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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 371 KB, 1024x1024, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11583604 No.11583604 [Reply] [Original]

Side note: are we the official /fa/ university?

>> No.11583627

oh my god ):
what year familia

>> No.11583635
File: 119 KB, 2000x1204, Logo_HTW_Berlin.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11583640

must be american or european unis only, amirite ?

>> No.11583643

in berlin for a week want to hang out?

>> No.11583655
File: 50 KB, 530x535, william&marylogo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes you are.
Starting at William & Mary as a freshman in like 2 weeks

>> No.11583658

What do you mean? You don't have uniforms in tertiary school too in Asia, do you?

>> No.11583668

no but i'm pretty sure everyone here will only be familiar to american or european unis, plus everyone agrees that non western unis can't be /fa/

>> No.11583686


Incoming sophomore

>> No.11583706 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11583716
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Oxford master race reporting in

>> No.11583720
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>> No.11584016
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>> No.11584413

incoming freshmen the student body seems incredibly un/fa/

>> No.11584452
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LSE graduated 3 weeks ago tho lol

>> No.11584453
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Yah, it's ultra prep


But a lot of people on /fa/ go here

A plurality, it seems

>> No.11584510

Boston's rad, I'm jelly. Great little city, great school.

W&M is small but you should like it. People I know who have gone there either (1) loved the smallness because they got into it or (2) hated it because they were always on the fringe. Just lean into clubs/activities and you'll have a great time.

>> No.11584669

have fun hanging with bow tie wearing bergs all day

>> No.11584687
File: 592 KB, 2000x2318, University_of_Cambridge_coat_of_arms_official.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pleb tier uni

>> No.11584689
File: 24 KB, 558x250, oxcam-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aye aye, Oxbridge master race.

2nd year Cambridge Law undergrad reporting in.

>> No.11584704
File: 271 KB, 969x971, uba_logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11584717


Which college?

>> No.11584731

St. John's, yourself?

>> No.11584744
File: 86 KB, 900x900, kcl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So in the last uni thread there were 4 people starting Computer Science at King's College London this september lmao

You all still here?

>> No.11584766



>> No.11584784
File: 103 KB, 496x424, logo_uni_graz_4c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just left. some of the campus has interesting architectural harmony, but the student body is mostly metalfags who wear dozens of smelly festival wristbands year round or /techno/ autists with bleached/buzzed hair and a closet full of black h&m sweaters.

>> No.11584866

You've got nice grounds/buildings, less nice lasses.

>> No.11584868

Que carrera?

>> No.11584875


Sure, but I think if you're looking for nice lasses you shouldn't be looking at the uni which has been run by a gay cabal for 800 years. Johns is awesome though

>> No.11584876

Going into my sophomore year. What hall are you living in?

>> No.11584897

Also a fair point. It is pretty cool, New Court feels like you're sleeping in a castle, you can practically feel the ghost of some Victorian guy having a wank next to you.

>> No.11584904

actually not there right now till october, on another ocassion sure

>> No.11584915


My room next year was built in 1490 or some shit! can't wait for the ghostly masturbation experience

>> No.11584918
File: 274 KB, 1024x1038, University_of_Pittsburgh_Seal_(official).svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11584935

Thats's the real Cambridge magic. Sheffield Hallam or other typical ones have problems like 'The heating stopped for a couple weeks', meanwhile with Cambridge the issue is that your room was designed several hundred years ago and the floor plan no longer makes sense. The daily cleaning service makes up for it though.

What's the subject and year, if I may ask?

>> No.11584938

no they died

>> No.11585276
File: 19 KB, 453x371, thezoo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

p great place

>> No.11585290

my family.

School is good but the surrounding area makes it the best.

>> No.11585301

What year are you? Also any recs on what clubs to join/jobs to work? I heard wzbc is pretty cool.

>> No.11585308
File: 31 KB, 275x96, 579_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its shit but its cheap. I will probably have a decent arts-related job when I graduate.

western mass bros

>> No.11585333

I'm here mate except im 3rd year

>> No.11585354

>tfw nobody knows the glory of Northampton
we need to keep it that way.
The whole valley is an amazing place tho

>tfw you never seriously looked into MCLA because you thought it was spam when they emailed you
Is North Adams nice?

