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/fa/ - Fashion

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11597480 No.11597480 [Reply] [Original]

what does /fa/ do for a living?

does it inform your need to be effay?

>tfw convenience store clerk

>> No.11597597

is that you in the pic

>> No.11597599

Currently man the floor at a science museum
May try to get into modeling soon

>> No.11597601


Looking for another job...

>> No.11597617

i spent all my money on clothes now i sell my clothes to get more clothes

>> No.11597645

oil painter

>> No.11597651

Caddie in the summers, good money for a teenager I make far above minimum wage

>> No.11597676
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I'm the "shoe plug" (I also can get hyped clothes)

I also run a clothing company as well and do free lance photography.

I make around 3-5k a month

>> No.11597680

Currently work for one of the largest Canadian airlines. On my way to being a crew chief within the year. Enjoying the flight and health benefits and the decent pay.

>> No.11597686

Data Scientist

>> No.11597687
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Apprentice Lineman, working my way to being a Journeyman

>> No.11597772

are there any reasons why i shouldn't become a psychologist

>> No.11597952

hell naw, i dress way worse

>> No.11597966
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>> No.11597970

You sounded cool until you mentioned how much money you made. That's not very effay.

>> No.11597974

I'm a dog trainer at a Petco. The dress code allows me to wear the same shit I do off work which is cool

>> No.11598009

air force intelligence, 2 more years and im making 150 grand working for the fbi desu

>> No.11598017

Eh I thought it would be nice to give some perspective because I figured it would have come up since every time I tell people I sell clothes and sneakers they ask, "how much do you make"

>> No.11598019

manager at a marc jacobs

>> No.11598022

worked on a wildlife refuge. managed wetlands and shit.

>> No.11598025

>highschool tier

>> No.11598069

Freelance graphic designer~

>> No.11598075

Intern at an accounting firm

>> No.11598096

i'm a male housewife.

no, not house husband.

spend 'bout $1.5-2k a year on clothes.

>> No.11598190

So you're pretty much a house keeper?

>> No.11598212

Student working as a waiter / cellar door fag. Waiting has a strict uniform (black pants, shoes, socks, tie and a white shirt) but at cellar I wear what I like. Unfortunately I cycle, so everything has to fit in a backpack and go okay with creases.

>> No.11598234
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>what does /fa/ do for a living?

Customer service rep for a call center.

>does it inform your need to be effay?

Not really but I try and dress nice everyday. I'm always keeping compliments about my fits, and I really like working there.

Just wish they paid a little more.

This is pretty cool. How did you end up the job?

How is the dress code?

>> No.11598242

Bank manager, 600 euros per month

>> No.11598267

I think you lost 0 there.

>> No.11598282

Trust me I didn't.

>> No.11598288

Service Engineer

>> No.11598314

what does a service engineer do?

>> No.11598318

Legal secretary in a large corporate firm based in the CBD. Dress code is "corporate business attire" which gets a bit tiresome after 12 hour days....

>> No.11598332

Full time Econ student at uni and part time file clerk at a law firm near campus which isn't too bad I guess

>> No.11598405


>> No.11598416

tell me more, that sounds really hot

>> No.11598417

blood donor

>> No.11598423

do some Freelance modeling.
recently quit working at a bowling alley.
part time work at an event company
Studying uni

>> No.11598432

this, and sperm donor on the side

>> No.11598436


Deep fryer + pizza maker at a really understaffed, overally busy shit reastruaunt.

Week days are easy money I guess but weekends are end my life tier. Work 7 days a week.

But hey it'll give me enough experience to leave fortunately.

>> No.11598440
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Student, one more year to go. Been working at a Volvo warehouse for 4 years now, also work at a butcher and do some landscaping occasionally.

I also flip some clothes every now and then. I'm easily the most effay guy at school or at work, but probably not in the eyes of my normie colleagues.

>> No.11598443

Corporate lawyer. Dress code is business casual, but half of the lawyers (including me) wear full suits anyways.

Which city?

>> No.11598449

study uni

>> No.11598455

Brisbane. You?

