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/fa/ - Fashion

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11603667 No.11603667 [Reply] [Original]

New to /fa/, and recently starting to find a "fit". What are some rules of thumb when picking out clothes?

I like plain, subtle stuff. The colors I usually go for are earth-tones, or dark/gray. I'm 6'0, medium-large build.

>> No.11603697

>try not to mix black and brown leather (belts and shoes mostly)
>don't tuck your shirt into low waisted or low riding pants
>natural fabrics are usually the most desirable
>never cheap out on leather. do research. buying high quality but used is a good way to get around this
>avoid anything that can be described as fast fashion

>> No.11603856

Any ideas on hoodies? I live PNW, so we get wet winters, and it pretty much rains 70% of the year. I find even if I wear nice clothes, it gets covered with my outer garments.

>> No.11603865

Yes obey the rules.

>> No.11603872

Gildan hoodies. Cheap, unbranded, decent enough quality. About as subtle as it gets.

>> No.11603877

Be over 6 feet, but not freakishly tall, fuck the rules dress in pieces you like aesthetically and not necessarily what you're comfy wearing (both physically and aesthetically) and the rest will come.

>> No.11603893

ew fuck off

>> No.11603897

Fuck off retard, he asked for plain, subtle stuff, and that's it. Go back to mfa.

>> No.11603956

What is considered low waisted

>> No.11603962

does uniqlo fall into fast fashion? i consider them affordable basics.

>> No.11603985


It is fast fashion, but dont give a fuck about what anyone on this board says and buy whatever you like. There is no ethical consumption under capitalism.

>> No.11603989

You suggesting Gildan is more mfa than that other anon could ever be

>> No.11604010

everything here is good
>don't tuck your shirt into low waisted or low riding pants
this is most negotiable

>> No.11604176

God damn Tintin is effay as fuck.
Good advice desu

>> No.11605536

I wouldnt say so
they provide basics & classics
H&M & Zara are fast fashion

>> No.11605579

uniqlo is fast fashion my god, you people are in denial, its nowhere near as horrendously trend hunting as h&m & zara, but it still is cheap and designed to not last long

>> No.11605587

>avoid anything that can be described as fast fashion

when will this meme die out? as long as you don't look like the display mannequins in the store there is nothing wrong with copping a piece from a "fast fashion" store, if you like it.

>> No.11605603

I believe it's mostly about the lifespan of the clothing more than anything really. But then again most people can't be assed to do their laundry properly so there's that.

>> No.11605612

reigning champ has the best plain hoodies. ascolor has a cheaper version. personally i take all the drawstrings out of my hoodies.

>> No.11605616

to be honest I can't really stand fast fashion anymore
after you wear better shit the quality doesn't really cut it anymore, I might get like a tee or pair of briefs from time to time from Uniqlo but I'm slowly trying to transition completely from anything fast fashion
not to be condescending, just my 2 cents on the subject

>> No.11605621

>natural fabrics are usually the most desirable
considering how common technical fabrics are today in pretty much in all kinds of clothing and how much inspiration 'regular' fashion gets from sporting gear and how mixed they are, this is kinda weird advice
not to mention cotton is 'natural' but you find cheap complete shit cotton clothing everywhere

>> No.11605668
File: 39 KB, 1902x264, Dressing well.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I screencapped this from a thread not even two weeks ago.

It summarizes basically the same key principles that I've gone by for years, and I'd say it's pretty solid advice.

>> No.11605677


w2c long hoodies like that?

>> No.11605682

wait wasn't there a god damn fucking sticky that answers your problems magically?

>> No.11607387
File: 46 KB, 400x588, 1450322409085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

original image is way better desu

>> No.11609093

He is Belgian so yes obviously he is effay