>> No.11585389


>> No.11585469

Lol what? No it's not. Anyway I went to BC undergrad, I'm a grad student back there now, feel free to ask me anything

>> No.11585500

Seguramente nos cruzamos en algun momento, nunca lo vamos a saber

>> No.11585532
File: 177 KB, 636x1024, 636px-Formal_Seal_of_Pomona_College,_Claremont,_CA,_USA.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bout to go to college here's some schools im thinking about.
This is my first choice

>> No.11585538
File: 84 KB, 455x219, Marist_Red_Foxes_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11585540
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>> No.11585546
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>> No.11585547


>> No.11585551
File: 10 KB, 222x227, Columbia_University_Logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11585553


I mean if your first choice is Pomoma you must have a good GPA and test scores. Right? Or is it a financial thing?

>> No.11585556

will I get bludgeoned to death for being a faggot
t. lgbt office vandalized

>> No.11585565

Also more importantly how difficult would it be to maintain a high gpa for a psych/philosophy major

>> No.11585573

Well mainly because my aunt works there and i will be close to family

>> No.11585575
File: 36 KB, 350x208, CUNY_Bernard_M._Baruch_College_Zicklin_NY_170926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11585579
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>> No.11585588

hey I'm going there too

>> No.11585595
File: 12 KB, 430x186, Bard-College.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

starting as a freshman in a couple days

>> No.11585596


>> No.11585601

Im thinking about going there im in the early college program in my school

>> No.11585605


>> No.11585635
File: 452 KB, 650x668, Hampton_University_Seal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11585661
File: 1.02 MB, 1675x746, Morgan_logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11585667
File: 186 KB, 400x400, 51c436c5e660e2acf449f72f5ec4b4d0_400x400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11585669


I've dated two girls who graduated from Bard. Probably gonna wife up the second one. A nice school, though a little aspie for my taste.

Then again I went to the trashy state college because I'm a poor fag so what do I know?

>> No.11585673
File: 30 KB, 681x654, HowardU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11585729

No, not at all dude. If you dress super flamboyantly people will make fun of you behind your back, but that would legitimately happen at any college besides like, NYU. It seems like you're cooler than most gay people I knew at BC who honestly were kind of obnoxious and selfish. Go to the LGBT meetings and see for yourself though, I'm sure you'll meet some cool dudes, some shitty. I knew one gay dude who was totally chill and just one of the guys and no one ever brought it up or made fun of him. As long as you're chill no one will give a shit. If you look kind of effeminate...then yeah maybe a couple of vineyard vines fags might say something if they're on your floor, but those are the worst people anyway. I look kinda effeminate too so whatever. What's your wardrobe like?

Ehh shouldn't be that bad. Prepare to do a shit ton of reading. Psych isn't that hard and philosophy is probably the hardest humanity, but is super interesting if you like it. So do it. I did Econ/Math and had a shitty GPA but somehow got back into grad school. I'm not even good at math so idk why the fuck I did it. Getting a B+ to an A is MUCH easier in psych and philosophy classes than it is in a math one. Not tryna sound elitist but if you just study you'll be good. I also took a few psych classes towards the end...I recommend Heberlein for Social Psych, Cordes for Developmental. Ogren usually teaches Abnormal Psych but she's a fucking bitch but not too hard. For philosophy take Kearney for anything, he's a fucking genius and extremely /fa/. There should be more academic-core on this board. I also recommend taking a creative writing class or two, I regret not doing that cause only I realized how fun writing can be till my last semester.

Do you know what you wanna do after college? I'm actually thinking of pursuing a doc in psychology to be a shrink.

>> No.11585739

about to dropout and kill myself

>> No.11585754

Also freshman year typically sucks. I hated my freshman/sophomore year, but loved my junior/senior just cause of the people I met

>> No.11585761
File: 39 KB, 327x366, NU Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't steal my pepe

>> No.11585776
File: 48 KB, 443x332, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayyy senior year

>> No.11585782
File: 268 KB, 2000x1605, University_of_Rochester_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11585825
File: 224 KB, 1024x1024, 1024px-WashUShielding.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11585841

Ayy welcome to the tribe. Fuck class spend all your time at the meridian

>> No.11585859

Thank you so much man, really put me at ease. I really don't dress (mostly black, dark colors, prep, but no pastels or vineyard vines) or act very effeminate so people always assume I'm straight anyways. Also, I'm not entirely sure about what i want to do career wise but heavily considering grad school-PhD-higher Ed teaching, research in cognitive behavior/neuroscience, or something in politics. Thanks again man.

