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/fa/ - Fashion

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11628984 No.11628984 [Reply] [Original]

Personally I've always found them to be some of the most beautiful "imperfections" a girl can have, but does this translate to fashion?? Is having a smooth skin more effay??

>> No.11628993

Looking like you were standing behind a screen door while someone threw a dog turd at it is not /fa/, no.

>> No.11629072

Usually a bonus imo unless you have red hair then clear skin looks better

>> No.11629254

freckles are amazing

>> No.11629256

they r cute

>> No.11629275

they are cute but it's hard to find a good foundation. also depends what color they are. I have super pale skin and my freckles are super light as well and it just looks like my face is dirty.

looks super cute when you're a bit tan and your freckles are dark and defined (kinda like beauty marks or whatever they are called in english)

>> No.11629295
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of course

>> No.11629297

They're cute if you have a dark complexion. I find them unattractive on pale people.

>> No.11629357 [DELETED] 


Freckles are a sign of non-white genetic contamination, unless they are ginger.

>> No.11629452

Freckles are very cute

>> No.11629453

What this guy said

The worst is redheads with freckles. Anyone who still believes in God, just show them a redhead with freckles and they'll realize God would not allow such things if He were real

>> No.11629455

Good, I don't date white girls anymore. Anything other than lmaoo nordic blue eyes blonde hair and niggers is fine.

>> No.11629457 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11629462

I have freckles but not the cute kind that are concentrated beneath the eyes, mine are just scattered all around my face. They aren't super noticeable but it's still weird having random brown spots all over

>> No.11629471 [DELETED] 
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Was your grandparent a black or something?

>> No.11629480


>> No.11629494 [DELETED] 
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true tho tbf

>> No.11629508 [DELETED] 
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It's funny, I never would consider myself a racist, but you can't really deny a lot of the facts these recent /pol/ posters are posting here.

>> No.11629515

You could assume that the polluted stream is the white people contaminating the pure, aristocratic genes of black people.
Why don't you?

>> No.11629519

why does this always get posted I'm sick of that ugly bald guy

>> No.11629522

it's because of fatherlessness
nigs need a strong father figure in their lives

>> No.11629523 [DELETED] 


Really makes you think.

>> No.11629525 [DELETED] 
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Same story globally.

>> No.11629526 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11629531

Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study shows blacks raised by whites still turn out less intelligent.

Insurance companies have worked out that the single biggest risk factor to your property is how black your area is. Meaning they controlled for things like how wealthy and educated the blacks are.
You are safer in a white trailer park than in a middle-class black community.

Blacks simply aren't as intelligent as whites, as a group. They shouldn't feel so bad. Jews, East Asians and Brahmin Caste Indians are all smarter than whites.

>> No.11629580

nobody cares you're not going to politically awaken anyone in a thread about freckles you autist

>> No.11629588 [DELETED] 


Actually I care, I am learning a lot from these /pol/ posters. I would never repeat these things in public, but it's good to know the truth.

>> No.11629596

Actually I'm not sure if the freckles thing is something from blacks. I think it's more something we do to them.

Whites in certain climates had to be able to tan in the summer and get pale in the winter so they could get enough vitamin D through the year.

Some whites had a kind of genetic damage which meant their ability to tan was all fucked up. They'd basically just burn and freckle. This damage survived in climates like the UK where it is never sunny enough that it killed them off.

I'm not sure that unmixed blacks freckle naturally.

>> No.11629851

Freckles are sexy af, no matter the sex or race you are.

>> No.11629874
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/pol/ is literally everywhere, I love it

>> No.11629901 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11629904


>> No.11629940

Same, it fucking sucks. The dark brown concentrated little ones on your nose and cheeks are the best I just have light splochse everywhere.