>> No.11598457

I get money from the government for being autistic.

>> No.11598475

NYC. I don't know much about Briabane or Australian firms. I think Jones Day has a Brisbane office...? But I figure it's pretty much the same everywhere.

>> No.11598480

nice a fellow oil painter!

>> No.11598483

Software developer/engineer/whatever, most of the people I know in the field have the smart dressed nerd thing going.

>> No.11598496

Yeah its in the same street I work on. Probably fairly similar though.

>> No.11598508

STEM professor. Most of my colleagues dress pretty poorly. I'd like to wear more fashionable clothes but I feel like people would take me less seriously. I dress nicer than most everyone there already.

>> No.11598517

Work for an architect. I spend all day drawing on a computer. Its not that /fa/

>> No.11598539


>> No.11598544

I'm a real estate analyst.

I make 6k a month before taxes. 4.4k after taxes and a deduction for an unlimited bus/subway pass.

I also get a nice bonus every year of between 15k and 25k

>> No.11598553

That sounds pretty /fa/ to me. Do you enjoy architecture or did you have other drawing or drafting interests before getting into it?

>> No.11598561

Graphic designer. Can pretty much wear whatever I want.

It kind of helps you be more effay as you easily fall into this "bubble" in the business made up of people with an above average interest in taste, aesthetics and culture, although there are a ton of designers dressed like shit.

>> No.11598566

Old fag here. Forensic psychiatrist.
If I were to dress /fa/ my patients would focus on that too much, so I keep it basic but well-dressed.
It's definitely the job of my dreams but I've noticed I buy fewer fits as I don't have that many opportunities to wear them.

>> No.11598586

Depends where you're at, my club is full of college kids and I make 80-120 dollars every time I loop, which is close to every day.

>> No.11598592

How did the clothing thing start? Did you have any fashion schooling? Did you just start screen printing shirts? Do you produce a whole line of menswear? What about womensware?

>> No.11598593

Complaints handler. Looking for a new job as you can imagine.

>> No.11598598

I'm a cashier at a shitty dollar store. It's not /fa/ at all but the hours are flexible for school and it still gives me time to focus on writing, which is kind of /fa/ I guess.

>> No.11598606

Also I'm working as a NASA intern as well as being a full time student during the year

>> No.11598626

do people go mental and make no sense and you have to try and calm them down?

>> No.11598676

Digital account manager at an advertising agency. Dress code is whatever we want to wear so it let's. be be creative and not be stuck in a tie all day

>> No.11598681

They get mad pretty often, especially if I won't meet their demands for money.

>> No.11598685

Is studying Architecture effay?

>> No.11598700

I studied audiovisual arts, then became mentally fucked up and got paid money to stay at home. Perfect.

>> No.11598703

pizza delivering
i like this job more than any other similiar

>> No.11598721

I'm a teacher in juvenile jail.
I rock the unofficial teacher uniform - tweed jacket and leather shoes

>> No.11598731

financial consulting
fun work but sucks when you have clients who require suits

>> No.11598745

do you live in moldova or something? wtf

>> No.11598757

Wageslave at Walmart and in the middle of completing a Theatre BFA, so essentially wageslave for life. Might look for work at the airport or something, at least the architecture would be nice (I live in Denver).

>> No.11598763

Biomed student (currently studying) working full time as a specialty coffee barista.

Easy during the week, but the weekend is only me on the machine and god damn is that henious

>> No.11598849

i work at usps it fucking sucks, quitting soon though :^)

>> No.11598935

>live in Denver
what school you go to? I currently reside in the springs

>> No.11598937


>> No.11598965


Manager at a Digital Marketing agency.

2K per month. 2 or 3 quality cops per month, have a car and shit load of synth keyboards.

Life's good so far

>> No.11599021


Also graphic design.


>> No.11599028

I've never worked a day in my life.

>> No.11599036

I'd stick with the museum

>> No.11599044

Interning as a research analyst right now for a international survey/market research firm, earn approx $2600 a month w/ no rent/utility expenses.

