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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 405 KB, 1083x634, 6CKDJ0z[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11618482 No.11618482 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a manlet. Can I ever hope to become fashionable/well dressed or is it an impossible task for anyone under 5'11?

>> No.11618491

>that feel when you could stone this woman to death if only you lived in the middle east

>> No.11618503

5'9" here.
I don't really have a problem with my height.
No one has ever said anything to me about it I'm not sure people care outside of the internet.
t. american fuccboi

>> No.11618510

5'7 here and girls never had a problem with my height. The only people I ever met that tried to say something to me were other guys who were petty as hell or jealous of me.

>> No.11618583 [DELETED] 

>>that feel when you could stone this woman to death if only you lived in the middle east

This is literally why Islam exists.. The vast majority of Muslims are manlets.

>> No.11618590 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 422x353, 1469383715605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6'3 master race coming thru

>> No.11619202

Im just waiting for a day when someone edits smug Pepe as the woman and wojak as rthe guy on this pic then I'm killing kms

>> No.11619452
File: 511 KB, 1083x634, whenwilltheylearn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11619461

don't fall for manlet meme. Above 5'6 is ok 5'7-5'9 is good 5'10- 6'2 is great, 6'3+ plus is freak level

>> No.11619464

Lol wait till you get into adulthood bud. No woman truely wants a little person.

>> No.11619495
File: 435 KB, 1336x1764, notokay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5'7 here and girls never had a problem with my height

how could you possibly know that?

women who are turned off by your height aren't going to call you a manlet like we would. they're just going to not be interested in you

there's a reason this meme exists. there's a reason there are no manlet models. acceptance is the key to your tiny life

>> No.11619509

t. manlet

>> No.11619513

>don't fall for manlet meme. Above 5'6 is ok

Actual manlet logic.

>> No.11619523

I'm 5'8. Literally never had anyone mention it and girls usually aproach me. Yes it's a meme.

>> No.11619537


nobody ever claimed that literally no girl would ever "aproach" you. nobody claimed that girls would be telling you that you're a manlet

the point is that you're a lesser man with lesser options

>> No.11619544

Kek. Case in point.

>> No.11619558

5'5 here, I really don't have a problem with it but I'm gay so idk. Are girls really this petty about height? That's some shit you just can't help.

>> No.11619578

i love how every manlet on 4chan is super successful with girls and has never experienced an issue regarding their height

>> No.11619586

being a manlet being a bad thing is a meme
kanye is a fat nigger black manlet and he's /fa/
you should always look for grills under your height (shorter girls are better anyway unless you have a weird amazon domination fetish) unless you want to made fun of
also dont live in places with a high height average

>> No.11619590

Really? Ever been to /r9k/? They're suicidal because of it

>> No.11619598

>Yes it's a meme.

If 100 women were asked "would you rather the man be 6'3 or 5'6" which do you think a majority would choose?

>> No.11619599

>kanye is a fat nigger black manlet and he's /fa/
Only in the eyes of his 15 year old fans

>> No.11619601

i'm pretty sure that was his point...

>> No.11619603

6'3. Not the best way of making your point though. Stupid question tbqh.

>> No.11619604

well no fucking shit
that doesn't mean it's a big deal
that's like saying "would you rather be with an attractive person or an unattractive person"
doesn't mean shit you still see ugly guys with hot girlfriends

>> No.11619653


>weird amazon domination fetish
>tfw 5'7" with cute boyish looks and want to dominate & be dominated by a taller girl
>tfw can't get girls over 5'10"
>tfw bitterly have to deal with girls around my height or shorter who are super submissive

>> No.11619667

>Tfw sub fggt
>Tfw you only like guys around 5'4"
>Tfw those guys all adopted subbing because of their cute looks and height

>> No.11619777
File: 118 KB, 460x700, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek your logic is retarded, That's like asking if men would choose between a woman with large breasts or a woman with small boobs, of course women would prefer the one who is taller, but that doesn't mean manlets like me live unhappy lifes and with no hope of getting married or something. This meme should die already, being short doesn't matter at all in the real world UNLESS you're like six or eight centimeters shorter than the female heigh average of your country.

>> No.11619981
File: 5 KB, 203x200, maymay23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're a lesser man with lesser options

lol. your melodramatics are corny as fuck

>> No.11621353 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 150x153, 1469614556251.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6'3+ plus is freak level

Bitch please.

>> No.11621356

Ill fuck your boy pussy bb

Im not 5'4 but Im relatively short

>> No.11621379

Mallets always use celebrities as an example of how manlets can make it
But never mention the fa t that they're rich af

>> No.11621412
File: 24 KB, 257x356, 1450123049493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw a few mm shy of 180 cm


>> No.11621417

>that's like saying "would you rather be with an attractive person or an unattractive person"
doesn't mean shit you still see ugly guys with hot girlfriends

so by your own words being a manlet is just like being an ugly guy. it puts you at a massive disadvantage and you're viewed as inferior because of it

thank you for your honesty

>> No.11621427

Are you avoiding reality?

