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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 204 KB, 1080x1080, 13732261_177289602684247_433984138_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11559662 No.11559662 [Reply] [Original]


post whorecore fits, muh dick fits, hot instagram hoes

>> No.11559670

who is this semen demon?

>> No.11559676
File: 28 KB, 599x594, 1467736082853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fav whore <3

>> No.11559677

Stop these threads

>> No.11559682

jaden smiths cocaine addicted transgendered boyfreind

>> No.11559684

Does she have veiny legs or are those shadows?

>> No.11559695

brown eyed blondes are untrustworthy

>> No.11559710

honestly i do not know

>> No.11559715

she looks like my ex's mom... spoiler alert: sarah snyder will not age well.

>> No.11559723

yeah, hard drugs and black dick will do that. she'll probably have another 2 or 3 good years, then her looks are going to take a dive

>> No.11559736
File: 941 KB, 691x1075, Screen Shot 2016-07-26 at 5.00.50 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't really understand this girl. like she was just some semi normal girl who was into reading and succulents and dressing up... then a little modeling... then stripping or burlesque or something at "i think" some private nyc events that only people with lots of money attend? i don't know.

>> No.11559742

Look at her face.
Does she literally have Down syndrome?

>> No.11559750

This girl is doing everything Tumblr girls blog about doing. She kinda looks like a fetal alcohol version of Rose McGowan tho.

>> No.11559860

this is the primary reason I refuse to ever have a daughter

9/10 would cry while dry humping though

>> No.11559861

>looks fucking 6 feet

5 feet 8 here, end my suffering

>> No.11559875
File: 484 KB, 640x640, Screenshot_2016-07-16-15-33-05-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11559913

is this joanna kuchta or whatever

>> No.11559927


>> No.11559928
File: 28 KB, 630x630, please come back home.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my ex said she gave me the best years of her life, I saw a recent picture of her I guess she was FUCKIN WRONG

>> No.11559933

i mean, if she was with you anytime between the age of 20-25 then yeah she did give you the best years

>> No.11559937

lol if you think her Tumblr or Instagram posts reflect her real life in any way.


>> No.11559939
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>> No.11559943

whorecore really isn't suited to asians

>> No.11559949
File: 369 KB, 500x666, tumblr_n1wc75Hi331rwbsl5o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girl shares your interests
>is hot
>attracted to you
>but she dresses completely whorecore, especially in public (pic related)

Would you date, /fa/?

>> No.11559955 [DELETED] 
File: 160 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mlgyopcLru1s7e6x5o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my all time favorite softcore pic

>> No.11559960
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>> No.11559966
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>> No.11559968

of course, just don't take it seriously and don't invest yourself emotionally

>> No.11559971
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>> No.11559976
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>> No.11559978
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>> No.11559981

legit whorecore

>> No.11559982
File: 60 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mzu3q8q6PJ1s1xir2o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11559996

>be me
>female CS student, introvert, mostly stay home to study.
>go to gym though, so have a decent body
>in a whorecore shop, and pick up a dress that I thought had 3 keyholes just below the neck
>try it on
>centre keyhole is right between my breasticles
>I look damn good though
>b cup boobs, so it's not too lewd (my fave part of having small boobs)
>my style is far from whorecore, but I figured this could be my one whorecore piece.
>get it
It's too lewd to wear anywhere but a date with my bf, but we're long distance, so lol, barely see him.

>> No.11560003

This is the dress btw

>> No.11560006

sure, if you dont get any real feeling you will be ok.

>> No.11560019

post a pic wearing it ;)

>> No.11560023

you can't post that without a fit pic

>> No.11560036

guys i'm gonna kidnap sarah snyder

just cleaned my trunk out and disconnected the emergency latch release

>> No.11560041

lmao good luck getting through jayden smith bodyguards

>> No.11560048

Never. Being a whore is inexcusable. Would you hire a lawyer who also works for the guy you're fighting against in court?

>> No.11560054

if i can get her to change, sure. if not, no. im not going to spend all our entire time together looking behind my back

>> No.11560061

>if i can get her to change
Bruh do I need to say it?