Been trying to save but dumb shit keeps going wrong with my car...spent like 1/4 of my summer income on fixing this piece of shit.

>> No.11599052

Freelance video game artist.

Can't say it's a /fa/ industry, but the job pays well.

>> No.11599055

AHAHAHAHAHA he thinks he's going to make 150 grand at the FBI.

Are you fucking retarded?

Max GS salary for GS15 Step 10 is 122k and that's Head of Department tier shit.

I met with a former DEA SAC Spec Ops Div and he probably makes 122k before taxes.

Keep dreaming senpai.

>> No.11599057

If you apply minimalist aesthetics to your design yes

>> No.11599063

Ever dip into modular shit? Those seem to be all the rage now a days but are pretty daunting for entry level people

>> No.11599065


breadboy at a bakery

>> No.11599083

Robotics engineer.

>> No.11599084
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Software dev 70k a year

Half my day is spent meming in the internet

>> No.11599142

Archivist for a government agency.

It's cool, nobody knows wtf it is that I do and how I should dress so I can just dress how I want.

>> No.11599320

I enjoy it a lot, love to draw, make models and find most aspects of architecture interesting.

The company is very small ( 4 people) and so a our projects are mainly housing and residential . Most of what we do is pretty mediocre though. The director is nice enough, he's a Hindu Freemason so he has some interesting connections and clients. His dad and uncle share the office and work as an engineer and surveyor. His son in law runs a letting agency at front too, so its all little bit chaotic. Some funny stories from that.

Overall its not too bad. Only thing i would say is that I'm not paid enough, but i can't really complain since the work isn't too hard and i don't need to put in overtime often.

>> No.11599352

street pharmaceuticals

>> No.11599362

addictions counselor/therapist, i don't make much money but i enjoy the job and find it rewarding. I've met some of vibrant people thru this opportunity

>> No.11599451

What synths?

I've been getting into that but I'm a student so so far I only have the volca bass and sample and the montron delay. It's fun feeding the volcas into the monotron and making lofi distorted junk. Once I get enough money I'll invest into a setup with monitors and a mixer and some less toyish synths, looking into the ms-20 mini and the minilogue. I really want the volca fm though, I could make some real vaporwavey type stuff with that. Guess I'm a korg fanboy.

>> No.11599480

I'm a $360/hr escort

feels good being effortlessly decked out in designer :')

>> No.11599483

I'm getting a phd in metallurgical engineering. Full funding, stipend.

>> No.11599486

Logistics manager / process engineer.
Have to wear business casual at work (Uniqlo, Acne, Our Legacy). But earn around 3000€/month so it's enough to buy Undercover and other of my favorite brands.

>> No.11599488

Do you do gay stuff or just straight?

>> No.11599503

I work at a movie theater, pretty anti effay. Will be looking into a different line of work soon.

>> No.11599519


i love our uniforms

>> No.11599531 [DELETED] 

I'm a student but my dad has p much the most /fa/ job imaginable. Graphic designer with his own studio/company, wears whatever the fuck he wants, no dress code, doesn't care enough to wear business casual stuff to meetings, nowadays just sips coffee all day and plays candy crush. The money isn't bad either

>> No.11599542

I climb oil rigs. 3 weeks on 3 weeks off. I like to wear filson tin cloth cruiser and Pendleton shirts. During work it's all boilersuits and hard hats. Hopefully gonna buy some 80s welding jackets from an old roughneck. Wish I could take photos of some of the guys I work with. Rough fellas.

>> No.11599551

Just about to go into a PhD in quantum optics with full funding and a stipend too, feels pretty good man

>> No.11599553

both but i am a faggot so

>> No.11599556

Worked two jobs, one as a prep cook / baker in an italian restaurant, the other as a dishwasher and cook at a spanish restaurant / club in MTL. Made an okay amount of money (around $400 a week.) Just quit two days ago and I will be visiting family before i get back to university studies.

>> No.11599584

I live off a trust fund.

Was doing a STEM PhD but dropped out second year. I'm suprised some of you are bragging about "stipends," literally the shittiest job/career path ever.

