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File: 32 KB, 443x576, dk18imp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11521141 No.11521141 [Reply] [Original]

Can I wear this?

>> No.11521153


>> No.11521154
File: 18 KB, 336x448, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, and combine it with pic related for a sick fit.

>> No.11521176

Really edgy to not like the national socialist german workers party.

Real new and cool and stuff. Get a DK patch. That way people might mistake you for a nazi and then until you explain the patch they'll think you're top edge

>> No.11521243
File: 96 KB, 600x416, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying fascism isn't effay

>> No.11521257


>> No.11521270

epic XD

>> No.11521278

Only if you are really, I mean REALLY, into numale-cuckcore.

>> No.11521283


It's kind of played out and gay. And while I am anti-Nazi, the antifa faggots are just as bad.

>> No.11521304

dont do that it looks fucking retarded unless you´re some brainless lesbian tumblrina

>> No.11521315

if youre really into hardcore punk and dead kennedys, sure

otherwise youll look like a poser

>> No.11521319

yeah I mean it depends on who you are. By asking this you convey to me that youre some edgy teen and it wouldnt suit you

>> No.11521324
File: 61 KB, 827x1001, dead-kennedys-dk-logo-rub-on-sticker-s7571r-black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never understood why this t-shirt was popular anyway. I know the DK are popular, but it's a pretty lame song. One of their worst. And from a graphic design side, the DK logo is really fucking awesome. This t-shirt just looks gay.

>> No.11521329
File: 31 KB, 613x215, you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>antifa are just as bad

>> No.11521425
File: 112 KB, 500x669, tumblr_m7otwoMuVP1qclf61o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't wear swastikas, but its equally as retarded to wear one of those. It's not the 90s lol. Its such a status quo stance that its just retarded to put on a shirt as if it was edgy

>> No.11521430

peak liberal

>> No.11521432

didn't dril turn out to be a racist or something? not that this invalidates ur point in any way btw

>> No.11521730
File: 3.15 MB, 2432x1562, Screen Shot 2016-07-16 at 11.21.28 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11521754
File: 74 KB, 295x450, Mishka_20-_20The_20Torture_20by_20Roses_20Tee_20in_20Black_20-_20zoom_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I wear this?

>> No.11521769

antifa are pretty much the worst people on the planet though...

>> No.11521799

I mean neo-nazis are pretty much the niggers of white people so I agree with the sentiment but I think you'd look retarded with one of those.

>> No.11521845

looks lit

>> No.11521850

dk print is little bit big

>> No.11521859

antifa are far worse
got my DiJ shirt in last week

>> No.11521880
File: 25 KB, 462x392, dijtee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one for reference

>> No.11521956

w2c ?

>> No.11521984

dril is a nonsense twitter I doubt that banning the keebler elves due to them being jewish was genuine racism famalam

>> No.11522017



>> No.11522031

Yeah, this ones just looks like shit.

>> No.11522119

pure savagery

>> No.11522137
File: 65 KB, 600x450, CcQILPLUYAEonAg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haha I'm supporting the mainstream socio-political narrative, aint I edgy and cool?!

I wish lefty """""""""""""""""punks""""""""""""""""" would fuck off.

>> No.11522140

Yeah, really nothing provocative about nazi-bashing these days. It just reeks of virtue signaling

>Yea! I, too, hate the most vilified group in history!

>> No.11522185

what did you use so many quotes to quote 'punks'?

>> No.11522804

desu the right wing neo nazi punks are just as, if not more edgy

>> No.11522847

punk implies counter-culture
left-wing punks nowadays rarely have anything to say that is actually counter-culture. it's all either been said or is already being said my big mainstream politicians.

neo-nazi's are actually hated almost universally. dead kennedys may as well be pop now.

>> No.11522865

and this

>> No.11522881

show your support for a movement that actually matters at this point in time. nazi punks have fucked off, there are bigger fish to fry in the current hardcore music scene.

>> No.11522891
File: 309 KB, 844x680, 7ac9d98474b481049bf0a654714a4e879296d268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.11522906
File: 9 KB, 238x211, 1467917014791-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>left wing
everyone is either a liberal or a fascist these days, the left wing doesn't exist anymore

>> No.11522929

no one is a fascist my nigga.

>> No.11522940

fascist here

>> No.11522962

babby's first punk band and he's over 18
i call bullshit lol

>> No.11522991

Left has always been fascist, you idiot. It fucking started with leftism. Just look at Italy.