>> No.11560064

this is embarrassing

>> No.11560066

his dad will call them off to facilitate the liberation of his son from a CR 20 semen demon

>> No.11560069

streetwalker core

>> No.11560072

I don't have any intentionally sultry pics, because I can't be sexy on purpose, lol. I wouldn't even have my face in it, so might as well see the model on the website in >>11560003

>> No.11560074

so horny, long time, etc etc

>> No.11560078

>talking to super hot filipino girl
>turns out she's a "host" at karaoke places in koreatown
>does coke and drinks with her clients but says she doesnt sleep with them
>she is super adorable and innocent when hanging out

i just keep her as a fuck buddy right? there's no coming back from this?

>> No.11560095

whats dave wave

>> No.11560098

literally nothing

>> No.11560110


gtg. I'll try and find more later, but i'm new to this myself

>> No.11560119

This, for example, is DAVEWAVE:


>> No.11560122


Goddamn she's starting to look beat. What happened?

>> No.11560124

is she mentally and emotionally unstable?

dont date mentally and emotionally unstable girls.

I almost did, glad I didn't

>> No.11560128

I'm not really interested in looking at the twinks and group selfies

sarah's entire appeal is the sheer unadulterated narcissism

this is the true essence of whorecore

>> No.11560130
File: 53 KB, 564x428, 1469084278658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only a cuck would date a girl like this. he basically is agreeing to let every other guy see his gf's tits and body, hell, he probably gets off to her getting all that attention

real men get their gf's to dress conservative in public

>> No.11560143

Obviously, grow up faggot.
>Would not do if she is in fact a whole, but there's nothing wrong with being a tease

>> No.11560156

Being this insecure about other faggots. Do you think Charlie Sheen or Marnilyn Manson gave a fuck when they wre fucking hot as fuck bitches?

>> No.11560188

to be fair they are both known degenerates who only want sex anyways

>> No.11560287

>implying Blah wasn't way fucking ahead of her time and everyone slept on it

you all made fun of her

>> No.11560308

blah wasn't whorecore. blah was just straight up whore, literally

>> No.11560311

>being this insecure about other faggots
cuck mentality at its finest. what's next? am i insecure because I don't let her fuck other guys, b-b-but who cares IM the one dating her!

>> No.11560317

Holy shit I forgot about her. Post Blah inspo.

Did she actually kill herself?

>> No.11560322

Blah... She was a fine specimen

>> No.11560328

Isn't she the one who got punched the fuck out?

>> No.11560331

she died of an overdose but i don't think it's clear if she killed herself

she went to my highschool

>> No.11560336

Do yall have any pics of her?

>> No.11560341

blah didnt die of an overdose, she is still alive.

her family just made up a fake obituary to clear their daughters name since she had a very bad reputation from being a whore

>> No.11560346

Overdose on what?

>> No.11560362

doesn't charlie sheen have hiv, or aids? mm is kinda cool though i guess.

>> No.11560932

fucking butterface

>> No.11560937

thats dress is really cute i like it!

>> No.11560939

It is my fetish desu senpai

>> No.11560981


a girl doesn't just dress whorecore
she has to actually be an unreliable whore to dress like that
not every girl that dresses like a good girl is a good girl, but every girl that dresses like a whore is actually a whore

>> No.11560998
File: 1.42 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_4052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11561011

the majority of womynz nowadays dress whorecore though so perhaps a normal girl just gets caught up in whorecore because she wishes to be normie

>> No.11561013


>> No.11561017

>the majority of womynz nowadays dress whorecore
maybe in LA but that's about it

>> No.11561022

i consider yoga gear, leggings, and boobies out and booty shorts whorecore.

>> No.11561026

This mf is literally a inbred version of Vegan Gains.

>> No.11561035

>maybe in LA but that's about it
nah m8, it's pretty much every major city with a western society

i live in fucking CE EU and even here most girl dress like hoes, let's say from 14 to 30
girls tryna be kylie jenner

>> No.11561041

>girls tryna be Kylie Jenner
This & the wore part

>> No.11561042

it's a phrase started on /mu/ after this album dropped about 2 years ago


>> No.11561045

what's CE EU? Europe?