>> No.11629942
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>> No.11630024

those arent freckles that glitter

desu never even knew kylie has freckles cus she always wears so much fucking makeup

>> No.11630230 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11630330

Enviroment is a big factor when it comes to determining potential iq, studies have been done where kids have been put in well off homes with intellectual stimulation could increase their iq compared to kids of the same heritage but growing up in worse conditions by as much as 15 pts

Cheers guys, guess you don't need to dislike black people anymore then

>> No.11630371

This is so cute, love seeing Kylie like this

>> No.11630376 [DELETED] 
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Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study shows blacks raised by whites still turn out less intelligent.

Insurance companies have worked out that the single biggest risk factor to your property is how black your area is. Meaning they controlled for things like how wealthy and educated the blacks are.
You are safer in a white trailer park than in a middle-class black community.

Blacks simply aren't as intelligent as whites, as a group. They shouldn't feel so bad. Jews, East Asians and Brahmin Caste Indians are all smarter than whites.

>> No.11630378

Go back to /pol/

>> No.11630380

Models have them dotted on their faces with eyeliner now so yeah

>> No.11630388 [DELETED] 
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>Go back to /pol/

Am sorry to break it to you, but /pol/ is just reality.

>> No.11630390

I seem to care. It's definitely an interesting read, the mind of a racist seems pretty logical all things considered. I'm not racist towards any group except maybe south and East Asians, but I cannot deny I feel safer around white people

>> No.11630397
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>> No.11630441

were the adopted black kids compared to white kids raised by black parents? Otherwise i don't see how it's a valid comparison, even if you disregard the fact that experienced racism might be an affecting factor

>> No.11630460 [DELETED] 


Yeah that's what they were studying man so they did both.


If are interested in look further into this stuff Stefan Molyneux has had a bunch of brilliant discussions with notable scientists and authors on the matter.



>> No.11630475

Will look into it but I still don't think the matter can be regarded as proven as we have no way of knowing the effects of percieved prejudice. There is no way to rule it out as a third variable so saying that blacks are less intelligent by nature is not necessarily true and doing so would be to ignore the nature of the facts and that we actually don't know. If you want to keep saying it regardless I'd call you a racist

>> No.11630481

I always thought she was ugly, but she's actually pretty cute with little make up (like the pic I posted), her fake lips are kinda disgusting but seeing some pics of her in the past I have to say that she really needed those lip injections.

>> No.11630501 [DELETED] 
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Most scientists don't tell the truth because they either fear the backlash (losing their careers, public shaming, tarnished reputation, or believe that telling the truth won't make things better (they think treating races like they are equal will eventually end with them being equal, or something to that effect.

Is what happened to James Watson (Nobel Prize winning scientist who was one of the co-discoverers of the structure of DNA in 1953). It's a shame, he is a good man. He was just wanting to find a way of helping those in need in Africa, believing that being truthful about racial differences is the key.



"James Watson, a Nobel Prize winner for his part in the unravelling of DNA who now runs one of America's leading scientific research institutions, drew widespread condemnation for comments he made ahead of his arrival in Britain today for a speaking tour at venues including the Science Museum in London.

The 79-year-old geneticist reopened the explosive debate about race and science in a newspaper interview in which he said Western policies towards African countries were wrongly based on an assumption that black people were as clever as their white counterparts when "testing" suggested the contrary."

Stefan actually has an interview with this guy mentioned in the article (Charles Murray).

"The furore echoes the controversy created in the 1990s by The Bell Curve, a book co-authored by the American political scientist Charles Murray, which suggested differences in IQ were genetic and discussed the implications of a racial divide in intelligence. The work was heavily criticised across the world, in particular by leading scientists who described it as a work of "scientific racism"."

>> No.11630504 [DELETED] 
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>Stefan actually has an interview with this guy mentioned in the article (Charles Murray).

Stefan's video with Charles Murray.


His book that caused the uproar in the 90's.


>> No.11630657

Will look into the video but the two articles proves nothing other than that you won't get very good responses in a scientific setting if you state your thesis accompanied by racist ideas. I'd love to see the litterature that the conflicting scientist is referring to that supposedly undermines the idea that you are presenting arguments for

>> No.11630798 [DELETED] 


I understand man, this is quite a controversial and uncomfortable field to look into. As with everyone our generation I was raised to disregard anything like this, we have been pretty much taught to look for anything other than actual genetic differences for why different races have different outcomes.