>> No.11586137

No problem dawg. If you don't dress/act effeminate you'll be totally fine. The fact that you called yourself a faggot means you're probably much chiller than most of the gay people at BC, who would file a fucking lawsuit if someone called them that. People wouldn't hate them for being gay, just for being an insufferable little bitch.

Also this sounds like lame advice, but just take chances. Join a bunch of clubs, be proactive in meeting people, talk to people in your class, text your orientation group members, etc. I've always had minor social anxiety (I mean, I'm on 4chan) and suffered, especially fresh year, as a result. BC can kinda be unforgiving in that regard cause there are no frats.

Also, I said this this in another uni thread, but the amount of basic bitches is enormous. If you find a creative person or group of kids, stick with em.

>> No.11586190

they accept like 3 people a year (': best of luck

>> No.11586206
File: 1.17 MB, 2448x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im a different freshman and a psych major, this really helped me too. you're the best, thanks

>> No.11586288

see u there

>> No.11586296

do you know if the book they handed out at orientation is required reading? It's not even that long but it doesn't seem that interesting

>> No.11586432

Hey my mom went to that school

>> No.11586447
File: 703 KB, 1024x679, university_of_chicago.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

incoming phd student
uchicago boys ww@

>> No.11586497

i got halfway through on the train home and it's actually pretty interesting/"engaging"
i think you could probably get by without reading it, but like... it's so short it'll be like an afternoon or two of effort and then you'll really get the Full Jesuit Experience

>> No.11586502
File: 108 KB, 290x296, Screen Shot 2016-08-03 at 1.23.46 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who /rutgers/ here

>> No.11586508

!! what year are you?

>> No.11586613
File: 43 KB, 200x194, Louisiana Tech University_200px.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Louisiana Tech is defiantly /fa/

>> No.11586649
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p nice but I can't shake the feeling of wanting to go to an old uni somewhere in the East or UK

>> No.11586710

>black people university

>> No.11586713

Have fun with your $55,000 acting bachelors fag

>> No.11586722

Who else here slacked off in HS and is now attending a community college with shattered dreams of never going to a frat party and having a college experience

>At least I don't have debt

>> No.11586736

/moorparkcommunitycollege/ reporting in

>> No.11586740

Bergen county community college here
Everyone here got a 2.5 GPA in HS and is trying to transfer to rutgers

>> No.11586837

i was retarded and didn't get into any schools

>tfw 3.5 gpa 31 act

tuition actually being affordable is pretty nice though

>> No.11586840

2.8 GPA 25 ACT
I'm still in HS so idk what school I'm going to
I wanted either Rutgers or Penn state but that's not happening
I wonder if I should apply to Ohio University but idk I'm prolly gonna go to CC and transfer

>> No.11586864
File: 69 KB, 324x382, Georgetown_university_seal.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 34 act and 4.3 gpa
>tfw still probably not good enough.

Anyway, here's to Hoya Saxa #2021

>> No.11586885
File: 3 KB, 154x193, cooperlogo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cooper union reporting

>> No.11586894

Whats the Woods college at BC? I got defferred from BC but someone said you can get into Woods college?

Isn't that for people who come back from majors/missed time?

>> No.11586963

Brown University ww@ famileeya

>> No.11586970


>> No.11587157


35 ACT 3.3 GPA out of high school, lol

>> No.11587169

r u going to be the next craig green or wales bonner?

>> No.11587347

is nyu cas easy to get into?

>> No.11587353

what did you guys get on your sat/acts? want to know how smart effay is

>> No.11587365
File: 16 KB, 228x221, seal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw stuck at midwestern land grant college

>> No.11587380


I'm OP

See >>11587157

>> No.11587521


>> No.11587531

all i know is it's liberal as fuck

>> No.11587595
File: 11 KB, 225x225, utrechtuniversity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Utrecht University. aaaaand I'm out

>> No.11588004

i think the common consensus is that it's easy to get in, hard to pay for.

>> No.11588056

34 act 4.3 GPA, state president of a club

>> No.11588075

I'm always the only guy on here to say UDelaware. Maybe this time it'll be different.

>> No.11588291


>> No.11588315 [DELETED] 
File: 53 KB, 300x288, New-seal-300x288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone ? NCF ?

>> No.11588591

in an alternate reality I went here
currently at an Ivy but every time I see CSM a little bit of my heart gives way

>> No.11588616
File: 1.47 MB, 3402x3402, 20141114020841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this uni shit?