I've been unemployed for a year. I dont even understand how getting a job is possible.

>> No.11599593

Is this a riddle?

>> No.11599602

I'm a cook

>> No.11599630

I do some primitive administrative work just half time so I don't become total antisocial ghoul and lose all skills. I inherited lot of stuff from my grandparents and sold it so I have lot of money. Planning on trying to do my own business when I stop being stupid kid.

>> No.11599651

Damn i miss japan so much

>> No.11599696

construction worker, always dirty and /fa/

>> No.11599713

Mini loud looks sick I'm not even a synth player and I want one of those, along with a drum machine. Eventually I wanna try modular since that's the epitome of synts and very /fa/

>> No.11599715

Hotel front desk for casino senpai

Have to dress nice daily and in suits senpai

>> No.11599720

> Working at a high-tech company working as a programmer
>also on the side managing few psy-trance djs
who are D-list global celebrities

earning more than i need
but yet still live with parents 25 btw

>> No.11599766

>But hey it'll give me enough experience to leave fortunately.
what kind of experience does operating a deep fryer and making pizza get you? planning on becoming head chef at pizza hut?

>> No.11599777

Modular synths are /fa/ like fencing is, the concept is but the people not so much. Although laserface does modular I think. I still want a modular for sure, just in the future when I have enough money to burn on it. A modular with just the capabilities of the minilogue would cost well over a thousand.

>> No.11599780

aren't the pay and benefits pretty decent though? and you're in a union. are you a mail sorter or delivery guy or what? mailmen always look like they're comfy as fuck

>> No.11599781

>Bundespolizei Nordrhein-Westfalen

>> No.11599786

you're a manager at a marketing agency and only make 2k a month? that's fucking poverty tier income, 2k a month is 24k a year, really fucking shitty unless you live in some 3rd world country with with a very, very low cost of living

>> No.11599811

>earning more than i need
>but yet still live with parents 25 btw
why don't you move out? afraid you're mummy will stop making you your tendies?

>> No.11599842

Cybersecurity engineer/general tech help. I also worked digital forensics at the local PD more or less legally from 16 to 21 (my Dad was police chief).

I was originally going to try for a job with the Air Force in military intelligence, but after doing an IT major with a concentration in Data Networking & Security, I was able to get a position as a "cybersecurity engineer" for a little over the same pay, and no obligation to work with the military for seven years. In reality, I spend most of my time helping co-workers fix whatever they royally fucked up on their business computer.

I'm an introvert and nervous around groups of people and grills, so feeling better dressed than the average Chad has helped boost my confidence. Our dress code in IT is polo and chinos with dress shoes - I found a used pair of Allan Edmonds, wear slim fitting polos, and chinos and get complements from my British boss for dressing "smartly".

>> No.11599870

Hey there. Sorry to burst your bubble, but as someone who considered both military intelligence and FBI you won't be making near enough to compensate for a normal job in network security or something similar.

>> No.11599928


I've been delivering pizzas for 8 months now, having been pulling ~$50 a night. If I hadn't been saving for college I would have a lot more clothes desu.

>> No.11599942

Do it anon (Science Museum are fucking lit tho)

>> No.11599999

underrated post

>> No.11600009

Holy shit nice quints

>> No.11600029

Stipend sucks now but the 5x raise in 6 months when I get a real job will be cool.

>> No.11600030

I paint cars in a General Motors factory.

It's pretty fun and the coworkers are amazing. But little to no chance of getting a promotion so that sucks.

It pays well (compared to other middle class salaries in my country) and in some years I'll get a bonus and be able to live without any hassle. Very far from being rich, but very far from counting every penny to live.

>> No.11600035

forklift operator by night professional shitposter by day

trying to get back into school but I still owe them 2 grand before they let me take classes again

>> No.11600058


Also forgot to mention, I wear grey overalls and white boots without laces and a plastic belt to attatch the air tube. While I paint I wear a mask that looks like a riot helmet.

Techwear fags would love it.

>> No.11600079
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>> No.11600084

I work as a business writer. Mostly do resumes, but also do professional correspondence and writing copy for businesses.

