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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 104 KB, 306x360, Screen Shot 2016-08-01 at 6.32.49 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11581228 No.11581228 [Reply] [Original]

muh dick

>> No.11581254
File: 132 KB, 707x683, ghost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the white one piece

>> No.11581276

Wow, OP delivers.

>> No.11582118

Fuck you for posting this while I'm trying no fap for a month..

>> No.11582147
File: 268 KB, 592x717, Screen shot 2016-08-01 at 9.36.49 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jfc i wish i lived near a beach

>> No.11582388
File: 19 KB, 351x368, bateman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that leg day workout vid

>> No.11582408

These are a dime a dozen in San Diego

Come join us brother

>> No.11582418
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>> No.11582614

wow another high pay prostitute aka vloger.

>> No.11582689

>internship in "San Diego" for the summer
>only beach I can walk to is Black's beach
I feel lied to

>> No.11582849
File: 159 KB, 475x263, 1467490107135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn have a qt joocy basic gf

>> No.11582971

fuck off reddit

>> No.11583052
File: 103 KB, 1080x811, Elizabeth Zaks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.11583167

>>Bottoms are very cheeky
>>Perfect for going to the beach with your family

Fucking haram. It sounds like she's got some quite extreme standards for modestly.

>> No.11583276

>longing for the attention of her step dad
you can just tell she had an inappropriate encounter with her older cousin in 7th grade

>> No.11583308
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>> No.11583351
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>> No.11584543

I want this pls

>> No.11584561

Do you think she realizes that 100% of these views are because people wanna see her body and don't give a fuck about what she has to say?

>> No.11584562

I'm pretty sure she does.

>> No.11584655

Little mexico with vietnamese people? Nah, I'm straight

>> No.11584672

why doesn't she give a proper rear view

"uh yea it doesnt fit that well and its super revealing so just take my word for it here are the side views"

>> No.11584682

Not related to fashion at all.
Op is a faggot

>> No.11584741

what else the fuck do you want?

>> No.11584827

Bending over, duh.

>> No.11584879

I love butterfaces with 10/10 bodies.

They think they are hot shit when they are infact merely average.

>> No.11584902

I wanna make dem cheeks clap so bad brehs ...

>> No.11584930


>> No.11584933

for what purpose? nofap is a myth

>> No.11584936

can anyone explain to me why being sexually attracted to women is patriarchal or anti-feminist

>> No.11584939

Its not you fucking goob.

>> No.11584953

It is if you're an ugly white male.

>> No.11584961

How would you rate her face?


>> No.11584982

so oppressed

>> No.11585000

project harder

>> No.11585032

sucks dude
UCSD blows

>> No.11585034

Looks like every other high school chick

>> No.11585435


>> No.11585541

all men are butterfaces then. Even very attractive men are not pretty like average women, they have too big jaws and noses, short lashes, boring eyes, look very plain, no make up or interesting haircuts.

>> No.11585681

would be too busy watching that booty bouncing to care about the face

>> No.11585694

>wanting to deal with the overinflated egos from white knights and/or the mentally/emotionally unstable who dated acitive military who perpetuate "flake culture" and are mostly shitty people with zero redeeming qualities except for a rotting vagina

w e w l a d

t. Zheng Chang

also blacks is fun to take girls to tbqhwy if you have a decent physique

>> No.11585711

Idk man it was at a point where I was masturbating like 3 times a day. Friend convinced me while we were drunk to just try to not masturbate for a month and like magical shit will happen. It's been a lot easier than expected, though. Also imma bust huge nuts

>> No.11585721

european right?

>> No.11585751

Nice body!.. but her face.

>> No.11585907
File: 37 KB, 658x662, 1466883105643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11586021

5:18 for sex

>> No.11586072

go outside

>> No.11586103

she would be so hot if she lost the weight. lovely personality too

>> No.11586136

I'd honestly like to fuck a really fat chick just once just to see what its like
idk if my dick would be big enough
and I don't want to bee seen gaming an obese girl

>> No.11586162

I've never fucked a fat chick, but she was pretty chubby. If you're drunk and the lights are off you don't care at all.

>> No.11586197

I started fucking a chubby girl.
Then I started fucking/dating fat girls.
Then skinny girls could barely get me aroused anymore at all.

What I'm saying is; Once you go fat, that's where it's at.

You'll never get more tits and ass at the same time, unless you can pull like crazy.