>> No.11588868

>currently at an Ivy but every time I see CSM a little bit of my heart gives way
r u me

but then i see the bof long term value of 42/100 and I realize I would never get the job I'd want anyway

>> No.11589115

AYYYYYY incoming undergrad

>> No.11589820

should have applied to more schools instead of just top tier unis and my shitty local college. I did end up going to one but had to transfer back home

who /FIU/ here
it is absolutely NOT effay btw

>> No.11589834

34, but I doubt you'll get a representative sample doing this.

>> No.11590117
File: 8 KB, 139x124, fuckessays.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did 0 work in hs though, and now I'm in a 2nd tier state school, hoping to work my ass off and transfer
also I really don't think sat's are a good proxy for intelligence, at least anymore
this too, you'll get the same "smartness"/scores everywhere, only varying in reply count
think about who wouldn't mind replying

>> No.11590150
File: 337 KB, 770x768, MIT_Seal.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you do, fellow kids?

>> No.11590160


>> No.11590355


800 on chem and math lvl 2

Wish I had taken more APs or gotten up my writing score

>> No.11590366
File: 59 KB, 300x293, vanderbilt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11590382

BC is for "rich" kids who were too stupid to actually get into a good school tbqh

source: went to school in Boston area

>> No.11590394

800 math
730 reading
710 writing
went to a safety on a scholarship, graduated early now going back for an ms in cs because i hate the wage slave life

>> No.11590440


>> No.11590443
File: 685 KB, 1024x1024, cmu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2320 on SAT, forgot what I got on the different sections.

Feels good to go to a school ranked top in the country for unattractiveness.

>> No.11590455

everyone at orientation was a poor albeit ambitious nigger what are you talking about

>> No.11590574

what ya wanna know mon

>> No.11590596


>white kids who use the word nigger

This is why BC kids will never be taken seriously, enjoy your tennis game tomorrow champ

>> No.11590829

i also wanna know

>> No.11590955

you looking at going?

>> No.11590982


How was UMass?

>> No.11591169

me too, what year are you

>> No.11591247
File: 218 KB, 500x663, 1468889495605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who /IUBloomington/ here.

>> No.11591344


I almost went there for the investment banking seminar

>> No.11591733

Taking it again Sept
How do I hit 30 guys :(

>> No.11591777


Don't read the science passages

>> No.11591781

No that brought me from a 22 to 25
How do I get my 32 reading to 36 and my 25 math+ science to 30

>> No.11591850


>> No.11592006

tufts was p good thanks for asking

>> No.11592021


You're not getting in.

>> No.11592030


u must go to bad school if that won't get you into GTown pal

>> No.11592177


Ayy Oxbridge

2nd year at Worcester, have to say the culture in Oxford is far nicer than Cambs, having seen both. More play and less work, particularly for humanities, and apart from the self-hating SJWs no-one is ashamed of going here - I swear the average tab rents black tie

>> No.11592212

me 3, junior

>> No.11592250

Another Oxbridge fag here! (Didn't expect thus many if us).

Kings, Cambridge.

>> No.11592310

Lovely college. I popped in last year to get a selfie with the Communist flag in your JCR. I'm assuming the flag is just top tier troliing at this point, can you confirm?

>> No.11592338

Same here. I didn't apply to anything besides there and Berkeley because I was apprehensive in moving out of state, but now I'm slightly regretting it

>> No.11592449
File: 9 KB, 340x359, logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not trash because it's land grant, it's trash because it's in Ohio.


>> No.11592859

>prefrosh thinking they know a school's culture
kys lmao

>> No.11592861
File: 164 KB, 1365x1024, appalachian_state_university_logo-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thinking about transferring to NC State next year for a more technical degree. headed back in a week for sophomore year. looking like it's gonna be a pretty chill semester, hopefully. i don't know. it's a mess. Go 'Neers.

>> No.11592897



>> No.11592942
File: 258 KB, 973x536, universityofminnesotalogo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Transferring in

>> No.11593030

>thinking U of M is /fa/

>> No.11593038
File: 92 KB, 750x749, University_of_Texas_at_Austin_Logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where the UT effays at?

>> No.11593068

ECU here, sometimes wish I would have applied to App, I dig the Boone vibes but didn't wanna be so far from family and gf
What are you studying/thinking about studying?

>> No.11593070


>> No.11593336

incoming freshman, glad to see some representation

>> No.11593341

I'm not very /fa/
nice, it was cool when I was there for orientation

>> No.11593363

does anyone go to dartmouth here

>> No.11593399
File: 91 KB, 625x395, image_full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these Americans
>paying a fortune to get classes
Is it really worth the price ?
Uni and all the best schools (except for finance and economy) are free in France.