What actually got me looking into this stuff was that whites (especially males) are blamed for all disparities between races, from incarceration rates to income level. The problem with this is that races are not the same, and there will always be disparities, and whites will always be blamed for those disparities if we do not start getting honest about this stuff. With groups like the BLM and general anti white rhetoric rising, things are getting a bit out of control.

What I will say to you is that you can look into this stuff and keep it to yourself with no consequences. You don't have to tell anyone, but you can know the truth for yourself.

>> No.11630823


Before I begin, I understand the majority of what comes out of /pol/ is just "I was just pretending to be retarded", but I'm just gonna say this in case anyone actually believes that some races are smarter than others because of IQ test statistics or crime statistics.

No one race is inherently smarter than any other. Biologically and genetically, the difference between races is negligible. There are, however, smarter cultures; cultures that emphasize intelligence and try to nurture intellectualism. Poverty leads to desperation, desperation leads to crime, and in a community where crime is rampant, education gets stifled. For example, white people as a whole have more wealth per capita than blacks, and thus are globally less likely to be criminals. It should also be noted that no one can reach their full intellectual potential if they grow up in an environment where intelligence isn't valued and is often mocked.

>> No.11630852

Sorry to say man but I think we get along better when sticking to facts, I can't relate to getting frustrated over that a socially privileged group that has run the most powerful parts of the world for pretty much as long as history stretches gets some blame for the problems that has surfaced during this time. Minorities who percieve injustice are shouting at whoever is in power, that happens to be white males.

What do you mean by that BLM is something pointing at that things are getting out of control? BLM is a reaction to a huge problem that results in innocent people getting killed by the authority that is supposed to protect the general public, one doesn't have to be very bright to realize that the general public not trusting the authority who seeks to protect them has enormous implications on societal stability. I'm going to ignore your idea of anti white rhetoric because I just don't have the energy to deal with that kind of bullshit now, a person who can't see that reactive blame for generations of prejudice isn't really uncalled for on a collective level is too stupid or self centered to fathom a reasonable explaination for it so I won't offer you one.

I frankly don't know if I'm interested in looking this up, because even if what you are proposing is true, what implications would that information have that would benefit our society and way of treating one another?

The idea behind wanting to research this kind of stuff is what I'm opposed. I can't oppose science and facts, but the idea that one would use that kind of information as some kind of leverage to treat people differently is fucking vile

>> No.11630894

jesus christ this is what your kind actually trick yourself to believe

fucking retarded idiots

i'll give you an example, why the fuck are blacks and other shit races who grow up in northern countries so stupid?

they grow up in a safe environment and get a full education like everyone else

but still they're as dumb as every other nigger in america or africa

>> No.11630910

Read the post above yours and see if you understand some more academic words, it might be good for you

Also tell some working class trailer park kid with 75 iq that he had the same opportunity to succeed academically as his upper class peers and see if you believe it yourself when you tell him

>> No.11630955


actually, my opinions are based on the sociological and biological facts that are the most widely accepted in the science community today. Unlike yours, which are based on bigotry and ignorance to make you feel like you're somehow not as big of a failure as some other people.

>> No.11630980 [DELETED] 
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I really do understand your reaction to this stuff, it can be quite shocking, and I understand the impulse to find any excuse from income disparities, white racism and culture to explaining away these differences. But it is just that, arguments propelled by impulse, and the problems with the black community for example will never solved if we keep doing this (making the excuses and closing our ears to the facts) All of these points you bring up have been thoroughly refuted, and I am happy to go on your wild goose chase to an extent, but at some point I have to present the information I have and leave you to decide what to do with it, as a wise man once said "You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink it". The information has been presented already by better people than me (Like Stefan Molyneux).

