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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 85 KB, 650x650, Light-Lion-head-ring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11573771 No.11573771 [Reply] [Original]

do you wear a rings?(not wedding rings)
Where does a ring cross over from being wearable to sth like pic related?

>> No.11573776
File: 525 KB, 1856x1914, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just picked these up

>> No.11573781
File: 164 KB, 780x780, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alt pic

>> No.11573782

what were peoples reactions when you got them desu?

>> No.11573787

girls dig, guys think its weird

>> No.11573790

I support /ring/. I used to wear something like OPs on my thumb and a few others.
I should get back to it when I stop poorfagging.

>> No.11573794

where do you look for rings?

>> No.11573795

fuck guys. Most of them are all about who has the bigger dick and making sure that they ooze manhood at all times. Insecure creatures.

>> No.11573806

amazon actually, they have a lot of nice selections for really cheap, all the rings in those pics are under $10

>> No.11573812

agreed, i like it and i own it so they cant stop me from wearing it

>> No.11573814

OP pic is gucci for 330$

>> No.11573816

i've tried but it didn't really work out. i find it really difficult to pull off jewelry (not counting watches)

>> No.11573819

was there some explicit thing that made you stop?

>> No.11573825

as long as you match some clothing with them and feel good wearing them then it is cool.
Rings are one of those things that if you are not sure about them and are self conscious they don't work.
I would also say don't put too many. two fingers are enough.

My fav set up was a bulky one on my thumb, like a skull of some shit, and a black one on my pinky same hand. It werked 4 me.

>> No.11573841

The blind leading the blind

>> No.11573915

You look fucking retarded.

Don't fall for the tucked meme.

>> No.11573949

yeah im not paying $300 for a ring, ill stick to my cheap stuff

>> No.11573952
File: 57 KB, 638x640, B3wF9WRl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this mad about my shirt placement

>> No.11573960

I'm not mad, just stating that you look like a generic /fa/ggot clone.

Zero individuality. You're this websites little bitch.

>> No.11573971

maybe if you knew what you were talking about youd realize fa didnt start this trend, it took months before it finally reached this site :^)

>> No.11573987

Why are you using an emoticon? Is that supposed to "get' me?

Anyways, so you admit to being a mindless trend hopping clone? Damn that sucks.

>> No.11573994

youre reaching

>> No.11573998


>> No.11574011

you call me a "mindless trend hopping clone" for tucking my shirt so by that logic if you have worn any slim, skinny, or loose pants within the past couple months youre a "mindless trend hopping clone" because you didnt start that first

>> No.11574018

>tucked in shirt
>hi top Converse
>Pulp Fiction/Supreme shirts
Need I go on?

>> No.11574032

>mot me in the second pic
>I made the shirt
>i like a certain movie
>i enjoy supremes skate videos
Need I go on?

>> No.11574044

you're wearing way too many rings, you should only wear one, and a cool one not two boring ass £5 signet rings jesus christ if you're gonna accessorise you have to be fashionable or you might as well not bother

>looks gaudy
>gaudy but with pathetic and cheap looking rings
>juxtaposition of gaudy and cheap and childish
>falling for the "confidence is key" meme

>> No.11574049

who cares, if he thinks it looks good then what the fuck does it matter

>> No.11574051

>mot me in the second pic

Thanks for proving my point, kid.

>> No.11574053

you're only meant to have 1 signet ring, not 2 looks trashy

>> No.11574058

until you post an outfit you wear your opinion literally does not matter at all

>> No.11574065

quit making up rules ill wear as many rings as i please

>> No.11574068

ok you do just that, i'm actually glad that people like you go out and fuck this shit up, it means its easier for me to go out, do it right and get what i want

>girls and approval

>> No.11574073

Nice try at deflecting you little twerp.

This isn't, nor was it ever, about me. It's about you and your lack of creativity and conformity to whatever /fa/ deems as trendy.

Think (and dress) for yourself. I guarantee you'll feel better about yourself.

>> No.11574082

i do dress for myself what the hell are you talking about i feel 1. comfortable dressing like this 2. dont feel like im wearing a costume or playing dress up and 3.this reflects my personality and interests well, just fuck off mate and quit getting so therapist on me

>> No.11574088

already have that, guess what i else i have
>more rings :^)

>> No.11574094

look how hard you're trying to justify that these things that you've found online suit you and
>reflects my personality

like that actually matters in fashion

fucking hell you gay-bo just say you like the fits and shut the fuck up insecure little faggot

>> No.11574107

What do they feel like?
Are they plastic?
What are the gems made of?
In would pay 10 for maybe a simple steel band but I'd feel more comfortable with buying something with real gemstones

>> No.11574121
File: 162 KB, 800x1203, 1458091062578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when you say reflecting your personality doesnt matter in fashion it really shows how much of an imbecile your are, kys and get off your high horse. im gonna go watch pulp fiction and beat of to supreme videos with my shirt tucked in

>> No.11574126

feels like real metal, if youre talking about the gold one no idea what the gem is made of

>> No.11574131

Does this give you extra poise??

>> No.11574136

Like the silver one with the missing slit but the rest are meh or icky

I LIKE OP RING I think it would be a good ring to wear casually and often if it's your only piece.