You can't change what you don't acknowledge.

>> No.11621436

>caring about what club-sluts think

>> No.11621440

>implying that only "club-sluts" are put off by manlets

rationalize, rationalize, rationalize

>> No.11621448

Don't give up, I'm 5'9" and have a severe amazon domination fetish towards small cute guys, we do exist. You have to find a chick with a strong/dominant personality so that she doesn't feel the need to have her weakness compensated for by her boyfriend.

>> No.11621457

>using /r9k/ as an example
bud theyre suicidal about anything

>> No.11621475
File: 49 KB, 581x447, 1470165750825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a degenerate manlet

that's a one-two punch

>> No.11621493

>a weird amazon domination fetish
Sounds hot

>> No.11621562
File: 29 KB, 700x394, nelsonSIXFOOTFOURmandela.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that 6'4 (193 cm) is literally the perfect height. It's as tall as you can be without being too tall. You're just able to fit into seats, beds and couches.

6'4 is masculine and distinguished. You are the height of a CEO which is borne out by multiple studies. Taller and you would be seen as massive and intimidating. Much shorter (5'10 and below) and you would be looked at as a child.

Science and psychology have deeply demonstrated that superior height means superior respect:

>When it comes to height, every inch counts--in fact, in the workplace, each inch above average may be worth $789 more per year, according to a study in the Journal of Applied Psychology (Vol. 89, No. 3).

>The findings suggest that someone who is 6 feet tall earns, on average, nearly $166,000 more during a 30-year career than someone who is 5 feet 5 inches--even when controlling for gender, age and weight.

You are taken more seriously. People have strong psychological responses to being towered over. The manlet has experienced this many times.

It makes you more attractive in every way which is why models are always tall and thin. Being short makes you look more stout. Can you recall many stout models? I didn't think so.

Rise up viking brothers. Do not tolerate the Hallmark card, politically correct, Que Sera Sera, "every child is beautiful" logic of the manlets. Be an outlaw!

>> No.11621575
File: 504 KB, 641x533, MsEXtUs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the meme that started it all

>> No.11621612


>The findings suggest that someone who is 6 feet tall earns, on average, nearly $166,000 more during a 30-year career than someone who is 5 feet 5 inches--even when controlling for gender, age and weight.

lol someone better tell mark zuckerberg he's gonna miss out on $166k cuz height

this height shit is the province of immature losers. girls who care about this shit usually have mental issues and "need to be protected" or some other dysfunctional shit. girl in meme pic looks like an insufferable basic.

>> No.11621675
File: 71 KB, 558x793, clintSIXFOOTFOUReastwood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lol someone better tell mark zuckerberg he's gonna miss out on $166k cuz height

I fail to see how that contradicts anything the study found. If the researchers had said "this proves that no manlet will ever become extremely rich" then you would have a point.

Exceptions do not disprove the rule. Exceptions are, by nature, a result of chance that you cannot control.

I hope you're not thinking "I'm a genius who will become as rich as Mark Zuckerberg so none of this stuff applies to me". I pray your manlet mind has not gone to that place.

From up on high to down on low.

>> No.11621702

lol manlet

>> No.11621710

is 180 nonmanlet zone? im 180 but i feel kinda manlet tbqh fampai

>> No.11621716

you are king of the manlets

>> No.11621911

Just shy of 6'

I've been dating a girl who's 5'1" for 3 years. Just go for short girls with similar interests.

>> No.11621955

>finally hit 6' at 20 years old

I thought I was gonna be stuck at the joke height for the rest of my life.

>> No.11622748

ouch. hurts pretty good.

>> No.11622768
File: 246 KB, 1024x1024, 1467788740409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 6'1 aka the cutoff for malet status. Constantly feel like shit about my height even though people tell me I'm tall

>> No.11622782

You know what we'll say.

>> No.11622815

Its really not a big deal. Sorry my height isn't one of my only good features

>> No.11622847
File: 140 KB, 680x506, 1443490325360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when 5'9 as well
>wear boots and become 5'10 with a couple centimeters

>> No.11622877

Taylor is not 5'9

>> No.11622917

180 here too.
I'm ~182 when I wear sneakers so that's fine. But yeah I feel kinda small especially because every third guy is taller than me. But on wiki average male height here is 173, bullshit.