The job is really fun. Pay is decent for an entry-level position and I get to work downtown.

I guess I have to wear business casual. Normally come to work everyday in a button down and some slacks. Never a tie unless I'm in the mood.

>> No.11600132

Not even close. 2k month is like twice the average salary in lot of developed post soviet countries (I'm not talking about some Moldavia but middle Europe and so on). So yeah, he might have pretty good living even in decent country.

>> No.11600138

>Bank manager
>600 euros per month
Is this a joke?

>> No.11600145

I work at an ice cream shop

>> No.11600153

I was just like: "I want a shirt that looks like this" so I decided to make that for me, some friends wanted some so I made like 3 more, for some more asked and slowly I just ended up making a full commercial run of screen printed shirts. Since then I've expanded into hats and come fall winter I'll be releasing my first cut and sew product (a jacket) this is 2 years later. We're stocked in 2 boutiques in NYC as well as one in LA and Montreal.

Our products are all cut for men but I advertise them as unisex. It's just me running this brand alone btw.

I'm currently studying full time at FIT

>> No.11600225

pharmaceutical analyst/tech

our jumpsuits are pretty damn effay

>> No.11600297

What's the pay like?

>> No.11600831

Don't care what we wear as long as it's efficient in keeping us cool/warm and holding our things.

>> No.11601089

That's so sick. It'd be cool to try something like that but I don't have the skill set to design anything, let alone something /fa/ looking,worth being on a tshirt aside from lettering and shit.

>> No.11601411

In America, which has a pretty low cost of living, 24k will get you nowhere. You can work full time at McDonald's and make that same amount of money

>> No.11601428


Gonna apply to go study film next year.

>> No.11601453

phd student in chemistry

>> No.11601466

Got pretty big on soundcloud and started touring and i recently opened up for a pretty big artist and i my new album will be on apple music soon so now im making money doing what i absolutely love and i get to meet some very cool people

>> No.11601513

What genre? Post SoundCloud link

>> No.11601530

classical musician

i like that its an art and i can dress artsy

>> No.11601535

ooh that sounds cool as shit are you comfortable giving us the name?

>> No.11601544
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mfw quints

>> No.11601556

Used to be an office manager for a personal finance firm but had a mental breakdown and resigned from my position. Now I'm working part-time for an Architect in LA while I'm back in school for ME.

Most of my money comes from BHO extractions. In an 8-hour day, I can make anywhere from $750- $1250. So I dont work more than a day or two a month desu.

Does it fund my habit of buying clothes? Yes. But only when I decide to work more.

>> No.11601558

Mental breakdowns, how do you avoid?

>> No.11601569
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(18) I'm trying to get a job I applied at a shit load of places but they never call me back or anything. Was hoping someone would recommend a place I can try to work at?

>> No.11601577


>> No.11601603

Major city cop here.

Used to be fairly /fa/ and dated /fa/ as fuck girl.

Work has ruined me and now I'm counterterrorcore or something on the two ish days a week I can wear people clothes. I gained a size in muscle since starting 3 years ago and my clothing choices day to day are: "can I hide a glock 17 in here?". I've basically given up. I'm just here to kill time.

>> No.11601612
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Nah I don't want to work at any food places. Even if the others aren't calling back I'm still trying to work at some retail or at least fun store.

>> No.11602290

Sure, I know that but I was more countering fact that guy thinks that 2k/mo is shit everywhere except 3rd world shitholes. When in reality it's pretty decent salary even in pretty developed countries in Europe.

>> No.11602325


build a resume and fabricate that shit up with extracurriculars and a cover letter

that alone will put you in the top 5% of people your age

>> No.11602340

nice dubs
brisbane fag here also

>> No.11602344

bike messenger

I'm gonna try to get a second job at a flower market just for something low-stress and low-aggression to relax a little

I burn through a pair of uniqlo (or whatever I find on sale) tights and volcom/dickies shorts every other month. I always wear the company jersey on top with layers above and below depending on conditions. levi's commuter pants have treated me decently when I find them on sale. mechanix or giro gloves. merino everywhere. teens think our delivery bags are effay but I never use mine off the clock except to get groceries

>> No.11602351


are you in high school still? post your resume, I'll fix it and you'll have a job this week

>> No.11602442
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Just landed a research tech job in a neuroscience lab. I get to wear whatever I want and can choose my hours for the most part. Pay is meh, but benefits are dope as hell.