>> No.11574142
File: 100 KB, 800x800, 1446398579_MACABREGADGETS.COM_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cop or nah
Looks like some dark souls shit

>> No.11574146
File: 145 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20160730-214127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are the specs

>> No.11574153

cool concept but $750 for a gumball machine tier ring is outrageous

>> No.11574163

It's got emeralds and 24k gold and silver and emeralds
That must be expensive no?

>> No.11574184

are all those minerals really worth it to you

>> No.11574191

Minerals are good for health senpai

>> No.11574219

>primarily sterling
>no gem specs
>mixed metals
Wouldn't be surprised if those are Chathan Emeralds.
Would only fit in the edgiest of fits.
And you will be laughed out of every room if you mention the price.
It's a nice collection piece but worth 400 at best.

>> No.11574227

thats dope

>> No.11574422

post a fit pussy boi

>> No.11575218

Gay as hell in the lame way

>> No.11576194

And now you should put them down

Consider not wearing more than one

>> No.11576206
File: 891 KB, 2448x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only "ring" I have is a earplug that one friend gave me on my birthday. Had too but I lost one

>> No.11576213
File: 540 KB, 733x826, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11576216

Bought myself a lovering. Only has sent off the wrong signals and negative attention. If you are like me an awkward as fuck its not even worth it. I should have bought the ass skin ring instead

>> No.11576277
File: 3.24 MB, 5312x2988, 20160731_123620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mmm ring is pretty beat up after a couple months, is there a good or any way to repair? Or is it cooler that it's beat up

>> No.11576312


>> No.11576321

>ass skin ring


>> No.11576331

>tfw fingers are too skinny for rings

>> No.11576393
File: 25 KB, 384x384, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always wear this while hunting, but also sometimes casually. Though my friends think it's weird, I've grown a bit attached to it.

>> No.11576498

Gold plated. Emeralds aren't that expensive. Worthless ring

>> No.11576593

Okay where do you guys shop for rings. Besides like, Amazon or etsy, I have literally no idea where to find nice rings without blowing tons of money. Just want some cheap, decent stuff

>> No.11576752

>w2c cheap decent rings
>except the two biggest most varied sources of that
I suppose you could check local goldsmiths, or be at fleamarkets veeeery early.

Unrelated but how many rings do you guys wear?
How many would be acceptable?

>> No.11576861

sometimes ill wear a bearing ring but problem is literally only fits on right ring finger sooooo
also turns finger funny colors because of grease and shit in bearings also rust
looks rad tho and are free

>> No.11576875

Yea I know what I said is kinda autistic, I just wasn't sure if there were other places out there I didn't know about

>> No.11576909
File: 91 KB, 634x822, indianblingnigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are you indian or something

>> No.11576921

i wear a hair tie doubled up around my ring finger because it's too tight to wear around my wrist.

used to wear a plastic yellow Flash ring once in awhile for kicks, but realized it was bazinga-tier.

when i was 12 or so I wore a skull ring. embarrassing to look back on desu.

i like the idea of rings if you're going for a dandy aesthetic, or a vintage-heavy accessory-heavy glammed-out extravagance. in short: i think rings work best when you go all or nothing, and most guys are better off with just a watch.

but that's just my opinion. and trends are trends. i'm sure it'll be a popular male affectation for awhile, just like those lame round beaded bracelets and leather wrist wraps were in the last five years.

>> No.11576926

Hello tumblr

>> No.11576928
File: 68 KB, 600x600, ring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A buddy of mine gave me one of these for my last birthday, and it seems like a damn shame to keep it in a box rather than on my finger. What do you think?

>> No.11576938

i think selling it is a decent option

>> No.11576939


>> No.11576951

I don't want to sell it, it's a cool ring. And it represents all the right things. I'm just not sure how others would interpret me wearing it.

Besides, what kind of a dick sells something that they got as a gift?

>> No.11576971

People are going to think you're a Nazi, racist, and a piece of shit. Now none of that may be true, but get ready for a lot of negativity and shady looks from people

>> No.11576989

>can't tell if unwittingly responding to bait, or samefagging because no one gave him the response that would let him expand on his tangent.

>> No.11577003

Rings can be quite interesting but they MUST work with your outfit and overall aesthetic, or you will look like a literal autist.

Case in point.

>> No.11577011

Yeah, I figured as much. Shit sucks when you can't wear a sweet peace of jewelry because of ignorant idiots though.

>stop liking what I don't like

>> No.11577025

Rings look better on non-sausage fingers imo.

Slender hands are GOAT

>> No.11577089

There are some nice rings here


>> No.11577218

How is it bait that there are people out there who want to wear Nazi rings? They're more popular than you would think
I feel ya. Their stuff is dope as hell. Sucks how close minded people are

>> No.11577238

dylan rieder is GOAT

>> No.11577578
File: 621 KB, 1536x2048, 13902022_319527548437041_2132836486_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great grandfather's 1938 class ring.

>> No.11577585

what's the most effay finger for rings?

>pinky > ring finger > middle > index > thumb

>> No.11577604

that sounds about right, what about when wearing multiple rings though?

>> No.11577710

>caring this much about a stranger on the internet

>> No.11577726

two at most on one hand, at least one finger distance between rings

>> No.11577998

Reminder: OP is a faggot and samefagged the hell out of the this thread.

>> No.11578052
File: 44 KB, 600x596, Nice meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11578121

OP here,
How did you come to that conclusion?