>> No.11593415


>> No.11593422

Well, I'll pay 35.10€ school fees this year and get a 390€ monthly scholarship.

>> No.11593443

ask your dad how much Hollande takes from his monthly check, that's probably more accurate

>> No.11593451

Well we take that from granted since we can't avoid taxes anyway.
Still we (since I work too) don't give 50K to education every year.

>> No.11593454

Is it quite difficult? What about for a Masters/PhD?

>> No.11593471
File: 40 KB, 550x512, 1459466138246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

34 act
~4.4 Gpa

>tfw not enough to get the top tier schools because average extra curricular

>> No.11593478

undergrad is literally lottery tier application unless you cured cancer

I would assume grad stuff is more manageable if you did well at another good uni

>> No.11593543

I'm in this position, but my extracurriculars are worse cause I'm a neet. What do I do?

>> No.11593658

if you havn't already take 2-3 SAT subject tests to prove you know the more advanced subjects, then suck some cock for good recommendations and start drafting essays for the applications. Apply for high tier state schools since they weight extra curriculars less than privates normally do and in a few years apply to the top tier schools

>> No.11593682

31 ACT, 32 superscore

wish my GPA had been higher LMFAO i messed up my first two years so i finished HS with a 3.2, didn't get into my dream school.

>> No.11593683

Why is there a difference between acceptance rates? Is the undergrad more lauded? I thought Graduate Studies was the way Universities were ranked, like nobody really cares about undergrad.

>> No.11593689
File: 3.96 MB, 2336x2336, Eagle_beak_sideview_A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same here my dude. but then I did extremely well my first year of college and transferred to my dream school.

don't lose hope senpai.

>> No.11593692
File: 6 KB, 144x144, MUseal.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sort of /fa/, very preppy

>> No.11593703

more people apply for undergrad and its very hard to make yourself stand out, essentially applications are so oversaturated they choose whoever they want, and since like you said undergrad doesn't really matter all that much they end up picking the interesting people with weird stats. A consistent and studious kid could have their application thrown out for a black girl who runs her own tumblr with ten thousand followers talking about gay rights, because the school wants a diverse and fun undergrad community. Or who knows, maybe the hispanic kid that practices dancing on the backs of horses while also writing books about meditation will get picked.

grad school is more direct, those that prove they have an aptitude for their path of study will be favored, its less of a lottery but still not easy.

>> No.11593772

Cool. I got accepted into Columbia for my Masters and I keep reading about this weird discrepancy between under and post graduates. You explained it pretty well though. On the Columbia subreddit (lmao) it's all salty kids who hate the school and bitch about postgrads which I do not for the life of me understand.

>> No.11593782


>> No.11593799

what did you do to do "extremely well" as you put it. starting freshman year in the fall
What jobs would you recommend for an incoming freshman? I've heard good things about the library but also that it's hard to get. Conversely, would you suggest that I just dip into money that I've made over the summer in order to focus on academics? (taking perspectives, an intro to psych class, first year writing, and an art history class)

>> No.11593813

ayee senpai starting there in a few weeks, first or second year?

>> No.11593816

I live in NY, the state schools suck, but I'm poor so I was destined for them anyway. If I'm transferring in would extracurriculars still matter

>> No.11593863

what're you studying?

>> No.11593866

extra curriculars matter less the farther away from high school you get, however, if you want good chances at transferring to a good school it is advised to have some extra curricular related to your major, such as an internship, job shadowing, independent research, clubs, etc...

>> No.11593886

>I did extremely well my first year of college and transferred to my dream school.
planning on this, if you don't mind my asking, when did you apply for transfer, and what were your college stats/where did you go?

>> No.11593919

nyu we out here

>> No.11593935
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>> No.11593945

ayyy lmao u goin to man on a ledge tomorrow

>> No.11593996

why'd you retake 800's?