>> No.11586483

Is there such a thing as effay porn?

>> No.11586638
File: 27 KB, 348x547, 13224345556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The only guy with taste in this thread.

>> No.11586641

Wtf she's skinny as fugg except for that ass

>> No.11587597

are men really like that, they see a random girl and want to fuck?

>> No.11587643


I love when sluts wear crosses.

For someone who claims to not like showing off her ass she sure has a lot of bottoms that show off her ass.



>> No.11587675


That's disgusting. Obese people shouldn't be allowed at the beach or pools desu senpai. When is fat acceptance and HAES going to die of heart failure?

>> No.11587694

how old is she? My dick needs to know

>> No.11587703

Every man is like that -_-'

>> No.11587728

she's like 19 or 20. some image way down in her insta had her 18th birthday cake, and that was over a year ago. i wasn't paying attention to exact dates. a get the feeling /fit/ would waifu this girl though.

>> No.11587731

most humans will feel attraction towards "random" beautiful people with fit, healthy bodies, yes.

>> No.11587747

calm down there, r9k. she's a bit of an exhibitionist, sure, but she's 20 and has apparently only ever been with her high school sweetheart.

>> No.11587753
File: 52 KB, 640x640, 13686886_546693978871090_806375601_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone know what kind of bed frame that is?

>> No.11587791


>> No.11587826
File: 348 KB, 348x876, 1367139842388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Alekzia will never fill your mouth with curry farts

>> No.11587931

>you live in an age where girls do shit like this and you can easily watch videos of it

>> No.11588083


>> No.11588114

she's 20, it's in her insta bio

>> No.11588272

well no shit you don't think men are attractive you dumb dumb

>> No.11588914

Are those contacts? The corners of her eyes are so red.

>> No.11589021

she likes black guys.

>> No.11589039

obviously, she's a woman, they all do

>> No.11589050



of course she does

all their youth literally listen to gangsta rap.

>> No.11589105

Hello everyone how do I get a qt basic fashion gf.

Pls help, the loneliness is crippling

>> No.11589141


>> No.11589150

her bf is white

>> No.11589670
File: 27 KB, 393x450, 40305-004-E847B8E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cross necklace

>> No.11589728

Good taste papa

>> No.11590561

Tfw you're dating a qt but she won't try on one pieces or wear them just for me

>> No.11590635
File: 63 KB, 683x1019, 1235546778698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Daddy's little angel xD

>> No.11590642

yfw you need to ditch the bitch and find one which does

>> No.11590765
File: 203 KB, 1920x1080, 23454z6657877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What do you want for breakfast, daddy?

>> No.11590792

that eyeliner is fucking terrible

>> No.11590888

Shes not that hot.

>> No.11591108

Isn't it two years out of style as well?

>> No.11591185

wide ass shoulders

>> No.11591411

more of the same:

>> No.11591486

God bless

>> No.11591512

So are healthy women, kid.
(I mean, you're gonna get them called sluts here, but that's because 4chan's full of thirsty fatbeards who can't pull any.)

>> No.11592031

it's a gift and a curse

it's a gift because i'd never have ever seen this awesome shit otherwise

it's a curse because i didn't know it existed and now i know it does and i'll never see it irl

>> No.11592196

>it's a curse because i didn't know it existed and now i know it does and i'll never see it irl

...hot girls in bikinis?

>> No.11592243

fuck off nigger

>> No.11592245

The huge horizontal wrinkle on her forehead

>> No.11592261

She's not even fa.. She's more b and fit.
Plus butterface and common.

>> No.11592280


>short lashes

men naturally have longer eye lashes then women tho?

why are so triggered

also make up only makes you look better if you have shitty skin.

>> No.11592293

how about you post a better bikini haul video instead of being a whiny faggot

>> No.11592333

I think she has a cute face.
What a body though, LORD HAVE MERCY.

>> No.11592353

Says the whiny faggot.

>> No.11592363


Liking women in general is anti feminism. Philogyny is anti feminist

>> No.11592367

Yeah, I never denied her body wasn't nice. Anyone can see that; it's not fa though.

>> No.11592377

She's way too old senpai

>> No.11592391


>> No.11592397
File: 38 KB, 600x568, worriedfrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11592427


>weird looking foreigner chick with iffy morals

No thanks pham

>> No.11592863

>bf is a literal uber-Chad

We never stood a chance....

