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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 58 KB, 650x974, thoi-trang-thap-nien-90-tren-san-dien-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11547135 No.11547135 [Reply] [Original]

Straight men of /fa/, do you find women with strong jawline and not huge eyes attractive even outside of fashion?
I've understood that men find them stylish but not very attractive as women. That men prefer someone with big eyes, small jaw and cute face. Like Emma Stone or that girl from Drive.

>> No.11547145
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vs cute type.
Personally, I like the cute type less even though rationally I understand that it is what should be prettier. Even though I can see that she is pretty and perfect, I don't find her interesting. I wonder if it is generally different for men.

>> No.11547150
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another version

>> No.11547152

is that a tranny?

>> No.11547153

Cute all the way. Men are all closet pedophiles.

>> No.11547157
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>> No.11547161

There are more things that can go wrong with a strong jawline, so most of the time ''cute'' will look better.

>> No.11547169

>people all have the same tastes

>> No.11547175

I'm not male, that's why I'm asking.
Lots of those model pictures are more extreme because they are so skinny and secondly, it was hard to find a female model who doesn't have big eyes, has defined jaw and looks still feminine.
"Drive" female character isn't what I personally find interesting about women. But I think it is more about the character and also I don't like blondes that much. The same actress is much more interesting with long brown hair. Also, her character there is way too sweet and without any personality, typical mother/female filler. I didn't hate her either, just very mildly likable, not the one I would like to hang out with as a partner (if she was male). This kind of neediness and cuteness would annoy me. But I'm wondering if men think differently.

>> No.11547176
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Girl what matters is that you're thin & have a kick-ass personality. Thats it.

Girls are less prone to be ugly than men due to more neoteny in their bone structure so even an ugly girl can manage with these 2 things I said. Get stylish, be creative, be a nice person to be around with.

>> No.11547190
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yeah obviously people have different tastes. But I've heard that for men the strong jawline is a necessity. Isn't it the same with women? Of course not as strong or huge as attractive males have but is it something that men find attractive if it is tasteful?

This is probably more what I think (ignore the nose)

>> No.11547212
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or Emma Stone who is another "cute" type. Although I really like her, if I had to choose a woman myself I wouldn't pick her type. Is it just because I prefer men? I do not find women disgusting at all but wouldn't passionately like them either, it would be mostly because I admire someone and find her pretty but not really that hormonal like with men.

>> No.11547232
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>But I've heard that for men the strong jawline is a necessity.
I like Korean boys, strong jaws are horrid, strong anything isn't beautiful to me, disgusting.

>> No.11547276

You people are crazy about bodies, the only reason any of these runway models have "strong jaws" is their incredibly low bodyfat, they would be more babyfaced without that. Most guys aren't going to even notice the fucking difference one way or another when looking at an attractive woman if she's remotely lean. Of course men like women with a "strong jawline" because that means shes NOT FAT which is pretty much priority number one, but outside of that its irrelevant.

>> No.11547752

>Girls are less prone to be ugly than men due to more neoteny in their bone structure
Flipside of that is that big noses look worse on women, and there are no shortage of those around.

>> No.11547769

you, my friend, are a fart smeller.

>> No.11547776

sorry, I meant to say that you are a smart feller.

>> No.11547799

that kind is good gene material if im trying to make a son

>> No.11547895

I would add a third element: gotta have good hair. Girls know this which is why they obsess about their hair so much

>> No.11547903
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So do men look it differently? I personally like more these androgynous women than someone who has cute round face (although I find them pretty too). Also I prefer similar men. Is it then because I am female myself but cute round face an universal preference for men?
Korean v-line surgery is the perfect example of this. It makes all the women look the same and they loose most of their personality. Except if they are extreme cases but even the most unique and beautiful girls shave their cheekbones and jaw. Is it universal or just Asian trend?

I actually just found that it is popular even among men. He looked much better before in my mind.

>> No.11547925

Everyone has a different taste in women/men and almost anyone can be beautiful if they're confident enough.

>> No.11547927 [DELETED] 

As long as you have enough conventionally attractive features it doesn't matter if you have a feature or two that are unconventional. I doubt that any fashion model, no matter how weird looking, has trouble finding a boyfriend. Just because the majority has a certain taste doesn't mean that there are not a lot of people with different taste. Same way a music band can be non-mainstream and yet have a million of fans.

Personally I like strong jaws and straight noses on women. It just gives them more character and a more intelligent look.

>> No.11547934
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some more examples that aren't skinny supermodels

>> No.11547939
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Keira Knightley (although she is kind of skinny but doesn't look masculine)

>> No.11547946

I love both

>> No.11547976

Culture has a bigger impact on beauty standards more than anything.

>> No.11548015

Cute all the way. Personally I find that whole 'hot and stylish' look really unappealing.

>> No.11548826

I separate women attractivenes to 3 groups.
1) aesthetic hot (stylish, andro, interesting facial elements)
2) comfy hot (shorter, riunder face, cute character)
3) primal hot (big boobs, bigger ass, suckable lips)

Would dare only 1st & 2nd, would beinspired only by 1st (as in it represents my visual ideal)

>> No.11548838
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>> No.11548852

Having a strong jawline for men is pretty important by mainstream standards, but some are like >>11547232
On the other hand men typically like "cute" faced girls

>> No.11548865

attractive? yes. desirable? no

strong jawline = independence, assertiveness, dominance, etc. not very feminine qualities. as a guy i'd rather have a "cute" girl that makes for a better partner

>> No.11548873

I find attractive women to be attractive.