I live in a 700k people city in Spain and girls here dress like your typical pinterest white girl
You see yoga pants every day but it's not really the norm

Especially close to the college campus which is where I live, I dont think Ive seen a college girl in yoga pants

>> No.11561048
File: 973 KB, 2448x3264, IMG_1343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now this is horewhore

>> No.11561071

Central Eastern EU

yoga pants are pretty much the norm here, not in summer though, summer is the time for denim shorts, more like denim belts with half ass out and miniskirts
not that i would mind any of this as a str8 male

>> No.11561085

>summer is the time for denim shorts, more like denim belts
we definately have denim shorts here too but it's more summer dress season

It's a class thing too
middle - upper class girls will wear sundresses or regular denim shorts + blouse or t shirt or whatever
middle - lower class girls wont touch a sundress ever, they'll wear the shorts with half their ass hanging out and a tank top

>> No.11561138

sry u a hoe now, good luck.

>> No.11561163

ty, anon!!
lol, nah. I do feel like I should be in order to wear it. Alas, I've only had sex with one person, my current partner.

>> No.11561221

w2b shitskin

>> No.11561397

>Would you date, /fa/?
Kek, what an insecure faggot. Of course I would, whorecore is best girlcore. Just slip that band aside and suck on the nipple now and then.

>> No.11561459

>some private nyc events that only people with lots of money attend

literally *whore* core

>> No.11561464

>the charcoal one is navy
>the nude one is pure white
tardorama, fampai

>> No.11561469

Because average people in southern Europe have been dressing the same way for the past 15 years.

>> No.11561492

He's saying that Romanian and Hungarian chicks dress like whores. Is this news to you, Spainon?

>> No.11561520

Does it really bother you that much if someone gets off to showing their body?
I literally do porn and whore on the web because I get off to it

>> No.11561528
File: 98 KB, 500x394, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11561553
File: 489 KB, 500x263, 1461947640014.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>entire time together looking behind my back
Are you that insecure, you beta fag? If she's with you that's because she saw something in you, if you act like a fucking mongoloid conservative bitch virgin she WILL dump you for a real human bean. Now, go fap to chinese cartoons

>> No.11561558

random underage teen wearing what random underage teens are normally wearing
normal gym uniform

>> No.11561577

lel, so I don't know what colour I got (can check tag if you want, but lazy), but I think I actually got the charcoal one, because mine is more blue than it is green, but it's the same dullness of the olive. But charcoal implies low saturation, and mine is a desaturated blue (nothing like the website's charcoal). I linked olive, because the colour saturation is the same. Maybe I should post a pic.

>> No.11561579

also, you'll notice the pics for charcoal and nude are the same, they've just shooped the colour

>> No.11561665
File: 105 KB, 847x1024, 1469245054081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11561666

>how can anyone be a fag with this walking around

>> No.11561669

fuyckign delete this right nOW

>> No.11561697

Ayyyy Korea town NYC, think I know who you talking about, name starts with.l a C?

>> No.11561706

how does one acquire a whorecore gf?

>> No.11561713

Be a photographer with more than 1k followers

>> No.11561732

sounds like someone I know there too. whorecore lives anywhere between 23rd-4nd and does field trips to china chalet and swimming pools in soho

>> No.11561879

Be a nigger and find the coal burning scum.

>> No.11561971

why do lower class girls wear more revealing clothes? is it to seduce rich people so they can move up?

>> No.11562023


>> No.11562071

Post moar Sarah Snyder whorecore plz

>> No.11562237
File: 127 KB, 1080x1080, 13525374_1735543153367527_828178269_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sarah snyder queen of whorecore

>> No.11562248

is she legal?

>> No.11562314

Explain the term 'Davewave' to me.

>> No.11562315

she's in her twenties, like 22 or 23

>> No.11562318


>> No.11562319

>he doesn't know davewave
top kek

>> No.11562451
File: 3.10 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_3800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where were you

>> No.11562602
File: 143 KB, 934x1122, ZmMIeNR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11562604

Why do her eyelids always look like she just finished crying?
She'd honestly be like a solid 8 or higher without that.

>> No.11562771

>tfw will only get to see daily whorecore for 2 more years
College goes by fast man

>> No.11562828

I think there's less pressure among lower class people to maintain a clean reputation, but it's clear that the standards of beauty for low class people are more direct, vulgar and primal, and those for upper class people are more "pretty" sophisticated

>> No.11562862

she looks 12

>> No.11562898

Where do you live that 12 year olds look like that? I'm packing my bags now

>> No.11562900

or just move to a city

>> No.11562920

>applying country girls dress conservatively

>> No.11562997

her face looks like she's 15, tops.

