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/fa/ - Fashion

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11584373 No.11584373 [Reply] [Original]

Skincare General

Time For A New Thread
Skin care basics: http://tuxbell.com/index.php?title=Grooming#Skin-care_Basics
Acne treatment: http://tuxbell.com/index.php?title=Grooming#Acne_Treatment

Skinacea Links:
Retinoids: http://www.skinacea.com/retinoids/retinoids.html
Sunscreen: http://www.skinacea.com/sunscreen/sunscreen.html
Ridding dark eye circles: http://www.skinacea.com/how-to/get-rid-of-dark-circles.html

/fa/ skincare FAQ:

- Basic routine, skincare guide, and products tips
- How to pop pimples, remove blackheads and whiteheads
- Why you shouldn't use ordinary soap on your face
- How to improve your skin tone through diet
- Studies on how diary and sugars create acne
- How your skin is affected by sleep, sun, skincare ingredients

>> No.11584476
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Bumping for interest

>> No.11584557

Are eggs good for my diet?
Ever since I added eating 4-6 eggs a day to my diet, my T-zone has cleared up alot. However, my pores have looked bigger, and the acne on my chin has been getting worse??

>> No.11584559
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Any tried and true methods for getting rid of razor bumps?

>> No.11584564

I stopped getting them once I stopped shaving against the grain

>> No.11584569

So they'll just go away with time? Good to know.

>> No.11584573

I exfoliate my legs before I shave and put on aloe vera gel after. If you're talking about shaving your face, maybe get a calming gel specifically for your face.

>> No.11584609

Recommendations for VitC (or anything else that helps with really mild PIH) products? Want to push for that finally fully clear skin. FAQ doesn't list any VitC products. I already use a daily spf

>> No.11584620

I use a vitamin c serum by John Masters Organics and 8% AHA by Paula's Choice.

>> No.11584659

>vitamin c serum by John Masters Organics
oi, $33/bottle. pricey. is it good? do you use it for PIH?

>> No.11584683

It lasts a long time because you only need a little bit. I started using it at the same time as the AHA (for PIH) and I have been able to tell a difference but it's not gone (after ~3 months). I want to get a microdermabrasion sometime soon though. A friend of mine swears on it for any type of scarring.

>> No.11584688

hmm.. i'm using paula's choice bha 2% (someone recently recommended aha over bha for pih, though) and just a moisturizer + sunblock.

might give the vit c serum a chance. did you start with mild pih?

>> No.11584702

Well it was red in the beginning and now it's like a faded red/light pink.

>> No.11584710
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Is there really a difference between chemical exfoliants and scrubs? Do they both pretty much do the same thing?

>> No.11584745

hmm. wonder if the vit c helped or if it was just due to time... i may just give it a try, b/c why not. i'd love to go from really mild -> non existent

>> No.11584769

It definitely did help. Before I started using the serum and AHA, it took much longer to fade. It does take a while if you're just using topical products though.

>> No.11584782

i'll give it a shot, then. thanks

>> No.11584919

check >>11566469 in the last thread

they're both meant to exfoliate the skin. the chemical exfoliants do this in a more delicate way, though, and often in a more careful and effective way

>> No.11585029

Beautiful. Thanks man!

>> No.11585075
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Is it recommended that you jump into chemical exfoliation at a lower percentage of AHA if you have more sensitive skin?

>> No.11585092

do you think they would also help with PIH?

>> No.11585115
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yes, but PIH is sometimes a bit too deep in the skin for it to help.

dumping some relevant info 4 u

>> No.11585123
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>> No.11585136

Probably not a /skin/ question but still one related to skin; I'm a sweaty motherfucker, especially my feet and balls and butt. I use baby powder on all areas like that after I shower and dry off.
Is there anything else I can do?

>> No.11585166


list of the best products for each area

I would prob see a doctor though

>> No.11585170

hmm. so i have pie, not pih. good to know. it's not nearly as bad as the picture related.

so, a vit c serum won't help much?

>> No.11585487

What kind of soap do you guys recommend for your body for showering with?

>> No.11585702


>> No.11586142
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Anyone here have experience with these two oil cleansers before?

Are they any good?

>> No.11586193

If you buy a double-edge razor you'll stop getting them, however this takes practice and also the razors arent cheap 70+ I think I paid 100+ for mine. Also you have to go with the grain or side ways. 2 passes max.

>> No.11587033

I bought my Feather safety razor for $25. The blades is what will save you money.

>> No.11587056

What kind of products do you recommend for greasy hair and face? I'm totally new to this and I have no idea where to start. I've had enough of it and especially in summer.

>> No.11587141
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What do I do with the scarring / hyperpigmentation? I'm using tretinoin right now and it's been okay.

>> No.11587406

what do you mean with hyperpigmentation? the only brown spots you have are moles

>> No.11587613

I've been using benzoyl peroxide for around 6 months now, morning and night, but I'm still getting cysts.
The question is whether it'd be even worse if I weren't using BP. The thing is, I get the feeling BP makes the cysts and their marks linger for longer due to PIH. I'm considering going back to tea tree oil. Thoughts?
It bothers me that Acne.org can get away with saying their regimen guarantees results.

What about laser treatment? from what I understand it's not meant to be as effective for cysts.

>> No.11588278

$20 Razor
$15 for 100 blades

it's really not expensive anon

>> No.11588553


PIH I believe. Anyways what do I do?

>> No.11588555
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How is pic related as a toner? It's all I have on hand, one of my sisters uses it

>> No.11588597


>> No.11588604

does masturbating cause acne

>> No.11588749
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Can I get some critique on my routine? What should I add during the AM?

>> No.11588786

So is the general routine:

Cleanser > Wash off >Toner/Exfoliator > Wash off > Moisturiser


I'm not sure if I should be washing stuff off with water or not

>> No.11588838

That should do the trick.

If you're looking to get really nice skin I'd suggest investing in facemasks, essence, and eye-cream (anti-wrinkle) as it'll help your skin in the long run. My current skincare routine is as follows:

Cleanser (Cetaphil) > Rinse > Toner/ Exfoliator > Essence > Facemask > Rinse > Moisturiser > Eye-cream/ Anti-Wrinkle

>> No.11589127


if you're using a chemical toner/exfoliator, don't wash it off. wait 15-30 minutes before applying your moisterizer

>> No.11589174

No it's just that acne and masturbation both start when people are teenagers so they have become incorrectly associated with each other over time.

>> No.11589181

I went head to toe CeraVe. How fucked am I?

I'm doing 110 SPF with CeraVe Moisturizer in the morning and CeraVe Moisturizer with CeraVe SA Lotion in the evening. I use the CeraVe Cleanser before applying anything.

>> No.11589227

why would you be fucked? it's one of the brands most recommended by skin doctors and stuff

>> No.11589459
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I shave between mustache and beard because it connects poorly and faint hair. So far tea tree oil and lightning cream only makes it red. Any advice

>> No.11589550

any good ways to make your skin darker?

>> No.11589582

hi all just wanted to share what helped me out. Skin wrecked my confidence for a long, long time.

Clean diet. Whole foods, fresh fruits and veg, whole grains. No oils or added salt/sugar on a regular basis. (Junk food once in a while obv).

