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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 458 KB, 1224x1632, pibg fucj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11538774 No.11538774[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does someone have that pastebin where pigfuck described what we were doing wrong in order to be fashionable, look better, be healthier etc.?

>> No.11538782

yeah but im not gunna post it lmao

>> No.11538794

Could you please post it?
thanks in advance

>> No.11538806

last bump

>> No.11538829
File: 202 KB, 480x480, 1468251870766.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pigfuck is the most effay aryan
i miss him
i remember when he used to trigger my brainwashed liberal mind but his perseverance to help people like me eventually made me realize how much of a pussy nu-male ive been all along. now im a trump supporter and superior rightwinger

>> No.11538964


1. if ur ugly it aint gonna happen, especially if u got an ugly body. the majority of u are skinnyfat estrogenised goyim

thats why in the waywt theres so many wide hipped, knock kneed dweebs who make skinny jeans look repugnant.

how to fix? get urself some fluoride free toothpaste. dont consume products with soy in them, that means soy of any kind, compounds etc. avoid common sources of BPAs, most gmos, found out what an endocrine disruptor is.
avoid processed food,
exercise in some form.
yoga and consistent stretches

half of the reason u losers have such horrible proportions is cuz u r all tight and hunched due to extended r9k tfw no gf sessions on the internet.

when walking lead with ur hips, ur hips and pelvis should be tucked inward, not poking out(lordosis)


find one for lower body as well.

2. stop being stupid, most of u cant help it because ur genetically inferior and stupid but for those on the cusp, listen up. dont come here asking inane shit like 'w2c' 'cop or not' 'hair cut advice' or any other of that goober SHIT. if u a transient browser of the board shut the fuck up and stop writing things on the internet. dont post ur face in a face rate thread, stop being so fucking pathetic.

educate yourself, teach yourself some cognitive processes that allow u to think like an individual and not a cornfed goy faggot. this will permeate throughout every facet of your life.


>> No.11538967

3. niggers are shit, rap is shit, nigger culture is shit, yeezys are shit, yeezy is shit, kanye west dresses like shit, hba and all other niggercore brands are shit.

4. dont buy things retail unless you know what u r doing and why u are doing it. this especially applies to designer brands. practical clothing, 'menswear'/workwear et al esque brands, made in usa, brands with local production and history such as many of those found here:http://unionmadegoods.com/ are acceptable to purchase retail.

5. ebay/yahoo japan/rakuten/superfuture/grailed/eg-co/guyinconsignment are u friendly internet outlets with which u will transform urself from goob to great. if u access to quality thrift stores in ur area, good, utilise them.

>b-b-but pigfuck i need to try things on first.

no u dont u faggot. measure a piece of clothing that fits u in every category, apply and compare it to those given by online retailers and bam, u no longer need to buy things irl.

6. u will fuck up, u will experience buyer's remorse, thats the process, thats how u learn, dont be scared its only clothes u fag.

7. if ur poor dont justify things like h&m, zara et al u have access to better clothing at comparable prices at thrift stores and the sites listed above.

8. fast fashion is shit. fast fashion is shit. fast fashion is shit. no h&m dont have 'some nice le pieces its just hit and le miss herp le derp haha.' no u faggot, its all shit.

9. earrings of any kind are gay as fuck, shit, totally fucking gay if u have plugs or an earring remove it flagellate urself.

>> No.11538970

You're the best kind of anon

>> No.11538972

10. if ur about designer clothing and not just "here to learn dress good and get girls haha" then listen. there are good designers and there are bad designers. while their aesthetics differ, some are shit and some are good. it will take u time and research to ascertain which one you personally identify with. there are many resources on the internet to wit u can learn about each designers career, aesthetic, development, work etc.
these include:

my personal list of fav designers: http://pastebin.com/Gxnt82HX

11. stop fucking using 'effay' and '/fa/' as an adjective its fucking gay.

12. be a fucking man, christ, u have testicles right, stop being so fucking gay. wake up to urself, fire a gun, fuck a woman, exercise ur basic biological need to bea top fucken bloke. theres nothing wrong with being white. modern feminism is weaponised thought-manipulation.

13. little offtopic, but if u are at all curious about how the world really works: http://pastebin.com/MSvkCCRy

>> No.11538979
File: 79 KB, 1008x672, 1465535988472-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11538983
File: 3.35 MB, 2952x5248, 1457447663881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets be honest friend youre still an animeposting numale but now you have a maga hat and read breitbart

>> No.11538985
File: 118 KB, 1119x365, cryptozoologist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can find all your old favs and their highlights at >>/fa/reports btw

>> No.11538987
File: 251 KB, 1080x1514, 1458486013852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11538994
File: 653 KB, 1536x2048, 1468889800532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tweet this pic @ milo for me oh wait nvm lol

>> No.11539004

looks fine, teeth not withstanding.