>> No.11563015

she gets flown in from another state to go to them. apparently it's a thing?

>> No.11563041

>implying that's a bad thing

>> No.11563054


>> No.11563142

Lower classes typically have less economic, intellectual and cultural capital, so they do their best to access/develop "aesthetic" capital, namely looking desirable. Then the understanding of desirable is mostly shaped by your surroundings or what you see in the media, I guess, so that would make it less subtle, more vulgar.

>> No.11563199


>> No.11563207

someone had an appendectomy.

>> No.11563211

No. Nothing relatively effay about that.

OP plz more, I'm addicted to the qt.

>> No.11563234

she has an instagram, you know...

>> No.11563301

You're right, I guess I should've generalized and said more whorecore. Not really feeling the majority of posts on here desu.

>> No.11563338
File: 220 KB, 745x1280, 1467175131952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11563346

why does he have a huge studded belt around his stomach?

>> No.11563934

thats the car grills.. kek

>> No.11564664

kek at how accurate this is

>> No.11564748

There's nothing effay about anything in this thread. You're literally just using it as an excuse to post slutty chicks.

>> No.11564754

>watching gone girl
>affleck's mistress comes in
>tits come out
>immediately recognized her

That's all she's been good for.

>> No.11564781

imagine how hot it woulbe be if she had a dick though

>> No.11564796


this thread is what happens when teenagers can't figure out how to use tumblr.

all of you are morons, please go hang out on reddit or /b/, this is NOT FASHION

>> No.11564800

Gym uniform with a skirt ? Are you actually retarded ?

>> No.11564802

You couldn't, there are rules to forbid that

>> No.11564808

Nice blog post

>> No.11564834


>female CS student
>no pics

= 90% chance of ugly

>> No.11564854

She's wearing that dress backwards

>> No.11564915

post HOOO-ERcore

>> No.11565064
File: 255 KB, 1600x800, snyder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at her perky fucking tits...

>> No.11565075

no theres more than one attractive woman on planet earth, and getting a gf is a walk in the park as long as youre not autistic

>> No.11565081

w2c mugshot tee

>> No.11565090

if your gf wears lingerie outside of the bedroom then youre a fucking cuck. plane and simpel

>> No.11565102

someone post the pics where sarah is blowing ian's bbc together with some other blonde

>> No.11565152

fucking this, they drive you nuts too

>> No.11565251

yeah she's basically being paid to fuck rich blokes in this club, happens all the time - especially in dubai http://www.tagthesponsor.com/

>> No.11565267

this is the best thing I have ever seen

>> No.11565276

site's down for maintenance but there's loads of them, check their twitter

some of the shit they agree to is hilarious

>> No.11565697



>> No.11565740


to be honest, i'd love being a boy toy for some wealthy woman(en). traveling the world, getting paid to fuck and chat. seems like a great way to spend a few years. imagine demand for straight men is embarrassingly low though, and competition insanely high.

>> No.11565766

>imagine demand for straight men is embarrassingly low though, and competition insanely high
Reconsider how straight you are and you might find more options

>> No.11565905

It happens but you need to be doing some other job first to meet them
golf/tennis instructor

Personality and confidence is the key.

>> No.11566614
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>> No.11566619
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>> No.11566627
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is this too much for /fa/

>> No.11567297

her music is amazing

>> No.11567301


>> No.11567309

not enough

>> No.11567467


>> No.11567620

Those crazy saudis are really into shit and vomit, huh?

>> No.11567622

dat fetal alcohol syndrome face

>> No.11567702

most of /fa/ isn't about fashion

>> No.11567743

oh fuck i am dying

it looks like he has a huge belly now

>> No.11567793
File: 109 KB, 1080x1080, 13534415_1747175592196193_167971254_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.11568169

isn't the whole point of tumblr to make the web easy to use for teens who hate reading?

I'm a middle aged creep who hangs out on 4chan to find out what the kids these days are interested in, so all of my knowledge of tumblr comes from people here bitching about tumblr

have I been here for so long that tumblr is now considered "sophisticated old people" content?

>> No.11568177
File: 125 KB, 1024x577, I-have-no-idea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>pic related

>> No.11568187

yes. I would.
I find exhibtionist attitudes HAWT

>> No.11568837

Is this true?