>> No.11602544

>Max GS salary for GS15 Step 10 is 122k and that's Head of Department tier shit.

USPTO Patent Examiner here. We can make $120-$150k quite easily as were on a modified GS pay scale and we don't run departments unless you want to be an SPE (supervisor) of an Art Unit. Hell, there are SPEs and primaries that make more than some agencies department head's.


>> No.11602597

gonna study design, i might go for industrial/object design but still, graphic design interest me

>> No.11602817

I already have one and still.

I started late so I'm 18 and a senior. What will you do to it?

>> No.11602852


It's incredibly boring and not effay

>> No.11602862

HR for a transport company. Not very effay as just an office bitch but do some overtime driving the buses which is kinda fun and decent ££s

>> No.11602885

How is it getting your degree in Theatre? Has it opened up any career opportunities for you in that area?

>> No.11602919

I actually am sort of interested in doing this but I'd hate to be just "tshirt company #8036" and would want to move onto other articles of clothing, but I have no design or fashion experience let alone sewing skills, just an idea of things I usually have a hard time finding or finding at an attractive quality to price ratio

>> No.11603224

art banking for russian clients

>> No.11603243

wanna be a whore some day

>> No.11603296


>> No.11603467

paid art student

>> No.11603480

UX design intern rn

usually doing that or graphic stuff whenever i'm not on school term

>> No.11603482

I work in agriculture. Is nice because no dress code and I mostly work by myself weeding, planting, working with the animals, misc things.

>> No.11603583


>> No.11603884


>> No.11603911

Software Engineer.

I make a lot from my job and I make a lot of apps in my spare time, roughly around 12k a month after Taxes.

>> No.11604070

not op but what's wrong with that? if I was making 48k a year doing something I loved that would be amazing

>> No.11604132

i make music. yeah i does

>> No.11604143

I work as a media intelligence monitor (sounds cooler than it is) 25 hours a week. Basically watch the news and listen to the radio and write about what's going on that might interest our clients or the government. Pays pretty well at around $32 an hour. I do that 25 hours a week and study international relations with the rest of my week.

pretty comfy desu. it's given me a finger in some of the political parties in my country too.

>> No.11604148

I work at a movie theatre, but I ship off for Navy boot camp in January

>> No.11604167


I wear a lot of suits, predictably enough.

>> No.11604172

>no, not house husband.
explain now

>> No.11604187

>he's a Hindu Freemason
what do freemasons do isn't that the super scary cult thing, is he indian?

>> No.11604191

>If I were to dress /fa/ my patients would focus on that too much
are you a woman?

>> No.11604198

>but the job pays well.
really? I thought there was no money in the video game industry

>> No.11604199

>Robotics engineer.
cool as fuck
not really /fa/ though t b h

what kinda robots you make senpai? what are your credentials

>> No.11604309

You think you can you help me out? I'm gonna be a freshman in college though

>> No.11604317

It's a small accounting firm/ tax place so it doesn't matter what I wear really.

>> No.11604369

local mom and pop smoothie place, 10/hr off the books so it ends up pretty good. Also free smoothies and nice tips from rich health fags

>> No.11604491


Hours are shit but the pussy game is crazy

>> No.11604549

Im getting ready to start my first year at Uni only to realize I really dont know what I want to do with my life. Anyone have any kind of advice for this situation?

>> No.11604570

>on my /fa/
damn yo nice

I'm a financial analyst consultant. Just started last month. Pretty fun so far. Most of my clients so far require suits, but apparenlty many don't as well.

>> No.11604584

my nigga. what firm if you don't mind my asking?