I see you still believe the BLM and structural racism narrative, so you are still quite fresh to this. You can go slowly, there is no rush, here are some related videos I strongly recommend

(Mainstream documentary in the UK from the Equality Minister Trevor Philips revealing how they create propaganda to cover up racial differences) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLxhutdnFNU


Chinese man in Africa, racial dynamics



Youtube Channels


>> No.11631008 [DELETED] 


Also I would just like to say this very strongly, you can think these things without hating any group of people. In fact a large amount of the rest of the world take a lot of these things for granted yet don't hate other races, in East Asia for example they take a lot of these things for granted for the most part.

To progress as a one humanity I think it is important to face up to hard truths, but not hate one another. I see a future where all races can work together, but the path we are going down now with racial Marxism will just lead to conflict. We need to proceed with the truth and then we may have peace, we are heading for racial conflict with how things are going now, this is bad for everyone.

>> No.11631010


I'm sure you're right.

I'm sure that those who choose to believe in well established and supported science are those who are ignorant, and those who choose to believe in the minority of scientifically unsupported racism are the most well informed among us.

Also a reminder that Asian people are the most globally wealthy and highest scoring on IQ test. So much for your theory of white supremacy.

Or could it be that the issue is cultural and has no basis in biological differences between races?

>> No.11631021 [DELETED] 
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>jesus christ this is what your kind actually trick yourself to believe
>fucking retarded idiots
>i'll give you an example, why the fuck are blacks and other shit races who grow up in northern countries so stupid?
>they grow up in a safe environment and get a full education like everyone else
>but still they're as dumb as every other nigger in america or africa

The same thing happens wherever Africans go, it is not the environment that is the main issue. Though I agree environment has some impact, it is not the whole picture by a long shot. We need to start facing up to truths, not with hate, but a will to progress.

>> No.11631068 [DELETED] 
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>So much for your theory of white supremacy.

Bro, I didn't present some theory of white supremacy, rather that there are genetic differences between races that impact Intelligence and other things. EAST Asians (Chinese Japanese Korean etc not Indian/Arab etc (as they have an average IQ of about 85)) and Ashkenazi Jews do have higher IQ's and lower crime rates than whites, I agree, just look at Nobel prize winners etc, Ashkenazi Jewish people are disproportionately represented.

This isn't about being superior to anyone, so please put that behind you when looking at this stuff. Be driven by facts, not what implications those facts have in your life. Hell, you could be a black guy who is a genius with 150 IQ and be more intelligent than the vast majority of whites, but the demographic facts still remain. We must deal with truth here regardless.

>> No.11631075

holy this thread is cancer now

>> No.11631126 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11631169

/fa/ is the cancer of 4chan desu

>> No.11631516


Any graph or statistic you post that may appear to show biological differences between races can just as easily be explained by cultural relativism, so you may as well stop now.

The reason cultural relativism is the correct conclusion to come to from this data, is that it is supported not only by sociology and statistics, but also by biology and genetics. The day you can link me a legitimate study which pinpoints genetic differences between races that account for criminal activity or intelligence differences is the day your side of the argument will gain even a shred of merit. But that will never happen, because those studies don't exist. Time and time again science will prove that there is no biological concept of race. regardless of skin color or country of origin, all people have, on average, 99.5% of their genetic information in common. Once again, find me a legitimate case study showing genetic differences in race with regards to intelligence and criminal activity, and I'll concede. But you never will, and so any time past 1980, your arguments will always be on the wrong side of history.