Morning: just wash off face with water.
Night: cetaphil gentle cleanser followed by retin-A.
shower daily no matter what.

Honestly, I don't think I need the retin-A any longer; however, it does have anti aging properties so why not.

>> No.11589746

showering daily is a meme, oils are fine if you're cooking.

rest is ok.

>> No.11590001

Is retin-a better than benzoyl peroxide?

Also I'm not convinced dairy was contributing to my acne. I've been avoiding it for months with no imorovement. I think it's purely stress, since last year i was less stressed and had better skin whilst having more dairy

>> No.11590014

My aztec healing clay came in today. Any tips before I use it?

>> No.11590082
File: 75 KB, 380x296, 1467583151446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best way to heal old acne scars?

Like every other hapa kid, I had super oily fucked up skin that broke out at the slightest provocation when I was young. It's still kinda touchy, to some degree, but it's much stabler now, so I kinda wanna work on fixing the patchwork of dark spots which puberty left in its wake.

>> No.11590086

Not at all 2 eggs is the maximum a day, 4-6 is way too much cholesterol for you sir

>> No.11590304

Go vegan. Maximum skincare, maximum ethical consumption

>> No.11590748

the amazon reviews has some good guides. just use ACV and don't leave it on for too long.

>> No.11591085

Okay I'm going to try Retin-A;

I gave BP a damn good chance, along with Salicylic Acid and Clyndamycin. Accutane has worked multiple times in the past but never permanently, plus it's risky to take yet another course.

Should I be using Retin-A that you need a prescription for? Or is there an effective over-the-counter alternative?

>> No.11591299
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>daily niacimide/vitamin c/moisturizer etc. use for nearly half a year now
>skin is still absolutely fucking awful and doesn't look like it's changed

think im just gonna give up

>> No.11591367

If you don't shower every day you're a barbarian.

>> No.11591631

So I'm not a teenager anymore, but I'm 23 and male and I'm just doing moisturizer plus sunscreen in the morning and moisturizer plus salicylic acid in the evening, all of this with a nice cleanser, and I've got clean, radiant skin with an even tone. I had terrible acne all throughout my teenage years, basically 13 through 23.

feels good man

>> No.11591801


see a derm. this skincare advice only works for "normal skin"

also, what is your diet like?

>> No.11591995

You should see how greasy my hair becomes without showering daily.

I wish I could somehow get rid of acne, nothing fucking works. 7 years and it's still going strong.

>> No.11592072

reminder, to girls

stop fucking wearing makeup, it fucks up your already acne prone skin.

there's not point in these routines if you fuck it up anyway with makeup.

>> No.11592483

Agreed, wearing make-up is pretty much a ticket to banality.

>> No.11592492

-cetaphil moisturizer
-salicylic acid toner

slowly stepped into this routine, have tried all kinds of variations for a month or two this is what I've finally settled on, my face still has many spots

-eat relatively healthy
-drink a lot of water, sleep 8-9h
-have tried removing products, using only cleanser, only cleanser and moisturizers and all of that shit like I mentioned earlier, no matter what variations I try my skin is never good, although it's worse without these products than with them

how do I move on from here? no extreme acne but it's definitely acne and it doesn't look good

the spots are relatively small but there's many of them

what am I missing

>> No.11592495

you should try shampooing 2-3 times a week. start on a week you have off with no commitment to look clean. You produce less sebum this way and don't have to wash your hair every fucking day lest you look like a homeless rat. had the same problem.

>> No.11592560

Are you one? How's your skin and other shit, I'd like to be one except not be as cancerous as you saying it will be
>Maximum skincare

>> No.11593010

Not all make-up messes with your skin so this is useless advice.

>> No.11593088
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What is the difference between shaving against the grain and with the grain?

>> No.11593665
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How to fix my skin ? It's so oily and the pores are so wide. And i want it to be smooth and one colored.

>> No.11593713


most of it does, b. like 99% of it does lmaooo

>> No.11593902

go get ur eyebrows threaded at the mall

>> No.11594208
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How long is a safe amount of time to patch test a new product?

>> No.11594226
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Is there anything that can be done about my skin or is all hope lost?

>> No.11594287

Any specific product recommendations for vitamin c for acne scars that isn't vitamin c serum? Broke college student and I can't justify spending 40+ for that stuff

>> No.11594324
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When I was 17 my skin colour was white. And now I'm 20 and my skin colour is getting darker and darker.
I'm getting so mad about it.
Please tell me some solution.

>> No.11594465

what is google?

>> No.11594542

Can someone help me with addressing blackheads? Is there any solution? Also how do I differentiate between that and a mole? My ex seems to think there's no saving my skin. Thank you for your help, have a great day.

t. /lit/

>> No.11594562


no dairy
lots of water/green tea

everything else is standard

>> No.11594565

no please i want to keep all the hair. come on, what should i do about the skin ? how to make it smooth and not oily again permanently ?

>> No.11594570
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>uni starts again
>dumped in the ass with shitloads of assignments and work
>break out again


>> No.11594591

hang yourself

>> No.11594631

I wear make-up and it doesn't affect my skin at all, b lmaooo

>> No.11595255


post face and prove it.

>> No.11595263


don't eat like a pig, take caffeine pills instead of coffee. manage your time well.

in college that simply means starting on shit the day that it is assigned.

>> No.11595265

hey guys, sort of unrelated
but I want to see a professional / expert about my appearance
because I know I want to be in the entertainment industry, and looking my best would definitely help

so what are those people called that you see to
>evaluate your current appearance

>help you find your "look"
eg what haircut would appeal to the largest amount of women with your face shape
or what clothes you look best in

>basically help you look your best

Something along the lines of a stylist
except they generally just go shopping with you to find you clothes
am looking for something broader
Like imagine this scenario
>walk in to see the _____
>me: hey so how is/are my facial structure/proportions
>her: ok so the end of your chin is too thin, so I would recommend doing these exercises to work your jaw
>also try to lose body fat to reduce facial puffiness
>these ______ surgeries/operations would be beneficial to your look
>long hair suits your face shape so never go below ____ length
>avoid taking photos at _____ angle because it does ______ to your _______
basically shit like that, someone who has studied for years why certain facial features are attractive on/to men/women
also someone (mostly) unbiased, because they're not:

>your relatives saying shit like: "oh you're so haaaaaaandsome oh my god"

>your friends trying as hard as they can to be vague about what they like / dislike about your face so you don't cross the lines of starting to hate yourself or becoming a smug fuck

>random people online who may or may not be in a shitty mood, and might just feel like making someone else feel worse for the sake of it

>what do you call experts who assist you in looking the hottest and/or suggest certain surgeries methods to obtain that look

>> No.11595275

you're somehow attractive as hell with rough skin texture
what's your skin routine and diet?

>> No.11595281

yeah so this is one of those things you have to learn for yourself
befriend fashion conscious people? maybe talk to an actual hair stylist on your facial shape and what haircuts would look best

>> No.11595408

Hows nivea creme for my face? is it worth it?

>> No.11595474
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>blackheads (?) and red bumps (idk if acne) keep spreading on my upper body
please help, do i just lather myself with acid? my face is getting better thanks to benzoyl peroxide but the rest of my body is suffering

>> No.11595521

I don't have a skin routine, that's why I came to this thread.