>> No.11622949

What country

>> No.11623011

same here. plus i live in an area with a huge asian population so even though i'm white it's not like i'm constantly looking up at everyone

>> No.11623072


how tall is he really
dude has so many fucking different heights on the internet
I want to know, seriously

>> No.11623137

Google says 174 - 5'8

>> No.11623139

are you a self-hating short guy? i'm genuinely curious as to who would post something like this

>> No.11623150
File: 55 KB, 468x456, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw Im 5"9 living in beaner land and im taller than 90% of women :^)

>> No.11623244

6'1 is not manlet at all you fucking brainwashed spastic. I'm 6'5 and I'd rather be 6'1. I think 6'2.5 is probably perfect but taller than that is just basketball weirdo tier.

>> No.11623251

Yeah, but you're still living in beaner land and all the women and stumpy and brown.

>> No.11623253

why did you post some terrorist

>> No.11623258

>are you a self-hating short guy?

no, i'm 6'4

>> No.11623262

Did a Lupita broke your heart?

>> No.11623268

I don't know what that means, essay.

>> No.11623270

>That's some shit you just can't help.
You mean like nearly everything else about looks?

Is caring about looks petty now? How many fat sows have you fawned over?

>> No.11623289

literally "reeee why aren't you upset over your body so I can feel better about my pathetic life" the post

>> No.11623299

Lmao the girl is clearly wearing heels

>> No.11623317

>not being 6'1 in tacostan
lol senpai, como esta el clima ahi abajo

>> No.11623321

cringe: the post

>> No.11623326

Cringe: the post

>> No.11623331

youre average height bro. its people under who suffer

>> No.11623334

How's that working for you?

It seems like you're trying to be something that you're not. This ain't my first rodeo, son.

>> No.11623343


>> No.11623358
File: 1.57 MB, 360x240, bowbow.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

samefag and under 18

calling it. betting everything

>> No.11623394

i wish this would have never became a meme. im relatively short compared to most people i know, but not by a ridiculous amount. still all of this ridicule of short people makes me feel bad. its not the meme itself, im just kind of sensitive. but why would someone act like a dick about someone's height? Its not like height is a choice like being fat. i blame hannah montana for pushing the "short men are lesser" agenda down little girls throats so when they grew up they would be bitches.

>> No.11623409

Pretty good. I get rated 9/10 usually when I whore myself out, get called "Chad", been told I have model esthetic, and have girls aproach me instead etc. Your choice if you want to believe me.

>> No.11623424

now that's insecurity. What height do you wish you were?

>> No.11623540

so why bother?

>> No.11623566

Maybe because it's not that big of an issue for many of us? I mean the only time I really wished I was taller is when I play basketball.

>> No.11623571

go back to your contamination board pls

>> No.11623588
File: 317 KB, 546x546, fujiyama-san wa shishunki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 5'6'' but my fantasy is to date a really tall girl

>> No.11623649


unless you literally are the embodiment of silicone valley, have the ambition of an entrepreneur and the connections of an IB analyst, you're not anywhere near being an exception as large as mark zuckerberg

>> No.11623673

Since this is a manlet thread, should manlets just never wear hightop shoes?

>> No.11623727

5'4" here, so I'm certainly on the worse end of the manlet spectrum, and desu it's really not that bad.

Yeah it's gonna cut out a good portion of the dating pool but that's not as awful as it seems. Same shit happens with any other prominent physical trait.

Also, it's almost like a completely separate metric when it comes to your own attractiveness. It's like a binary thing rather than factoring in to the out of 10 scale. Being short doesn't make you any uglier, it just means some won't be interested. To those that don't care about height it really doesn't factor in to anything at all. An attractive short guy has a higher chance of getting an attractive girl than a taller average or ugly looking guy. The taller people just might have more people to choose from, but not necessarily more attractive people to choose from.

>> No.11623734
File: 772 KB, 1260x1800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that a 5'5" uber manlet copped one of the best waifus on the market

>> No.11623748

he's 5'7
he's taller than her

>> No.11623750

As long as you are not under 5'7 or something it doesnt matter

>> No.11623763

lol maybe those bitches shouldn't be such beasts

tall girls are disgusting and usually pack on weight really weird places as they get older

forever cute tiny petite waifus :)

>> No.11623832


It's called scapegoating.

Height is definitely a mark against you but im 5'7" and have no problem pulling fat chicks.

>> No.11623834

Is this bait. Taller people just usually have higher self esteem

>> No.11623840

>5ft7-5ft9 is good

You are shorter than most women I know

>> No.11623848

she is wearing heels you dummy, he is definitely taller and worst actor too.

>> No.11623850

I know, it's awful. 6'2 or 6'3, I know it's only 1-2 inches but fuck they matter so much. To me at least

>> No.11623873

Its definitely not ideal but it's ok. 5'6 is more like danger zone

>> No.11623876

Maybe if ur from Norway

>> No.11623887

>tfw scoliosis
>could've been 6'0 if my spine wasn't fucked up


>> No.11623888

my manager at work is so fucking hot literally perfect 10/10 and i overheard her say once "yea i dated a guy my height once, didnt like it" kek

>> No.11623893



Ive never had a problem pulling girls taller than me either.