If she happens to have a strong jawline and not huge eyes, then that's just how it is; I can't control the shit I'm attracted to.

>> No.11548894

personally i love strong jaws on women, it's like my favorite thing
my last gf had a very strong jawline and i miss the potential jaw gains for my offspring

>> No.11548904
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Undisputed /fa/ ranking 2016

>> No.11548908

>Straight men of /fa/, do you find women with strong jawline and not huge eyes attractive even outside of fashion?
I don't even find them attractive inside fashion. I genuinely don't get this manfaced-plank womenswear meme, if it's just women hating themselves and each other as usual or what.

>> No.11548969

I like both as long as the woman is thin.

>> No.11548977

>3) primal hot (big boobs, bigger ass, suckable lips)
It bothers me that 4chan in general only gravitates towards this look. It doesn't matter if the girl is chubby or out of shape as long as she has a huge ass. The whole "thicc" meme has gotten out of hand

>> No.11549042

I'll just say that there are a lot of different tastes in women.
Personally I like my girls tiny, weight doesn't really matter as long as they are lighter than me.
Preferably cute.
Hair, skin, style doesn't matter much.
I'm kind of a faggot though. I prefer androgynous style.

>> No.11549074
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prefer cute, obvs. but some girls kind of blur that line for me and i can't get enough of them. case in point.

>> No.11549078
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>> No.11549159

I usually decide that on a case by case basis.

this>>11547150 is weird

this>>11547939 is not

>> No.11550457

pranked ya

>> No.11550524

I like them for how insecure they are

>> No.11550535
File: 368 KB, 1280x1278, tumblr_mydhrxW71p1s20tb6o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yeah I do.

Fuck your neotenic waifs. THIS is attractive.

Girls with huge eyes and no jawline should be kept in cages and laughed at.

>> No.11550538

ye, im attracted to powerful women though. Im not into subdom but something about a competent, measured, independent woman sets me off

>> No.11550539
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>> No.11550541
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>> No.11550543
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>> No.11550788
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im fine with both (lean towards cute though since im a dirty weeb) but a strong jawline and prominent cheekbones like >>11547150 is a no go

his face was better before. couldve pulled off asian gangster-core

>> No.11551177

>tfw korean
>tfw have strong jaw just from having a wide ass face and low bf

>> No.11551251

The average rating for women is like 6.5/10 while its more like 4.5/10 for men. This wasnt really an issue for thoisands of years because women tend to be less superficial and focus more on achievement/personality, but now with Tinder n shit women dont have to settle for subpar males anymore. Thats why so many men are beta losers nowadays. In the past basically any guy could get a qt if he worked on himself enough.

>> No.11551272

Combination of 2 and 3 is the best. Personally I can respect the 1 type aesthetically but I am not really sexually attracted to them. If I had one of those type as a gf it would only be because of the effay connotations that would come with it. Also they probably are smarter/have better personalities but that is probably just a stereotype

>> No.11551959

An average man is probably even 3 and a woman 7 because the faces of women are objectively much prettier. Even quite good looking man doesn't pass as an ugly (but not hideous ) woman, while uglier women will look like pretty androgynous gay men if they are dressed that way. If you don't count obese women because they are mostly as ugly as obese men with few exceptions.
That's why women don't look for pretty boys but often like rough and strong men. Women can't choose on tinder because they are more attracted to height, attitude, voice. Most men are not that pretty you'd choose them based on the picture. That is also the reason why men get so little answers because for them it is a feast while for women it is like foraging for food. Text and interest based apps would be much better, especially something that requires you to write the first message that has at least 4-5 sentences.

>> No.11551969
File: 41 KB, 500x649, 04532078d3827bebc60e27a414ff79c7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you don't like androgynous women?

>> No.11551976
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>> No.11551981
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>> No.11551995
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>> No.11552002
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>> No.11552031
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the girl here >>11547150
has too long face and too big jaws but cheekbones are not the problem.
Debbie Harry is a better example of defined face with high cheekbones

>> No.11552038

literally looks like r63 thom yorke

>> No.11552251

yeah long face is kinda unattractive to me (makes them look like a horse) but strong cheekbones is also one for me. slight is ok ala tilda swinton >>11551976 but thats my tastes

>> No.11552326
File: 84 KB, 634x775, 2FA45A5D00000578-0-image-m-2_1451278109573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan generally likes primal hot, like Kylie Jenner. Guys here like skinny and small girls.

>> No.11552359

I like women with a strong jaw if they're beautiful. The thought of how Aryan our children would be usually makes my dick rock hard

>> No.11552364
File: 153 KB, 1080x1349, 13732263_622378437920419_1278461116_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11552387

This is the best body ever. Imagine this with long legs and skinnier arms, it is as perfect as it can get.

>> No.11552390

>It bothers me that 4chan in general....
Really? It does? You care about what traits anonymous people you will never meet like about women?

>> No.11552396

no i find them very ugly

>> No.11553776

I only like aesthetic and sometimes even primal. Comfy hot isn't ugly but very bland. Typical normal girl who doesn't stand out, listens to the same music like everyone else, dresses like everyone else. She is Justin Bieber or One Direction of girl types. Unless she has very interesting personality but then she won't be called cute any more

>> No.11554421

>Guys here like skinny and small girls.
Speak for yourself, closet homo.

>> No.11555619

I usually like women with strong jawlines and angular features, yes. I'm hardly on /fa/ tho so I don't know how much value my opinion holds.