My diet is normal I guess. I've started avoiding dairy to see if that'll help get rid of the acne.

>> No.11596160 [DELETED] 

>is there an effective over-the-counter alternative

not really. just ask your derm about it and see what he thinks.
the efficacy of topical retinoids depends on your kind of acne.
yeah, no.
- not all kinds of makeup are acnegenic
- not everyone needs to be affected by makeup that is mostly acnegenic
- the bad effects of acnegenic makeup can be counteracted by the use of different skincare agents
- makeup can be crucial to maintain a somewhat normal appearance for acne-prone skin, something both women & men need.
- the makeup can even contain ingredients that counteract acne



show me on the image where the bad acne touched you

>> No.11596166
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>is there an effective over-the-counter alternative

not really. just ask your derm about it and see what he thinks.
the efficacy of topical retinoids depends on your kind of acne.

yeah, no.
- not all kinds of makeup are acnegenic
- not everyone needs to be affected by makeup that is mostly acnegenic
- the bad effects of acnegenic makeup can be counteracted by the use of different skincare agents
- makeup can be crucial to maintain a somewhat normal appearance for acne-prone skin, something both women & men need.
- the makeup can even contain ingredients that counteract acne



show me on the image where the bad acne touched you.

>> No.11596189

I have to questions. Can I use anti-acne products on the acne on my back, like, would it have the same effect? And how do I stop the base of my beard hair to get red and get all inflammatory and shit?

>> No.11596228
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Are all of the Korean snail creams etc beneficial even if you don't have a lot of acne?

I rarely get breakouts but I have some discoloration marks.

>> No.11596232

The more you wash the more will your skin and hair produce its oils.

Fortunately this is reversible if you wash with just water. Keep using shampoo less and less until you can get by with just using it once a week or even less.

>> No.11596275

how is double cleansing working out for you? i tried it previously with an oil cleanser and a gel cleanser (should have gone with something water-based i think?) and it made my skin break out immediately.

don't know if i should risk trying again, wanna change up routine but skin is looking p good now

>> No.11596345
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I've been going about a month and a half strong with it (a few weeks with Klairs and the remainder with the Banila Co) and I absolutely love it.

It returns oils to my face (I have dry/sensitive skin) and I haven't had a single big pimple since I've started. If you're thinking of trying again, I highly recommend the Banila Zero Purity. It's fairly large and you'll only need a little bit for when you want to cleanse so it will last a fairly long while, and the ingredients are top notch and are very unlikely to be comedogenic.

>> No.11596382

Not that guy, but I'm also a vegan.
It seriously helps in all physical regards if you're whole foods. The increased antioxidant load to metabolic oxidation leaves well over the amount to also handle environmental stress. Consider powered beet juice, and powdered barley grass juice.

>> No.11597085

Is there such thing as putting on too much toner? like I soak the cotton pad, use it flatly first, and then wring out the remaining drops all over my face

>> No.11597623

You're speaking fucking Greek doc!
Will it make every aspect of my body better? & any tips to start I haven't eaten since Wednesday so I'm okay with whatever diet but if my mom and everyone around me only buys normal products and if I don't have the money to buy expensive vegan shit. Any books links to read to start?

>> No.11597638

I have tried many medications and none have worked including accutane. I found out about the acne.org regimen and have been doing it for about 9 months. It has helped tremendously but im still not completely clear. I noticed the wikis regimen is against how the acne.org regimen is preformed. Should I change it? If so how? Thanks in advance for your help.

>> No.11597643

BTW the regimen is cleanser then BP then Moisturizer

>> No.11597661

kill yourself nigga

>> No.11597865

disregard the wiki

all if it needs to be revised

>> No.11597874

there's no simple solution, everyones skin is different. maybe experiment with moving things around in your routine or trying different types of acne fighting creams.

I guess it depends what kind of toner you're using? as long as your skin is not having any bad reaction to it then do whatever works for you

yes, it's good for healing skin, and evening skin tone. at the very least its good for hydrating, why not try it out.

Yes you can. There are also specialty anti acne body products, maybe look into those? The skin on your face is more delicate and thin than your body, and the pores are also smaller on your face than you body, so treating them the same might not be as effective.
Not sure about the beard thing, but why is the base of the hair getting inflamed?

same thing I just said, look into body acne washes. I believe paula's choice has a BHA body wash that i've heard good things about.

Sorry to hear :( something that helped me was seeing taking care of my skin as like a meditative process almost? like when I got too overwhelmed or tired from studying I would go do a face mask or something as a stress reliever. it kills two birds with one stone: helped my skin, helped my stress levels.

use a bha to target the source of your blackheads. a blackhead should be easy to differentiate from a mole, since it looks like a crater almost, with the blackhead plugging up your pore. whereas a mole is usually flat or a part of the skin. plus you can squeeze blackheads out with an extraction tool.

why are you getting darker? put in the effort to stay out of the sun or wear sunscreen. there are skin lightening products out there.

A popular one I know of is OST c20, its only $16 on amazon. But really, if you think about it, you could spend $40 in a day on food, why not invest in something that youll be able to use for months and will give you lasting results?

>> No.11599363

in the faq it says dairy and sugar cause acne, what about sodium and fat? I got products that work but my acne just keeps coming back because of my diet, gonna just try to avoid every type of food that causes acne from now on

>> No.11599543

Advice for rinsing off face cleanser?

In the morning I just apply it before stepping into the shower, but in the evening I always end up spending minutes and splashing water everywhere because my sink is very small

>> No.11599580

is there anything I can do about keratosis pilaris

>> No.11599747

Any advice for under eye bags likely caused by thin skin? The dark eye circle link in OP recommends retinoids which I know pretty much nothing about. My bags are pretty bad, there's probably a genetic factor because I've pretty much always had them. I'd still like to reduce them a bit though.

>> No.11600333
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How does one age well? I'm going to start sun screening more in the summer and stuff and use that facial moisturizer sun screen shit (daily?) and drink a lot of water and get a good amount of sleep. any tips? I wish i was black don't crack meme but keep all of the European facial features.

(pic unrelated)

>> No.11600495

The price can range from dirt cheap, to as expensive and biodynamic as you want, assuming $20/lb for raisins jives.

It basically boils down to eating a lot of fruits, legumes, other veggies and grains, in that order for how i eat. Breaks down to about 6k+ calories a day.

When I switched, my skin all over my body improved, nails got harder, eyes grew brighter and my hair is much softer and grows a lot faster.

Dr. Greger, his voice aside, offers a shit load of free information, more than you might ever care to consume.

>> No.11600706
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Sun is the killer man, so you're on the right track. Source: just look at Jack Nicholson (handsome as fuck when young and using tanning bed like a motherfucker: e.g. The film Easy Rider) versus Larry David (sunscreens like a motherfucker)

>> No.11600712
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Nicholson for ref. People might fight me on this though

>> No.11600716

So /skin/, how do you time your routine? L:ike how long do you wait after cleansing to put on toner, and how long after that, to put on moisturizer, and other stuff

>> No.11600743

1. Cleanse. Wash off face. Dry

2. Exfoliate with Stridex right after. Wait ~20 minutes for it to dry

3. Apply Moisturiser after that and acne cream if needed

>> No.11600762

aight sounds good. rather be paler and look better than tan and look like shit

>> No.11600784
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It's that thing with stupid women, who think they are only attractive from 17 to I don't know 40+? It's because they treat their body's in a way that ends up developing bad structures. I might be talking out of my ass though

>> No.11601315

Yeah I'm going to give it a shot so thanks anon.