>> No.11592961

WHOA chill girl why is there no cover on that fan. Wtf she just has this spinning death blade chilling in her room. That's not okay!!! Now that I look at it her room is boring as shit. 0/10 not trying to fug some1 with no taste rite guyzzzzzzzz.

>> No.11592991

Way too young, way too thin.

>> No.11593206
File: 84 KB, 795x1069, 1324356554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That body is the full package. PErfect sized boobs, massive meaty ass, thin hard waist.

The butterface is just the icing on the hate-fuck cake.


>> No.11593207


>> No.11593229




>> No.11593250

man of culture right here

>> No.11593402


this x100

>> No.11593506

are those tits fake?

>> No.11593527

I wish i was more attracted to women

>> No.11593548
File: 87 KB, 550x550, brehhlmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11593646

This is the best thread on fa

>> No.11594254
File: 4 KB, 130x148, 1456733812486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her boy shoulder & ass pose is ruining my boner state. :(

>> No.11594527
File: 127 KB, 1080x1080, 13151217_789350751196234_343723646_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is some insane progress.

Literally sculpted an ass out of nothing!

>> No.11594747
File: 35 KB, 552x528, 1468615227786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11594824
File: 632 KB, 837x1407, muh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's not terrible

>> No.11594843

That cross necklace.. Something tells me she's not a Christian though.

>> No.11595230

Man how is it that thong bikinis have caught on so much? Are they even really popular outside of Instagram?

t. Ignorant Midwestener

>> No.11595386


Goddamn why does this turn me on more than any hardcore porn?

>> No.11595454
File: 2.46 MB, 320x320, 1452562957828.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feel the same

i need to scale down on the anal rape porn and watch this kinda shit more

>> No.11595463

looks like west elm to me, same with the table on the right

>> No.11595515


>> No.11596324
File: 135 KB, 1080x1080, 13561977_1732309573701184_1965942144_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you dont wanna fuck her but BE her

>> No.11596697

uuh im not sure if i know that feel anon but do you i guess!

>> No.11596707

Faggot degenerate

>> No.11597029

f u g

>> No.11597254

>tfw want to cop gf some nice thongs and bikinis
>all shops sell garbage
>seems the chink stores are the only ones that have it but they're probs garbage

So what's a good european shop to cop that stuff from?

>> No.11597267

What's the male equivalent to womens thongs as in sexyness

I know those long shorts are ugly af and give you a bad tan, but those zyzz shorts look a bit gay
/fit/izen here

>> No.11597663
File: 111 KB, 300x168, wutt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well and the end of the day, we're fucking men: the opposing gender. Of course we aren't the same as women ya cunt. There's a reason men are deemed as handsome and women are deemed as beautiful/pretty etc...

>> No.11597684

>still racist

>> No.11597692

watch her vid bro all the info is there

>> No.11597922

my wife owns that

>> No.11598115

What about traps anon? The ones who actually look like teenage girls. I wish i owned one.

>> No.11598138

The fact it's not porn and you're being a voyeaur is just amping you up even more dawg. It's like the silly youtuber doesn't know you're jerking off to her.

>> No.11598213
File: 139 KB, 2197x1461, 21314234554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This one. You better have that body, though.

>> No.11598218
File: 90 KB, 1080x1080, 13108708_1144402482261108_664209302_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She does and she loves it.

1. She likes being the center of attention
2. Any lewd thought someone might have she rationalizes with her girl brain as something she must overcome and become more than a piece of sexy ass

The problem with this is its a win-win for her. She IS desirable and she IS empowered becasue shes thinks shes fighting nasty men.

Thats why she always calls it "cute" and "cheeky" instead of "hot" and "sexy".

Its mind-boggling how women want to be desirable but not seen as nothing more than a hot body.

>> No.11598225

>girls are vapid whores when they work for their body
>girls are fat slobs when they dont care


>> No.11598233
File: 55 KB, 1080x733, 13712649_1140236406036028_291393062_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Majority of the photos on instagram are full body, her face isn't great and she knows it.
Nobody follows her because of her face.

>1. She likes being the center of attention

Hate girls like this.

>> No.11598244

>Hate girls like this.

So every girl then? Because they all love it, lol.
Or atleast want to be it.

>> No.11599056


>> No.11599290


>> No.11600243

>ywn be a pretty girl
Feels alright I guess, probably wouldn't be that bad

>> No.11600423

yeah, this. I think we can say everyone enjoy being the center of "good" atention.