>> No.11524157
File: 996 KB, 500x300, 1458394070585.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11524566

>im a gay as fuck loser who got my politics from internet websites such as 4chan and tumblr

>> No.11524622

shitty bait

>> No.11524902
File: 27 KB, 438x441, 1466189751428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


why not just go full autism if you're at it?




>look at me I'm so clever for not having any ideology at all

>> No.11524976

This shit was so ahead of it's time and cyberpunk/vaporwave it's scary. Reminds me of the video game LSD.

>> No.11525162
File: 76 KB, 308x300, 1440557133858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bashes antifa
>listens to dij
sure you're not a fascist?

>> No.11525232

implying punks will be attracted to the least popular idealism and not what's right?
Just because neo nazis are hated doesn't mean that someone who wants to be "punk" should join a skinhead movement. Fuck you.

>anarchism, leftism, academia = good
>nationalism, far right politics, National socialism, imperialism, etc = bad

>> No.11525248

>anarchism, leftism, academia = good
>nationalism, far right politics, National socialism, imperialism, etc = bad
That's some damn shallow understanding of politics. If you're older than 18 I feel bad for you

>> No.11526175


YEah. Fuck the nazi scum and fuck the /pol/acks who go on /fa/. Moot failed at containing /pol/, because you can see those racist shitheads in every board

>> No.11526178


There is a left wing. Check out Reddit
's socialism/communist or anarchist boards

>> No.11526196

>no ideology
The meme fits pretty much perfectly into a post-left and/or "brosocialist" worldview

>> No.11526255
File: 77 KB, 470x644, lefty boi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm sure you can pull it off bro/sis

>> No.11526275
File: 149 KB, 856x642, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I wear this?

>> No.11526296

Is this fa?

>> No.11526304
File: 75 KB, 716x360, Adolf_Hitler_World_Tour_Shirt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11526328

Aside from the fact that this shirt looks like complete shit, as far as the message goes, I know it seems like an easy 'statement' to make, because it seems as if you don't need to make it anymore, but in our little local hardcore scene, we still do have a problem attracting a racist/bonehead element.

They hear a cover of Minor Threat and think it'll be an accepting place for them, and they still really do need to be told to fuck off and shown that we won't tolerate their bullshit at our shows.
Don't hijack our space, if you want a white power venue, open up your own basement.

However, I bet OP just think swastikas or swear words look cool and wants to find a way to wear one without being attacked for it.
If that's the case, just stencil it out and you won't look like a fourteen year old.

>> No.11526381
File: 1020 KB, 330x186, tumblr_mvg5060pqD1s3n8eko1_400[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11527133
File: 33 KB, 423x444, 1468188499040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>anarchism, leftism, academia = good
>nationalism, far right politics, National socialism, imperialism, etc = bad

underage, reported


>Check out Reddit


I don't know why punks of all people get so triggered by Nazis. Most punks guzzle anarchist cum, why they'd then be against the free mingling of ideas smacks of appealing to authority (the gubmint said Nazis are bad).

Though I agree the Nazis will turn places into white power venues. However so will liberals turn places into safe spaces etc. it's not a unique problem.

>> No.11527347

>why they'd then be against the free mingling of ideas smacks of appealing to authority (the gubmint said Nazis are bad).
Probably something to do with the minority or queer people there that we like.

Besides not every single interaction with the public is a fucking debate, broski.
If someone is doing local shows, they're funding and dealing with it, it's basically their house. (If it literally isn't.)
You'd be pissed if I hung out in your living room decked out in SJW gear.

>Though I agree the Nazis will turn places into white power venues. However so will liberals turn places into safe spaces etc. it's not a unique problem.
Were you talking on /mu/ about this this week?

>> No.11528033


>Were you talking on /mu/ about this this week?


>Besides not every single interaction with the public is a fucking debate, broski.

At which point you're basically supporting the mainstream and you cease to be punk. The whole point of punk is to be anti-authority, otherwise you're just LARPing as a late 70s dress up.

The Nazi punks are now probably more punk than the regular punk goers. If you want something that shocks nowadays, racism is probably top.

>> No.11528306

Those subs are filled with edgy kids and not very good representations of the actual movements/ideologies...or at least not good representations of what they should be. Rojava, on the other hand, is incredible.