>> No.11601323

>the efficacy of topical retinoids depends on your kind of acne.
I would say my acne is mild, but cystic. So there might between 1-3 'active' cysts on me at a time, but they are large, angry, painful, and persistent.

>> No.11601332

I use OST C20. You'll find varying reviews on blogs and reddit. At worst, it's decent, with a couple ingredients (or lack thereof) you personally may find disagreeable. At best, people swear by it.

>> No.11601338

I use Stirling Soap for both shaving and body.

I use the Tea Tree shave soap. There's a ton of scents (essential oils) but for acne I'd try Tea Tree/unscented.

For body, I don't mind the fragrance. Currently on a bar of Executive Man. Plenty of scents to choose.

>> No.11601351


Dietary cholesterol is not significant. Eat as many eggs as you like. I eat 2-12 a day.
>muh anecdotes

I might recommend cutting out dairy for a while if you eat a lot of that.

good drink pepsipup

I use the Mizon snail cream (you can get it on amazon $10 for 2). I like it.

>> No.11601355

Been using Elta MD spf 46 for a while now, but it's been stinging my face for a few minutes after I put it on.

Continue or not?

>> No.11601358
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leddit guide

>> No.11601640
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No, I agree. I've seen a lot of people say white women age the worst and white America for the most part because of so many people tanning. Hopefully this trend stops

>> No.11601793

generally a bad thing.
you're probably sensitive to some of the chemical sunblockers.

>> No.11601824

Are diy charcoal masks worth it?
Debating on making some for the blackheads on my chin, nose and cheeks.

>> No.11602123

Best type of an chemical exfoliant for sensitive skin?
AHA/BHA? What's the general difference?

>> No.11602897


>> No.11603438
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>Not sure about the beard thing, but why is the base of the hair getting inflamed?

I think that just by shaving you can get that because the way I shave. I might also cut a little bit of skin that wouls make it red, but after I shave I realise I have a really imperfect skin and I don't know what to do about it. I'm using Cicalfate from Avène and Metrocrème from ivatherm and all the zirs and pimples I had are pretty much gone, but these imperfections after shaving are weird.
Pic related I hope it can be noticed in this photo.

>> No.11603492
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Oily Skin + PM Routine

01. Oil cleansing. Wash off and then immediately foam cleanse without drying.

02. Dry and apply toner, wait 2 minutes.

03. Use BHA, wait 20-30 minutes.

04. Apply acne cream, wait 5 minutes, then moisturize.

Planning to order pic related after my other stuff runs out.

>> No.11603500

>tfw started acne regimen few months ago
>face is cleared up
>know once I'm off the regimen for a few months it'll come back and I'll have to go back to the dermatologist and do the regimen again

Why is skin so fucking difficult to manage

>> No.11603501
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>> No.11603507

Your skin seems like it's gonna be super fucking dry.

You shouldn't have that many products just a cleanser and explicator

>> No.11603626

How can I get rid of back pimples/zits faster than waiting for them to dissapear?

>> No.11603641

>24 years old

I have dandruff that I can't seem to get rid of, as well as the skin under my facial hair (beard, mustache, eyebrows) is really dry and always flaky. It's really annoying to constantly after a shower, scrape the access skin off so that I don't have dandruff in my mustache or eyebrows (it's not as bad in my beard).

How the fuck do I fix this? My head is the worst, and I've tried head and shoulders and it doesn't seem to work, even their most "severe dry scalp" versions.

>> No.11603719

I wish I knew sooner about baking soda and blackheads.
I've been scrubbing my nose gently with baking soda and I have incredible results just after doing that 3 times, it's like 50% less visible right now.

>> No.11603726

Thoughts on washing face with oatmeal?

>> No.11603765

this is bait.

not bait but dont do this.

>> No.11604101

not that anon but I've been battling my skin for years and I figured out I have to keep my skin just dry enough so no acne will grow. Otherwise, I get pustules appearing on my face. Obviously there's a fine line between dry and too dry. Slightly dry skin is better than acne, imo. But I have no idea if this works for anyone else's skin

>> No.11604185

Not sure if this is the best place to ask. How the fuck do I deal with body hair and getting rid of it? I'm really fucking hairy and I really dislike it, I've taken to (trying) to shave my back, which is a pain because it's hard to reach places but I feel like I'm just butchering my skin, too.

>> No.11604246

My skin is ABYSMALLY sensitive, to the point where I can't use any kind of toner. I've tried four different types, includes Thayer's. They all do the same thing; make my face itchy and break out in pinpoint whiteheads and little red bumps. I have a few grail products that work for me, cleanser, moisturizer, and a serum for acne marks. BUT, if anyone is in the same position as I am, I really need recommendations for sunscreens and something to help with blackheads/SFs. I've already tried 50shadesofsnail's routine, and it left me the same way the toners do. Not to mention it didn't really change much on my face either way.

For reference, my skin is mega oily with huge pores and very visibly SFs with a few blackheads.

Tl;dr: Does anyone have blackhead and sunscreen recommendations for very oily and sensitive skin? I've tried CosRX BHA, clean it zero, and jeju volcanic clay mask, as well as biore aqua UV, so those are out.

>> No.11604254

You can try waxing if your skin doesn't react to it. Alternatively you can try laser hair removal with a home system. It's a better investment than blowing hundreds on one session at a spa, especially over large areas like your back.

>> No.11604256

Guys. Make sure you wash your pillow sheets as much as possible. I usually flip it every day and put a t shirt on top of it.

>> No.11604261

Go to a dermatologist. They will prescribe you ketoconozale shampoo. Don't bother trying otc shampoos and throw away the head and shoulders.

>> No.11604312

THIS. Andnot just your pillow sheets, your normal sheets and your bath towels/face clothes should be washed regularly

>> No.11604357

Do any of you use Biotin supplements?

>> No.11604396

I've heard it can lead to hair loss.

I supplement zinc (acne/healing benefits), vitamin d, and fish oil.

>> No.11604442

>hair loss
It leads to stronger hair dude.

>> No.11604497

yes, I've noticed my nails grow faster

this isn't true, is it?

>> No.11604559

Sorry for my misinformation. It's vit A I've heard can lead to hair loss, but I've not really looked in to either.

>> No.11604600


I've heard it promotes hair and nail growth, I don't believe it would cause it... or at least be the leading cause.

Been taking Biotin for the past year or two. Can't tell if it's helped since my problem is likely genetic and I'm still losing hair faster than its growing.

>> No.11604604

Trying to scare all of us insecure balding people.

>> No.11604654

Don't have health insurance so going to see someone is out of the question.

Am I fucked?

>> No.11604662

Nizoral Shampoo

>> No.11604968

My skin is pretty dry regardless.