>> No.11631601

first guy you replied to, I'm the one who took up the 15pt increase in IQ scores

man your rational calm guy act doesn't work when you don't meet any points stated by your opponent and keep on blindly - without anything to back it up - stating that your narrative is what is inevitably true. I'm not interested in watching some other guy state his opinions and answer them, as they clearly aren't your own if you can't state them yourself.

this redpill shit isn't something that you get into as if you learn the truth and dig down deeper into some rabbit hole, you can read up on statistics and form your own opinion about what causes them. This isn't the same as learning some hidden truth, you still have to form your own opinion about something that you can observe - the truth in this matter lies in value judgments, so don't act as if you are sitting on The One Truth because nobody is. You linking 5 hours of youtube videos says nothing about your knowledge of statistics which would act as implicit premises to what seems to be your arguments - you don't seem to have many of them yourself, only a condescending rhetoric that aims to undermine my own rational approach to discussing facts

Also, what does these "truths" imply? You keep saying that we should face the truth and do something with it, what do you think that we should do?

debating with people who seem to think that they are keeping their arguments rational when in reality they are just using cheap patronizing trick to hurt the egos of their opponents is tiring, present some real arguments for your thesis instead of hiding behind some youtube dude who has done your homework

>> No.11631644

why would fake skin cancer be /fa/?

>> No.11631645


>> No.11632691
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>> No.11632748

Realize that at a certain point you're working very hard to maintain the idea that races are equally intelligent. Is there really a good reason to assume that is true? What is the benefit?

There are blacks smarter than I am. No one is saying that isn't true.

Assuming you are white would you claim that you could be just as smart as Da Vinci or Newton if you had better parents, or something? Unlikely. Some people are just smarter than others, we're not equal.
Given that we are not equal with fellow whites there is no reason to suppose an equality between racial groups exists.

And also realize that there's no reason a racial group has to REMAIN less intelligent. If they provided incentives for their best to breed and disincentives for their worst to breed they could become the most intelligent.

White people just evolved in harsher conditions than blacks so more of the dumb whites failed to breed.

>> No.11633350 [DELETED] 


Every point you have brought up has been refuted 1000's of times. I have given the links for you to learn the truth. It is now your choice whether to take your head out of the sand or just remain on your comfort zone. Either way the truth is catching up to society as a whole, and if you are white, the environment is going to get progressively hostile.


>> No.11633355 [DELETED] 

>Any graph or statistic you post that may appear to show biological differences between races can just as easily be explained by cultural relativism, so you may as well stop now.

That has been thoroughly refuted, you really think you are the first person to come up with that objection? Look into the facts, watch the videos that guy posted, or just stop debating, ok? You are not interested in learning anything.

>> No.11633374

You're totally wrong, you stupid fucking blank slatist.

Go back to /reddit/ with your safe establishment positions.

>> No.11633381

>Are freckles effay??
>half of thread is polshit

man I don't care who is superior you guys shit up literally every board, at least on tumblr I know who to avoid for obvious SJW cancer

>> No.11633418 [DELETED] 


It's not about who is superior, but rather seeing reality. If you don't see the importance of being able to understand racial differences after things like the BLM, Refugee crisis and general white depopulation (whites set to become minorities in almost all of their countries within the next 50 years), then what the fuck? Are you people really that docile?

>> No.11633430

what does that have to do with freckles though man?

>> No.11633620

take your points up yourself and stop linking to somebody who has done your homework. Present the facts and your own arguments based on them, not someone else's arguments based on facts you don't know.

how can you identify as informed if you can't present the facts yourself

>> No.11633802

>ITT: some dude thinks freckles are pretty cool and suddenly race war

>> No.11633822
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>all this polposting
doing god's work lad

>> No.11634004 [DELETED] 


You are not wrong.

>> No.11634006 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11634024

what race mix is this

>> No.11634038

is /pol/ the most autistic board? op is literally talking about freckles

>> No.11634040

>Before I begin, I understand the majority of what comes out of /pol/ is just "I was just pretending to be retarded"

Yeah man, let's just deny that all these multi-ethnic societies are shitholes or on their way to becoming shitholes once the white population drops below 80%.