>> No.11594012
File: 136 KB, 500x375, tDCqzwF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw the rotnofsky mandalapu administration is over

>> No.11594024

>goes to school
Not a neet

>> No.11594068
File: 121 KB, 1080x1080, hesmtwD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not gonna give specific names of schools but current school is non-ivy but similar rank/difficulty.

my freshman advice basically breaks down to:
1.) if you're at a shit school you better have a good GPA (like 3.8+), but if your school is known to be difficult 3.5+ minimum. honestly grades are most important so work your ass off. be studious and study every chance you get (same w/ papers/homework)

2.) get involved like you're planning on staying for the whole 4 years. join things pertaining to your major like finance club, statistics, etc. and try to make connections through there and attend every event. I also recommend joining some sort of "academic" hobby type of club (debate, model UN) and also an actual fun club to destress (sports, photography, other weird things). probably 3 clubs is what I would shoot for (I was in 4 with two fun clubs). clubs are great for writing essays about later on during your application process.

3.) befriend your profs with the underlying need of rec letters. I did well in my classes and part of that was from going to office hours with some and others I just emailed constantly with questions/comments. don't act fake tho, have a genuine interest and profs will help you out. I recommend setting up three solid rec letters (some schools want 1, others want 3).

begin thinking about essays over your december break and begin writing them as soon as you get back to school because you will have a light workload at the beginning of the semester. set up your rec letters early (mid january or whatever is around a month and a half from your deadline). most of my deadlines (had a couple backup schools) were march.

final advice is never tell anyone you're trying to transfer if you don't have to. you'll have more fun, and if things fall through, you'll still be alright with all the effort you've already put into your education. also make some friends and don't be a fuckin loser.

good luck senpai

>> No.11594082

thank you very much, will do my best and report in a year or so

also, more interested in the thought process than the answer to the question, but what is the danger of posting the school names?
the combination is maybe unique, but you're posting anonymously, and the only way to know would be to be in the thread too
you'd also entirely eliminate that by only posting 1 of the schools

>> No.11594088

Undergrad isn't that hard to get into, there are more selective colleges.

>> No.11594089

I wasn't going to get my May scores back before the June test, so I decided to retake it instead of possibly having to test again in the fall

>> No.11594091

2320 SAT, 34 ACT, 3.2 GPA

low gpa, high sat squad

>> No.11594094

was for

>> No.11594102
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>> No.11594126

720 CR
750 Math
660 Writing

>> No.11594140
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>> No.11594162 [DELETED] 
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Ayyy we DC bois

>> No.11594171
File: 30 KB, 350x350, ee473e6b54e365bf8e464e8a80c133d9-bpfull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wat a coincidence

>> No.11594172
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Georgetown's retarded cousin reporting in

>> No.11594247

senpai you got into UCLA that's pretty good all things considered. Appreciate where you're at and be glad you're not at some shite midrange southern state school like my poor unfortunate ass

honestly the "college experience" is kind of bullshit. it's more about the people around you.

>> No.11594249

At orientation right now. Busch I hear is not very fashionable

>> No.11594622

kek there's always that dude from Tufts, that one depressed kid from UCLA, and that one depressed kid at Cornell. I don't see the Cornell dude, wonder if he killed himself.

>> No.11594686

yah maybe

>> No.11594898

what course?

>> No.11594903


bergen / rutgers area
checking in

>> No.11595117

>graduated from LSE
>can't get a job
Did you get a third class or something? Or, don't tell me, you didn't do any internships?

>> No.11595202

nah i got 2:1, economic history
>you didn't do any internships?
this is partly true tbqh. i have a 6 week internship coming up back in london tho, should be fun :) im also drafting postgrad apps, i want to experience that oxbridge life for a year

>> No.11595212
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Not /fa/ approved, but it was relatively cheap and had a decent Computer Science Program.

Had i known before hand about German Uni's, I would've done that. I thought about transferring and finishing my degree there, but my German still isn't as good as I'd like it to be.

>> No.11595356

Journalism BA, you?

>> No.11595499

Holy shit, I can actually shed some insight here, I am literally in north adams right now, my friends mom teaches there, worst school ever. North Adams is a shit hole, I grew up there. you will get robbed or raped, everyone smokes meth or shoots up heroin, it's awful, MCLA is terrible, just go to Umass

>> No.11595503

AAYYY NYU we out here, Gallatin student here

>> No.11595545


high gpa low sat better for getting into schools, but im in the same boat as you. slacker boys we out here

>> No.11595855
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o whoops didn't see this. Class of '19, hbu

>> No.11595887


Sophomore here, you're gonna have a good time.

>> No.11595936

I'm finishing my job in a year, and I'm going to school at that point. I'm considering either Portland State or the University of Texas at Dallas. Does anyone have any knowledge of these schools? How are the people? What are the cultures and the areas like?