>> No.11605414
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Yep, exfoliate minimum once and week and use a lotion called amlactin.

Also, just wanted to throw out to the thread that the the light scarring I had from acne has dramatically faded thanks to this guy. It's only been a week of daily use and I've never seen my skin look this clear. I'd also like to mention that because it exfoliates and deep cleans so well, your toner, moisturizer, serum, etc penetrate the skin better. Seriously, invest in one of these.

>> No.11605471

>this is bait.
why is that bait? I'm 100% serious that I've done it. Should I stop?

>> No.11606122

the sun is going to fuck you up whitey.

>> No.11606129


wash face with cleanser
apply toner, wait a minute or so for it to dry
apply moisturizer
apply sun screen

wash face with cleanser
use stridex pads, wait 30 minutes for it to dry
apply moisturizer

>> No.11606269
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When do you guys put on Body lotion, now I believe the obvious is after a steamy shower. But more specifically: when you are still a little damp(right after a short towel off), or when you are totally dry (10 mins after for me)

>> No.11606314

I do this, but replace stridex pads with toner in the PM. How is stridex and why not two toner sessions?

>> No.11606683

Why is this damn thing so expensive

>> No.11606768

Salicylic acid took me from 2 to 1. It helps that I'm not a teenage anymore. It's been working better than benzoyl peroxide and glycolic acid.

>> No.11606797

Get out of shower
Use cleanser
Brush teeth and put on deodorant
Mix sunscreen and moisturizer together and apply at the same time

It takes all of five minutes and mixing the sunscreen and moisturizer keeps my face from looking greasy or caked.

>> No.11606801

Asian women age the worst. There is one day in their late 40s when they instantly transform from kawaii qt3.14 to wrinkly mamasan.

>> No.11606944

try antibiotics or accutane for cystic acne

>> No.11607120
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How do I get rid of these spots, they occur daily but this is the worst they have become

>> No.11607251

Had your iodine, zinc and selenium levels checked?

>> No.11607272

Is proactive or x out any good?

>> No.11607462

Vitamin E directly on the scar.

>> No.11607470

Right out the shower b

>> No.11608821

What lip balm should I use? On accutane 40mg/day, and gf says carmex tastes like shit

>> No.11608846

burt's bees, it's all natural and has pleasant flavors like coconut and honey

>> No.11608875

I just use Vaseline lip therapy. They come in small sizes you can carry in your pocket

>> No.11609148

Okay guys I need help, I've got my skin is sensitive to sweat, and I sweat a lot, especially when working out, which ends up making my skin red with pimples, what do ? also the sun does this to me, should the good ol' sunscreen prevent this ?

>> No.11609496
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How do I fix this shit?

>> No.11610002

Use Coconut oil for moisturizing.

It's really effective and cheap as fuck. Just get it from a supermarket for like $5 instead of paying $50 for a 5ml bottle of over rated chemical shit.

>> No.11610072



>> No.11610248
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wearing Aztec Secret face mask right now

Shit starting to itch, thats how I know it works

>> No.11610365


>> No.11610739

Has anyone else noticed purging from salicylic acid treatment? I've been using it every night for about a week and all of my inflammatory acne is gone but I get new non inflammatory white heads everyday. I'm hoping it will go away soon and that it was just built up under my skin.

>> No.11610886


>> No.11611102
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>commit to routine hardcore and applying BP and Retin A every day without fail
>Try really hard to not touch my face whatsoever
>Stopped breaking out completely
>Only getting the occasional spot
>Aside waiting for bad hyper pigmentation and a few stubborn zits to heal this is the longest I've gone through an "improving" phase without a relapse

Wish me luck boys I think I'm almost there.

and STOP TOUCHING YOUR FACE. I noticed that every time my skin was getting better I would touch my face a lot because it felt nice to feel it smooth, I've stopped doing this and I think it's helping a lot. Just think about all the bacteria you are transferring from your mouse and keyboard/phone if you touch your face constantly or rest it in your hand when you're at your desk. If you MUST touch your face try use the back of your hand.

inb4 breakout tomorrow.

>> No.11611133

Jesus I cant imagine spending this much money on skincare and then having to apply all that every single day.

>> No.11611620
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>touching your face

>> No.11611701

I've been on accutane for about 4 months or so now. My cheeks look pretty good but I still have acne on my neck and there's red marks on my face. How can I make my skin look as good as possible before September? I don't use a moisturizer/wash my face, just accutane. I tried using CeraVe moisturizer but it just made my face look worse(started getting a few pimples etc)

what do

>> No.11611703

I like you and I like that you like Twin Peaks. I feel like theres a revival on this site since Lynch announced thats he's bringing it back.

>> No.11611729
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Answer me reeee

>> No.11611734

pls help

>> No.11611860

I have dark and ashy knees and elbows, what do ? how to make them as light as the rest of my body ?

>> No.11611887

I think it's starting to die down as more people are becoming aware of potential cancer and premature aging risks, opting for spray tans if they really want a tan look that bad.

>> No.11612230

1: I had mole removal surgery in April, the scars have healed nicely but are still slightly darker than the rest of my skin. Will they stay that way or lighten gradually? Will vit C help fade them? One was removed by laser, the other two surgically. The doctor said the laser one will disappear completely but not the other two (I knew this before the procedure).

2: One of my creams makes my skin tingle and slightly flush. It's not itchy and painful, but it does worry me. Here is the ingredient list:http://www.cosdna.com/eng/cosmetic_4f87182748.html

It contains vit E, urea, ceramides and retinol, and I've experienced this with 2 other creams containing vit E. They make my skin look really nice and plump but I'm worried about the tingling. Should I switch?

>> No.11612444

Get Neutrogena T/Gel Extra strength dandruff shampoo. I heard that works well.

>> No.11612469
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And as far as you having a dry scalp, it may have to do with the shit your using in the shower. The ingredients may dry your skin some, so get some more natural stuff and moisturise after you get out of the shower

oh and pic related for dandruff. Smells like ass but people seem to like it

>> No.11612509

It's actually not that much, to be honest. About a hundred bucks every 4-6 months. They last a LONG time.

>> No.11612693

pls respond

>> No.11612917

blease help

>> No.11612993

telling us what you've tried to fix it would help

>> No.11613002
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ive been trying to use 2.5% benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid but i havent seen any change at all. Should move up from 2.5 to 5 or try to do something completely different? Any suggestions?

>> No.11613003

no intense treatment

just drinking a lot of water, sleeping with a clean tower over my pillow every night and used a cleanser daily

>been doing this for 3 months and it only seems to get worse

>> No.11613004

I've been using cerave moisturizer in the tub but it's making my face look greasy in the morning, how do I deal with that?

>> No.11613046

hey guys im new into skincare

a friend bought me this japanese whip wash in black, when i used it, it felt like my face was burning but also very cold.

Whats the exact use of it ? is it some kind of cleanser ?


Also, you guys take care of your skin at night or during the morning ?

>> No.11613051
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the picture

>> No.11613060

another noobie question.

I shave every two days. It should be the very first step of my routine right ?
shaving then cleansing etc etc

>> No.11613353

are u retarded?

