the human beings because I am writing long ass paragraphs about how we should exterminate mentally ill transgendered people and people of color on an imageboard, so it is obvious that I am a very alpha in that respects. This is why simply that we should just not let the concept of diversity and tolerance get to us, and we shall simply follow what Hitler did, and that was to racially cleanse the world from our mom's basement. Follow your leader and follow him well.

>> No.11655349

Muh dick. Muh dick. The rise of dindu nuffins have clearly led the world to a degenerate culture, and the way we can fix that is to simply destroy the political and social/economic power of more inferior and degenerate elements of the society. So, to destroy the inferior and degenerate elements of society, we should write 10000 word paragraphs, and do nothing about the problems in today's degenerate social justice society.

>> No.11655352

>alcoholism isn't an illness so long as you're mostly a happy drunk
I understand wanting to disassociate trannies with the stigma of mental illness but if thinking, believing or even "knowing" that you are the wrong gender isn't a mental illness then the term mental illness is meaningless

>> No.11655354

We're telling you, you won't look good. Because your male height, bone and bodystructure will always hinder your potential to look good as a woman.

No matter how much you alter yourself you won't look good as a female. Also chromosomes decide the true sex of a person and no amount of hormone therapy can change that. Gender reassignment surgery is a massive deceivement made by the establishment to take away your ability to breed and take your money.

Gender's a made up term created by a crazy doctor who forced abused children and deceived their parents into letting him cut off their dick. The abused child later tried his best to regain his male physique as an adult but the abuse fucked him over and he and his twin both killed themselves

>> No.11655355

There's a difference between believing in the messiah and believing YOU are the messiah idiot.

>> No.11655357

mental illness not effay mr homo cross dresser I wuz a woman n shet

>> No.11655358

If Jesus lived in 2016, would you call him mentally ill you fucking idiot?

>> No.11655360

If he had all the abilities like in the bible, yes.

>> No.11655361

What are your measurements???

>> No.11655365


Jesus is inherently mentally ill, in the sense that he believed there was a god. But to unite the white people in this society, we have to embrace Christanity in order to destroy the degenerates. One of the key opponents against the civil rights movements and the dindu nuffins of the the 1960's were churches. Assuming we step up to the task. But assuming we are all faggots in our mom's basements, then really there is no that we can help turn churches against dindu nuffins and destroyrs of white culture, such as transgendered people.

>> No.11655366

I fucked that up. I mean I'd believe he was Jesus and that he isn't mentally ill.

But until that day, trans is mental illness. Keep on believing you're Jesus though my special snowflake.

>> No.11655367

I think I'd need to see some proof other than take the word of some rando in Birkenstocks with a grungy beard and Yohji-looking taupe robes. Like, you couldn't just *say* you're Jesus.

>> No.11655368

Do black transgender people exist? I haven't ever seen any (beyond shemales and shit anyway).

>> No.11655371


Jesus is mentally ill. Do I have to repeat this shit again? He believed there was a god. But to unite the white people in this society, we have to embrace Christanity in order to destroy the degenerates. One of the key opponents against the civil rights movements and the dindu nuffins of the the 1960's were churches. We have to do something about these dindu nuffins on the invidual level. But assuming we are all faggots in our mom's basements, then really there is no that we can help turn churches against dindu nuffins and destroyrs of white culture, such as transgendered people.

>> No.11655372

fuck, imagine starting a family and having a son, your pride and joy, all these hopes and dreams, will he become president? and then he turns out becoming this fucking freak of nature man dressing up in women clothes

brb never having kids

>> No.11655374


i think hes probably shitposting

>> No.11655375

Yet it's not mental illness to think he's the messiah without actually seeing physical proof of his supernatural abilities.

That's why mental illness doesn't apply to personal beliefs and religion. Or anyone on planet earth can claim anyone else who doesn't adhere to their beliefs is mentally ill. Mental illness is only when a behavior or thought directly leads to harm and suffering in someone, that's the only rational way to categorize it.

>> No.11655383


>> No.11655386

Transgenderism does often to lead to harm to others. I've known entire families to be torn apart by it. I knew of some fuck in his mid 40s that had tow kids and he decided one day he was trans and he just ditched the family entirely to go live a new life as trans. Imagine how his kids feel? how his wife feels? How everyone from their old lives feel? They're pretty fucked over by it and now those kids don't have a father.

>> No.11655391

The same can be said when a guy wants to join the army when his parents don't want him to, or if someone's family doesn't want them to date interracially or anything else. Social reactions are never counted as mental illness.

There are plenty of middle aged men who ditch their families who aren't transgender, that has nothing to do with it.