>> No.11595954

Portland seems like a really cool place to be, especially if you like music, fashion and other "hipstery" things. Dallas area I know considerably less about, but it seems like there's a good amount of colleges in the area, so it might be "collegey" as well. Definitely much more liberal in PDX than in Dallas, probably more /fa/ people in Portland

>> No.11596064

Always love seeing Bardians post here. Pretty effay school honestly

>> No.11596071



>> No.11596078
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who /uea/ here

>> No.11597461


>> No.11597564

I'm a freshman but I'm not the depressed kid
desu some parts of Cornell are really effay architecturally

>> No.11597710
File: 58 KB, 325x327, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please tell me somthing other than long island chads and stacys go here. I wont make it without other degenerates.

>> No.11597810

in nyc for the summer, sorry breh
ive never been, what is it?

>> No.11598012


>> No.11598601

reppin 1st year Caius son

>> No.11599404

New this year, whats up

>> No.11599587

ueaboiz we doing it

>> No.11599731

mi familia. People don't dress well here, the only /fa/ unis are on the east coast and Europe

>> No.11599736

tfw you don't dress /fa/ but you've been on this board for years

>> No.11600202



CAS is easy to get into, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Certain majors in CAS are much harder to keep up a decent GPA than others, though that much is obvious.

Source: I have a full ride to NYU and lowkey laugh whenever people stress about graduating early fampai

>> No.11600582
File: 43 KB, 640x360, tumblr_static_tumblr_static_bynfgq5ymf408socko00ow04w_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NYC gang where ya at?

>> No.11600604

Hey man, I also have a full ride to nyu, what's your major

>> No.11600633

You go to FIT? I considered it but eventually ended up elsewhere. What's it like?

>> No.11600645
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No penn state?

>> No.11600657

just graduated
everybody here dresses sooo shit

>> No.11600869

fuck yes radio people are the best

also go to basketball games. we're gonna make the tournament one of these days ;_;

>> No.11600887

ayee Passaic county here
Can I get accepted into Rutgers with a 2.8 GPA and 26 Act
No ECs other than 60 volunteer hours at a hospital

>> No.11600944

It's nice I enjoy it.

It's not super "fashionable" but it's not up it's own ass like parsons

>> No.11601282

Yates, which I've heard is a good thing
Not him but I'm thinking about either international affairs or art history
I probably will

>> No.11601360

I had a teacher who was a BC grad that I still talk to. He has absolutely no sense of fashion outside of what he has to wear for work. OP lies.

>> No.11601364
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RIP clothes budget

>> No.11601368

ay I had my orientation like two weeks ago

what major are you planning on?

I commuting at least my first semester btw, planning on living in a fraternity house sophomore year unless I end up studying in Europe that year

>> No.11601767

What major?

>> No.11602357
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Graduated a couple years ago. SUPER preppy, so it's fashionable by that standard.

>> No.11602626

incoming freshman. are either of you femanons too??

>> No.11602629

Uchicago second year

>> No.11602666
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never seen it posted here, but feels kinda effay for poorland

>> No.11603201

School of engineering, because undecided as fuck and sam hyde is spooking me on any degree I'd actually like. Also easy to transfer out of if it ain't for me. How bout you?

>> No.11603283
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about 20 minutes south of you

UT students tend to be more effay though

>> No.11603333

>second year
>next year
>high school

proof that /fa/ is all taking advice from teenagers

>> No.11603361
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Going to study there after vacation
Enyone from /fa/ here too?

>> No.11603554
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>> No.11603818

What year are you?

>> No.11603830

On the plus side, GWU girls are not hard to get in bed.

Not particularly good in bed, but at least you won't be hurting for chicks

I'm in ur area this week bbys let's hook up

>> No.11603945
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>> No.11603974
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>> No.11604009


>> No.11604014

Sup /fa/m what year?

>> No.11604022

Me too, cunt

What course/year?
I'm 20 but going into first year for English lit

>> No.11604029

18 going into first year comp sci and statistics
might see you at the debating society or something?

>> No.11604410

SAS, I wanna do dental school so Im doing pre dent but as for my major I'm thinking philosophy

>> No.11604985

Yeah, I think it's typically for older people finishing a degree or something. Probably not the same academic experience you'd have in the regular schools like A&S. I'd say go to a different place where you'll have a more normal education, but also I don't know much about Woods.