>> No.11613356
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I thought clarisonics were a meme

>> No.11613434


weird feeling is prob just the menthol in it

looks to be a light scrub/cleanser

>> No.11613788

benzoyl peroxide or antibiotics would be great for you. I would probably see a derm

>> No.11613856

Thanks and would you say 2,5% or 5% BP?

>> No.11613936
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Thoughts on this?

>> No.11614281

Not the same guy
You never need more than 3% BP anything above that is just marketing and is not recommended

>> No.11614400
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is it weird that my skin looks better when i stop washing and shaving?

i usually use cetaphil cleaner and sunscreen with moisturiser in the morning, and cleanser + paula's bha 2% before bed.

>> No.11614407

Hey guys i use bp 5 % and it works pretty well, only issues i have are blackheads on the nose(has decreased but still noticeable) and hyperpigmentation on my cheeks(im of iranian descent if that matters). Any tips? I will admit i have used very little sunscreen this summer but since a week i have started to wear it whenever i go out.

>> No.11614463

Is using AHA Gel and Retin-A too harsh on my face?

>> No.11614593

what specific products do you use for those?

>> No.11615662

I don't know, is it? is your skin red, dry, and flaky?

just make sure to pair them with a sunscreen.

>> No.11616050
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Can any Bateman-tier /fa/shionistas weigh in on the 10-step Korean routine?

Is it worth taking the plunge?

>> No.11616116
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I started using a cleanser daily a couple days ago, here is a pic of my skin (it's mostly in the forehead).

Should I go for benzoyl peroxide? Any quick routine? I wake up late almost every day.

>> No.11616228

I'm sorry but if it isn't caused by the sun you just need to kill yourself. Defective genes.

>> No.11616366

>showering daily is a meme
Get back to /b/, you belong in a hovel

>> No.11616384
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Hey guys, need some advice.

I'm 22 and I've always had pimples here and there however since March I've consistently been getting pimples underneath the corners of my mouth. Pic attached is the location.

I've read the pastebin and my routine is:
Morning: Cetaphil cleanse, Paula's Choice 2% BHA Liquid applied to face and then 30spf sunscreen (not consistent with the sunscreen.
Night: Cetaphil cleanse, Paula's Choice 2% BHA Liquid again and moisturise with Cetaphil moisturiser.

I don't think there has been any changes in diet since March, only thing I can say for sure has changed is I broke up with a girl but that should be nothing.

What do you guys suggest I change or add to my routine or maybe diet or behaviourisms?

>> No.11616553

>maybe diet or behaviourisms?

Don't touch your face. Do you touch your jaw/chin a lot? Clean your sheets regularly. If not able or lazy, just put a clean towel over your dirty sheets

You can also exfoliate with some kind of brush in the shower. Some people use Clarisonic or the TAO clean brush. Some people use a konjac sponge or wash cloth, etc. Maybe you can use some kind of acne cream with BP at night

Or you can just shave. Your facial hair is lookin kinda patchy desu. Shave and exfoliate the area a couple times every week.

>> No.11616582

skip the bha when you skip the sunscreen in the mornings.

>> No.11616620
File: 51 KB, 480x480, Beauty-Water-BoB-PC1_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It'd be nice if this could cut out my Paula's Choice 2% BHA

>> No.11616676

Considering the area, it might be bacterial. Tea tree is a good product to use for that.
Drug stores carry tea tree oil - mine has it near the first aid/witch hazel, yours may as well. Check the ingredients. If it's JUST tea tree (ie: tea tree essential oil), you need to mix it in with a carrier oil (olive, sweet almond, canola) at max 5% tea tree. Too much can burn your skin, or cause you to develop an allergy to it. If another oil is listed in the ingredients, then it's good to apply as-is.

>> No.11616693

>Or you can just shave. Your facial hair is lookin kinda patchy desu.
Yeah, I have a pretty full on mo so when I shave the rest of my face completely it looks v out of place. I'm definitely applying the exfoliant to those areas every time.

>Don't touch your face. Do you touch your jaw/chin a lot? Clean your sheets regularly. If not able or lazy, just put a clean towel over your dirty sheets
I've been trying to make sure I don't touch my face at all but often finding myself resting my head on my hand / wrist.
Definitely cleaning my sheets today and going to rotate pillows nightly.

I'll also look into those brushes.

I'll definitely try that.

Cheers boss, I'll go grab some when the paycheck comes in

>> No.11616694

Are you saying this developed after you started using the cleanser? If so, you need to stop.

Do you use anything else on your face?

>> No.11616707

I accidently got a 10% BP cream and it cleared my shit up but it came back as soon as I stopped using the cream.

If you do definitely follow the OP post and get a 2% cream or dilute a stronger one.

I'd personally use a 2% BHA liquid. Just apply it after you cleanse.

Good luck bro!

>> No.11616717


You don't need all those steps. I think I'm at 7 right now for morning/night, but I may cut out oil cleansing because it seems like any kind of oil cleanser fucks my face.

For another example: many people I know who have one of these routines, myself included, only wash their faces with water+konjac sponge in the morning.

Plus, it involves a fair bit of research and trial+error. You can't just get someone to write a generic routine, really, since different things work for different people.

If you do decide to go for it, one of the strongest suggestions I can make is not to get into it all at once. If something goes wrong, you need to know what's fucking up your skin. So you should only introduce 1 new product every 2-3 weeks; this way, if things go south, you'll know the culprit.

I know it's a meme to hate, but the asianbeauty subribbit is a really good resource for this stuff.

>> No.11616756

So that I'm not fully useless, here are some good products people praise:

DHL Cleansing Oil (oil cleanse)
CosRx Low PH good morning cleanser (foaming cleanse)
Thayer's Rose Petal Witch Hazel (toner)
C20 (vitamin c serum)
CosRx AHA/CosRx BHA Power Liquids (chemical exfoliants)
LJH Tea Tree 90 Essence (essence)
Missha FTE (essence)
Benton Snail Bee High Content Essence (essence)
Hada Labo Gokujyun/Shirojyun (lotion)
Banila & Co. Miss Honey & Mr Flower Cream (cream)
Biore UV Aqua Rich/Perfect (sunblock)

>> No.11616764

lol DHL. I meant DHC

>> No.11617027
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Hydrocolloid patches don't seem to be doing anything for my pimples.

How long do these usually take/how many do you typically need to use?

>> No.11617104

for those who suffered from mild acne and used 2.5% BP, did you keep using it after your acne got better?

i only very rarely break out nowadays, but my skin is still a little red. i'm keeping up with a pretty basic routine (cetaphil cleanse > toner > BP > moisturise and i use a face mask about twice a week). should I cut it out of the routine or keep using it for now?

>> No.11617214

>meme routine

>> No.11617234

my skin is pretty good besides my nose, it has pretty big pores and ive tried many things on it. none have worked. anyone had a similar problem as me and fixed it?

>> No.11617379

I use sunscreen Eucerin 50 SPF everyday and it makes me look pale as shit, not from the lack of tanning but it makes me look sickly tier pale. What can I do about it? Start munching carrots everyday?

>> No.11617470


Being pale is effay.