>> No.11655396

Believing in fairy tales without proof isn't a mental illness. It's lack of education. If believing someone's bs is mental illness then anyone who casts a vote in an election would be eligible for institutionalization.
And to take your analogy further, people who defend special treatment for trannies defend them by saying that they have no choice or that they were "born that way" but ignorance can be treated and people can be persuaded that religion is a waste of time. If trannies are in a comparable situation, then put them all in internment camps and cure them.
>inb4 lets do this to Christians too
Ok. When trannies start a country of their own based on tranny principles and hundreds of years later a vocal minority of Christians arise in Trannystan demanding separate bathrooms, feel free to apply the same solution there

>> No.11655398

the higher suicide rates say otherwise plus the intentional self mutilation of themselves. its like those people who drill holes in their skulls and think they'll get magical powers.

>> No.11655409

>Yet it's not mental illness to think he's the messiah without actually seeing physical proof of his supernatural abilities.

No, it's ignorance and indoctrination. Are you saying that trannies have been indoctrinated? Perhaps by our culture? I'm inclined to agree. If this is the case, it should be pretty easy to cure them.

>> No.11655414

jews hate jesus though, so you know jesus is almighty and worth believing in

>> No.11655416
File: 163 KB, 2000x2000, 1450839966676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily reminder all trannies should be lined up and shot

>> No.11655420
File: 19 KB, 280x362, 9328923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck everyone in this thread doubting you, confidence is always in season

you have one life, don't let some neet losers on a Mongolian ramen noodle board tell you what you can and cant do

>> No.11655422

>Jews hate Jesus
We've let go of he aggression. Dude flipped over some of our shekel tables and in return we nailed his ass to a tree. Water under the bridge. We've moved on and so should you.

>> No.11655428


>> No.11655433

Oh dude no doubt. Being a tranny is a mental illness IMO but what are you gonna do? Sit down and die? Might as well make the best of it.
OP swing for the fences my man (woman?). Id give you the same advice everyone gets here: lose a ton of weight and wear full Rick. Not even joking.

>> No.11655442

Pretty sure you're /fa/ just by being trans. Enjoy it while it lasts.

>> No.11655446

Hot take

>> No.11655447
File: 16 KB, 250x250, born 2 jew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nahhh rabbi, go look at any video on youtube of how jews treat christians in Jerusalem, theyre much more dangerous than niggers

>> No.11655463

Christian Arabs get treated like shit because they are Arabs, not because they are Christian. Compare to the warm reception US evangelicals get.
Bottom line is, no one likes sand niggers. Being a Christian dune coon doesn't get you special treatment

>> No.11655468



the day /fa/ BTFO of trannies

>> No.11655469
File: 27 KB, 400x300, 1427301025065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that guy dont look like no arab to me senpai

stop shilling

>> No.11655471
File: 231 KB, 814x1085, Pepe_Time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself

>> No.11655482
File: 31 KB, 400x396, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>men in black were mean to a white Christian guy so all Jews hate Christians.
Akhmed go back to /pol/ where you can pretend to be white without anyone challenging you.
The crows don't just hate Christians they hate non-crow Jews as well and non-crow Jews reciprocate the sentiment with vim and vigor

>> No.11655486

i really hope you get the help you deserve.
-a fellow tranny

>> No.11655495

You're already a sheep if you think black culture is the root of the problem, that was simply one of the unfortunate results of a chain reaction started over 100 years ago.

>> No.11655496
File: 6 KB, 120x120, 120px-Jew-post.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jews killed jesus, not niggers, not sandniggers but jews

>refuting video evidence

>> No.11655505

>Gee I wonder who could be behind this post

>After my first post stated that I'm a jew

No one white could be this dumb. Akhmed post a timestamped pic of your skin and eyebrows pls

>jews killed jesus
yup. said so before. nailed his ass to a tree. not a fan of fucking hippies flipping our shekel tables in the middle of business

>> No.11655522

Mods, please archive this thread. This is turning into /pol/.

>> No.11655525
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>> No.11655533

Pfft, I'm fucking fine buddy. You trannies just need to accept that it's ok to be a man and have feminine fantasies. No need to act them out and harm your lifestyle, social circle and health.

I look great as a man and I love women.

>> No.11655547

Wear men's clothing like the man that you are.

>> No.11655556
File: 51 KB, 564x845, sdfgvera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make sure you weigh <=175lbs, work on your shoulders and wear drapey designers like Lemaire, Yohji and Rick

>> No.11655569

Nah you got to own it. Way more fun than trying to go unnoticed.

>> No.11655570

post siqq yohji fits

>> No.11655637

Check out the female /fa/ threads (which aren't as common as male threads honestly, but if you look you can find some), make sure to wear things that help your shoulders to not be as prominent, and thin out your legs. I'f you're 6'1, I'm assuming you have long legs, which are good for women.

>> No.11655790

>t.mentally ill tranny in denial
it was a fucking shitpost thread to begin with
but yeah blame it on the pol bogeyman lmao

>> No.11655791

I wish you the best finding sick feminine clothes that fit you. I'm sure it can be done.