>> No.11604992

There's library stuff, catering, food service like working at Hillside, working at the Chocolate Bar I guess, working at an office in a department, like being the secretary or something at the Psych Department, for example. Not too sure what else. Maybe dip into summer money to focus for the first semester, and see how it goes? School is more important, and having time to meet new people and fuck around for a bit.

>> No.11605064
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>> No.11605161
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I keep getting mixed signals on it.

>> No.11605424
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Any tar heels here?

>> No.11605486
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>> No.11605798

Nope, looks like it's just you.
you chc?

>> No.11605818

aye same here famalam

>> No.11605870

I have a full ride there too. It's nice to hear everyone complain about the cost

Litt what year are you my fellow gallatino

>> No.11605874

See you on the 20th faggot, go Tribe

>> No.11605877
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>tfw community college

>> No.11606065

nah, I'm assuming you are?

>> No.11606075

Yup, can't wait for the next 3 years :^)

>> No.11606505

2nd year hbu

>> No.11606514

1690 sat
26 act
4.09 gpa
Going to Davis

>> No.11606528

Born and bred my dude

>> No.11606539

We're you guys part of the cnse breakaway from U-albany?

>> No.11606568

this is why gpa doesnt mean shit

>> No.11606584
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You should've done your AP hw then

>> No.11606787

Incoming freshman, I don't know any current Gallatin students though, what's the school like?

>> No.11606793

already did bitch

>> No.11606796
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same, inc frosh

>> No.11606993

Ayy! Where you stayin?

>> No.11607522

Pratt reporting in

>> No.11608154

Zuck is that you?

>> No.11608263

Personally I hate most of the people at Gallatin/NYU for various of reasons. I probably fit in better with the engineering crowded. I love the professors I've gotten so far(I'm a sophomore).

PS if you get the chance take a class with Eugene Vydrin.

And for anyone else coming to NYU in the fall to try to be NYU.

>> No.11608376

Going to be a senior...probably don't know you then :(

>> No.11608421

Everyone older than 19 left in 2012/3

>> No.11608764

2080, had fucking 2150 on two practices and took a shit on the real deal

one anon is right though, the only people responding to this will be bragging

>> No.11608827
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It's not lit

>> No.11608864

2250 SAT, 34 ACT

>> No.11608868
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Who else surrounded by chinese hypebeasts here?

>> No.11608925
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>tfw attend a low tier state school
Who else knows that feel? Should of taken school more seriously.

>> No.11608932

>should of


>> No.11608941
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Took act 3 times got 27, 29, 32. I never do well on standardized tests.

I had a 4.0 unweighted though so I could get in most places that weren't super selective.

Hell yes my man, I just wish NC was less humid. Spring hurts my fashion choices.

>> No.11609027
File: 33 KB, 150x150, Seal_of_University_of_California,_Berkeley.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where my oskis @@@@@

>> No.11609196
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Big up our tuition fees going up again

>> No.11609355
File: 12 KB, 391x152, the_warwick_uni_blue1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hold tight warwick

>> No.11609385

grind bruh
buy those ACT 36 books if you can and go through all the practice tests after reading strategies
but on science I remember actually just reading the explicit topic of the experiment on one of the upper hand corners helped me skim the paragraphs for relevant data but idk, think I copped a 32-33 on it?

>> No.11609424

If you aren't getting a 36 on science I don't know what to tell you anon, when I took it it was free points if you knew how to read a chart.

>> No.11609499
File: 20 KB, 225x225, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All these small liberal arts colleges
>No one is from mine

>> No.11609614

true, but retrospectively im glad it did happen. it straightened me the fuck up for college, after i realized my potential

>> No.11610020

senior here too

>> No.11610256

Most colgate kids are fags desuu

>> No.11610477

got any advice, lads?

>> No.11610487

Poster school for 'not smart enough to go to a good school but not poor enough to go to a shit school'

>> No.11610504
File: 462 KB, 1224x1223, Newcastle-University.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not taking ket every weekend

>> No.11610540

Oh fuck I hate this place. Got in with a good scholarship, ran the other way when I visited. But it's a nice campus and a good school, good job senpai

>> No.11610557

Fuck my life I go here too, soph. What year are you?

>> No.11611075

Here there everywhere

>> No.11611176

2400, 1.9 GPA


im going to santa monica cc in the fall

>> No.11611204

some people go to *small* schools of sizes you wouldn't imagine. I went to a college that has about ~27 people going to it at any given time

>> No.11611330

what your major bruh

>> No.11611598

Oh word lol Junior, what are you studying

>> No.11612162

lol yeah
what school, cs here