>> No.11617535

It's not my routine. I was just making a list of popular products. gg

>> No.11617942

I wasn't implying it was, they're all just Reddit meme products that don't even work for that many people past popular bloggers

>> No.11618051

I guess? It's a jumping off point. I'll be fucked if I research a whole routine for someone, they can do it themselves. It's somewhere to start.

I'd disagree on not even working for most of them, too. AHA/BHA, vit c, low pH cleansers, tea tree, witch hazel, HA, etc., are known to be effective if people use them properly.
This goes back to the research part, because a lot of people just smear on some BHA and then douse it with CeraVe lotion right away. Of course it's not gonna do shit.

>> No.11618344
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/skin/, help. I applied my regular toner, it got in the corner of my eye and now I've this redness and irritation trailing down. I've been using it for two weeks or so now so I doubt it's an allergy. What do?

>> No.11618937
File: 144 KB, 601x569, 1393362905628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I scrub before shaving or not. I've heard scrubbing before helps to achieve a cleaner cut.

pic unrelated

>> No.11619019

How can I stop getting black heads/grease at the base of my facial hair. I mean the zone right under the eye where mostly invisible hair grows.

>> No.11619429

My Exfoliator and cleanser kind of burns when I apply it. Should I lessen it and do it every second night instead?

>> No.11619491

Learn how to use blush for your skin tone, or just deal with being a ghost

>> No.11619512

I was also blessed with large pores. I use a 10% salicylic acid peel once a week, and Paula's Choice %1 BHA every day. Doesn't completely eliminate those gaping monsters, but it does make them a lot less noticeable than they would be otherwise.

I've also started using an oil cleanser before my regular one at night but I dunno if that's really doing anything yet.

>> No.11619538

I was a bit red and irritated when I applied my cleanser, AHA exfoliator, and moisturizer today. Should I skip applying them everyday or what? Or only apply one of the products?

Other than that I do look better in terms of skin, although I have some larger pores I'd like to minimize so I'm considering buying a BHA and using the AHA every second day and the BHA every second day tbqh

>> No.11619546

Just found best routine for my face. SERIOUSLY suggest this to people with combination skin! I had a make up artist at the palazzo venetian spa come up with this for me.

June jacobs pumpkin emzyme exfoliatir 3x a week
Yestotomatoes charcoal acne wash every morning followed by June Jacobs cucumber cranberry (i think thats what it is) toner
Sisley blueberry soy every evening

>> No.11619902

Alpha Skin Care Essential Renewal Gel (10% GA)


Paula's Choice Skin Perfecting 8% AHA Gel (10% GA)

I have PIH and scarring.

>> No.11619998
File: 102 KB, 720x716, 8ydn8KW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anybody recommend a nice cheap SPF moisturizer that doesnt make your face all oily and gross?

>> No.11620042

I've read good things about Innisfree's sunscreens but I've never tried them myself. There's also Neutrogena's dry touch.

>> No.11620682
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has anyone here ever used those needle derma roller things for skin?

I've got some stretch marks from lifting and was wondering if anyone has used them and what results you got?

>> No.11620750

nigger get out

>> No.11621212

Do I need to wash my face after using cleanser lads?

Also is it really necessary to use exfoliator everyday? My skin burns like crazy now so I'm thinking of only sticking to moisturizer in the evening and using cleanser every second day

>> No.11621249

pretty few posters are getting actively helped.


>> No.11621328

Yes. Cleansers aren't designed to stay on your face for long.

As for exfoliation, I'd recommend twice a week.

>> No.11621336

Good. I guess I'll just use moisturizer and cleanser everyday now and exfoliation twice a week like you said.

>> No.11621635

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11622490


>> No.11622702

vegan is the way to go yea

>> No.11622767

I've never done it, but the more important thing is the product that you're slathering on after you poke your skin with a bunch of tiny holes. Whatever it is, make sure you're not sensitive to any of the ingredients and that it's good quality.

>> No.11622899

Is it bad if I wash my face with my body wash & loofah in the shower instead of using an actual facial cleanser?

Way I've been doing it has been to use my body wash in the shower as a cleanser and then follow up with my facial exfoliate while still in the shower, moisturising once I got out. Am I fucking my shit up fampai?

>> No.11623047

I have an oily skin type with a bit of pimples

what toner, cleanser and moisturizer would you recommend for me all of that for around 50 to 70 $ ?

>> No.11623217

Depends on what your body wash is. There's some like Sebamed that are marketed as both.

>> No.11623352
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For oily skin you'll probably want something a bit thinner.

Toner: Thayers non-alcoholic

Cleanser: If you wear sunscreen at all (hint: you should) then double cleanse with Banila purity and a foaming cleanser of your choice

Moisturizer: Snails are the new "it" substance in the cosmetic scene but there's a bit of speculation as to whether or not it's valid. I'd try something like Mizon's All In One Black because it's not quite as thick as Benton's Snail Bee Steam Cream. If those don't do anything for you, I've heard that Skinfood's Premium Avacado Rich Essential Oil is the bomb, but I've never tried it personally.

>> No.11623579

What is the easiest way to explain grooming?

>> No.11623598
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when u have a really nasty spot for the last week but u have a date tomorrow

>> No.11623686
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So is just using a cleanser, toner, and moisturizer once daily all I should do if I have dry skin? Seems like there has got to be more to do if I want perfect skin.

>> No.11623709

Proper diet, don't touch face, clean bed sheets, exfoliate in the shower a couple times every week, drink lots of water, apply sunscreen in the day, wear a hat or sunglasses for added protection.

>> No.11623719

By proper diet you mean eliminate dairy and processed sugars?

>> No.11623764

Something along those lines. Have a good, healthy diet. Cut out processed canned foods, TV dinners, soda and fast food. Eat your veggies, take vitamin supplements if needed, learn how to cook so you can make good food, etc. Just be healthy. What you put in is what you get out i.e shit skin

>> No.11623905

Are you using your exfoliator everyday? If you are, don't, use only the cleanser daily.

If you aren't, keep on trying it out in a smaller amount for a week. Your skin may be adjusting to the new products, but if you're breaking out really bad or something like that, find a gentler cleanser and exfoliator.

Make sure to massage the oil onto your face for 1-2 minutes.

Irritation might be because your skin hasn't gotten used to the AHA exfoliate, which caused some redness on my face too (but doesn't anymore).

You could also use BHA and then AHA in the same day, but try out a small amount first to see how your skin reacts. Remember to wait about 20 minutes after applying each!

Biora UV Aqua Essence SPF 50 unless you're very sensitive to alcohol, silicone, and citrus stuff.

Fascinatingly gross.

What the other anon said, but also make sure your products are suited for your skin type. If a cleanser is too harsh and makes your face feel like a desert, switch it up until you find something that works out for you. Add in some hydrating sheets masks once in a while for that extra boost.

>> No.11624096
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People have told me I look way older for my age. I'm 24 and look like a 30 year old. Will the routine in the FAQ help with this or do I have to use a retinol based product? Also, does the routine work with big pores too? How long until I can see results? pls respond.

>> No.11624149

I don't know about percentage but start with a lactic acid based aha. It's the gentlest one.