>> No.11655809

if you think you can mix those brands your stupider than you are mentally ill

>> No.11655812

yeah it is

>> No.11655816

you aren't real

>> No.11655881
File: 777 KB, 165x115, be careful.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mental illness
This don't exist.

>> No.11656632

Suicide is a social function.

>> No.11656639

Is it actually possible to find tranny that isn't LBTQSAKFSADFG and full on insane. I just want qt woman-like with dick.

>> No.11656652


Thread made by a shill to derail actual conversation about clothes

If I could only sage

>> No.11656660

It's the same guy posting every single one of these threads.

>> No.11656680

Do this, someone did it on me n me lads all of yesterday evening.
>Drinking an ale eh? That's like taking 2 dicks in the ass at once
>I remember when i could take 7 dicks and got money for it, 'tis were dark times..
But it was a short fat faggot and not hot kalindrachannie

>> No.11656804

>Is it actually possible to find tranny that isn't LBTQSAKFSADFG and full on insane. I just want qt woman-like with dick.
me desu, i hate the LGBT and everything it stands for

>> No.11656873

yes, go full rick and if doesn't work a bullet in your forehead will do just fine.

>> No.11656880

Not possible I'm afraid. Only that famous model chick/dude can be an effay tranny.

>> No.11656883

Yeah unfortunately it's another story if you live in Germany. Where do I even find one, in queer bars/parties there are really annoying antifa-faggots. Online dating, well never did this before.

>> No.11656934

>searches for a guy wearing a wig to suck his cock
>calls other people faggots

>> No.11656982

Everything that behaves like a special snowflake and not normal human being is a faggot for me.

>> No.11657173
File: 22 KB, 450x350, MJ 2003 arrest 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post face, the other day I was in a hair/make up place with my mom (don't ask why) and there was a weird black haired super pale male/female that no one wanted to near her cause she scared the living shit if you saw her face

>> No.11657271

Its not possible for a man to accidentally receive incorrect hormones to his brain, to structure it like jesus'

>> No.11657286
File: 384 KB, 1200x1600, 1437017231593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>transsexuals never existed before 2016 cuz i never heard of em

>> No.11658069

This is a tremendously embarrassing post. I hope you don't shoot up your middle school.

>> No.11658236

OP we're gonna have to see nudes to properly understand your body proportions.

>> No.11658412

>mental illness doesn't exist
Don't ever waste my unlimited data with such a retarded claim again.

>> No.11658486 [DELETED] 
File: 1.49 MB, 300x300, 5pVgdyu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No amount of clothes, haircuts, or make-up will make you a woman.

You can't just buy womanhood.

>> No.11658491
File: 1.49 MB, 300x300, 5pVgdyu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No amount of clothes, haircuts, make-up, or even surgeries will make you a woman.

You can't just buy womanhood.

>> No.11658518

well duh gender identity isnt something you have to buy. all of that is just extra

>> No.11658900

>gender identity

So why do you want to look like a woman on the outside, if you identify yourself as a woman, isn't that enough?

>> No.11658999


It's never enough for these people.

You have to understand that the reason why the left is always unhappy with the way things are, despite getting basically everything they wanted for the past 50+ years, is because they don't believe in God or nature.

>> No.11659047

>people disagree with me
>wahhhhhhhhhhh must be /pol/

>> No.11659053

>Intervention should only occur when a person is a threat to themselves or others, that's how our mental health system operates.
Like when someone wants to mutilate their genitals and general appearance?

>> No.11659069
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Or make a child do it when they don't even have the proper mental capacity to understand the consequences of using their intended genitals for their intended purpose.

>> No.11659080

>don't believe in God or nature.

Leftists really are sick human beings. Their God is The Government and they somehow believe government/society is stronger than nature.

>> No.11659337


>Fuck da police!

>> No.11659595

Remember when 4chan loved Baily Jay? Back in the linetrap days?
Back before tumblr started pushing acceptance and this places went in on it's counter culture routine.

>> No.11659671

Just because its a mental illness, (it is, you can look it up) doesn't mean trans people shouldn't be treated with respect. It really implies the opposite.

>> No.11659702

i want to FUCK kalindra chan

>> No.11659727


Yeah, just lurk female inspo threads (or male if you want to look kinda andro) and wear whatever inspires you and whatever you like.

>> No.11659779
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Clearly photoshopped
I cant tell by the pixels.

>> No.11659874

>things don't go the way I want them
>wahhhhhhhhhhh must be /jews/

>> No.11660001

However, it is possible to receive incorrect impulses from his own brain, that makes him believe that he is Jesus.

>> No.11660002

The human mind can only delude itself from reality for so long.
Physical changes cement those thoughts.

>> No.11660125
File: 159 KB, 1080x985, grade_A_trap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you don't

you will never look like this