>quantum optics
what kind of stuff do you study specifically
did phys undergrad

>> No.11604593

Enjoy being unemployed after school
trust me, i studied film too

>> No.11604816

I'm studying network engineering with cybersecurity specialization right now. How did you get the job? Is the field competitive? Is AS degree enough or do I have to go for BS comp sci?

>> No.11604889

psychology is meme science

>> No.11605052

i work in a distribution center im a mail handler assistance we don't get that many benefits like the regulars but we are in the union. still sucks though, they force use to work 10-12 hours almost every day.

>> No.11605055

im studying comp sci right now in my first year, any tips to get to where you are? i heard a CS degree is almost useless without a master degree now, is this true?

>> No.11605076

I'm a retail pharmacist.
Slim-fit dress shirt and pants, dress shoes, tie, and lab coat.
I consider myself to be fashionably challenged, so it's a good fit for me since even dead people look good in dress clothes.

>> No.11605125

Not true at all. A BS and some projects of your own are really all you need to get your start

>> No.11605133

I'm thinking of that too man, not sure if I'd be able to handle it. Gonna volunteer somewhere to get a taste. Also getting a PhD is daunting

>> No.11605137

how do you like retail pharmacy?

>> No.11605138

what is your salary? Also do you do like more analysis with regressions and shit, or more like coding with MATLAB or R or something

>> No.11605160

we've sucked psychology dry, there is nothing new to be learned

only useful application for psychology is business/commercial psychology, marketing, school psychology, etc.

psych research is literally just a front for laundering grant money

>> No.11605170

post a screen cap

I just wrote my boss and his boss a resume, they both got hired in new positions this summer. did my roommate's in the spring, he got hired at Lockheed. I just got hired at BMW. I can probably do more good than harm

>> No.11605173


>> No.11605186

Teacher at a country high school

90% great, but the 10% i don't like is from the kids who don't give a shit, don't listen to you and don't even try. Ruins my day sometimes

I can dress pretty casual (most of the time just make sure a shirt is involved somewhere), but mostly just go full dad core (chinos, shirt, crew neck sweater, derbies)

>> No.11605191


So you're probably pretty young (18/19?) - in which case, who gives a fuck if you don't know what to do with your life. Chances are whatever you decide you'll end up changing your mind anyway. Just enjoy being young instead of worrying about stuff you don't need to worry about

>> No.11605199

Doesnt get me to how id like to be dressing but still fine

>> No.11605205

What restaurant? And iktf about weekdsays vs weekends

>> No.11605213

Restaurants are almost always hiring.

>> No.11605229

student/model. worked as bartender for 5 years though so I done my time

>> No.11605277

about to go into my first year of uni, got chem right now but might switch to geology. hopefully i get a chill job like these dudes

>> No.11605284

currently going into my senior year of uni. i drive a bus for the campus transportation service

>actually get hit on a lot
>got that sweet CDL license for free

>> No.11605293

junior sound designer, mostly for advertising

I can dress how I want because clients dig a "young, switched on" guy who dresses well.

Doesn't pay much yet though

>> No.11605296

Is being in a mental hospital effay?

>> No.11605322

Work for the most popular casino in the shithole that is Atlantic City. That being said our casino doesn't actually connect to the city, but I work fridays and saturdays and make like 20 grand a year after taxes. It's a great job considering I'm not done college yet and it's honestly kinda fun, at least as fun as work can be.

>> No.11605394

For my undergrad projects I did work in nonlinear optics which has been a pretty good base to work from

>> No.11606347

How did you get the job?

>> No.11607425

Enjoy my $200, 000

>> No.11607675

Pharmacy technician. we're independent and we don't do the lab coat shit at our place so it comes out /fa/ enough.

>> No.11607679

editorial model

seeing runway looks up close is p. inspiring so i guess

>> No.11607710

Software Dev. I hate it. Thank god I only have 4 more days in hell.

>> No.11607760
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>> No.11607787

A masters degree is going to be more worthwhile in 10 years than it is now, I suggest you get into a 5 year program.

The best things you can do while you are an undergrad are:
1. An internship
2. A significant side project
3. Some research or research assistance
in that order.