>> No.11568919

this changed my life

>> No.11568996

If I had the money, I feel like it would change mine as well.

>> No.11569000

>some private nyc events that only people with lots of money attend
ass to ass!

>> No.11569005

Holy shit their Twitter got suspended.

They must have pissed off some rich fuck.

IMHO they should go full Wikileaks and squirrel away in a country and go for it. It's pretty amazing to see how many people are engaging in outright money-for-sex prostitution.

(Also, for those of you who are interested, you can easily make a fake account on SeekingArrangement and see what girls are offering themselves for money. I found multiple girls I personally know on there)

>> No.11569008

is he about to dance?

>> No.11569011

the majority of women are whores who will cheat on their bf given the chance

>> No.11569142

>I found multiple girls I personally know on there

Did you screen cap their profiles?

That's why you gotta get that money.

>> No.11569282

Cock, she was a whore

>> No.11569423

Kacy Hill

>> No.11569426

>I found multiple girls I personally know on there

>Did you screen cap their profiles?

All that delicious blackmail pussy.

>> No.11569450

>Did you screen cap their profiles?
Nah, but I immediately disassociated with them. Sadly, I was really into one of the girls, so it made me EXTREMELY bitter for a while.

I kinda gracefully stopped associating with her and she pestered me via text until I - nicely - told her I wasn't interested because I knew she was on there. She then blew up at me and said she was "hacked" or something (all while changing the photos on her profile on SeekingArrangement so they weren't the same as her fucking Facebook profile, lol). I just didn't respond after that.

>blackmail pussy.
Notwithstanding moralistic concerns, let's be real, any pussy sold to the highest bidder isn't going to be the cleanest/best/whatever. I have a few FWBs if I want a quick hook-up.

>> No.11569669

I thinks is the face in combination with the hair thag makes her look like such a little whore

>> No.11570035

fuck his hair is dope

>> No.11570178



>> No.11570185
File: 2.25 MB, 320x225, 1455669128724.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Met girl
>Want to believe she doesn't suck all these dicks while she is studying in Europe
>Wears a choker

I'm fucked aren't I

>> No.11570207


But who cares? Your dick would not have been the first nor the last for her. I'm sure she's not fretting about how much pussy you lay in because you dress better than most dudes (I hope?)

>> No.11570215
File: 17 KB, 400x449, 7MUTn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've only fucked one girl since her and it's been 7 months

Dammit I feel like such a cuck

She comes back in 3 weeks

Maybe she'll catch feelings for me again

>> No.11570302

You can fuck so many bitches in 3 weeks, put on some dapper outfits, turn off the autism, and get laid.

>> No.11570313

Do you ever wonder how so many people have sex? The vast majority of people are just completely unappealing. And even the act itself is kind of disgusting.

>> No.11570323

Yes, very much so.

I have had sex with five people in my life. Two of them I'd willingly have sex with again, one of whom actually had a vagina that wasn't terrifying, the other three completely traumatized me. I'm kind of afraid to get into sexual situations with strangers now because I remember running out of the room suppressing my urge to vomit.

Women's crotches produce the most unholy smells, I don't know how people go down on them without dying.

>> No.11570423

>Women's crotches produce the most unholy smells, I don't know how people go down on them without dying.

You should try showering before fucking.

>> No.11570429

I shower obsessively. I'm not the one with a stinky hole filled with dead fish

Seriously what is wrong with 2/3 of women?

>> No.11570482

you are asexual
you fuck with dirty bitches

>> No.11570488

You have hidden the fact that you are gay for so long, well don't worry my friend you can be free

>> No.11570504

LMAO that's naziah rahman aka fancynazia. for some reason i follow her on snapchat and she's annoying as fuck.

>> No.11570523

No, I already considered that, I tried hooking up with a dude. It was just uncomfortable and not something I want to try again. I've had good sex with 2 women, it's just that most of them are freakishly unattractive to me. I'd rather just jack off alone.

>> No.11570663

>you are asexual

Not at all

>> No.11570798

r u ok

>> No.11570894

She has a very fuckable face

>> No.11570936

famalam women never change.

don't trap yourself.

>> No.11571226

You reach some type of God level then without thinking of women or missing them. Are you a entreprenuer?

>> No.11571291

shut the fuck up bateman get off this site already

>> No.11571407
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