>> No.11624166

A basic routine would be to start with the CeraVe foaming cleanser and then moisturize with the CeraVe in the tub. Do it both morning and night in that order. Check /r/skincareaddiction for a more advanced routine.

>> No.11624168

BP doesn't work for everyone.

>> No.11624171

I wouldn't use it. Toners aren't necessary.

>> No.11624186

Use 1:1 ratio clay and apple cider vinegar

>> No.11624483

Anon, I don't want to scare you, but I think you might be made of paper.

>> No.11624569
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>tfw make up tutorial fetish
what do i do now?

>> No.11626038
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How do you avoid shaving rash?
It's gotten to the point where even when I use everything sensitive I'll end up cutting myself somehow, do I just avoid shaving for a while and try again when the inflammation goes down or what?

>> No.11626055


Shave with the grain, and then splash your face with the coldest water available when you're done.

>> No.11626057


I have the same issue
This is what saved me:
-change the blades once every 2 weeks
-dont shave agaist the grain
-sterile with oxigen water
-hot water before shaving,to soften everything
-cold water evrywhere on face after you shave
-clean towel to dry
-pick a good after shave,experiment what works for you (for me str8 aftershave works good,and its cheap)
-Wait like 2 days before shaving again

This is what worked for me

>> No.11626067

Electric razor

>> No.11626087


Thank you, familias

>> No.11626516

Is it bad my moisturizer itches a bit? Usually goes away after a while.

Also do I have to apply sunscreen? It's pretty annoying since it's greasy and takes a while to sink into the skin, I also live in a northern european country and the sun is never out. Otherwise I only apply it on days where I used AHA the day before.

>> No.11627325
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My skin is so pale it looks bad. Like even the tiniest bit of redness looks awful. Also I think my scars would be less visible if I were tanned.

I don't really want to tan though because _for real_ cancer

Are spraytans a bad idea? I've never tried.

>> No.11627467
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Thoughts on loreal men expert?

I've always used it and I love it, but that's porbably just the feeling menthol they put in all their shit

They recently launched a new range, which is blue instead of orange. Can't find anything on what the difference is, but the price is the same, so I can assume the new range is just better (because it's newer implying more R&D) and the old range is just kept around for people who don't like change?

>> No.11627556

You'll have to train yourself up nigga. Get outside in the early and late hours during the summer. Long exposures, low intensity.

>> No.11627566

>Is it bad my moisturizer itches a bit?
Check to make sure there's no alcohol in the formula.

>Also do I have to apply sunscreen?
It's incredibly beneficial. The sun takes a toll on your skin. Even if you're only going to be out for 20 minutes, put on some sun block. There are brands like Missha's Sun Milk Soft Finish that absorb quickly into a matte finish, and it's 50 SPF to boot.

>> No.11627650


>> No.11628522
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>tfw your face is scarred beyond saving

>> No.11628573

I get these little bumps on my forehead that if i squeeze i get solid whitish yellow stuff out but sometimes they get infected and scab when I do that so I try not to. The bumps are just like one pore that is kinda swollen compared to the others and when I squeeze them the stuff comes out of that pore hole. I wash my face a lot with salicylic acid and peroxide washes. I think exfoliating might help but sometimes when I exfoliate it makes me break out. WHAT DO?

>> No.11628967
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Which is better for PIH?

AHA or Vitamin C serum?

>> No.11629581

>use sunscreen during/after moisturising
Is there any sunscreen that doesn't have an odour, or, at least, has one that doesn't last very long?

>> No.11629861

>skin is greasy and prone to acne outbreaks
>wash it with warm water
>goes into absolute oil over production mode
>try washing it with lukewarm/somewhat cold water
>becomes extremely dry and gets flaky

What should I do? I don't use any products, just water. What am I doing wrong?

>> No.11629866

its annoying coz i thought that when you become adult skin just magically turns flawless or something

>> No.11629871

Oh by the way this is about my face skin, obviously.

>> No.11629873

>I don't use any products, just water

Maybe you should start using products then.

>> No.11629878

Which ones?

>> No.11629975

Just get some Cerave/Cetaphil cleanser, Stridex pads, and CeraVe moisturiser as a "basic starter pack." Also get some blotter pads if you want

Use cleanser and stridex. Wait 20 mins for it to dry. Then put on some moisturiser. Morning and night.

>> No.11630008

Thanks, I'll try this.

>> No.11630491

Am I the only one that starts a new routine, clears up extremely well for about a week, and then goes back to having shitty skin for the next several months until I try something new?

What the fuck is going on.

>> No.11630631
File: 80 KB, 800x533, L&#039;Occitane+Aromachologie+Collection+Review+(3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got this, might post results after a week.
Has anyone used L'Occitane products before?

>> No.11630717

I just bought Paulas Choice AHA 8% exfoliator, and I have Vitamic C serum, aswell as some leftover Retin-a. I need help formulating a routine im lost with all these products

>> No.11630750

I need help finding some products.

Morning routine: splash face with cold water, put some salt water mix on my forehead (only thing that controls my seborrheic dermatitis), put Stridex and then 20 minutes later lotion everywhere else on my face.

Evening: hemp seed oil all over my face to help my rosacea, wash it off, then I put a paper towel dipped in the warm salt water mixture on my forehead. After that, I'll wash it all off, put the salt water on my forehead again (sans paper towel), and put lotion everywhere else on my face, then tretinoin on my cheeks, chin, and nose.

Anyway, my redness is kind of controlled, but I still have acne forming. Nothing too bad looking, but I'd like to quell it once and for all.

I used to use a Cerave soap, but I could never tell if it worked at all or broke me out. If anyone can recommend another soap for me, I'd be very thankful.

>> No.11631018
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Where willpower fails, habits don't.

Make a routine, and follow it every day. And track it with a big X on days you do it. Shit is unbelievably simple but extremely powerful.

>> No.11631319
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Should I be putting on moisturizer before sunscreen?

I've been using this (it's a gel) but I don't know when this should be incorporated into my routine for both AM and PM.

>> No.11631416
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i wash my face with a hard hands soap that drys my skin then i clean my face with ethanol (70%) soaked cotton to remove the dry feeling from the soap and my face is always smooth and moisturize beacuase it is naturally oily

>> No.11631522

Curious as to why you'd say caffiene pills over coffee? I take both, but I only can stand coffee black (am lactose intolerant and grossed out by sugar anyway) And I only buy expensive, organic coffee from the health food store. Are you just talking about shit tier Starbucks coffee flavored milkshakes, or is there something in coffee you're suggesting should be avoided?

>> No.11632573


for the people with oily skin, what's your routine and what do you use? Looking for recommendations in general, I'm a noob.

I plan to do this (taken from the pastebin)

morning routine:
>Cleanser, Toner, Sunscreen

evening routine:
>Cleanser, Toner, Moisturizer


>CeraVe Foaming Facial Cleanser
>StriDex Medicated Pads, Maximum Strength
>CeraVe Moisturizing Lotion
>Moisturizing SPF 30 Facial Sunscreen

is this good? any tips?

>> No.11632714


you know the dosage with a pill, and you don't have to take time to make the coffee. easier on your teeth and inexpensive.

>> No.11632733


looks solid. wait 30 minutes between the toner and moisturizer.

>> No.11632757

new bread