If you don't do one of those then you're to have difficult getting a job after graduation.

Also, you'll need a 3.5 GPA or greater to get into grad school, but even if you don't plan on going, keep your GPA that high anyway. I got a 2.5 undergrad GPA and it has closed many doors.

Good luck in college, it can be a drag sometimes but it is totally worth it in the end.

>> No.11607793

I'm a "software" """""engineer."""""

>> No.11607942

Yeah but what if you want to be a therapist, rather than work in research? That seems really rewarding and interesting to me.

>> No.11607980

hey anon, howd you get into that?

>> No.11608027

Wtf is this even legal ??

>> No.11608040

C-can i have some help with my finance maths :(

>> No.11608072

Can i pay you to write my resume and cover letter for a intern position at an investment bank

>> No.11608084

What subject do you teach? Was getting your cert difficult at all?

>> No.11608321

>Thank god I only have 4 more days in hell.
what happens in 4 days?

>> No.11608351


Typically pretty /fa/, I think. I get compliments pretty frequently if that means anything.


>> No.11608444

How do I contact you anon, I don't want to post it here I'm this guy

>> No.11608651
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>> No.11608657

Edgy me wants to say death, but in reality my summer internship ends.

>> No.11608662

Retail Management
It's alright. Want to get out of the physical store and into other parts of the company though.

What's it like working at a luxury retail store?

>> No.11609512
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Fucking nice

>> No.11610095

It can if you aren't a scrub

>> No.11610099


>> No.11610111

Well we are all on 4chan, which is basically mental institute lite

>> No.11610130
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>> No.11610874

if you're not doing it as a career, why do an internship for it?
or was this just a wakeup call?

>> No.11610913
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>> No.11611382

I resell clothes just not hyped shit. More high end stuff I make around 250+ a month. Also live of my parents. Its life also college. Also worked in it like a year ago for a couple of months

>> No.11612415


>> No.11612419

You wont be able to get a job.

>> No.11612430

They peobably dropped a 0.

>> No.11612456

Thinking of becoming a commercial electrician.

Is it /fa/ trade?

It is very good money in my area

>> No.11612527

90k. More analysis (regression, classification trees, clustering, etc). But I also do all the coding as well. Python and R, mainly Python now.

>> No.11612614

you know it son, sad to say I'm outta local 66 for now

>> No.11612847


>> No.11613099

>that seems really rewarding and interesting to me

step 1. listen to yourself
step 2. find out if it really is with some internship or something
step 3. stop relying on others and find out if it's what you want to do

>> No.11613115 [DELETED] 
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Work at a firewood mill, recently cut my thumb on one of the saws so I'm on leave. Pic related

>> No.11613129

jesus christ dude

>> No.11613276

Nope, I have to wear a uniform. My fiancee is the editor in chief of a fashion magazine though so I think I got it covered, I've learnt a few things from him, but the most important is that fashion isn't about what looks good, and that is why I will never understand it!

>> No.11613306

Currently working at a party hostel in Budapest, Hungary.
I get to dress how I like when I work and bring around qt3.14s to all the cool bars and clubs so I'm pretty happy.

>> No.11613318

Chicks dig scars bro

>> No.11613348

Employment is for poorfags

>> No.11614397
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thats brutal
wishing you a safe healthy recovery

>> No.11614426

more or less a wakeup call.
maths gradschool is /fa/ right?

>> No.11614442

thread is making me jealous as fuck
except for fucked up thumb and the pizza guys


>> No.11614502

i'm a student atm so only work part-time. i fix computers. it's an ok gig, my boss is really cool so my hours aren't technically fixed, she lets us miss hours if we need to or overtime if we want the extra cash. we have an inspirational quotes board and can listen to music so i'm p happy

>> No.11614535

working as a high school teacher isn't

>> No.11614793

accounting intern

>> No.11615010

that looks pretty /fa/

>> No.11615048

Please respond.
Hurts losing this much money in one week. I haven't been out of bed since.

>> No.11615352

gun store clerk here