>> No.11634061
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>tfw male with freckles and a jew hooknose

>> No.11634117

w2c this

>> No.11634346

why should i be the one forced to watch 5 hours of youtube shit when he won't just say his arguments? The very same critique rightists have against leftists, they are guilty of - leftists tell rightists to read a book about the subject or some 10 page essay, rightists link to hours of youtube shit

neither present their own arguments or facts and neither can stand for their own opinions when scrutinized

>> No.11634627
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>> No.11635465 [DELETED] 


I came to my conclusions from watching these videos and 100's of hours of other videos. I want to share with you some of the videos I think are important. I really think you won't regret watching them, just a few of the Molyneux videos.

Do you play games? You could listen whilst playing them, or if you do other stuff where you can afford to listen to stuff, just throw on some of the Youtube videos. As well as Molyneux I recommend to you Pale hominid and Millennial Woes (posted along with the Youtube links above.). Just listen whilst playing a game or something.

>> No.11635602


you're not hearing me, present your arguments that are to refute my points i took up here >>11631601 and here >>11630852 if you want another response, i'm not going to watch links to youtube

i present arguments, you present counter-arguments and then state a new thesis, that's how a debate/discussion works

>> No.11635965

Can I see

>> No.11635984

What the fuck is happening in this thread all I wanted was qt chicks with freckles

>> No.11637091

Shame about her chompers though.

Thanks, London Look.

>> No.11637108

It's not just fake lips, she's also got eyelash extensions and dyed eyebrows. That doesn't qualify as "little makeup" in my book

>> No.11637446 [DELETED] 

>i present arguments, you present counter-arguments and then state a new thesis, that's how a debate/discussion works

We tried that but you are just leading me on a wild goose chase where even if the goose is chased into a corner you'll just retreat. The videos are there, I hope you listen to them whilst you do other stuff.

>> No.11637494

Lol cmon you can do better than that. You lost the argument so your only reply is go back to pol? Pathetic. I think I'm turning ever so slightly racist from these posts. The inability of these PC types to counter argue is the final nail in the coffin I needed

>> No.11637510

He never mentioned anything about white supremacy. Get the liberal brainwashing out of your ass

>> No.11637522

What an infantile objection. Clearly he is linking you to someone that can present the argument in a better context and style than he. The argument is the same. Honestly though, we both know you won't give the other side a fair shake

>> No.11637663

no man, you have no argument to which I didn't respond with something but a rational attitude. The articles linked here >>11630501 doesn't really prove anything - just that if you follow up a thesis of that you can't research topics of race/intelligence with racist remarks, the scientific community will turn on you. The video linked here >>11630504 is a speculation about the science that has surfaced so far (which is inconclusive thus can't be said to prove anything) from a person who has no academic background in the field he's talking about.

This was when we discussed the facts, and you couldn't provide any facts that actually proved your point. When I said so you started getting into your own views ( >>11630798 ) which I presented my opinion on here >>11630852. To this you haven't responded at all yourself, so don't tell me you have any grounds for telling me that I will deny your water proof arguments. Referring to someone else's arguments without even being able to stand for them yourself is lazy and makes you seem uninformed

Why would it lie on me to watch hours of youtube clips in order to be able to understand what his arguments are, just because he is to lazy to write about it himself? If that's how you present an argument we could just link playlists of political analysis to each other and consider our points proven when someone else said it for us. How could we ever consider an argument undermined if we don't know how to point out what parts of it are false?

You also have no grounds for saying the last part as he is the one who won't state his argument whereas I've responded to every point that HE has taken up

>> No.11637667

doesnt looks really mixed to me, probably some italian heritage

>> No.11639460
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>> No.11640295


White on the right.

>> No.11640694

man, redhead girls are the best. but being a redhead guy sucks

>> No.11641162
File: 98 KB, 768x1024, olivia lefebre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11641319
File: 257 KB, 1536x2304, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a few. They are not dark though. They get a lot darker when I get sun. Obviously.

>> No.11641334

Those are the only type of ugly looking freckles

>> No.11641338

They don't bother me. Most people can't tell I have them.

>> No.11641346
File: 411 KB, 556x495, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then dont post your shitty """freckles""", your worse than the girls with dimples

>> No.11641352
