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/fa/ - Fashion

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11626359 No.11626359 [Reply] [Original]

ep.1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Zl__tSdSUY

ep. 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkCb3cP1Q20

>> No.11626474

i love sam but i don't find these that funny

i really want to though

>> No.11626537


Keep watching man, it is supposed to get better.. Having said that I quite liked the first two, it has been fun decoding them.

>> No.11626549

For me its like most of MDE content. It's real, crude, mildly funny, but still 100% amusing and entertaining. I'll keep watching.

>> No.11626556

Yeah it is.

>> No.11626579
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>i love sam but i don't find these that funny
>i really want to though

>> No.11626605
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>> No.11626633
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how can i into hydecore?

>> No.11626671
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Am interested in this also desus.

>> No.11626689

the first step is to do a mass shooting

>> No.11627717

Did you see the second episode?

>> No.11627723

it's aesthetic for sure
also sam stop posting on EVERY board i've seen an MDE thread everywhere
but good show

>> No.11627954

"Lets do that thing that Wonder Showzen did better earlier but then cut to the Adult Swim producers to get a shot of their complete non-reaction!" XD

>> No.11627988

The only thing i know about this guy is that he's responsible for every mass shooting in the past few years.
The meta joke with the adult swim executives was pretty amusing though.

>> No.11628873

mde was /fa/ 2 years ago. he's on adult swim now with eric andre and tim and eric.

not /fa/. literally at all.

>> No.11628891


I am the OP and I am not Sam lol. I am in the UK.

>> No.11630062

stop going on /fa/ and just wear anything without giving a fuck about what you look like

>> No.11630431

Yeah a lot of this is pure shit.

The last skit was good, hopefully they do more things like that.

>> No.11630490
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>Eric Andre
>Hannibal Buress
>Tim & Eric
>not /fa/

>> No.11630543

ID on jacket please

>> No.11632626

Originally the song was "Jews Rule" but that was a bit too obvious

>> No.11632647


>> No.11632650

>be 6'4 master race
>still consume enough calories to be fat

>> No.11632703

what is going on here

I genuinely admire how they do whatever they want and get "offensive" right

>black woman who just collects disability, and more disability

>> No.11632721

ok revising this since I didn't watch 2 as I wrote.
I just saw the Jews Rock thing and the frame of the AS execs I died

>> No.11632736

just one won't be enough

>> No.11632738

>yale lives matter


>> No.11632741

Yale lives matter is one of their best.

>> No.11632771
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>black privilege means you have access to cybernetics and can wear socks and sandals

>> No.11632797

way too political to ever be funny, it's painfully obvious at this point

this is the only reason you identify with it.

>> No.11633016

I hate sam but i find his humor funny

i really don't want to though

>> No.11633026

though its definitely in part because sam hyde could wreck me if he wanted to because I'm stupid

>> No.11634241


>> No.11634483