>> No.11623968
File: 152 KB, 634x892, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's definitely not 5'7" and yeah I never said he was shorter. He's 5'5" and she's 5'3".

Just showing that manlets have hope.

>> No.11623975

This is a prime example of why you should never date club sluts. Type of bitch to cheat on you and then slander your name to all her friends when she gets caught

>> No.11624004

Yo, women can make shit like this about men but when men do something similar to this about women, say "when her weight starts with 2", everyone goes crazy.

>> No.11624030


>> No.11624046

I have a manlet question. I'm 6'0 (real manlet cutoff) but I still feel pretty short. Is it ok to befriend manlets to make me look taller or is it considered embarrassing to be seen associating with manlets?

>> No.11624054

nice meme!

>> No.11624057

>I'm 5'x" and I'm OK with it

>> No.11624068

Serious question, not memeing

>> No.11624087

legit think its either shitposting or people with only one good trait wanting to feel good about it. no one is arguing that height is perferable than shortness to a degree, but at a certain point it doesnt matter as much, and like everything else you have to factor other attributes like face, personality, body etc

>> No.11624497

Id prefer to be the 5'7" that I am and keep my non receding hairline, beard growth ability, easy to shred body and decent jawline and strong nose than to be any taller if it meant sacrificing any of those traits. Most of us weren't lucky to hit the 6'+ mark and still be attractive, if you did, congratulations.

>> No.11624507

shut the fuck up you little boy

>> No.11624530
File: 53 KB, 600x400, 1460072110056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>liberating your people from invaders and their pets is terrorism

You can call him a traitor but a terrorist? No

>> No.11624554

Caluroso como siempre en este clima de la verga. Saca las caguamas mejor!

>> No.11624578

>salty manlets always come in with the "I-it's just a meme" and dale carnegy-tier self hypnosis about their laughable constitution

always good for a laugh

>> No.11624611

never ever happening

>> No.11624617

i'd like to have a couple of more inches to my height, life would prob b easier but im fine just where i am :)

>> No.11624618


>> No.11624619

daily reminder that everything in life has life and consequences. height is not excluded. manlets will always get the last laugh with their increased life spans.

>> No.11624634

Exactly bro #Meninism for life

>> No.11624638

big deal, enjoy ur 2 extra years of manlet life, hope its a good consolation for the entire thing being shit

desu this is a drawback of being a manlet, you have to spend even more time being a filthy subhuman

>> No.11624640

i'm 6'1

>> No.11624641

would like to be 6'2 for that ideal tho

>> No.11624664

you can't crush my dreams anon

>> No.11624918

>I-it's a meme guys... I-I swear!
Anything under 5'10 is suicide tier, 5'10-6'0 is good, 6'0-6'3 is great, 6'3-6'6 is pushing it, 6'6+ is freak level.

>from a 6'6.5 manlet

>> No.11624926

tfw 5'10 with 5'5 manlet legs

kill me. even finding size 30 inseam is hard unless they're skinny. i'd be 6'1 if i had even proportions .

>> No.11624933

5'11-6'1 is perfect height for being /fa/

6'2-6'4 is the ideal height overall

anything less is kys tier or anything over or too tall.

>> No.11624969

my fellow manlets:

Due to a series of unforeseen circumstances, you are granted the ability to increase your height. However, for every inch taller you are, one inch from your dick is taken away. How many inches do you increase your height by, if any?

>> No.11624989

Why are the lower heights perfect for being /fa/? I always thought models were supposed to be taller. Can you explain your reasoning?

>> No.11624990

You can't change height regardless so you might as well stop being autistic about it

>> No.11624994

Clothes are made for that height.

>> No.11624995

literally nobody would notice. You could tell everybody you met you're 6'2'' and they wouldn't question it

>> No.11624996

I think I'm in the king of manlets category (5'11), but I would never trade any dick length for extra height even if I was shorter. I would actually drop down an inch for another inch of dick, I got a 6.5 or 7 inch right now, but 7.5 or 8 would be perfect.

>> No.11624997

5'10-6'2 is the ideal for women. anything above is freak level.

5'7-5'8 is just average

5'6 is danger level

>> No.11624998

I love these threads everyones minimal height is clearly what they are. 5'7 master race Reporting in everyone. Roast me please

>> No.11625001

Okay simple enough, but there are big and tall stores. Maybe that limits your options a bit though. I'm 5'11 and I find this height almost perfect, but I would not mind a few extra inches, I wouldn't want to be over 6'2 though.

>> No.11625002

Yeah I'm 6'3'' and most shirts are too short on me

>> No.11625008

I think the minimal is 5'6

im only 5'8 m8

>> No.11625026

Same viewpoint man