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File: 405 KB, 1083x634, manlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11633810 No.11633810 [Reply] [Original]

What are some clothes I can wear to make me look taller? I'm only 5'7" and even though I always wear boots I'm shorter than most guys. I feel self-conscious about it around girls.

>> No.11633909

dont feel bad becaus your small
im very skinny and very tall thats way more terrible :´D

>> No.11633913


You've automatically won.

>> No.11633921

Don't fucking wear boots. Everyone knows you're short. Accept it and move on.

>> No.11633923
File: 80 KB, 960x960, 1413853609155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm basically your height and I have no issue with my confidence. The average girl is basically the same height or shorter so whatevs man. I just want some nice jackets that are made in my size bruh

>> No.11633939
File: 875 KB, 4000x3000, wew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also lug/creeper soles if you know how to style them without making it look like youre compensating

>> No.11633951

>im very skinny and very tall

go lift and enjoy life

>> No.11633954

nah i look like a creepy skeleton :/
and the bad thing bout beignt tall is that u feel like everyone is looking at you all the time

>> No.11633958

Anybody got that infographic about how manlets are the real master race?

There are a couple fashion tricks that you can use to make yourself look taller and there are a few articles of clothing you should avoid if that's something you're worried about but you really shouldn't worry about it that much. There are a lot of very attractive celebrities that everyone fauns over who are around your height. Zac Effron, Tom Cruise, Mark Wahlberg, Robert Downey Jr. are all between 5'7" and 5'9". There are plenty of shorter ones too. You're like, what, 2 inches below the average height? I'm assuming you're American. If you are, you're still taller than the average American girl.

If you're healthy, confident, and dress well, it won't be that noticeable unless you live in like Minnesota or some shit with a bunch of North Germanics who are all 6 feet tall. The infographic I mentioned is lying when it calls manlets the master race but it does point out that there are advantages to being a bit shorter and that being tall isn't a one way ticket to godhood. Like having naturally awesome hair, a nice smile, or a good jawline, height is just one of many factors in your appearance.

Now that we've gotten that out of the way, what can you wear to make yourself look taller?

>Accessories high up on the body, such as sunglasses, hats, or scarves. At the same time, try to avoid accessories that don't fit or look bulky.
>Narrow collars are better than wide ones
>Vertical patterns, when they don't look like some tacky shit your 50 year old boss would wear, are your friend
>Don't wear pants that cover your shoes.
>If you're so insecure that you feel the need to wear heel inserts or something like that, make sure they're subtle
>I've heard that contrasting different shades of a single color instead of contrasting colors makes you look taller but I don't really understand it
>darker/less light pants + less dark/lighter shirts is a helpful combo
>avoid baggy or slouching pants

>> No.11633959

i lift but its very hard for me to eat enough and make gainz :(

>> No.11633963

Do this. You'll have to eat a lot more than the average guy but it will pay off.

>> No.11633971

You can look taller with the right clothes unless you have reall short legs and a long torso then you're basically fucked

>> No.11633974
File: 538 KB, 1000x1502, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.11633980

yeah but its so hard to spend almost your whole day cooking, eating or buying food... :/

>> No.11633981

Don't try to look taller, people will smell your insecurities.

>> No.11633983
File: 463 KB, 1021x1316, the-weeknd-bella-hadid-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the aesthetic...I am 5'9" tho, but in germany...

>> No.11633987

This. Wear proper fitting clothes and don't wear combat boots everywhere you go

>> No.11633990

In ea lot of countries you would be considered tall, mostly Asian and Hispanic countries

>> No.11634005
File: 10 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cuban heels, Little Richard pompadour at least 10" tall, striped pants, an Abraham Licoln top hat jauntily nestled on my pompadour, and the ability to cock my head and look "down" my nose at anyone and everyone, be they six feet tall or Kareem Abdul Jabbar-types.

Driving a Mini Cooper also helps.

>> No.11634095

> feel like everyone is looking at you all the time

thats only if you are ridiculously tall like 6'5 and up

how tall are you?

>> No.11634369

Can confirm at 6'2
Its a feeling whenever your the tallest in the room or are among hordes of <6'

>> No.11634380

>tfw 5'10
>tfw can easily wear large shirts
>tfw wear 29 inseam
>tfw people who are 5'6 have longer legs than me

I think my bowed legs must have stunt my leg growth or something because my proportions are fucked

>> No.11634407

same here but also have huge hips

>> No.11634416

I'm also kind of bow legged except I'm 5'6 only noticeable when I wear tight pants

>> No.11634792

Don't bother
The harder you try, the most insecure you look
And insecurity is the absolute worse thing stink to have about you

>> No.11634841

here we go again

>> No.11634895

I'm 6'1". Is that effay? I feel like 6'2" is the best meme height but then I always see
>model is 6'1" and wearing a medium
and I'm like..nice....online shopping is too easy

>> No.11635086

holy fuck. im 5'5 and my legs are longer then guys who are like 5'10 or even 6'2
my mate is 6'2 and we have same legs
im more worried about my girly legs, so i wear little longer shirts

>> No.11635099

post legs

>> No.11635338

Where do you even find pants under 30?